Sunday, January 24, 2010

Game Change: The Palin vs Biden Debate.

The problems with Palin's preparation for her big debate with Joe Biden have already been addressed by other publications and blogs, but I found some interesting tidbits that I don't think have been reported elsewhere.

Right after Palin threw her "hissy fit" about her Katie Couric interview, she flew to Philadelphia to begin preparation for her debate.

The next two days, by all accounts, were a total train wreck. Never before had Palin's team seen her so profoundly out of sorts for such a sustained period. She wasn't eating (a few bites of steak day, no more). She wasn't drinking (maybe half a can of Diet Pepper; no water, ever). She wasn't sleeping (not much more than a couple hours a night, max). The index cards were piling up by the hundreds, but Palin wasn't absorbing the material written on them. When her aides tried to quiz her, she would routinely shut down--chin on her chest, arms folded, eyes cast to the floor, speechless and motionless, lost in what those around her described as a kind of catatonic stupor. (P 400)

On page 401, Mark Wallace tries to soothe Palin and tell her things were not so bad. This was her response.

"No," Palin answered darkly. "If I had known everything I know now, I would not have done this."

(Later on Palin will meet with Joe Lieberman and, after he prays with her and gives her words of encouragement, she will say the following: "Joe", she said. "I can't figure any other reason I'm here except that I was meant to be here".) (P 403) .)

But I digress, back to the debate preparation.

On Saturday, September 27, Wallace sent an urgent SOS to McCain headquarters. On a call with Schmidt, Davis, and Salter, he described how Palin was performing, how dire the circumstances were, especially with the debate just five days away. They began discussing a new and threatening possibility: that Palin was mentally unstable.

Schmidt had heard that Palin was accusing him of lying about the Alaska poll--in fact, it had been conducted; her approval rating was in the seventies--which led him to believe that she was becoming irrational. He and Davis planned to take the train to Philadelphia the next day to assess the situation themselves. (P 401)

Schmidt and Davis arrived and were appalled by the scene they found. The room was hot and claustrophobic; the shades were drawn. The place was full of half-eaten hotel food and stank of moldering french fries. Palin, looking dazed, was surrounded, as usual, by stacks and stacks of index cards.

Schmidt thought Palin looked thin and drawn. Your road crew tells me that you are not sleeping, he said. No one running for the office of vice president should be getting less than eight hours of sleep a night. If you need to take sleeping pills, you should.

Schmidt then brusquely brought up Palin's weight. It's my understanding that you might be on the Atkin's diet, he said. That goofy diet is bad for you. I want you off of it today. I'm alarmed by your weight loss and it's noticeable even in just a couple of weeks. In order to perform at your highest level, you have to have a balanced diet.

Palin offered no a word of protest. (P 402)

The McCain camp is so worried about Palin's debate performance that they fly her to McCain's spread in Sedona. The also fly in Republican political advisor Mark McKinnon.

After dinner, they all retreated to a small room tightly packed with two lecterns and a camera, in one of the McCain compound's guest buildings. A run through was attempted, in which Palin kept getting lost fifteen seconds into the answers, stopping suddenly and saying, No, no, wait, let me start over, or , Shoot, I don't know this.

The session ended after an hour. Schmidt, Mark Wallace, and McKinnon stepped outside into the cool desert air, the night pitch black around them.

"What do you think?" Wallace asked McKinnon.

"Oh. My. God." (P 404)

As we all know Palin did manage to get herself together and did a passable job in the debate with Joe Biden. But it may be informative to read what "Game Change" has to say about Biden's preparation for that same debate.

The Obamans were pushing a simple strategy: Ignore Palin. Don't engage her. Whatever happens, don't let her lure you down any rabbit holes with her crazy syntax and run-on sentences.

But Joe couldn't resist--not at first. A week or two before the three days of formal debate camp started on September 29, the campaign put him through his paces in a mock run-through against Anita Dunn. She played the part by reading from a script assembled almost entirely out of verbatim Palin quotes. That's too incoherent, Biden exclaimed. Is that really what she says? No, that can't be her answer. But, I mean, she's not saying anything. How am I supposed to respond to that, folks? (P 406)

During the debate Biden behaved himself. He did NOT attack Palin, nor one up her with his superior debate skills. He played it safe, and remained passive enough to allow Palin to pull off a draw. This may have been because Obama's camp was very aware of how Palin loved to play the victim, and they realized that being too aggressive might simply cause her supporters to become even more rabid in their defense of her.

When it was over, the Obamans exhaled and Biden was triumphal. Coming off the stage, he said to his aides, "You guys owe me. You don't know how much restraint that took." (P 407)


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    If this was "god's will" that she run for vp, it kind of makes you wonder about god. Does he really despise us that much that this "piece of work" would be inflicted upon the rest of us?

  2. If she wasnt so tweaked maybe she would have blinked.

  3. euromom1:30 PM

    "You don't know how much rstraint that took" ... maybe especially the bit where he spoke of losing his wife and daughter and being a single parent... and was greeted with a wall of ice (surely the most uncomfortable moment in the entire debate)

  4. mocha1:33 PM

    "you don't know how much restraint that took" Thus explains the cat-that-ate-the-bird grin from Joe when she called him "Sen O'Biden". I still don't understand how anyone can say that debate was a draw. She didn't answer a single question. When it was her turn, she consulted her worksheet, picked a talking point and talked about that talking point, which was often kinda close to the question. It was a shameful display and the moderator should have called her out. But very cool the Obama team recognized Palin's playing the victim game and didn't go there.

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Too bad the McCain campaign didn't drop her like a hot potato then we wouldn't be putting up with all her nonsense today. I'm glad that Schmidt is speaking out now but it should have been done during the campaign when they realized she was a "whack job". Their motto should have been "McCain First" obviously they weren't concerned about the country.

  6. Deb in WI1:37 PM

    Scary that even though they feared she was a mentally unstable person at that point before the debate, they continued on with the campaign with her.

    Why didn't they get her medical and psychological help at that point?

    Why didn't they force her to resign and assign another VP? She could have easily stated "family reasons" and none would be the wiser, and it wouldn't have hurt the campaign that bad, would it? It happens.

