Monday, January 11, 2010

More damaging excerpts about Sarah Palin from the book "Game Change".

"Game Change," the 2008 deconstruction, says the stress of vaulting onto the national stage caused Palin to have wild mood swings.

"One minute, Palin would be her perky self; the next she would fall into a strange blue funk," the authors write.

The morning of her ill-fated CBS interview with Katie Couric, Palin - "her eyes glassy and dead" - was unresponsive to attempts to prep her as she was being made up.

"As they were about to set off to meet Couric, Palin announced 'I hate this makeup' - smearing it off her face, messing up her hair, complaining she looked fat," the book relates.

Palin went on to give answers to Couric that were so incoherent the interview permanently damaged her.

Palin went into a tailspin. She stopped eating or sleeping, and drank only a half a can of diet soda a day, recounts the book written by John Heilemann of New York magazine and Mark Halperin of Time magazine.

"When her aides tried to quiz her she would routinely shut down - chin on her chest, arms folded, eyes cast to the floor, speechless and motionless, lost in what those around her described as a kind of catatonic stupor," the book says.

"If I had known everything I know now, I would not have done this," the book quotes Palin as saying.

I believe that it is beyond doubt that Sarah Palin suffers from severe mental instability. This book simply reinforces the information that we have seen reported in other news outlets, and information that I have been digging up lately as well. She is somebody who appears on the surface to be charismatic and competent, but who underneath is tragically damaged and fragile.

Perhaps one of the saddest aspects of her story is that there were "hangers on" willing to reinforce her Narcissistic Personality Disorder in order to reap financial benefits from the attention directed at her.

I put Harper Collins into that category as well as the C4P idiots, SarahPAC, the Republican party, her so-called friends Kris Perry, Ivy Frye, Kristan Cole, Todd Palin himself, and the ever disappointing Meg Stapleton. Just get a load of THIS recent statement from Meg about the book.

"The governor's descriptions of these events are found in her book, 'Going Rogue.' Her descriptions are accurate," Stapleton said in a statement Sunday night to60 Minutes." "She was there. These reporters were not."

She KNOWS that is not true, yet she is perfectly satisfied to tell her lies, collect her check, and go home to her family without seemingly a shred of concern about this pathetic woman.

They know that if Sarah Palin received the psychiatric attention that she clearly needs their gravy train would come to a screeching halt. Sarah is surrounded by self serving enablers who really only see her as a vehicle to help them get access to more money and more influence.


  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Those who hated Sarah before still do

    Those who loved Sarah before still do

    Those who didn't give a shit before still don't.

    California is still on the west coast

  2. CGinWI5:57 AM

    I suppose the "arms folder, chin down" behavior could be seen as the sign of some disorder.

    To me it just sounds like the behavior of a stubborn, spoiled five year old.

  3. PurpleAlaska6:07 AM

    Anybody seen the "perky one" lately?

    No, not that one....the OTHER one.


  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    A comment from NY Daily on the book:

    "Palin is everything the leftist aren't. She is attractive, has a good (real) man, births a candidate for death, successful by her own legitimate efforts, not a manufactured politician, brings moral certitude, and my personal favorite, has slim hips which are amazing after her children. Enter thunder thighs Hillary, saddle bags Michelle, and permanently pms'ed Oprah with a dose of arrogant Huffington and gal pal Maxine Watters, and gal wannabe Barney Frank. I'd rather have Palin and family in my neighborhood any day, than chubby Gore or the increasingly wide Jesse Jackson.....give'em Hell Sarah"

    This, to me, says it all about who and what Sarah supporters think. Doesnt matter what's in her head - "She LOOKS good, suckahhh!"

  5. I've had a feeling for sometime now that Palin is truly someone to be pitied. She cannot keep up this charade of normalacy forever and when she breaks, it is not going to be pretty.

  6. She should have blinked.

  7. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I'm pretty sure Stapleton's comments were released before the actual 60 Minutes broadcast. The teaser videos were out. I think Stapleton released the statement either Friday night or Saturday morning.


  8. Anonymous6:30 AM

    you ALMOST made me feel bad for her. which is her next game plan, and what she has been doing for sooooooooooooo long. then i remember the 'associates with terrorists' remarks etc....and lo'...shes right back to being the bitch she is and deserves everything she is getting and deserves to get!!!! im SOOOOOOOO enjoying thinking i have a personality disorder as well, but im not trying to run for VP of the best country in the world.

