Friday, January 15, 2010

Okay this is just too good not to share.


  1. Nothing she says makes sense. She can't finish a sentence. What an empty-headed boob.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    It hurts my brain to watch this stuff. I know it is funny but I'm having a hard time enjoying it anymore. Someone please make it stop!

  3. I'm sitting here just shaking my head. How can she be so....what's a polite word for dumb?? Challenged maybe? Yeah, definitely challenged in sooo many areas.

  4. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Ha! I love it! Of course it would be the dude on the dollar bill!

  5. laprofesora7:21 AM

    Perfect! I think Cheech Marin had a great comment: "she looks like she's running for Miss Vice President"!

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    It is bad enough this moron has a platform to sit there show us over and over again what a whackjob she is but it just boggles my mind that there are even more idiots out there applauding her mangled efforts.

    Imagine running for office and not having a clue as to what the hell you are talking about yet there are voters in favor of her sitting across the table from Putin, Netanyahu, Kim Il Jung just for starters?

    Good Lord!

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Really, if Sarah was going to do television, she should research and study Downs Syndrome, and be a national speaker on something she knows about. Politics is much more complicated for her brain.

  8. LisaB7:31 AM

    She is such a liar and a fake. It kills me that people think she's "real".

    I mean, why the act as if you "know" the founding fathers? The truth is, I doubt MOST Americans know the founding fathers well enough to have a "favorite."

    What's wrong with saying, "You know, I don't really know enough about the founding fathers as individuals to have a favorite. They're sort of like the Beatles--the right set of guys to make something great."

    But no, she's got to pretend that she ACTUALLY KNOWS all about the founding fathers and golly! She just can't pick. They're all so great!

    I'm just surprised she didn't pick Ben Franklin. She seems particularly enamored with him these days.

    Can I get an "amen" to this piece?

  9. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I surprised Beck didn't call her Elvira by accident.

  10. Anonymous7:43 AM

    After 5 days on 3 FOX shows, one would think that at least some folks in Palinbot Nation, would realize those facebook rants posted bt her....are not written by her. I mean holy smokes people do you hear what's coming out of this lady's mouth?!? That's some good 'ol fasioned frontier jibberish right there cousins. I had avoided watching this until now. Painful. Like watching someone chewing on a handful of rusty nails. Thanks Gryphen:)

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Tawd needs to readjust her pills. She just sat through most of this interview vaguely smiling and nodding her head. Can you say bor-ing.

    And who did that makeup and wig? She looks like Diane Keaton. And I don't mean keaton in her forties, I mean Keaton now.

  12. Amen, LisaB, that's a good piece!

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who is mystified by what she means when she tosses that phrase around. I thought I'd missed something.

  13. Anonymous8:02 AM

    @7:25 - Palin doesn't care about ds because everything is all about her. She doesn't care about the well being of any of the kids unless she can use them as a political props. And when the truth comes out that she is not the bio mother of Trigg then many of her supporters will still think that she would have had a good reason to lie about it for all this time, totally overlooking the fact that she has lied about it ALL THIS TIME. She is a pathological lier and the very idea that she continues to get away with the lies is pathetic.

  14. laprofesora8:02 AM

    It amazes me that after the months on the campaign trail, a book tour, and now a gig with Fox, she sounds STUPIDER than ever. You would think just by osmosis she would gain some skill, or some insight. It's like her brain rejects all new information. I guess that's because it's filled up with mental illness.

  15. hdtracy8:09 AM

    ROFL - That was priceless! Don't you just love Kimmel? Thank you Gryphen.

  16. Anonymous8:09 AM

    And if she were asked who her least favorite President was, I bet she would answer without blinking...Obama. She must be mad at God for not letting her and McCain win. It was NOT in God's plan.

  17. Anonymous8:16 AM

    BTW: If you google Founding Fathers you don't get George Washington. He didn't sign the Declaration of Independence and that is the group known as the Founding Fathers.

    AND Thomas Paine, if she knew who he was, would NOT be a favorite!

  18. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Please tell me that is edited!

    I voted for Tony...

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah should confer with that contestant running for Miss Teen from South Caroline who educated us on the meaning of "maps".

