Below is the e-mail sent out to the supporters of Tea Party nation.
A message to all members of Tea Party Nation Setting The Record Straight by Sherry Phillips
Judson and I have stayed silent in the face of intense media scrutiny and attacks by former members. As a wife and a mother, I have stood by my husband and family and stayed strong in the face of many baseless accusations and criticism. We have refrained from responding to many of the attacks that have been thrown at us from other "Tea Party" groups, in the belief we did not want to spread the divisions that are already hurting this movement even though that does not seem to be the consideration of some others involved in this movement.
Because of the many TPN members' requests and encouragement, I have decided to provide comment about Tea Party Nation and the National Tea Party Convention. We will stay silent no longer. I hope my comments and the issues I deal with in this note will provide some clarity.
American Liberty Alliance - Eric Odom's American Liberty Alliance is a for profit company that takes donations. We agreed to a sponsorship exchange where ALA would be a gold sponsor of the convention and we would be a gold sponsor of the Tax Day Tea Party. Shortly after agreeing to this exchange, Eric emailed Judson and me privately saying he was supportive of us and this convention and did not want to pull out, because he thinks this convention is going to be a huge success; however, some his "influential supporters" were not happy about ALA's participation in the convention and asked Eric to withdraw.
American Majority - After stating in the beginning they wanted to co-sponsor the convention, they never answered repeated emails sent asking them for confirmation of their attendance. They did not promote the convention and did not put the convention on their calendar. In fact Ned Ryun spent 5 minutes in an interview on Fox News talking about the Tea Party movement and did not mention the convention at all. Meanwhile, another training organization contacted us asking if they could become a sponsor and if they could do a breakout session. We gladly accepted and gave them American Majority's spots. On January 6, Ned's assistant sent an email stating she was making travel arrangements for them to come and participate in the convention and asked when did we have their breakouts scheduled. I told her because of their non-response, we gave American Majority's slots to this other organization. They then requested that their logo be removed from the Convention website. We complied with their request.
Tea Party Express - This group has been very supportive of us. They intended to do a small tour, culminating in an event Saturday afternoon prior to the banquet. Because of their efforts in the Scott Brown race and their intent to go after Harry Reid in Nevada, they simply cannot make the trip. We received a very nice email from them explaining their actions and restating their invitation to join them when they kick off their next tour in March. We will be there. We fully support their endeavors as they open their next tour in Nevada this spring.
Campaign for Liberty - We actively sought out Campaign for Liberty as a sponsor of this convention. We were contacted several weeks ago by the TN Director for CFL who wanted to co-sponsor the convention and I put him in touch with our Sponsorship Chair. We have not heard anything from them since.
Former Tea Party Nation Members - Several former members were unanimously banned from our site for reasons running the gamut from antagonism to passing on confidential information. These members have been blogging, as well as discussing their association with liberal media outlets and conspiring with each other to, "Take TPN and this convention down". In one of their more egregious statements a former member wrote that Judson stated, "I want to make a million dollars from this movement." Judson has never made this statement. He has stated on numerous occasions that he would like TPN to have a million members all fighting for the cause of conservatism!
Bill Hemrick - Mr. Hemrick made a business loan to Tea Party Nation at a commercial interest rate. This loan has been paid back in full. That is the full extent of any relationship we have had with Mr. Hemrick.
Congressmen Bachmann and Blackburn - Both Congresswomen have large targets on their backs and are rightfully concerned about backlash they will receive from the left-leaning Democrat controlled House Ethics Committee. Because of the complexity of the Ethics Code regarding House Representatives, we have no doubt the Democrats would have found something in that code to cause them problems once the convention was over. We were also informed by Rep. Bachmann that both were being told two different things by the House Ethics Committee in regard to their participation. This of course sent up red flags to everyone involved. We do not blame either Congressman for their decision to withdraw from the convention and maintain a strong relationship with them both.
Tea Party Nation - Last February after Judson held one of the first tea parties in the country in downtown Nashville, he came up with the idea for a social networking site for conservatives. Judson and I created Tea Party Nation. We formed the corporation. We financed the corporation. We bought the domain name, we purchased the servers and we pay for the monthly expenses. We are a C-Corp and do not accept donations. Tea Party Nation charges nothing to be a member and is run entirely by volunteers. Recently, we have been able to start charging for advertising on the site to help defray the costs of running the site. As TPN has stated since its formation, we are not a non-profit. We prefer to offer free membership to conservative patriots so they may participate in the political process of restoring this nation to its founding principles without financial burdens, hardships or roadblocks to prevent their participation. Members are then able to choose their own way to spend their money without any involvement from TPN. PayPal Account - We are using a business PayPal account for the convention. An email address is required to notify a contact when payment is received and we are using my TPN email account at as that notification email address. All money in that account is transferred directly into the TPN business bank account. We fully expect to break even during this event. We may even make a few thousand dollars to cover local operating costs of TPN. We have made the best of a tight budget and scaled back the price of attending this convention as much as we could without putting TPN into bankruptcy. The convention is sold out and we have a waiting list of over five hundred people. We never did this to make us rich or famous. Quite the contrary, we are patriots who love our country, our members and the people who are coming to Nashville to attend this great event.