    I don't think a normal person/politician would have melted down over something like that, not even temporarily. There is something wrong with her. Even if a person was "unprepared" and "overwhelmed," they don't shut down and act like that unless something is seriously wrong.

    Would someone with a mental illness legally be allowed as a VP?

  7. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Thank God $P is being exposed for the intellectually and mentally challenged moron that she is. What a train wreck. Scary does not begin to describe this incompetent nut job.

    John McCain is completely responsible for bringing the grossly incompetent $P onto the national stage and should be held accountable for his poor judgment and utter selfishness. This decision says quite a bit about who he is...

  8. honestyinGov1:40 PM

    Joe Bidens response to her 'exact words' alone is worth the price of that book.That's HILARIOUS!! He must have thought they were pulling a Joke on Him?
    That's a SNL skit right there. Have fun with the rest of the book.

    BTW: Can you please disable the 'Autoplay' ( if that's possible )of the ET Levi interview. It plays automatically every time I refresh your page.

  9. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "You don't know how much restraint that took."

    That's the problem with the Democrats. When will we ever learn to go for the jugular?

  10. This would be hysterical if it wasn't so damn scary. I actually get sick to my stomach thinking how close she was to power. I love the line "Whatever happens, don't let her lure you down any rabbit hole's with her crazy syntax and run-on sentences". Bingo, that's how she's gotten as far as she has....that and playing the victim.

  11. "she's not saying anything" - Joe Biden

    Exactly. Her fans don't listen, so they don't know that.

  12. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Gryphen, you are a hero for reading and commenting on the book. Priceless!

    The minute that the McCain people saw how unstable Sarah was, they could not drop her. In 1972, the Democratic VP candidate was found to have undergone shock treatment two times, earlier in his life. The Democrats were afraid that the Republicans would seize on this and they replaced him within weeks of being nominated. The Democrats lost big time. Ever since that moment, I think that a presidental campaign would think long and hard before dropping a candidate.

    Sarah could have bowed out because the demands of raising a DS child and maintaining a normal family balance. This would have allowed her to return as governor, and maybe be considered some time in the future. But, McCain had no other choices. They were stuck, and they were willing to foist an uneducated, mentally unbalanced person on the country, a heart beat away from a 72 year old guy with a history of cancer.

    As for it being God's plan for Sarah to run, she is absolutely right. She was well chosen. No one else could have generated such a loss for McCain. The Dems would have been thrown into a tizzy over Lieberman. The other Republican candidates were all seriously flawed during the primaries. No one else, except Huckabee, was far right enough. Pawlenty was a serious contender, but it was so blah and bland that he would not have energized that campaign the way that Sarah did, at first.

    So, thank you, Gryphen for your excellent reporting. And, thanks to God for choosing Sarah Palin. I knew a number of independents and Republicans who could not vote for McCain because of Palin.

  13. Anonymous2:13 PM

    On the topic of god's will: god's been trying to get rid of those Rebiblicans for years. How clever to chose Sarah to smite them. I'm convinced that god is a female too. Only a female could be so wily. A male god would just have struck them dead.

    Oh Thank you Sarah of go.

    On the topic of McCain. Your post just proves exactly how much of a traitor he is. country First by backside - McCain cares only for himself. I don't hate many people, but I HATE him.


  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Oh, thank you for telling us about this part! I've always wondered what Joe "O'biden" was thinking while he had that cheshire cat grin on his face....and now we know!

    how i would love to see him really take her out--well, who knows--maybe we'll get to see a repub do it in a primary somewhere (god forbid it get to that point, but it sure would be nice to see someone take her down.)

    the obama camp made a wise decision in not engaging with the idiocy. it's like they say--don't argue with an idiot. first, they'll drag you down into the stupidity, and beat you with their expertise.

    sounds just like her strategy.

  15. Anonymous2:25 PM

    please god, whatever wrong I may have done, that caused you to punish me with O'Palin...I promise to never do it again!

    make her go AWAY! Please???

  16. Didn't the McCain campaign try to cancel or reschedule the Biden debate at the last minute? This would explain why.

  17. majii2:31 PM

    "Coming off the stage, he said to his aides, "You guys owe me. You don't know how much restraint that took."

    I can definitely believe that VP Biden said this because he has a penchant for being very blunt, and based on what I read about his mom recently, he got it from her. During the debate I was hoping he would unload on her, but I also understood why he didn't.

  18. One of the tidbits you left out is that she wanted to go home because she missed her baby and wanted to sleep with her baby. Oddly, this rings true with me. When I had postpartum depression (twice), the only way I could sleep was to have my baby snuggled up to me. This is the first time I can believe that maybe she really did birth Trig. I think she had severe ppd and should have never been thrust into this circus, for our sake and for hers.

  19. Anonymous2:32 PM

    i'm with mocha...i think she did terrible...wink, wink and I'll just talk about what i want to talk about. I knew then Joe was restraining himself!

  20. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Well said Anonymous @2:08. I honestly kept waiting for the McCain campaign to find a way to remove her before November when it was apparent that she was becoming a detriment to the campaign but I knew that even had they used the old 'family obligation' excuse it would harm the campaign more than keeping her on the ticket. Quite frightening that she could be sitting in that #2 seat right now...chills....

    Thanks for sharing 'Game Change' with us Gryphen. Fascinating insights into both campaigns. The decision for Biden to hold back was exactly what needed to happen and I remember thinking before the debate that he needed to just let her hang herself and hold back for those very reasons. I would disagree that it was a wash though. Biden was the clear winner.

  21. Stop with the God stuff.
    God gave man free will. It was McCain who picked her, not God. Hitler said the same thing, that he was chosen by God.

    Give us more, give us more!!

    You did an excellent job on that post. I can't even imagine trying to work with Palin and her Toad. I wonder if they have much to say about him?

    $arah is seriously mentally ill. And now McCain is having her campaign for him. I hope he loses big time. They both need a smackdown for their bull during the campaign and onwards. McCain knew absolutely how messed up $arah was right at the begining. He needs to retire into the sunset and be thankful for the sliver of dignity he may have left. Although I can't see any dignity in him, not even from my front porch.

    $arah sure could use a break. At the local mental institution. Maybe some shock therapy is just what the doctor needs to order.

