Monday, January 11, 2010

Here is a very interesting bit of information from a commenter over at The Daily Dish.

I teach in a well-off suburban public high school in the midwest. My students excel; they're hardworking and ambitious. My class is a demanding elective. The subject matter includes lots of critical thinking. Politics is a common topic. We have frequent opinionated political discussion which usually feeds rich, committed writing. These kids are well above the average high school student in nearly every way--communication skills, experience, close reading, careful pessimism, involvement. They are mature enough to balance the value of strong personal or family opinions with the value of balance in public discussion or their school research and writing. They can evaluate an audience. They succeed and come off as smart, articulate, mature, and balanced.

Except when it comes to Sarah Palin.

My conservative students can't discuss or write about Palin to my satisfaction. These conservative kids can be intelligently critical of Obama and his policies; of the wars; of Bush and torture and the Constitution, and so on. They can make arguments that touch on religion and social issues they care strongly about without sliding into emotion or fallacy. They can dispute with the other students in a thoughtful and orderly way over most issues.

But when Palin enters the conversation, they become adamant, unthinking partisans. The eyes go blank. They seem starstruck and smile a lot (girls and boys.) They do not dispute evidence that she was unqualified or ill informed; they just ignore it. When they returned from an appearance Palin made nearby, four of my students behaved like they'd seen Miley Cyrus, not a potential leader of the free world. When it comes to Palin 2012, they tend to nod knowingly with a little secret smile and say "You'll see." (You can read more of this chilling post by clicking the title)

Personally I find this information to be very troubling.

Is it possible that Sarah Palin could STILL present some primitive, yet strangely compelling, political qualities to the disenchanted conservatives? Could there really be enough of these fringe Republicans to inspire somebody to drag her out of her Wasilla bedroom, change her out of her Wal-Mart pj's, wipe the Red Bull stain from around her mouth, and thrust her back onto the Presidential political stage?

After ALL of this, is that even possible?


  1. Gryphen, I saw that comment, and it made me remember, when I was a girl, various people saying that Nixon and Reagan were "through," that they'd never run for anything and win.

    Which is why I can't let go of the $P story, until we are convinced that she'll never hold any position in which she has any control over peoples' lives, ever ever again. We can't do anything about the children in her power, and that is a shame.

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

    You're kidding, right?
    All of the Republicans I know -- all of them -- do nothing but spout off the canned spin of the GOPers. Stuff like, FOX is the only UNbiased channel, CNN is Clinton News Network, CBS is Clinton Broadcasting System. Facts and reality aren't their strong point. If Glenn Beck says it, it's true; if the president says it, it's a lie (unless it's embarrassing). That's how they are.

    The GOP have one skill, political spin. They can't govern or come up with policy ideas but they can convince their legions to agree with them. It's like there's a mind control system broadcast directly from FOX.

  3. I wish someone could explain this phenomena to me, because I just don't get it. And I'm wondering if progressives could fall for a whackjob in the same fashion, if she were pretty and spouting the things we want to hear.

    Even if Sarah eventually is washed up on the national stage, I can see her going back to Alaska and heading the AIP in a push to create a new, sovereign state for her to run. She's that sick and that dangerous. So Alaska isn't out of the woods yet.

  4. She will soon be given a HUGE platform and lots of air time.
    Bloomberg News just announced that FOX has signed her. She will do "specials" and appear on shows with other hosts.
    I kid you not.

  5. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I don't want to name "organizations" - but, I went to a few meetings, guised as business opportunity and goal setting, that turned out to be a cult, whereas members had to pay a lot of money to keep going - I mean the classes ranged in the tens of thousands of dollars. (no, not Scientology, although they also teach control methods) Fortunately, I am not "hypnotize-able". I immediately saw that this is what was going on. Some people (like Sarah) have a natural way of doing this, it could be a learned way from childhood of getting her way and learning to manipulate her environment. Basically, mind control and audience hypnosis.

  6. Two Blue Jays9:10 AM

    Palin to join Fox News.

  7. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I have a master's in political science. All I have to say is, Don't worry about Palin. She is never going to be elected president. If she is ever elected president of the US, I will burn my degrees.

    The American people can be stupid, but they're not THAT stupid. The money decides who wins presidential primaries. The teabagger base may love Palin, but the money does NOT.

