Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Levi's comment that both Sarah and Bristol "have something planned". Curious to know what that's all about! The intrigue just keeps getting interesting...
I support Levi's efforts to get joint custody. Its the right thing to do. But it's not classy nor right to say ANYTHING negative about the child's mother, PERIOD. Bash the grandmother all you want. But Bristol is his son's mother and as such is off limits to any public criticism from him, regardless of what she says or how she behaves. Who gives a fuck about her hair extensions or makeup or whatever. That is just petty shit and makes him look petty for even bringing it up.
He does say at one point that she is a good mother. But that is all he should say. Say only positive things or say nothing at all. If Bristol wants to bash him, so be it, that is on her. Thought Levi was above that. Guess not. Sad.
Some commenters at Palingates said Bristol looks/talks like she did the Oprah thing under duress. I tend to agree. If she does not toe the line and do her "redemption tour," mommy dearest might throw her out. I know that would be frightening for a 19 year old girl with a baby (or two). Levi looks real and natural - Palin "girls" scarah and bristol - not so much. RUN Bristol! Be yourself! To thine OWN self be true!
"Bristol Palin never looks like she believes a single word coming out of her own mouth. It's almost like a secret message to the world that she thinks this is all bullshit. It kind of makes me love her. I can't WAIT until she gets out of that house in a few years and writes a big "eff you" tell-all memoir a-la Patti Davis. You know she has it in her."
Imagine young Alaska as a little homeless child. Waiting for momma O'Sarah to come pick him up while he stands alone on a cold corner. She laughingly drives by, flips him the finger and drives to the lower 48 for her pot of gold.
And the b*tch gets praise for screwing over Alaska - she is such a good momma.
Some suggestions for Rex and Levi: 1. Get a court ordered and supervised DNA test for Levi & Tripp. 2. Get a gag order; everybody involved sits down and shuts up. No TV, no interviews, no articles, no quotes, no spokespeople, no tweets, no face books, no nothing. 3. Get a DNA test for Levi, Tripp and Trig. If Levi has anything to do with the birth of Trig, and he signed some confidentiality agreement when he was underage, he needs to prove his connection to Trig, and explain why Sarah has such a hold on him, that he is under duress, literally being blackmailed. 4. If Levi is not Trig's father, let him speak up now and tell what he does know about Trig's parentage. It should be shown in court how controlling and deceptive Sarah is, that she is has a direct role in raising Tripp, and that it is not in Tripp's welfare to be in that kind of atmosphere. As long as Bristol lives with Sarah, Sarah is an issue in the custody hearing. Make her an issue!
Grow a spine Bristol, step back from mommy. She's a laughing stock to America.
Bristol do you have a brain, you can't answer for yourself? Grow a spine! Borrow one from the kid! Something! Cause your looking mighty fake and weak up there.
So who's idea was this to go on O? That would be a interesting tidbit.
Lay off the kid! Bristol trashed him from one end to the other in that magazine article last week - calling him a deadbeat dad and "begging" him to show an interest in Tripp - and Sarah Palin keeps her personal lawyer busy harassing Levi all the time.
I would rather see Levi tell the TRUTH about Bristol Palin - but he won't even do that, much less lie about her.
I don't believe that Levi's writing a book. If he had the barest idea of an outline, we'd already have heard about a contract from a publisher. I have no doubt that there are things that he could tell, but I think he's already past the point when most people would have had an interest in buying his book (present company excepted). I think with every passing day he's becoming more irrelevant to most of the country.
Anonymous at 7:01 p.m., what's this about Bristol looking like she has had "work" done? (I actually can't bring myself to watch the video).
Maybe Mommy's plastic surgeon shot some Restylane into her lips as a "freebie" in connection with Mommy's facelift.
Not to go too middle school, but Bristol is a very ordinary looking girl - far from pretty. Probably why she hates her almost sister-in-law Mercede Johnson who is much prettier.
