Friday, January 08, 2010

GOP insiders place Sarah Palin in a tie for 5th as a potential 2012 nominee. Oooh that has to sting!

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This is NOT shaping up to be a good weekend for Caribou Barbie.


  1. She didn't even get the aluminium medal!

  2. Basheert7:01 PM

    Her national exposure this weekend will not be welcomed. Although Steve Schmidt will not say anything we don't know, the 60 Minutes Forum will absolutely bring her to the forefront in terms of exposing who and "what" she is, including TOAD's 7 year stint with the AIP and her non stop career in pathological lying 101.

    Rachel and the KO show skewered her tonight with multiple cuts from Schmidt's interview.

    I have formed an impression that the Republican's have decided to kick the Wasilla Hillbilly's a** to the curb for good. Since this is a Republican slapdown, it makes us even happier.

    The moron is about the find out that Karma is a b*tch.

  3. yoyo palin7:04 PM

    Palin update: She still scares the crap out of GOP Establishment insiders
    There's going to be an amusing showdown someday between the teabaggers and the old-line conservatives in the Republican Party. And it's looking like Sarah Palin is going to be the bone of contention:
    Bristol, Track and Willow are you ready to answer a few questions.
    Two Teen girls
    DOJ Report

  4. she has to be ready to yank out her hair....what's left of it anyway!

  5. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Ouch, Rachel just put a hurting on her too. Schmidt is letting it all hang out. Blatant lying such as she wanted to put out statement that Todd was never in AIP. The O'Biden thing is just weird, shows that she doesn't have a brain. How did she get a journalism degree not being able to say Biden?

  6. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Leu2500 I think she tied for the tinfoilhat medal !! LMAO!!!

  7. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Same group picked Senator George Allen of VA as the favorite for the '06 Republican nomination.

  8. She may plan to run as an independent or Conservative Party candidate anyway, even though that would guarantee Obama wins. She is siding with Teabaggers rather than CPAC, and helped Dems win the NY Congressional seat by opposing the Republican candidate. On the other hand, would she really run for President now that she sees how much work it is to run--and then the hard work of governing?

  9. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I truly don't think she cares. She is pumping all she can out of her celebrity knowing full well she will not run for President. Her bots will be devestated.

  10. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Steve Schmidt has been quoted all over the place, telling stories about Sarah's lies (Todd's membership in Alaska Independent Party and Troopergate) and Sarah's inability to prepare for her debate (Can I call you Senator OBiden?).

    Sarah is surprising silent, while she has been very quick to criticize Levi, David Letterman, President Obama, any one who criticized her in the past. Is she feeling all right? Are her flying fingers grounded? No response?

  11. Although she may be steaming about Schmidt's words, the fact remains that she's not in it for a possible election run but because she's trying to milk the system for all the money she can get from it. As long as she gets to make money, she's happy to know that her political career is over.

    She's done... stick a fork in that turkey.

  12. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Schmidt took too long but better late than never, I guess. McCain has been at his sh*t longer, he needs to go, also, too.


    I don't think she will face anything head on, what is the next distraction? How will she spin how she is a victim?

    When the indictments begin how can she keep her children out of all of them?

  13. yoyo palin - good point. There will be a showdown between the teabaggers and the grand old party members someday. And Palin is setting the stage for that to happen.

    I don't think she really plans to run for president though. She's pretending she is, so that her BOTS will keep donating their hard-earned money so she can live like a queen. But there is no way she will ever want to work as hard as the president does. And besides, if she ran for POTUS, she would have to make a few appearances on shows like Meet the Press and Face the Nation. Even being the leader of the free world is not worth putting herself through that kind of embarassment!

    She might accept the job of National Chairperson for the Teabagger Party, like a female Michael Steele. She IS good at fundraising and critisizing her opponents, so it would be right up her alley. And by looking at Michael Steele, having a brain is NOT a job requirement.

    No, she will continue to "act" like she's running, and then tell her minions that 2016 would be a better time for her to run, and they can sure keep the money rolling in, you betcha! (wink)

  14. mommom9:10 PM

    Tawwwwd!!!! Its all your fault!!!!You told me to be nice to the AIP so they would make me Queen after the seccession!!!Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

  15. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Agree - no way she wants to be a working President - she wants to be a VP who swans around doing nothing (unlike some VPs)other than talk to her adoring fans & attack all who may diagree with the rubbish that she expounds.

