But the most striking evidence of her son’s impact has been Palin’s book tour promoting her memoir, “Going Rogue.” As she descends from her tour bus or private jet to meet her fans, 19-month-old Trig has been a conspicuous presence — and generated a huge response. “There’s a lot of people who come through the line to see Trig instead of to see her,” says Jason Recher, a campaign aide who remained close to Palin and is now accompanying her on her book tour.
And those people, says Greg Mueller, a veteran anti-abortion political operative and former spokesman for Pat Buchanan, are getting a powerful message. “She’s going out there as a pro-life woman to say that there’s great joy in special-needs kids — and that we shouldn’t be aborting them.”
Though the anti-abortion movement remains strong and deeply rooted on the right, the recent conservative resurgence has been driven by anti-government sentiment — not by the abortion battle. Palin’s own ability to infuriate and delight often has more to do with her notions of patriotism and her views of the White House than with her place in the abortion wars. But Trig is part of what makes Palin so singular among conservative leaders.
“You just can’t escape it — she really is cut from a completely different cloth than most men, but also women, in politics,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which supports anti-abortion candidates. “She had the audacity in the eyes of the abortion rights world to actually have this child and then has the audacity to bring him along with her and feature him as a centrally valued person in their family.”
Palin’s increased focus on abortion rights, an aide said, was driven by the passionate response to Trig during the final days of John McCain's presidential campaign.
“It was something we were all surprised by — the reaction to Trig and the reaction to the special-needs portfolio that McCain had given her during the campaign,” said Recher.
Palin, like most politicians, has sought to capitalize on her family’s story without subjecting her children to unpleasant scrutiny, but with decidedly mixed results. Her daughter Bristol’s unmarried pregnancy took center stage at the 2008 Republican National Convention, and Bristol's breakup with Levi Johnston, the baby’s father, continues to generate headlines.
But if Palin had any ambivalence about exposing her older children to the spotlight, there’s none for Trig. He enjoys the crowds, said Recher, and at every stop, there are admirers who have come specifically to meet him.
“It’s always a special moment when he meets somebody else who has Down's,” said Recher. “I get emotional, the security people get emotional, the parents get emotional.”
I received a lot of blow back from people when I made the statement that Trig is not only NOT Sarah's, but that he is also NOT Bristol's. The comments have been like this:
"Well WHY would she adopt a baby if he were NOT her daughter's?"
"Why would a person, who clearly does not care for that child, cart him around if he were not a member of her family?"
"You just hate Sarah because she did not abort that baby like any liberal mother would have done!" (That is actually one of my favorites.)
Well the answer to that question was first addressed by Max Bluemnthal in his book "Republican Gomorrah" when he made the following point.
After learning through a sonogram that her child would have been born with Down Syndrome, Palin bravely chose to carry him to term.
Her decision excited James Dobson (of Focus on the Family), and he wrote her a letter congratulating her for having what he called "that little Down Syndrome baby." "What a way to emphasize your pro-life leanings there," Dobson declared on a September 2 radio broadcast. Tony Perkins, who phoned in from the Family Research Counsel office in Washington, DC, echoed Dobson: "It's one thing to support the policy. Its another to live it out."
And as crazy as that may have sounded at first we are now seeing just how powerful the "baby Trig prop" has proven to be.
So WHY would Sarah Palin adopt and carry around a child that is no relation to her? Because it serves a very important function. It give Palin IMMEDIATE credibility within the "Right to Life" camp and it supports the mythology of the selfless, loving working mommy. There are literally millions of women around the country who feel a tug at their heart when they see Palin with her little Down syndrome toddler.
Now I can feel women all over the country getting ready to pound out a response on their keyboard to the above statement. "WE are not fooled by her! Not ALL women think that her toting that poor child around makes her a good mother!"
Of course you don't. But YOU are women that are visiting THIS blog. You are not Sarah Palin's constituency. You are thinkers, not just believers. She never had a chance to get your support no matter what she did, because she is a liar and a fraud, and you were smart enough to have seen that. I know that sounds like kissing up, but I am really making an important point about WHO is drawn to Palin.
The women who see Sarah, and feel drawn to her, are women who want to feel validated for simply being mothers. They want a role model that "has it all" so they can feel that someday so will they. However they are unwilling to look even one layer beneath the surface for fear of having that image damaged in some way. They are happy simply accepting that Palin is what they imagine her to be. And Trig Palin is key to that mythology.
And that is why it is time to demand that Sarah Palin produce his birth certificate. Palin cracked open the door with her statements on the Rusty Humphries show yesterday and it is time for us to "plow right on through".
So I am asking you my friends to make that request on every Sarah Palin story that comes out in the weeks to come. "Where is Trig Palin's birth certificate?", should show up in the comments section of every pro, or con story about Sarah Palin until her camp finally feels compelled to address it.
Sarah cannot stand this kind of thing and she will have to do something, I don't know what, but something. But whatever it is I am very sure it will NOT be to provide a birth certificate. She simply can't.
And yes I will keep working on getting my information out to the public as well. We have made a lot of very good progress lately, and yes we are getting closer.
Sarah Palin has given us a wonderful opportunity so let's make sure we capitalize on it. Is it really any wonder anymore WHY the McCain campaign did not like her to give interviews? The woman is her own worst enemy.
Update: It looks like Progressive Alaska is on the same page too.
And Phil also brings up another good point. Just where the hell is CBJ?
Update 2: Andrew Sullivan joins the party.
Update 3: I just got off of the phone with Alaska Center for Resource Families, which provides information about foster care and adoptions in Alaska, and learned a few facts.
For instance once you adopt a child the birth certificate ONLY has the name of the adoptive parents and the name of the child, which can be their original name or, if you want, have your last name.
In all respects it looks EXACTLY like any other birth certificate.
But one interesting point, and I asked this specifically, is that the birth certificate CANNOT change the actual birth date of the child. In other words, if you faked a birth and needed a child that was born on...oh let's say....April 18, 2008, you MUST find a child born on that EXACT day in order to present a birth certificate that matched your story.
I have discussed the reasons WHY Palin would not have been willing to present a birth certificate in the past, and THIS seems to be the main reason. If little Trig was born on some other day than the one that Palin identified, and notified the news to report as accurate, that would be a very big hole in her story.
Thank you, Gryphen! Go, Gryphen, go!
ReplyDeleteAt least he has shoes and socks on though it's nighttime and he has no jacket. Where are his glasses and hearing aids? Is there a therapist on board the bus, or plane, to give him the intensive therapy that DS babies need in their early years?
ReplyDeleteGreat idea Gryphen. I am going to post it every single place I can think of. I am sick of Sarah Palin and the disgusting way she talks about our elected President. I am sick of her using that poor child while knowing he needs more help. Babies are only cute for so long. If he is unable to communicate his basic needs, then he could turn into a monster that is difficult to control. She is an irresponsible parent. She is not a good parent. There is more to being a parent then deciding you should carry a special needs baby to term.
ReplyDeleteI am also glad to hear you are making progress. I hope things blow soon because I can't stand much more of Sarah. I find her to be a very disruptive and negative force in our country. She isn't positive in any way, shape or form.All she does is criticize and I am sick of it as others are. I don't find her to be a gift to the Democratic party like some do.
Anyhow, great idea and good news.......THANKS.
Will the certificate she provides show that Trig was born in Kenya?