  9. Anonymous6:34 AM

    True. Very sad, but absolutely true.

  10. Anonymous6:36 AM

    And the vultures circle and pick at the carcass.......

  11. Anonymous6:37 AM

    AS some one who has lived with a person with NPD for over 30 years, I can tell you that this is not all that Ms Wasilly suffers from. In Todd's case, the guy may not know whether to wind his butt or scratch his ass. Living with NPD can make you doubt yourself and wonder about your own sanity at times. I think there is a name for people who are drawn into a person's mental illness. Hey NO WISE CRACKS, either :)

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    NO! NO! NO! Do not fall into the trap of letting poor little Sarah be the victim again. NPD DO NOT have the same feelings "normal" people do. She is not the victim, she would go straight for the throat of any of her detractors if she could.

  13. Did you purposely display the wrong book cover, Gryphen?

  14. Here is some video footage of what happened in the Palin house last night

    Rated R for violence.

  15. Anon above offers a comment from the NYDN: "Palin is everything the leftist aren't. She is attractive, has a good (real) man, births a candidate for death..."

    Don't ALL of us ladytypes "birth candidates for death"? Are any of us guaranteed children who will live forever? And if we'll suspend disbelief for a second and imagine that $P actually DID give birth to Trig, what did the "wild ride" say about her sense of caution and value for his life?

    Mr. NYDN doesn't care about any of that, but he does offer up the typical Palinbot riposte. They assume that everyone who distrusts $P simply must be leftist, ugly, single, and barren. The NYDN commenter, while slamming a pack of other women as distasteful to him, disclosed his own personal fetish ("slim hips"), while calling Dud a "good (real) man." In what respect, Charlie?


  16. emrysa6:55 AM

    love meg's response.

    "the governor's descriptions..." still calling her the governor. fits right in with what you bring up about ENABLERS. you are so right about these people around her being enablers. if they really gave a shit about her as a person, they would have checked her in somewhere by now. but no.... the gravy train must go on, as you say.

    futhermore, meg looks ridiculous to refer to "the governor's description of these events" when part of the topic is that palin lies all the time. so I guess we are to believe her description of events? lol, never.

    a chronic liar who has problems with reality. yep, the woman needs help. and no one around her is willing to get it for her. nice friends and family, there, also too.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Have you guys ever seen this photo?
    Wow - just wow. She looks like a prostitue.

  18. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Sarah, it's God's plan for you. It's over, that is, unless, you plan on listening to to the devil.

  19. Does she have a personality disorder? Perhaps. But that doesn't mean she has "mental instability." Speculating on the state of her mental health does nothing for the credibility of the anti-s'errors. She's been active on the political scene for some time and there's no real melt-downs indicative of bi-polar disorder or any other real mental health issue.

    But does she have some not-so hidden personality disorders? Absolutely. Is she passive-aggressive?. Yep. Stubborn to a fault? Yep. Narciscistic? Delusions of grandeur? Yep. Does she leave the impression of being greedy and more interested in the almighty dollar than God or sound public policy? Fer sure. But none of those are necessarily indicative of mental instability.

    A mentally unstable person would not have been able to do what she's down without having a major breakdown. A total collapse. She hasn't collapsed, just turned bitter and quit. And quit. And quit. If there's such a thing as Grand Malquitter Syndrome, then that's what she has. But not a bona fide mental disease.

    Glassy-eyed with head down is something any normal and well-developed 2-y.o. can do.

  20. Ripley in CT7:09 AM

    "Sarah is surrounded by self serving enablers who really only see her as a vehicle to help them get access to more money and more influence."

    Michael Jackson, anyone?

  21. To MrsTBB@6.52a - thanks for your response to my posting about Palin supporters at Palingates. You're spot on about the "white Americans".

    I also want to tell you that you post some of the most astute remarks on Palin I've seen.

  22. Anonymous7:14 AM

    God I wish babygate would come out right now! It would be the knockout punch in this battle.

    She would never recover, even with her base. Being called a liar by the McCain staff and then her biggest lie coming out would seal the coffin shut forever.

    I hate that there will be time in between these stories so she can spin it for her base.

    Sucks for me, my wishes never come true.

  23. I also, too, almost got to a place of being able to feel sorry for her. She is a mess, but she still wants to make this a Christinist country, so I must be strong.