For all of you who will be attending, we look forward to meeting you this upcoming week and we thank everyone for the support and patriotism in this fight against liberalism. God bless you all and I thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
I guess this e-mail was supposed to"clear up" or "explain" how the things that went wrong were not the fault of Tea Party Nation. However after reading through this e-mail it is pretty clear that the plans for this convention were poorly handled by almost EVERYBODY involved. And certainly Judson and Sherry Phillips must shoulder the lion's share of the blame.
And sending out a defensive e-mail, essentially throwing everybody who criticized them under the bus, is certainly not going to put the minds of those who already purchased tickets at ease.
No wonder Michele Bachman and Marsha Blackburn ran for the exit door. Only a crazy person would continue to associate with this rapidly deteriorating convention.

Personally I cannot think of a more deserving person to serve as the anchor for this sinking ship.
Bon Voyage, Sarah.
The "tea party" movement, as pointed out by Rachel Maddow, is funded by Dick Armey & his legion of corporate cronies (Freedom Works)...
ReplyDeleteIt is rather sad that these people who are the "teabaggers" don't even realize they are being duped into their own suppression for the interests of still more corporate greed.
Keep up the great work you are doing here.
Have you been able to find the money Sarah funneled into PieSpy LLC and BSMP LLC ?
Wow, these guys at The Week nailed it:
ReplyDeletePalin's the scammer: Unquestionably, the Tea Party Convention is all about making a profit, says liberal blog Prairie Weather. But don't think that "taking a lot of money out of the pockets of populist supporters" will "faze Sarah Palin." Sorry, but "this is what happens when political opportunists" like Palin "take over" a "loosely structured, loud, and naive" political movement "largely made up of people who proudly reject fact and reality."
So what's on the menu besides Crow and P-tart ?
ReplyDeleteDo you suppose Paylin can still make this face after all the plastic surgery?
ReplyDeleteSounds like trouble in paradise. I can't keep up with all the groups. Lots of swagger w/o any real commitment.
I still believe they will either cancel the whole event, and still have to pay Palin. or Palin will wait until the very last minute and send a sub when it's too late for people who've paid to cancel out. People will be livid they were duped and Palin will get paid anyway.
ReplyDelete"We never did this to make us rich or famous. Quite the contrary, we are patriots who love our country, our members and the people who are coming to Nashville to attend this great event."
ReplyDeleteRead: "We saw an opportunity to part ignorant people from their cash in hopes of listening to a whiny imbecile who doesn't give a rat's ass about them as long as she--and we--can make big buckaroos and get some press. In the librul media."
Yeah--right. Michelle Bachmann who basically called for the overthrow of the government is worried about the Ethics Committee. She ran away because she knew they were all going down. Only, for the first time in her life she might actually have done something smart.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, these people will never get together because the teabaggers are NOT a part of a grass roots movement. This "movement" was manufactured by FOX News and funded initially by them too. So basically you have a disparate group of haters, hating on different things. But mostly they hate a POTUS who is just a bit too brown for their comfort level. And that's it.
They can whine about this and that but when the country was going to hell under Bush---crickets.
So they can cannibalize each other as far as I'm concerned. But I hope they devour Sarah first as a tough and leathery appetizer.
I just LOVE that photo of Scarah granny quitter.
Oh those Rethuglicons and Tea Partiers, letting others take the blame, as usual.
ReplyDeleteAnd did Bachmann and Blackburn undergo sex change operations? Congressmen?
Oh. My. Gawd. Drama, drama, drama. Why would anyone choose to be associated with this mess?
ReplyDeleteThe teabaggers will never go away. (And they should NOT be referred to as the Tea Party). They are firmly entrenched in the Republican party and their claws can never been released.
ReplyDeleteCould this be why the Republican leadership is forming another party? The American Action Network. To distance themselves from the Talibangelicals and Teabagging nutjobs?
Will O'Palin cancel, or will the teabaggers cancel?
ReplyDeleteAnyone know what the bookmakers in Vegas are saying?
After teagagging in Nashville, it looks like $arah's off to New York.
ReplyDeletePalin to appear on Fox News Sunday; first Sunday show sit-down
During the 2008 race, while Obama, Biden and McCain made the Sunday show rounds, Sarah Palin skipped what had once been an obligatory stop for national candidates. And since then, she still hasn't appeared on a Sunday public affairs show.
But that changes next week. Palin, now an employee of Fox News, will appear on Fox News Sunday.