What I don't understand is why Levi's being so passive. He should've taken that first Vanity Fair check and filed papers for custody. Instead he lets Sarah and Bristol dictate every move. He could have filed and he would have had months to get his own place, help out his mother, do whatever he wanted. In the meantime, Bristol's "own house" wasn't ready. She wasn't working. She wasn't going to school. She wasn't in any better position than he was.
What has he gained by waiting? He hasn't been granted access to Tripp. He hasn't made the amount of money he could have made with a book. Whatever his long-range goals are, what benefit can be worth the loss of experiencing all the milestones in Tripp's first year of life?
If Levi had kept silent, I think that other people might have spoken up. Instead, each time he claims he's going to tell all, people in Wasilla--people who know the truth-- decide that they don't have to talk, because Levi will. And time goes by, and memories fade, and evidence disappears.
Who gains by Levi's promise, and failure, to tell all? Sarah. She's the one whose secrets are being protected. Either Levi and his advisors are too dumb to see that, or he's working with Sarah.
Either way, I'm done listening to him, watching him on TV, reading his interviews, or caring whether he decides, after all this time, that he wants Tripp enough to fight for him. Too much time has gone by.
I haven't watched the Oprah video as yet, but if I live to be 150, I'll never forget the look of terror/dismay on Bristol's face when she saw Mommy Dearest come swooping into the room holding Trig? Tripp? during the Greta VanS. interview at their home last year. I wasn't sure if SP was envious and wanted to take over the spotlight as usual, or if she was trying to make sure Bristol wasn't going to say anything incriminating. Insert the Stones' "Under My Thumb" here. What a sad mess SP's "God"-driven ambitions have made of this family.
I can imagine these two in their hotel room before the show "practicing" the interview... Tawd, you be Oprah and ask us and Bristol, we'll practice our poker face...keep your chin up Bristol....and Smile!
Hey GreatGrey I couldn't see if the wedding ring was on or off.. was it off? hrrrmy I mean she didn't wear it before because it hurt when she shook hands? ain't that right Sarah P.?? uh.. wouldn't be todays excuse
oh right.. she is making Moose Stew so took it off to do some down home country cooking for her lovely american family...
I think that Bristol is no longer the same person who Levi initially fell for. And the main reason being is tha Mommy Dearest is so manipulative, mean, back-stabbing and probably uses guilt also too to get her own way. Even with the secrets that Gryphen knows, we still don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors. And Levi is seeing right before his very eyes, that Bristol is turning into her mother. It's very sad. I feel badly for Bristol, although she is old enugh to get out from the Palin household, she may not know how. Guilt does a real job on people. And remember, churches use guilt to control people all the time. Even if $arah wasn't a church goer, I could still imagine the guilt she lays at Bristol. Especially because Bristol probably feels responsible for her siblings. The people who will get hurt the very most are obviously Bristol, Levi and Tripp. Tripp is young enough though, when the truth does come out, he'll have a chance to deal and recover from it. Bristol isn't even consciencly aware of what she is letting happen to herself. Who knows? If $arah & Todd weren't in the picture, Bristol & Levi might have made a life together. It's sad. Just sad.
Can you name any other state Governors with pregnant teenage daughters? No? Because if there are any others, they don't make a public spectacle of themselves the way Sarah is doing now. I feel sorry for Bristol and Levi and Tripp for being jerked around by insane Sarah.
Bristol Palin is forever and always the mother of your son. Speak to and of her with RESPECT. Teach your son to speak to and of his mother with RESPECT.
National TV disparaging remarks about hair and eyebrows are inappropriate. Your son will see these videos someday. Is this the behavior you want your son to see? Do you want your son to treat his mother that way?
You have a national platform because of very unusual circumstances. Use it wisely. Be the man your son can be proud of.
Anon 5:30 - He really scares all you Palinistas, doesn't he? You realize Levi's naturalness shines a spotlight on the Palins' phoniness. You know she's not qualified to lead the free world when she can't even manage her relationship with a 19 year old boy.
No doubt Bristol is the same person...overwhelmed with her mom's demands and underdeveloped as a "person" herself. I believe she acts like a person who has been deselfed. What is herself? She probably isn't sure. All young people are somewhat unsure of who they are because it remains to be seen.
