Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My friend Shannyn Moore has a very interesting take on Scott Brown's win in Massachusetts.

The Democrats may have lost because they weren't listening to 'The People.' But it wasn't because congress was 'too far left' as the Senator from Jello, Evan Bayh D-IN, stated. It wasn't because people rejected President Obama or the president's 'agenda' of change as Fox News opinionator Sean Hannity said. This wasn't even a victory for the Tea Baggers who poured money into the Brown campaign from around the country. Democrat Martha Coakley lost to Republican Scott Brown for different reasons entirely.

(Click the title to read the full article over at the Huffington Post.)


  1. Shannyn is correct about the need of the democrats to grow a pair. The question is, how do they do that?

    In MA, the first step towards cajones growth is getting rid of party chair walsh. He's lazy and too uncreative to provide effective leadership. He should have made some calls to Coakley about her ill-timed vacation. He should have called Howard Dean and asked for help the minute he became aware of Coakley's plans to hit the beaches off-shore.

    But he did none of these things. Instead, he took the view that the seat was guaranteed. So much for working for the votes. His approach to the special election was as worthless as was Coakley's. The voters took care of Coakley's arrogance. Now it is time for the MA Democratic Party to take care of Walsh's complacency. Give him the boot.

    Oh, and since he's got a wicked big keister, make sure you wear steel toes.

  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    The democrats do have a pair that's why they lost.
    Arrogance in the highest order has been rejected by the people and healthcare is a big part of it because MA's healthcare costs have increased about 33% and they know this will be unsustainable.
    They know because they dropped 30,000 "legal" immigrants from the health care system there because it was getting too expensive and they now what will happen when Obama legalizes 20 million.
    Legalize them just for their votes an they sill get out of paying into the system.
    Sales tax doesn't count.
    We were all prepared for the lame excuses.
    Try and admit it the American people do not want Obama's policies. It's really pretty simple. No need for theory by the left wing wing media.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    This is also a wake-up call to all of MA politicians..from the Gov. Deval on down..they are all on the chopping block!!

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Coakley lost the race for Coakley, period. She was arrogant, out of touch, and self-centered. She reminded me of a Pelosi Mini-Me. . .

    I'm glad I don't live in MA; as a Democrat, I would have had a tough time voting yesterday.

  5. sunnyjane6:49 AM

    Nice post, Gryphen. But Ms. Moore spells her name "Shannyn," not SHANYYN as in your headline.

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Coakley is a fine, intelligent, well-qualified woman but awfully cool for this type of campaign. Many people here are very unhappy with Dems in general, including our governor. Many of those "new voters" who voted for Obama in the cities did not turn out yesterday to vote for Coakley.

    I've heard a lot of grumbling from acquaintances about mandated health care insurance and reform, and the "special deals" made for other states in order to pass the health reform bill. A warm, charismatic Dem candidate might have been able to overcome that, but Coakley didn't have that type of personality and campaign style.

    I do hope Brown is a 1-term Senator.

  7. Anonymous7:28 AM


    That say it all.
    I am a Democrat.
    This has been a problem for a long time.
    Right Ideal no guts (b-ll)

    They could have past a good Health Care bill.
    A long time ago.

    What we got now is a poor Health Care bill.
    I hope it don`t past.

    What they got now is not a Health Care bill.
    It is a insurance bill.
    That say you must buy Health insurance or you get fine.

    O yeah the Government will help some.
    Bet they will not help me and a lot of others.
    I don`t have the money for it.

    Health Care bill took to much time.
    People don`t have job.
    Right now JOBS are number 1.
    The little guy is no better off then a year ago.
    The rich have gotten richer in the last year.

  8. Thanks for the correction sunnyjane.

    This was my first post of the morning and I was still wiping the sleep dust out of my eyes.

  9. It appears that the MA health care is basically the proposed national plan. Costs up 33%. That is exactly what will happen with the national plan if they don't cap prices of the insurance. What we have now, in my understanding, is a massive shift of wealth from the taxpayer to the health care industry. We need at least a public option, I prefer single payer which will cost less.

  10. Gasman9:21 AM

    The biggest knock on President Obama is that he is so focused on appearing to be bipartisan that he seems unwilling to lead, even against brain dead GOP obstructionism that is harmful to the country. If he had 65 solid votes in the Senate, I suspect he might feel more courageous, but he has been owned by the GOP for the last year.

    Shannyn Moore was right it pointing out how rare the 60 vote supermajority in the Senate is. All of the FDR agenda, Medicare, Civil Rights, etc., were ALL passed WITHOUT the 60 vote benchmark. Why were those controversial pieces of legislation able to pass when HCR has not? Those acts were shepherded through by presidents who exerted strong consistent and unwavering LEADERSHIP without all the handwringing over the appearance of bipartisanship. For surely, the "bipartisanship" that has existed so far is in appearance only. The compromise has moved in but a single direction: steadily, inexorably to the the right.

    If President Obama expects to be numbered among the great presidents in this nation's history, now is the time for him to forget the pretense of bipartisanship and do what he was elected to do: lead this country.

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    President Obama you need to

    Or else you will be a 1 term President.

  12. Anonymous11:43 AM

    His "Pair" is what people are rejecting.
    They don't want to be talked down to,ignored and told to shut up and get out of the way. We need a leader not a ruler.
    I guess they can "Hear us Now"

  13. Gasman12:21 PM

    Anon @11:43,
    There is a VAST difference between strong leadership and being a dictator. Cheney and W could not make that distinction. FDR and Johnson each had their flaws, but they were able to apply strength where and when needed in shepherding their legislative agendas through congress. Obama could learn from their historical precedents.

    So far, President Obama has seemed weak and ineffectual on that front. We have not seen his "pair" yet. Some of us are beginning to doubt that he possesses them at all. I hope that we are wrong. If he waits too long, it won't matter whether he has them or not.

    It is a case of "use 'em or lose 'em" concerning President Obama's "pair."

  14. Anonymous2:24 PM

    We have a great president. Push back is all it is. They do not want their neighbors to have adequate health care. Otherwise how will their social organization remain status quo. They rolled across the country without "medical care" and they don't want any now. Of course, everyone will eventually be thankful to have such medical care. In France, if you have pneumonia, a doctor will come to your hotel room, treat you even though you are an American and charge you $200. We have some improvements to make. The President is right about health care. The tea bags are rong.

  15. Anonymous2:53 PM

    In France they don't continue your care if you are illegal and they have a piss poor economy.
    I guess if you can't afford good food then you will need good healthcare.
    Remember how people were crying how no one can pay their bills becuase there are no jobs?

  16. Anonymous7:29 PM

    The President is right and well meaning. The tea baggers are rong and churlish. The health care system needs to be reformed with a public option and anyone who is not television entranced and an egalitarian and humane would agree.


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