Thursday, January 14, 2010

Andrea Mitchell believed she had the skinny on Palin's plans for 2012. But are these Palin's sentiments today?

"I have been told she is out of politics period."

"She has had it and [is] out of politics."

"She is fed up with politics, she doesn't like her life, she needs to raise her family."

"She really does not want to run for higher office."

"She has told some of her biggest backers in the national Republican party that they are free to chose other candidates for 2012."

Update: Oops it looks like these are quotes from when Palin quit in 2009.

Well if Mitchell is wrong, does that mean Sullivan is right?

The Ailes launch of a new political-media party is being framed around Palin as a "reluctant to serve" outsider, a new Washington combined with Esther. Hence her resignation is a reason to support her! It proves that she was too pure, too Godly, to survive the worldly political corruption that infects everything in Satan's capital city, Washington. And that's why the elites will do everything to destroy her - not because they have some idea that a political leader should not be a congenital liar or ignorant of fifth grade history or any experience - but because they are on the side of Satan.

Forget the RNC, Michael Steele or John Boehner. Ignore Romney.The new RNC is FNC. Roger Ailes is creating a new political entity that could redefine the right in America for a generation, and if it gets to power, will make the two terms of George W. Bush look like a golden era. No one in the GOP can stop this. Because Ailes now has their entire base in his hands. What he frames they will believe. When McCain surrendered to Palin, it was his last - and unintended - blow to a sane or responsible conservatism.

Well as you guys are undoubtedly aware I do not put ANYTHING past Sarah Palin. But I have to give Ailes and Murdoch a little more credit. These two did not get where they are by making pedestrian mistakes, and putting Sarah out in front of an audience sans script, and then expecting her to appear MORE presidential seems ridiculous.

If they are really planning this incredible take over of the RNC it is unbelievable that they would pin their hopes on this woman. But if they are that stupid then the train wreck that is coming will just be that much more satisfying.


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    "She has told some of her biggest backers in the national Republican party that they are free to chose other candidates for 2012."

    Wasn't that generous of her? Wow, what a gal.

  2. Anonymous9:06 AM

    If we could only be this lucky!

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Sadly, that was back in July right after she quit her obligation to Alaska.

  4. CGinWI9:07 AM

    It's sort of unhelpful that Halperin gives absolutely no contect for those quotes.

    And "not running for office" does not equal "out of politics", unless you want to say that Karl Rove has been out of politics for years.

  5. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that these words (by Andrea Mitchell) were spoken shortly after Palin's resignation.
    I DO see that you reference a column from today, but I think Mithcell's comments are old - BEFORE Beck and Fuax puch her as the only hope to save the Country (barf). BEFORE Murdoch swooped her up and gave her the millions of bucks, the book deal, the faux gig.
    Her ego has to be re-charged - with the male hosts of faux drooling over her.

  6. indylindy9:17 AM

    Is this her way of getting her detractors to stop digging up dirt on her? Does she think all of her lies will not be exposed if she says she isn't running for political office ever again?

    I sure hope that doesn't happen. She will still be a huge threat to our country if she is allowed to spew her lies and nonsense on fox. She will be a female Rush or Glenn Beck and we don't need that.

  7. I believe this. Unfortunately, until she is discredited she can continue to pretend to harbor political intentions or influence the political landscape from afar. Evidence: death panel drama from her facebook post and the NY election.

    Just because she privately told people she is out does not mean she is free of her lies. And the media/republican ticket needs to be held accountable as well.

    So please tell me we're getting closer with babygate/housegate?

  8. mocha9:24 AM

    Right from Palin's mouth, I need to hear the words of William T. Sherman:

    "If drafted I will not run, nominated I will not accept and if elected I will not serve."

    She has to make it crystal clear she won't run. She's young. She could dally around on Fox, make money, dabble as a talking head like Hucka-chuckle and Giuliani for 15 years and still come back and run. Remember Nixon? Everyone said he was done back in 1960. Something needs to come out about her that she would never be able to "rear her head" again.

  9. I wonder what Sarah will say on The Oprah Show tomorrow, Friday Jan. 15th.

  10. Anonymous9:36 AM

    WHAT?! Not again! Why, Oprah, why?

  11. I followed dsmyre's link and it shows that Oprah has James Cameron and Lady Gaga on Friday.

    Did I miss something?