    At most, she'll run in 2012 as some third-party conservative candidate. That way, she'll get all the attention and adoration without the slightest possibility of having to take the responsibility of public office.

    So, don't worry. Ain't gonna happen.

  8. Anonymous9:13 AM

    They elected Bush TWICE didn't they. We'll never be able to understand the attraction. It's a mystery.

  9. Anonymous9:15 AM

    You'll get the same reaction when you try to talk to these people about the rapture. Try explaining that some Christians have different views about it and they give you that same look, and those same words - you'll see. They're very sure of themselves and very smug about it.

  10. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Apparently Palin just signed a deal with Fox News.

  11. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Well, looks like Palin has just signed a multi year deal with Faux News as a news contributor.

    So now she will have a huge platform to spew her vomit all over the american people still so stupid they will fall for it.

    She has that quality where people will follow her right off the cliff.


    Stop this madness!!!

    Im serious...

    This is getting completely out of hand.

    She cannot be allowed to have this kind of platform.

  12. That. Is. Scary..

    While over at the Daily Dish, he had a link to this NYT article:
    Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News

    Oh no. She will be called to comment on stuff...

  13. mommom9:22 AM

    I don't think she will run,she has found her niche.

    January 11, 2010

    Categories:Fox News.Palin joins Fox News as contributor

    As soon as the 2008 election ended, speculation began about whether Sarah Palin’s next move would be in television.

    Now, the NY Times reports that Palin has signed on as a Fox News contributor.

    The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories

  14. Anonymous9:22 AM

    OT but OMG!!

    January 11, 2010

    * Fox News

    Palin joins Fox News as contributor

    As soon as the 2008 election ended, speculation began about whether Sarah Palin's next move would be in television.

    Now, the NY Times reports that Palin has signed on as a Fox News contributor.

    The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”

    Posted by Michael Calderone 12:37 PM

  15. Disheartening at best....down right scary at worst!

  16. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Damn, that certainly IS disturbing. Posts like this will surely give her more energy to push herself off as something more than the plasticine person she really is.

  17. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Looks like $P is cashing in more...

  18. NYT reporting that Sarah has signed on as a Fox contributor. Good gawd, go read that article. The grifter will now get air time. This is insane.

  19. Palin will never ever ever run for public office again. She gets off on the chase, "will she, won't she, oh please please, etc", but she knows what we all know- Sarah lacks the mental horsepower needed to run for a nationally elected office. Period.

    If Sarah had true aspirations for power she'd be on every Sunday talk show spouting her brand of crazy ala Liz Cheney. The Republicans are in a tight spot- if they don't cut ties with her soon she will dilute their primaries in 2012 and insure a blowout for the Dems.

    Sarah Palin is a modern day Ceasar, her end will be brought upon her by one of her own (republicans) not the dems and their liberal media elites. ET TU Romney.

  20. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Don't get spooked now, Gryphen. Ted Bundy and Charlie Manson had the same effect on their audiences, and you see where they are. We can deal with those under the spell of Queen Esther, as well as the old girl herself.

  21. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News

    Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.
    DESCRIPTIONJim Watson/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images Sarah Palin

    The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time. This person would not elaborate, but the network does have a precedent for such a series. Oliver L. North is the host of an occasionally running documentary series on the military called “War Stories.”

    Many suspected that when Ms. Palin retired as the governor of Alaska last summer she was doing so to pursue some sort of career in television. The Fox News deal, however, would not seem to be all encompassing, and would appear to give her room for other pursuits, as well.

    The deal could be formally announced as early as this afternoon. Robert Barnett, Ms. Palin’s attorney, did not respond to a call for comment.

  22. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Fox News to announce today, Sarah Palin's series on their show.

  23. Never under estimate the possibilities -- the growing number of religious fanatics and under educated in the US is frigthening, if they are excited enough they will go out and vote - and if the rest of folks are disinterested, disheartened, or become complacent (and don't get up and vote) - well anything can happen.

    Whether Palin runs in 2012 or not - we have to continue to bang the drum and blow the horns and keep folks alert and engaged in political conversation and informed of the facts - and the number one fact I plan to shout from the roof tops - the fact that Republicans (by their own admission) put Sarah Palin up as their VP candidate even though she terrified them and they knew she was unqualified means we can never ever trust them again to be elected as President.