ReplyDelete“She had the audacity in the eyes of the abortion rights world to actually have this child and then has the audacity to bring him along with her and feature him as a centrally valued person in their family.”
ReplyDeleteDoes this statement piss off anybody else? And I am SO sick of the wingnuts' accusation that only they bring disabled children to term. Yes, all liberals will abort a baby if found to have any "defects".
Total non sequitur here, but...
ReplyDeleteIt simply amazes me how many pictures there are out there of Palin with her mouth hanging open.
Her signature look, one or more of the following: Carrying the prop baby, her mouth flapping wide open, one or more bony digits pointing somewhere (the Palin society secret sign, as some have speculated?).
Back to the topic at hand: I'll certainly do my part.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't you just be happy Todd made it off the roof before winter set in ?
I will ask for the BC and DNA on every post concerning S'error. I was on Huff Post for a long time giving the "birther" story plenty of hits.
We know you are doing the best you can, please bring this woman down.
After she is proven to be a liar and fraud, then I want to see the FBI and IRS get her.
Hey Sarah, it sucks to be you, huh ?
NYC girl
So, given this, how are we to handle the "wild ride" scenario? As more comes out about this, it will be interesting to see how it impacts Scarah's version(s) of her story. Chuck, also too.
He looks startled and scared to me, as if he's thinking, "Who is this woman? Why does she keep picking me up and carrying me off the bus to parade me in front of these screaming people?"
ReplyDeleteKajo, she smiles with her mouth open because it elongates the face and makes her look younger. It's a beauty queen trick. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI saw on a site somewhere the other day that beauty pageant people are told that smiling with the mouth open makes their faces longer and slimmer (I read a biography of Shelley Winters saying she had told this to Marilyn Monroe, so that theory's been around a long time!).
ReplyDeleteOr maybe Sarah's just a mouth breather.
Yes, the claim that we all want Sarah to have aborted that lovely little boy just INFURIATES me.
I just looked through a whole heck of a lot of photos of Trig, and I would be extremely surprised to find out he is not a Palin and/or Johnston. The resemblance is extremely strong. In one photo with Piper, they look very, very alike. And his resemblance to Levi has been commented on by many people as well.
ReplyDeleteI have a request, Gryphen, if you would be so kind. Is there any way that you could get the original digital images that were posted on Mercede's MySpace page in early May 2008? The "Triggy Bear" and Mommy-in-Law ones? Actually any one of them would be great. We have actually never seen the original images and it would be great if we could have the high resolution images to look at. If there is any way you could put this request in, that would be much appreciated. Thank you.
However, with all of her connections, could she possibly produce a birth certificate....a fake one, but she probably has the pull with people she appointed to fill one out
ReplyDeleteGood idea...love it. Mention it every where you go...it will just confirm why Sarah couldn't continue to be the Gov. of Ak. with all these strange bloggers. Your own party will love it too..Dems. want to be associated with this type of speculaation. DO YOU REALLY REALLY THINK ANYONE CARES....DUH
ReplyDeleteTodd off the roof and in Texas with his wife and son.
At this point it doesn't matter who the mother is, this is child abuse! A child with special needs special care with speech, motor skills, ect. Whoever is this child's parent should be charged with abuse as well!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure it's enough any more to call for Trig's birth certificate. Given Palin's penchant for lying and given the amount of time that has elapsed since Trig's birth, there's likely a forged birth certificate ready to be sprung on a gullible public at just the right moment. At this point, only DNA testing would be conclusive evidence of Trig's biological parents.
ReplyDelete1:09 PM Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteyes he does look like Piper.
ReplyDeleteI also posted the same essay at firedoglake's the Seminal. It is important for readers to realize that Palin, by bringing this out as untruthfully as she did on a nationally-syndicated show, fully deserves some very close national scrutiny on this.
We'll see if it happens.
No way that the Trig pictured above became a focused on the crowd and waving his hand Trig that was photographed yesteday.
ReplyDeleteCheck out Huffington Post -- Interesting new ethics charges, also show that Sarah didn't know where she was on her stance on abortion and contraception.
ReplyDeleteDid Palin's Comments Backfire?
ReplyDeleteAndrew Sullivan says Sarah Palin's comments yesterday on President Obama's citizenship have re-opened the issue of whether she is in fact the mother of her child.
"Palin has never produced Trig's birth certificate or a single piece of objective medical evidence that proves he is indeed her biological son. A child with Down Syndrome must have a pile of such records, tests, assessments and ultrasounds that conclusively prove that he is Sarah's biological son. It seems bizarre to me that neither the public nor the campaign (so far as I can glean) has ever been given one of them."
That "family resemblance" could well be a shared part-blood Native American look - round face, high cheekbones, level brows, dark hair/eyes. Doesn't mean Trig's necessarily a Palin; he could be part Native American, from another source.
ReplyDeleteYeah --- as if her producing the certificate would actually satisfy this bunch. I'm sure it wouldn't take two seconds to be declared "fake".
ReplyDeleteOf course the same can be said for the idiots harping on Obama's.
Yes, Anon at 1:16, that's my concern too. She produces a fake BC and then says if we accept Obama's we have to accept hers too.
ReplyDeleteFinally the MSM is on to the Trig truth and you are right Gryphen, she will not do well in being questioned by people whom she can't tell to sit down and shut up. And ITA agree with your analogy of her fan base. Being a mother is a wonderful occupation in life if that is what you choose. But I know from my own experience with my own mother, a woman needs other outside interests, whether is is work and a career, hobbies, volunteering or something else in their life that can point to with pride. My mother stubbornly refused to do anything other than sacrifice her life for "her family" and now she is an old woman who a lot of the time is resentful and bitter.
ReplyDeleteLet's be tenacious about getting to the bottom of this. Once and for all.
How will the birth certificate prove anything? Maybe it's different in Alaska, but where I live, the adoptive parents names are put on the birth certificate. She may very well decide to prove the BC, and we will still not believe her.
ReplyDeleteGryphen - Sorry to pop everyone's bubble - and goodness knows, I've never so badly wanted to proven dead wrong - but my guess is that when push comes to shove, and Sarah P finds herself in the corner, out will come Trig's birth cert.
ReplyDeleteIf and when this happens, please, no one lose heart. This will be the time to double down and demand she explain her crazy, bizarre, life-threatening Wild Ride account.
Just sayin. Sarah LOVES attention. She doesn't really care where it comes from or if it's good or bad press, she's just addicted to press, period.
Don't go into a depressed state if she's able to produce a viable birth certificate. I think the only reason she's held out for so long is that she loves to play the "misunderstood martyr."
(And for the record, I so hope I'm WRONG and that she can't produce the certificate)
Excellent points made in a well written piece. Thanks, again, Gryphen.
I’m getting sick and tired of that mythological meme that first arose during last year’s campaign about how liberals really wanted Palin to abort Trig. Nobody has ever produced any written statement or a recording of anybody, anywhere, at anytime making such a remark. It is a disingenuous and cynical straw man argument that they continue to trot out as a way to demonize liberals. It also conveniently allows Palin to attain a fast track to conservative sainthood.
ReplyDelete“See how evil those liberal baby killers are! THEY would have murdered Trig!”
The problem with that argument is that there are certainly thousands of liberal women who have given birth to down syndrome children as well. However, that doesn’t support their simplistic “liberals are evil” boilerplate nonsense.
