Thursday, December 31, 2009

Oh Wasilla, Wasilla, Wasilla, when will you ever learn?

The U.S. Attorney's office on Thursday announced a record seizure of methamphetamine bound for Alaska.

Approximately 23 pounds -- yes, pounds -- of Mexican meth were intercepted on its way to Anchorage.

Four people have been arrested: 51-year-old Ricky Reese of Wasilla, the intended recipient and owner of Shooter's Billiards; 29-year-old Jared Lisenby of Anchorage; 78-year-old Ronald Hall of California; and 54-year-old Debja Steilen of California.

According to a press release from the U.S. Attorney's office, the investigation began on March 29 when Drug Enforcement Administration officials seized $12,000 from a pickup truck being sent from Anchorage to Seattle.

The truck had been shipped back and forth from Anchorage and Seattle on numerous occasions and belonged to Hall, who had prior drug trafficking convictions.

The city probably has less than 11,000 people, just who in the hell was going to ingest, smoke, or inhale 23 pounds of methamphetamine? With that amount you could keep the entire town high as a kite for an entire week!

I mean for God's sake if living so close to Sarah Palin requires this much speed to dull your pain than just get the hell away from her!

You know speaking of Sarah Palin have you seen the Palin Family New Year Newsletter? (H/T to Basheert99)


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    How many of the arrested are relatives?

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Typical Valley Trash behavior. Maybe that's why Scarah always has such a crazy look in her eyes. If you watch that hopped up quitter speech, there's no doubt she partakes of the dust. Red Bull, white chocalate mochas, and crystal meth kept the not-quite-half-term former governor running like the (brain-dead) Energizer bunny. LOL

  3. 23 lbs? 10 kilos. ten thousand grams. yep. the whole town could be tweakin' for a week...

    Stop the SUV, I have to run into this house for 45 minutes...

    Seriously, meth bad. Speed bad. legal or not...

  4. honestyinGov4:46 PM

    I guess it is safe to say that " Shooters Billiards" will not be open for business this weekend..?
    BOTH business's are out-of-business.

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Longer than a week.That's a shitload of ice.

  6. Basheert5:02 PM

    Honey the whole town IS high all the time - it's the only thing that explains the wackiness that is Wasilla!

  7. Basheert5:12 PM

    Probably all of them .... I'm sorry I laughed when I read that they were shipping a truck back and forth. They are SO stupid - then again....this is what their brains tell them.

    23 Pounds of meth. There goes Sarah's New Years Party!

  8. I like the idea of trolls having fat thighs.

    Anyway, I bet we will get homilies from Palin about the evils of drug use in 2012 as she shows her credentials in fighting the War on Some Drugs.

  9. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Gee, kinda makes Sherry Johnston's big "felony" look rather misdemeanor-ish.

  10. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I bet no one in Wasilla knows this happens. They take care of their own problems. You won't hear about MTF.

  11. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Only 4 people arrested? No local purchasers were arrested? Weird.

  12. The Palins can afford to do drugs like Limbaugh. They don't need to take these risks now. Aren't they in tight with a dentist? I know Dr. Cathy would not allow them to suffer.

  13. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Shit......paranoid much or AIP buddiies of Todd ?? 16 firearms , body armor , 3000 rounds of ammo. also.too.

  14. Anonymous6:21 PM

    googled Shooters and it's close to Lake Lucille.........

  15. The more I read/hear about Wasilla, and then seeing the pics last week of the book event, I am thinking ... somebody like Stephen King needs to go up there and 'mine that lunacy'! Those people are freak-OHS !

    There's a 'Children of the Corn' type of feeling there!

    (Or, make that Children of the Meth)

  16. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Interesting article, but I'm still laughing from reading the "Palin Family Newsletter". There were so many funny references in there. I highly recommend it to everyone to read.

    (Gryphen, there's still something wrong with "the Google". I can't log in to Google, and can still only sign in as anonymous. Susie)

  17. honestyinGov6:27 PM

    Maybe you could confirm this info. Someone on Palingates mentioned that this Pool Hall was only about a mile away from the WasillaBillies house.
    Is that true..?
    Nice neighborhood you live in S'carah.
    You need to watch your neighbors more carefully.... yu betcha.

  18. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Sherry Johnston had to be a set up. Wasilla is as seedy and corrupt as it gets and they will take it to their graves. Out of 11,000 people you'd think one could be honest. Levi may try, but he can't tell all.

