Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Celtic Diva got her e-mails! (Well sorta.)

FINALLY, after many, many months and many, many dollars (thanks internet donors!), the Diva has received several thousand e-mails to sift through for the holidays.

Since this is the Palin administration of course they are incomplete, but still she received quite a lot of information.

I know many of you have been very interested in when this request would be met, so just click the title and take a look at Linda's update, and perhaps give her a little cyber pat on the back for a job well done.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I donated happily to CD for these:-) For some reason I can't post on her site, but would be happy to help her sift through the emails if she scans them and turns them into PDFs or whatever. The more eyes on this stuff, the better.

    Just a thought.

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Yep, let's see if anyone gets caught trying to cover anything up....sometimes they just dig themselves deeper...let's hope this is the real thing.

  3. CGinWI8:38 AM

    I can't seem to figure out how to comment on Linda's site, either, so I hope you will pass along my congratulations to her.

    I respect her persistance so much, and her analytical ability. I look forward to her reports.

  4. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Josh Marshall at Talking Points memo always posts document dumps on his site so a group of people can go through them. Linda might be interested in contacting him for help in posting the documents to her site or his to speed up the review.

  5. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I have never been able to figure out how to comment on her site either..if she's reading these comments maybe she could give us some direction.

  6. naughtymonkey5:38 PM

    Ditto re: inability to figure out Linda's site. Glad she finally got the emails.


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