    Same uneducated commentary, unintelligible thoughts and complete unawareness of just how dumb they really are.

    I have seen people in grocery stores speak with more elucidity about a product placement than this dimwit who is more than likely running for president in the future.

    As Sgr. Schultz would say:"she knows nothing!"

  20. Anonymous8:25 AM


    Cheech & Chong want to hang out with Sarah. Here's video from Politico of them discussing how she answers questions 'like a stoner'. Andrew Sullivan has it up now.

    Maybe they'll do another movie and she'll get to ride in the back of the van!!

  21. okay, I did not watch the original interview, so this may be a dumb question (which would be fitting, I guess)...but is this really how she answered or was it manipulated by Kimmel? (I understand the guy with the dollar bill was added in, don't worry....!)

  22. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Ilistened to a little bit of one of the clips.
    Beck was talking about George Washington and he was mentioned by other people and Palin was mentioned right after Washington and being most admires or some such baloney.
    I stoped the video at that point. Palin's expression is really interesting. Her lips tighten and cock to one side a little, her eyes narrow and she is staring at Beck hard.

    She's just realized she is being played by Beck.

    Does Sarah not realize that in no way shape or form will Beck allow her to compete for his audience or his ratings or his sales or advertizers.

    Sarah was gamed by the political establishment in the election and was beaten up, now she is in the big boys media game as she will be crushed if she tries to beat out the Pros.

  23. I love when she says "diverse...ity". You can tell she's making shit up on the spot and she's stalling for time until she can decide what to say.
    Also, too - George Washington was not "the leader" of the founding fathers - he was the commander of the Continental Army. There was no "leader" - that was a stupid thing to say!
    The only good thing about this is that most people who see that know that she is totally bullshitting her way through that answer. I have a feeling she will be sorry she tried to fake her way through an interview - again!

  24. hdtracy8:49 AM

    Have you seen today's latest about Sarah on the Washington Times?

    "For all her sound and fury - and at a moment of American crisis - Mrs. Palin has fatally chosen a conventional and lackluster path: to become an integral part of the media class. Her mystique will evaporate as she becomes overexposed and too familiar to be enchanting. Rather than going rogue, she has gone establishment."

  25. Anonymous8:51 AM


  26. emrysa8:53 AM

    HA! that was good.

  27. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The Founding Fathers of our 57 states? Or Kenya or Indonesia?

  28. hdtracy8:58 AM

    Gryphen - OT, but I wanted to point out that I'm impressed with how quickly you moderate and release everyone's comments since altering your posting process. You have comments up almost in real-time which is truly awesome. I know it involves constant diligence and effort on your part, so I felt compelled to let you know that I appreciate your dedication to this blog.

  29. Anonymous9:02 AM

    this might actually be a new low

  30. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Chris Matthews commented yesterday that Sarah had the look of a kid who hadn't done his homework assignment and just got called on in class. She doesn't bluff well, either.

    Yesterday,at Bree Palin's, someone wondered why Sarah can't answer questions. She hems and haws, tossed her world salad, but she really cannot answer a question directly.

    The previous discussion about Sarah being afraid of gotcha questions about the Statue of Liberty showed that under her thin exterior of self assurance and bravado there is a very insecure person who is afraid of being found out.

    When Katy Couric asked what Sarah read, Sarah took the question the wrong way and became very defensive. I am willing to bet that every person reading here can admit to something they read recently: the worn out magazine in the doctor's waiting room, the tabloid newspaper at the check out counter, porn, a kid's book to their children, something on-line.

    Being asked to name a favorite founding father is not a gotcha question. There is no right or wrong answer. There are many perfectly acceptable answers:
    John Hancock because he signed the Declaration of Independence with such a large, bold signature, showing how proud he was of the moment. How about Benjamin Franklin who also published a newspaper, wrote witty sayings, created inventions, and made scientific discoveries (hasn't Sarah heard about the kite in the electrical storm?) Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, can't she think of anyone or was she absent that day? Matthews offered up Thomas Paine, since he has become the darling of the tea-baggers.

    That awful hairdo probably hides the earpiece into which "Track" or someone from Fox is whispering the just-googled answers. (That would be 25 windows, representing the gemstones of the world, not minerals).