    It doesn't matter who the candidate is - the power and agenda that is behind Sarah Palin will be behind any Republican candidate - we may have won this fight (getting the truth out about Sarah Palin) but the battle is never ending - each and every election is going to be a struggle to get a caring, intelligent person in the White House (or any political office).

    Personally I hope Sarah Palin does run in 2012, as least we know what we are dealing with and there has been enough damage to her reputation she couldn't win - there are enough people who would get up at the crack of dawn and walk on hot coals to go vote to make sure she did NOT get in the White House - they would far out number the little fan base she has gathered around her.

  24. Walterneff9:27 AM

    She just signed with Fox. She's not going to run for anything. She's going to be Oliver North and read off teleprompters for a living.

  25. Anonymous9:30 AM

    On the other hand, Game Change claims that she said she wouldn't have run for VP if she had known what it was like. And she can't really want to do the endless work of a US President, when running a state of 100,000 or so people wasn't worthwhile enough for her to stay on as Gov.

    I'm encouraged that she really is doing all this for the money and adoration. She needs to keep the political side going to feed the base, but that PAC money is really for the Palins, not the Presidency.

    That said, Babygate and other truths must come out to shake up a few of the otherwise-analytical Palin zombies, as mentioned here. -B.

  26. Techgnome9:32 AM

    Gryphen wrote: Is it possible that Sarah Palin could STILL present some primitive, yet strangely compelling, political qualities to the disenchanted conservatives? Could there really be enough of these fringe Republicans to inspire somebody to drag her out of her Wasilla bedroom, change her out of her Wal-Mart pj's, wipe the Red Bull stain from around her mouth, and thrust her back onto the Presidential political stage?

    The answer to your question is yes.

    "Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel.

    The network confirmed that Ms. Palin will appear on the network’s programming on a regular basis as part of a multi-year deal. Financial terms were not disclosed.

    Ms. Palin will not have her own regular program, one person familiar with the deal said, though she will host an occasional series that will run on the network from time to time."

  27. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Breaking News:

    Fox Signs Palin

  28. Anonymous9:37 AM

    From The NYT via "The Dish".

    Palin + Faux News = ???


  29. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Have u seen this ....

  30. hdtracy9:40 AM

    OT perhaps, but thought I'd share this latest: "Former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has signed on as a contributor to the Fox News Channel."

    Are we surprized yet?

  31. carol from Minnesota9:43 AM

    I am afraid that one of the reasons the teacher cannot reach the students is that Sarah is delving into the area of religion with her politics. In her religion one believes and does not question. I saw the religous hate spewed at me and a group of students who joined me when I was in Columbus protesting Sarah at her book signing there.
    My sign read: Palin- LIES to cover up; USES her children as props; BLAMES others and QUITS before done and I am a Real American. Several of Palin's fans taunted me by calling out that I was an "old mush head who would not be lifted up in the Rapture". One lady kept passing by saying the big problem me was that I was leaving God out of the picture. One person was shouting about Revelation in the Bible and how it is revealed that Palin is sent by god to be the person to lead us in the end of days. One person drove by and called out to me "You are going to Hell". A group of high school students came and questioned me. When they heard the taunts they went and bought material for a sign that said "We are the future of the Nation" and stood by me for most of the night. The crowd shouted out at them too, believing that they were some how against "their" Sarah and for Obama. The crowd warned the students that they would grow up to be just like me if they didn't get right with the Lord. I talked with the young people and they said that they were not informed enough to be for or against Palin or Obama but were there to learn and support free speech. The majority of the free speech they heard shouted at them were negative comments.

  32. O'Palin HAD to knock the "60 Minutes" expose' off of the front page. The announcement that she will work for FOX "NEWS" does just that. Success again for the grifter. IF she listens to her bosses and does/says as she is told, this is very frightening for the U.S. They can package her any way they want (IF she does not crack) - I would say our Country is in grave danger re the demagogue scarah.

  33. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I hear Bagger heads exploding all over.

    She signed with FOX!!

    Confirmed the same day the book was released. Hmmm. How convenient that Murdoch would do this -- to deflect attention from the book? Deflect the attention on to Palin?

