Sunday, January 24, 2010

Moore up North for January 23, 2010. Let's talk Oceans!

Part One

This first segment introduces Michelle Ridgeway, a Marine Ecologist who spends a great deal of her time exploring the seabeds in Alaska.

Part Two

In part two Shannyn is joined by this week's panel which includes:

- Jeremy T. Mathis, an Assistant Professor of Chemical Oceanography at the University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Oceanography.

- Dr. Thomas Hurst, a Research Fishery Biologist in the Fisheries Behavioral Ecology Program of the NOAAs Alaska Fisheries Science Center.

-Jeffrey Short, a researcher with Oceana.

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

I am not at all sure how this very Alaska based show is received by my visitors from outside of our beautiful state, but speaking just for myself, I find that I learn more about the issues impacting Alaska on Shannyn's show then I do from any other information outlet.

BTW if you know any Climate Change deniers, you should sit their ass down and make them watch this program. The gentlemen on this panel explain, in very simple terms, just what kind of devastating effect mankind is having on our oceans and how that will impact ALL of us.


  1. Shannyn's show is very well received my this New Englander. Thanks for posting!

  2. Gryphen, my dear Gryphen, You should know, that if the facts were a piece of meterial, the deniers still would not believe them, even if they could touch, smell, see or taste them.
    They are just too closed minded. Like Bush said, If you keep saying the same thing over and over again, then it becomes truth.
    Well, what has the right wing and climate change deniers been doing? Lying and lying over and over and over again.
    Just like the followers of our own $arah. The facts are out there in abundance, but because $arah tells her version of reality over and over and over again, they'll never believe what she really is all about. I mean, how much more proof do these people need?
    All of us here (except the trolls) are fortunate enough to have open minds and be able to look at all sides of an issue. The deniers don't want to see the proof. They not only deny climate change, but in fact they deny any kind of science on any thing at all.

    There is something about you, Gryphen. I just love you to death. You still hold out hope for the extreme ignorant. That's a virtue. I just don't have the patience anymore for teh stupid. It's wearing really thin lately. Probably because no matter which way I turn, there it is in all of it's unglorious crazy.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    She's a beautiful woman but needs to get rid of the Palin up do. Let her pretty blond hair go natural.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ~Cree Indian Proverb

  5. Quetzalcoatl2:43 PM

    Enough about any woman's hair! WTF? Who gives a shit - more importantly is what any one person is saying. duh.

    Close your eye and listen, instead.

  6. Quetzalcoatl2:54 PM

    Someone explain to me what’s the use of a research vessel, owned by the National Science Foundation and operated by UAF as part of the U.S. academic research fleet – when they fire ex UA Professor Rick Steiner?

    What purpose this research and knowledge if you aren’t going to use it for its intended purpose - educating? So your politician can sell the citizens down the river and buy a big mansion somewhere warm?

    “His removal from the NOAA Sea Grant program was a direct retaliation for his criticism of NOAA and the University of Alaska (UA) for allowing Shell Oil to be a sponsor of a university conference focusing on offshore development.” — Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

    I'm watching football now, so I'll watch these videos afterwards.

  7. I've become very interested in the tundra swans the make their way thru this area from, and to, Alaska.

    Can you ask Shannyn to put a tundra swan person on her show? And a snow goose person because I hear the increasing snow geese populations are running the swans off of the breeding grounds above the arctic circle.

  8. Speaking as a visitor from outside Alaska (way outside Alaska - in Cape Town, South Africa), I love Moore up North. VERY informative. I especially love Shannyn's wit!

  9. Great post, Gryphen! Here is my favorite movie about ocean acidification - it's very beautifully filmed and explains the subject thoroughly:

    And here is an excellent website with the most up-to-date compendium of current international research:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.