Sunday, January 31, 2010

In case you missed it...

Here is Paul Krugman confronting Roger Ailes on ABC"s"This Week" about the misinformation that is constantly disseminated by Fox News.

I hate it when these jerks on Fox News pretend to defend the intelligence of the American people, when in fact they are using it as a smokescreen to hide the fact that they are actively trying to dumb down their audience.

In this clip from the same show Ailes defends Glenn Beck's crazy talk and avoids answering whether or not newest Fox news contributor Sarah Palin's is qualified to be president. (Here is a hint, she is NOT.)

God that guy is a pompous ass.

Well I think he rolled the dice one time too many when he hired Sarah Palin. She is the Typhoid Mary of politics, and she will surely infect Fox News as well.


  1. Anonymous10:51 PM

    what a pig......

  2. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Ailes and Palin are kindred spirits. They both misrepresent the truth and can't do much more than spout off their talking points. Two very horrible people.

  3. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Arianna Huffington is an Obama-hater. I would not be surprised to see FOX buy her business in a move enter the blogosphere.

  4. sunnyjane12:30 AM

    So, this old spitball's rationale for hiring Palin is based on the fact that Geraldine Ferraro is also on Fox sometimes. Huh! If I can remember correctly, Gerraro is an attorney, a teacher, a former member of the House of Representatives, and was Ambassador to the United Nations on Human Rights.

    And Palin is a former mayor, a half-term governor, a liar and a... dimwit.

    And that's a good reason to hire her?

    I do understand that Sarah's going to be on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace next weekend. Our TV will probably explode when we get to Fox, but this I've GOT to see. Maybe hub and I can watch it over breakfast. Oh, maybe not...I'd hate for us to choke on our cheese grits. Well, maybe we'll just start having our adult beverages a LITTLE bit early.

  5. Olivia3:38 AM

    Fox news was infected way before Palin. She fits right in. They look ever more ridiculous as they attempt to take all that prattle seriously. Unfortunately her fans are just as empty headed as she is, so of course they are happy there is finally someone out there who makes perfect sense to their pea brains.
    Look at Roger Ailes; he is a dead man walking. His eyes are sickly puffy and his face looks like a balloon that was overinflated and is starting to sag as the air slowly leaks out.

  6. Anonymous4:32 AM

    These folks treat politics as a "game". A question of "ratings" and who is up or down; they have no interest in what is needed by the American public. Sarah Palin as an "analyst" for Fox News is a reminder of that fact. Showcasing a moron as a serious voice in politics is merely part of their efforts to influence and inflate the power of image.

    Fox News is a toxic blend of political distortion and their roster of "stars" is there to simply reinforce the GOP agenda. Unfortunately a large segment of the public is taken in by this propaganda and believe that what they are receiving from this arm of the Republican Party is truth.

    Where once it was suggested that one could not get much lower in having a raving Glenn Beck as a commentator they found that it could be achieved by showcasing the likes of Sarah Palin, a true Know Nothing, as proof that the public will buy anything as long as it comes packaged in pretty wrappings.

    An appeal to the lowest common denominator.

  7. He looks like Jaba the Hut from Star Wars. A disgusting, lying pig of a human.

  8. Anonymous4:52 AM

    I love how Paul Krugman drops his pen at the mention of Scarah's name.

  9. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Disgusting. The guy is absolutely the lowest form of human being ever.
    "Most trusted"?! Your network is like a car wreck. Lots of people slow down to see the carnage. Disgusting.

  10. chancefavors5:34 AM

    They're as irresponsible as he is. Finally, he's on the "hot seat" and THAT'S IT? No probing? No follow up questions? Nobody invited on the panel who would REALLY challenge him? They're ALL full of sh*t....

    Just about money, and's all entertainment! Stop playing games with the American public!

  11. chancefavors5:50 AM

    I Don't trust Arianna Huffington. There are more vile things said about President Obama on her blog than on most conservatives ones..and she allows it.

    She speaks, but I can no better understand what she's saying than I do sneaky Sarah...

  12. chancefavors5:58 AM


    And he looks like he needs a damn good enema..

  13. Anonymous6:18 AM

    It is nice to see that a tiny bit of MSM time is being given to calling out the lies and bias.

    If it is, for the present, only the none Faux news attacking Faux news, at least that is a start.

    I would think that MSM would be embarased that Comedy Daily has the two most respected news programs. It does show what at "joke" MSM's new is an has been for a couple of decades, as in back to the Nixon era.

    Sadly most of the population of the US has actually never seen an unbiased news paper or program, so they don't know any better.

  14. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I would disagree that Huffington is an Obama hater. She is certainly a Clinton family hater, as that is where she came to fame.

    I personally ignore her stuff on her site, and look through the other articles.
    I just wish it were all news and would drop the entertainment stuff and boobs, and clothing malfunctions, etc. from its home page and stick to real news there.

    That site does put up a lot of doctored pictures of Michelle, Hillary and others. That lowers its standards and its trustworthyness a whole lot.

  15. Watch Paul Krugman's eyes at about the :25 mark (2nd clip) when Ailes claims that Obama was "tromping around on the Constitution" with the Fox news deep freeze. He looks at Ariana like ..."can you believe that shit just came out of his mouth?"

    One big game to that guy. And again, I find these people rather late to the party when they bring up ANYTHING having to do with the Constitution. We were screaming during the Bush Administration about the Constitution and all we heard from Fox was {{{{crickets}}}}

  16. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Here's why I don't trust Arianna. When she and her former husband were trying to buy a Senate seat in CA...I lived there at the time...she was all over trumpeting the Republican mantra. She'd been doing that for years. She knew it all. Suddenly, after her former hubby came out saying he was gay and divorced her she had an epiphany. She became what she called a liberal. What a load of garbage. She twists in the wind pointing to whatever she thinks will make her name known and make her money.

    She's very critical of President Obama and once again attempts to let everyone know that SHE knows it all. Please, the woman is a weasel. Frankly she's no better than Roger. Trust her at your peril.

  17. chancefavors6:49 AM

    Barbara Walters botoxed, won't go away, dried up ass is the very one who named Glenn beckkk and Sarah PaYlin among the most fascinating people of 2009 on that old outdated tv show of hers. Fascinating? Oh well, what do I know? We're still "fascinated" with Hitler..

    Was she Ailes playing footsies under the table?
    Same old faces on 20 different shows. They get all of the gigs..can't somebody else make some money and also too?

  18. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Huffpo is now about being sold. We know her and the backer and they are all about getting click-through and page views and nothing does that like naked celebrities!

  19. SallynGarland,TX8:10 AM

    Arianna and Ailes? Who is next at This Week? TMZ and The Insider?

  20. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Is Chris Wallace the same person that tried to prepare Palin for the VP debate?

  21. sunnyjane1:00 AM

    Anon @ 9:58 asked: "Is Chris Wallace the same person who tried to prepare Palin for the VP debate?"

    No, you're thinking of Nicolle Wallace, who was on the McCain campaign. She tried to prepare Palin for the Couric interviews (and others) and Palin wouldn't have any part of it. You remember how THAT turned out!

    Chris Wallace (a male) is the moderator of Fox News Sunday.


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