Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pat Robertson "Haiti made a deal with the devil!"

Did he really just say "The devil said okay it is a deal?

Quick somebody get a calendar and tell me what century I am living in!

I feel sorry for the people who are still so pathetically primitive that they believe this bullshit. These are the kinds of people who will give their last dime to the slick televangelist on TV telling them they can buy their way into heaven, or to SarahPAC because they believe God has chosen her to lead this country, or both.

I scares the hell out of me that the people who listen to these idiots are allowed to vote in this country.


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    OMG really? I can't stand that guy...just like sarah palin, he is out there to make himself rich and use the idiots that don't know any difference to make him his money!

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Someone needs to put him in a room with quilted wallpaper. This man is mentally ill.

  3. FEDUP!!!12:09 PM

    I was waiting for when those cooks would come out of the woodworks. Just a matter of time, and time is now, I guess. :(

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    According to a report on Daily Kos the fat head Limpballs also had an unbelievable rant on his show about Haiti and the actions of our "light skinned" president. Why does he continue to live and not get hit by lightening is beyond me. He is 100% evil.

  5. What can you say? The man doesn't have the first clue about Christianity. Where is the love your neighbor? Where is the feed the hungry, take care of the homeless etc? Judge not, lest ye be judged Mr. Robertson.

  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    O/T. I just thought I would email some of the women on Fox News; Gretchen, Alisyn, Greta, Michele, Ann and tell them how lucky they are to have someone as beautiful, smart and articulate as Sarah Palin join their station and finally raise the profile and credibility of the female talent at Fox News. I am certain they will welcome my opinion.

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    i think they should whip out their voo doo dolls (if they can find them) and poke a few pins right in his face!

    bill in belize

  8. Isn't Robertson or Falwell or maybe both the ones who said that 9/11 happened because of gays and abortion?

    They said it about Hurricaine Katrina, too.

    Robertson is way beyond help. If there is a hell, then he will meet up with his old friend Falwell when his time comes.

    $carah is gonna be pissed. Robertson took her off of the headline today. She'll have to post something equally outragous on her FB page to stay on top.

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    OMG - I listened to that! If there is a fast-lane to hell Robertson is on it. Why isn't that man straight-jacketed and medicated?

  10. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The Palinbots are spouting the same nonsense about the Haitians being non-Christians and that this would be a perfect time for true Christians to go down there and convert them. Sure, sure..... people are dead and dying, homeless, starving......and those idiots want to bring religion to them.

  11. Anonymous12:42 PM

    According to what we admitted sceptics may feel about Robertson and how he may have put his foot in his mouth about bringing up the devil and the pact with Haiti, etc., but did you not listen to what he said at the end of the tape? Did you not see the telephone number posted for those who are willing to ante up for aid for these poor souls. Put your damn egos on hold for a moment, stop the easy pastime of bashing this backwoods hick/turned evangelical hack and actually listen to his - I think - honestly felt plea.

  12. by this logic, clearly the rampant Meth addiction in Wasilla and so many Red States is God's wrath for making a "deal with the devil." Right?

  13. Sharon in Florida12:45 PM

    Robertson is afraid some of his flock will send money to Haiti. He doesn't want to share. Meanwhile, his scams are all tax-exempt. Isn't he a big member of The C Street Family?

  14. Sharon in Florida12:47 PM

    Anon @ 12:24
    LOL Excellent idea.

  15. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Shep Smith just blasted Robertson in a very measured, articulate and deadly manner. Wish I could post the link but Gryphen may wish to get from Media Matters.

  16. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Anon at 12:42PM, if any one sends any cash, I can pretty well be damned sure it will line Robertson's pockets not feed Haitians.

  17. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Robertson is the SPAWN of the devil. He's robbed Africa of a lot of gold, too.

    He must realize that Haiti is 80% Catholic. Robertson's kind hates those "papists."

  18. So ole Pat has it straight from the Devil, "okay that's a deal". WTF!! And the way that young woman was looking at him as if she believed every word coming out of his stupid mouth. "Napoleon III or whatever", gosh, I am sure he and Sarah Palin could have really brilliant discussions on history. This man is a total imbecile and has been from day one. Gyrphen, I have to agree, people that believe this drivel should have to take just basic literacy tests before voting. The sheer hypocrisy and arrogance of people like Robertson is simply beyond my comprehension.

  19. Sharon in Florida1:01 PM

    Anon @ 12:42
    You may be right, Robertson may be making an honestly felt plea but isn't it possible that he's asking for donations just to send his people to Haiti for conversion purposes? I wouldn't send $1 through him. I want the $$ to go to the people of Haiti for actual disaster relief. I don't trust any of the televangelists.

  20. Anonymous1:01 PM

    what a jerk!~ what goes around comes around..

