Thursday, January 28, 2010

Have you eaten? Okay get your antacids ready. Here is Sarah Palin spouting empty talking points about Obama's SOTU speech.

Not inspiring enough?

Not empowering the American people?

Even with Hannity carefully feeding her information, and setting her up to look like she knows what she is talking about, she still cannot say anything substantial.

I actually doubt she even watched the speech.

Maybe she was too busy trying to figure out which fright wig to put on this evening.

(H/T to Shannyn Moore.)


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sorry Gry, it's too early to watch the idiot.
    Later Gator.

  2. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Can anyone tell who the adult holding a baby is, in the picture behind her on our upper left? Not that she'd want to remind viewers that she has a DS baby, of course.

    The picture below that looks like Todd, not that she'd want to suggest to viewers that she has a real marriage. I can't see the other picture's contents. -B.

  3. 10catsinMD6:05 AM

    Her lips are crooked. There is a shift to the right on her face. Too much plastic surgery?

  4. At least she wasn't wearing the Oprah-episode double bumpit. Evidently, she doesn't like it when we point at her and jeer raucously.

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Also, too, why was GW in tay-own chatting up Mayor Sullivan. That's inappropriate. What the hell business is it of GW what Anchorage is doing and why exactly has it become G's business? I've heard that the pipeline is about half empty and this is wearing on the old pipeline and the oil pals are worried. Sully needs to take everything G says with a healthy grain of salt. Dangling future repub adventures in front of Say-ruh gave us this current bum's rush; hope it don't work with the current mayor cuz when you get the artificial amplitude you get the authentic, personal let down with "ramifications" for all to "enjoy" if Say-ruh is any example. Have a pleasant day.

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    But watch carefully when she's asked about Alito's "not true" moment. It's very clear that she doesn't have a CLUE as to what that was all about and is desperately trying to cover. I doubt that she's even aware of the SCOTUS decision last week.

  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    If she was missing a tooth or two, she could look even more like a cheap, truckstop prostitute.

    But, good try Sarah!

  8. mocha6:28 AM

    I don't think she watched the speech.

    I think those bangs are what's left of the Nellie Olson 'do from Oprah though.

    I have no problems with her continuing to appear on Fox. The more she talks, the more apparent it becomes she is stupid. She doesn't speak standard English either. Is that an Alaska dialect or something she made up in her head? Do folks up there understand her?

  9. that blinking has to stop - just when you think Palin can't get any weirder - she shows up with this "wig" type hairdo and blinks constantly spouting the usual word salad but this time accompanied with nervous heavy heaving type breathing

  10. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Furby speaks!
    Blink! Blink! Blink!

    Coming to a store near you, the new Palin Furby!!

  11. Has anyone read the Tea Party's official response to the SOTU?

    Basically they said it was too long and just words.

    Well, duh, it was a speech.

    Also they said that it just promised more spending.

    Did they miss the part where he said a 3 year freeze (which I am undecided about) on government spending would be coming?

    Of course they did. The speech was too long. 5 minutes in they changed the channel.

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    yeah, i noticed the breathing, first thing....maybe sean just takes her breath away. gag.

    why are her eyebrows up in her hairline now? and the lips going all wonky directions....someone's ODing on the botox...or something else.......

    and the bumpit has gone conehead on her.

    she really is turning into joan rivers.

    and no, i'm not a big "tear into her looks" girl. but when there's absolutely NOTHING of any kind of substance coming out of her mouth or produced by her brain cell, there's not a lot left to comment on but the only attribute she puts out there.

    and if she's the "victim" of anything, it's just her plastic surgeon.

  13. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I watched the video, and have no idea what she said. I was too stunned by her beauty (zoinks!), and her artful use of make-up. She is a "real 'murican woman" I really really love how she looks. I am going to Wal-mart today and buy a "Bump-it" and false eye lashes so I too can look like Sarah, also.