A bizillion years ago when I was young if you found yourself romanced and became a parent you immediately commited to the other parent and you raised your kid. It was your pass to step out into adulthood. Yeah, it's scary. Yeah, you have difficulty. It was difficult to ride a bike. However, you manage cheerfully (in fact that's how you get good cheer; do a good job of this).
That Bristol is allowing her mother's political ambitions to interfere in her personal development to the extent that it is is not beneficial. Bristol would do fine on her own. Her mom can figure out how to handle abandoning her home duties for presidential wanna-beisms with running her alaskan households. Bristol needs to make it a goal to give herself some room to grow up. That doesn't mean "playing". Everybody "needs" recreation. Babies need to play. Older persons need to have recreation. Hope these young people find the twenties to be rewarding. Most people are perplexed in their twenties. I had good advice but I was prone to forgetting or being inclined to do something else.
I hope they are not grieving overmuch about their refusal to work together to enjoy their child's precious baby days because of fear of causing Sarah some mild upset in her "career" path to "the presidency". Remember MANY are called but few "chosen". Liberty is a good thing. Preach it sister.
Levi's statement of how Bristol has changed recently by mentioning the hair extensions and eyebrows, does not come across as mean spirited,just more of 'matter of fact' and his observation. Now if he peppered his statements with Scarah-speak, then I would consider it mean spirited and inappropriate and doesn't bode well for the child. He comes across as a mild manner straight shooter without all the drama and head games that seems to be occurring in the other camp.
Also, too, Levi has the right to freedom of speech and he can say thing he wants. Mere motherhood does not trump freedom of speech. Motherhood is NOT GOD. I'll tell you, sometimes the biggest tyrants in the world are mothers. They need to remember their "power" however well loved is relative too,also, there. Furthermore, it was nice of God to allow people to participate in procreation. He could have called everyone into being, individually, however, He allowed humans to participate in parenthood. So, we can participate in the parental experience; except evidently for some fathers who are disallowed parental participation if they aren't "liked" well enough by their potential presidential candidates. "Our Father..." etc.
I think Levi would make a better presidential candidate than that woman. He's from Wasilla too. Let's run Levi for president. Perhaps then he could have a chance at raising his kid.
Bristol looked like she was going to cry at times.
I think maybe Levi pointed out the fake hair and eyebrows as being proof Bristol was not the same as before,perhaps in the past she made fun of her mom and others for hair extensions and other fakes .
Team Levi! And the guy can make fashion commentary about hair extensions if he wants: he's a model and he knows what goes into prep for the cameras. He praised Bristol as a mother.
He's a ton nicer about Bristol than she is about him, and that's well documented.
I truly wish that Sarah is brought down sooner rather than later. Each day that she is 'free', she earns more money and more power to her base.
I want freedom FROM Sarah and her machinations! She always seem to skate by any roadblocks (ie: email ruling yesterday) and continues to earn the big $$$s.
Can't someone in Alaska take on this job and provide the background stories to bring her down?
Levi is speaking about hair extensions and eyebrows in response to yet another circus show brought to you by mother Palin and daughter.
Why won't Sarah just let this story go? Why does she perpetually bring herself/daughter into the limelight? Why is it so important for Bristol Palin to expose her private sexual life on tv? People aren't buying this as a concerned effort to help other young girls. Talking about sex to today's teenagers should be every parents' responsibility in the privacy of their own homes. Sarah, the one who doesn't want government to intervene in people's lives, goes on air and gets her daughter to preach abstinence for money. What's the difference? Is the money worth humiliating Bristol and making her a laughingstock again and again? What mother would allow this? The injustice in this is how Mr. & Mrs. Palin exploit their daughter's unwed pregancy story. Sick, sick, is all one can surmise from this.
Be cautious of trusting in what Levi says. Remember, he is obviously in on Palin's pregnancy deception.
