Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is coming to Texas on Sunday, February 7, 2010 to headline a rally for Governor Perry's re-election campaign. We invite you to join Sarah Palin, Rick Perry, and your fellow conservatives in Houston for this exciting event.
I have to wonder whose bright idea it was to plan a fundraiser on Superbowl Sunday, in football loving Texas. Not exactly a recipe for a large turnout now is it?
And this may well be the second time that Palin addresses a virtually empty room this week. Because on Saturday "Lady Gag-me" will be the keynote speaker at the National Teabagger Convention. Unless she quits of course.
You aren't going to quit are you Sarah?
And speaking of quitting it looks like a whole lot of Sarah's most reliable supporters are getting ready to quit on her. Just check out this e-mail from a guy who was once a co-founder of the "2012 Draft Sarah Committee"
Sarah Hits the Lecture Circuit showing off her expertise (for a large fee) on trade policies between the U.S. and China at the CLSA Asia Pacific Markets Conference
As a co-founder of the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee, I cannot say how distressed I am at Sarah Palin's decision to endorse John McCain for his run for Arizona senator. See the story on American Patrol.
Sarah Palin did not and does not need John McCain. Perhaps, she felt and obligation to Senator McCain for choosing her as VP. But it seems that his choice was more a suggestion of staff and Rush Limbaugh than McCain's idea.
At the CPAC convention in 2008, the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee had a booth promoting her as a presidential candidate. On man came over to me, gave me his card and questioned whether we had the right to promote Sarah without her permission, which any group does. He was from the Republican National Committee and connected with the Sarah PAC. I thought it strange that Sarah would align herself with the RINO’s of RNC, but then passed it off as that it was an effective way for her to raise money using their expertise.
Sarah PAC as of 6/30/09 has raised $732,767 and disbursed $276,200 in expenses and given $10,000 in campaign contributions. One was $5,000 for Lisa Murkowski for US Senate (AK). The other was $5,000 for the 2010 primary for John McCain. The date of this disbursement was 6/23/09.
How many books would Sarah have sold if this was public knowledge in the fall of 2009?
Sarah Palin is now aligned herself with several bad actors. What should this be called, the Rinoization of Sarah Palin? Governor Perry of Texas has always been an open borders advocate. And Bill O'Reilly has always been lukewarm on immigration. Perhaps it is because there are about 18,000 illegal Irish in New York City and they are always advocating for amnesty.
Doesn't Sarah Palin realize that John McCain is an anathema to a large faction of her supporters? Does she not realize that a good part of McCain's vote was because of her? Does she not realize that many Republican voters so disliked McCain that they voted for Obama or didn't go to the polls?
Does Sarah Palin have some moral blind spot? Or is she just become another politician sidling up to whomever she feels can help her? If so, she has made a grave error.
Senator John McCain is a dangerous man to the Republic. He stands for nothing but his own advancement and he has betrayed the Republican Party at every opportunity. “Hello, Sarah!”
At the time of the election, perhaps Sarah Palin could have been forgiven for her ideas on immigration (and lack of knowledge) because she was governor of Alaska, not Arizona. Yet, after the election she was invited to visit Arizona by myself and Glenn Spencer of American Border Patrol. Her staff gave a negative reply when she was in office and she never made any trip on her own initiative after she left office in Alaska.
In the intervening months, she has done little but promote herself as a celebrity, known because her brief time on the national political stage. She is certainly entitled to write a book and make money for her and her family, but other than what has she done to support Republican and patriotic candidates.
Where was she in VA?
Where was she in NJ?
Where was she in Mass?
Who controls her PAC and to whom has it given money?
Rudy Giuliani showed up in Mass because he knew what was at stake. Perhaps, Sarah was too busy talking to her agent about her Fox deal.
Napoleon once said that he wanted Generals that went to the sound of the cannon, that they instinctively were fighters. He also said he wanted generals that had bon chance, good luck. Well, Sarah has had good luck, but she has not gone to the sound of the cannon, where critical battles were fought in 2009.
Did Sarah Palin ever take a possible run for President seriously. Did she visit Iraq? Did she visit Detroit. Did she visit the AZ border? What does she know about the financial crisis? What does she know about free trade or finances?
It is terrifically disappointing to see a person of great values and charm make such a disastrous mistake. But better that it happen now, than after she could be elected for office.
I am sure she has weakened her base of supporters. I for one am cancelling my monthly contribution to her campaign.
