Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Sarah Palin takes credit for President Obama's Afghanistan "surge".

Three months ago, I joined a number of Americans in urging President Obama to provide the resources necessary to achieve our goals in Afghanistan. Tonight, I am glad he mostly heeded that advice.

At long last, President Obama decided to give his military commanders much of what they need to accomplish their mission in Afghanistan. In the end, he decided to endorse a “surge” for Afghanistan, applying the counterinsurgency principles of “clear, hold and build” that worked so well in Iraq. Given that he opposed the surge in Iraq, it is even more welcome that he now supports a surge in Afghanistan.

This approach means, as Senator John McCain has noted, that “We now have an opportunity to build a bipartisan consensus in support of a vital national security priority: defeating Al-Qaeda and its violent extremist allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and ensuring that these countries never again serve as bases for terrorist attacks against America and our allies.”

We should be clear, however, that fewer troops mean assuming more risk. Talk of an exit date also risks sending the wrong message. We should be in Afghanistan to win, not to set a timetable for withdrawal that signals a lack of resolve to our friends, and lets our enemies believe they can wait us out. As long as we’re in to win, and as long as troop level decisions are based on conditions on the ground and the advice of our military commanders, I support President Obama’s decision.

- Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is a deeply disturbed. megalomaniac who probably believes that the birds outside her window are singing just to her and that the voices inside her head are heavenly angels telling her how super special she is, you betcha.

President Obama certainly does not give two steaming shits what she thinks he should do in Afghanistan, or anyplace else. Palin's support in this country is getting smaller and crazier by the day, and the President has much more important things to do then swing by the mental asylum to ask how they think he is doing.

Obama opposed the surge in Iraq because he believed the war in that country was illegitimate. His feelings about Afghanistan are different and it is his opinion that we can make an important difference, and that we should make that difference.

As for the exit date, well that is a message to the Afghan people that in the near future America is going to let go of the back of their bike seat and they are going to have to start pedaling on their own.

It is also a message to the American people that someday soon we can stop dumping billions of dollars into foreign countries and start using those resources to help solve our problems here at home left behind by the LAST delusional Republican who believed God had chosen him and who damn near steered the ship of America over the edge of the world.

I don't agree with everything our President does, that is true. But the day he takes advice from a Rapture ready, Red Bull swilling, psychotic like Sarah Palin is the day I pack my bags and start driving toward Canada.

Free socialist health care here I come!


  1. I knew it. I knew it. I knew she would take credit for the President's decision. I want her to go away. Now. Forever. And if that does not happen, do you have room in your backseat for me? I'll bring the bottle of champagne and we'll celebrate Canada.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    There's a line from the George Lopez show that makes me think of Palin and this post, "Why does the sun rise each and every day? Because George is afraid of the dark"

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Thirty years ago, my former husband and I trekked (drove) north from CA, with the idea of moving to Canada. Instead we lived in WA for a few years, then decided to move to AK, where we have done well, prospered, raised children...etc.. NOW, I'm back to thinking about moving to Canada again. Not because of President Obama, who is intelligent, and thoughtful. It pains me that he had to make this Afghanistan decision, because I know it pains him too. It's Sarah and her cult who think war is groovy that makes me so "un-proud" of this country.


  5. I hope she is ready to send ole Tracker back for another 2-3 tours of actual combat duty. Let her worry about the REAL consequences of war.

  6. As a Canadian, (we have troops there too!) I welcome my American friends to the land of Social Democracy.
    C'mon over! You'll be happy you did!


  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I can just see Obama in the Oval office, scheduling meetings with generals, his cabinet, key advisors, senators, representatives. Then he turns to a secretary and says, "Quick, get me the latest Palin Face Book post; I can not make an important decision without the advise of someone who quit after serving half of her term of office."

    By the way, her devoted fans have to stop calling her Governor Palin. She is now a former governor who quit her job. She is not out there serving Alaska; she is only serving herself by raking in as much money as she can.

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Poor Sarah. She just can't stand to have the spotlight anywhere but on herself. What an a-hole.

  9. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Her facebook entry on this decision of the President just screams "look at ME". It is the bawling toddler that fears the loss of attention.

    Interesting that her earlier facebook entry whined about the "bizarre" aspects of her pregnancy with trig. Pyschology classes around the world must really relish this window into a delusional mind.

