Monday, January 11, 2010

If Sarah thought her Fox News announcement was going to distract the media from the "Game Change" story she certainly did not take MSNBC into account.

First Countdown weighs in on the devastating revelations about Sarah Palin from the authors of "Game Change".

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Destiny chosen by God? Inability to say "nuclear"? Holy crap! Sarah Palin really is George Bush with a vagina!

And that comparison is defined even further on the Rachel Maddow show as Kent Jones tells us about the "Sarah Palin Game Plan for Success".

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  1. Yes, it must be God's plan that she not learn anything. Well said, Margaret Carlson -- you are wonderful (first video, well worth watching!).

  2. Don't forget, folks -- none of us actually have to watch Faux "News" to see what Palin is up to.

    There's NEWS HOUNDS (We Watch FOX So You Don't Have To). Every day.

    Be sure to read the comments linked at the lower right of each report...

  3. Hmmm... around 1:56 notice how 'pregnant' Sarah sits with crossed legs.

  4. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Nobody watches MSNBC:

  5. Another pageant gal, Gretchen Carlson of Minnesota, is also on FOX. That fancy pageant walkin' is quite a marketable skill. ::wink::wink::

  6. Hmmm Does this mean Fox News will become Unfair & Imbalanced?

    Or just plain fucking crazy?

    Oh Sarah will rue the day she made this choice.
    It's one thing to have someone write a book for you, but going on the air.....

    Too bad it's not "live"....
    shed be racking up a boatload of zingers.

    The big question is will she continue to do that winking & blinking spasm stuff?


  7. naughtymonkey12:09 AM

    I found Margaret Carlson's contribution to the discussion entertaining.
    But for what I felt was an actual warning about remaining vigilant re: Palin, did anyone see the preceding interview?
    Near the very end of that interview, Jonathan Alter was asked who came off the worst in "Game Change." He replied both Edwards and Palin. Then he seemed to discount Edwards as having any political future, but Palin as possibly still in the picture. He remarked about the book's mention of Palin's lies and the book's mention of her incapability to be President. He then said with a sober, serious expression (and this really gave me pause, i.e. the look in his eyes "scared the sh*t out of me") that he hopes people do not forget that information about Palin in 2012.

  8. notmensa12:16 AM

    I do not agree that Palin is another er... Bush with lady bits.

    W. was part of a political dynasty. He was surrounded with long-standing, loyal confidants and advisors and had a well-established 'brains trust' around him.

    Aside from her family, Palin appears to have no long-term professional relationships or even friendships. She has no 'brains trust' or long-standing political aids to guide her. I believe she is surrounded by opportunists whose true motivations she does not understand or suspect. I think she is being well and truly played and will be cast aside just as soon as she is no longer useful.

  9. sunnyjane12:59 AM

    Sarah's not going to last long in the confines of this Fox gig. The news business is very competitive and the people who are already in positions will become ruthless in their treatment of her.

    She'll be given puff-piece assignments (telling stories about "real Americans" but she'll get tired of that pretty quickly. She wants to be treated like a legitimate professional broadcaster but she hasn't paid her dues. She'll end up as a BINO (Broadcaster in Name Only). Could she, for instance, even come CLOSE to the professional savvy that Shannyn Moore possesses? Hardly. So it's not even worth it to compare her with Couric, Maddow, Olbermann, Williams, etc., etc., etc.

    She will NOT last. It will eventually become "too hard" because she won't be able to keep up. She doesn't like keeping to a rigid schedule, particularly when she's unhappy.

  10. Anonymous1:04 AM

    After being bombard with Paylin since the convention has anyone else notice that after a major bomb on $'error how quick her handler (Murdock) is to come out with a story that overshadow the first story. Does "Mudrock" think we (American) are so stupid that we follow the village nut into oblivion and the destruction of America. He must feel so superior to American that he thinks he can shape America future with a nitwit. He can go to hell too!

  11. Anonymous2:44 AM

    I never would have believed that, one day, someone would come along who makes Dubya seem intelligent, articulate and principled, by comparison.

    Palin actually makes me miss the days when the Republicans had quality Dubya.

  12. yeah, we need to hope that some journalists decide to do their job and expose Sarah. Now that she has a forum of her own, it is more imperative than ever.
    Sadly, she will probably do quite well on a taped Faux show. As many redos as she needs and scripted. She can do ok at that.
    Come on Rachel and Keith. Ask questions!!!!

  13. sunnyjane3:50 AM

    Sarah Palin should come with a warning label:

    1. Speech may cause headaches and earaches, resulting in early-onset dementia and deafness.

    2. Frequently explodes under pressure.

    3. Has been known to cause white males to experience erections lasting longer than four hours.

    4. Often causes white females to purchase bizarre products called Bumpits.

    5. Shuts down suddenly when stressed.

    6. Unreliable shelf life; regularly quits working during normal operation.

    7. Recommended Actions: For your own sanity, DO NOT spend more than thirty seconds with this product.

  14. Anonymous4:20 AM

    It's getting kinda pathetic here. I fear Ms. Palin (did you notice, she's using "Ms." now?) will be with us for a long time now. Sorry, but that's what it looks like.