Perhaps, her next book will be titled “Going RINO.”
Paul Streitz is the director of CT Citizens for Immigration Control and author of America First: Why Americans Must End Free Trade, Stop Outsourcing and Close Our Open Borders. ctcic@optonline.net (Mr. Streitz is no longer with the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee.)
(H/T to Elizabeth.)
See? They are slow, but eventually even ardent Sarah supporters can finally see the light. Well at least some of them.
And finally some good news for those people who wanted to buy Sarah's book "Going Rogue" as a gag gift, or doorstop, or campfire starter, but just could not see paying more than a buck for it. Now you can afford to buy it with the spare change in your car's ashtray.
Poor chap. He does appear "tres bummed" about his former heroine. I wonder if the rest of those slobbering-over-her idiots will get the message.
ReplyDeleteAnd, thanks all the same, Gryphen, but I wouldn't let them pay ME to have one of her books.
Does this guy realized Sarah Plain was persona non grata in NJ, VA and MASS? There were many articles written over the summer about this. Bob McDonnell did aske for Sarah's help earlier in 2009, but basically reneged after the illustrious quitter speech and death panel nonsense. Bob gave her a thanks, but no thanks after taking her $2500 donation.
ReplyDeleteScott Brown just stated in an interview last week that he never met Sarah or contacted her. Same with Christie.
Political lesson...if you are Republican and want to win an election, stay as far away from Sarah Palin as possible. I cannot believe McCain has not learned this lesson since he lost the Presidential election in the largest electoral defeat in recent history.
"lady gag-me" hahahahahahaha....love it
ReplyDeleteNow we have further evidence of who bought all those bulk sales of "Going Rogue" and made it a best seller. I wonder how it would have done without all this extra help?
ReplyDeleteJoin NRA as a fully paid, annual member for only $25 and get a first-edition copy of Sarah Palin's new bestseller,
Going Rogue–a $29.95 value–FREE. In this eye-opening first-hand account, NRA Life Member Sarah Palin calls on all Americans to embrace faith and family, and fight for the freedoms we cherish.
Join for three years
and get a signed first-edition copy of Going Rogue!
I guess that some of these folks are finally learning how to recognize a prostitute- usually wears lots of make-up, a wig, gaudy clothing-- ya' know?
ReplyDeleteViewers will see Palin, other convention speakers
Sarah Palin's keynote address at the National Tea Party Convention, other speeches at the conference and the opening of the convention will be broadcast live, according to convention organizers tonight.
Judson Phillips, president of Tea Party Nation, which is heading the convention, said organizers saw the demand for access to what occurs at the convention. Palin is scheduled to appear Saturday night.
Thanks Gryphen, but those books are a waste of perfectly good trees!
ReplyDeleteI guess no one can make everyone happy.
ReplyDeleteBut Sarah does have a way of making everyone pissed off at some point in either their defense of her or in the act of deserting her.
She's quite talented in that way.
Sarah's going to the Daytona 500
ReplyDeleteDid you and Zaki get your press passes ?
Scathing!!! Love it! The only ones who won't get it are the creepers...
ReplyDeleteThey are to dumb to notice that THEY not HC paid for the private Jet so $arah aka la cabrona could fly around like a elitist...! And the bus ummmmm the pac paid for that!
And for RAM and Joseph Russo to write her facebook. The PAC paid for that. I can't wait for the FEC to audit SarahPac!
I am enjoying the spectacle of watching Sarah Palin blindly groping her way toward what I consider an inevitable run for POTUS. In the past several months she has wooed and courted the teabagger tribe, stiff arming the GOP in upstate New York’s 23rd race. In that contest she eagerly endorsed the teabagger clod Hoffman, thus helping to wrest defeat from the jaws of victory for the GOP. Palin was arguably the most successful Democrat in that district in about 130 years.
ReplyDeleteNow it seems as if Palin has done an abrupt about face - big surprise. Now she's infuriating the teabaggers by endorsing McCain and speaking at the faux-teabagger ball. She is also openly suggesting that the teabaggers and the GOP should reunite. Does Palin actually think that she has a snowball’s chance in hell of being the GOP nominee for POTUS in 2012? Michael Steele has himself been trying to woo the teabaggers, but the LAST thing the GOP wants is for Palin to be ridin’ the elephant toward the next presidential election.
