Monday, December 07, 2009

Saturday's Moore up North, December 5, 2009.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six


  1. Love your show Shannyn! Really thoughtful conversation and analysis ... About the anti-federal gov't bias of the teabaggers/Palinistas etc-- Since you've all explained the clear intellectual contradictions in this position, I believe that a more psychological approach might be helpful here. I think these folks don't want "BIG DADDY/MOMMY"(= FEDS) watching what they are doing because they are involved in activites which might be considered shameful or even illegal. These folks don't feel too good about themselves, but these feelings are so painful that they cover them over with all sorts of ideological and/or religious haze. If your family relationships are basically loving and healthy, you don't have to go screaming about FAMILY VALUES... you just shut up and do the best you can to take care of your family. If you are at peace with yourself about your sexuality, you don't go telling other people who to love or how to do it--- you just go about your own business trying to love others with respect. If you know how to control your own fertility, you don't try to tell others how to do it--- but if you feel guilty about your own actions-- you just might go projecting on all those other "baby-killers." I know some folks don't like to do the Psy 101 thing, but it is the only way that any of this makes sense to me. Also, too, it allows me to have some compassion for these folks, albeit, from a distance!

  2. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Beautifully said. I agree 100%! May I add that these people seem emotionally stunted at about, oh, 6 years old, and feel compelled to whine louder and louder until they're heard; they also feel entitled (since they're the center of the universe) to do whatever they want and point fingers at others to deflect their own "uncontrolled" behavior.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.