  21. notafaux1:05 PM

    Anon@12:42. "Honestly felt plea"? Yeah, right--I guess I might be persuaded, reluctantly, to accept the premise. But consider this: How much of those donations will be siphoned off by Robertson and his crew before ever reaching Haiti? Andrew Sullivan posted an alert from a reader this afternoon, urging people to donate directly to organizations based in the country--because NGO's and other "concerned" groups take their cut first, and then the money often does not go where it's needed most. For that reason, I did an online search, found a group in Haiti, and sent my donation there.

  22. Anonymous1:05 PM

    go to Media Matters and listen to the horribly offensive things Limbaugh is saying--making jokes about this.

  23. Oral Roberts ain't doing nothing; why doesn't The Big Guy send Oral to fetch Roberts home?

  24. Remember, when ol' Pat was serving in the Marines during the Korean Conflict (I know you haven't heard of that, $P, so Google it), he was in charge of the beer. Srsly.

  25. anon 12:32....I think many of us have and continue to give to Haiti. The fact that he asks folks to donate, does not excuse his ignorance. What he said was inexcusable.

  26. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Hey Anon: Even if The Ayatollah Robertson seemed 'sincere' in asking for donations - I don't recall his boy Jee-bus reciting the 'sins' of the hungry (and why they DESERVED their HUNGER!) before he FED THEM...or the clod, the meek and so on...
    Judge NOT; Unless Gawd is speaking to you, right Pat?

    "Hey Pat - run for president...yo Pat - 3am...go check your tire's me ya know!"

  27. Joe Scarborough tweets: "Now the media will focus only on Pat's "devil" comment and not the humanitarian work he does."

    well, duh! poor Moanin' Ho

  28. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Pat is speaking the truth! Operation Blessing will send and has sent untold amounts of aid to Haiti. I support what Pat said. All of you God haters especially in the USA should be on your knees thanking God for the blessings you have. But alas we are on the fast track to our own destruction.

  29. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I don't like Robertson, either. But I read many, many years ago (from a non-religious source) about the pact that he is talking about, and that it was a voo-doo-practicing political leader who made the pact. I also think it's best to investigate the truth of what he (or anyone else) is saying, and not to just 'dis' it because you disapprove of the person who is saying it. Isn't that what we accuse the right-wing of doing: shooting the messenger instead of investigating the truth of the message? And I don't think he is at all saying that Haiti deserves what happened yesterday, merely that by doing what they did (and by not distancing themselves from it or ever renouncing it), they have opened up the door to bad things for several hundreds of years now. Yes, there are spiritual forces of darkness, just as there are good spiritual forces. And it can be very dangerous to get involved with the former.

  30. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I gave money to a group called Compassion for about 5 yrs. $28 a month.. for a little boy named Vilme Sadracson (not sure of last name spelling)
    All the letters I got back from him were praise jesus, jesus loves you.. jesus this... and that
    He was 6 years old.

    I wrote to their website and asked if they could show me a report of where the money all went..just basics how much of what I give goes to what.. not a biggie.
    I also asked if the children they provide sponsorships are only those children whose parents agree to allow them to go to the Christian school. Meaning.. do ALL children get the opportunity to have someone send money or only the ones whose parents send them to this church group there.

    Not a peep from them.

    I really don't care where my money went.. but hearing a little 6 year old boy say nothing "normal" ..only God is Good! .. made me think that the only way parents could get their children "help" is to send them with the missionary people .. even if they don't like christianity.. what choice did they have?

    It made me sick. I hated not giving Vilme money anymore but I had to stop my support.
    I now try to find local families without religious affiliation that are just plain in need.. and I assist their "need".

    this is OT kindof but little Vilme was in Haiti.
    the christian missionaries in Compassion really seemed more like brain washers and only "helped" as long as they could cram God down their throat.

  31. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Elizabeth said...
    What can you say? The man doesn't have the first clue about Christianity. Where is the love your neighbor? Where is the feed the hungry, take care of the homeless etc? Judge not, lest ye be judged Mr. Robertson.

    1. Get a real Clue. Pat and Operation Blessing has sent and will send HUGE amounts of food and supplies to haiti!

    2. Pat did not pass Judgement on haiti! Haiti is reaping what it has sown. Is a man wrong for pointing this out?

    3. Here we go with the Judge not lest ye be Judged shield that all people use to hide behind so they can keep on rolling in sin. Pat was saying they had some sin in their past that they were and are reaping. SO?!?! He also said they needed prayer and aid!! GET IT??!! umm well no you did not get it. Because you are one of those people who would have told the woman caught in adultery, "go, and next time you fool around on your husband, try not and get caught!" Instead of SIN NO MORE!!!

    Please. GO pray and read your Bible and repent for not telling people the truth.