The teabaggers would come out for Palin in droves. Sure, statistically they are miniscule, but in primaries they could come out in enough force to actually help Palin do well, or God forbid, win. At the very moment that some within the GOP are realizing that they need to reach out beyond their slobbering goober base, Palin threatens to drag them back deeper into the troglodyte caves they have been inhabiting.
I think Palin hasn’t the slightest chance of being elected, but if she does decide to stick with the GOP I think that powerful voices within the party will begin going after her LONG before the first primaries in 2012. The few Republicans with brains who wield influence within the party will simply do everything that they can to sink her. Remember, this is the party of Karl Rove, the master “rat fucker” who gleefully employed dirty tricks against those in his own party to propel W into the White House. Rove might not be the one to deliver the coup de grĂ¢ce, but there are plenty of other rat fuckers within the GOP who would be more than happy to bring Palin down.
If Palin goes rogue, she can actually be some feckless third party’s nominee. If she saddles up the elephant and tries to go GOP, she won’t know what hit her. I’ll enjoy watching the show whichever script Sarah decides to use.
I think that it is hysterical that you can get the latest releases by Palin, Malkin, Coulter, Beck, Levin, Morris, AND Goldberg combined for less than the price of a frozen pizza. And they’ll even throw in another book just for good measure. Do you think that there is actually ANYONE who will take this deal and actually read all eight books? Is there anyone who would buy all eight who actually CAN READ?
My how the mighty have fallen.
She was not in NJ, VA or Mass because after NY 23 any legitimate candidate knew her endorsement is poison. The Republican party is through with her. And if by some horrible quirk of fate Scarah would get the Republican nomination for POTUS, the Dems already have the only ad they will need: President Obama from the SOTU saying "I don't quit" in a splitscreen w/$P's resignation babble. Game over.
ReplyDeleteTea Party Patriots Seek Return to Good Ole Robber Baron Days
Another Off Topic:
ReplyDeleteThe banksters love Scottie Brown:
In a six-day span just before the US Senate election, Republican Scott Brown collected nearly $450,000 from donors who work at financial companies, a sign the industry is prepared to spend heavily in the upcoming midterm elections to beat back new controls and taxes President Obama wants to impose.
The donations, from hundreds of financial executives, far exceeded what Brown received from doctors and others in the health care industry in the final days of the campaign. While Brown saw donations from all quarters explode in mid-January, as polls showed him closing fast on opponent Martha Coakley, the donations from financial workers coincided with several key developments that would affect their companies.
It all makes sense now eh?
This guy shows that her inimitable word salad is actually one of the secrets to Sarah's success. When everything out of her mouth is either a meaningless platitude or an attack on Obama, it is easy for the gullible to project their ideas onto her, to convince themselves she believes in their pet "cause."
ReplyDeleteThe longer she's around, the more they'll begin to realize, hey, she's not in my corner after all. Or at least, some of them will realize it.
Watch out Rand!! Your sure to lose with this:
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin Endorses Rand Paul In Kentucky Senate Race
s'error and rick ought to take their act to South Hadley, MA. The mean girls there will know what to do with them both.
ReplyDeleteRomney will take care of Miss O'silla. He smells the nomination and he is not some naive little Mormon. Bain Capital is a ruthless buyout firm. He will take her down, he will call her stupid, whatever it takes.
ReplyDeleteThey all will.She was a novelty but no one would ask Miss Goin'rogue to run WITH them and she won't get the top spot.
"Who controls her PAC, and to whom has it given money?"
ReplyDeleteI'm half tempted to email Mr. Streitz with a links to palingates and breepalin.
This is a great blog but please get back on the Trigg story and break it soon.
ReplyDeleteI would not join a conservative book club to buy that book. I believe it will be at the local dollar store in less than a year.
ReplyDeleteI think there are overstock copies galore. I'm thinking it would make a good dart board or target on the shooting range.
Anonymous at 7:13, funny about those "signed" book giveaways. There are 2 expenditures in the FEC filing for "auto pens"; I mean, do you think Ms. Lazy would stoop to signing them by hand?
ReplyDeleteAnd there will be NO second edition, you betcha!
Ha, the only ones that are going to stick with Ms. Fraud are the ones getting paid before it's over.
ReplyDeletePalin in 2012? Are you kidding me?
It's surprising that the anti-immigration guy in AZ thought Sarah would help. Sarah supports immigration and amnesty.
ReplyDeleteI hope we have a freak snow/ice storm so the airports will be closed and poisonous palin won't be able to make it to Texas! On the other hand, she is actually what perry deserves...let them both sink!!! This is sickening.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are going to have big screen tv's showing the game, free chicken wings and free beer at the Gov. Perry rally on Super Bowl Sunday. That would bring the crowds in.