Somehow the world is never as simple or dualistic as the absolute good vs. absolute evil model the conservatives present.
Anyone wanna vote on WhoTF JuJu is? Palin herself, Staplegun, Lyn? Or her poor/rich publicist stuck on the bus...until $carah decided to throw her under it...Anyone?
ReplyDeleteYeah JuJu "No one cares what we write about" Bawhahah- The world is our oyster now. Everyone is watching due to your neurotic OCD queen who couldn't stop obsessing on what the bloggers wrote about her...
Can we still impeach her? We might as well...
For those who are just getting familiar with the story, Gryphen's question about the whereabouts of CBJ refers to Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, the family practice physician alleged to have delivered Trig, alleged to have given Sarah advice on her Wild Ride to Texas, and alleged to have furnished medical information about Sarah that was released on the eve of the 2008 election, though we now find that details of that document are contradicted by information in Going Rogue.
ReplyDeleteIf I recall correctly, Baldwin-Johnson had been listed as assisting only 3 births in the year previous to Trig's birth (I believe that info is in the Palin Deception blog somewhere), making her a very curious choice for a special-needs pregnancy at a hospital with no neo-natal ICU.
OK, one more theory. The birth mother was heavily pressured to give up her child for adoption (this happens a lot in Evangelical organizations that offer to "help" unwed mothers). She agreed, but did not know who the adoptive parents were. One reason the Palins cannot release certificate of live birth is because the date and location of the birth might give away their identity to the birth mother. Why not let her know? Well, when she sees how her child is being treated she might be tempted to come forward and state just how heavy the pressure to give up her child was, and where it came from.
ReplyDeleteI want Sarah to have the doctor she says delivered the baby, the hospital administrators, the nurses who assisted, the billing department to all testify that she gave birth to Trig on the day she says.
ReplyDeleteIf it happened, then those people won't have any trouble saying so. If it didn't happen, are they willing to lie for you, Sarah? And none of this, "yes, the child is hers," crap. Medical personnel need to say that the baby came out of you, Sarah, on that day, and that the baby was the Trig we see on tour with you.
Turn up the heat.
Even a reasonably decent looking fake birth certificate for Trig is not enough to dig Sarah out of the hole she dug by going with the leaking amniotic fluid tale. Sarah needs a raft of well-known physicians to say "it's a GOOD thing to get on a plane when you're leaking amniotic fluid", which she can NOT do. Then she needs a boatload of well-known fundamentalist pro-lifers to say "risking a fetus' life is a GOOD thing". Next she needs an ocean liner of leaking mothers all bragging about dodging hospitals with NICUs while touring the nation by plane.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin's apologists must choose between "not pregnant" and "insane disregard for an infant". It's tough to choose, but that's the price of backing Palin.
This comment was at HuffPost, I thought I would share it---
I'm hurt, HuffPost. I worked hard on that comment, deleted 75 words for a really tight fit. Nothing bad, well, mentioned H/O/A/X...did it go s/p/l/a/t/?
I know I'm not right, too cold. I believe God blessed this country and its people with a republic, established to protect each inhabitant individually; a government of laws, and not men. A government established on liberal principles. Some of those principles were reflected in President Obama's speech at West Point; freedom of religion and love thy neighbor as thyself.
I watched the video and read the transcript of the Palins' wild ride. I saw photos that confirmed my initial reaction. Especially that photo of Palin standing next to Parnell on 03-14-08. Thank God for his blessings.
Palin's deception was caught in photo images; I do not believe in magic mirrors. Are all the photos fake? Even the 03-14-08 photo that was on Alaska's state website? I do not believe Palin to be the bio mother. And I see a baby being used for his uniqueness (How different from a circus character?) for political gain. A political prop to deceive to achieve. For all I know, a purposeful attempt to cause failure of a sitting President by using such a deception as a cloud. Watch out, another conspiracy theory, my bad.
Here's those photos, scroll down--
Ms. Palin can produce any type of certificate she likes--- until she provides a C.O. a Certificate of Occupancy of Trig in Her Uterus, I remain unconvinced. Come on folks, we've all seen the flat belly photos, the ridiculous wild ride stories. She is a liar, she did not birth that child.PERIOD. By now she could get all of the forged documents she likes. Moreover, if Trig is her biological child, why were two bloggers who questioned her pregnancy threatened and forced to close down. Don't fall for the Birth Certificate nonsense.
ReplyDeleteRemember she is a professional, certified, Black-Belt LIAR !!!
When my husband was 8 years old, his step-father adopted him and they were able to change his birth certificate so that it said his step-father was his biological father. That was in California. I don't know how it is in other states nowadays, but I'm just sayin...
ReplyDeleteSo, even if SP did produce a birth certificate, I don't think it would necessarily prove anything. There needs to be more conclusive proof -- DNA, confirmation of the birth by doctors, nurses, hospital staff, verifiable hospital documentation, actual lab results, etc.
1:41 PM Anonymous said... No way that the Trig pictured above became a focused on the crowd and waving his hand Trig that was photographed
I SAY TWO TRIGS. It may be a test run. Did you find any hi pixel pics of Blue Trig?
juju is just a sad old woman who makes hats for babies.
ReplyDeleteno relation to her? NONE?
ReplyDeletegryphen, I find that very hard to believe. with all due respect, I think you are getting some tips from people who have been lied to about the origins of trig.
yes, the woman is batshit crazy, but I just can't believe she would take on a ds child that was not related to her. she is just way too selfish. and look at the way she treats him - her behavior says to me that she doesn't want him around, but that she's forced to, for one reason or another. of course she uses trig as a prop but I really do not think "hey I can use him as a prop" was the reason she took on the child.
I totally think the kid is related to her, but that she didn't birth him (unless he was 4-5 months early).
still dig you, but I think you might want to consider that your source has been lied to, like so many others.
It's Friday, Gryphen, I see a pattern.
ReplyDeleteIt is breaking my heart to see all the photos of Trig on Bree Palin's site. He is thrown over $carah's arm like a bag of potatoes and he looks around in bewilderment with all the flashes going off and loud crowds. This is child abuse. Even Sally Heath carries him off the bus in the oddest hold. Ony aunt Katie and Piper carry him like a real baby. Trig only responds to Piper withe smiles..she is the true caregiver in this family. It all is so sad and twisted.
ReplyDeleteCBJ not only should come forward, but please realize she IS legally able to come forward!
ReplyDeleteDoctor patient confidentiality does NOT prevent cbj from speaking and in fact, IF TRIG IS NOT PALIN'S CHILD, CBJ HAS A LEGAL OBLIGATION TO NOT HELP PALIN CONTINUE THE FRAUD ! ! ! ! !IF SHE DOES, CBJ IS GUILTY OF FRAUD AS WELL.
The following is the last two paragraphs of the letter Palin's Deception's print earlier this year and which is linked on Phil Munger's site.
"Under Alaska R. Ev. 504, where the physician-patient privilege applies, it applies not
only to the patient but also to members of the patient's family "participating in the
diagnosis or treatment under the direction of the physician"; the privilege may be claimed
not only by a patient but also by her legal guardian. Rule 504(b)&(c). Among the many
exceptions (instances in which the physician-patient privilege would not apply) is any
instance in which a physician's services "were sought, obtained or used to enable or aid
anyone to commit or plan a crime or fraud or to escape detection or apprehension after
the commission of a crime or a fraud." Rule 504(d)(2).
