Monday, January 25, 2010

Villagers prepare celebration for launch of 2010 census in Noorvik Alaska. Also on high alert to repel possible attack from Michele Bachmann.

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The U.S. Census Bureau is launching its 2010 count of the nation's residents in a remote Alaska village.

Census Bureau Director Robert Groves is flying to Noorvik in northwest Alaska on Monday to count the first household in the Inupiat Eskimo community of 650. Groves and other arriving officials are scheduled to be taken to the village school by sled dog teams driven by schoolchildren.

The first to be counted will be Clifton Jackson, a World War II veteran and the oldest resident, according to residents.

Villagers have prepared a day of festivities at the school to welcome Groves and other visiting federal, state and tribal officials. The residents plan to hold traditional dances, an Inupiat fashion show and a feast of subsistence foods including moose and caribou.

The school also will serve as lodging for Groves and most of the 50 visitors, who will bunk down in empty classrooms.

Census workers and trained locals are expected to take a week to interview the rest of Noorvik's residents, using the same 10-question forms to be mailed to most households on March 15. Census workers also will visit 217 other rural Alaska communities in the coming weeks. (Click title to read entire Washington Post article.)

Oh the poor simply people of Noorvik Alaska! Apparently they are completely unaware of the danger they have just put themselves in by allowing these so-called "census takers" to come to their village.

For one thing WHY does our government need to know we exist? I mean who needs to track population growth, get more money allocated for local schools, and determine if more money is needed to house those living in poverty? No wait that sounds kind of reasonable.

Well what if Alaska attacks America? Then these villagers could find themselves placed in internment camps just like the Japanese during World War 2. Wait, what?

Here maybe Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann can explain it better.

Wow! Did he just say that ACORN is coming to Alaska?

Internment camps and ACORN? Are those really things that people should fear by filling out a census form? That is a whole new level of crazy.

And do you know what is truly ironic? If every single person in Minnesota does NOT fill out a census form, Michele Bachman may lose her congressional seat.

Minnesota's state demographer estimated the North Star state could be within 1,000 people of losing one of its eight congressional seats, WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, reported Monday.

The district that's most vulnerable to being lost? Bachmann's 6th District, experts said.

It is at times like this that I start to think, you know maybe there is a God!


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Wow - this is beautiful - it's a double-back conspiracy with a twist:

    And do you know what is truly ironic? If every single person in Minnesota does NOT fill out a census form, Michele Bachman may lose her congressional seat.

    Minnesota's state demographer estimated the North Star state could be within 1,000 people of losing one of its eight congressional seats, WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, reported Monday.

    The district that's most vulnerable to being lost? Bachmann's 6th District, experts said.

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It would truely be Major Karma if she would have her district disolved from under her.


  3. Anonymous7:16 AM

  4. Bachmann is a unique brand of crazy.

    OT - today reminded me of your previous post "don't you hate it when your parents fight" (Olbermann and Stewart) -- today Ed Schultz and Gibbs exchanged a few unpleasantries -- I'm hopeful the spat works itself out and truth about health care is also made public - we need that health care bill passed asap

  5. It's like a lollipop: not one of the news articles about this subject (that were featured on google) mentioned $arah Palin. Even the Washington Post kept to the census story. Refreshing!

  6. In my 30's I worked for the census. I took a two week class and went door to door. Now they mail them out. Trust me I don't work for any speical CIA agency.

    Back then it was a part time job. I also delivered phone books. Oh my I have everyone in the USA's name and number. As if I can remember. These people are totally nuts. And they have guns!!

  7. The village plans sound wonderful. What a heartwarming and festive way to kick things off. I hope they get some national coverage.

  8. Aussie Blue Sky12:44 PM

    I can't imagine how excited the villagers must be. What a fabulous introduction to government for the children.

  9. Anne NC4:31 PM

    Only the truly crazy Bachman could find a problem with the census taking place during Obama's presidency. I hope that the idiots who voted this woman into office listen to her advice and don't fill out the census thus causing her to lose her seat. Sweet justice for her, indeed!

  10. wow great blog..


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