Monday, January 18, 2010

Let's close out this evening with some very comforting news about Sarah Palin shall we?

A new CBS News poll finds that a large majority of Americans say they do not want former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to run for president.

Specifically, 71 percent say they do not want the former Republican vice presidential nominee to run for president, while 21 percent say they do want her to run.

After a day of many emotional ups and down this is extremely pleasant news indeed.

Good night my friends and may you have the sweetest of dreams.


  1. Helen9:29 PM

    She's toast.

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    She can still do a lot of damage, even not running for president. She can do a lot of damage from the side lines.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    That is comforting, but the 21% that want her to be President is very disturbing. That means that at least 21% of our population is uneducated, lacking any moral curiousity or character and has no hope for our future. We really need to work on that as a society. I say education reform!!

  4. Anonymous9:44 PM


    Half of the 21% hoping she'd run for president are probably comedians, editorial cartoonists, the media and stoners...

  5. You know who10:09 PM

    Wonderful information!

    Good night, Gryphen! Sweet dreams.

  6. Anonymous10:13 PM

    but then 10% of any public school is special ed to

  7. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I posted this on her fb page in comments. Only stayed there for about five minutes then it was deleted and I have been banned from commenting on her fb. Her C4P friends used to do that to me, now there's proof that Rebecca is doing her fb page.

  8. I saw this at HP, also, too. A bit of an uplift but the Mass election is disturbing.

  9. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Good to know, but if you believe Sen. Kerry(Mass.) - the present Republican Brown is using Sarah's techniques.

    "Kerry Charges Brown With Palin-Like Tactics As Dems Prepare For Worst"

    She may fade, but there will be those following her playbook, it appears.

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM


    You have raised the bar on yourself today. Masterful prose, and the sweetest of good nights. I just made a donation because I am so grateful you are here day after day after day, a dog with a bone, never giving up. Well done, so, as my Italian friend says,
    "SOGNI D'ORO" -
    Dreams of Gold.

  11. Anonymous11:23 PM

  12. Oh cmon, what was that an ACORN poll? Everyone knows this is more propaganda by the LSM to bring down our Queen.
    This is obviously a moby site. I'm calling Fox security.

  13. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Well, according to John McCain, she's on her way down to Arizona to help him out with his campaign.

  14. I know this one!

    "Run, Sarah! Run!"

    If Obama can't win a second term against this brainbomb than the Democrats -- and the nation -- deserves what it gets.

    I'd love to bring the bitch over to meet my mom and my 41-year-old mentally retarded sister sometime. I'll show her what "Real America" is like.

    Harrumph, etc.

  15. Anonymous1:30 AM

    If Bush hadn't been President for eight years, this poll would be more comforting.

    There are alot of people who should never run for President. Oddly enough, most of them are Republicans also too.

  16. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Gryph, here is a post in today's NYT that you may be interested in:

  17. I think she should run, and I would hope she would get the nomination. Then we can sit back and watch her "moose in the headlights" look, when, as the presidential nominee, she has to take center stage. Democrats will win again!

  18. I definitely want Sarah Palin to run for President - I want a landslide victory for President Obama!

    I agree she can do a LOT of damage from the side lines - it's better to keep her busy running office.

    Education reform is not going to help the 21% - most of them either do not attend school (home schooling) or don't pay attention any way.

    OT - Any one else losing sleep over the election in Mass. today? I cannot believe that it is so close and there is a possibility they will elect a teabag, Sarah Palin approved candidate as a Senator - and worse yet for Sen. Kennedy's seat! I was horrified when my state NJ elected a known criminal as a Govenor - but NJ has a lot of problems - I never ever expected a state like Mass. to allow themselves to be duped by a candidate who stands for everything Palin and Bush stand for. I shudder to think about it.

    We will know soon enough what the outcome is - until then I'm glued to the updates.

  19. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Someone had better stay home and mind the children or next year's InTouch will feature three women and their babies spouting, "We Chose Life."

    Bimbos, bumpits and babies.