Start thinking of the reason why Levi can't blow the whistle on Palin. Does Palin have something on Levi? That's doubtful but still possible. Did Levi have a huge favor done for him by Palin? That is the key IMO. (actually it goes further than just an opinion) Or is Levi holding back in order to milk as much money out of this whole thing as he possibly can? I find that doubtful too even though he is making thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands on the publicity this is generating. I also think that exposing Palin's pregnancy deception wouldn't bring her down. Even supposing that anyone would believe him to is a Palin supporter.
She is simply not going to be taken down in her public's eyes. The best that can be expected is that those few thousands that are interested become satisfied with the truth.
Well Sarah, Bristol, and Levi are all just media whores aren't they. All hauling in the big cash while the American public swoons over the Palin persona. That may be hard to admit for us Palin haters but it's the sad truth.
@ 1smartcanerican said... I truly wish that Sarah is brought down sooner rather than later. Each day that she is 'free', she earns more money and more power to her base.
Odd, but I have been thinking lately, as I watch the Edwards story unfold - that, if the quitter is planning to run in 2012, if she were to be exposed too soon, the 'opposition' would have plenty of time to find and PROMOTE a replacement. IF she were to run, and if she was exposed shortly before an election, the 'opposition' would really have to scramble to find a replacement at the last minute, and it would put them at an awful disadvantage.
Just an odd thought. I have to trust that the timing will be right.
Andrew Sullivan pegged it best in one of his spot-on observations of Sarah - The Odd Lies of Sarah Palin.
Odd because they are so unneccessary.
Let's say, for the sake of argument that she did get pregnant and carry a DS child to term (albeit irresponsibly, to herself, the baby and the family - why not tell her husband or children, much less her staff and then constituents about Trig much sooner? Seven months, really? And not telling you kids about DS until he was born either?)
Why didn't she acknowledge that she should have been practicing safe sex / family planning at her age and her level of responsibility as a working mother of advanced child bearing age?
No, Life Happens, and so let's mandate it for all womens in the world. Not only that, the world needs MORE Trig's? Pile it on why don't you Sarah!
No offense, I love Trig, I think he's adorable and I wish him a loving and fulfilling life - but why go to that BS extent Sarah?
Bristol, you got caught with your pants down with your hunky boyfriend, hey, it happens. Why turn it into a cause celebre? Why tell girls around the world that they do as you say not as you did?
Just cause you have to bathe your baby twice a day (again, odd) and start your day at 4 a.m. walking in the snow uphill to your four jobs and 12 credit class load from your PR office? These are all your choices honey child, your mom's a millionaire and your not doing too bad yourself on the media's dime - why do you guys have to make yourselves seem so much more than you are? Your followers love you no matter what! You don't even have to try anymore. . .
WTF. You guys are so freaking strange. Here Sarah, how about sticking to journalism 101 - facts instead of these bizarre affectations of what you believe a real american patriot would or should do in our private lives?
Same meds as her mom? Hope not.
ReplyDeleteLevi's comment that both Sarah and Bristol "have something planned". Curious to know what that's all about! The intrigue just keeps getting interesting...
ReplyDeleteGryphen, It looks like Bri$tol has had "work" done. Do you have a pic from last year to do a "side by side" comparison to?
ReplyDeleteI support Levi's efforts to get joint custody. Its the right thing to do. But it's not classy nor right to say ANYTHING negative about the child's mother, PERIOD. Bash the grandmother all you want. But Bristol is his son's mother and as such is off limits to any public criticism from him, regardless of what she says or how she behaves. Who gives a fuck about her hair extensions or makeup or whatever. That is just petty shit and makes him look petty for even bringing it up.
ReplyDeleteHe does say at one point that she is a good mother. But that is all he should say. Say only positive things or say nothing at all. If Bristol wants to bash him, so be it, that is on her. Thought Levi was above that. Guess not. Sad.
What I hope for Levi: 1. To get joint custody of his son Tripp.
ReplyDelete2. To find a nice girl and settle down.
3. To write his tell-all book and make some good money.
Go Levi!
Hey Sarah, where was your wedding ring?