    I am an empath and I do feel for her as a human being who has been told she is the IT girl, but the other meanies keep saying bad stuff about her.

    Mental illness does explain her disconnect with reality.

    She could have become a force by finishing her term, repairing relationships with the legislature and with humility, she could have asked for professional help to become a viable candidate. And she could have. I think that mental illness is the only explanation. Why would anyone throw away the chance she had?

    good news is she didn't get professional help of any kind

  24. Anonymous7:16 AM

    When a member in a family is behaving this way, and it's been fact-checked in a book, that behavior would be a call for help. Priority One would be to get them some professional help, or an intervention.

    Doesn't the husband have a say in this, or the parents? The shenanigans have been going on long enough. Young children need not endure this kind of bipolar display, if this is indeed the case. That would affect those kids for life. Who in SP's life loves her and her children enough that they would intervene for her and the kids' behalf? Any other regular working mom who would display these signs, would no doubt be immediately under a specialist's care, and would be ordered to rest, stay at home, be taken care of, and stay away from stressful events and publicity tours.

    The continued book tour, wild twitter frenzy, lectures, jet-setting, is just a recipe for covering-up, festering a psychiatric problem for someone who might be displaying what was written in that book.

    Not only has this been a political story of the century, it has also been an introspective into a "celebrity" for politician story; and how the celebrity factor eventually turns sour. How voters are quickly influenced by what they see on the outside - Beauty, charm, charisma. It is a story of the century, because for the first time, the idolatry was for an individual who could have been a heartbeat away from making decisions that would affect 300 million people and their neighboring friends on a huge scale.

    Thank the Good Lord for his protection. This story may change the vetting, and selection of candidates from now. It was a lesson for the future.

  25. She needs to say nothing at all about any of this. That is the ONLY way to handle it.

    I do predict that the media will not trumpet every facebook post now.

  26. ""When her aides tried to quiz her she would routinely shut down - chin on her chest, arms folded, eyes cast to the floor, speechless and motionless, lost in what those around her described as a kind of catatonic stupor," the book says."

    When my youngest child was a toddler, that was exactly how he acted when he didn't get what he wanted. Thank God he grew out of THAT phase.

    And just to add to the mental illness..

    When I was younger, I was in a relationship that was very controlling. I went to see a Counseler as it was very difficult to live under someone's thumb.
    The Counseler gave me a great piece of advice, that if (the guy in my relationship) was, say 40 yrs old and willingly went to a physcologist to try and change, that it would take him at least another 20 yrs to get it right. $arah needs intensive therapy. She needs to do an inpatient retreat.
    BTW, the guy I was with never did get help or even acknowledge he needed it, so he's even worse now. That's what will happen with $arah. And she WILL destroy lives along the way.

  27. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I've always been "sad" for Sarah Palin and her family, however, its not a reason to support her for a leadership position. She is simply not qualified. Her enablers should know better. What does this say about her parents?

  28. Sarah is manic depressive, possibly bipolar. She has the classic symptoms.

    Ugh, I hope she included some mentos or tic tacs in that campaign diet...her breath must have smelled like ass.

  29. This is all devastating and if she left quietly, I might say, let's stop researching and let her have her Trig fantasy.

    We shall see what happens at the Teagbagger convention. Some claim they are not all nutjobs, but just people who are fed up. Well I am fed up too, at the way corporations and bankers always screw the people. This is a losing fight though without Public financing of campaigns. Too much money is needed to win and that corrupts and it will only get worse.

  30. Sharon in Florida7:48 AM

    To Ivyfree @ 6:26
    I saw Stapleton's same comment Friday or Saturday as well. The first day it appeared, I tried to find where she had said it and couldn't bring it up anywhere. (I'm beginning to think I have a problem finding things on the Internet!!)

    Wonder what Stapleton will say now?

  31. "When her aides tried to quiz her she would routinely shut down - chin on her chest, arms folded, eyes cast to the floor, speechless and motionless, lost in what those around her described as a kind of catatonic stupor," the book says."

    She will probably just say she was praying.

  32. Anonymous7:51 AM

    A must see:

    Besides being disgusting, it kinda points at what's wrong with the PalinBots and Repub's in general.
    "White, racist, bigots"

  33. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I don't buy the "mentally unstable" stuff, but I do believe that in order to get through 15 hr days in which she was being stuffed with info by an increasingly frustrated McCain staff, Palin needed some "help" in the form of some type of speed. Palin is basically lazy, but speed does give you the ability to (a) lose your appetite and weight), remember she complained about "looking fat" before the Couric interview, and only drank diet drinks & ate energy bars); (b) be alert and focused; (c) do without much sleep.