  20. Hopefully Granny Bumpit will be indicted, convicted and have a wonderful vacation at a prison in the near future. Or, perhaps, her little dark secrets will spill out like a dam bursting into the sunlight for all to see. Then there will be no doubt about who she is--even to her minions--and what she has done under the cover of darkness, deceit, and intimidation.

    Thank you Gryphen for your wonderful blog. I have been a lurker and have enjoyed your blog for a long time now. Keep digging and doing what you are doing. The Truth will be the harshest light Granny Bumpit has ever seen--and she cannot stop it. That will be a beautiful day indeed!

  21. womanwithsardinecan5:43 AM

    It just annoys me that it even comes to this. Sarah has shown herself to be a rabidly ambitious, ignorant nutball who lies constantly. She should be permanently sulking in Wasilla, wondering what the hell went wrong with her bid for immortality, but here we are, still having to stand up and say, "why are you people even paying enough attention to the trainwreck to have to do a poll on her?" The trolls come on here and snidely comment that there has been no dirt dug up on Sarah with all this effort. But there has. Lots of it, all showing that she's not fit to run the washing machine, much less a town, a state, or a country. Yet the narcissist is still running around the country acting like she matters, with people enabling her all the way. There is something deeply wrong with our society.

  22. I agree this one time with Peggy Noonan…..the thinking republicans/conservatives are quite horrified with Palin…… could they NOT be.

    Because the “think”, they know that they have no future with Palin.

    Palin and now the teabaggers are continuing to cause division/erosion within what remains of their party.

    The Palin/Limbaugh/Beck/Cheney/Steele/teabaggers prevent them from attracting new members of worth or real significance.

    Personally, I think that Rupert Murdoch is playing them all like a fiddle………

    An excerpt from Farewell to Harms:

    What the mainstream media wants is not to kill her but to keep her story going forever.

    She hurts, as they say, the Republican brand, with her mess and her rhetorical jabberwocky and her careless causing of division.

    Really, she is the most careless sower of discord since George W. Bush, who fractured the party and the movement that made him.

    Why wouldn’t the media want to keep that going?

    Here’s why all this matters. The world is a dangerous place.

    It has never been more so, or more complicated, more straining of the reasoning powers of those with actual genius and true judgment.

    This is a time for conservative leaders who know how to think.

    The era we face, that is soon upon us, will require a great deal from our leaders.

    They had better be sturdy.

    They will have to be gifted.

    There will be many who cannot, and should not, make the cut.

    Now is the time to look for those who can.

    And so the Republican Party should get serious, as serious as the age, because that is what a grown-up, responsible party—a party that deserves to lead—would do.

    Peggy Noonan …….. Regan speech writer… pundit………WSJ contributor

  23. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Gryphen - take a look at this cover...

    my friends overseas are constantly amazed that she is taken seriously at all in this country..

  24. I just voted in the Massachusetts special election, and got quite a laugh at a bumper sticker on a pick-up truck in the parking lot: "Don't blame me, I voted for Palin." Unbelievable!

  25. Purple Alaska7:00 AM

    Helen said...

    She's toast.


    I'll toast to that!


  26. I still can't get over Sarah flaunting an unwed teen mother on the cover of a magazine, praising her for "choosing life". What the heck kind of message is that for teens? I thought religious nuts were all chaste, frigid even. She has no sense of propriety and if anyone questions her she goes ballistic or buries 'em in b*llsh*t.

  27. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:27 PM

    Not looking good for Sarah

  28. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Your hubris is astonishing. You've just made a disastrous call on your certainly that it might take days to decide the election in Mass and now with equal assurance you're pinning your hopes on a CBS poll apparently unfazed by the magnitude of your most recent miscalculation.

  29. Anonymous10:14 PM

    you mean we aren't spot on? Dang it. Bummer. Hey everybody lets just not attend anything in Boston for four years. Nothing. Nada. Have yerselves a party.

  30. Anonymous2:50 AM

    anon @ 5:29,

    certainly you meant to say certainty?

    also, too... doesn't the might part of the post preclude Gryph's assurance?

    also, too, too... aren't you at the wrong post?

  31. Anonymous2:56 AM

    wow-- big words! Sarah, is that you sitting with your dictionary?


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