  15. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Meanwhile, back in the sane world:

    CBS has Obama at 46% approval. Are we talking about the Katie Couric CBS? That CBS ?

    Unemployment is still at 10%

    Harry Reid is toast and Nevadans are spreading the marmalade on him.

    Price of oil and gasoline are going up far.

    Did I mention unemployment is at 10%?

    Ricky Hollywod changed his name to Levi Johnston.

  16. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Is somebody making popcorn?

    No, that's liberal heads exploding

  17. Anonymous4:57 AM

    My take on this may be different from others' view. I think this is kind of a slap--Fox made a decision that Palin couldn't handle/carry a show of her own, like Huckabee. So she'll be the equivalent of that big-headed woman (Nancy something that starts with a P) that shows up on Larry King and spouts the party line. Can't be all that much money and nobody cares.

  18. Schmidt doesn't quite know the definition of nonplusssed:

    "A state of utter perplexity". Hmmm. Maybe he does and was trying to say something after all.

  19. Great article by Eric Boehlert at Media Matters excerpt below….. check the video link at the end, they have come out with an hilarious clip of the right wanting a Beck/Palin ticket for 2012…..

    Stenography 101: How the press let Palin and Cheney rig the system

    Not content with its lapdog coverage of President Bush over the past decade, the Beltway press has adopted a new, super-soft way to deal with Bush’s former vice president, Dick Cheney, as well as GOP media star Sarah Palin. Journalists have set aside what had been decades’ worth of guidelines and embraced special new rules for how Cheney and Palin get treated.

    In a word, it’s stenography.

    That’s how too many scribes have covered Cheney and Palin in recent months, allowing them to dispense tightly controlled pieces of information, which journalists then trumpet as breaking news. And yes, the trend is unprecedented in modern day American politics.

    It’s actually a two-fer. First, it’s unprecedented because the Beltway press has never showered attention on political losers, such as Cheney and Palin. Meaning, the press has never cared what a former VP had to say about current events right after leaving the White House (think: Dan Quayle), or what a failed VP candidate had to say just months after losing in a landslide (think: Geraldine Ferraro). Traditionally, pundits and reporters disdain political losers (think: Mike Dukakis). But for Cheney and Palin, the rules have been generously reworked.

    The second oddity is that journalists now allow Cheney and Palin to completely dictate the media ground rules and afford them the chance to have one-way relationships with the press. Palin, for instance, perhaps still bruising from her woeful 2008 media performances, still hasn’t allowed herself to be interviewed by a single independent political journalist since she launched her book in November. Instead, she mostly communicates with the mainstream media via Facebook. And now that she’s signed on to join the Fox News staff, the chances of Palin ever speaking with the serious press seem to be less than zero. That lack of openness stacks the deck and leads to dreadful bouts of stenography; of literally recording what controversial Republicans say, and nothing more.

  20. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I wonder if Faux rushed this news because of the Game Plan coverage?

    Maybe SP will be satisfied with the puff pieces and adulation, and stick with that rather than the tough stuff. One can only hope.

    NPR gave me the giggles this morning. At the end of their piece about her Fox gig, the reporter interviewed a woman who felt the Faux would give her detractors to see how wonderful she is in action. The reported concluded with a snarky, "... but that would require the sceptics to watch Fox."

  21. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Sunnyjane, love the list, but you forgot:

    8. Unsafe around children.

  22. Anonymous5:36 AM

    It's quite wonderful how Palin has become a laughingstock. And nobody deserves that more than she. However, the One Trick Pony folks will continue to try to spin this as people being afraid, upset, what have you. Sorry, folks--it won't work. This is simply an effort by Murdoch to see if Palin can be a draw, short of giving her her own show--which he didn't do. Maybe a few speeches, etc. She'll certainly have money. But many people who are laughable in this culture (Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc.) have money. Says more about "right place at the right time" than anything else.

  23. Faux News would not add Sister Sarah (or anyone else, for that matter) unless there was $$$ in it for them. They could care less about her "message" because she doesn't have one, they just care about the ratings and the money it will bring in.

    People who watch Faux News are rabidly loyal--it takes a specific psyche to believe believe that nonsense and the majority of Americans do not fall into that category. Most Americans have some amount of common sense, and even though that's one of Sister Sarah's favorite terms she wouldn't know it if it smacked her on the bumpit.

    It BELIES common sense to accept that she QUIT being governor because it was in the best interests of Alaska.

    It BELIES common sense that one would make a 10-hour plane journey while in labor with a high-risk pregnancy.

    Death panels BELIE common sense.

    Everything that comes out of her mouth BELIES common sense.

    No, most people made up their minds about her during the 2008 campaign (like me), and if that didn't do it, then her quitting did. The damage has been done. There is no recovery. The majority of Americans already know she is in no way, shape or form qualified to run this country. She will never bring herself up to speed because a) she doesn't have the intelligence and b) she doesn't want to work that hard.