  22. Anonymous2:35 PM

    @anon 2:08 - I too know Republicans who didn't vote for McCain because of Palin.

  23. Anonymous2:36 PM

    At one time, the possibility of Palin wearing an ear piece during the debate was raised. . .and some fairly fuzzy photographs suggesting same posted on the internet.

    Any resolution of this?

  24. Anon @ 2:08: Yes, that was Thomas Eagleton, chosen by George McGovern as his VP candidate. I'm old enough to remember the circumstances...

    Unbenownst to McGovern, Eagleton stabbed him in the back even before the nomination, talking to a reporter about McGovern's stance on "amnesty, abortion, and legalization of pot".

    What's worse, McGovern had no idea that Eagleton had psychological problems. "Eagleton had promised to bring his medical records for McGovern's review, but he did not. He initially concealed the fact that he was on Thorazine, a powerful anti-psychotic and when he did disclose his use of the medication he noted that it couldn't be discovered by the press because it was issued under his wife's name. McGovern spoke to two of Eagleton's doctors, both of whom expressed grave concerns about Eagleton's mental health.

    Ultimately, a portion of Eagleton's medical records was leaked to McGovern, at which point McGovern saw a reference to 'manic depression' and 'suicidal tendencies.'...Ultimately, Eagleton threatened that if McGovern tried to force him off the ticket, he would fight the move. Eagleton conditioned his resignation on McGovern's releasing a statement, written by Eagleton, that Eagleton's health was fine and that McGovern had no issues with Eagleton's mental status."


    You'd think a VP candidate with delusional tendencies, paranoia, insecurity, and near-catatonia in stressful situations would be ushered out the door as quietly as Eagleton was...

  25. "you don't know how much restraint that took."
    you could read in biden's body language how much he was holding himself back and filly employing his well-developed sense of humor to get through that sorry (non)debate. i don't understand either why it was called a draw. i remember that people were saying that as long as srah didn't fall on her face, run out crying, or start screaming wildly, her performance would be considered passable. but to me , the very fact that she didn't debate, and curtly told gwen that she wouldn't answer her questions, but rather talk directly to the american people, disqualifies her. it was a very strange exercise. biden clearly chowed that he was vp material. wjereas, sarah showed that she could repeat sound bites.

  26. If it was really "god's will" that she run for vp, you'd think god would have helped her a little with the index cards.

    Just sayin'.

  27. 10catsinMD2:50 PM

    P. 362 "Palin tells Culvahouse about her pregnant out of wedlock teenage daughter."
    "Is she getting married?" Culvahouse asked, then added, jokingly, "Is she getting married tomorrow?"
    Tomorrow is in italics in the book.

  28. 10catsinMD2:58 PM

    Pg 371, 2nd para. "Palin was particular about her study aids. Early on, she told her team that she absorbed information best from five-by-seven index cards. ....she put every pertinent piece of information, including the names of world leaders, on separate cards."

    I mentioned this before. Cause she ended up with stacks and stacks of cards. I wonder how she carried them around.

    She was just memorizing by rote what she had to say and not really learning in any depth. I don't think she is capable of that, that's why she went downhill after the Couric interview.

    She probably does have a learning disability, and it was never acknowledged or treated if possible.

  29. This confirms what we already knew; Sarah Palin is a fraud and apparently has mental problems.

    I love that people are talking and writing. Honesty is always the best policy, especially when it concerns possible leaders of this great country.

    When is Nicole Wallace going to do a tell-all? U.S. Americans deserve to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! Amen, praise Superior Being!

  30. Anonymous3:03 PM

    This would be hilarious if it wasn't so frightening. Sarah Palin knew nothing and had to learn everything. But, she just isn't that smart and isn't really capable of complex thinking.

    It reminds me of taking my comprehensive exams in graduate school. I studied for months, even after having learned most of the material in my individuals classes.

    Imagine having to learn about US history, politics, international relations, domestic policies, etc., etc., in just a few days when you're basically just a pretty face with a brain full of a limited set of one-liners.

  31. icstraights3:06 PM troll bait with this one...
    The truth hurts eh?

    OK GRYPH! How 'bout the "Bloggers" chapter? I dying to hear...

    Thanks a bunch!

  32. "No," Palin answered darkly. "If I had known everything I know now, I would not have done this."
    I suppose she thinks she has it under control now? She is a constant rolf face in the crowd.

    Whoever did teh lame-stream Radar On-line revelation about Alaskan beer pong really knows their culture.
    Who is the rat that sold out to Radar and for what amount?
    Levi said Sarah has something planned... For her Stepford daughter and Levi no doubt.

    WARNING!! Betty White Loves Beer Pong!

  33. Anonymous3:20 PM

    and McCain said nothing. Winning at all costs even though he would have this mental case as his VP. How sad for this country we almost let this happen

  34. John McCain is a disgrace and so are the people around him willing to throw such dice. My late father-in-law was a Naval Academy graduate, class of '35, and a career officer. I have a copy of McCain's Salter-penned bio which we purchased and sent to McCain's office for an autograph, then presented to our son as a birthday gift during the 2000 campaign. Our then seventh-grader got up at o'dark o'clock to shake the man's hand the day after the New Hampshire victory when he spoke in our state. Book is presently being returned to McCain's office with comment. This tale will keep presidential historians busy for years.

  35. Anonymous3:35 PM

    However, her "fans" do not believe one word in this book! According to their theory, it is all made up to discredit St. Sarah who has had a difficult time with the media. More than likely they did not read the Palin book either. Just snippets here and there to bolster their creds.

    In the Wonderful World of Palin, everybody is out to get her because they are "afraid" of her majestical power.

    No use talking to braindead people who see "genius" in this Tower of Babble. Example: McCain has wisely shut his yay about how bad she is and one would think they would be gracious about Palin agreeing to support him. But no. They see this as her turning her back on another whacko, J.D. Hayworth, a Tea Party loon who shares her "values".

    So much for reasoning out of that crowd.