    Hey Baggers -- She's not running. She has stolen all those $$$ from you for her personal use under the ATF fund and PAC to pay her personal staff etc. Like Bristol with her new PR firm!!

  34. CGinWI9:53 AM

    Was Joe McCarthy possible?

    When I read that Sullivan piece this morning I thought it was the most troubling thing I had seen to date.

  35. This fits into the pattern I have noticed for some time regarding the adulation of Palin. The same folks that deride Dems for idolizing Obama are the ones that idolize Palin. Guess it is a kind of projection involved in that thought pattern. I checked out the poll at Hotline

    which explained that 'establishment' GOP favors Romney or other pols over Palin. It was the comments that jumped out at me, the fervent support for Palin despite the attempts by a very few commentors to bring reality into the discussion.

  36. Google ...... The Authoritarians..... this is a online book by a Professor of Psychology from Canada. It has 7 chapters that can be read one chapter at a time if you can't sit at the computer as long as it would take to read the whole book. After you read it you will understand more about people like Sarah and her followers.

  37. I just read in the comments section at HuffPost that $arah has been hired to be an occasional commenter on Fox Noise.
    Sorry, I didn't get the link.
    There were a couple of different commenters linking to different articles.
    I'm sure it will be all over the tubes within an hour or so.

  38. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Sarah is hired by fox!!!
    Proves that lies are welcomed on Fox news....not the real stuff.

  39. Breaking news at Huffpo, if you haven't seen it: Sarah is signing on as a contributer at Fox News.

    I don't think they're kidding.

  40. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sarah Palin to Contribute to Fox News

    Holy Crap. Please. Someone. Drop. The. Bomb.

    I agree that the story from Sullivan's reader is quite disturbing as well as illuminating and bringing into clear focus the effect that Palin has. We see this with certain highly charismatic individuals. Add the sexy, if phony exterior and the melding with religous fundamentalist ideology and brainwashing and this is the result. The fact that Palin will now have a platform from Fox is reason to take action Gryphen. I know you need to respect your sources. Try a thought experiment. It's say 1936 or thereabouts and you had the kind of info on Hitler as you have on Palin. What would you do?

  41. BPOINT10:05 AM

    NY Times reports Palin is hired by Fox News

  42. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I share your concern.

    We all are having great fun following the antics of Sarah and her followers, but we cannot ignore the possibility that in our glee, we forget to generate a solid opposition to her and to them.

    If we don't start marshaling a strong mid-term voting contingent, her populist base could seriously topple or significantly undermine moderate-progessive alliances.

    We cannot ignore or take our current majority for granted. We still need to be active, to get out the vote, and be there for candidates who oppose Palin's followers.

    We concentrate on conservative Republicans too much. It is those we overlook or write-off, those newly-minted teabaggers that we need to watch and measure. They are building funds and networks.

    People are often swayed by enthusiasm. Teabaggers have that. Of course, they also have a lot of crazy but that hasn't stopped their kind of movements in the past from overtaking more rational folks. History proves that true.

    I am not yet in a panic mode, but I am certainly concerned. We need to monitor their movement more closely and not be too quick to write them off in our zeal to entertain ourselves at their expense.

    We need to watch, listen research and share our findings. We need to back strong moderate and progressive candidates and actively work against these folks in this fall's election. If we sit back and wait until we are closer to 2012, there may be no need for an extraterrestrial threat such as an asteroid, an act of a vengeful God, or a Mayan prophecy - we will have undone ourselves by our apathy.

    We need to pay attention to these early warning signs. When a teacher tries to point out the dangers in a posting such as the referenced and quoted, we need to put aside our skepticism and really ponder what is going on, why it's happening, and how to address this phenomenon. Otherwise, we could turn out to be our own worse enemies.

  43. It's almost as if a whole section of the populace have succumbed to a sneaky form of mind control. Merely the mention of her name and critical thinking flies out of the window!

  44. My gut has been saying, yes. I think she will be back on the presidential political stage. I dread it, but conservatives thrive on fear, and that is what she bases her politics on.