    When the GOP finally finds a candidate - she will promise to bring across her adoring fans if she is made the VP candidate - that is her plan - sadly it might even work.

    How can there be so many poor idiots who would give her the little they have - beyond comprehension.

  16. I'm sorry, but no matter what happens on 60 Minutes I will never feel safe from a potential Sarah Palin candidacy until she has a stake driven through her heart, her mouth stuffed with garlic, decapitated and then burned to a cinder.

    And I'll still wear a huge silver crucifix.

  17. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Slightly OT, but does anyone know the background to this group?

  18. She already believes she IS the President and that it's only a matter of time before her bots depose the fake President and put her on the throne.

    She won't worry about the work of the presidency, there are always servants & slaves to do that. Her theocracy will give her all the riches she desires and she will reign as Queen Ester until the rapture comes.....

  19. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Anon 7:51, when you said this "Are her flying fingers grounded?" the first thing that popped into my head was the Wicked Witch of the West and her flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz. LOL I think that image suits her, don't you!

  20. Anonymous11:05 PM

    If she's not siding with CPAC, where does she get off stealing the monies from that fund?

  21. honestyinGov11:25 PM

    Gryphen ,
    read the post at 2:17 on Bree Palin's blog. Someone is giving out a LOT of personal info about Sarah's ' school days ' and mentioning names. They don't seem to be fond of Sarah or Tawd. Makes me think they posted this info knowing that Sarah and Meg read all the blogs. Is someone sending a message..... ? I hope ' anonymous ' will post again.

  22. As Gryphen said, Caribou Barbie does not appear to be in for a good weekend.

    Go over to Bree Palin - Anon @ 217am has written a fascinating open letter to Sarah.

  23. notmensa12:29 AM

    The comment didn't post so I'll try again.

    It's a little OT, but does anyone know who's behind this?

    Wonder how they'll be feeling after this weekend?

  24. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Over at Bree Palin on the O'Biden blog, at 2:17 am there is a VERY intersting comment from someone who went to school. Information about a pregnancy with Curt Menard, Jr. Sounds credible..... check it out.

  25. Oh, Mrs. Sarah. Being all mavericky all the time, despite the blandishments of your handlers, just left you as icky. Bummer.

  26. I don't think Palin ever had any plans on running. She gets off on making people wonder...and worry about it. $arah is too lazy and stupid. The lazy part she might admit to herself (and only herself) but she does think she is smart. HaHa!
    $arah wants people to think about her throwing a clog in the wheel. I think she's happy enough with the attention and $$$ she's getting now. Palin really thinks she is a force to be reckoned with, especially after how the MSM took the Death Panels meme and ran with it.
    She does not deserve any kind of positive attention. There could be some rethugs who would actually try to work for the benefit of the Country with President Obama if their party wasn't so fractured. The GOPer's and bots all talk about how the Democratic Party is afraid of her. WRONG! It's the rethugs who are afraid of her, especially after how she caused the republican in NY23 to drop out of the election because of $arah egging on the far right wing nutjobs.
    We need to have at least a two party system in this country. Palin is trying her damndest to hijack those rethugs who really want to do the job they were elected for. Instead, she's chasing any kind of real republican away and trying to replace them with her crazy.

  27. Anon mentioned that $arah is staying amazingly silent.

    It's probably because she can't take you to court against the facts. Her alternate reality isn't factual enough, if at all, to bring on any kind of lawsuit.

  28. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Gryphen - The sidebar is missing. Is it something with just my computer?

    Someone who went to school with Granny McPalin and knew/knows her well, is beginning to reveal ALL, and rather unpleasantly. A definite MUST READ!

    The comment is one of the last ones posted, somewhere around 95-100.

  29. gotta emphasize her wanting the campaign to lie about tawd's aip membership....

    its all over but the cryin'. the quittin' is done.

    buh bye.