  36. dsmyre - During McCain's transparent ruse to 'suspend his campaign and return to Washington to fix the economy' (which happened to coincide w/ Palin's Couric interview disaster), McCountryFirst - in another utterly transparent move - insisted on postponing the presidential debate. That would have made cancellation of the vp debate a virtual certainty in order to reschedule the missed presidential debate.
    Wise move on the part of the campaign to restrain O'Biden. Joe Scarborough told the story of working his ass off in one of his campaigns preparing for a debate against a woman opponent. On the night of the debate he was hot, and so overwhelmed her points during the debate that she cried. He was pilloried afterward by both sides for being "so mean" to her.

  37. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Country first, right Johnny Mac?

  38. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I certainly hope that, within the McCain campaign, they were making plans to somehow replace her after the election, in the unlikely event that he won.

    I can understand how they would view replacing her during the campaign, regardless of the excuse, as an unacceptable move that would guarantee his loss. However, to think that they could knowingly place the country in such extreme jeopardy by leaving her as VP is just unconscionable.

  39. Anonymous3:45 PM

    The part I'm having a hard time believing is when she responds to Mark Wallace that she agrees thinks are going bad and she never would have chosen to run if she'd known.

    Palin is known for what appears to be total (and insane) confidence. It was remarked by a produceer (or star, can't remember) of SNL that she had never seen another guest have absolutely zero nervousness.

    And we all know she is absolutely shameless. Hard to believe she was ever capable of such self-insight during the campaign.

  40. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The last remaining question to me is - when this book came out, why didn't the networks discuss any of this at all? I heard some about Edwards...and someone else, but not Palin and this.

  41. I have tremendous respect for Biden because of his performance in that debate. What discipline that took!

    I know Biden is criticized for his sometimes blunt comments, but I really admire him. He stepped up to be the VP candidate and performed admirably and he has been a true public servant throughout his long career. He wants the best for this country and its people. We are lucky to have him as Vice President.

  42. Anonymous3:58 PM

    There was a turning point in the McCain campaign. It came when the economy was on the brink, Bush wanted to hand out billions with no restraints, and banks were too big to fail.

    McCain was supposed to appear on Letterman. Instead, he canceled at the last minute, telling Letterman that the economy was cratering, and he had to rush back to Washington (to save it). At the last minute, Keith Olbermann filled in for the absent McCain. During the program, which is taped around 5-6 PM, they caught the CBS internal feed showing McCain getting made up for his interview on the Nightly News with Katie Couric. Letterman still makes jokes about it. (Do you need a ride to the airport?)

    McCain wanted to suspend his campaign and asked Obama to do the same. Then McCain rushed around, issuing statements without consulting Obama, even begging to have the first presidential debate postponed. They could do it in place of the next scheduled debate, the vice presidential debate.

    If you ever need to pick a date that McCain knew that Sarah could not learn anything and was not up to the job, that would be the moment. That stunt was meant to knock out the vice presidential debate until she was either ready, or the debate was forgotten. Instead, it showed that McCain knew nothing about the economy. He called for a mutual statement with Obama, and then rushed out on his own. Obama proved that to be presidential, one had to handle several important tasks at the same time.

    As for Sarah and an earpiece, I suspect those hideous wigs that she has been wearing on Fox. They can feed the answers to her while she is chirping on about 25 windows or 25 window sills.

    Thanks, KaJo, for the history lesson.

  43. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I watched that debate, and was screaming at the TV, "NAIL HER," because she really IS that stupid. When Biden did the Cheshire Cat grin over her "O'Biden" comment, I realized the strategy....

    The unfortunate thing is she's raising three daughters to be JUST LIKE HER. Bristol's off to the races, now isn't she?

  44. sjk from the belly of the plane said...
    If she wasnt so tweaked maybe she would have blinked.

    1:11 PM

    My thoughts......exactly!

  45. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Anon 3:51

    They talked about it on MSNBC when it first came out.

  46. Sharon in Florida4:19 PM

    McCain should have vetted her thoroughly before choosing her. Once McCain had chosen her and rolled her out at the RNC, they had to go all the way with her. Had they removed her even with the "family responsibilities" excuse, many people around the country were in love with her after the convention speech and would have stayed home on Nov. 4 had she been dropped. Also, too, had McCain removed her, the problem of who to put on the ticket would still have existed.

    All of that aside, IMO McCain's bottom line was he took her all the way because he didn't care enough about the country. Only cared about himself. Mavericky? Brave warrior? Not much.

    Joe Biden's restraint was apparent in the debate. He deserved a medal for his behavior. During the campaign it was an issue that Biden couldn't keep his mouth shut. He proved to the country that he could restrain himself when it was necessary.

  47. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Thank you Gryphen, you've told us a lot there that the bood didn't tell us?

  48. Anonymous4:19 PM

    God bless Joe Biden. He played the debate the only way it could be played. If he had lost his cool for an instant, SP and her camp would have played the "victim card".

    I, who had voted Independent/Republican my whole life could not wait to vote for Obama after I learned something about her background of incompetence and petty family feuds. No way, no how.

    SNL had a pretty good skit of the debate.

  49. Anonymous4:22 PM

    It would be helpful to hear the opinion of someone with psychological or psychiatric training to diagnose her behavior after the Couric interview.

  50. Anonymous4:24 PM

    The media missed the most important point of the book. The real story is that a mentally ill VP candidate was a breath away from the Presidency. The story was not an Elizabeth Edwards' meltdown or a stupid comment by Harry Reid.

  51. Anonymous4:28 PM

    The truth about John McCain's past can be found here:

    Foisting Sarah Palin on the US electorate is not really all that different from McCain's former 'career' of hard drinking, partying, high-stakes gambling, and reckless plane crashes (one before he graduated, one in the Mediterranean area, one near Philadelphia, the infamous one on the USS Forrestal, and the one that resulted in his capture). McCain's judgment – or should I say lack thereof – really hasn't changed during all these years. Sarah is just the human form of McCain's 'plane crash number 6'.

  52. Sharon in Florida4:34 PM

    Every time I read/hear about her actions during the campaign, I immediately think she had to be on some sort of drug. The irrationality, the fast weight drop, the chin on her chest non-responsiveness. I don't see how a grown woman in her postion could act like that unless drugs were involved. Or severe mental illness. Or both.

    How could her husband of 20 years stand by watching all of that happen and not step in?