Notably, these provisions apply not only to Dr. Baldwin-Johnson, but to any other
physicians and other medical practitioners who may have knowledge of a fraud in this
matter. They cannot use patient confidentiality rules to abet a fraud; thus they may also
have legal or ethical liability if the birth story is in fact a fraud."
ReplyDeleteEverytime I hit your blog, the video of the radio show begins to play. Anyway you can adjust the post to have the audio of the segment turned off? As it gets further down the page it is very frustrating. I know that I can also turn my system audio off, but wanted to ask if you can set it up differently. Thanks very much.
gryphen, can you please address the "bristol is pregnant" rumors that were going around in early 08? did they just come from nowhere? what about the "prolonged case of mono" - did that just come from nowhere? what is the informed opinion on why she went to live with her aunt? thank you.
ReplyDeleteIf she does produce a birth certificate it would be another CBJ doc to examine and open up more inquiry. The more the better. This will get good when it is in court. Not Ak, Federal.
ReplyDeleteWhy is she using a Trig double now? Is Trig1 well? Child welfare must get on top of the work schedule and care for the kids. Trig1 therapy.
Sadly, it would probably take the real birth mother coming forward and admitting to SP "taking" her baby to prove the story...but knowing Sistah S. and her goons, that poor, unknown woman has probably been tied up in a closet for the past year and a half.
ReplyDeleteRe Phil Munger comment about Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson gone missing.
ReplyDeleteLet's put the good Dr. Cathy on a milk carton?
Anyone seen Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson? High-risk deliveries are awaiting her and it's always best to use a family doctor who is not obstetrician for high-risk deliveries of known special needs babies. Only those stinkin' elites think proper medical certification is a necessity for high risk deliveries. Oh year, and malpractice carriers, also, too.
Call your malpractice carrier Dr. Cathy and let them know what you've been up to.
Duh....I think you people have forgotten, Palin is a private citizen. Not a candidate for anything.
ReplyDeleteOhhh...Fox Nation also has the story up and after 3 comments most if not all other comments were about OBAMA and his failure to produce a long form birth certificate and many other things he hasn't produced. Luv it...good work.
Sarah suckered you all in again just like she did with the ethics complaints and look who won that one. She is free as a bird and a multi-millionaire with 1,000s linned up to have her sign their books. GOOD WORK GUYS.
Do you know if the real Trig mother is among the living? Idk what the true story is, I have heard more than one.
ReplyDeleteAlso, other adoption stories that could be close.
Don't discount human trafficking and labor when it comes to religious adoptions. It is more common than you think. ADOPTION IS BIG BUSINESS!
The issue with the birth certificate is THIS: is Trig was adopted the birth certificate would show Todd and Sarah as parents. Records with original parents would be sealed. HOWEVER, there is considerable speculation that Sarah won't show the legally modified birth certificate because Trig was not born on the date Sarah had him delivered to her in the hospital after her bizarre Texas speech and wild day long ride to Alaska from Texas. Get it?
ReplyDeleteBirth cerificates will, by law still show the CORRECT date of birth.
Someone on the Bree Palin website said was at today's "rally and said "Todd was carrying Trig, and a blond woman was carrying a DS toddler roughly the same size, build, and coloring as Trig"
ReplyDeletecomment at 6:50pm
I am missing the whole "watch the dates" thing
ReplyDeleteWhat is so special about April 18th.. or days before or after?
Why was it so important she "give birth" on April 18th?
Paligates had a link, awhile back, of her entire itinerary for 2008... not very interesting for a governor but there were some odd things pointed out.. I didnt follow the posting closely
perhaps that old link should be dug out and we all look at the happenings in the Palin world around April 18th? for a clue?
Sorry.. the woman from the Bree Palin site saw the two DS toddlers on TV coverage of the event; she was not there herself. My mistake.
ReplyDeleteI think he is Bristol's. I think they found out that she was going to have a DS baby and since most people think DS happens exclusively or mainly to older moms (which isn't true, young mothers also have DS babies quite often), Palin got the idea that she could fake a preganancy and make people think it was hers.
ReplyDeleteIf the baby isn't Levi's, why has he and his sister andmother behaved so lovingly to it? I don't think Sarah went looking for a baby to adopt and planned all this out. She isn't capable of that level of creativity or planning. She just reacted to and exploited a situation that fell in front of her. That's is the way she operates.
Maybe we have been approaching this issue from the wrong direction.
ReplyDeleteDo you think if we offered a reward for the birth mother to come forward, it might flush out the mother? If some young woman put up her baby for adoption during the time frame, she may not know who adopted the baby. She might see a way to make some money and provide the needed information. Think what the media would pay to interview the biological mother.
Would a biological mother have the right to obtain her Certificate of Live Birth?
cbj is easy to find on facebook btw
ReplyDeleteJust after the gov's book came out someone whose doctor was CBJ wrote a post, I believe it was on Palingates & she was upset at the way Sarah more or less threw CBJ under the bus. In the book she kept saying how she kept calling her doctor & made it sound like her doctor thought it perfectly ok that she was going to fly all the way back to Alaska in the condition she was in. I would wonder if her doctor is annoyed by the way she was portrayed in the book. Afterall she does have her reputation to protect.
ReplyDeleteGryphen keeps saying that Trig is not Bristol's though it's hard to believe without anything to back it up.
ReplyDeleteI found the video of the two DS toddlers and it looks like (I don't have sound on my computer at work) a mother brought her own toddler to the signing and had a few pictures taken.
Gryphen points out that:
ReplyDelete...once you adopt a child the birth certificate ONLY has the name of the adoptive parents and the name of the child, which can be their original name or, if you want, have your last name.
In all respects it looks EXACTLY like any other birth certificate.
But one interesting point...is that the birth certificate CANNOT change the actual birth date of the child.
In other words, if you faked a birth and needed a child that was born on...oh let's say....April 18, 2008, you MUST find a child born on that EXACT day in order to present a birth certificate that matched your story....
* * * * * * * * *
So, assuming Trig was born to some other woman who--unexpectedly--went into labor on April 17th and delivered on April 18th--wouldn't that explain why $P had to rush back to Wasilla on April 17th, and concoct that bizarre "Wild Ride" cover story, including being induced for an April 18th delivery?
In which case, Trig's authentic birth certificate may contain seemingly corroborating information, without revealing the true story....
In my opinion, specific confirmation from other sources--doctors, nurses, medical reports--is the only acceptable "proof" that she is the biological mother of Trig.
(Which matters because of $P's continuing claims to that "fact," though all extant evidence supports the conclusion that $P is lying about this as well. She is a fraud through and through.)
As the mother of a special needs child I really take it personally that she trots Trig around as a great big corsage. If he didn't assist her $$$$$wise he would be nowhere around.
ReplyDeleteyou are writing gibberish.
Please stick to making this funny baby-hats.
ReplyDeleteAnother question about Alaska birth certificates. The place of birth is also listed on the birth certificate (usually the hospital and municipality). Is this something else that can't be changed in adoption cases?
April 18 is not anything special, but if Sarah was faking a pregnancy and birth, she couldn't very well give birth a day or week or 2 before her Texas governor's oil speech and still go to Texas for her show and tell appearance. That would logically be grounds for canceling. Thus she had to give fake birth sometime after the Texas speech. However, she apparently knew she was going to fake the birth shortly after the speech. That is why she posed with the bowling ball belly after the Alaska state legislature ended its session, just before she went to texas. Only picture pre-fake birth that she looked preggo.