ReplyDeleteOT here, sorry; The news is out there that possibly Sarah's PAC paid for some expenses for Sarah's bus tour, with PAC info on the bus; if that's the case, wouldn't that raise the question of Gryphen and Dennis Zaki's being denied access to the Curt Menard arena at Sarah's book signing?
ReplyDeleteIs it legal for a private citizen's book tour with questionable political financial back-up to prevent individual press people on a list from being able to participate? Sorry, that's a long question.....but, just saying.
Hmmm. Sarah Palin/Rick Perry or Superbowl.
ReplyDeleteI choose Superbowl (watched while eating pizza and drinking beer) as any good Texan should (lol)
I think Palin's support could sink Perry's re-election bid. Not to say Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison is any better, but I think Texas needs some new blood.
(Go Bill White!! -- Democratic nominee)
ReplyDeleteObama admin lays down unemployment rate markers: by end '10, will be below 10%, by end of '11, below 9% and by end of '12, just below 8%
So........in 4 years, after rolling up trillions in deficits, Obama will have us back to the UE levels that were there when he took over.
THAT'S the change we need!
This makes me happy. I mean, I'd rather there not be extremists- but the fact that these sheep are finally seeing the light; well, it's a start anyway!
ReplyDeleteLookin' like to pee's in pod...I'll betcha he's tapped-dat! (Hence, no donations for you, dahling!)
ReplyDeleteSnowbilly says
ReplyDelete"It's surprising that the anti-immigration guy in AZ thought Sarah would help. Sarah supports immigration and amnesty."
Well darn! I didn't know that she supported immigration & amnesty or maybe I did but forget it. Whatever!! Sarah's supporting immigration & amnesty wouldn't play in Texas either. Every Texan I talk to constantly screams about the illegals 'cept they don't call them that. I like to remind them that if all those "illegals" headed South, Texas' economy would be screaming to close the border & keep'em in Texas.
Texas' primary election is interesting. Cheney & Poppa Bush have both supported Kaye Bailey Hutchison but Perry has all sorts of organizations supporting him AND he has Sarah!! LOL The other TeaBagger in the race, Debra Medina doesn't have the endorsement of very many people. What an idiot Perry is - a rally on SuperBowl Sunday! Prolly figures that if the Cowboys aren't in it, then it doesn't matter.
Wench! Get out of my state! Having Perry here is bad enough, but the two of you together? Waiiiittt - is this a harbinger of the second coming, kinda like the horsemen of the apocalypse?
ReplyDeleteJust came across a really funny "commercial" for Sarah Palin's book. Idon't know how to link it, but it is www.dailymotion.com goingroguebysarahpalincommerci-fun
ReplyDeleteI'm from New Jersey and Sarah Palin is not well liked in my state. Alot of Republicans I know voted for Obama because of Palin. Christie was smart enough not to bring Sarah in otherwise he wouldn't be Governor today.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post.
All this Rethug infighting, sniping, crushed adolescent feelings and general angst is getting to be like an old fashioned, small town TV soap opera, Ă la "Peyton Place" (remember that? I was just a tyke then...) "Teabagger Terrace": a must-watch for those who can rationalize--but please be awake, aware and on guard at all times.
BTW, sorry, but I won't purchase Lady Gag-me's book until it's available for a quarter from a bubblegum machine.
Sarah Palin may have been rendered technologically obsolete:
Roxxxy is a talking sex robot and isn’t that how the dirty old GOP men actually see Palin? However, Roxxxy, unlike Palin, can be programmed to say things that actually make contextual sense. She’ll deliver cords and cords of good teabagger wood, she doesn’t babble incoherently, she is ready and willing, AND she has an “off” button. It is the teabagger/GOP dream woman.
Ailes, Murdoch, and anyone who would hire Palin for public speaking gigs could save themselves a bundle. For a mere $7,000 they could have themselves someone with more intellectual heft and rhetorical acumen than Palin will ever have. Palin probably pays more than $7K per week to her Twitter and FaceBook ghostwriters alone. Sarah Palin wouldn’t wave to her fans for a mere $7K.
Roxxxy seems tailor made for the horny old teabagger/GOP males that so recently thrust Palin onto the national stage. If they’d only waited a few months they could have save themselves a bunch of grief. Another advantage: unlike Palin, Roxxxy won’t need constant surgical “maintenance” to retain her appeal - such as it is.