  30. Anonymous4:35 AM

    i wish to see her publicly humiliated, embarrassed, and go down in flames.
    seems i may get my wish.

    bill in belize

  31. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Levi said She's in it for the money...She doesn't care about Alaska

    So she quit GOV in July of last year... saying she can help ALASKA MORE by resigning her post.. it is all about ALASKA .. she isn't going to do what typical lameduckers do and just bank it for all it's worth.. traveling and still collecting a paycheck

    OK Almost 6 months later
    Now who seems to be telling the truth here?
    Palin or Levi?

    I'm supposing that "retarded baby" comment is also true

  32. LisaB5:29 AM

    She is simply not electable. I wonder if she could even get re-elected Mayor of Wasilla.

    The real shame is that her name comes up at all. :(

  33. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Got to remember Sarah is the mean girl. She is upset the RNC is not getting down on their knees to lick her hooker boots and proclaiming her the greatest thing since apple pie. She is upset the RNC isn't continuing to lie for the Quitter Queen.

    Sarah knows she can't run for national office and she wants to bring down the RNC for not embracing her. She will ride her silly followers until they have sent their last remaining dollar to the great Pie In the Sky account, then announce her decision not to run because of family, pesky bloggers, doing what is best for AK or any other lame brain excuse she can conjure up at the last moment.

  34. Anonymous said...
    "I truly don't think she cares. She is pumping all she can out of her celebrity knowing full well she will not run for President."

    I agree--at this point I think Sarah just wants to rake in the cash, FAST, before the door of opportunity slams shut in her face.

    While I do believe Palin to be delusional, even *I* don't believe she is crazy enough to try and fake-think her way into a nomination. The GOP would be committing political suicide (again!) to have her anywhere near a ticket, since her presence would fracture the party. She could feasibly run as an independent, but the percentage of fringers who would actually buy into her half-inch-deep, repetitive Pro-America Lite talking points is thankfully in the minority.

    She has surprised me before with her complete lack of awareness about her own knowledge deficit though, so we'll see.

  35. Anonymous5:38 AM

    At least Romney is a good manager.

  36. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Actually, I have been thinking about it, and fifth seems generous. Even without considering any men, I can think of four FAR more intelligent, thoughtful, experienced Republican women who would have a better chance to be elected President than this Quitter of a Governor.

  37. I get that should could hold some votes, but would she really take a number 2 spot again? and who would WANT her? Miss O'Rogue could mess things up because she can't be handled.

    Why would she be LESS uncooperative this time, now that she has worshippers?

  38. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Just remember, in 2006 (this time last POTUS election cycle) Obama was barely on the radar screen. Don't count Grifter Granny Scarah Ole'BinLyin out yet.

    C'mon Mitt, get someone to leak something.... something big enough to take her down...

  39. Palin called the VP O'Biden, because in her feeble mind, for a pschological reason. She really her sick mind, that she was running as the presidential candidate. Oh..I know she realized that JM was the boss, but she didn't seem him living to finish his term. The woman is sick..and nuts..plain nuts.

  40. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I can't find the @2:17 comment at Bree's. Which thread is it on?

  41. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Yes, in 2006 Obama was off the radar, Palin is not off the radar. Her negatives are as high as her positives, something the current POTUS never had to over come before anouncing his run. This far out Obama was an unknown quantity, Palin is known and you either worship her or hate her. What has she done to expand her base of followers? Nothing. All she has done since stepping down as Gov. is solidify herself with the her base, lining her pockets all the way. The more appealing she is to them, the less appealing she is to the rest of us. The chances of a Palin presidency rests soley on a majority of Americans being as stupid as she thinks we are. Not saying it can't happen, but I have more faith in my fellow Americans than that.

  42. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The O'Biden thing is just plain silly, but the point is, she just never stops testing to see if anyone is actually paying that close attention. She probably put that anecdote in her book fully realizing that she DID slip up once and say O'Biden during the debate even though she made the point of calling him Joe to avoid doing just that. WHY does she do that? Why point out things that don't really matter and that by doing so only serves to underscore your lies? Wite-out anyone?

  43. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I'm beginning to think Sarah used the wite-out and typed miscarriage herself just like she used a sharpie to blacken out McCain's name.

    I just read the post at Bree's anon
    2:17 and it was very telling indeed of Sarah's early years. She had a lot of competion back in school to get attention from her first love (not Toad).

    A real wacko is what she is and I hope she gets smacked down good and hard by the rethugs.