ReplyDeleteGood point, there is a simple minded assumpton that all liberals are baby killers completely & probably intentionaly missing the point regarding Trig's birth.
Anon@4:29. CBJ can also easily be found on Whitepages.com. I did a search a few weeks ago, and there she was--name, office address, telephone number.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, just maybe...everyone has been looking to close at Bristol being Trig's mother; when they should be looking to TRACK!. Ever stop to consider that possibly he got some Wasilla hillbilly pregnant, and that she was going to abort, but Sarah offered to adopt. Just like Levi said she did with him and Bristol. Isn't Track's girlfriend some kind of loyal aide to Queen Sarah? Maybe it's because she is Trig's mother!
ReplyDeleteFood for thought.......
ReplyDeleteWhat IF Trig was born on 4/18 but to a different mother. That would explain why she was able to hop on a long ass flight and be so comfy. More important...what if Trig is Todd's kid and they adopted him (or Sarah did-Todd would already be listed as the father) because the birth mother didn't want a downs baby but Todd didn't want the mother to abort.
IF by any stretch of the imagination that scenario is true then the birth certificate would list them as parents and on the right day.
My guess is the birth mother has something to hide as well or she would have already blackmailed them into telling the truth.
anonymous @ 4:06 sez:
ReplyDelete"She isn't capable of that level of creativity or planning. She just reacted to and exploited a situation that fell in front of her."
that's my position as well. I just can't see her taking on something that needs a lifetime of her attention and financial support just to "gain some points" with the dwindling religious crowd.
ReplyDeleteLevi will be on Joy Behar's show on HLN on Monday
I didn't feel you were "pandering" to me in this post. In fact, the very first thing that made me question the Sarah Palin proto-mythology was this story, the story where her water broke and she got on two airplanes and flew home to deliver that baby. I was, like, "Wait... wasn't she 8 mos pregnant? What the heck was she doing on a plane in the FIRST place?" The rest was just gravy. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI'm a conservative in many ways - even a libertarian. And chances were I'd have voted for Ron Paul in 2008... but when I realised that Palin either risked the life of that baby or lied about him... Obama got my vote.
Demographics: married white HOCKEY mom of two from the Midwest
AM from Cincinnati
emrysa said...
ReplyDeletegryphen, can you please address the "bristol is pregnant" rumors that were going around in early 08? did they just come from nowhere? what about the "prolonged case of mono" - did that just come from nowhere? what is the informed opinion on why she went to live with her aunt? thank you.
I cannot address this directly as it is part of my agreement, but if you read what I have written in the past you will see that I have never refuted certain rumors. There is a reason for that.
Anonymous 4:51, I did NOT ask that question so I have no answer for you, but if anybody reading this knows I would be interested in finding out. It is a good question.
I'm guessing that somewhere a baby boy was born on April 18, 2008, and was put up for adoption. I'm also guessing that Sarah Palin will soon "confess" that she adopted her son. It does not necessarily have to be the same baby. All she needs is a birth certificate for a boy born on April 18th and a baby boy. He would not even have to be a down syndrome baby. The "adoption records" would be sealed, so no one would be able to prove or disprove anything. She would have an actual birth certificate for a boy born on that date and she would be listed as the mother.
ReplyDeleteOT, but encouraging.....another great Rachel Maddow show tonight and the 2nd or 3rd time recently that she has a multi-segment panel discussing the various issues. Very MTP-like....hmmmm, could this be an audition for how she handles this type of format??
ReplyDeleteThere is all sorts of info on CBJ on google. I must say that whatever the case may be this is one crazy ass family. How you can parade yourself all over this country as some god fearing all American family when in reality this is one of the most dysfunctional familes I've ever heard of. None of the kids graduated from high school, they fornicate like rabbits. Use drugs & alcohol like little juvenile delinquents. They are not children you would vbe proud of. I don't think teen pregnancy would be a really big deal in Wasilla so I don't think it's Bristol's or Track's baby. It has to be something scandalous...like an affair ....Todd? Also all of the prego disguise was before she was "tapped" by McCain. The fact that she has gotten away with all of this bullshit for so long is what's amazing. Huffpro laid off her very fast. She just redirects the stupid ass media & they follow her insanity. It's ridiculous. She's making us all crazy & needs to go. If there was any money in it you'd think the National Enquirer would be following her sorry ass around.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Andrew Sullivan has article on babygate, palingates posted and trolls mega posting, that Andrew Sullivan was a threat. Here's another strange one.
ReplyDeleteSunshine1970 said...
Wow. Someone had a lot of time on their hands tonight, huh?
05 December 2009 03:22
Anonymous said...
Not a troll. It is an attack. Remove the excess.
05 December 2009 03:24
Sarah is definitely capable of hooking up with Graham to get an adopted baby. Even from another country.
ReplyDeleteBut she flew home and made a story about a rush.
The baby was "born" that day (or she adopted him).
Yes, Sarah Palin is cunning enough to do this JUST FOR THE VOTES.
Do not believe she wouldn't. She'd throw any of her kids under the bus to GET what she wants.
The Interesting Tale of Naming a Child
ReplyDeleteTrig Paxon Van Palin
1- Trig- Did you know that TRI-G is medical slang for Downs Syndrome ?
2- Paxon - Did you know that Lowell "Bud" Paxon of Paxon Communications, is an ally of/and major contributor to John McCain ?
Google Paxon and McCain to learn more.
3- Please read #1 again and let it sink in-- MRS. Palin has named her
adopted son
Anon@ 5:28 about Trig's birthdate-- a lot of work/investigation/research was done by Palin's Deceptions, Palingates and others. They are all quite sure that Trig was born well before 4/18/08, perhaps closer to Jan-Feb '08.
So without proof of the kind like witnesses and signitures on the BC. How is Trig EVER going to run for president of the USofA? You can forget any paperwork that I would believe. I want DNA.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Audrey (Palin's Deceptions) had reviewed many of the questions about Alaskan birth certificates back in January ...
"What changes when the child is adopted, from the "Report of Live Birth," to the "Birth Certificate?" The baby's name and the parents' names. That's all. What does not change, CANNOT change? The date and place of the birth."
(I've not re-read all the comments, but if I recall correctly, someone had actually called the department of vital statistics, or whatever it's officially called in AK, and verified that only the names of the baby and parents could be changed on an Alaskan birth certificate.)
Granted, after all this time, I wouldn't believe a birth certificate produced by Sarah Palin as being legitimate either.
To "conscious at last".
ReplyDeleteGreat lead-in!
Trig also means, per Yourdictionary.com:
"to prop or support".
Really. Look it up.
Weird, eh.
-ske in atx
"1- Trig- Did you know that TRI-G is medical slang for Downs Syndrome ?"
ReplyDelete"Tri-21" is the medical slang for Down Syndrome (no "s" on "Down" either); short for Trisomy 21.
Also, I don't think this is a coincidence..I didn't see talk about what if Sarah was only helping a rape victim or someone else who was hurt by the pregnancy, until the documents for celtic diva were released...
ReplyDeleteIf Trig was born on April 18, 2008, then who is the baby pictured with Levi and Mercede in Sarah's kitchen, which is a smaller baby?