    I gave up watching soap operas a long time ago when I realized that some of the actors were just reading cue cards that were held up out of camera range. If they didn't care enough to learn their lines for that day, then they weren't capable of acting and telling their story.

    Sarah can get by reading cue cards, teleprompter, having Fox edit her pre-recorded appearances. However, if Rupert thought that she was telegenic and a natural for TV, Sarah's deep seated insecurities (or maybe some other problem) is preventing her from even doing an adequate job on a low-information network.

    Sarah has a very thin skin, and she is very sensitive to any form of criticism. Politics and TV are two places where her every word will be subject to criticism, fact checking, parody, jokes and more criticism. An Irish book maker is taking bets on how long she will last.

  31. Absolutely LisaB, that is a definite AMEN!! The clip was funny, but I think by next week her vapid stare and "All of them" responses are just to be well, boring.

  32. Anonymous9:49 AM

    hahahahahaha.....ha! The shit is hitting the fan now. Nice story about family values on HuffPo.

  33. Anonymous9:59 AM

    That was great! Couldn't stop laughing.

  34. Anonymous9:59 AM

    And WHO are the Founding Mothers she mentioned?

  35. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign10:03 AM

    I think she joined the Fox stooges so she could get her hair and makeup done again for free. That's all she really cares about - she sucks at doing it herself.

    Palin - you are a bigger idiot than I have given you credit for. You should be spending your time cringing in embarrassment for your stupidity - but we all know that you wear it like a badge. Have fun with that.

    You have the flying monkey whack jobs, and that's all you will ever have. We needed someone to corral them all up anyway so we could see what they were up to and keep an eye on them. So you have done us a great favor - as they expose themselves on your behalf, they alienate moderate, thinking people as fast as you can say "I am Moose Woman".

    You do have an awful lot of anger, hatred and stupidity on your side. That surely is a recipe for personal disaster. Take your fake religion and stuff it up your bumpit, twit. Real America will never follow or believe you.

  36. Anonymous10:06 AM

    What's with the hair? It is a different wig everytime she steps on least better than that fright she wore on Oprah.....

    ~ Karen

  37. Palin makes me think of an inflatable sex doll. Same attractiveness, same intelligence, same importance.

  38. Anonymous10:13 AM

    glad to see the left pulls the Alinsky card on Sarah Palin to avoid their own failed policies and cronyism.

  39. Anonymous10:20 AM

    As someone much quicker than I am pointed out: Palin is real; real dumb.

  40. Purple Alaska10:27 AM


    Here's a CLASSIC from Craig Ferguson to add to the Late Nite lineup:

  41. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Thank you Lisa B for the Huff Post link .... very good article that I wish Sarah P. would read. The question is would she understand it? She seems to be completely unable to look at intelligent criticism and step up to the plate and overcome her shortcomings. This is amazes me. It's like she's never worked at doing a better job, never been introspective, never worked hard at any intellectual issue. Perhaps she's strived in sports? running? basketball? I think she can do that (maybe). But why can't she work at anything else and improve herself? Is this the narcissism at work? That she feels she has nothing to improve upon? She's already reached perfection and studying, reading, exploring ideas and history is just not worth her time, yet buying a new jacket is? or having a facelift is a worthwhile expenditure of time?

    I am sorry ...the woman is an embarrassment .. and I feel so badly for the children she is (not) raising.


  42. hdtracy--thanks for posting that link to the Washington Times article.

    I think this is my favorite part:

    "Yet, for all her common touch and folksy mannerisms, Mrs. Palin - like Bryan at the turn of the 20th century - cannot hide a seminal reality: She is out of her league on the national stage. To be a genuine populist requires that she not only know the people's common interests, but be better informed, more politically savvy and steadfast in the defense of core principles than they are. Successful populism requires enlightened elite leadership.

    This is what Mrs. Palin lacks. It is one thing to be the mayor of Wasilla or the governor of Alaska; it is quite another to be the leader of a broad-based ideological movement. The problem with Mrs. Palin is not her views - and certainly not her middle-American background. Instead, it is her incompetence and poor judgment."

  43. Anonymous10:44 AM

    She is a special brand of stupid, isn't she?