  44. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Palin is a "debacle" of epic and historic proportions.

  45. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Info on 2012draftsarahcommittee:

    Randy Highsmith
    2012 Draft Sarah Committee National Chairman

    Comptroller for a Construction Firm in Gainesville FL (2000 to Present)
    Owner of Star Sounds Entertainment of Florida. (2005 to Present)

    Randy enjoys family time and is active in his Church. You can find Randy on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Team Sarah. Randy also runs a Pro Sarah blog called Palin 2012.

    April Moore
    Board Secretary
    State of Alaska Organizer

    Political and Government Positions
    Road Service Area 30 Board of Supervisors (chair)
    Mat-Su Borough Transportation Advisory Board
    Petersville Scenic Corridor Planning Committee (chair)
    Trapper Creek Community Council (secretary & president)
    Alaska Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers (2007-present)
    Business and Professional Positions
    Court Messenger (1973-1974)
    Special Education Aid (1974-1975)
    Land Management Tech. (Mat-Su Borough) (1976-1980)
    Homemaker (1981-present)
    US Postal Worker (Contract Station) part time (1972, 1986-2001)
    Borealis Nurseries (owner) (1997-present)
    Susitna Design & Construction, LLC (member/manager)
    General Contractor (2005-present)
    Service Organizations
    National Honor Society
    Trapper Creek Clothing Exchange & Food Bank (volunteer)
    NRA (lifetime member)
    Alaska Miners Association
    Upper Susitna Shooters Association

    April enjoys growing healthy children and grandchildren. Other interests include fishing, flowers, and being active in her church.
    You can also find April on Facebook and Team Sarah,

    additionally, our good friend, Adrienne Ross who is:

    Adrienne Ross
    Media Director
    State of New York Organizer

    She is most proud to serve as an Executive Board member, the New York State Organizer, and the Media Director of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee and is committed to the unwavering goal of encouraging Governor Sarah Palin to run for U.S. President in 2012. After meeting Governor Palin recently, Adrienne is even more determined to help make this a reality. Adrienne is on Facebook,Team Sarah, and Twitter.

  46. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Anon 6:59_ O'Sarah O'Biden UPDATED.

  47. There is so much BS flying around that it's hard to see--

    Ms. Palin asked Biden if she could call him "Joe" at the beginning of the debate as a set up for her "brilliant" line .."Say it ain't so Joe.." As we all know, Biden held back during the debate, he could have wiped the floor with her. Her performance was pathetic, she "boldly" stated that she wouldn't answer the questions...

    There is also a lot of chatter about the GOP finally taking SP down. The point that is NOT being stated is that it was (a faction in)the GOP that INVENTED the
    SP-monster that we saw at the convention. From the clothing, to the speech, to the earlier plastic surgery, to the 5th child. Remember Trig's middle name -- Paxton-- (Google that and see what you learn!). Yes, SP is hungry for power, money and is mentally ill-- but the puppet masters invested heavily in Caribou Barbie and brought her to national attention. Now they are de-commissioning their monster as it has become a liability.

  48. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anon 6.59 It is in the second last thread, near the end at 2.17am.

  49. Anonymous9:18 AM

    After reading many of the posts and news items about the unexpected and most welcome "take down" of Granny Palin, this quotation by Marc Antony from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar came to mind:

    And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
    With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
    Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
    Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
    That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
    With carrion men, groaning for burial.

    Someone has "let slip the dogs of war" methinks.

  50. Anonymous9:44 AM

    From Bree Palin's Blog:
    Anonymous said...

    Well, Sarah, God's plan for you is becoming clearer by the minute. Keep it up, girlfriend.

    I understand you, Sarah, we grew up together in Wasilla in the same grade. Side by side since elementary. We ran in the same circle of friends, Sarah.

    I remember that both Heather and Molly were the cute, popular girls - with their shiny blond hair. You, with your dark frizzy mess and your wonky eye. I always felt a little sorry for you. In elementary school you had those awful cat-eyes. Remember Curtis and Cherl in Mr. Bradley's gym class. They both looked so cute in their gym clothes. You had that ratty mess and thick glasses but you could still see them holding hands in the hallway in front of Miss DeArmoun's English class.

