Saturday, January 09, 2010

One of the best descriptions of the dilemma Sarah Palin presents to the Republican party that I have read thus far.

The Palinistas have expended an unending and rather careless amount of spittle denouncing the “liberal main stream media”, which seems to have blinded them to the reality that Republicans have done the most damage to Palin.

Not only in Alaska, where her relationship with former Republican allies continued to deteriorate in her first year as governor, to the extent that the majority of ethics complains filed against her were filed by Republicans, but in the past year, Palin’s biggest enemies have come from within; former allies, staffers, family members, fans.

Palin's most powerful nemesis, McCain/Palin campaign strategist Steve Schmidt, will soon return the fire Palin unloaded on him from her book, “Going Rogue”. Operation Palin Apocalypse officially commences Sunday night when Schmidt appears on 60 minutes. The only question remaining is how low will they go? This is the GOP after all. The party of Rovian election tactics.

Republicans know she is not electable, yet they need her teabagging base motivated to get out and vote. The hard right (Limbaugh, Beck, Palin crowd) are the folks who show up to vote in the primaries. Could Palin walk away with the Republican nomination, leaving the Republicans doomed to an epic failure?

The GOP simply can’t afford to have Palin on the loose, leading the misinformed teabaggers on their crusade against moderate and secular Republicans if they want to survive 2012 with an ounce of pride. (You can read the rest of this on target analysis by clicking the title to this post.)

I have to say I agree with every word of this article. And I especially LOVE this part:

Will the GOP go for the jugular? Will they release the photos they scrubbed from the Johnston computers? Will they bring up Abortion Wite-Out Gate? Will they bring up her lies about providing a birth certificate for her youngest child, whose birth is the source of undying rumors that started in Alaska before she was tapped for VP and continue to this day? Will they question her Wild Ride?

If the GOP were to track down their Frankenstein creation to the windmill where she fled after the 2008 election (Wasilla) and finally destroy her political career forever it would do much to start them back on the road to redemption. Of course having inflicted the likes of Karl Rove, George Bush, and Dick Cheney on America it would still be a long and torturous journey toward earning back our country's trust. But you know, a first step is still a first step.


  1. It is a great article, isn't it.

  2. "The hard right (Limbaugh, Beck, Palin crowd) are the folks who show up to vote in the primaries. "

    The GOP will let Limbaugh and Beck continue to whip up the crowds and get out the vote because Limbaugh and Beck are not running for office.

    But they will soon squash Sarah to avoid further embarrassment. I don't believe they'll "go for the jugular". I think it will be quick and clean, the same way Obama slapped that fly between his two hands.

  3. This article made me very happy when I read it. I'm glad you've posted it, too, Gryphen. Is the end of Sarah's times in the spotlight almost over? Here's hoping!

  4. Anonymous1:51 PM

    It's definitely time for them to huddle around the campfire...heh, heh...bloggers from around the world have been watching this slow motion train wreck since the day the Pied Piper Palin got nominated for her failed VP run. You betcha!!

    Alaskan Sisu

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I hope this is the true beginning of the end and will open lots of true stories up and release confidentiality agreements.

    I'd love to see the truth about Trig (and other Palin kids) come out.

    One of my concerns is: if Sarah/Todd were to end up in prison for reasons not yet determined, I don't see that there are family members able to provide a better home for the little ones. The whole family seems dysfunctional. Are there any who would make good guardians and allow the young ones an opportunity at a more "normal", mainstreamed life.

    It will take one-on-one tutoring for poor Piper to catch up with her peers in school and I'm hoping it is not too late for Trig to get the treatment he needs.

    I worry about Tripp also and the general Palin attitude about schooling, but with luck, Levi and family will be able to provide good support here. I'd actually like to see him have primary custody with only secondary custody on Bristol's part since I don't see that she has learned how to mother any better than she received from Granny O'Palin.

    Keep up the good work - and I hope something breaks big time really soon!

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    McShame is the one who gave "life" to Ms. Frankenstein but I doubt he'll do anything publicly to denounce her.

  7. Basheert2:07 PM

    Nice post Gryphen. Things that must be done.