    Coming down, though, can leave you depressed and sick, and your eyes DO become glazed over because the sparkle in them was drug-induced.

    Palin may have a borderline personality disorder, like NPD, but she's not crazy. Drugs like speed, though, can cause temporary psychosis when done for extended periods of time.

  34. Anonymous7:59 AM

    NPD is not fixable and can not be helped with concern. NPD seeks out new enablers and discards even slightly damaged enablers. NPD destroys family members.

    On the other hand, McCain and his enablers deserve the full wrath of the nation (and by proxy the world) that they so callously risked.

  35. Anonymous8:04 AM

    @mary b: There is a photo of Piper in that exact same pose, chin on chest, arms folded, don't-talk-to-me look on the face! Sarah is still eight years old.

    I know that Grypen was interested in straightening out the details of Sarah's beauty pageants-- as if those were important credential for the job of vice president.

    Sarah has treated us to so many untruths, deceptions and out-and-out lies that it is hard to catalog them all. In the scheme of things, when she won a beauty contest, if she gave birth to Trig all pale in comparison with the biggest lie of all-- that she was qualified to be the Vice President of the United States, and in case something happened to McCain.....well, that possibility is unthinkable!

    Sarah Palin will be remembered as a great political fraud! The people who chose her and covered up for her should also be held accountable. Steve Schmidt has found his way to the truth a little late, and with convenient timing in regard to the new book information. McCain is ultimately responsible for that bad choice.

    I hope that this would be the magic bullet that would put an end to Sarah's political career. But she has a PAC that needs contributions, and she seems to have lined up with the tea-baggers. As long as they give her a political voice, she is still a very dangerous person.

  36. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Anon @ 6:58 - that was a (badly)photoshopped photo. Not to say Palin hasn't had her moments of low-class dress - purple suede boots anyone?

  37. Sharon in Florida8:10 AM

    The statements about Todd Palin being a "real man" have gotten old. When does a real man permit his children to be abused by their mother? When DOESN'T a real man step in when his wife is publicly humiliating his teen-age children? Why wouldn't a real man demand that his minor children be kept in school? Why wouldn't a real man put his real foot down about the Wild Ride? (Assuming mama was actually pregnant). Does a real man not take a stand with all the rumors flying about whether or not the children are his children rather than someone else's? Why wouldn't a real man get his wife the mental help that she so desperately needs? Or get her out of the public spotlight?

    Todd Palin is REALLY stupid or REALLY not a real man. Or both.

  38. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Catatonic stupor...wait...Sarah knows this's what happens to a cat that drinks too much alcohol?

    When do I get to play vice-president?

  39. rmclement8:17 AM

    There is a good post on Andrew Sullivan's blog written by a schoolteacher, stating that his/her (can't remember) otherwise logical & rational students lost those abilities when trying to discuss or write about SP. It (and other things I have read about her) reminds me of Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" in which he wrote that in the presence of evil, people lose the ability to think, and that the common reaction to evil is confusion. SP creates confusion by her very presence; I think this is one reason her followers find it difficult to say anything coherent when asked about her, and why it is so difficult to arrive at the truth about so many events in her life.

  40. Gasman8:24 AM

    If Palin's aspirations were not so grand and if the consequences were not so dire, I could ALMOST feel sorry for Palin. However, as our last experiment with having a malleable idiot in the White House didn’t go so well, all bets are off when it comes to making sure Palin NEVER becomes POTUS.

    Palin is a moron that couldn’t distinguish between N. & S. Korea and she thinks she has the gravitas to be POTUS? The only thing more disheartening is that there are millions who would love for her to be president. NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL!

  41. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I'd like to see her walk in those heels after drinking that very big, very full glass of wine...heh heh

  42. L.A. in S.F.8:33 AM

    It sounds like bipolar disorder, which is manic/depressive disorder, with personality disorder issues layered on top. She was unfit and foolish to think that it wouldn't be hard work. And she might well have had minnie breakdowns along the way. If Levi is to be believed, it sounds like she was struggling with the depression following the mania. She could go on a long time like that w/t being hospitalized. McCain still owes us ALL an apology. And FWIW: that was a really poorly developed and edited piece on 60 mins last night.