  53. Auntie Ruth at 2:32,

    When I first saw the comment about sleeping with her baby, I immediately pegged it as a lie. She said that I am sure, but the baby she missed sleeping with was not Trig. She does not like Trig, she does not care for Trig in any loving manner - no way she would sleep with him. I think she meant Piper. That child is attached to her and I am sure they sleep together.

  54. HollyP4:49 PM

    If she accepted God's will that she run with John McCain, why won't she accept that God and more than half the American voters don't want her to be POTUS?

  55. Anon @ 4:22, I've asked Joe Cristmas on Vera's blog to do just that. He originally said there was some psychological behaviour indicated but then it seems that when he's questioned on that he is backing off.

    I would contend that it was nothing more than Palin's inability to think and talk on her feet. She's simply inept and incapable of doing what a poliitician needs to become capable of doing. So why not go to Vera's blog and put it to Joe Cristmas again?

    We must be careful of reading too much into this stuff, it's not good for our credibility.

  56. Anonymous5:00 PM

    @anon4:28, I also remember reading the John was a high stakes gambler. He was a high roller at Vegas tables, and he took the biggest gamble of all with Sarah. At first she energized him, but she ended up sinking McCain instead.

  57. Purple Alaska5:13 PM

    Hmmm...very good behind-the-scenes detail ~ which begs the question, how did she REALLY hurt her hand, which resulted in her sporting that HUGE bandage? Did she truly fall whist jogging...or was she aiming for purposeful postponement...or was she simply tryin' to get back to her WAsilla kitchen?

    Veddy interesting...but nothing that we had not already figured out.

  58. I believe Sarah is learning disabled. She could also be brain damaged from drinking/drugs in her party days.

  59. Anonymous5:27 PM

    "On Saturday, September 27, ...began discussing a new and threatening possibility: that Palin was mentally unstable."

    Pretty pathetic attempt at CYA. McCain's campaign is supposed to VET the candidate and know BEFORE the pick that it's not a mental case for veep. Geeze louise, what if Palin went into her catatonic stupor routine during a nuclear crisis?

    Game change? HA! LAME change. Talk about ignoring the elephant in the room. Evidently Heilemann and Halperin aren't interested in asking any of their 200 sources (or so) what they thought life in the USA would be like with stupor-dame in the oval office.

  60. Anonymous5:37 PM

    You just have to admire the maturity and restraint of the Obama Campaign. In every situation with both Hilary and Sarah, when they could have taken a cheap shot, they didn't. I like that in a president. It's so adult-like.

    Every time someone complains about President Obama not doing enough, I grimace. The McCain/Palin administration would have been so dysfunctional as to be a joke.

  61. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:43 PM

    Brain cannot engage to think of how she would act if she were--God forbid--POTUS, and there was an attack or a national emergency. Holed up in the Oval Office with the drapes pulled tight, sitting and staring into space amid piles of blank index cards and rotting fast food cartons? Shudder.

  62. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It also has to be remembered that not only was Palin not qualified, either was McCain. I say this in that this man has a serious temper that he manages to hide from public view but is well known to many.

    Just look how easily irritated and mad he got with Matt Laurer on the Today Show. When Matt asked McCain about this book and the lack of vetting in what was less than 3 minute interview, he was loosing his temper.

    If he got that easily pissed over a few pages in a book for mistakes he was responsible for -- what would the man do when challenged had he become the Commander-in-Chief. He would have been the cause of so many more disasterous issues, the draft would need to be reinstated.

    You know too that she would have been behind him pushing those buttons even further.

  63. Anonymous6:03 PM

    @ Sharon in Florida 4:34 PM

    "The irrationality, the fast weight drop, the chin on her chest non-responsiveness. I don't see how a grown woman in her position could act like that..."

    Palin may have used drugs (even overuse of caffeine) or have a mental problem but nevertheless anyone who is in WAY OVER their head will eventually cave under the pressure. Without a doubt, Palin was in way over her head as far as the intellectual and educational demands of the campaign. She simply couldn't hack it.

    They propped her up with a few talking points that she could handle and an avoidance strategy for questions she wasn't prepared for and then threw her into the debate.

    I don't understand where this perception of a "draw" in the debate comes from. All of the major polls after the debate gave Biden an overwhelming win. Except for her crazy fans, everyone else saw that she was marginal in the debate.

  64. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Off topic but something I want to say.
    Number one, I think the lady is a true whack-o.
    Number two, I give her credit for not making Bristol and Levi marry. It's quite possible, she would never have married Todd or the other guy.

  65. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Okay Im ready to send ScarahPAC a Index Card.
    What should I write on it? Any suggestions?

  66. mocha6:32 PM

    I agree with the poster above. John McCain does not have the temperament to be the President. Look at what Barack Obama has been through in the past year. He has been met with incredible adversity to try to dig us out of and I can't imagine anyone who could have done a better job, and yet he is bashed against the rocks. I hope things get better soon. I have noticed that he looks much better, much more rested since his vacation to Hawaii. I think he drew strength from being home. I wish him the best because it is on him our future rests. McCain would ahve been under the desk rocking and sucking his thumb I am certain.

  67. mxm@4:42

    About Piper vs Trig - I don't disagree. Her attachment to Piper is visceral. Might have been Piper, might have been Trig that she was talking about. I agree that she seems uncomfortable with Trig. I also think that his poor muscle tone makes it hard to carry him "normally". The REALLY interesting thing is that Piper appears to be Trig's primary caretaker. There's some serious FUBAR goin' on in that "family".

    But I'll stand by my reaction that she was suffering from depression during the campaign. Not eating, not sleeping, zoning out but able to rally when enough adrenaline was circulating.

    Lordy, lordy what kind of disaster were we spared?!?!

  68. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Forgive me for nit picking, but this one point is bothering me. It says at one point she was only eating a few bites of steak and drinking a half can of diet soda a day. She was losing weight. Then it goes on to say her hotel room was littered with half eaten hotel food and stank of moldering french fries. So which is it? Was she not eating anything or was she ordering room service? Was Todd staying with her in the hotel room? This doesn't really matter of course, she was/is incompetent. Just seems inconsistent to me.

  69. Sharon in Florida7:15 PM

    Anon @ 6:22

    "Okay Im ready to send ScarahPAC a Index Card.
    What should I write on it? Any suggestions?"