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    On Palingates, there has been some discussion about the nature and extent of Track's military career, thus far. This is worth examining very closely in light of Sarah Palin's chicken-hawk pronouncements. People there have noted that Track seems to have an unusual arrangement. Lots of leave, etc.

  11. Gasman7:13 AM

    Sarah Palin seems to feel if she crows before dawn that SHE is responsible for the sunrise.

    I’m sure that President Obama was profoundly humbled by Palin’s sage and gracious military advice and weighed it heavily over these last few weeks. Thank God that we have a selfless military genius like Palin who so graciously lends her opinion to her inferiors. Her mettle has been forged and hardened by those many weeks staring through her binoculars toward Russia while serving as Governor of Alaska and Supreme Commander of all of Alaska’s military forces.

    I hear that both the U.N. and the World Bank have been pleading with Palin to share her vast knowledge of diplomacy and international finance with those two bodies. Says U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, “We need Palin’s expertise and guiding hand to help us negotiate the complex geopolitical maze that awaits us in 2010. We don’t know what we would do without her. She is a saint. The USA must be very proud of her.”

    Sarah sure loves her surge. “Surge, baby, surge!” she seems to be saying. You could almost imagine her pelvic thrust as she typed - er, sorry - had one of her minions type the words.

    How does she find the time? What, with bailing out Obama in Afghanistan, keeping up with all the other domestic and international issues, and trying to juggle both bus AND plane schedules, it is simply amazing that she looks so darn good. This woman can do it all!

    We have truly been blessed to have such a leader as Sarah Palin! God bless our brave troops fighting for our right to speak conservative thoughts. And, Also.

    (cue choir singing “God Bless America”)

  12. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Well, this Sarah behavior certainly makes sense. For once, she is's not the first time she has taken credit for something she had nothing to do with--for example, birthing Trig--and now for the strategy forward in Afghanistan.

    And since Sarah and/or her minions read this site, I send this message:

    Golly, Sarah, it has got to be really painful to have Dick Cheney and William Kristol taking turns shoving their hands up your bum and making your mouth move, your fingers twitter and your eyes wink, blink, or whatever it is they do.

    You are (repeat, are) making your place in history. No doubt, you smile at the thought. Actually, Sarah sweetie, so do I. Because, I know that you will be remembered among the ranks of the ugly and disgusting.

    Consider: Your actions pretty much guarantee that your descendants will be ashamed to to admit that any of your DNA survives in them.
    Think I'm wrong? Are you really ready, willing and anxious to be hated by your own great grandchildren?

  13. Anonymous7:38 AM

    She flies closer and closer to the sun, and she will melt and fall down with a final splat...of steaming shit. In the meantime, I strongly endorse Gryphen's claim: Obama ain't listening to her, and fewer and fewer other people are. I suggest, to even more clearly put her crap of a book and arrogant self-image in perspective, that you read Hillary Clinton's Living History. A class act from a world-class mind and gracious personality.

  14. I'm waiting for the Obama took my send more troops idea whine...kind of like the he took my change candidate idea whine. Please, Sarah, unlike you, President Obama has his own ideas, can make his own decisions along with those much more qualified than Sarah and can choose his own words and actually put them together in a coherent sentence. I doubt he dialed the red phone, er white Alaska snow phone for any advice from you!

    This woman has no original thoughts. She simply parrots what some one has said(or steals completely out-of-context quotes). She snagged dithering from troll Cheney, change she stole from Obama and now what, she's using McCain's name in vain?!(I use McCain's name too but as an expletive, lol)

  15. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Health care in Canada is NOT free. The taxpayers foot the bill for themselves and for all low and non-taxpayers. Also, wealthy residents can and do go to other countries to get the level of care they feel entitled to.

    There is much to admire in the system that Canada has set up. But free it ain't.

  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Grandchildren,anon 7:20? I think it's pretty much a guarantee that at least two of her children will end up hating her.

  17. Anonymous7:55 AM

    In Sarah's twisted mind, being a Gold Star mother might be the equal of "birthing" a ds child, in terms of her ability to grift.

  18. laprofesora7:58 AM

    If you're reading this, "Scarah, you are a certifiable nutcase". I'm convinced that everyday she's digging a deeper hole for herself, showing how deeply disturbed she is. And BTW, Scarah, you're not looking too good lately; the wigs are looking pretty ragged and your make-up is getting thicker by the day. I fully expect she will slowly self-destruct. And if she doesn't, I'm off to Mexico, the weather's better than Canada (no disrespect to Canadiens).