    We were in band together too, Sarah. You never really shined with your flute playing, just another face in the crowd. Chris E. was better and don't you remember how cute Chris and Curtis looked together as they walked through the halls hand in hand during what was that, our sophomore and junior years? Chris was so smart and pretty.

    And I was pissed when I read how your dopey dad faked you out of Pep Band. I remember wondering why you never seemed to show. I f'in hated sitting in the Palmer bleachers outdoors in October - you were not as tough as an Alaskan girl as I was - I didn't lie my way out of it. I endured the shame and misery of it all.

    Amd remember those wonderful days when your mom would grace our presence as substitute secretary. I recall, even as a child, thinking that your mom was a busybody with an very annoying voice. I liked Linda Menard though, remember she used to substitute a lot for Miss DeArmoun? Mrs. Menard was so bubbly, I think all the kids liked her. But I thought it was funny when I learned that she layed out Curtis' outfits for him every day. I'll bet you wanted to do that.

    And I often wonder if you have tried to pray the gay away from Tilly. You know, your gay friend you've had for thirty years. She is who you went off to college with. (wink, wink) She told the story to a reporter of how you pulled the smoke alarm in the dorm room when there was no fire. I find it VERY interesting that you had urges to yell "fire" in a theatre even then. That is in the Googles, Sarah. I don't know what you were thinking.

    And remember when you came back from college and WON MISS WASILLA. But did you know that none of the girls I knew had any idea of any such pagaent. Did you know that you were a laughing stock - known as Miss Wasyphilis. Snap! But you got to be queen of the Wasyphilis Water Festival back in it's heyday at Snider Park. That must have been an honor. But Curtis was off becoming a dentist and you weren't that into Todd. I know a guy you dated - he said your head was so big, all he could stand was a few dates. But that's OK Sarah, lot's of girls left Alaska to return feeling superior to girls who stuck around. And that along your new-found confidence from reading The Rules Girls and your love affair with Mary-Kay made Curtis fall for you briefly. He knew he made a mistake and didn't want to date you. He was smart, Sarah. You were letting your ego get out of control and he saw that. But then, oh-oh, preggo. What to do, Curtis doesn't want you but there is TODD! There is always Todd. And he is a pretty good catch for a native. You know Sarah, I never knew Todd was a native Alaskan. I don't think the coaches new either, otherwise he would have never gotten game time on the basketball court. I used to joke with my girlfriends that Todd Palin was a Michael J. Fox wanna be. He liked to wear pastel polo shirts with the collar up, high and tight Levi's and classic Nike's. I always thought Todd was just another snobby rich kid that came with the sea of Pipeline kids.
    January 9, 2010 2:17 AM

  51. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I'm glad that someone from her past is finally speaking out. I wish more people who knew Sarah in her early years would come out and speak up.

  52. Basheert10:19 AM

    According to someone who knows her, the names/dates do match up. It is anon but so far details check out.

    Miss WaSyphillis - gotta love it.

  53. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Can someone please explain to me why Toad would have never gotten floor time if the coach knew he was a native? Is there discrimination against natives?

  54. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Conscious at Last---I Googled Paxton....not sure what I am looking for but did not find anything....?????

  55. Ouch! I can't stand Sarah Palin, nor her pathological lying behavior, but...ouch! That post on bree palin's blog from a Wasilla native....ouch! Since we all know Sarah reads these blogs, I almost feel sorry for her.

  56. Fascinating bio in that comment, and perhaps true since there are some facts like teacher name that aren't in her book. However, even a Wasillan friend wouldn't know for sure who fathered Track. Unless someone is suggesting Palin had a hand in Curtis Jr.'s plane crash to suppress info, why would it matter? Todd & Sarah are Track's parents. Period. And many of us are not the same people as adults that we were back in school. Palin's current mindset and behavior are more important.

    I am pleased that the bio writer mentions Sarah's admission in GR that her coach dad taped her fingers to get her out of required pep band performances. Faking injury, faking bus tours, faking pregnancy. Fake, fake, fake.

  57. Anonymous11:55 AM

    WOW...Thanks Anon, "whoever you are". That says it all abt GrannyPalin. Thanks, again.

  58. Anon @ 10:51 -- Oops! I meant Paxson (Trig Paxson Van Palin)as in Paxson Communications.
    Happy Hunting!


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