  19. 29, 51, 54, 78.

    Okay, I'll give you the 29 year old is probably an airhead. But the others are certainly old enough to know better.

    What is it? Bad economy? Looking for a fast buck?

    Too bad they didn't succeed. That would have made Wasilla, AK the methamphetamine capitol of the world. Something else for Sarah to put on her list of things to brag about. Or not.

  20. Man, there are going to be some cranky patrons from the Shooters Billards tonight. You know, they should just burn that strip mall down. Somehow I don't think Sarah's description of small town America Wasilla is very accurate. This is the 3rd time they have run this dog & pony show. 78 years old...Jesus.

  21. One would think enough meth was locally produced without having to import it. I've read about the extraordinary proliferation of labs in the valley.

    One very sad effect has been the number of children in the area who have serious respiratory problems from breathing the residue of the labs. If I remember correctly, the figure was 25%. Sigh.

  22. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Read the whole article on google & apparently the drugs were taken out of the car in Seattle before it was shipped so they were not that interested in small time users. I think they were very interested in Ricky Reese who has probably been supplying Wasilla wit meth for years & years.

  23. Anonymous7:09 PM

    6:27 PM ~ S'carah knows all that goes on in her neighborhood. She made sure the bars could stay open late when Troopers wanted to cut down on the expense of watching late night drunks and dopers.

    She got elected because the drunks love her policies.

  24. 888887:16 PM

    They have removed some of the meth labs. The oxy business helped. It's easier to get junk from he pharmaceutical companies. Ask the kids of Wasilla, they know how to work it. Those fools who were busted are some old timers.

  25. CGinWI7:26 PM

    Wow, I always thoght that "Meth Capitol of Alaska" was just a phrase. Stupid me, I should have known,

  26. Shooter's is within walking distance to the Palin Compound.

  27. yanci7:39 PM

    I can see now why Sarah Palin was so disparate to leave Juneau and get back to Wasilla where she is in charge. She came up with a good story and Juneau has the creep perp. Wasilla is still like Mayberry, USA for the family she protects. It is too bad noone can ever catch her. The last I heard Meg's answer was gold. Palin did no wrong and Wasilla is still idyllic to raise family. Ricky Reese is just one bad apple. Sarah is the strong mother who looks out for her girls.

  28. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Well, I for one am freaking out because Reese's teenage daughter had a b-day party at the pool hall recently and my kid attended! I had never met them, but insisted I do when I dropped said kid off. Introduced myself and my kid, shook his hand, came back 2 hours later to claim my kid. No red flags. One would think a legitimate business owner in the community could be trusted. This town is full of degenerates and I will be trusting no one from now on. I'm a military transplant, so I don't claim this as "home".

  29. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The Economys in the tank, Wall Street is riding high&dry, Americans are losing jobs right and left, with no help from Washington to speak of.
    And this BUST is SURPRISING - to who??

    Wasilla is no different than any other town in America where drug busts are happening.
    Also, just because the bust happened in Wasilla doesn't mean it'd all BE SOLD there. Dont be thinking everyone in towns buying.

    just saying...

  30. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Yes, it's true- the pool hall is practically across the street from the Palin Compund.

  31. Not only does this happen everwhere all over the country, but it is just the tip of the ice burg. I did some research when I found evidence of a meth lab in Homer. They can make it with just a very small amount of chemicals and equipment. The are making it in lava lamps and soda pop bottles. This is one reason it is so difficult to regulate. If one source is stopped another opportunist will start making it. It can be made from a variety of materials. Since it can be made pretty much anywhere in small amounts at a time it is very easy for them to hide. This makes detection by law enforcement difficult. They make it in a plastic bottle while they drive around because they can release the fumes easily and avoid detection and then chuck the bottle of toxic chemicals somewhere. In other words there is toxic crap everywhere.

  32. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:47 PM

    Mona, thanks for the map...omg! When I visited there in oct we went to eat at cheapo's right next to that shooters!!!
    And yes when I heard of this I visualized her house and right across the highway! Whoa! she probably ran over right before the quitter speech, to "reload"!

  33. Dear "just saying" - Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska. That's a fact.

  34. Wasilla is not the end market. Which means the end market will be devoid of a good supply at this time. Anchorage should be ready for an increase of breakins and holdups as the price of available stuff will go up. Tweakers dont realy think ahead they just react. You want to pissoff a tweaker just shuffle your feet and go slow. Gets them every time.

