Wednesday, January 06, 2010

While newly ordained televangelist Brit Hume continues not to proselytize, Keith Olbermann and Jon Stewart point out the obvious.

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You know it seems to me that Brit Hume's understanding of Christianity is on par with his understanding of journalism.

Obviously there is a great deal of humor to be mined from the ignorance of Brit Hume, and Jon Stewart and Aasif Mandvi do not disappoint.

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  1. Amazing... Hume's christianity apparently does not require him to change his adulterous behavior. All he needs to do is repent after each sinful orgasm and all will be okay. Rinse and repeat, Mr. Hume. All you want. But you will still be just like Tiger.

    As for all those nasty muslims, dayum... just remind me please, if all the terrorists are muslim then to which muslim sect does Eric Rudolph belong? John Wayne Gacy? The Unibomber? How about the guy who killed a judge and few others at the Georgia court complex a few years ago? The Tiller Killer? Oh, and the big cahuna, Tim McVeigh? Yeah... those christians are so much better than anyone else.

    I suspect Tim McVeigh asked for forgiveness but there was no redemption waiting for him.

  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Now I'm confused. Are there two Christianities? Did those Republicans get their new Bible published? Is Sarah going to do the book tour too? Coming to a Barnes and Noble/Wasilly Sports Center near you...special invitation only? This certainly isn't what the Methodist teach! Jeez, what's a person to believe?

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Well said Sauerkraut. I happen to be Buddhist and I take great offense at what he said.

  4. When Hume called Buddhism a cult, I gave up on even trying to listen to him.

    That is just about as ignorant a statement as anyone could make

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anyone who is of any religious or non-religious stripe should take offense at what Hume said. If Buddhism is a cult, then so is every other single religion on the planet.

  6. Hey Brit, it's not that you mentioned Jesus Christ, it's that you said that Tiger Woods badly needs to find Jesus Christ to save his damaged soul. Now, can you understand the difference?

    Also, too, Brit:

    pros·e·ly·tize means to induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith.
    to induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.

    Wait, that sounds like the whole reason for being of Fox News! Light bulb!

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Anon at 10:33 - I take great offense at what he said also, and I'm not sure what I am religion-wise. Something along the lines of the blue people in Avatar I suspect :)

    I definitely am not one of these born-again or fundamental xtians. Their holier than thou attitude just makes me angry! Unfortunately, these are xtians who make the most noise and thus are the most visible, at least at this point in history.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Since when did Hume become such an authority on redempetion? Is God talking to him like he is to Sarah?
    Oh no! wait...JESUS is talking to Hume and GOD is talking to Sarah. Now I get it, they're both A$$holes
    and that's what GOD told me!

  9. It really infuriates me how Hume and O'Reilly turned that around. Yeah, people just freak out when they hear Jesus mentioned. Right. They know perfectly well that this little controversy that they are spinning. Does Fox news send its people to some camp where they learn to deflect, lie and obfuscate? Yeah, I pulled out a $2 word, I'm so annoyed. Seriously, I don't know how these slimeballs sleep at night.

  10. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Excellent post from Shannon Moore titled "The Palin Facebook Doctrine:


    ******** Grrrphyen wrote on 01/06/2010 04:17:15 PM:
    This comment has been hidden and is pending site review. Click here if you wish to view.
    What the reporter omits is that Dennis Zaki and Jesse Griffin made threats against the Palins. They are red flagged for safety reasons. McLeod is mentally ill and cannot be trusted not to harm herself or others. Shannyn Moore has an odd and perhaps dangerous fixation on the Palins. These are safety concerns. Just like someone who threatens the president can't go to a presidential event, these people have proven themselves as possible threats. Why take chances with crazy people?

  12. "Why take chances with crazy people?"

    Funny, because that's exactly how I feel about Sarah Palin!

    Grrrphyen on ADN should be careful about pointing fingers and yelling mental illness...SP is a case study on the subject.

  13. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Archivist 4:41 - the exerpt you took of a comment: [These are safety concerns. Just like someone who threatens the president can't go to a presidential event, these people have proven themselves as possible threats. Why take chances with crazy people?] is astounding, who has been toting guns to Presidential events? Palin claimed the lives of her family were in peril from Rogue Trooper Wooten, yet she dismissed her security detail. . .annoying and persistent Gryphen and Zaki may be to taking her word to the letter to hold her transparent and accountable sure, but a threat to her physical well being? Hah.

    Anyway, Prejean and Hume ought to hook up and represent the persecuted Christians. Where can one find the arena events where they are being fed to the lions?

    Can you imagine the audacity of other talking heads saying the exact same sentiment against Christianity in favor of other faiths? I don't know about you all, but I have never been approached by agents of other faiths asking me if Mohammad or Bhudda is my personal savior and path to salvation.

    Arrogant, ignorant and judgemental. Yet we still don't harass Christians.

  14. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Anyway, Prejean and Hume ought to hook up and represent the persecuted Christians. Where can one find the arena events where they are being fed to the lions?

    Actually, you can find plenty of Christians being persecuted in Sri Buddhists.


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