    I think she is medicated. It seems like she was a bit dazed and was speaking slowly. Maybe she just had a voice coach who told her to turn down the screech, but she just seemed too "even" for Palin.

  44. Anonymous10:48 AM

    For a moment Glenn Beck dropped all the phony acting persona and was himself when he started laughing at Palin. At that moment he was learning that much of what is said against Palin is indeed true. He quickly squelched the laughing though.

    These people are not stupid and neither is Ailes. I would suggest that this thing with Palin becoming a contributor is most likely a plan to make big bucks with the huge ratings increase Fox will experience with Palin. Remember, liberals watch Fox too and in fact could be half the audience. They most likely know that this will bring Palin down and so we should suspect that the contract is openended. If Fox can get a month or two out of Palin their purpose will be served. If Palin is going to self-destruct then why not make the most of it.

  45. Over on Palin's Q&A+fun there's a great suggestion: that Fox is using her for the ratings and doesn't care how stupid she looks. Watching the way Beck plays her makes me wonder if that's true. It almost makes me feel sorry for her, but not quite.

  46. Ripley in CT11:05 AM

    Suggestion for a sign at the next Palin Protest:

    "Hey Sarah, What's your favorite color?" Perhaps she can answer that one.

  47. Anonymous11:09 AM

    He shoulda asked her which founding father would have identified with her

    Hmmm, they were all deists...well, they were men, so ALL of them would have loved my fancy pageant walking, flabby thighs, cottage cheese wiz, flat ass, and perky smile


  48. As far as the wig, Sarah's getting NYC professional hair and make-up now. The wig almost passes as not a wig. Not a bumpit in there anywhere. I think it's covering the ears because she has an earpiece in to feed her answers. That's what the cocking the head to the side was - " pssst, Sarah, say George Washington" She's got to do better. She must really like the pro services, but if her performance doesn't improve Daddy Rupert is going to have to yank her.

  49. Interesting point made here:

    George wasn't a founding father...and I knew that!

  50. honestyinGov11:22 AM

    I was up late last night working on something. The TV was still on after the talk shows. Entertainment Tonight came and did a segment on her as well. It's pretty much the same Beck interview clips and snippets where they are asking her stuff. Paraphrasing...She said I would just LOVE to just take mu 5 kids and go back to Alaska and TAKE CARE OF my family. Yeahhh.. Right. Took care of Willow pretty good... right before she made the Headlines of the Enquirer and NOW the Huffpo today. You know she will have Piper drinking her " Jesus Juice " any day now.

    Then there was the " BUT ". But if there is something 'I' can do for the better of the country I am willing to make that ' sacrifice '... yada... yada... yada... PUKE!
    Look up the clip for ET. Totally disgusting as she sits there and lies.
    FRAUD! Jesus Juice for everyone now... "Sarah the Bartender".
    Maybe THAT is her job at the convention in Las Vegas. Bartender..? And will she get up on the bar for the audience and dance in her ef-me boots or will she be doing the Pole Dance.
    Sarah was dancing with an 80% approval on the Polls at one time.

  51. Sharon in Florida11:31 AM

    That's not her hair. That looks like a wig. When you see a profile shot, look at the distance from forehead to back of her head (hair). Methinks it's a wig.

    Either that or abnormally big head to permit the adnormally big brain. lol

  52. Anonymous11:35 AM

    For all you Palin and teabagger enthusiasts, Texas has their own Palin wannabe - Debra Medina.

    Medina is running for Texas Gov. against ol' Palin love interest - Rick (good hair) Perry.

    Medina is all about guns and getting rid of government.

    It will be interesting to watch who Palin endorses. Her ol' flame and ally- Perry, or the teabagger favorite - Medina.

    If you want to see if the teabaggers are true to the cause, or just a bunch of crazy racists, keep an eye out for the Texas governor race.

  53. Uh hmm. And if the crib sheet fellow had held up a one hundred dollar bill, her favorite Founding Father would have been Ben Franklin...

    ...'cause he not only invented kites and told England to go fly one...also, too, kites have always been my kids' favorite toy...oh, yeah, one more thing about Ben and what he taught us real patriots is to remember never to fly a kite in the rain, 'cause of the lightning and all, you betcha. Ben Franklin was a father was a Science teacher so, you know, since I have a lot of respect for Science and all....