ReplyDeleteSome commenters at Palingates said Bristol looks/talks like she did the Oprah thing under duress. I tend to agree.
ReplyDeleteIf she does not toe the line and do her "redemption tour," mommy dearest might throw her out.
I know that would be frightening for a 19 year old girl with a baby (or two).
Levi looks real and natural - Palin "girls" scarah and bristol - not so much.
RUN Bristol! Be yourself! To thine OWN self be true!
Palin couldn't even tell the truth when Oprah asked her how the weather was in Wasilla. And of course she was going to have moose stew for dinner
ReplyDeleteI like this comment from EmD_ MD @
"Bristol Palin never looks like she believes a single word coming out of her own mouth. It's almost like a secret message to the world that she thinks this is all bullshit. It kind of makes me love her. I can't WAIT until she gets out of that house in a few years and writes a big "eff you" tell-all memoir a-la Patti Davis. You know she has it in her."
Imagine young Alaska as a little homeless child. Waiting for momma O'Sarah to come pick him up while he stands alone on a cold corner. She laughingly drives by, flips him the finger and drives to the lower 48 for her pot of gold.
ReplyDeleteAnd the b*tch gets praise for screwing over Alaska - she is such a good momma.
Yup...Bristol looks like she was seething, especially when the other Sarah mentions "another baby!"
ReplyDeleteSo sad for both kids. Momma bear is such a bitch!
ReplyDeleteSome suggestions for Rex and Levi:
ReplyDelete1. Get a court ordered and supervised DNA test for Levi & Tripp.
2. Get a gag order; everybody involved sits down and shuts up. No TV, no interviews, no articles, no quotes, no spokespeople, no tweets, no face books, no nothing.
3. Get a DNA test for Levi, Tripp and Trig. If Levi has anything to do with the birth of Trig, and he signed some confidentiality agreement when he was underage, he needs to prove his connection to Trig, and explain why Sarah has such a hold on him, that he is under duress, literally being blackmailed.
4. If Levi is not Trig's father, let him speak up now and tell what he does know about Trig's parentage. It should be shown in court how controlling and deceptive Sarah is, that she is has a direct role in raising Tripp, and that it is not in Tripp's welfare to be in that kind of atmosphere. As long as Bristol lives with Sarah, Sarah is an issue in the custody hearing. Make her an issue!
Levi is hot.
ReplyDeleteBristol got a lip job.
Grow a spine Bristol, step back from mommy. She's a laughing stock to America.
ReplyDeleteBristol do you have a brain, you can't answer for yourself? Grow a spine! Borrow one from the kid! Something! Cause your looking mighty fake and weak up there.
So who's idea was this to go on O?
That would be a interesting tidbit.
Levi is spot on.
"Thought Levi was above that. Guess not. Sad."
ReplyDeleteLay off the kid! Bristol trashed him from one end to the other in that magazine article last week - calling him a deadbeat dad and "begging" him to show an interest in Tripp - and Sarah Palin keeps her personal lawyer busy harassing Levi all the time.
I would rather see Levi tell the TRUTH about Bristol Palin - but he won't even do that, much less lie about her.
I don't believe that Levi's writing a book. If he had the barest idea of an outline, we'd already have heard about a contract from a publisher. I have no doubt that there are things that he could tell, but I think he's already past the point when most people would have had an interest in buying his book (present company excepted). I think with every passing day he's becoming more irrelevant to most of the country.
ReplyDeleteWho can forget Sarah's one word of advice in raising children when asked by the press during her "tour" last fall.
ReplyDeleteShe said..."OBEY". Chilling.
Anonymous at 7:01 p.m., what's this about Bristol looking like she has had "work" done? (I actually can't bring myself to watch the video).
ReplyDeleteMaybe Mommy's plastic surgeon shot some Restylane into her lips as a "freebie" in connection with Mommy's facelift.
Not to go too middle school, but Bristol is a very ordinary looking girl - far from pretty. Probably why she hates her almost sister-in-law Mercede Johnson who is much prettier.