  43. sick of them all8:38 AM

    There were no adults and this speed freak was unleashed. What happened to campaign reform? McCain's life is a series of cover up and corruption. Let the buck stop with him. Many politicians are psychotic and or on drugs. I think McCain listed what he takes. Hold Palin and all the enablers accountable for all the fraud and child abuse.

    Save your pity for Charlie Manson, he didn't have near the opportunities in life that Palin had. She is a bad a** evil woman who will not change. There is no treatment for her, she does no wrong in her own mind. The truth is the best antidote. The sooner baby-gate begins to reveal reality the sooner the healing starts. When the people in Alaska who can tell the truth come out, the state can start to deal with the rape and drug issues, also, too. Until then Alaska is a sad state in a sad state. Please take this opportunity to purge and restore your true spirit.

  44. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I used to think Sarah had NPD or was Borderline. But after reading The Sociopath Next Door, I think it's far worse. Popular fiction has conditioned us to think of sociopaths as serial killers, but that only happens if they also have violent personalities. One in 25 Americans are sociopaths.

    The thing I found fascinating about sociopaths is that they feel no sense of guilt, shame, or embarrassment, and do not feel fear. It totally explains how someone as ignorant as Sarah could do those interviews--anyone who wasn't a sociopath would be scared to death their ignorance would show, and mortified afterwards. Not Sarah. The only emotions she experiences are satisfaction (at winning) and anger. All that breathiness we saw at her resignation speech was fueled by anger, not fear.

    Sociopaths are obsessed with dominance and getting even--it's their only source of joy in life. They are easily bored and essentially lazy. By definition, they have no conscience. They are truly evil people and can not be rehabilitated because their brains are literally wired differently.

    She's always been a sociopath. Now, I think she's a drug-addicted sociopath. She used to be calmer, more coherent. Sociopath's don't "melt down". But she could pop too many pills.

  45. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath.


  46. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This was predictable,Fox seems to like mentally unstable people..Granny Grifter to a regular Fox News Contributer

  47. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I don't see evidence of "mental instability" here. Sarah realized, much too late, that she was in way over her head. She went thar, like a bunny in the headlights. That's just the mammalian nervous system at work; a perfectly normal, albeit unfortunate response.

    I blame God for the whole fiasco. He's obviously a lousy planner.

    Now, can we pleeeeez get back to exposing babygate?

  48. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sarah on Fox.....

  49. Olivia9:05 AM

    Don't do that again, Gryph. You almost made me feel sorry for her.

    I think the post about comparing Scarah to a sociapath is correct. If you read any descriptions of Hitler there is a scary parallel between him and Scarah. It's very frigtening.

    Scarah equals rock star is spot on! Even Schmidt admitted she jumped off the screen of the TV. I *knew* from the beginning she was picked for her charisma and looks and nothing else.

    There is a certain segment of the population that just does not think logically about Scarah. Nothing they see or hear will change their mind about her. We need to get the truth out to the others, those that will be disallusioned by the truth and will turn against her and her pack of minions.

  50. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I think your insight on Sarah and sociopath is credible. I've read up on the "symptoms" as well, trying to figure out someone I know. Yes, sociopaths, can be a successful neighbor, your pastor, your friend, or anyone.. The main criteria is "having no conscience".

  51. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Sarah wins as the ultimate victim - of herself.

    All we need to do is google or go to the library and find a reputable medical reference outlining mental illnesses to help us understand if she suffers from a serious mental illness, and if so, which one(s).

    I think it is revelatory that we - mostly moderates and progressives - are concerned about her metal health.

    Where are the palinbots who really care about her? Silent or salvering over her hips?

    How long will her "faithful" stick with her? It seems to me that her harshest critics are the only ones who are voicing concern for her basic welfare. Amazing, isn't it?

  52. Quiet19:32 AM

    Just read this little tidbit about Sarah and Fox news. The crazy joins the crazies:

  53. Anonymous9:46 AM

    According to M.Scott Peck MD persons with narcissim are not likely to present themselves for professional counseling. If such a person is ordered by an authority to participate in professional counseling he/she will go through the motions, attempt to manipulate the professional and likely does not realize actual personal growth because he/she believes himself or herself to be just fine (if not perfect and superior to others) just as he or she is right now. Attempts to correct or change such a person can evoke not just "vindictiveness" but even bursts of quite violent over-reaction because the narcisist sees himself or herself in mortal danger that his or her already superior superself, relative to others who are lessor persons, might cease to exist or "change" in any way from what the super-ego sees as a totally beautiful self in every respect already. A pronounced narcisist presents quite atypical responses to professional counseling than other personality disorders if M. Scott Peck MD can be believed at all. I find M. Scott Peck's written analysis of these personality disorders to be definitive. Just my personal belief. Narcissim creates chaos from birth throughout the person's life. Merely my three cents worth this fine morning.