  14. laprofesora6:50 AM

    What an idiot. If this keeps up Fox is going to give some serious competition to the Comedy Channel.I can't even get upset with her, it was so pathetic. She was nervous, uncomfortable, unprepared and so obviously trying to cover up that she had no idea what she was talking about. What I don't understand, is why would you put yourself through that? Wouldn't it just be easier to LEARN something??? Oh wait, she's still working on mastering the English language. I guess her plate is full.

  15. She has absolutely no idea what President Obama said that led to Alito's frowny face. That answer is hilarious. It's like the student who writes "there are many good things and many bad things about this issue."

  16. Anonymous6:59 AM

    She makes no sense! Absolutely no sense!

    It is so apparent that she has no idea, not a clue, as to what is going on in the world. I cannot bear to watch her struggling with her world salad answers and made up words. This week: mandation. What the hell is that?

    And lately she is beginning to look more and more like a performer from a gentlemen's club than a serious politician for heaven's sake.

    Those Bambi like eyelashes have got to go!

  17. Anonymous7:03 AM

    I want to know what the Teabaggers want, what is their platform?

    Has anyone actually asked them?

  18. Re Lady Rose and blinking. Wow...I googled "drugs that cause eye blinking"....very informative.

    Sarah did appear kinda facially awkward starring and blinking....maybe she just does not do well under stress... a la stage fright.

  19. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Some of those Tea Partiers are convinced she is sent from God. No more explanation is needed from that quarter.

    What they want is a white person sitting in the WH for whom they can knit sweaters and send toys to Trig while weeping in unison every time she speaks because it will be coming straight from the mouth of God.

    Deranged? Yes, but these fools are convinced that she has been tapped from above. You need only read the comments on her blog that attest to that theory of what they want.

  20. Hey, is Sarah wearing new glasses? Meh, she still looks cross eyed. I guess she had to fall back on the old teenybopper hair style since the 5th grade Nelli style didn't go over well.

    I don't think she watched the speech either. Or she if she did she didn't understand what the President said. But, I must say, her word salad was in top salad form again.

    I don't know how anyone can think she has one iota of intelligence listening to her squawk. Incomprehensible.

  21. Basheert7:16 AM

    She had NO clue what Mr Obama was talking about. She must be a nightmare to prepare with a mind that acts like a sieve.

    I agree that she probably never saw the speech. It had way too many words for her.

    Furby Palin - gotta love it. And those eyes? WTF is she "on" now? Those pupils were almost blown. This idiot is a walking drugstore.

  22. Basheert7:17 AM

    TEABAGGERS want FREE BEER and 2 free games of bowling. And they want ice with their beer.

    They also want Medicare/Medicaid, a Prescription Drug Benefit and Social Security.

    They do not want Socialism (see paragraph above).

  23. Anonymous7:19 AM


    Tried to over at PG, and just got angry at the blatant ignorance.

    Obviously, whoever she's using for makeup and hair (the Beehive woman?) has a hell of a lot to learn from the real pros who did a quite good transformation for her back east. It's called "high maintenance", you cheap twit.

  24. Anonymous7:22 AM

    laprofessora nails it. She is pathetic, desperate and grasping. She is the proverbial dead fish going with the Fox / Teabagging flow because she remains out of her depth.

    Fox, why don't you just give her
    a cleary identified conservative version of The Daily Show instead of pretending she's pundit-worthy. That way she can get away with her 'analysis.' No offense to Jon Stewart or his writers, they actually do know what they are talking about.

    Sarah, you keep embarrassing us Alaskans and yourself.

  25. Anonymous7:22 AM

    MANDATION!!!!!!!!That is why she never wants to be recorded at any of her wack job wordsalad talks. She knows that she is stupid. Although Beck almost hit it on the head, But she knows what she dosen't know and has to always be on guard. She will be exposed by Hannity or Beck

  26. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Remember the makeup artist the GOP hired for the campaign talking about how much Sarah loved the false eyelashes they gave her, but they took an hour and a half to put on and had to be done by someone else? Well, Sarah obviously has those eyelashes in her Fox contract, only whoever put them on this time wasn't very good because Sarah is blinking about once a second. Blink, blink. Breathe, breathe.