  32. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I never knew the devil actually made deals with people. Oh, and Anon. @ 1:33, Robertson DID pass judgment(not Judgement)on Haiti. -Karen

  33. Anonymous2:00 PM

    "...made a pact with the devil. True story." says P. Robertson

    I'm ready to make a pact with somebody/something to rid the world of the EVIL in P. Robertson. Hell is too good for him. He'll get a special little piece of eternity in agony with a mountain of bibles to thump.

  34. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I click to any News channel and the bottom of the screen is plastered with Disaster in Haiti.. or something to the like

    Glen B. and Palin pants sat in their cozy little chamber talking about good ole' George Washington, Sacrificing, and loving the Lord...
    not ONE peep about Haiti

    I bet Fox knew Palin would start blabbing about how they deserve it.. take the Pat Robertson route so told Glenn.. KEEP HER OCCUPIED.. let her talk about herself

    and she wants to be some sort of World Leader? You would of thought any normal person would have just an itch and be like.. Can I just take a moment to extend my condolences to the people of Haiti... something.. ANYTHING!

  35. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Our Founding Fathers owned SLAVES! "Do Unto Others..."

    Talk about a "deal with the devil"! sooo, 200 plus years later - WE'RE GONNA PAY right Patster?!?

  36. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Christian Taliban!

  37. LisaB2:36 PM

    This is not Christianity. This is FEAR-MONGERING. God does not send evil to punish people for sins. Jesus was very explicit about this. "He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." To paraphrase: $hit happens. It's not your fault!

  38. womanwithsardinecan2:36 PM

    what's with the creepy religious nuts here? I'm beginning to think that the last time they had a book burning they burned all of the copies of the New Testament. All of this creepy religious superstitious wrath-mongering is something straight out of the Dark Ages. Go back under thy rock, ye creepoids, lest you see that you have no shadow.

  39. Sharon in Florida2:47 PM

    Anon @ 1:33
    Are you saying that every time there's a natural disaster, that whoever is in the path of it is "reaping what they have sown"? Do natural disasters happen to the innocent? Or only to the guilty? Would that extend to...oh say...illnesses? Or maybe birth defects? I'm not making fun. I'm asking legitimate questions.

    How would one go about investigating this Pact that Robertson is talking about - the one that the Haitians made with the Devil? It can't be in the Bible since the Bible was written long before "Napoleon III or whoever" as Robertson mentioned. So who was there to witness the Pact? What secular source published it?

  40. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I hate this man. He is not a man of God at all. And he's most likely ticked off that God knocked Palin off the front pages.

    What a marroon. And this is from a conservative woman. Can't stand this man or THAT woman or the bimbo's family.

  41. Anonymous3:20 PM

    To demonstrate just how far Sarah has come since the 2008 elections, please read and watch the following:

    She is truly a bumbling idiot.

  42. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Sorry, people, the previous comment was meant to be posted on the Sarah/Glenn Beck post. My apologies.

  43. emilypeacock4:07 PM

    News from Haiti ~

    Thank you for writing. We all felt the earthquake also here. I was at my place at the farm when it took place. Everything shook, the school and the hospital as well, but everyone is fine. We have a surgical team currently at the clinic and they are all OK.
    It's pretty bad in Port-au-Prince. There is no communication anywhere in Haiti.

    No damages in Ouanaminthe. School will be closed today at noon until Monday in solidarity with the rest of the country.

    Please pray for the thousand traps under the rubble in Port-au-Prince.


    To H*ll with Pat Robertson and his ilk as well as Rush Limbaugh. Such people with small minds and hearts do deserve the dignity of acknowledgment.

  44. According to an article currently posted by Reuters, the population of Haiti is about 10 million...

    About 80% of the population is Catholic...Catholics are Christians.

    Earthquakes's crust...fissures... fault lines... natural occurances... Science provides an contracts with malevolent entities are required.

    Sometimes earthquakes are horribly devastating.

    Example: Haiti, January 12, 2012.

    To blame the poorest of the poor for causing a purely natural phenomenon is ignorant, heartless, ugly and beyond detestable.

  45. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:37 PM

    My heart goes out to those affected in Haiti, as well as their families and friends around the world.

    As for these two ignoramuses (Lintball and Robertson), I can't wish them any less than living through the same hell that the people of Haiti are living through. Not that I'd wish that on my worst enemy--but...

    Thought Thrush would POSSIBLY get the eensiest of humanity after his health glitch over the holidays. Insert game show buzzer here. Silly me.

  46. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Whoa! Does that mean America mada a deal with the devil when we got away from the king of England???

  47. If Pat wants to keep blaming natural disasters on populations who keep pissing God off, perhaps he'd like to explain why his beloved Babble Belt is aka Tornado Alley? I mean, that must take some serious pissing-off to catch the wrath of the great gay hater in the sky year after year, doesn't it?