    Here's how she is paying for her house, she's going to Fox!!!!

  55. is mccain denouncing or renouncing ANY of this?


  56. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Oh! The majestic pageantry of it awl! When one runs for office it helps if one has presence; projects, pageant walks etc. A practical application of that life skill. The applied skill of pageantry 101. Now, that has pop so to speak, in a cultural cents.

  57. Anonymous10:00 AM

    :( I like her better when she's waltzing, Matilda.

  58. Anonymous10:19 AM

    She's probably in a straitjacket, frothing at the mouth in fury, even as we type.

    I'm here for the schadenfreude. I'm wondering at what point I open the champagne I've had in the cooler for the moment Palin implodes. She's very near. It can't come too soon.

    Here's hoping some people from Wasilla start speaking up.


  59. Anonymous10:24 AM

    MSNBC and NY Times are reporting that Sarah has a multi-year deal with Fox News. Interesting timing on that announcement ?

  60. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The NY Times refers to Robert Barnett at Sarah's lawyer. Is that a new name ?

  61. 10catsinMD10:53 AM

    To Sauerkraut above.

    Osarah may have been able to pull of everything prior to the VP nomination, at the local level in AK. But I think what has come up is that she just shuts down or shuts out what she can't handle otherwise. I think this what is being pointed out in this book.

    And yes, I think the overwhelming input from those around her could put her into an "overload" situation, especially at the national level. It may be seen in different ways by many, but it definitely makes her totally unfit for any office beyond the local level.

    Harper Collins has put out "Game Change" as well as her book. I think the marketing strategy was to get her book out and to make enough money to cover costs and then bring this one out.

    Opalin's reputation is far less credible than the McCain staffers, etc. Opalin will be used and used for all that can be drained out of her. And she will love it all. Remember 'Sunset Boulevard" Does she have a toy boy yet?

  62. I thought bipolar too. And I thought one of the (many) reasons she would not release medical records is because of that diagnosis.

  63. Ferry Fey11:51 AM

    I was just checking the weather at Weather Underground ( ).

    There were two large ads from NewsMax (identical except for shape) for a poll asking if Sarah Palin should run in 2012. They have 4 questions, and some required email info you must fill out to have your vote register, so that they can harvest the address and they can send you info on her new book. It is dated August 24th, 2009, on the header at the top.

  64. Well I guess Levi was telling the truth in his Vanity Fair interview! She is a major nut job! John McCain should be so ashamed !! He should be put away for unleashing this monster on America !

  65. "The morning of her ill-fated CBS interview with Katie Couric, Palin - "her eyes glassy and dead" - was unresponsive to attempts to prep her as she was being made up."

    Well, there you have it - Proof that that evil librul witch Katie Couric put a hex on our poor Sarah prior to that interview to make poor Sarah look - well - stupid. Don't believe it? I'll bet Mary Glazier (and many others) will agree w/ me - click my name for link.

  66. Anonymous12:41 PM

    $arah's on that sh*t. She made Wasilla famous, but Wasilla is well known for something else too, also..

  67. Venefica1:56 PM

    That's a particularly revealing quote from the new book: "'I hate this makeup' - smearing it off her face, messing up her hair, complaining she looked fat."

    IMO, this is the primary reason she wouldn't use the "empathy belly" appliance for most of her faked pregnancy; she didn't want to look fat. And she was/is delusional enough to believe she could fool everyone.

  68. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:37 PM

    McCain was on State of the Nation on cnn in a fifteen second clip. He said something to the effect that he still likes Sarah and has no regrets, dodging the question of what he thought of Schmidt's comments

    He also, too, has no conscience or recollection of what flavor jello he had after dinner.

  69. Palin is bipolar and can't handle anything for very long. She bores easily and will not sustain subjects that are not very interesting to her. I'm glad the book is revealing her true self even more.
    Good on them!

  70. Anonymous4:58 AM

    nice post. thanks.


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