    The GOPers are the party of personal destruction even with their own.

    She'll have her "fans" but they don't have the dollars the GOP needs.

    I hope they realize that she isn't going to go quietly? (tee hee)

  8. igettit22:27 PM

    Much as I would love to see both Mr and Mrs Todd Palin behind bars, I don't think that will ever happen.

    But if it did, the children could be better off. Bristol would have to take real responsibility for her two babies, and might just be more willing to work out a reasonable accomodation with Levi as a result. The two youngest girls would probably be in a much healthier environment if they were in foster care than where they are now (though I admit it could be bad if they ended up with certain of the grandparents)

  9. Not only will the Republicans eat Sarah alive but this is also a damning indictment of them. No matter how they attempt to remove themselves from her THEY chose her, THEY gave her insanity life, THEY are responsible. Steve will never admit to that huge failure. The article pegs it about their sense of entitlement and do-anything-to-win attitude.

    But Sarah is about to feel the full weight of the party she's messing with and it won't be pretty. I hate to tell her(well, not really, heh) but these folks have long term experience in lobbing words of mass destruction. Sarah? Pffft, a lightweight. I expect her fans' heads to explode. So, who will they call, fax, boycott or threaten? If Texas to Alaska was a wild ride, Sarah ain't seen nothin' yet!

  10. Anonymous2:44 PM

    From the Daily Dish:

    The full story of Palin has yet to come out. I regard her selection as veep as a moment of real crisis for the American polity and her resilience a threat to it. So I will relentlessly cover her until more people realize the sheer farce that has become of Republican politics and media corruption. Her success is due to both in equal parts.

  11. Ferry Fey2:47 PM

    I was quite tickled by the phrase "an unending and rather careless amount of spittle".

    But never forget that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.

  12. Isnt McShame courting teabaggers in Arizona right now? Not likely he would be rocking the boat. I will watch on sunday but not expecting much.

  13. Anonymous2:57 PM


    The Johnston's might be happy to take Trig and Tripp. I can't imagine all the criminal counts to come out of Babygate. Very young children from dysfunctional families are incarcerated. In a family of grifters there are those that ask for immunity. Track has distanced himself a little but I understand he continues to be part of it. Bristol is digging herself more into it. Willow is old enough to know what fraud is. If she could diagnosis DS she could figure out her mothers "pregnant" condition if they were living in the same house. I can't wait to see how it all goes when the real shaking starts on that family tree. The Palin/Heath's are all enablers. No child is safe with any of them. Poor Piper.

    Will they release the photos they scrubbed from the Johnston computers? Will they bring up Abortion Wite-Out Gate? Will they bring up her lies about providing a birth certificate for her youngest child, whose birth is the source of undying rumors that started in Alaska before she was tapped for VP and continue to this day? Will they question her Wild Ride?
    I can't see the GOP going for the jugular, but it can happen later by others.

  14. sandipants3:07 PM

    I agree with DSMyre -I supsect someone will show her the evidence of "something" and tell her to sit down and shut up for all time, and if not, then the evidence is coming out. It saves face for everyone.

    I still think that at the time she quit as Govenor it wasn't really about the money. I think she was threatened to resign. Otherwise, why so rushed? It wasn't planned - Todd had to rush back. And her breathy quitty speech - she was nervous. I also remember that as the camera panned the crowd at the end, Ole Chucky was looking down at the ground and clapping. Looked very strange. Yeah, sure she is reloading - he spews the crap as well as she does.

    I also remember a tv interview early in the campaign with her parents. They were asked a question about something like "what do people not know about her" or "what is her best quality". What I really remember is their answer - HONESTY. I guess the bar is really low in that family.

  15. notmensa3:11 PM

    I don't think Schmidt will offer anything new in the interview - he is a shrewd political operative with good connections as others have noted. Rather than suggesting Palin was a poor choice by McCain, Palin will be framed as an unmanageable candidate that no campaign manger could control. It's a warning to anyone thinking about being part of a 2012 campaign.

    The timing of the interview is interesting too - is it a coincidence that "Game Change", with it's juicy details on the campaign is coming out tomorrow? I think not.

