Sunday, December 06, 2009

Sarah Palin's stand up comedy career?

The former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate stopped in Washington to be the Republican speaker at the annual black-tie winter dinner of the Gridiron Club, the 124-year-old assemblage of veteran Washington reporters. She gamely appeared opposite Democratic Congressman Barney Frank, one of the capital’s funniest people.

Ms. Palin effusively described the big crowds at her appearances around the country to sign her best-selling memoir, “Going Rogue.” On her luxe bus, she added, “the view is so much better from inside the bus than under it,” a laugh-getting allusion to the attacks from embittered McCain campaign advisers. Ms. Palin said she’d even thought that the Gridiron Club might drop its tradition of having a speaker from each party so the McCain campaign could offer a rebuttal.

Yet “on my far left,” as she aptly put it, was the liberal Democrat Mr. Frank. At the other end of the dais, he looked stoic or even pained much of the time. But when Ms. Palin noted how busy she has been — with five kids, a book tour, running a huge state — Mr. Frank suddenly started and looked quizzical, seemingly wondering at her last item since she unexpectedly quit as governor last summer.

She wondered at “what might have been” if she had been elected vice president. Then she would be the one helping to sign bailout checks and Democrat Joseph R. Biden Jr., the once nearly bald former senator, might be the one on the road hawking a book—“Going Rogaine,” she suggested.

I like a good joke as well as the next person, and that was not a good joke, but I have to wonder if it is a good idea for somebody as notoriously thin skinned as Sarah Palin to be making fun of somebody's appearance.

I also have to wonder if she really has to SAY anything. After all if you are yourself a national joke, don't you just have to stand there to get the laughs?

That worked just fine on Saturday Night Live.


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    SHE is "the" Joke. And she doesn't "get" it.

  2. I'm sorry, I didn't get the part where she says "how busy she has been — with five kids, a book tour, running a huge state"... did I miss something, is she still running the state of Alaska???? How did that one get slipped in. She is such a liar. Sarah, take your own advice and stop makin' things up!

  3. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Maybe that's why she insists on being called Governor...maybe she has blocked the entire summer from her memory and (since she never showed up regularly for work anyway), she doesn't realize that she is not the Governor anymore. Would sort of make sense, in Sarah Palin's alternate reality.

  4. I agree LisaG! And what exactly does she do with raising her five kids? They are raising themselves. What a loon (no offense to loons).

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    You are so far off into the weeds its going to take the kind of search they launched for Amelia Earhardt to find you.

    Do you need "Newsweek". There's a featured article:

    "Why is Barney Frank So Effing Mad?"

    He stormed out of an interview asking him about how tough he planned to get on derivative trading he walked out. Make that "stormed out".

    Did you even know that? What might you have written about Palin if she pulled a stunt like that.

    Why is it that only the N.Y. Times and small-pond amateurs like you have a problem with that roast.

    USA Today:

    "Sarah Palin - Barney Frank smackdown: Lots of laughs, no low blows"

    The Christian Science Monitor:

    "Sarah Palin served up 11-1/2 minutes of gentle gibes aimed at Democrats, the media, the McCain campaign, and herself during an appearance at Saturday evening’s Gridiron12 dinner in Washington."

    Even Huffpo doesn't have a problem with the exchanges.


  6. She's an idiot.
    That's my problem.
    Has she repressed the fact that she quit being governor of Alaska???

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Right, why didn't the press make mention of the fact that she slipped and said that thing about running the state? These public figures presumably have their speeches checked and double-checked...I know, look who we're dealing with. But still, why let her make such a mistake - it's a very important detail!!!!

  8. I given up on MSM. They appear to be the devil's advocate. "If you not part of the solution you're part of the problem." I'm beginning to think they are part of the problem & we are on our own. Deja vous 60's. Without MSM Palin would be long gone. I simply can't listen to her. She is mean. Those are not clever jokes. Joe Biden is one of my favorites , hair jokes denegrate his role & she knows it. How can we make this stop?

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Going Rogaine? Wow, Sarah lives up to her mean girl reputation. 'Cept people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    I suspect Sarah is using Rogaine for women. If her hair hadn't thinned terribly, she wouldn't need to be wearing a wig on her bus tour.

    And I guess based on the Rogaine comment, Sarah's plastic surgery, Botox and mouth job is now fair game (oops, sorry that's "sexist" and we know how little Miss Sarah loves to play the sexism card).

    Here's a little joke for you. What do you call a middle-aged, wig-wearing woman shot up with Botox with a plastic surgery induced cyst near her ear (now covered up with a new style wig) in f. . .k me Naughty Monkey shoes? Pathetic.

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Stating on the record that she is still a sitting governor is very much in line with insisting that she be addressed as 'governor'. Its likely that moment by moment, she believes that she is.