    And yes, every school teacher in America knew instantly that she didn't have a clue what the Alito reference was about. But it doesn't matter if she looks like the idiot she is because the only people who watch Fox are idiots themselves. When they say, "She's just like us!" that is what they mean.

  27. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Oh, and as someone else mentioned: She's making words up again--"mandation"--WTF?

  28. Not inspiring enough!!?? Yes, I guess that is why he got all those standing ovations last night. And when is Fox going to stop spoon feeding her? Why can't they just ask her a question and let her come up with her own point of view instead of stating what their opinion is and then asking her for her "take" on it? I am positive she did not watch President Obama's speech last night. It was an hour + and we all know her attention span is approximately 5 minutes at best. Definitely has the "trout pout" mouth going on. Better lay off the Botox a while. What a waste of space.

  29. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Wow. I can't believe I actually listened to that. I almost never do but all morning on FX167, America Left radio, they were creaming her on her "mandation" FU. She is a complete idiot. Erg...I feel like I gotta go brush my eyeballs now....

    Susan in MD

  30. Ratfish7:39 AM

    I say we mandation her to Oz.

  31. Uncle Joe7:41 AM

    Man, is she ever wasted.

  32. Purple Alaska7:52 AM

    Was simple sayrah sneaking peeks at her 8 1/2 x 11 index cards?

  33. Anonymous7:56 AM

    6:04 AM
    Anonymous 10catsinMD said...

    Her lips are crooked. There is a shift to the right on her face. Too much plastic surgery?


    That's why she hidin' out in Alaska, as the teevee cameras would only magnify all those pesky little imperfections,; physical and otherwise!

  34. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I think she was hopped out on some narcotic - the decreased respiratory rate,her relative calmness and those eyes!She swallowed a few pills an hours before she went on air....
    Furby is a perfect comparison - it's the blinking walmart eyelashes that clinch the look.
    "Mandation." "He not knowing"..
    O/T but looks like someone Finally got a hold of Nancy Pelosi and made her stop chewing her cud on national TV. She used to drive me bonkers with the mouth motions...she must have gone to rehab or something 'cause her lips and mouth were as quiet as Sarah's soul.

  35. Ripley in CT8:10 AM

    Mandation!!! I am still laughing about that one. It's worse than "misunderestimated"!!!

    Mandation! You all get your fungible commodities out of my peanut butter, too also!

  36. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Bad eye work can leave people blinking because of Dry Eye. They take too much skin from the upper lid and so closing it is hard, and that is when the eye lubes itself.

    My ex-boss had that problem, carried eye drops everywhere.

    Liars also blink a lot.

  37. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I thought palin said she did not blink.

  38. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Hey Granny, I have a mandation for you "take off the wig, wash your face, take care of your kids and STFU. You look like a drugged up transvestite.

  39. And this is the good interview! You should post the one on Greta Van Sus....


    Poor Sawah. She sux.

  40. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I think Lady Ga Ga is her new model.

  41. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Funny about SP's suggesting the President's "disconnect" from what the people want. He was elected by the people. They voted, because that's what they wanted.

    She's the one disconnected from people. She's disconnected from the economic middle to lower classes. She's only connected, it would seem, to the upper middle-class and wealthy classes. She's pretty arrogant to criticize a President who wants to advocate for those strugging to maintain regular lives, in the aftermath of job losses, and higher health care costs.

    Funny that SP accuses another of disconnection. When does she educate herself hands-on and speak to people? Does she go to Town Hall political meetings? According to blogs, her staff layed out rules to a hairdresser that she couldn't "speak" to Sarah until Sarah spoke to her first. How does SP know what "real" citizens want? She's not out there connecting, engaging with people. Surrounds herself with a small close compound-style entourage, never wants the press. Who's keeping her abreast of what people want? Her book tour didn't give her quality time with folks, except to sign a book, hand-shake, photo op.