  12. hdtracy9:43 AM

    Gryphen - I was told those Andrea Mitchell quotes I provided in the previous post are dated from July 2009. Thanks for correcting that! My bad! :)

    However, I'm surprized Halperin didn't state that fact in his post today in order to clarify any potential confusion (like me thinking they were recent!)

  13. 10catsinMD9:46 AM

    I said it before, shwe want to be begged to come back. We're so sorry to say anything against you. Promise you lots of money and adoring fans.

  14. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She's not out of anything--raise her family, indeed--the kids raise themselves.

    Gryphen, I'm glad you caught that "reluctant candidate" bullshit, too, also, from the on screen banging she and Beck were involved in last night.

  15. Hmm.. Palin was listed as a guest on Oprah for Jan 15th but now her name has disappeared from the announcement. The comments below the announcement are mostly protesting Palin's appearance, so I didn't imagine it.

  16. Ailes and Murdoch know that Sarah is an idiot with severe mental problems. They know that they alone cannot reach any kind of political power so they are using Palin to get there. They OWN her Ass now.
    And since Palin is all about money, she is as easy as trailer trash.
    Kind of fun to see her being used since she has spent her entire life using people to get her way.
    What's equally funny is that her worshippers don't realize that they are supporting Murdoch's purpose at the expense of Sarah.
    Poor, poor trolls.

  17. I guess if I was slightly christian (and I'm not), I would think Roger Ailes was the anti-christ. I have much too much faith in the American people to think they would vote for anyone in a party like this. Right????

  18. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Since when has ANYONE (other than a bot) believed ANYTHING that came from her mouth? It is inconceivable to me that we are even having this discussion.

  19. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I looked at Oprah's site yesterday and she DOES (did?) have Palin as guest along with James Cameron and Lady Gaga. One can only guess at what angle there gonna be approached!

  20. "She needs to raise her family." Well, she does, but I haven't seen any sign that she's made them her focus since quitting. It's all been about plastic surgery and $$$$.

    As for Ailes, Murdoch and Co not backing an idiot: remember W? An idiot is exactly what they want. They could find a smart and articulate version of Sarah, with all the photogenic sex appeal and none of the dirty linen, but then they wouldn't be able to control her. Sarah is exactly what they want.

    They will back her until they see that she's a losing proposition, then they will dump her. Because you know that in their dark, twisted little hearts, they despise her as much as we do.

  21. It proves that she was too pure, too Godly, to survive the worldly political corruption that infects everything in Satan's capital city, Washington.

    Their criteria for "proof" isn't very rigorous. She'll have to start going to church every Sunday, and preferably every DAY if she's so "Godly".

    As for "pure" and "uncorrupted", just wait until the IRS and the FBI finish their investigations. And when someone finally has HAD IT with the Palins, and steps forward despite threats to blow open Babygate.

    Maybe Frank Bailey will be the one -- I was convinced when he backed off from writing his book that the Wasilla Mafia got to him.

  22. Lisabeth9:59 AM

    I think that they ARE smarter than that. If they could control Sarah, then maybe they would push her to be president. She would then be a puppet. But no one can control her- I mean come on, she's a head case. I think she will pretend she is a candidate as long as she can. That way she can still get lots of PAC money fron her fans. If she told the wackobots that she was not running, then the donations would dry up.

    I think probably part of Sarah wants to be president but a big part doesn't. She didn't like governing- even before the VP nomination she was having a hard time with that. Her huge pathologic ego wants the title though and she wants to beat President Obama. She would be a terrible president for SO many reasons and frankly I think she would hate it. It's not a glamouous job after the win. It's constant criticism from everyone and if she had one ounce of psychological insight, she would know she can't handle it. But she has no insight and she's bonkers so who knows what she will do.

    Anyhow Gryphen I really hope what you are saying is going to happen SOON. I can't take her much longer. What if we all have to listen to her psycho-whining for years? Can you give us a timeline? Days, weeks, months,
    It makes me sick that Fox gave a KNOWN, PROVEN pathologic liar on the air. She is terrible for our country and clearly they don't care at all about our country. She's a horrible horrible person who needs to be stopped. I hope everyone will google "boycott Fox" and join the movement to stop their negative and I feel anti-American propoganda. This IDIOT Sarah actually said on Beck that universal health care is " unconstitutional." Clearly she doesn't understand our constitution.

    Sorry for the length everyone. I am disgusted with her and the souless greedy people like her.

  23. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sarah leaked that Trig is two years old (teeth) and it's being said he was born in Dec 2007. Maybe Oprah will be a tearful confession (rape). If she wants to control the story she must get out first and leave bloggers and others in the dust. It will be worth a fortune and her second book a gold mine.