  48. Kat in Key West5:18 PM

    F*** Pat Robertson.

  49. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:39 PM

    Robertson made a pact with the devil years ago. The Devil said to make a company called Christian Broadcast Network and anyone who sends money to them will find true salvation. True Story!

  50. Anonymous6:25 PM


    Here is the 700 Club on line 24 hour prayer police. 800-759-0700. It took me a while to get through. The woman I talked to "had no idea" what Robinson said. She was polite. Stated she was a Christian but had no comment when I asked her if she believed in Jesus when he said "love one another." Please CALL!

  51. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Pat Robertson can always be counted on to spout goofy shit, but this is bizarre even by his standards. So, Haiti made a pact with the devil to toss out the French. A "true story" according to Robertson. How does he know that it is "true?" Has he seen the contract between the Haitians and the devil.

    What an arrogant moron Pat Robertson is to assume the only he is privileged to know THE TRUTH concerning Haiti. How conveniently patronizing that this sanctimonious white asshat is THE ONLY HUMAN who has access to such information.

    One of the following is likely to be true:
    1. Pat Robertson had God show him the unholy contract between the Haitians and the devil. God is such a pissy little tyrant that he punishes such sins for many, many generations, even holding totally innocent Haitians guilty, sentencing them to either a life of impoverished misery or to death.

    2. Pat Robertson is a megalomaniacal prick whose febrile brain conjures up the absolutely most insane bullshit to feed his batshit crazy, narcissistic delusions about his Ramboesque sky wizard of a god.

    I think I'll go with #2. It really seems like Pat must have done some serious acid tripping in his past - maybe very recently - and is suffering from some very bad flashback trips. Hell, he might have even been high when he spewed his moronic bile.

    What an asshole.

  52. Jared Diamond gives a much more insightful explanation than Pat:

  53. Love Jared Diamond!

    LisaB, I couldn't have put it any better.

    So God is punishing Haiti because people who have been dead for at least 150 years told the slave masters to stick it where the sun don't shine? I'm sorry, the slaveowners are the one's being punished--as we speak, probably. The slaves are up at the right hand of God!

    Seriously. Haiti's suffering because of a dozen generations of European racists. That's it. And they'll get what they deserve.

  54. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Anonymous 12:42

    Don't you realize that they will 'help' the christians first and then prostelytise the rest before giving aid?

    Remember palin helping her people last year, those that were hungry and cold 6 weeks after the bloggers sent food and money, with Samaritan's Purse organization instead of using the government to help?

    There is something inherently wrong with preaching to such needy people at a time when their world has exploded. And then to blame them for what happened?

    You might have lifted Robertson's speech from the old Testament.

  55. Anonymous8:03 AM

    "I never knew the devil actually made deals with people. Oh, and Anon. @ 1:33, Robertson DID pass judgment(not Judgement)on Haiti. -Karen"

    Judgment or Judgement Both are Correct! LOOK IT UP!!

    both judgement and judgment occur with seeming equal frequency. Is one English and the other American? What a bother! If both are OK, I guess I could update my dictionary by adding the ‘judgement’ spelling – but doing so might lend assistance to spelling inconsistencies. You’re probably going to tell me this is a ‘judgment call’, but I’m still wondering why the two spellings.

    Yes, I’d have to say that judgement is British spelling and judgment American, but in the early twentieth century when H. W. Fowler was writing his influential book on usage, the spelling judgment was evidently being used by a lot of British writers. According to Fowler “modern usage” favored judgment.

  56. someone please call in The Death Panels

  57. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Satan Responds to Pat Robertson on Haiti - written by Lily Coyle, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jan. 15, 2010

    Dear Pat,

    I know that you know that all press is good press, so I appreciate the shout-out. And you make God look like a big mean bully who kicks people when they are down, so I'm all over that action. But when you say that Haiti has made a pact with me, it is totally humiliating. I may be evil, but I'm no welcher.

    The way you put it, making a deal with me leave folks desperate and impoverished. Sure in the afterlife, but when I strike bargains with people, they first get something here on earth - glamour, beauty, talent, wealth, fame, glory, a golden fiddle. Those Haitians have nothing. And that was before the earthquake.

    Haven't you seen "Crossroads"? Or "Damn Yankees"? If I had a thing going with Haiti, there'd be lots of banks, skyscrapers, SUV's, exclusive night clubs, Botox - that kind of thing. An 80% poverty rate is so not my style. Nothing against it - I'm just saying: Not how I roll.

    You're doing great work, Pat, and I don't want to clip your wings - just, come on, you're making me look bad. And not the good kind of bad. Keep blaming God. That's working. But leave me out of it, please. Or we may need to renegotiate your own contract.

    Best, Satan


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