    LOL. How about "Sit down. Also, too, shut up."

  70. kdusmdd7:23 PM

    Gryphen...forgive me, but....Palin keeps marching on, even after all these things are coming out. Nothing seems to be able to stop her and her rants and bad behavior. People just seem to talk...and that's all....IS there anything that can bring her down at this point?? I certainly hope that you and your resources can bring this parade to a stop. How much longer do you think that ya'll will be ready to expose her
    and put her away....for good and for ever......just asking
    I'm so worried abt Piper, Trig and Tripp

  71. Anonymous7:31 PM

    to The straight goods: I know you were pegged as a Palinbot at Vera city's blog. Now everyone knows. She had to moderate her comments because of you, and your statements. Shoo

  72. Anonymous7:33 PM

    O.T - Sorry: NEW post up on Anonymous Bloggers. Domestic Violence.

    It ties in. I told Ann that collectively we are one super think tank. There is no overnight solution to domestic violence in a village or a culture. Just one more strong reason to back up our words with action. Sure - in Alsaka I might say - "Get the energy up, get together, and get the votes." (Yes, I know. Hard to fight City Hall.) Our Alaskan friends are doing much already. We are not all in Alaska. But I believe that we are - together - a powerful force. We can send money and food and/or adopt a family to help the villagers - but that won't help solve domestic violence in a place with no police force available. That they have to call the State Troopers in some of these villages is beyond belief. How can we all help?

    Prayer for sure, from all over the world. Votes for political leaders who care about preserving the villages and their culture. I am still trying to think of what we 'outsiders' can do. Help me think. I'll check back. Thanks! You can tell I am feeling passionate about this. Read Ann's blog and you will see what I mean.

  73. Anonymous7:34 PM

    I'm voting for Sarah having a learning disability, maybe ADDH plus some pretty severe psychological problems.

    I've written before about my nephew because he has the same problems that I see in Sarah. He has learning disabilities and was finally diagnosed with ADDH as an adult. He did terribly in school, not handing in work, not taking tests, he always felt as if he was drowning.

    He had several ways of dealing with this. He was an absolute natural charmer; he dazzled people. He was fun to be around. He was easily glib, and sometimes (like George W. Bush, another famous ADDH) makes jokes at other people's expense. He can be very cruel. He got away with it because he was a natural with people-- as long as they didn't hold him accountable or make him show up on time.

    Another way of compensating was (and may still be) with alcohol and drugs. He cannot kick his smoking habit. That overwhelming feeling of not being ready for the test is what he goes through every moment of his life. We don't see him, I am sorry to say, because we will not be his enablers. We see through his act, hold him accountable, and he is uncomfortable with us.

    Sarah and my nephew both attended multiple universities and colleges; he never finished. I don't think that Sarah can learn in the normal sense of the word. It is clear that she does not read. She was overwhelmed when people saw through her patter, and required that she learn some facts. I remember when she gave her interview to Katie Couric. The famous "what do you read" question came as they were walking together. But at a sit down, Sarah wearing a pink jacket and had note cards in her lap. She had note cards during her debate when she ran for governor. And the only way that she will get through a gig on Fox is when she is wearing a wig which hides the earpieces. Someone will tell her how many windows or what Romney had for breakfast.

    The 25 windows moment speaks to the fact that Sarah cannot distinguish what is important from what is trivial. 25 windows = gemstones of the world is trivial. What the Statue of Liberty means as far as the immigrant experience, or our relationship and history with France, that is 25 times more important.

    One of the reasons that Sarah is so secretive, defensive and controlling is because she is afraid of being unmasked and her cover up exposed. If she controls the conversation she can stick to trivia and talking points. She announced that she would not answer Gwen's questions; she had her own answers. Following the Couric interview, Sarah challenged a friendly campaign crowd, "Do you want to play stump the candidate?" Her nasty tone and dare shut people up; she was in control and making sure that no one would ask her any more pesky questions.

    It's is great to hear from two experts writing Game Change that all the things we thought about Sarah were really true, and then some!

  74. Anon @ 4:28 PM, loved the reference to Sarah as McCain’s “plane crash number 6”!

  75. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Anon @6:45 - Candidates have very little time to spend alone, so it's likely that the "half-eaten hotel food" was ordered for Palin by someone on her staff or was even ordered FOR her staff during their multiple cram sessions. That she didn't bother to clean anything up and instead just lived in that level of squalor could be a sign of mental illness.

  76. I assumed that the fast food was for the people attempting to get her ready. I've seen a photo from that time period and she wasn't alone. I doubt if they could leave her on her own to "study" as nothing would get done. I'm guessing that the more problems she had in the intellectual area the less she ate hoping that she could be skinny enough to outweigh her deficits in that department. Clearly she had gotten so far on her looks and she knew it. What she doesn't understand is that there is a law of diminishing returns on appearance. There is, isn't ther??!

  77. Gryphen, thanks for your great reporting of “Game Change”. I hope to have my copy this week.

    Can you tell us if Geoffrey Dunn’s book coming out April 13th, The Lies of Sarah Palin”, will have anything substantial about Sarah’s faked pregnancy? I am going to pre-order his book for sure! But I am dying of curiosity.

  78. Anonymous @ 2:36 PM said...
    At one time, the possibility of Palin wearing an ear piece during the debate was raised. . .and some fairly fuzzy photographs suggesting same posted on the internet. Any resolution of this?

    There was never any proof of this rumor being true.

    I'm of the opinion that the "earpiece" was actually just Palin's weirdly shaped right ear -- if you look closely at a high resolution of either of her ears, they look more simian than human, with a relatively huge (especially for such a petite woman) expanse of cartilage.


    Anon @ 6:49 PM said... So which is it? Was she not eating anything or was she ordering room service? Was Todd staying with her in the hotel room? This doesn't really matter of course, she was/is incompetent. Just seems inconsistent to me.

    I think somewhere in that chapter, describing that scene, it was mentioned or at least implied that her aides and the folks huddled tutoring her had "ordered in", not her.

  79. Sharon in Florida7:53 PM

    Anon @ 6:03
    Very reasonable explanation. Terrifying that she could have been POTUS and that she's still out there creating chaos.