  35. Down here in my part of Texas, that haul would get us thru the weekend provided it was some good shit!

    I have seen a photo of the Quitter EX Gov somewhere today that looked like she could have been stashing 20 pounds or so up under her bumpit!

    You betcha!!

  36. Meth has always been creepy. It always will be. The more you take, the more of you it takes. Quite rapidly.

    Meth has been a problem here in the Mat-Su Valley for years. Drug abuse usually goes up when the economy goes down. So, it will be worse here next year than this year.

    But Wasilla is no worse than other places in the USA with similar demographic indicators. I'm not quite sure what they are, but the Palins don't figure in past the politicization of law enforcement Mayor Palin began here in 1997.

    I used to be a tournament level pool player. Not anymore, though.

    But I checked out shooters, because I respect a good pool hall and its ambience. The place seemed pretty edgy. Players didn't seem interested in fine play or anything I usually recognize as skookum for an Alaska hall. The tables and sticks weren't in as good of shape as those at the Tug Bar at Mile 19 of KGB, which used to be a GREAT place to sneak out and play some racks.

    I think the last big bust involving a bar here was when a coke investigation caught an owner of what is now, uh, uh - see I don't go to bars much anymore - I can't even remember their names.

  37. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Maybe the "hangar" being built at the Palin compound is really a laboratory. Ya know that scientific home schoolin' stuff.

  38. Anonymous5:39 AM

    That's a lot of meth, and I can't imagine there are very many people in that town who have that kind of cash....does Track have access to SarahPAC?

  39. Anonymous6:47 AM

    With this bust, how the heck is Sarah and Todds bake shop, Pie Spy going to stay open?

  40. Anonymous7:19 AM

    And to think Im agreeing with Mr. Munger! Wasilla has its share of drug addicts, talk to any pharmicist. Its pathetic and sad. The docs help perpetuate this hopelessness and reliance on drugs. Its in all of our towns. Wasilla also has some really good kids, families and adults.

  41. Basheert7:28 AM

    Thanks for the personal slant PhilM. It's more interesting when it's described first person.

    Happy New Year!!

  42. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I got deployed to do disaster work in an area where meth was manufactured. I spent a day at the local commodity office and watched the people coming in for the free food. I have never seen so much meth mouth in my entire life. Must keep the dentists in Wasilla busy.

  43. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gryphen, will you puleeeeze try to learn the difference between 'then' and 'than'?

  44. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Must keep the dentists in Wasilla busy.

    hmmmm.... who all profits from the meth business in Wailla? You don't have to use it to make money off of it. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

  45. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anon 7:57 PM,
    That is quiet a revelation. I can only imagine what you are going through. You would think a legitimate business owner could be trusted. I hope you can find the good people in the community who do care to talk about the situation. All places have kids and drug problems. I know that town hall meetings and public letters can help. I know of a community that invited leaders from a far away community to have open sessions on what to do. It helped the police find better ways to reach kids. The saddest thing about Wasilla is how shut in and scared they are.

  46. They should have stashed it inside of Going Rogue Books...

    Nobody would have looked there!

    but on a serious note,


    I agree with you regarding the way Meth strips ones Morals, Health, Family and Self, etc...

    I used to brag that "I got more out of drugs than drugs got out of me" (back when it used to be acid, weed, peyote, etc...)

    Then after I Bumped into "Speed", I had to quit saying that because truth be told...

    Meth whipped my ass!

    Toughest habit I ever quit.

    2nd was cigarettes!

    Proud to say I've been clean and sober from all drugs and alcohol for over 5 years now and a little over 3 years for nicotine!!

    Knock on wood!

  47. Sharon in Florida4:34 PM

    to Anon. @ 1:37
    you said "You would think a legitimate business owner could be trusted".

    Yeah, like we all trust Wall Street bankers, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. And don't forget the legitimate politicians - they can all be trusted too. LOL

    Happy New Year everybody.

  48. MacAndCheeseWiz5:55 PM

    Whoa! A meth dealer in walking distance of Lake Lucille? Scarey Stuff!

    Loved the link, lots of good material!

  49. hdtracy9:37 AM

    Drew @ 2:38pm

    Thanks for sharing your story and congrats on the 5- and 3-year mark! Way to go!

  50. Anonymous11:28 AM

    this was on npr wait wait don't tell me.its a scream.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.