Host Chris Wallace said that Palin will be next Sunday's "special guest," mentioning that she's speaking at the upcoming tea party convention. From that description, it sounds like Palin will be on more in the role of political figure than pundit.
Such an appearance raises the question of whether Palin's now a potential candidate gunning for future national office or Fox politcal analyst and best-selling author. Perhaps its somewhere in between.
Anybody else notice that the one thing the email does not "defend" is Palin's speaking fee? It's one of the biggest issues with the "convention" and yet not one mention whatsoever? Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteThe last couple lines of your comments made me pee my pants; luckily I didn't have a mouth full of water, too. Please stop it!
Anon@ 8:36 & :39
ReplyDeleteI hope you have time to rub the smirk off your stupid face...earlier this morning I noted a another anon commenter telling us how he works for a FEDERAL agency that is very interested in Sister $arah, and he has a friend in another FEDERAL agency also interested...! And after her FEC filing, financing her "book tour" by her PAC, I wouldn't be so smug, FEC & IRS and whoever else regulates that will be all over her.
Shit is going to hit $arah's fan, just sayin'....!
Or are you going to make a mandation???? hahahahahahaha!
Sherry opens her credentials as a wife and mother who stands by her husband and family. . .that's all it takes to satisfy teabaggers.
ReplyDeleteSarah and the movements effort to pass along a sense of female empowerment through nuptials and breeding is sickening - I don't need to shove my husband and kids in everyone's faces in order to be taken seriousle as a real American patriot.
I still don't understand why Sarah held the government and public responsible for her pro-family work lifestyle, no one pressed her to campaign for jobs that required her to move or work 7-12 hour work days and business trips away frm her family. Instead, she tailored the People's Office to her own awkward kiddie-kare facade.
But then we all know she does it to protect herself from public criticism and real world accountability. You can't boo me in front of my 7 year old, my old pa, my bible beatin ma, my dang protective dude and DS child!
If Fox News pundits were able to call it like they see it for real, Sarah would be crying in the corner for being revealed as such a sham.
Oh, Mickey White, I feel sorry for you having Blackburn. She is a whackjob for sure.
ReplyDeleteI live in Nashville and have Cooper. (thanfully).
Blackburn & Bachmann didn't back out over ethics. Look at all the horrible, crazy, insane things that constantly come from both of them in words & deeds. They probably backed out because they can't get paid for it being Congresswomen. Palin is going to steal their limelight AND make big bucks.
If the tea baggers back out, I can say for sure, Opryland will NOT refund any money they have had to put down for an advance payment. The Gaylord Enterprise that owns Opryland are incredibly greedy. One reason their amusement park shut down is because they were employing Mexicans and treating them horribly. They paid them very, very little money, then charged them top dollar to stay in flea infested motels. It was quite the scandel for a while.
Anybody who has worked for Opryland on an entry level position usually doesn't last very long unless they're in good with someone there or they know somebody. There are plenty of other places in Nashville that could have handled this convention for a lot less money.
The pressure is on $arah now. For her it's do or die. LOL!
And that is quite the spin from the Philips, I must say. I doubt a word of it is true.
Sarah is salivating after the Tea Baggers........she wants to be their politician of preference. Now, if she gets Tea Baggers behind her...she's hoping to sail to nomination.
ReplyDeleteIf we think like Sarah....she's trying to build her empire. Good luck with that.
It's because they have been engaging in excessive mandation.
ReplyDeleteI am so tired of people saying Sarah won't profit from the 100K becasue she'll donate it.
ReplyDeleteShe will then deduct the 100K from her income tax for a couple of years and so will still profit by 100K.
That's how rich people have their cake and eat it also too.
aka...Rocky in Texas said...
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin taking over $100,000.00
from the teabaggers and giving it to...
John McLame!!
Gotta love it!!
Sarah will promote car wash openings, Teabaggers, North Korea or South Korea, Pres Obama or liquor conventions (the beverage of choice of the Palin kids)... does not matter as long as they can write a check with six 0's on it.
ReplyDeleteBefore you support all your pet projects.... Where is my quarterly report from the Alaska Fund Trust?
ReplyDelete"And sending out a defensive e-mail, essentially throwing everybody who criticized them under the bus, is certainly not going to put the minds of those who already purchased tickets at ease."
ReplyDeleteMaybe they're just following the example of their idol, point-and-blame Whine Queen Sarah Palin, who also leaves tire tracks over anyone who dares to have an opinion differing from hers.
cuckoo birds of a feather!
Oh, my...another dumbass who can't write or do research.
ReplyDeleteCongressMEN? I do believe that Bachmann and Blackburn are congressWOMEN. At least they were the last time I saw their ugly faces.
In addition, so much for the "Democrat (sic) controlled House Ethics Committee." The House Ethics Committee is comprised of FIVE Republicans and FIVE Democrats. How is that "control?" Look it up.