  45. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Yes! These three letters send ice water through my body.
    Why? Let me explain:
    Arrogant sexuality in the quest for power and domination are part of basic mating instincts developed in part to assure survival of the species! The adoring, submissive response is as pre-programmed as is the original signal.
    This is why the reaction in both those who adore her and those who fear her is a visceral one.

  46. Bear Woman10:20 AM

    And now she has the perfect forum for continuing to brainwash these kids and their parents:

    She will be a contributor on Fox.

    Rupert Murdoch is continuing to wind up his puppet and get his hands on the presidency of the US. He couldn't pull it off in Australia so he has come to the US.

    Watch out folks. This is the natural stepping stone in presenting Sarah in her "on moments" to the world to prove how smart she is and to continue luring in all they can with her charisma. Murdoch and Sarah truly believe this is how and why President Obama was elected and they are going to prove it by getting Sarah elected.

    Guess we now know what the new house in the compound is for and what RAM and friends are doing. We've always known they are writing her facebook posts. Now they will be writing the scripts for her Fox appearances.

    Bad news America!

  47. Gryphen,
    What this teacher is saying about these high-performing students in conservatives areas is correct. I taught school in GA for 33 years until the end of the 2008-'09 school year and encountered the same problems she/he describes. These kids have been indoctrinated by the parents, communities, and ministers to blindly oppose liberal polices and blindly accept conservative ones. They'll continue believing liberals and President Obama are evil incarnate and people like Palin, Beck. Savage, Limbaugh, and other conservatives walk on water.

    The conservative siren call might be enough to draw Palin out of Wasilla to run for POTUS in 2012, but I think most Americans would reject her as a serious candidate who is qualified to run the country. I think most Americans instinctively realize that if Palin were POTUS, someone behind the scene would be pulling the strings, and IMHO, we have too many problems to deal with on a national and international level to play Russian Roulette when it comes to electing a CIC.

  48. The kids aren't alright.

  49. Sharon in Florida10:24 AM

    Yes. It's not only possible but probable. The only thing that will save America is Palin's laziness - not the defection of her bots. With the FauxNews $$$, there won't be a need to do the work of campaigning.

    But what do I know? Just yesterday I predicted that she would disappear in shame and probably had been dropped by Murdoch. Today it's announced she's got a gig on FauxNews. So much for my logic & reasoning ability. :(

  50. MaineMom10:27 AM

    I saw this at the Dish earlier today and have been troubled by it all afternoon (here on the East Coast). I get this same reaction to Granny Grifter from conservative members of my family. Granted, many of my DC-based conservative friends roll their eyes and dump on her like most of the former McCain staff do -- but the beyond-the-Beltway types (of ALL ages and genders) really do have a creepy, cultish adoration thing going on. And I do worry about whether or not this group of people will, in the absence of any credible Republican (oxymoron alert!) opposition, manage to push $arah to the nomination.
    And what about the Fox News job now being reported? What does that say -- coming on the heals of the CBS hit job?
    Gryphen -- please help us get out of this mess!

  51. I hear SP is now an official guest commentator on Fox Network

  52. Gasman10:40 AM

    Palin is a symbol, an icon, and is not really viewed as an actual person. She is the teabagger pinup girl. The Talibangelicals don't care if she is ignorant, hell, that is probably a PLUS in their book because it means she really IS like them.

    Fortunately, those folks are NOT in the majority. I also believe that if there were ANY real possibility that Palin would get the GOP nomination as their candidate for POTUS, you would see many top level GOP folks moving heaven and earth to make sure that she lost, up to very publicly leaving the party. In her utter ignorance, she is just that dangerous.

    Likewise, if she has to face GOP rivals in a debate, either as a GOP candidate or representing a third party, she will be verbally eviscerated. They will tear her limb from limb. They will focus on her weaknesses, expose them, then humiliate her for her chronic ignorance. Anybody who possesses at least half a brain which functions at least intermittently, and is truly interested in the vitality of the GOP knows damn well that Palin's name on the ticket is a death warrant for the party.

    It is clear that there are tens of millions of people stupid enough to vote for Palin. It is equally clear that there are maybe more than ONE HUNDRED million people who will simply not allow her to become POTUS. I proudly count myself among the latter group.

    With each new revelation concerning Palin, we learn that she is even more imbecilic than we first imagined. There is plenty of time for even more dirt to emerge. The press will not give her a pass again. I believe many in the press regret not being harder on Bush when he was running. I don't believe they will make the same mistake with Palin.

