Monday, January 25, 2010

For those of you who have been asking about Celtic Diva's progress on Palin's e-mails just click here.

Here is a taste.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    So Linda received nothing? What a joke. It's going to take some lawsuits or this is all just going to be forgotten.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    No matter what anyone says, Alaska is, and will always be, one of the most corrupt States in America.

  3. Anonymous8:43 AM

    O/T Levi's attorney is coming up on MSNBC.

  4. Why is this not surprising?

  5. Say NO to Palin in Politics2:35 PM

    You notice paranoid and probably ticked off Scarah started the whole email thread seeking help on a strategy, lol.

    Heck, I'll have to go back to see what the heck she was all bent out of shape over.

  6. Say NO to Palin in Politics2:38 PM

    It's also interesting to watch the names change and who gets dropped in being copied to as the more finalized strategy comes forth.

  7. Say NO to Palin in Politics2:48 PM

    and wow, Mr. Bill sent one @ 12:35 without copying to the gov, hmmm, I wonder if that got him in trouble with control freak Scarah.

    And then the next email sent out by Scarah (she wrote it) used Eddy Burke in the subject line.

    lol, yeah, I'm sure there was nothing in that email about Eddy Burke.

  8. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I don't get what that is a taste of.

    Anyway, Diva, is hogging the information she received. Yeah she made the requesst, but she paid for it by soliciting donations. How much of her own money did she donate?
    Anyway, that's not really the point.
    I'd like to see her release everything she received in electronic form so we can all give it a once over. At least the people who paid for them should receive them.

    She can still do her review and give her 'analysis' but other people who want to should be able to do their own analysis, also.

  9. Anonymous3:24 PM

    WTF? "Executive privilege"? Hey, government employees work for us, not the other way around. If I understand the subject, they are emailing each other on how to spin some story, not discussing national security. Paranoid much?

    Probably the people (most of whom I do not recognize) that are included (or excluded) tell a more interesting story that the emails themselves, but come on!

    I would like to see Linda hold another fundraiser and use the money to pay someone inside the system (that can be trusted to tell the truth) to read the unedited emails and give a thumbnail summary of what all the hoopala is about.

    Good grief. Are we going to have to wait until Parnell is out the door to have some kind of government transparency??

  10. Amazing. The biggest idiot in the world continues to get away with her unethical behavior while GINO and her putting Alaska on the bottom of the heap of her priorities--not to mention her stupidity, ignorance, and deluded sense of self.

    I trust that Celtic Diva will make those emails available and that she will follow up and through with this travesty.


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