ReplyDelete"Sarah is not Trig's bio mom" started immediately after McCain picked her. The easiest way to kill that speculation would have been to produce Trig's bc. Since it had been about 4 months since Trig's "birth" there should have been enough time for the state to have updated Trig's bc if Sarah & Todd had adopted him. Instead, the campaign "proved" that Sarah was Trig's mom by announcing that Bristol was 5 months pregant and therefore Bristol couldn't be the mom, so Sarah must be.
ReplyDeleteSince a bc, not even a fake one, was not presented at this time there has to be SOME reason it can't be released. Or is it that hard to fake a bc?
I believe that Trig is Levi's little brother.
ReplyDeleteMadCityKaren @ 6:38 All over the internet the term Trisomy 21 and Trisomy G are used interchangably. Check Wikipedia, Merc's site, etc.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, there is no "S" on Down. My Bad.
ske in atx--You betcha, the child certainly is being used as a prop or mascot. It really is upsetting to watch.
C*nt was just a mere 50 miles or so from my house. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth as the "press" in Austin gushed over her. And yet all I saw in the report were old, white people; aka Palinbots.
ReplyDeleteBiotch needs to be stopped. blech!
-ske in atx
conscious at last @ 7:18 -- now, my bad. (oops) But learned something tonight too, also. (I'd worked in healthcare, although it's been awhile since I left it; we had always referred to Down Syndrome as "Tri-21" which maybe was just preference in that hospital.) Thanks for the heads up.
ReplyDeleteCould someone who lives in Wasilla or Palmer please help me to understand why Todd Palin is allowing Trig to be paraded around the country as a political prop. What kind of father allows this to happen?
ReplyDeleteThis man has to know what types of care is need by babies with DS and how dangerous it is to expose a baby in a fragile medical state to so many strange people, so much stress and strange circumstances.
The Palinbots are comining out to stare at this kid like he some kind of side show. What benefit do the voyeurs receive by lining up to stare at Trig?
Children with DS need extensive help to develop motor, language and social skills to at least give them a chance of functioning as they grow. They need bond closly with the mother and father who SHOULD be be the primary care givers, not being passed of and carried around by the grandmother, or aunt or a younger sister who should herself be in school.
Children with DS are more prone to medical risks like infections (think about the risk of H1N1) and are more likely to have other serious medical issues (hearing and visual problems) that need to be closely followed. They need lots of physical therapy to help build muscle tone and coordination; play therapy and stimulation to help build hand/eye coordianation. As they get older they will probably need speech and occupational therapy to learn language and social skills.
Trig cannot be getting his needs met by being slepped all over the country like a sack of onions.
Sarah Palin also has to know the risks to this child, as do the other relatives traveling with her.
My heart feels so heavy whenever I see photos of Trig being mishandeled by this family.
Isn't there anyone who has this child's best interest at heart? Other family, church members, Trig's pediatrician?
Does Todd Palin have family members who could intervene? And if so, why haven't they.
I truly don't get it.
What about Trig and Tripp side by side? That should show some resemblance.
ReplyDeleteAnd check to see if the ink is dry on any birth certificate Sarah Palin produces.
About Trig's name- Again, as I stated above, Tri-21 OR Tri-G is medical shorthand for Down Syndrome.
ReplyDeleteNow-- even if Palin's supporters wouldn't care if she faked a pregnancy to cover for someone-- don't you think they'd be disturbed by this fact about the name ?
Secondly, don't you think someone in the MSM should pick up on this point even if they are not quite ready to tackle babygate head on ??
I'm sorry, but I just find this point amazing and an indication of Palin's insanity and unbelieveable contempt for other people in general and for that child in particular.
Great post, Gryphen. Thanks for all that information.
ReplyDeleteThat was my first instinct, I should have stayed with it. And definitely a prop for political gain to get into that WH chair.
Thanks for such great work! And Kudos to Andrew Sullivan and Philip Munger! Thanks!
Maybe Sarah brought the topic out of the closet because she finally has a fake birth certificate ready to go, and is awaiting the right moment to roll her eyes and product it.
ReplyDeleteGryphen's source have no doubt given him some answers to questions about the evidence for Bristol and he is at least somewhat satisfied with those answers, but I have no choice but to continue to think Bristol is the mother of Trig.
He's Todd's! Gryphen as much as said it...He wrote, in an earlier post EVEN Bristol doesn't know who the birth mother is...meaning she knows who the father is...
ReplyDeleteAnd he also said the fact that she -- Bristol -- was sent away was important. Why? Because...She knew her father had an affair and she was livid! Levi described her as being a daddy's girl.
Sarah knows it's going to come out soon. IMO that's why there are comments from people talking about how Sarah MIGHT be protecting someone...she's testing a way out...
Sarah Palin,
ReplyDeletePlease send Palingates.com a copy of Trig Palin's birth certificate or at least make it public so we can all shut the hell up and move on to better things.
I am holding this wad of cash that I would love to send to you, but I have to have this issue put to rest before I can press the "SEND" button.
Seeing you came out and stated in your interview that you have previously provided us with Trig's birth certificate and you also stated that is a fair request of the electorate, I am looking forward to seeing it soon!
Looking forward to the DNA results regarding You, Todd and Trig.
Wishing you all the Karma in the world!
Drew from Texas
Remember when McCain first tapped Sarah for VP and Enquirer sent there people up there and they quickly came out with multible headlines about Sarah scandles with promises of much more to come and then all of a sudden crickets.
ReplyDeleteI have not heard a peep out of them since! Bought off?! Threatened?!
Anyone know anything about this?
I am an adoptive parent down in the lower 48. I have adopted more than 7 children, to date. Some are 'special needs', others are kids that were abused or neglected. All were foster children at some point in their little lives. We have gotten new birth certs on each and every one of our kids, listing me as the mother, and my husband as the father. Names were changed to refect the new names we chose for them (and in one case, the new name chosen by the child). The birthdates remained the same, as did the hospital, time of birth, attending doctor, etc. The ONLY information changed was the parents and childs name.
ReplyDeleteI have no issue with anyone adopting a child, regardless of the situation of that child. What I take issue with is someone who lies about giving birth to that child, and not allowing the child to be who he truly is. There is NOTHING wrong with being adopted. NOTHING. We tell our children the truth, and most were old enough to remmember a bit of how they came to our home and why. What I take issue with is lying.
Anonymous 8:31, you are taking quite a bit of poetic license with my past statements. I have NEVER said that Todd was Trig's biological father.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I don't know who Trig's father is. At this point I have no more reason to assume it is Todd than to assume it is ANYBODY else in Wasilla.
However I am not certain Trig is not Todd's, and there is yet another rumor about an affair which has led some people to assume the child is his, but damn there is a RUMOR about almost everybody making a baby with SOMEBODY in that town.
I will tell you that the baby is NOT Sherry Johnston's, I have no evidence to suggest that it is Track's, and the idea of incest having anything to do with Trig got me laughed at, so that is unlikely as well.
Why don't the people of Wasilla, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Juneau and every other town in Alaska step forward with the answer? If she was pg they would have seen it. Someone has to have snapshots they took when she was preggo.
ReplyDeleteI really don't care who gave birth to Trig but I do care if she's lying her azz off.
Someone in one of the villages has to have a picture taken during that time. Why not send out letters requesting them. She was the high profile beauty queen, there are pictures out there. Get her schedule and start tracing from there. Find out who was at that speech in Texas. Enough pictures and testimonies, from people that have no axe to grind, will persuade a lot of people about her deception.