    Sarah Palin is a moron who attracts other morons the way shit attracts flies.

  53. Anonymous10:44 AM

    This is scary.

    Well now they can all watch their Queen on the Fox!

  54. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I have an 80 yr old male friend. He is REPUBLICAN from top to bottom. He lives in the Chicago area and snow-birds to Arizona for the winter. He doesn't think that she is particularry "hot", but does think that if she says it, it is gospel. Once the statement came out that Going Rougue was fact-checked by 11 people and only 2 issues were found, the shield went up and he is a defender. BTW, he is highly educated and is a teacher. How do you stop this? Not exactly the trailer trash constiuency.

  55. Whats with the MS. Palin?

  56. Olivia11:14 AM

    Yes, Bush was elected twice. But the repugs could control him. They can't control Scarah.

    She will never win another election as a repug because she does not have the campaign machine behind her. Schmidt and his cronies run campaigns. Her grassroots teabaggers have not a clue how to run a 50 state campaign.

  57. Anonymous11:16 AM

    That ought to be interesting, as Glenn Beck said she should be in the kitchen.

  58. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I wonder what jewelry she will wear and how many bumpits. Will she have a little expense account also too? Will she write her own stories there? If not she might have a vicissitude or something...Don't try to change her. If she wants to wear three bumpits let her do it...

  59. I am not surprised here at all. It was either a gig at Faux News or a church. Once again Grifter Granny O'Palin wins. Lots of big bucks and the work is not too hard. I am sure the Sea of Pee will bow down and worship Queen Esther now. Her next gig will be to replace James Dobson.

  60. "When it comes to Palin 2012, they tend to nod knowingly with a little secret smile and say "You'll see." "

    Anyone else getting a Village of the Damned vibe from this sentence?

  61. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Agree with all the comments sounding the alarm to pay attention. The reality is that the Dems do NOT really have a "60 seat manjority" in the Senate now. They have 50+ seats, because the Blue Dogs are worthless and follow the Repub/conservative agenda.

    Showing her up an an idiot and incompetent will only cause her fans to dig in their heels--where are those indictments (IRS, etc. ) !! Those will take her down.

  62. BTW, it said her attorney is Robert Barrett (or Bartlett). What happened to Van Flea?

  63. Anne NC11:50 AM

    When I read the announcement in the NYT about her gig with FOX, I then looked at the comments. They were about 10 negative for every 1 positive comment about Palin. The great majority of the people know better. Yes, I realize Dubya was re-elected but I think a lot of people had their eyes opened as seen in the diminished size of the GOP. They are not going to elect a celebrity wannabe like Palin to the White House.

    This new job of hers is going to cause some of her fans to realize that she is not running in 2012, some have already deserted her because of the fee for the TeaParty Convention or at the very least, are questioning her motivations. She is not intelligent enough to pull off this scam forever. In fact, after last night's revelations, a breakdown could easily be in her future if the hits keep coming and I believe they will. Except they are coming from the GOP. They cannot allow the party to be fractured even further which is exactly what she is doing.

  64. Anonymous11:56 AM

    The Republicans may not control Scarah, but you can be sure that someone does.

    Electing a puppet like her will have dire consequences.

    Allowing her to have the ability to screen and approve candidates for political offices will have even worse consequences, she can unleash a swarm of MinScarahs.

    Allowing her to talk to the public about these candidates gives her real power to influence her fans.

    They are buying her books and lining up to help take back the country.

    They are foolish and manipulated people. That does nothing to reduce the damage they want to do.

  65. Anonymous12:02 PM

    If I were that teacher, I would run from the class. STEPFORD KIDS, for sure. Or were they replaced by pod people?

  66. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:34 PM

    Sarah Palin is Charlie Manson!
    Remember Manson was a master manupilator that got people to do his evil bidding!!!

    Why is everyone freaking about faux noise? It just shows they are liars!
    And what could see do, her polical career is dead, which reminds me...
    I just put a tip onto CREW to investigate her SARAHPAC, along with Bristols LLC, since she is not running for anything and hasn't really beein paying out to RNC campaign or hardly anyone except Izzylene, not probably Bristols Pac. The good thing they will investigate and IRS works closely with CREW as well as FEC!
    She won't last long on Faux...!