  80. Gasman8:13 PM

    The portrait of Palin which is presented in “Game Change” is someone who is ignorant, arrogant, incredibly insecure, and utterly, hopelessly unprepared for national politics. What we have seen from Palin herself since the campaign is confirmation of these traits and much evidence that she learned NOTHING from being on the campaign trail last year. She has not sought to correct any of the SUBSTANTIAL deficits in her knowledge, experience, or character. Hell, she won’t even admit to herself that she HAS any flaws in those areas. That is why I have no fear of imbecilic Sarah.

    She came away from last year’s campaign, indeed has come away from Alaska and every other part of her life blaming everyone else for her problems. Somehow, when Palin is involved, it’s ALWAYS somebody else’s fault. If she has learned nothing, then she will keep on stepping on the same rakes over and over and over again. And as is her pattern, she will blame someone, anyone, everyone else for her own gaffes.

    She is nothing if not predictable. Sarah Palin is a moron.

  81. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Oh Grphen, I haven't gotten my book yet! lol!
    AmyGrau, yes they set the bar soooo damn low, people were amazed she showed. And she didn't answer questions...she made it clear any questions she didn't want to answer...????She wouldn't! Just the fact she SHOWED!!! That's how low the bar was set!!
    I am also wondering if she got hooked on "legal speed" (aderall) when she was campaigning? Previous videos of her she did not act all wonky or it could just be her illness manifesting...
    I am interested in these new pic of Levi at Beer Pong (whatever THAT is) Isn't that the same thing willow got busted on?
    Seems pretty funny a pic would turn up with this same thing after her daughter got busted for it...doncha think?

  82. I cannot believe Lieberman prayed with Palin. Did he suddenly become a Jew for Jesus? There's no other way for him to have prayed with her. No way does she respect his Judaism. I'm surprised his wife didn't smack him in the nose for pal'in around with s'error.

    I just cannot see him praying with her; really, I cannot.

  83. Anonymous8:49 PM

    "Oh. My. God."

    What more is there to say????

  84. Anon @ 6:49 - she ordered steak & chips, had a few bites of steak and left the rest, LOL!

  85. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Joe Biden is a very good man. He did show an infinite amount of patience. And he is serving well as VP, an excellent wing man.

  86. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Maybe "prayed with Palin" was a typo?
    Now "payed with Palin" is more in character with Nambypants and the Grifter.

  87. mommom10:53 PM

    I really have never been able to get around the deal with Mrs Paylin "praying with Joe Lieberman"

    He is an Orthodox Jew. She is a fundie fanatic.Exactly what prayers did they say together ?

    Is "praying with Lieberman" a euphemism for taking anti-depressants?

    Why would an Orthodox Jew pray with someone who believed that all Jews were going to hell unless they were turned around by the "prayer warriors" and became Christians?

  88. Snowing in Alaska11:16 PM

    She had the snark factor covered either way - if she'd been creamed by logic and knowledge, oh Victim of the Elitist Universe, here I come. Since Biden used kid gloves, she gloated evilly whilst thinking she was smarter than she gave herself credit for.

    Poor Sarah - it's like everyone was simplifying the rules just so they could avoid watching her meteoric crash and fail as it would just be too painful. What happened instead, is a monster was fed because she is too stupid to know the bar was moved to below floor level.

    But... Sarah has a penchant for doing something really weird and stupid just when you think she's gaining ground. Turkey pardon! Wired quitty speech with ducks quacking! Quit group run in WA and had stupid Thanksgiving dinner, Flight to China for lack lustre and clueless speech (and probable excuse to hide while healing from upgrades), complete with homecoming nose booger! McCain redacted on visor while showing off the real Sarah in Hawaii! Dippity Doo hairdo for Oprah interview!

    Good grief, what a loser. She blows everything she gets.

  89. Sharon in Florida11:22 PM

    I'd like to know which one of McCain's staff told her to walk out and announce that she wasn't going to answer the questions in the VP Debate - that she was going to talk directly to the America? Or was that her going rogue? Has any staffer fessed up to that one?

  90. sunnyjane12:14 AM

    A couple of observations here, if I may.

    Palin most likely thought the vice presidential debate would be like the debate she had with Andrew Halcro and the other man when they were all trying to be the Republican nominee for governor. Palin said some to the effect that "Andrew, you come out with all the impressive facts and figures. But I don't think anyone cares about all of that." And, it got her rave reviews and into the governor's mansion.

    My next observation is that J.D. Hayworth, who is running against McCain in the Arizona Republican primary, has put himself between a rock and a hard place. Palin is campaigning for McCain against the Great Tea Bagger, and the little tea bags are fighting amongst themselves about that. If Hayworth critizes Palin, he alienates the little tea baggers who are giving Palin a break on McCain. If he wins the nomination, all the little tea baggers will expect Palin to endorse him. Flip-flop time. It will be interesting to watch.

  91. Anonymous3:26 AM

    McCainWorld thought they had it made after her performance at the convention. :-D

  92. I have to say, I adore Joe Biden.

    As a Delawarean who has (as most Delawareans have) met him a few times, I can attest that he is a genuinely warm, kind human being who is exactly as you see him on television. this is why he has "gaffes"...because he's a normal person who puts his foot in his mouth as normal people do.

    Anyway, I could tell during the debate (during which I too was screaming at the TV every time Palin gave a smirking non answer) that he was restraining himself. His grin belied his disbelief at her insane answers. Obama used the same strategy to great effect as well during the last debate with McCain.

  93. Anonymous4:47 AM

    The fact that this story has been buried by the MSM is just more evidence of their increasing irrelevance. NO ONE has mentioned that McCain had ~6 months to figure out who his VP would be, do the vetting, and have a Plan B if Plan A did not work out (which it didn't). Instead, he had no Plan B and did not vetting. He simply heard that Palin would be high risk/high reward -- a perfect fix (in the druggy sense) for a compulsive gambler like McCain. So what if the risk was borne by the entire nation and indeed the entire world -- McCain (like Bush) was never held accountable for any of his many plane crashes (literal and figurative) before, so why would he be risk averse now? He may be smug and arrogant, but he is just a loser to the Nth degree. A real American coward.

    That is the story, MSM, if you would get off you a**es and do some real journalistic work. I bet you would even find that the story would be a best-seller.