  16. I think we will still need to keep a close watch on the "fundies" who are making runs in local elections. Sarah may be the touchstone for those on the fringes (tea party potty mouths), but there are still stealth candidates who aren't making such a racket as they run for offices.

    These folks have the same agenda as Sarah and need to be outed carefully.

  17. Sharon in Florida3:20 PM

    Sure has been a lot of news today about the wingnuts. Beck getting outed for cheating on his taxes, Palin's story getting better and better in the last 24 hours.

    I spent about 15 minutes on Palin's FB page today. The Bots were angry about Fox News "turning on Palin". That's news in itself. If it's true, then Palin's crash is going to be dramatic.

    Can't wait for tomorrow.

  18. Excellent article.

    I think my favorite line is this one, from the very last paragraph:

    Shame on Senator John McCain for unleashing the “Little Shop of Horrors” on Americans.

  19. Say NO to Palin in Politics3:34 PM

    yup, they created a monster. Now they will have to destroy it before IT does more damage. This is a good thing.

    Hey Gryphen or ANYBODY, if you find any juicy tidbits feed them to National Enquirer. They will go after her! Heck, they probably have a big ole file already going and are just waiting for one right piece of the puzzle. And hey, $10,000 for true facts isn't small change.

  20. Say NO to Palin in Politics3:44 PM

    I think the way Schmidt will ease himself, McCain and the Republican Party out of this mess called Scarah, will be to show that Scarah is a big fat LIAR, that she misled them and that she's an expert in scamming people, all true. She conned them the same way she continues to con anyone who will listen.

    The problem was, they found out after the VP pick what a whack job they had on their hands. And I'm sure it's become more and more obvious what a disaster it would have been if they'd put her in the White House. I'd hope the strategists and consultants are breathing a sigh of relief.

    And, I do believe they have some goods on her. They're going to have to spill the beans though. Because she ain't gonna sit down and shut up. No way.

    I wonder what Frank Bailey is doing? I sure wish he'd self publish his book. Although after she implodes they'll come running begging to be his publisher.

  21. Gryph~ Great post..
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer..

  22. Re: Sandipants comment. I too believe that something occurred to trigger her resignation. I remember reading that a couple of members of her administration saw her the morning of Wednesday the 2nd, and they said that they spoke about upcoming plans. That night, she phoned Todd and told him to come home. So what happened? Did they threaten to out her? Or did something happen between their visit and that night, that forced Palin to resign? She hated being governor, but she did like that title (I'm guessing at that, from her habit of lying and her insistance that she didn't need a title, and her insistance that reporters call her "governor" on her book tour). I don't think she'd up and quit unless somebody threatened her.

    Likewise, I think what's happening now is a threat to her. They're talking a LITTLE bit. She knows how much they could say, if they chose. I suspect that early next week, she'll get a phone call, or even a visit, from somebody who suggests she just sit down and shut up. The republicans can't really want to expose her idiocy fully: it condemns them. I'm betting they'll slap her down in private.

    And I'm still betting the IRS will be the ones who do take her down. Her financial records don't seem clear.


  23. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The sooner Falin's done away with the better. Some of the damage and pain she's caused her family (not to mention America) can not be repaired. But perhaps, if she goes away and focused on her children, then maybe, just maybe, they can began to heal. (doubtful) I don't want to hear mention of that b*tch again until MAYBE she's a GREAT Grandmother..

  24. Anne NC7:56 PM

    I think that as her popularity starts to decrease and more of her lies are revealed, there is a better chance that someone behind the scenes with the truth about Trig's birth will come forward. Let's face it, up until now, it's only been a "conspiracy theory" despite the damning evidence that has been proven with pictures of her allegedly being pregnant. Her diminishing popularity and credibility will enable the truth to be told and to be believable.

    I truly hope this is the beginning of the end. This woman could do such harm if ever elected to office again.

  25. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:55 PM

    Whew! What a rollercoaster ride this weekend!!! Excellent Article

    I'm hoping that if the GOP does go for the jugular, they do it v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, you know, debate about it, delay, dodge, ditch, deny, drag it out, shout "you lie", stamp their feet... cry...whine..debate some more...