  67. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I think Fox and Sarah read this article, you betcha (wink).

    How to brainwash people in 23 steps

  68. Let's remember the good news here folks - Palin is out of public office and will never again attain it again.

    A ridiculous mouthpiece? That's okay, the Repugnants are chock full of blow hards and they all have to compete for the same audience to cash in on their books. Palin might even come in for some criticism from the likes of Coulter for just that reason - dog eat dog competition for book $$$ from a large but limited audience.

    Glen Beck has already been snarky regarding diva La Palin. O'Reilly's show was the very one that "leaked" the original info on her Country of Africa idiocy. Murdoch just has to keep his cash cow milking until she's dry, then its back to the compound in Alaska, AIP speeches and more plastic surgery. Who knows, maybe even some emergency psychiatric care.

    Basically this is what we wanted. No one wants her spewing on Fox but she has to go somewhere, and she is certainly not opening up any new avenues for herself.

    Her cult? They already watch Fox and read her Facebook stuff. Nothing new there. I for one am quite pleased to see her pigeon-holed as a mediocre conservative speaker and Fox mouthpiece.

  69. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Sarah has hired an "real" PR firm to represent her and they are the ones controlling the spin. She is rushing to sign deals and arrange speaking arrangements while people are still willing to deal out the money.

    My hopes are the people in Wasilla will start to talk and help derail this woman from public office. I don't care one bit about how much money she mays, I just never want her anywhere near the White House, Congress or Supreme Court.

  70. hdtracy3:59 PM

    This question may have been posted before, so I apologize in advance. I'm slowly catching up to comments.

    We know Harper Collins is the publisher for both Going Rogue and the newly released Game Change by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin. Would'nt Palin have been privy to the insider scoop that the Heilemann and Halperin book was contracted to be published? Seems to me she would be first in line, or close to it, in having access to the book's content and the damaging effect it would cause to her future ambitions.

    Bet that was reason enough to secure this Fox gig in order to subdue the backlash - from both the Schmidt's interview and ghe Game Change book release.

    Does this woman have a horseshow up her butt? I mean really ... she seems to continually get away with all her crap. Once you think her pedestal is crumbling, bang - she's back in the limelight.

    She irritates me so.

  71. Anonymous4:31 PM

    To this very day , full grown adults in Giddings , Tx still marvel and drool over sarah's 5 day visit last summer. As a matter of fact , she was a topic of discussion at the Ladies Lions Club lunch meetup about 6 weeks ago.

  72. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:12 PM "horseshoe up her butt" lol!!!!

    The people in Giddings..... anon talk about how much money they were fleeced out of? Is that what your saying? We know they dropped a load into sarahPac!

  73. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:53 PM

    This country needs to focus more on education, fund the schools, pay teachers a better salary, and get the parents involved.

    I know some staunch republican families, and they raised hell when the President wanted to speak to schools via a video. What did the President have to say? Stay in school, study hard, learn more and do better...

    Ignorance is Bliss.

  74. Anonymous6:35 PM

    This is something I raised earlier on this blog (not that I expect anyone to remember). . .as a covert member of Team Sarah, I posited the problem that there are a whole lot of THINKING, relatively intelligent, Sarah Palin fans out there (many on TS began as Hillary fans).

    OH, I was bashed. Didn't I know that ALL Palin supporters were STOOPID?

    I'm not afraid of the stoopid ones; it's the RAMS and the Adrienne Ross's and the smart folk I met on TS (Yes, Virginia. . .there are. . .) that cause a chill to streak up my spine.

    Very few wish to address this. . .and I understand. There is not a simple answer. The dullards, the non-readers, the non-questioners? Easy. They are pilloried every day.

    When I contemplate this conundrum, all I can conjure up is Hitler. Hitler could have never risen to power simply on the backs of the ignorant. . .a lot of intelligent, thoughtful people gave him his support.

    He couldn't have done it without them.


    Somehow, we have to also focus on how to reach and persuade the 'intelligensia' that backs Palin.

    Without them, she cannot not succeed. In fact, these are the same 'bright shills' who are fashioning her Facebook 'statements.'