    Who knows how far gone Ailes and Murdoch are? They would love the ratings boost. I don't think the running for prez is taken serious by any but the most lunatic fringe. They may try to make her look like a news analyst, I doubt that is that important b/c what matters are ratings first. If they can morph that into prez they will, but it is win, win for them however it goes.

  24. Sullivan is right. Palin will be the "reluctant politician," and the public must BEG her to run "to save the Nation and the World."
    Then, Queen Esther, er Palin, will run - NOT really wanting it, but it will be her "duty" blah blah blah. Gotta "git in there and tell the Senate what to do to clean up evil Washington elite." Gotta have a gimmick I suppose.
    Won't work beyond her current base of "fans."

  25. Gryphen, I checked Oprah's site about 3 hours ago and Sarah Palin was indeed listed. Her name appeared first, followed by Cameron and Gaga.

    Another quit I suppose.

  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    WOW, I just looked at Oprah's site today and Palin is NOT mentioned as a guest for Friday's show.

    She definitely WAS listed on there yesterday, which made my head spin. hmmmm. Palin cancel?, Oprah's get a message from her better angels on the wisdom of providing any kind of air time to her name? Or was it some kind of staff glitch? Very curious.

  27. Gasman10:25 AM

    Murdoch very well may have aspirations at becoming a new political Svengali, but with Sarah Palin as his puppet? She is absolutely the dimmest bulb on the national stage in decades, maybe ever. Murdoch might as well have backed Joe the Plumber for POTUS.

    Sullivan is hyperventilating a wee bit too much on this one. It is not just liberals and Democrats that don’t want Palin to win, it is also about a solid 1/3 of the GOP and conservatism who would rather see a Democrat win than Palin. I mean real consistent conservatives who don’t conflate their punitive social conservatism with what has been the core of conservative values - keeping the government out of our lives. The Palinistas believe the opposite: they WANT an intrusive government when it comes to same sex marriages, abortion, or many end of life decisions, so long as it is their views which the government is imposing.

    FauxNews moves but a tiny fraction of the electorate. Palin on FNC is not a very convincing strategy. As Gryphen and others have pointed out, every time she appears on air she risks saying something incredibly stupid which will not help beyond the FauxNews acolytes. If she can’t reach beyond that imbecilic tribe of mental Lilliputians, she has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting nominated for, let alone winning an election for POTUS.

    Those who worship Palin are idiots, and few in number. They will NOT sway any election and they certainly will not propel Ailes and Murdoch forward as political kingmakers. These clowns are still operating on the very outdated political playbook that dictates “run to the right” and “inflame the idiot base.” Those tactics have not worked in the last two elections and they did not work in the latest special elections. If Ailes and Murdoch think they will still work, then they are more boneheaded than I suspected.

    Actually, I think their infatuation with Palin does involve a bone, just a more transient one. I think that both Ailes and Murdoch are smitten with Palin because she makes little Roger and Rupert stand up at attention anytime she is near. She is the teabaggers’ answer to Viagra. As with other conservative horn-dogs like Kristol and apparently McCain, the sight of Palin in a skirt is enough to make these men slobber and go absolutely ga-ga. This is not exactly the stuff of great political campaigns.

    Palin WILL auger in spectacularly, it is just a matter of where, when, and how.

  28. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Babygate, Housgate will not take this woman down now. We need a sextapegate or she will continue to roll. People understand that, even the ignorant ones that support Palin

  29. I went to the Oprah site that dsmyre links above - I did not see mention of Palin either, but if you read the comments, all of them seen to think Palin is apprearing (and the pee zoo mentioned it yesterday).
    Could not hurt to go there and let Oprah know what you think of her choice of such a toxic guest:

  30. A sex tape would just make old white men love her even more.

  31. anon 10:28 - I agree re babygate, but I believe housegate WOULD bring her down. The IRS and the DOJ do not care WHO she is - they are blind to her celebrity status and her naughty monkey shoes.

  32. Anonymous10:48 AM

    No. 4: Alaska

    From the Quitter's speech:
    "First things first: as Governor, I love my job and I love Alaska. It hurts to make this choice but I am doing what's best for Alaska.

    But I have given my reasons... no more "politics as usual" and I am taking my fight for what's right - for Alaska - in a new direction."

    So now maybe Alaska has a chance to change their DYSFUNCTIONALITY Score...