Please we've got to make this nightmare go away!
Anonymous 8:54, thank you for that information.
ReplyDeleteI commend you for being so giving to those children. I have a great deal of admiration for those who adopt special needs children.
Believe me if I believed for one instant that Sarah Palin adopted Trig out of the goodness of her heart, and I saw that she treated him with care and kindness, I would be singing her praises from the mountaintops.
Wow, I wonder what motivated Sarah, ex governor/beauty pageant contestant/news reader/college student to bring up babygate yet again? Something must be bothering the private citizen. Something big.
ReplyDeleteShe's trying to get ahead of the story, and taking herself down in the process.
Keep up the good work!
Re the pictures of Mercede holding "Triggy Bear." How do we know that is the Down's Syndrome child everyone now knows as Trig?
ReplyDeleteI believe Gryphen made some cryptic comment a while back that could leave one to believe that there were three babies.
Bristol could have had a baby prior to Trip who was named Trig (Trig 1) and who she gave up for adoption or who, unfortunately, might have passed away.
I believe Gryphen or someone noted that the child in the Mercede "Triggy Bear" picture didn't look like Down's Syndrome.
I'm going with that baby is a different baby from the child now known as Trig.
Trig is a Palin - the question is, which one is responsible for his creation?
ReplyDeleteSarah flaunts him as a mascot for all to see - she may be his adoptive mother but he a possession to be used for her own personal agenda.
For all wanting detailed background information on the Palin "pregnancy" go to:
Audrey and her team of researchers did the most complete documentation on the subject I've seen. She was driven from writing the blog by Palinbots in August. What a tragedy. However, team mates Patrick & Kathleen & others have moved to help Regina on Palingates and are continuing Audrey's good work.
Palindeception blog has early pictures of Mercede, Levi & "Triggie." as well as many others. Please check it out. They have carefully researched and documented all their information. Nasty facts $carah!
Gryphen, I didn't mean to slight you at all in my previous comment. You're doing a fantastic job. Just wanted to share some additional resources.
ReplyDeleteI hope you know how very much you are appreciated! Thanks!
The ONLY problem I have with this is that I find it hard to believe that she is smart enough to figure it out.
ReplyDeleteI too am angry that it is assumed that all liberal abort DS babies. What a crock!
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me the most is the lack of glasses for poor Trig.
His eyes are not focused. If it is true he should be wearing glasses, where are they? Why would you carry a child around with out glasses if he needs them?
If it is true he should be wearing glasses, then he may have a condition known as accomative esotropia when the child has a vision problem and needs glasses to correct the vision.Permanent vision problems can occur unless the glasses are worn.
This is very different then lazy eye where the muscles are weak and the eye wanders.
Either way, I don't think Trig is seeing those people or crowds with the best vision that could be provided with a patch or the phantom glasses. I have seen a frontal picture of Trig where both eyes were turned inwards.
Perhaps she does not want a scene if Trig does not want to wear glasses?
I bet the McCain people tried to get her to prove that Trig was hers the minute they started to hear the rumors. Of course they would!!
ReplyDeleteSo, she didn't prove it to them either or we would know about it.
This would be an interesting question to ask a campaign staffer: did you try to disprove the rumors by asking her for proof?
anon 1:41 and others:
ReplyDeleteI also wondered about the actions of Trig on various occasions. It would seem that there is more than one DS baby either on the bus or being brought in at various times.
The baby most paraded about, doesn't seem to have the perceptions or physical abilities as the one who is shown running around and waving at the crowd.
Could there be two of them?
I wouldn't trust any birth certificate that Scarah produces about Trig...she's too much of a liar and fraud. It wouldn't be worth the paper its printed on.
ReplyDeleteOK-- How about a few simple possible scenarios:
ReplyDeleteBP is pregnant sometime in summer/fall 2007
BP gives birth to the child now called Trig (T1)&
SP hijacks him and fakes the pregnancy...
BP is pregnant sometime in summer/fall 2007 BUT
either she has an abortion OR for some reason the child does not survive OR she gives the child up for adoption..... BUT early in 2007, SP realizes that her shot at VP is more likely, so she adopts a baby, fakes the pregnancy..
a few months later..SP is indeed chosen as VP cand. and rumors about Trig's true parentage are swirling at the time of the GOP convention at the end of Aug. 08-- so the McC campaign announces that BP is 5 mos preggers-- so a baby must appear in December (or a "miscarriage").
well -- although we were told that a baby appeared in Dec. '08, we didn't see a baby until
February '09. So....
Perhaps--- SP had BP fake a pregnancy and another child was adopted to fill the spot of T2.
So mom and #1 daughter both fake pregnancies.. also too, mom and first dude are a couple for the cameras..... perhaps, this is also true for Levi and # 1 daughter, they are a couple for the cameras-- that's why SP insisted that LJ come and appear at the convention. When BO won the election, SP no longer had any use for LJ.
Also-2 I keep wondering how the Still Born birth certificate law is relevant here-- because we know SP pushed that bill for a reason. (She certainly was not concerned with many other really important Alaskan issues at the time.) So, perhaps, the certificate for a stillborn child will be used as a BC for T1 or T2 ??
anon at 8:18
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. The 'baby in blue' on Bree's blog a few days ago has very
different eyes than 'Trig prime'. They are focused and darker and sentient. Also, too, not crossed.
If the Trig pregnancy was twins, that would explain a very early delivery date and how it might be possible to present one of the Trigs as a 'newborn' (altho definitely not a preemie newborn) on April 18th.
Sorry I meant: BUT early in 2008(not '07), SP realizes....
ReplyDeleteconscious at last:
ReplyDeleteI have been a pediatric nurse for 25 years and just learned yesterday that Tri-G was a term used for trisomy 21. I have NEVER heard or used that term as a ped nurse, and have cared for many many DS children with leukemia over the years.
I am sickened, increduloius and appaled that Scarah named her child after his disorder! What kind of uber crazy mofo is she?
To top it off, I have just finished reading the book PUSH. In it, a 12 year old african american girl is repeatedly raped by her father and gets pregnant by him and at age 12 gives birth to a DS child. She names the baby "Little Mongo" (for mongoloid).
It seems that Sarah has the same thought processes and motivations as a 12 year old, emotionally and socially stunted , sexually sbused and terribly neglected black child from Harlem !(no disrespect mesant for the tragic child in the book).
This is unbelievable to me. I have often posted that SaArah is stuck in some earlier developmental level, but now there is confirmation of this fact.
Also ,too it is sure lucky for oher other kids that they did not have any other congenital anomalies.....there may have been Tay SAchs Palin, Cystic Fibrosis Palin, N-myc amplified neuroblastoma Palin.........SICK!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI also agree the boy in blue is not TriG. Course Grifter never SAID he was...but we all assume it is....
I thought maybe it is Tripp? He looks smaller waves in a controlled manner, is focused on the crowds, tongue is not lolling out his mouth, smaller than TriG, and head is smaller than TriG.
I did see where TriG was in the PJ's and waved (a first for me) but it was a very floppy poorly coordinated wave. I'm sure that is something they are working on in therapy.
The boy in blue was not TriG.
Couple of points, I'm sure they've been put out before.