What I don't understand is why Levi's being so passive. He should've taken that first Vanity Fair check and filed papers for custody. Instead he lets Sarah and Bristol dictate every move. He could have filed and he would have had months to get his own place, help out his mother, do whatever he wanted. In the meantime, Bristol's "own house" wasn't ready. She wasn't working. She wasn't going to school. She wasn't in any better position than he was.
ReplyDeleteWhat has he gained by waiting? He hasn't been granted access to Tripp. He hasn't made the amount of money he could have made with a book. Whatever his long-range goals are, what benefit can be worth the loss of experiencing all the milestones in Tripp's first year of life?
If Levi had kept silent, I think that other people might have spoken up. Instead, each time he claims he's going to tell all, people in Wasilla--people who know the truth-- decide that they don't have to talk, because Levi will. And time goes by, and memories fade, and evidence disappears.
Who gains by Levi's promise, and failure, to tell all? Sarah. She's the one whose secrets are being protected. Either Levi and his advisors are too dumb to see that, or he's working with Sarah.
Either way, I'm done listening to him, watching him on TV, reading his interviews, or caring whether he decides, after all this time, that he wants Tripp enough to fight for him. Too much time has gone by.
Anon 8:08: I disagree with the gag order. THAT'S exactly what the Palin's want.
ReplyDeleteHair extensions? And his point would be......?
ReplyDeleteThis kid needs help.
I haven't watched the Oprah video as yet, but if I live to be 150, I'll never forget the look of terror/dismay on Bristol's face when she saw Mommy Dearest come swooping into the room holding Trig? Tripp? during the Greta VanS. interview at their home last year. I wasn't sure if SP was envious and wanted to take over the spotlight as usual, or if she was trying to make sure Bristol wasn't going to say anything incriminating. Insert the Stones' "Under My Thumb" here. What a sad mess SP's "God"-driven ambitions have made of this family.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine these two in their hotel room before the show "practicing" the interview...
ReplyDeleteTawd, you be Oprah and ask us and Bristol, we'll practice our poker face...keep your chin up Bristol....and Smile!
Smile,Damn it, smile!
ReplyDeleteHey GreatGrey
ReplyDeleteI couldn't see if the wedding ring was on or off.. was it off?
I mean she didn't wear it before because it hurt when she shook hands? ain't that right Sarah P.??
uh.. wouldn't be todays excuse
oh right.. she is making Moose Stew so took it off to do some down home country cooking for her lovely american family...
such a goofy woman
I think that Bristol is no longer the same person who Levi initially fell for.
ReplyDeleteAnd the main reason being is tha Mommy Dearest is so manipulative, mean, back-stabbing and probably uses guilt also too to get her own way. Even with the secrets that Gryphen knows, we still don't know everything that goes on behind closed doors. And Levi is seeing right before his very eyes, that Bristol is turning into her mother.
It's very sad. I feel badly for Bristol, although she is old enugh to get out from the Palin household, she may not know how. Guilt does a real job on people. And remember, churches use guilt to control people all the time. Even if $arah wasn't a church goer, I could still imagine the guilt she lays at Bristol. Especially because Bristol probably feels responsible for her siblings.
The people who will get hurt the very most are obviously Bristol, Levi and Tripp. Tripp is young enough though, when the truth does come out, he'll have a chance to deal and recover from it. Bristol isn't even consciencly aware of what she is letting happen to herself.
Who knows? If $arah & Todd weren't in the picture, Bristol & Levi might have made a life together.
It's sad. Just sad.
Say what?
ReplyDeleteThe little weasel is trashing the mother of his son while in the middle of a custody suit?
Does he always mumble and fidget like that?
Can you name any other state Governors with pregnant teenage daughters? No? Because if there are any others, they don't make a public spectacle of themselves the way Sarah is doing now. I feel sorry for Bristol and Levi and Tripp for being jerked around by insane Sarah.
ReplyDeleteTo Levi:
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin is forever and always the mother of your son. Speak to and of her with RESPECT. Teach your son to speak to and of his mother with RESPECT.