I’d pay money to see Palin debate Roxxxy. Anybody not giving odds on Roxxxy wiping the floor with Palin?
I am looking forward to see what she says at a campaign rally these days, if it is the divisive ugly rhetoric or just gushing over Gov Goodhair.
ReplyDeleteHey, Anon 10:24, if NJ Dems are so smart, why did they bring in Biden and Obama?
ReplyDeleteSlow learner dept:
ReplyDelete<< How many books would Sarah have sold if this was public knowledge in the fall of 2009? >>
The donation to McCain _WAS_ public knowledge last fall. That money was listed on her 6/30/09 filing released in July.
Gasman, you need your own blog, or at least some guest posts.
ReplyDeleteGasman presents, "N2O for the Masses."
To the Editor:
ReplyDeleteI should stop being surprised, but I just can't help myself. First, what sort of person could possibly think Mr. Bill O'Reilly was "soft" on immigration? And second, even ASSUMING that Mr. O'Reilly really believes all that "New Colossus" liberal claptrap, suggesting that the reason he's pro-immigration is because of "18,000 undocumented Irish in NYC" is just insulting. Finally, anyone who is Irish and is STILL undocumented (regardless of how they got here) either has multiple felony convictions for serious drug trafficking or has the worst immigration lawyer in America.....
It just shows to go you (sic) that often the most vociferous opponents to immigration (legal or otherwise) are morons who don't know anything about the subject (not mentioning any names, but their initials are Tom Tancredo and the people of Iowa).
But that's just me.
As for Private Citizen Palin's future ambitions, I am wholly convinced by Gryphen (Our Man in Havana--EXCUSE ME! Alaska. Sorry) that Private Citizen Palin is not even vaguely interested in holding elected office (which involves real work--if only on occasion), preferring instead a gig like nominally heading up some group like Focus on the Family (which only involves pretending to have drafted meaningless platitudes about "common sense solutions" on the eve of election cycles. Beats working).
But to expect a coherent, consistent policy (sane or otherwise) about immigration (or anything else) from Private Citizen Palin is to expect too much.
I remain,
In awe by the wonder of it all.
Bill Abendroth
Samsara Samizdat
Moon said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe they are going to have big screen tv's showing the game, free chicken wings and free beer at the Gov. Perry rally on Super Bowl Sunday. That would bring the crowds in.
They can't do that, either. It's against the copyright of the NFL. Any TV larger than 55+ inches cannot show the game outside of a private home.
But, I'd love it if they tried to :-D
Good-hair and Sarah are a perfectly matched bimbo pair.
ReplyDeleteOT But I wonder how many books she bought for 63,000. You would think she would get a deeply discounted price. Where did she spend all the Sarah Pac money She raised a total of 2.1 million for last year. She had 900,000 left in the bank. That means she spent 1.2 million. HuffPost shows her spending 155,600. That still means she spent more than one million on what? Staff wages? A new BS(MP)LLC?
ReplyDeletePalin should be living in federal prison by Easter.
ReplyDeleteaka...Rocky in Texas said...
ReplyDeleteis that the same "Kill em anyway!Who needs him?!" Rick Perry
and then Fires the panel that is investigating Him?!
just saying!
We don't need Sarah coming to Texas to tell us how to run this state. She couldn't even run Alaska.
ReplyDelete18,000 illegal IRISH in New York City??? Yeah, ok... I never knew. Wonder how many other "exceptable" illegals (Europeans) are living here?
ReplyDeleteThey sure went after the African aunt of President Obama..
Ignorance isn't bliss...
*thank you Dr. Steffen*
As far as no one attending the rally, you might be right, but we'll see.
ReplyDeleteI happen to personally know a large number of people that in order to vanquish the socialist central planning, loud mouths are prepared to sacrifice. The tree of liberty is fertilized with the blood and sacrifices of patriots who are not made up of progressives.
In addition, the Super Bowl starts after 6:00 pm and the rally is between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. I guess you are not very sports oriented.
Now the fraud wants Rahm fired.
ReplyDeleteMore hypocricy, lies and deceit from GOP fembot,but just how deep does the Sarah Palin rabbit hole go? the fascist trinity of Murdoch/Ailes/Rove have indeed helped to market this GOP televangelist/grifter to deluded masses as a modern day Esther,but there's something much more sinister and menacing lurking behind the Palin phenomena...