  54. Anonymous11:56 AM

    My favorite founding father, Glenn?

    I'd have to say my running mate, John McCain!

  55. Anonymous12:21 PM

    anon 10:13:
    Uh. WHO'S failed policies and cronyism? I guess you voted for dubyuh...AND McLame...

  56. Anonymous12:26 PM

    And this woman wants to do interviews! She who cannot read a cue card nor respond in a timely way to the voice in her ear.

    Even if someone writes the questions for her, she has to have some kind of understanding of the issue just to keep the conversation on track.

    What am I saying? Sarah cannot string three coherent sentences together. Can you see you conducting an interview! "So, what do YOU read? Who are YOUR favorite founding fathers?" (It's OK, I know the answers, I've had to answer tough questions like that before).

  57. Palin is a fraud12:32 PM

    Palin is "Idiocracy" made manifest.

  58. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Her face is getting fat again, is she preggers?

  59. Love the Jimmy Kimmel segment! Nice video editing there, also, too.

    Beck talked about George Washington first. Then some chatter, then the founding fathers discussion and when Beck called "bullcrap" on her "all of them" answer to her favorite, the only name she could come up with was George Washington. LOL...

    It's absolutely great she's on the F channels. So far, she has said exactly the same thing to BillO, to GlennB and to SeanH. There's simply nothing else there. How long can she go on regurgitating the same talking points? LOL again, cuz the F channels will soon realize that she is, at best, a broken record of talking points without any concrete ideas.

    Methinks she is also a stooge for Big Oil, given her continued insistence on "Let us DRILL in ANWAR" routine.

  60. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I wonmder if Sarah knows that the founders,who wrote the constitution were not christians. Nor did George Washington sign it. He was not a delegate.
    I loved this video......
    what a hoot!!!!

  61. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Just posted. Learned that most of the signers of the constitution were Diests.

    do you suppose Sarah even knows what that is?

  62. Can't watch it, just can't - at least not with sound. But Gryphen, in the still you show (and I have seen other pics recently)her eyes - is she on drugs? Can you verify that with anyone? Are there rumors? I know there is speculation. I think she is and I also think that plays into Todd or someone else in family, or Megamouth accompanying her everywhere!

  63. Gasman1:24 PM

    Was Beck trying to make Palin look bad? It seems that he milked that awkward pause for all that it was worth. After hearing how he trashed Palin on his radio show, it makes me wonder if he recognized an opportunity to expose her as the vapid twit that she is and simply let her squirm just a wee bit longer. I think Beck was simply giving her plenty of rope. Plus, since the show is taped, if they had wanted to, they could have edited out the pause or the entire exchange could have been expunged. Beck made sure it made it on air.

    As it was, Palin clearly had trouble naming a single founding father. She simply mindlessly tossed in the term “founding father” because one of her handlers told her it was a phrase that would invoke patriotism and her (seemingly nonexistent) knowledge of history. She couldn’t name another founding father if her life depended upon it.

    I still say that the established stars at FauxNews are not going to take kindly to this imbecilic twit who can’t speak intelligible English being pampered and propped up as the new starlet and being made to look like she has substance. I look for more such moments on air. I also expect to begin hearing leaked behind the scenes info about how unprepared Palin is, how ignorant she is, how petulant she is, etc. These folks must resent the fact that this uneducated, inexperienced, uninformed goober gets a pass to the head of the line without paying any dues at all. That kind of resentment will not work in Palin's favor.

    The FauxNews crowd are certainly amoral liars, but they are not necessarily stupid. Undoubtedly, some of them will resent having to share the limelight with someone as congenitally dimwitted as Palin. Billow the Clown is a lying pompous ass, but he fancies himself an intellectual. He is quite proud of his two master’s degrees. How long will he suffer the feckless babblings of Palin? At what point will O’Reilly resent having to coddle her obdurate imbecility?

    This is going to be soooo good!

  64. Anonymous1:35 PM

    ..and remember this gush fest was going on while all other news channels had Haiti Disaster stuff going on
    She couldn't even take one teeny tiny second to send her prayers..
    nah funner to TALK about God than actually do anything

  65. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I've always thought with the way she acts, that she is on meth. She's jerky and erratic.