  33. Gasman is right. I married a life-long Conservative Republican. HIS circle of friends, by extension, are now MY friends too. Of all of them (approx. two dozen people), NONE of them voted for McCain because of Palin being a heartbeat away. Hubby and most of his friends voted for Obama - they were, and ARE, HORRIFIED about Palin and the hijacking of their once intelligent (if misguided, IMO) Party. And I DO mean HORRIFIED. Isn't it astounding how O'scarah and her ilk have managed to DIVIDE & DESTROY a major political Party? She makes Joe McCarthy look like an amateur.

  34. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I am going to say two word: Silvio Berlusconi. That guy is the very definition of corrupt politician, yet he wins reelection in Italy despite tangled finances, love affairs and enough stuff to make Watergate, Iran Contra and the Bush Administration look like amateurs. Babygate? That would never stop Silvio; he would brush it aside like a pesky fly.

    The warning is because Silvio Berlusconi rose to power by controlling major newpapers and TV. Then, he bought a soccer team (a really popular sport in Italy), and that winning team appears on his network. He has his hand in every other major business deal. He has even passed laws exempting himself from the law. (There must be an Italian word for Chutzpah, gigantic nerve).

    So, Murdoch, who is not a looker has picked a pretty empty vessel, and he controls more media than Berlusconi. As much as Sarah says that she is not interested in politics, she in on Fox talking about politics. She wants to be drafted so she doesn't have to go through the hard work of campaigning.

    The good news is that before the tragedy in Haiti, Rachel devoted a part of her program to fact checking Sarah's appearance on Fox. Sarah tried to dismiss the claims that she thought Saddam caused 9/11. Oh no, she was only asking IF he could have...and Steve Schmidt supplied some history (I wish I had been paying more attention at the time).

    What Rachel showed us was the speech Sarah gave at Track's deployment, a day after Schmidt set Sarah straight about Iraq. Steve's history lesson didn't get through Sarah's thick puffed up hairdo. The following day, she praised Track's unit for going to Iraq to settle the score for the damage they did on 9/11.

    We can only hope that Keith, Rachel, Jon, Dave and anyone one else will continue to hold her accountable and show Sarah for the dim bulb she really is. She's not done with politics; she's just warming up.

  35. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Don't forget, the Paylins have had an open marriage since almost its inception. "Who's zooming who" has never been very important to him. I hadn't heard about Willow and her friends partying at and vandalizing one of Todd's girlfriends' houses, though - someone at Palingates said this happened a while back. Barb Dwyer from Alaska said she had heard through the grapevine that the other kids confessed but Willow lawyered up. Imagine the confusion and anger those kids must feel, growing up with parents who are living so out of synch with what (and who) they really want. Quite sad.

  36. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Just watched the clip of Sarah and Glen on Sully's site that you linked to. Talk about a yawn! Is Beck always that boring? I think they both forgot to prep for the interview; neither had anything to say.

  37. kdusmdd11:26 AM

    Gryphen...AGAIN, I plea....Please give us a timeline when we may expect the TAKE DOWN of PALIN.

  38. Anonymous11:46 AM

    re: Oprah tomorrow
    I, too.. saw her listed earlier today. Now she is not.

    I even went to this google link:

    Oprah Fridays Live with Sarah Palin, James Cameron and Lady Gaga
    ... films of all time—James Cameron is here! Plus, Sarah Palin and pop sensation Lady Gaga makes her Oprah Show debut. Tune in on 01/15 to watch this show ...

    The link takes you to the Friday show on and says:

    Tune In
    He's the creative genius behind the two biggest grossing films of all time—James Cameron is here! Plus, pop sensation Lady Gaga makes her Oprah Show debut.
    Tune in on 01/15 to watch this show

    Is Palin already cracking?
    She did Bill O. and sat through Glenn yesterday.. Oprah on Friday.. ooops too much too soon..

    and yes, the comments are flaming (against Palin)

  39. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I'm glad Palin will not be appearing on Oprah tomorrow, but I'd be interested in knowing WHY she was booked in the first place. (To defend herself against allegations about her in "Game Change," or to preen about her new role on FauxNews?) Either reason is bogus. Then I'd like to know what caused the change--Oprah dissing her, or Palin chickening out? Most likely the latter, although I cannot understand why Oprah would offer her a platform once again.