    Can't wait for the static from Rush O'Libaugh et all...

    This isn't gonna be pretty!

  26. sunnyjane11:04 PM

    I'm beginning to wonder if Schmidt finally realizes that Palin lied to the campaign itself. He's already commented on her book's lies, i.e., "total fabrication."

    However, if she lied to them about Troopergate, Triggate, etc., that would piss them off royally. And, if she signed some sort of legal document swearing that what she wrote was the truth, the whole truth, etc., they may well have indictable information. Could be a little warning to her. After all, Schmidt does say she had a habit of lying about things, and "that continues today."

    It's will be fun to watch.

  27. Maybe they will steer the same consultants towards Palin that ripped Romney off in 2008.

  28. Whenever there is a Sarah Palin poll, I always vote for her. Because I want Republicans to think she is electable! We should pump her up too. Then if there is ever an election, GOP strategists can slap their foreheads and say "what happened to all the votes?!"

    Can't wait to watch Steve Schmidt tonight, need to record it for reviewing entertainment.

  29. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Ok.I read the whole article and it's actually left me a bit heavy-hearted. The inference that the GOP may actually have a plan to slowly and methodically take Sarah apart a bit at a time, using her (to keep her voter base online for them) as they destroy her suggests the real puppetmsters are the GOP and it's quite possibly Sarah who has always been the one manipulated.

    I'm going to be especially pissed if the GOP puts me in a position of having to feel sorry for Mrs. O'Palin...

  30. Anne NC wrote:

    ... it's only been a "conspiracy theory" despite the damning evidence that has been proven with pictures of her allegedly being pregnant.

    The key word here is "proven". For all the crap I've taken for suggesting an admittedly unproven (yet possible) alternative mother for Trig Palin, I agree that SP not being Trig's mother has been proved on a preponderence of the evidence standard, if not clearly and convincingly. (Please allow these legal terms to pass for the moment.)

    Unfortuntely, that's not good enough for MSM, which requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt -- a much higher burden of proof to meet -- before they will report it. SP and her followers and handlers, and the Steve Schmidts and Anderson Coopers all know this, and that allows them to ignore the proof at a lower standard, and for SP to ignore us.

    When SP has commented on our "crazy conspiracy theory" to MSM types, do they ever question? No. They all know the truth, but won't push SP on the point, giving her the benefit of the doubt rather than face the backlash from her followers for being rude to her. In essence, any MSM person has to call her a liar simply by questioning her unsubstantiated assertion of being pregnant with and giving birth to Trig. Even Andrew Sullivan operates from accepting her word, and only asking questions about the wild ride.

    Few people have any direct evidence that SP lied about being pregnant. It will be even harder to demonstrate that someone else (except one of her child-bearing-capable children circa 2008) was pregnant with Trig. If SP actually was pregnant with Trig, it would be simple to prove. But she and everyone else who could refuses to do so.

    With all the time that has passed, and all the statements from parties with reasons to out her already, until someone with standing -- like 60 minutes -- demands proof of what would otherwise be her biggest lie, we won't have it.


  31. Anonymous6:42 PM

    You can take this to the bank:

    There's at least two republicans who believe she's electable: Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.

    The gig at Fox now allows Palin to be groomed by Ailes in a very deliberate and benign manner. She will be tempered by regular dialogues with O'Reilly, allowed to sit in on panels with luminaries like Charles Krauthammer, and very patiently be introduced to increasingly complicated domestic and international issues.

    It's going to be like bringing along a young quarterback. She'll learn, as Nixon did, how to master the media (television) that gave her her biggest problems.

    By regularly mixing it up with Fox's stables of political consultants she'll be far better prepared for debates in two more years.

    As far as Steve Schmidt goes, he's a lightweight and about the only big gun in McCain's stable who pretty much ran the campaign but who has taken no responsibility whatsoever for getting spanked.

    Power? He's a lightweight of NO political relevance whatsoever--except to the misguided who thinks he is the next hired gun who will be recruited to drop Palin.


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