  66. Anonymous1:49 PM

    She is so highschool, did you see how billo did not let her get away with dissing pelosi showing school children around, and bernie goldberg called her a liar about not being contacted by 60 minutes. After all these years, palin is going to take down 60 minutes. Pleeeeeez!

  67. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I hope the interns and producers are keeping detailed notes, so they can make good money from their book.

  68. Anonymous1:52 PM

    how is she going to be a contributor, has anybody heard her ask a question? Beuhler, Beuhler.

  69. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Andrew Sullivan has a new post on meth:

  70. Anonymous2:00 PM

  71. Anonymous2:06 PM

    She must be on Xanax or something similar. She seems sluggish, slow, vacant ....and of course, boring and stupid.

    I'm sure Palin is throwing a hissy fit today, but she can't come out and slam Beck for his gotcha question.

  72. Anonymous2:08 PM

    There is no way that Beck is going to play completely nice with Sarah who is now his competition. Someone said the same thing higher up in the comments section and I completely agree.

    Fox is milking her. They'll make even more money when people tune in see her implode.

  73. Damn, maybe she IS Trig's mother.

    *ok, that was bad*

  74. hdtracy2:18 PM

    Chris @ 10:34--You are more than welcome. That article does have some compelling paragraphs doesn't it? You wouldn't think so the way the piece starts out, but as you continue to read, it just gets better and better.

  75. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Oh, my goodness, that was funny Gryphen, thanks!

    It seems so obvious that she is stalling for time - just throwing out words until someone holds up a cue card out of camera range or feeds the answer to her on an ear bud.

    Both BillO and Beck seemed to be completely underwhelmed by her, and to subtly show they are disappointed by her lack of intellect, and they are supposed to be her big "supporters".

    Good luck Granny! The young women of Pox will treat you with even less respect...

  76. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Will these people ever fucking learn? The eyes in a still are no more indicative of drugs than the lips were of collagen in the other still shot. Stupid, right to the fucking core!

  77. Anonymous2:31 PM

    In what respect, Glennie!

  78. The other day, I had a commenter accuse me of being an atheist after I explained that the founding fathers were Deists.

    How sad. He didn't know there was a difference.

    Even worse was that he assumed "atheist" was an insult.

    She is out of her mind. Just gone.

  79. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Being "posterized" as in a thunderous basketball dunk over a hapless defender has being updated to being "youtubed".

    Beck may be a crude dude but he finessed his way through Sarah Palin's defenses with the question of the year. The question of the year SO FAR, that is: Who is your favorite Founding Father?

    One thing for sure, though: I don't think Greta will ask her anything remotely gotcha...

  80. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I hope she gets in Cash Cab one day in NYC...

    she will not last for two blocks before she has three strikes and is booted out

  81. Anonymous3:09 PM

    If you care about Health Care in the US, Martha Coakley, Democratic running to fill Ted Kennedy's vacated Senate seat needs your help. She is in a tough fight with a guy being supported by the tea-baggers.
    In addition to your generosity for victims in Haiti, please spare a little for Martha:


  82. Whilst everyone is laughing at Palin's George Washington answer.....they are ALL missing the boat......he was NOT a founding father..... why don't Americans have a better knowledge of their own history?

    From the Sanity Rant:

    History Lesson For Sarah Palin

    (and the rest of y'all)

    Dear Ms Palin - you had your blackberry in your hand and there were reports you were having history tidbits googled for you in preparation for your tv appearances on Faux News, but still it seems that you were again confused by the "gotcha question." This time it was asked by Glenn Beck, "Who is your favorite founding father?" Here is a list of the Founding Fathers (easily found with a quick google search) and George Washington is NOT on the list of founding fathers:

