Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jon Stewart does a great job of expressing my feelings toward the Democrats and the Senate race in Massachusetts.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mass Backwards
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

I could not have said it better myself.


  1. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The Twit tweets about the truck...

    MA Senate Race: here's hoping Mr. Brown goes to Washington...in a pick-up truck,no less!MA pls vote tomrrw & elect a hardworking independent

  2. I always PVR Stewart and Colbert............sweet sanity I call it..........I watched this one twice!!

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    he speaks the truth

  4. Stewart hits the nail on the head - again! :)

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Stewart and Colbert just get better and better.

    Or, sadly, the spineless dims keep giving them better and better material.

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Regardless of perceived errors and oversights by MA and federal Democrats. it is still no excuse for MA voters to fall for the stupid, contrived material Scott Brown's campaign presented.

    Pornie boy (by Palin's standards) can take his pickup truck and drive off into crazy land. Doesn't anyone remember W's "ranch" purchased just before his Presidential bid?

    Good grief, how easily manipulated the electorate is. I am ashamed of my country's sheeplike voters.

    What does it take for them to learn that the Republicans lie? How long can you campaign on the sham promise to cut taxes without cutting services? Do they not equate basic services they need and use to programs that have to be cut when taxes do not keep up with rising expenses and a growing population?

    I hope this is an anomaly, not a prophetic example of what is coming back to haunt us: right-wing stupidity and cruelty.

  7. Anonymous4:04 PM

    NBC's Chuck Todd said that Coakley's campaign was so poorly run, "it made Creigh Deeds' (Dem. losing candidate for VA Gov.) campaign team look like the Obama campaign."

  8. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:34 PM

    He slays me every time!


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