  40. That is very reassuring, ella. Thanks for telling the story.

  41. Obama won by a landslide: very few people who voted for him will EVER vote for Palin.

    Palin was listed to be on Oprah before her Fox appointment was announced. I don't know if she is still going to be on Oprah on Friday, but I don't see why Oprah would give Palin any air time now that she's officially going to be competition. Also, now that she's competition, Oprah might not be quite so cautious about protecting Palin's little sensitivities. That would be very entertaining.

  42. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Go to Bree Palin's site for the most likely reason that Palin will not appear on Oprah's show tomorrow. Someone's ruinin' Buttercup's really big week.

  43. Didn't the power boys have their meeting in the Bohemenian Grove in CA every July?

    Does anyone really think after the GW Bush debacle that the power boys would place another Bible pounder at the top of the ticket? Who would take the place of Dick Cheney as VP or would Dick run again?

  44. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Gryph, is your bombshell the Enquirer's story about Willow getting caught and arrested for underage partying at a friend's house? Saw this at Bree Palin's site a few moments ago. Is this the reason she pulled out of Oprah for tomorrow, because this story just broke and she will not want to face any questions about this? Wonder how they'll reconstruct this on Faux. They'll probably just pretend it didn't happen.
    Now I understand the complete look of poutrage on Willow's face during the book tour. My guess is that she was not ALLOWED to remain home because of bad behavior and was forced to stay within Sarah and Todd's sight.

  45. nancydrew12:08 PM

    It doesn't matter what damning information is brought to the "we love our Sarah" crowd. This woman is a mythology they will not allow to be rewritten. The right wing airwaves is where these people live on forever--Ollie North, G. Gordon Liddy, et al. Her appearance is the thing that gives her a second act and as she ages and hotflashes, you may see less of her but she's not going away.

  46. Gasman12:24 PM

    I'd like to think that Oprah had more substance. The most charitable thing that I could say about booking Palin to appear is that Oprah is merely giving Palin plenty of rope. I don't think that Oprah is willing to open up the big ol' can o' whoopass that Palin deserves, but if she makes a fool of herself and spouts more easily disproved lies, I guess that would be the next best thing.

  47. Say NO to Palin in Politics12:39 PM

    I'm going to post this on several blogs, please lets get the word out on Murdoch.

    If you'd like some insider information on Fear and Unbalanced News(Fox News) watch this video. It's very interesting and very concerning.

    I read that only Fear News and Murdoch owned media will be allowed at the Tea Bagger convention.

    Isn't that rather unbalanced and unfair? We can call and email Fear News, the convention and the other networks about how unacceptable this is. We can force these organizations for open press coverage of the whackos.

  48. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Oprah, oprah, oprah, will you never learn?

    Palin is what she is, a pathological liar, as devious as they make them.

  49. Anonymous4:05 PM

    @nancydrew - The thing about myth is the encumbant images must resonate to be viable; soon, the Palin narrative will be replaced by something else for the hard Right. Another woman will come through the ranks--younger, perhaps, as they need a "goddess" figure for their "starburst" moments. They, as a party, need revivification, but Palin, as a myth image, cannot do that anymore. For example, you don't read about Rich Lowry still having starbursts in 2010, do you?

  50. HollyP4:38 PM

    I've been wondering for a while, with no basis in anything but the air between my ears, if Murdoch is stringing Palin along so he can get some other candidate in under the radar while we're all watching the Granny Grifter show. There is no way he's so stupid he'd believe she could manage to be a puppet. She's too uncontrollable.

    Sort of like Agatha Christie's ABC Mystery, where a prominent person (really a lookalike) would be present during the commission of a crime to distract the attention of witnesses from the crime.

  51. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I can't imagine that the train wreck of which Gryphen speaks is the fact that yet another of Sarah Palin's children is out of control and into rebellion - probably mostly against her! I think it is more. What say you, Mr. Gryphmeister?

  52. Mac And Cheese Wiz6:02 PM

    Sullivan's right, she'll try to pull an "Evita", but would have to google it first on her blackberry.

  53. The only things that will stop her are an orange jumpsuit and a long prison term in a Federal prison or her complete and total mental breakdown & lock up in a mental ward.

    Let it happen soon. She's covered with teflon - like her idol RR was and it will take much more than poorly behaving children to take her down. I'm heartbroken over what GG & Turd are doing to those poor unloved kids. CPS needs to step in and remove them all. Levi - go for full custody!

  54. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Also too...there...also...too.

  55. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She hasn't given up her aspirations. She said as much, doesn't know what the future will bring.

    Hopefully an orange suit.


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