    When I dip my toe into the sea of pee, I sense a lot of fear and definitely a lot of anger. Her subjects are very afraid and distrustful of the country we live in because they don't have any experience with people not like them--white fundamental heterosexual Christians. That's their world and their belief system and it is so ingrained they rigidly stick to it at all costs.

    And Sister Sarah exploits those fears and doubts in the name of the almighty dollar. But it goes both ways--she is now being exploited by Fox in the name of the almighty dollar.

  24. lilly6:18 AM

    Murdoch is cushioning her right now.

    I wonder what he thinks he gets out of the deal.

    He won't get inside the WhiteHouse like he did 10 Downing Street.

    Ratings? An old mans darling? Watch out Wendi.

    The tabloid deal that Bristol has must be with one of Murdochs rags.

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:40 AM

    So much to catch up on--I succumbed to the flu I was coming down with on Saturday night. OT, but I'm glad the Miss Wasilla dates were cleared up, and by the 1984 winner at that! The fact remains that when it comes to SP (as in the Media Matters article, above), facts mean VERY little--no vetting, nothing, and it's all oh, so acceptable. I authored a book several years ago and was questioned about every minute issue by the publisher's fact checking department. If a reference was off by a DAY, I got a phone call asking to back it up. If it didn't check out, it wasn't printed. Not the same for $arah, huh?

    My fear is that Fox will afford Miss Congeniality a platform to rewrite history. HER history. On TV, so them's who didn't read "her" reams o'garbage will perk up and listen. And her rabid minions will believe her. The only thing I'm hanging on to is that intrepid bloggers scare the s**t out of her. All who are concerned have to remain vigilant and to notify outlets such as Media Matters when things that come out of her face don't check out, so there will be a record of it. Most marginally politically aware Americans WILL forget, and the web of lies has to be thrown back at them if she decides (or it's decided for her) to run in 2012. Even picky little details like the dates for Miss Wasilla. If President Obama made a mistake on a date or detail concerning his past, the Rethugs would be all over him 24/7. Maddening!

    And, in my semi-fog yesterday, I noted how the overhyped backlash on the Harry Reid comment was played over and over in the MSM, obscuring the potentially damaging information about Queenie presented on 60 Minutes. Timing is everything. To quote Arte Johnson: "Verrrry interesting!"

    Thanks again, Gryph, for all you do.

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    hrh writes:

    Martha, thanks for the very informative comment.

    The reason LimpDick and $P get such a pass from the corporate media is for one reason only: $$$$$$$$$$

    Remember: who owns these huge corporations? Think they support Obama? Anything that infringes on their bottom line? Will do anything, ANYTHING for ratings increases, including journalistic prostitution?

    Successful corporate "journalists" know how to keep their jobs: by playing the corporate game.

  27. Think of the many 'positives' having Quittypants on FUCHS! It will be so much fun, listening to her nonsensical word salads, and her pouting, mean girl face will give all of us wonderful opportunities to have fun with Photoshop!

  28. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Since $arah is moving to NY, and becoming part of the media, isn't she now part of the East Coast Media Elite?

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:34 AM

    Thanks Kajo for the "news hounds" link....
    I can't stand faux noise.
    Its like a "made up reality show".
    Now will be more so with grandma quitty pants on there and her octomom lips! Ewwwwww!
    She will be the oldest woman, perimenopausal woman there :) Cheers quitty pants!!!

  30. Well, I wouldn't say Britt Hume or Brillo was over the moon about Sister Sarah, which I think is quite telling. I agree that in the end, even this gig will be too hard for $P, or she will get bored with it. Her attention span is really non existant. And yes, Murdoch thinks we are all village idiots that he can minipulate. Mr. M you are in for a surprise, there are those of us who prefer to think for ourselves rather than having our opinions handed out to us like a script to follow. And I really cannot see her living in New York; too much "ethnic variety" for Sister Sarah.

  31. She can't think of any reason that she would be there except for God... well, s'error, how about you were there because the RNC/McCain nitwits did not do their homework?

    Had they known you were such an ego-driven idiot, they would have run and you would have been stuck as AK's governor - a position you clearly hated.

    It was not God who put you in the VP candidate's slot but a bunch of lazy-ass republicans named Schmidt, Davis and McCain.

  32. "Anonymous said... It's getting kinda pathetic here. I fear Ms. Palin (did you notice, she's using "Ms." now?) will be with us for a long time now. Sorry, but that's what it looks like.

    4:20 AM"


    If you block the television channel which carries faux news, you CAN be rid of her.

  33. The Boston Globe covered s'error's new "job." The comments to the article are about 95 - 1 against her, with most mocking her and faux news. One person stated something to the affect that quitting comes easy to palin. How true that is.

    Anyone want to start an office pool to guess the date on which she quits this new post? It's what she does best... quit.

  34. Maybe God's Plan was to use Sarah Palin to get Barack Obama elected. Thanks to Prairie Sunshine...she said it first.

  35. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:53 PM

    Gee, I wonder how many people were surprised by this move? I doubt she'll last too long. TV adds at least 10 lbs, and HDTV will amplify every flaw. It's a good move for Fox, by comparison the Beck et al will look like geniuses!


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