ReplyDeleteAs to the person who said adoptive parents are put on the BC, yes you are correct, but their place of birth and date of birth do not change.
As for someone else giving birth on that day and her rushing back, I don't buy it , most DS children(for many reasons, especially feeding issues) are kept at least 6 or 7 days, many things need to be checked --heart issues etc.
As for Levi being the father, I just don't see him giving up a child, though I could see him loving any child his g/f had.
I still think that Trig IS tawds, but Tawd with another woman and she called and said enough--come and get this kid today and that was the rush, Sarah never got to finish her fake pregnancy.
That would account to Sarahs seemingly lack of maternal caring for Trig and also too Tawds following 3 steps behind.
Can you imagine if after she was selected that it came out that her husband had a baby born on the wrong side of the blanket???
Strange, isn't it, how SP and all her followers are so eager to see President Obama's "real" birth certificate, yet they can't/won't produce one for little Trig? If she indeed adopted the little guy (from whatever source), wouldn't that make her appear more noble to her followers? Just askin'.
ReplyDeletecomeonpeople @12:12 Yes, thank you for that- my point exactly-- new levels of crazy not imagined before--
ReplyDeleteBUT-- my other point is- let's try to turn this around on her! This is a cold, solid fact. Don't you think that GRYPHEN, BREE, PATRICK, REGINA, KATHLEEN, ANDREW SULLIVAN and others should emphasize it. It might just be the seemingly small point that turns on the light- big time. Once a larger audience realizes that there is something very wrong with SP's relationship to Trig, they (MSM) may finally be willing to break this fake pregnancy thing wide open.
Great post and I certainly agree that it's time to "plow right on through" and hold Palin accountable but I fear your suggested method of requesting Trig's birth certificate.
ReplyDeleteI'm at a loss for understanding why Sarah wouldn't have a fake birth certificate to go along with her fake pregnancy. She may hesitate to provide it as, I imagine, she would then have to get an AK official to validate it. But, heck, this is Sarah who has people covering for her up the wazoo.
Sarah was dubious of David Letterman's joke explanation and apology. She told Matt Lauer that Dave had several days to think it up. Well, she's had more than enough time, and possibly many willing and powerful associations, to produce fake pregnancy and birth records for Trig. Don't we need to ask for DNA?
ReplyDeleteI have fostered( medically fragile fostercare)many DS babies and toddlers, and children and even the little ones like to wear their glasses and will motion or reach for them upon waking, in fact, a good sign( as I have to "read" kiddos indications without background sometimes) that they are ready for a nap or bed is for them to take them off, but all liked them on during active periods of time. Sarah obviously is using passive/aggressive behavior aimed at this little one. I wonder if his birth mother worries about the (lack of) care he is receiving.
I concur "The boy in blue was not Trig."
ReplyDeleteYou would have had to be there to know the presentation or if it was vague. That may have been a trial balloon to see if a double would pass. A "Trig" for preforming with SP. There were no known high quality photos for that day. The restrictions are giving the propagandist more control of images. It was a perfect opportunity or a responsive "Trig." I think there was an article, also, that supported a new "Trig" image. Perhaps the fans are asking questions about Trig's care and therapy. She isn't interested in showing him in glasses or a hearing aid.
Th media, DS organizations, Mommy blogs or CPS have no interest in checking or reporting on Trig's treatments or well being and she can do whatever she wants with him.
Yes absolutely it needs to go viral that TRI-G was named for his disorder. I can not see how any sane thinking person would think this is OK. I told me husband who usually shies away from my problems with Palin about th Tri-g name and he actually lost the color in his face.He was incredulous also, too.
ReplyDelete"I’m getting sick and tired of that mythological meme that first arose during last year’s campaign about how liberals really wanted Palin to abort Trig."
ReplyDeleteThis argument makes no sense, because "we liberals" never believed Sarah was pregnant with Trig at all!!
"I also wondered about the actions of Trig...It would seem that there is more than one DS baby...The baby most paraded about, doesn't seem to have the perceptions or physical abilities as the one who is shown running around and waving at the crowd. Could there be two of them?"
ReplyDeleteThe one Sarah is always holding prop-fashion is cross-eyed and looks almost catatonic.
Just working through some ideas...is it possible that Bristol gave birth to a baby named Trig who passed away, Sarah thought she could pacify B's grief and up her political cred by adopting the DS baby now named Trig and letting B essentially raise him, but when B realized that wasn't gonna happen and the baby was just another prop for SP, she got knocked up with Trip. Doesn't explain the baby who doesn't look like Trig at the book signings, but am I at least getting warmer?
ReplyDeleteIn the picture above, she is smiling broadly, but at the crowd, not the baby. He is a prop. The one she bought when she realized the McCain campaign was looking for an "unknown christian antiabortion religious fanatic." Palin fit that bill. And in her christiandom way, bought a downs baby, threw her oldest child under a bus, made a mockery of being a parent and grandparent, and has "written" a piece of trash that makes day time soaps look tame. Yet, they flock to her like the chosen one.
ReplyDeleteI say, be careful what you wish for, Americans. Not good to elect someone less educated and stupider than yourself.
And by the way, would someone take proper care of that child named Trig? At least give him back to Bristol so he can stay in one place!
And which baby is the one in the cute pic on Todd's shoulders ?
ReplyDeleteCould 'Trig Prime' really balance well enough be perched up there ?
Did Todd bring 'The Other Trig' with him when he came down, if
there are in fact two ? I had a hard time believing the kid on Todd's
shoulders in that one pic was the same baby, too small for one thing.
And WAY too alert.
Could there be two of them?
ReplyDeleteYes. There are at least two. How is she explaining that? Or is she just letting fans make of it what they will?
When they do propaganda video, I betcha we see distant shots of engaged Trig and Sarah relating to crowds.
... looks almost catatonic.
ReplyDeleteHow is the law suit against Palin and the state to help institutional drugged children coming along?
Her own children are known for drug problems, she has all the signs of using drugs. It is too easy to control a child with drugs. And dear Trig on this long stressful trip is a shame. It is too easy for them to drug him.
So, lets think here. If TRI-G is named for Down Syndrome...
ReplyDeleteWhat is TRIPP named for?
Three Palins?
Trig was Tripp before he was Trig?
We need Dan Brown stat.
anon.@2:30: "Sarah Palin's apologists must choose between "not pregnant" and "insane disregard for an infant".
I hope you won't mind me using your succinct and powerful statement.
IMO, that "wild ride" and the repercussions of same is FAR more damaging than a fake pregnancy.
I remain hopeful that the MSM talks about SP's OWN words - once the public realizes how absurd and unbelievable sarah's OWN version IS - the quicker they will come to the only logical conclusion (NO pregnancy).
I can't get over the difference between a responsive waving TRIG and a lethargic doped up appearing Trig. Does Trig have a stand in Downs baby who looks like him? One Trig hits her face, and seems stiff and out of it, while the other is more relaxed.
ReplyDeletethey use doubles in Movies and T.V..
when Trigg gets a little older and heavier, are they going to outfit him with one of those harnesses that has a handle on the back so she can carry him like a lunch box??
ReplyDeleteJust askin!!
I believe Bristol is the one to give birth to Trig at the home of her Aunt & Uncle in Wasilla (hence no hospital recording of the birth), and it was Sarah who faked a pregnancy to cover up this fact and she ended up adopting Trig from Bristol to make him hers.