Saturday, December 19, 2009

The war on Christmas is real!


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Nothing showing up under your title, Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous7:05 AM

    When i saw Rudolph mounted and the pic not quite loaded, my first thought was Palin shot him. When it finished loading my thought confirmed. Any chance of her being stuffed and mounted and placed over a mantle?

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    What are the predictions for her Wasilla Sports Complex book signing on the 22nd? When she was VP candidate, and held an impromptu "town hall" in Anchorage, less than 200 people showed up.

  4. Anonymous8:58 AM

    OH, and Gryphen, don't forget to mention that Palin has been told to stay the hell away from the Canadian hospital fundraiser. It's a matter of pride ya know with us Canadians.

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I cannot believe the hate some people have this season. Some teabagger has a shotgun holding Jesus with a dead Santa and Rudolph.

    For some reason I cannot paste the link?

    What's even worse is that some are defending this guy!

  6. Sharon in Florida12:18 PM

    Every time I see a photo of Palin with a gun, I'm reminded of her saying something like "...we eat what we kill...". Can't remember where I read that but each time I'm also reminded of her fawning mentions of Fred Malek and the stories about him being arrested back in the late '50's -- along with other boys -- for skinning and roasting a dog in Peoria, IL. They killed it, they skinned it and they were roasting it. The dog was on the spit when the cops made the boys take them thru the park to their "campfire".

    Have to wonder if ol' Fred serves Palin dog when she's his guest.

  7. Anon @ 11:59
    Count me among those who will defend him. It is freaking absurd that people would call for law enforcement to come enforce their sense of what is appropriate. There are artists all over the country who make similar statements in their work, and who offend many in doing so. It is their right, just as it is people's right to feel offended. It's called Freedom. Get over it.

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Hey, Hoken how about a naked Jesus hanging by his teabags in front of the this school bus stop. Is that protected by your version of "freedom"?

  9. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Good ol Gryph has taken to censorship so the rest of you freaks don't see the hypocrisy ... way to go Gryph!

  10. Anonymous12:58 PM

    If right-thinking people and Christians are offended, that's fine. Draw a picture of Mohammed and these lefties will pack hunt you.

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    What has become of freedom for all religion? Our founding fathers were well aware of the danger if various religions start fighting one another.

    This is supposed to be a season of love and respect for all.

    Shooting Santa and Rudolph in front of a school bus stop is twisted from a person with deep seated hate in their heart.

    Maybe the neighbors should call an ecumenial collection of clergy to go talk to this guy.

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    And, say, an exhibition which encourages people to deface the Bible isn't from someone with a deep-seated hatred in their heart? No, that's ok apparently, but let someone try to do that with a Qur'an,

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Jesus with a shotgun is "defacing" the Bible and that is why folks are upset.

  14. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Don't try to explain it to them, 1:20. These people were born to hate everything that's different than them.

  15. Anonymous6:04 PM

    The gun nuts are out lookin to kill something. Anything.

  16. Anonymous7:11 PM

    As long as it screams and bleeds. Sheesh.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.