  19. What irks me is the idea Palin has that the president is interested in anything a failed politician such as herself, McCain, and Chickenhawksh!t Cheney have to say on any topic. The fact that she has to do it on FB shows she is very immature because FB is a social network, not a national news outlet. I am so glad that President Obama ignored them and took his time before announcing his decision. It sends Palin, Cheney, McCain, and all of the rest of the media *hores a clear message that they don't count. Sometimes the best way to send a message to people like these vultures is not to respond. I don't like the troop increase, but I think I understand why it is needed. I love the exit strategy because it sends a clear message to Americans, the Afghan government, and the Pakistani government that we will not be there forever. I also like the idea of doing away with no-bid contracts from corporations that may be employed in Afghanistan and the emphasis on dealing with corruption in Afghanistan's government. I pray for all of the soldiers from all of the nations serving in Iraq and Afghanistan everyday, and I will continue to do so. I also pray for our president's safety and for God to help him solve the many problems he faces in trying to bring this country back from the brink of total financial and economic disaster.

    The fact that these fatheads attack President Obama as they do when they sat around on their big azzes and let W run the country into the ground for 8 years and were afraid to say anything against him makes me sick to my stomach. I'm glad I don't come into contact with them because when I got through telling them exactly what they could do and when/where to do it, they'd probably want to see me in prison for life.

    The "liberal" media has definitely failed to do its'job in informing the people of why these fatheads should be ignored.

    The only liberal media we have are the blogs like immoralminority. IMHO, this is the only way to find out what is really going on in this country.

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I thought Sarah was all for invading Russia last year? How did that go?

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:54 AM

    Gryphen I do agree with you, but there is a video on Bree's this morning and its so obvious she is campaigning....this is not JUST a book tour!
    I think she is doing it this way to circumvent Campaign laws, FEC filings, you know stuff than can trip her up, you betcha...if I didn't know her, I would merely think, ok so she is reliving the glory days of her Failed campaign, big deal...
    But its not that...SHE is ACTIVELY CAMPAIGNING and SHE needs to be exposed, babygate, housegate IRS WHATEVER...ASAP!!!

  22. Canadians would welcome any of you anytime.

    As a poster earlier on said, we do have troops in Afghanistan. We have had many deaths, including the first female soldier.

    Our government is getting us out in 2011, and I am glad for that. I think your president is a very wise man...and Sarah...please...he doesn't
    give you any space at all in his head.


  23. naughtymonkey10:41 AM

    Thank God that Palin's breeding years are over.
    Also, Gasman @ 7:13 A.M., your comment was a Hoot!

  24. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Good, Palin's now on record for supporting this warmongering insanity.

  25. Kathy in Blue Bell10:56 AM

    I am mostly a lurker but the idea of saying something directly to former governor Palin just tickles me:
    Former Governor, I am your age, I have a daughter who is about Bristol's age and a son who is Piper's age. I love my kids and work very hard to nurture and protect them. That is why your carelessness toward your children and Trig just breaks my heart. Kids need time and attention, they need to grow and discover and make their own mistakes in a protective private environment. Please reconsider your actions and what they have done and are doing to your kids and Trig. I would say this to you even if you had views I agree with. No amount of money is worth innocent kids sanity.



  27. sunnyjane12:14 PM

    Sarah, take a lesson. Sometimes people in leadership roles have to make tough decisions. The president didn't QUIT when it was his turn.

    Just go talk to the bowlers, collect your obscene fee and don't try to pretend that you know what you're talking about.

  28. Anonymous12:50 PM


    I believe the Right’s anthem of choice, while they wave their little flags on a stick (probably made in communist China), is Lee Greenwood’s “Proud to be an A-mur-i-kun.”

  29. Considering that she wrote a letter to her family from "Your Heavenly Father", Sarah believes she herself can speak for God. Rather than just telling her children that their brother will have special needs, she had to produce a drama with a letter from God.

  30. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Can't ya just hear Wile E. Coyote sayin' it:

    "Sarah Palin! SOOOOPER GENIUS!!"

  31. MacAndCheeseWiz6:12 PM

    President Obama's taken a lot of crap for things he has to try to finish. This is a war, and by it's very nature, there can be no winners.

    Typical Sarah nonsense, The Quitter takes credit for the decision, while at the same time denouces the dithering. I guess she'll be selling "mission accomplished" photos of her and Trig.

    I think Sarah, Mc Cain, and Dick Cheyney should go moose hunting together.


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