Thursday, December 03, 2009

Image of the day!

This image comes to us courtesy of Bree Palin.

Don't you just love it?


  1. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Hehe-- Go Tracy, GO! You have balls, girl and they clank when you walk. Awesome!

    -ske in atx

  2. I do! What resolve and courage! I wish I could be as certain.

    Gryphen - Does the evidence that has convinced you go beyond the visual of Sarah not appearing pregnant? Can you disclose something of the nature of the evidence?


  3. Sarah is a FRAUD3:07 PM

    Amen to that!

  4. Couriser,

    Yes. And no, not yet.

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Gryphen, O/T, but how is Sherry Johnston doing?

  6. FANTASTIC! Thank you, Tracy Belvins! I wish most Alaskans had your knowledge and courage.

  7. You are endorsing a picture as truth. And you know this claim as a fact, how? Interesting you say "Morality... is determined by the quality of your character." The picture is nothing more than tabloid speculation and it seems hypocrisy exist well beyond the church and you have shown your character.

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM

    That is one brave woman.

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Wow. That's right up there for shock value with the timeless picture of the poor kid at Kent State. THAT photo is definitely going viral.

  10. OT

    SP at book signing.

    Is charging $16 for taking picture with her

    heard that from Countdown with Keith Olbermann

  11. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I believe Tracy Belvins is from New York.

  12. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I'd love to see someone wear a sign or shirt saying "Stop calling her Governor!" THAT would make Sarah's head explode, I think.

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    We are keeping in mind that the loving parents named their Down Syndrome baby Tri G, one of the technical terms that identifies the specific mutated gene that causes the defects.

    So to many people who know that term, and to the Palins, they literally named thier child Down Syndrome Palin.

    What sane, what loving, what Christian, or any parent would do that?
    it is sick beyond belief.

  14. Anonymous5:08 PM


    Any time frame available yet?

    I know, we are patient and then impatient. You are very patient with our impatience...

  15. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Stay safe, Tracy! And thanks, Gryphen ;)

  16. MacAndCheeseWiz5:59 PM

    Love that photo!

  17. Should we all refer to the ex gov as Governor Sarah Pali now & is there any special salute needed if we should be so blessed as to cross paths with "GSP" ? Do we need to avert our eyes so we don't look directly at her? Just want to know the protocol.

    Kudos to you Gryphen, your posts have been great recently!!

    I would not want by daughter out there with that poster! I agree with Bree...stay safe Tracy & come on in.

  18. Anonymous6:54 PM


    As much as I would like to believe that SP faked her pregnancy, I find that there is nothing but circumstantial evidence to support the idea. Photos are not proof, videos either. The wild ride is certainly wild but could better describe someone who wanted a miss-carriage, actively worked to bring one about while still remaining pro-life. If the faked preg were possible, there would have to be layers of co-conspirators, all aiding and abetting SP along the way, something I don't think they are capable of pulling off. People here are just becoming adherents to another crazy conspiracy theory. Case in point - Tracy Blevin, who tweets about the Twin Towers being taken down by directed energy weapons.
    If there is evidence - present it. SP is not longer in office, her book is out for all to read and criticize so there is no reason not to come forward now with evidence - unless there is no evidence.

  19. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Article on Politico - look to end of interview - did we miss the proof?

    Speaking to the conservative talker Rusty Humphries today, Sarah Palin left the door open to speculation about President Obama's birth certificate.

    "Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?" she was asked (around 9 minutes into the video above).

    "I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don't have a problem with that. I don't know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers," she replied.

    "Do you think it's a fair question to be looking at?" Humphries persisted.

    "I think it's a fair question, just like I think past association and past voting records -- all of that is fair game," Palin said. "The McCain-Palin campaign didn't do a good enough job in that area."

    McCain's campaign counsel has said the campaign did look into the birth certificate question and, like every other serious examination, dismissed it.

    Palin suggested that the questions were fair play because of "the weird conspiracy theory freaky thing that people talk about that Trig isn't my real son -- 'You need to produce his birth certificate, you need to prove that he's your kid,' which we have done."

    "Maybe we can reverse that," she said, returning to Obama's birth certificate, describing the type of thinking involved with a word that isn't clear in the audio.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:30 PM

    Anon4:56pm: I totally agree...TriG! Trig was Tripp before he was TriG.
    That is so sick to name a kid a medical condition.
    Course xGino has a sick sense of humor with names,
    her biz name "Rouge cou" Literally translates to Red neck, then we have Pie Sky, I'm sure that will be revealed, and all her little peccadilloes regarding names...!
    She is a sicko parading around in Purple stiletto boots today...and a new page boy wig to hide her gross abcess on her face....
    oy vey!

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:51 PM

    SHE IS LYING AGAIN! She never produced sh!t! B/c babygate is being brought up almost everyday now she is lying about it!!!!
    If her lips move...SHE IS LYING!!!

  22. Anonymous8:06 PM

    What does President Obama have to do with Trig's birth certificate? Sounds like she is playing games... again...

  23. Anonymous9:00 PM

    That's a really bad photoshop hack job. So obvious.

  24. lilly9:02 AM

    Who sprayed her with pink silly string?

    I'm glad she left it on.

    Braver than me for sure.

    I watch who I talk about the matter, as it makes one sound, I don't know.... a little off.

    But it is very germaine, very important. And those morons who back her are as sick as she is.

    Go Tracey go. You have guts and grit, unlike Mre Moosenuggets Palin, who talks a good game, and lies about every thing.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.