    List of the Founding Fathers - Signers of the Declaration of Independence:
    John Adams, Samuel Adams, Josiah Bartlett, Carter Braxton, Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase, Abraham Clark, George Clymer, William Ellery, William Floyd, Benjamin Franklin, Elbridge Gerry, Button Gwinnett, John Hancock, Lyman Hall, Benjamin Harrison, John Hart, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Heyward, Jr., William Hooper, Stephen Hopkins, Francis Hopkinson, Samuel Huntington, Thomas Jefferson, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lewis, Philip Livingston, Thomas Lynch, Jr., Thomas McKean, Arthur Middleton, Lewis Morris, Robert Morris, John Morton, Thomas Nelson, Jr., William Paca, John Penn, Robert Treat Paine, George Read, Caesar Rodney, George Ross, Benjamin Rush, Edward Rutledge, Roger Sherman, James Smith, Richard Stockton, Thomas Stone, George Taylor, Charles Thomson, Matthew Thornton, George Walton, William Whipple, William Williams, James Wilson, John Witherspoon, Oliver Wolcott, George Wythe

  83. Sammy3:39 PM

    Re: Anonymous @ 8:58 AM "The Founding Fathers of our 57 states? Or Kenya or Indonesia"?

    This is so yesterday, so move on to something else. Surely you can do better.

    President Obama misspoke when he said 57 states and you know it. Someone who is a constitutional scholar and was law Review knows the number of states.

    This is all you have to offer?

  84. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I'm just pissed that she is making Alaska look so bad.

  85. Anonymous3:55 PM

    it is pretty funny that she was cramming so beck couldn't get her, but he got her anyway.

  86. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't know who the founding fathers, or what they did. But that doesn't stop her from stating that the President is going against everything they stood for (whatever that was). More empty sentences from the beauty queen pagent runner-up.

  87. Anonymous4:44 PM

    In what regard Glenny.....?

  88. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anon @ 2:08, Glenn Beck getting her on the founding fathers questions wasn't planned for christ sake. Beck was completely unaware that she couldn't answer the simple question. Then he laughed at her before he realized he shouldn't be laughing.

  89. Good ole George "I was there when he popped out" Washington.

  90. No! No! The Gatekeeper and the Keymaster must never be allowed to come together! We're doomed!

  91. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sarah thought they asked about "fondling" fathers.

    She looks drugged in the still at the beginning.

  92. Anonymous5:48 PM

    That was sooooooo funny...she is an unintentional commedienne isn't she? OMG

  93. What did they do to her face? Serious question ... what procedure did they use on her? She used to be pretty. Now she looks like a cadaver. Is this botox by the gallon, or what? I'm serious. If someone has some knowledge of plastic (ohhh, now I know why they use that word ... she does look like plastic) surgery, enlighten us. I want to know what not to ask for if I ever have a spare $20,000.

  94. Nanny B said...
    "..if the crib sheet fellow had held up a one hundred dollar bill, her favorite Founding Father would have been Ben Franklin..."

    It would have been even funnier if the off-set "helper" had held up a $5 bill, and Palin said
    "Abraham Lincoln, of course! Because he was havin' that tremendous love of readin' like I have also, and was a hard worker buildin' cabins and makin' pennies out there in the wilderness, which is just like Alaska with nature and fish! He....what? What do you mean, he wasn't one of the founding fathers?"

  95. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Did Obama 'mis speak' when he promised to put the health care reform negotiations on C-SPAN? When he promised to close Gitmo in a year? When he promised no tax increase for the middle class?

  96. Christa Brelsford... watching her interview with Lauer this morning. Is she from AK?? If so, how about your own post about her composure and grace under the tragedy of losing her legs in Haiti?

  97. Anne O'Tate10:08 PM

    Actually, George Washington is considered a founding father along with those who signed the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence.

  98. Granny Grifter thought she was coming home to Faux. I wonder if she even realizes that she's dropped into a nest of vipers waiting to attack her? She was afraid of a gotcha question from Blech, she just miscalculated WHICH gotcha question. She is SO far over her head, it's almost not even funny. LOL!

  99. sunnyjane2:50 AM

    To all of you who are doing the Founding Father two-step:

    History says that there were TWO important groups who are considered "Founding Fathers." The first group was the Continental Congress who gave us the Declaration of Independence. The second group was those who actually developed the U.S. Constitution, the document that laid out how America would actually be governed.

    George Washington was an important part of the second group, so he is definitely considered a Founding Father.

  100. Wow, I'm so embarrassed for Sarah and those who defend her ignorance and baffoonery. I really thought there were checks and balances to keep such a 'whack job' from being considered relevant.


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