National TV disparaging remarks about hair and eyebrows are inappropriate. Your son will see these videos someday. Is this the behavior you want your son to see? Do you want your son to treat his mother that way?
You have a national platform because of very unusual circumstances. Use it wisely. Be the man your son can be proud of.
Anon 5:30 - He really scares all you Palinistas, doesn't he? You realize Levi's naturalness shines a spotlight on the Palins' phoniness. You know she's not qualified to lead the free world when she can't even manage her relationship with a 19 year old boy.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt Bristol is the same person...overwhelmed with her mom's demands and underdeveloped as a "person" herself. I believe she acts like a person who has been deselfed. What is herself? She probably isn't sure. All young people are somewhat unsure of who they are because it remains to be seen.
ReplyDeleteA bizillion years ago when I was young if you found yourself romanced and became a parent you immediately commited to the other parent and you raised your kid. It was your pass to step out into adulthood. Yeah, it's scary. Yeah, you have difficulty. It was difficult to ride a bike. However, you manage cheerfully (in fact that's how you get good cheer; do a good job of this).
That Bristol is allowing her mother's political ambitions to interfere in her personal development to the extent that it is is not beneficial. Bristol would do fine on her own. Her mom can figure out how to handle abandoning her home duties for presidential wanna-beisms with running her alaskan households. Bristol needs to make it a goal to give herself some room to grow up. That doesn't mean "playing". Everybody "needs" recreation. Babies need to play. Older persons need to have recreation. Hope these young people find the twenties to be rewarding. Most people are perplexed in their twenties. I had good advice but I was prone to forgetting or being inclined to do something else.
I hope they are not grieving overmuch about their refusal to work together to enjoy their child's precious baby days because of fear of causing Sarah some mild upset in her "career" path to "the presidency". Remember MANY are called but few "chosen". Liberty is a good thing. Preach it sister.
Levi's statement of how Bristol has changed recently by mentioning the hair extensions and eyebrows, does not come across as mean spirited,just more of 'matter of fact' and his observation. Now if he peppered his statements with Scarah-speak, then I would consider it mean spirited and inappropriate and doesn't bode well for the child. He comes across as a mild manner straight shooter without all the drama and head games that seems to be occurring in the other camp.
ReplyDeleteAlso, too, Levi has the right to freedom of speech and he can say thing he wants. Mere motherhood does not trump freedom of speech. Motherhood is NOT GOD. I'll tell you, sometimes the biggest tyrants in the world are mothers. They need to remember their "power" however well loved is relative too,also, there. Furthermore, it was nice of God to allow people to participate in procreation. He could have called everyone into being, individually, however, He allowed humans to participate in parenthood. So, we can participate in the parental experience; except evidently for some fathers who are disallowed parental participation if they aren't "liked" well enough by their potential presidential candidates. "Our Father..." etc.
ReplyDeleteBristol is an idiot, and I love how Levi points this out in a gentle way. You go, Levi! Bring that bitch and her mom down.
ReplyDeleteI think Levi would make a better presidential candidate than that woman. He's from Wasilla too. Let's run Levi for president. Perhaps then he could have a chance at raising his kid.
ReplyDeleteHa ha this was on Huff today.
Bristol looked like she was going to cry at times.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe Levi pointed out the fake hair and eyebrows as being proof Bristol was not the same as before,perhaps in the past she made fun of her mom and others for hair extensions and other fakes .
Team Levi! And the guy can make fashion commentary about hair extensions if he wants: he's a model and he knows what goes into prep for the cameras. He praised Bristol as a mother.
ReplyDeleteHe's a ton nicer about Bristol than she is about him, and that's well documented.
My mom says "men always stick together". Have Todd and Levi shaken hands yet? Pace.
ReplyDeleteI truly wish that Sarah is brought down sooner rather than later. Each day that she is 'free', she earns more money and more power to her base.
ReplyDeleteI want freedom FROM Sarah and her machinations! She always seem to skate by any roadblocks (ie: email ruling yesterday) and continues to earn the big $$$s.