    Like Santa's Dark Elves.

  75. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Yup - They put 40k in s-pac in ONE day and then sarah tweeted about a 198 mil. pipieline contract. There is a Wasilla connection in Giddings.Seriously folks.

  76. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Morb320, I think you're missing part of what the teacher said. She stated that the kids CAN think critically and write logically when discussing other conservative topics like Bush, torture, and even religion. It's ONLY when the topic is Palin that they become "unthinking partisans."

    I find that much more frightening than your concern that kids "have been indoctrinated by the parents, communities, and ministers to blindly oppose liberal polices and blindly accept conservative ones." Why does the teacher's scenario send a chill down my spine? Because it demonstrates that the kids are blinded to PALIN and Palin alone. What makes her so different?

  77. It isn't hard to understand. I understand the leader of the German Republic prior to WWII was a particularly charismatic speaker. I imagine his followers had that same, glazed, deerintheheadlights nodding stare after attending one of his rallies too.

    What's so frightening is that we haven't learned a thing in the last 70 years and there are fewer and fewer first hand, primary source, people to remind us.

  78. The midwest is typically conser vative...hopefully, teach,(I myself am a teacher) you can have your students review and write up comments about various blogs, maybe even direct them to write reviews of specific aticles on various liberal leaning and conservative leaning blogs

    Help them to understand how different groups within our society look for particular qualities in their leaders(?)......
    qualitiies similar to themselves that most of the time we need a leader with stronger leadership and educaational qualities which help us retain our status of a world power....for if we cannot deal with the rest of the world, we will be looked down upon and not seen as a world leader
    I remember when I was in 6th grade there was a huge campaign that the end of the world was coming and one of my classmates came to school in her First Communion dress...I though dang, she's going to heaven and I'm not. . .why didn't my parents have me wear my first communion dress. . . . these crazy people(yes, that's why they adore Serror) identify their own crazy with serrors crazy. . . .like attracts like. . . .there are huge numbers of diagnosed and mostly undiagnosed mentally ill in this country...including serror. . . and growing up in a home with undiagnosed mentally ill parents breeds the same in their children...they learn to see the world as their parents and other adults in their lives see the world.....So Teacher, you have to be a leader and help your students
    look really closely at everything...and examine why this person receives this sort of reaction from you. . . .

  79. It was interesting to read this post over my morning coffee, because for some reason the first thing I thought about this morning was the possibility that Sarah Palin could triumph in the end. Oh the irony! The reason I think it's possible is that I am afraid our world is headed towards what I call the trifucta - concurrent financial, environmental, and energy crashes ( I suppose people could suddenly decide to cooperate and help the most vulnerable. But more often in history people turn to a fascistic demagogue not even a particularly intelligent dictator...and in our day and age, who might that be? Sarah Palin. That's the unwelcome thought that was in my head when I woke up this morning, and then I read your post.

  80. Hello people! Why are you surprised she has that mesmerizing effect on people? She has that effect on us. . ! Yes, YOU and ME. . .!

    Why are we on Gryphen's blog? And Palingates, and Bree Palin, and Celtic Diva, and Mudflats, etc??? Because we are mesmerized by Queen Scarah.

    But not mesmermized by loving her but by hating her!

    Think about it. Are you obsessed that you read Gryphen's blog first thing to see what dirt has been dug up on the queen? I do! I can't wait to see the next chapter in the Wasilla Hillbilly Story.

    I do not follow celebrities or their lives, the good, the bad, nor the ugly. I don't care. I just really don't give a sh!t. I don't watch reality TV or any TV. I don't watch TV news at all. I read newspapers or internet newspaper for my news information so I can filter out the stuff about Hollywood or music stars.

    But I LOVE watching Scarah!! I love seeing her follies and missteps! I love watching her family self destruct. I totally admit it.

    But why?

    I don't know.

    What is it about Scarah makes me want to know the intimate details of her life, like whether she really had a fifth child?

    It's more than just watching a train wreck. I stay away from those. Micheal Jackson? Didn't watch any of it. Paris Hilton? There are plenty of other train wrecks out there. Why do I want to see Scarah's wreckage?

    I really don't know!

    When it comes to making sense about Scarah, I am as guilty as those kids in class.



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