    Looks to me like the person who is disconnected is Sarah Palin. She doesn't seem to have a clue as to what's happening in people's lives. The President's speech spoke to the immediate needs of his constituents, so how does she define "disconnect"?

  42. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Take care of her kids?!?! With BRIBES, I'm sure.
    Anyone hear more from Levi's camp? I really believe he needs a diff lawyer. Something just doesnt feel right with whatshisname.
    But I could be wrong.

  43. Anonymous8:41 AM

    If she's sayin it; it ain't true. She says "I don't blink" blinkingly. The soul is in the eyes. Do you see a dragon lurking? I hope she is not possessed. Read a book on that once. Possessed people move like marionettes. How do marionettes move? Like strings being pulled literally like a puppet. Jerky movements. We will watch her closely. I wonder what is directing her from behind the scenes?

  44. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Furby Palin's new makeup person is......"TODD".

    He has to earn his keep somehow!!

    Imagine the Baggers hearing us call her "Furby Palin".

    Palin, who stated to Charlie Gibson that she didn't BLINK!! She Lied!!

  45. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah has to be under the influence of something, whether it is chemical or emotional. She was a very confident speaker from her first appearance at the RNC Convention with thousands of people present. She continued to be a confident speaker all through the campaign trail. Now, she sits in her own home in front of a camera and is totally freaky.

  46. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Has anyone pointed out to Palin that the Supreme Court ruling goes against much of the 2007 Alaska ethics legislation for which she takes so much credit? Of course, she has no concept of what was in that bill, but she does use it to take credit for being such a mavericky "reformer."
    Has anyone pointed out to her that the Supreme Court ruling would have made straight-out contributions from Veco perfectly legal?

  47. Janet in Texas9:23 AM

    I don't mean to be rude, but why in the hell is leBIMBO painting her face to look like a $2.00 whore down on 6th Street in Austin? The blow-fish lips look ridiculous but her eyes look awful. I know she can't help being cross-eyed, but all that black paint is only making it more obvious. I still think those Faux News sluts are doing a rope-a-dope with leBIMBO. Just watch and see. And she's too damned stupid to know it. ha

  48. Sarah - you gotta' know you suck when you stand out as bad at Fox News.
    I read the other day that Cheech Marin wants to get high with her. When (not if) Fox sacks her, she wouldn't make a bad third to the Cheech/Chong duo. Add them and a bong to the turkey farm scene and you've got Hollywood gold.

  49. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mindlessly employing her typical attack mode, she was merely projecting: using the word mendation against President Obama, when she meant to use the word mendacity to describe herself. LOL

  50. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This is the Hannity/Palin transcript from last night just in case you want to digest her every word.

    WARNING: It's actually worse on paper than in the video if that's possible.,2933,584162,00.html

  51. Anonymous11:15 AM

    she does look like a trans gender! Waaay too much work on done- yuk!

    $carah: You look like a man.

  52. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:19 AM

    I've figured it out! She's trying to channel Sophia Loren in the makeup department--and it's a FAIL! The hair is a toss-up between Sophia and Marlo Thomas as "That Girl". Only they did it better.

    Next stop for Blinky--Marilyn Monroe? Amy Winehouse? Minnie Pearl?

  53. Hate to repeat it but yup she makes no sense. I have actually tried reading or listening to her and I can't take it. It boggles the mind. What is up with Hannity calling her Governor?

    Obama could find a cure for cancer and those two would whine about it.

  54. Mac And Cheese Wiz7:46 PM

    As much as I understand the comparison to Joan Rivers, at least Joan Rivers has a brain and legitimate business sense. Sarah, on the other hand, is looking more and more like a charachature of her former self.

    She's a nervous wreck, even in a feed from her home, could you imagine her on a panel of real journalists? Even the teabaggers are getting tired of her!

  55. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Too much prell and mandation.


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