Can't someone in Alaska take on this job and provide the background stories to bring her down?
Levi is speaking about hair extensions and eyebrows in response to yet another circus show brought to you by mother Palin and daughter.
ReplyDeleteWhy won't Sarah just let this story go? Why does she perpetually bring herself/daughter into the limelight? Why is it so important for Bristol Palin to expose her private sexual life on tv? People aren't buying this as a concerned effort to help other young girls. Talking about sex to today's teenagers should be every parents' responsibility in the privacy of their own homes. Sarah, the one who doesn't want government to intervene in people's lives, goes on air and gets her daughter to preach abstinence for money. What's the difference? Is the money worth humiliating Bristol and making her a laughingstock again and again? What mother would allow this? The injustice in this is how Mr. & Mrs. Palin exploit their daughter's unwed pregancy story. Sick, sick, is all one can surmise from this.
Be cautious of trusting in what Levi says. Remember, he is obviously in on Palin's pregnancy deception.
ReplyDeleteStart thinking of the reason why Levi can't blow the whistle on Palin. Does Palin have something on Levi? That's doubtful but still possible. Did Levi have a huge favor done for him by Palin? That is the key IMO. (actually it goes further than just an opinion)
Or is Levi holding back in order to milk as much money out of this whole thing as he possibly can? I find that doubtful too even though he is making thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands on the publicity this is generating. I also think that exposing Palin's pregnancy deception wouldn't bring her down. Even supposing that anyone would believe him to is a Palin supporter.
She is simply not going to be taken down in her public's eyes. The best that can be expected is that those few thousands that are interested become satisfied with the truth.
Well Sarah, Bristol, and Levi are all just media whores aren't they. All hauling in the big cash while the American public swoons over the Palin persona. That may be hard to admit for us Palin haters but it's the sad truth.
ReplyDelete@ 1smartcanerican said...
ReplyDeleteI truly wish that Sarah is brought down sooner rather than later. Each day that she is 'free', she earns more money and more power to her base.
Odd, but I have been thinking lately, as I watch the Edwards story unfold - that, if the quitter is planning to run in 2012, if she were to be exposed too soon, the 'opposition' would have plenty of time to find and PROMOTE a replacement. IF she were to run, and if she was exposed shortly before an election, the 'opposition' would really have to scramble to find a replacement at the last minute, and it would put them at an awful disadvantage.
Just an odd thought. I have to trust that the timing will be right.
Country Girl: I think you're spot on in your analysis.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Sullivan pegged it best in one of his spot-on observations of Sarah - The Odd Lies of Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteOdd because they are so unneccessary.
Let's say, for the sake of argument that she did get pregnant and carry a DS child to term (albeit irresponsibly, to herself, the baby and the family - why not tell her husband or children, much less her staff and then constituents about Trig much sooner? Seven months, really? And not telling you kids about DS until he was born either?)
Why didn't she acknowledge that she should have been practicing safe sex / family planning at her age and her level of responsibility as a working mother of advanced child bearing age?
No, Life Happens, and so let's mandate it for all womens in the world. Not only that, the world needs MORE Trig's? Pile it on why don't you Sarah!
No offense, I love Trig, I think he's adorable and I wish him a loving and fulfilling life - but why go to that BS extent Sarah?
Bristol, you got caught with your pants down with your hunky boyfriend, hey, it happens. Why turn it into a cause celebre? Why tell girls around the world that they do as you say not as you did?
Just cause you have to bathe your baby twice a day (again, odd) and start your day at 4 a.m. walking in the snow uphill to your four jobs and 12 credit class load from your PR office? These are all your choices honey child, your mom's a millionaire and your not doing too bad yourself on the media's dime - why do you guys have to make yourselves seem so much more than you are? Your followers love you no matter what! You don't even have to try anymore. . .
WTF. You guys are so freaking strange. Here Sarah, how about sticking to journalism 101 - facts instead of these bizarre affectations of what you believe a real american patriot would or should do in our private lives?
Why Palin's? Why?