  94. The country dodged a bullet when McCain and Palin lost the election, but I don't think we're in the clear. Palin doesn't have the fortitude or the attention span to run for national office, but there are other Palin-types who are waiting in the wings, say, Scott Brown. The American people congratulated themselves for a few months for voting in the black guy, but look how quickly that soured. If we can't coalesce around a pretty decent president, then I fear 2012 is lost.

  95. Anonymous4:57 AM

    That last sentence in your article say it all.
    Palin can be disassembled, line by line by any skilled debater or blogger.

    It will be interesting to see what kinds of guests she has on Fox. Becasue she just can't stand up to logical, fact based countering.

  96. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I remember at one point Biden said," Gwen, there are things called facts."

    paraphrased but he almost lost it there

  97. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Thank you, Anon 7:34 for the detailed comparison of your nephew's symptoms and coping behaviors and the way SP handles herself. I think you are very close to the mark.

    When SP showed up at the door of her hotel room wrapped in a towel, I think it was a deliberate ploy to try and get her handlers to go a lot easier on her.

  98. Anonymous5:36 AM

    The junk food and hotel room service are what her kids were being fed as they were dragged around during the campaign.

  99. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Thanks to those who addressed my question about the half eaten food/no food question. It's shocking to me that the Republican's tried to prop this woman up as a viable contender. Good good, they are STILL trying to make her into something she clearly is not! McCain and company share a good portion of the blame, but the media clearly owns part of this problem now. They aren't even reporting on this. Can you imagine the hey day they would have had if Clinton, Biden, or Obama had acted like her??? Shame on the MSM.

  100. Gasman7:26 AM

    Anon @ 7:34,
    Your comparison of Palin with your nephew does indeed provide what might well be the most cogent and likely explanation for the bizarre spectacle that is Sarah Palin. What I don't understand, however, is why Palin continues to seek out situations in which she risks being exposed as an underachiever and as a fraud? I can understand her fear of being outed as having a severe learning disability, but why exponentially increase the odds that you will be discovered by putting yourself in a VERY visible position?

    It almost seems as if Palin is trying to expose her secret to the world. Her behavior has been bizarre and irrational and seems more like someone who is either mentally/emotionally unstable than that of a sane, rational person. When she augers in, it will be spectacular.

  101. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Sarah still thinks to this day that it is "gods will" to lead this country. This woman is delusional.

  102. Aunt Ruthie - Postpartum also happens when you lose a baby (happened twice to me). I have always believed she lost the baby and Trig was acquired to cover up the loss.

  103. Anon 7:34

    I have had several women friends who were diagnosed with ADDH in their late 40s and 50s. While they may have had some of the symptoms earlier in their life, they really surfaced full blown later in their life. They were unable to concentrate and read a book or a newspaper. Learning became very difficult for them.

    Sarah's disjointed speech and run-on sentences are connected to this issue.

  104. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Re: Gasman. "When she augurs in, it will be spectacular."

    That is why I have a bottle of really good champagne on ice. I've never hidden the fact that I'm here for the schadenfreude.


  105. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I can believe that Leiberman prayed with Palin. There's no reason why they couldn't pray in the same room- Leiberman's Jewish, but has anybody ever heard Sarah talk about Jesus? She's one of those Christianists who pretty much focus on the Old Testament.

    Anyway, we don't know what prayers were said. For all we know, Leiberman was saying, "Okay, g-d, take her down! Now!"


  106. The "debate" was a draw because no one vomited on the podium. Actually, it was a stunner, and Queen Latifah captured it quite nicely on SNL that weekend. ;-)

  107. The debate was a "draw" only in that Sarah didn't swallow her own tongue. Everyone agreed she did sooooo much better than they thought she would. Only she would take that as some knd of compliment.

    I still think McCain's Hail Mary was more about losing by a smaller margin than actually winning, and in that way it worked. Short term win. However, she is like a booger that cannot be flung off his long term reputation. Long term fail.

    It is certainly typical how the "liberal" media fell all over themselves to discuss the Reid gaffe and the Edwards dirty laundry, but when it comes to discussion about any of the Palin stuff the usual nothing-to-see-here-move-along mentality prevails.

    IF Sarah runs in 2012 (and I honestly doubt she wants to be pres any more than I do) her GOP opponents will take her down. She will not be able to handle the debates and they are not going to let her get away with the tricks she employed against the Democrats. That said, if there is a ticking time bomb for her public image in the near future, I'll wholeheartedly enjoy the explosion.

  108. Anonymous3:43 PM

    When, I think it was O'Reilly asked Palin if she was overwhelmed during the campaign, she said "no". Any normal person would be overwhelmed, I would think.

  109. Anonymous5:26 PM

    We all know she has no brain.

    During the Couric interview, she could not name a single newspaper, and she was a journalism major? My twelve year old can name five newspapers in five seconds.

    More telling was her non answer for a supreme court decision she disageed with. Months before, like June of 2008, she had a press conference decrying the Exxon decision. And she could not remember it.

  110. Anonymous12:35 AM

    She wasn't eating or drinking -- but the hotel room was full of half-eaten food.

    That book is one of the worst-written and fact-independent I've ever not bought -- and I'm including Palin's ghostwriter's attempt in the list. The number of contradictions offered by these "reporters" pretty much matches the number of words in the book.

    Let's hang Palin with reality -- instead of resorting to the obvious fraud that these failures have foisted off as history -- Game Change obviously gets its title from pure gossip being presented -- and accepted -- as fact.

    I want to see the parents of those school children she accused of serious crimes take Palin to the mat! I want the school administrations and the children's protection agency and the police stand up against her accusations and prove that she used children to promote herself as a victim!

    What's WRONG with those parents! She put it in writing -- that takes it beyond slander! STAND UP for your kids!

  111. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I think the half-eaten food was for her teaching people who were probably at their wit's end, and horrified by her ignorance and inability to remember even major historical events.

    And yes, most of this book is gossipy "off the record" stories by people who would only speak under the condition of not being "outed" by the reporters.

    I agree 100% with the commenter above - the parents of the other children in the school, and that school's administration should be knocking at Mrs. Todd Palin's door and asking about those threats. Go Juneau!


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