    I had a family member who lost her grip on reality -- paranoid, narcissistic, magical thinking. This was a very smart, high-functioning person; but she lost her law practice and her license, and insisted she was still an attorney; her kids were taken away, but she insisted everyone acknowledge her as a wonderful mother; she stole, gambled, took drugs and lost her home, her friends -- every thing she had -- and could not see herself as anything but a success. When she needed money she represented herself to clients as an investment counselor. Yes, she's in prison, and deserves to be as a consequence of her actions. BUT! She is actively mentally disabled, and would never have made those choices if she hadn't lost the genetics war.

    So... I understand Palin. Just not the people who enable her. But you know what they say. If you have to ask why, the reason is money.

  11. Are you saying she actually showed up?

    Please tell me Frank followed her, not the other way around.

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Good grief! She is trying to dish it out, and she certainly can not take it. I does make sense that her sense of "humor" has to do with trying to humiliate another person. It has a cruel, sneering edge to it that I don't care for. I think her petty, mean remarks about John Bittney were supposed to strike a "funny" note in the book.

    I certainly hope her current "friends" take a warning that any little flaws they have will be ridiculed in the future, once their usefulness is over.

  13. Hey Gryphen , I realize this is your site, but I have a suggestion. It would be nice if everyone wasn't anonymous, it takes away from the bloggers ccmments.

  14. Anonymous3:35 PM

    $arah is certainly delusional and getting worse. Pretending to be happily married, pretending to be Trig's birth mother, pretending that she completed a term as governor, pretending to be a Christian. Levi's book will do her in and then we'll be rid of her. Maybe then she'll finally get the help she needs. I feel sorry for her.

  15. RE: 2:35 comment by Zane:

    I suggested the same thing, Zane, over at Palingates, as well as suggesting POLITELY that the newbies make ample use of the "search" feature for old stories instead of asking us regulars to, tell them details of things that have been discussed in microdetail over the past year or so.

    I was called "rude" and "snotty" by a couple of the newbies for daring to make those suggestions, so, watch out!


    Gryphen said, I like a good joke as well as the next person, and that was not a good joke, but I have to wonder if it is a good idea for somebody as notoriously thin skinned as Sarah Palin to be making fun of somebody's appearance.

    That wasn't the first time this year that Palin made fun of a high-ranking Democrat's appearance.

    She ridiculed John Kerry in that "break the rules" political speech on the military base back in June when she flew over to Kosovo on the state's dime just before she resigned.

  16. laprofesora4:26 PM

    Why feel sorry for her??? She's a grown woman, she's made her own choices, and she certainly has the resources to get all the help she needs with her mental illness. She chooses to be divisive, mean, and ignorant of the issues. And BTW, how is she raising five kids when one is in the army and one has her own kid??? She just cannot stop herself from lying.

  17. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Raises 5 kids? Back at work a few days after having a few of them? Her nannies, parents, sisters, family, from all accounts, I think raised those kids. Since Trig's birth, I can't imagine any kind of bonding between her and her precious child. Campaigning, then traveling, speaking engagements all over the country, then a book, book tour. Just how much "attention" did she give any of her kids.

    Sorry, but plopping a baby on one's knees while focusing all attention on others with cellphones, blackberries, interviewers, etc., is not quality time parenting. The child needs to know his mother is interested in him, and have many quiet alone times together. Being in the same room with a baby with constant interruption doesn't produce an enjoyable mother/child relationship. Am talking about strangers, colleagues, workers, ringing sounds, distraction.

    It's crazy her followers are so blind.

  18. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Palin defender at 12:44 - FYI. Here's how you spell it: "Earhart."

  19. MacAndCheeseWiz6:36 PM

    What? No appearance by Trig? No mention of Down Syndrone? Winkin Blinkin and Todd!
    I love that the Gridiron Club invited her, though- she doesn't realize she's been punked yet again! That's good satire.
    These people are way out of her league, they're laughing their asses off!

  20. Lisabeth7:47 PM

    CNN this morning said she did a great job and was funny. No mention of the Rogaine joke OR that she still thinks she's gov. Strange

  21. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Here's another joke for mean girl Sarah.

    What do you call a Holy Roller who got herself knocked up before marriage (and yes, I'm talking about you, sister Sarah, who gave birth to Track full term less than 9 months after marriage to God - sorry I mean, Todd)?

    (A) A slut; (b)a hypocrite; or (c) a slutty, hypocrite?

  22. How bout her gate crashing, trailer trash parents CRASHING the Gridiron dinner so she could seem brilliant in her response about no one should compare them to the "Salami's" who crashed the White House State Dinner. (Excuse me,that sounded like a $carah sentence)

    OMG What a clueless, classless person she is with an equally clueless, classless family. Does anyone think this was a "brilliant" move?

    How many parents of the other speakers & luminaries showed up to hear their kid's speeches? The more delusional she gets, the more she needs Daddy & Mommy? Can you imagine Chuckie Heath in the WH?


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