Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today is a day of shock and concern as the world turns to offer support to the people devastated by the earthquake in Haiti.

Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital Wednesday after the strongest earthquake to hit the poor Caribbean nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from schools and shacks to the National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping headquarters. Untold numbers were still trapped.

The devastation was so complete that it seemed likely the death toll from Tuesday afternoon's magnitude-7.0 quake would run into the thousands.

This is just terrible and my heart goes out to the Haitians.

I found this source for pictures of the devastation.

If you are feeling as helpless as I am, and want to do something to help, here is the Red Cross website where you can donate. You can donate to Doctor's without Borders here, or the the UNICEF earthquake relief fund here. If there are other LEGITIMATE relief programs out there then feel free to post them in the comments section.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    This is a devastating situation for Haiti. Because of its ongoing situation though there are many NGO's on the ground there and there are stockpiles of emergency supplies. Hopefully the NGO's can move people from other parts of Haiti into PaP and access supplies. The UN, the US and Canada are already responding. I am waiting to here from my government (Canada) where money can best be directed. We spent some time in the neighbouring country of the Dominican Republic (not at a resort) and have seen first hand the poverty and living conditions of the people of this island -- and the people of the DR think the Haitians are poor people! It is hard for many to imagine the grinding poverty of countries like Haiti and I hope that out of the ashes of this disaster a better country can arise with the help of the world.
    Luna from Canada

  2. Heart wrenching.

    I wonder about contributions to the Salvation Army. I heard them mentioned on MSNBC earlier this morning--that they were already setting up--plus, I recall it being said in the aftermath of 9/11that a greater percentage of the money donated to the SA went to the victims for which it was intended than the Red Cross, which put it into a general fund.

    Things may have changed since then, because all of the criticism--but that's just what I recall.

  3. Ratfish9:04 AM

    Thank you for links to the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders. I just made a donation to both.

    I would urge all readers- especially Alaskans who are in Permanent Fund Dividend application season- to consider doing the same.

    It's the right thing to do.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    How very sad...My heart goes out to these people..Thanks Gryph for the lincs..

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    thanks so much for posting about this. I’ve been doing volunteer medical work in Haiti for years…I’ve taken over 15 trips and lived there for a period of time as well. the devastation I’m seeing on the news is surreal, unbelievably tragic, and heartbreaking. please help in any way you can. I have dozens of friends/family working in Haiti and so far everyone we know is safe, but so many others didn’t make it

    you can follow my close friend Troy on Twitter–he lives in Haiti and is providing updates:

    you can also follow updates on their blog:

  6. For those interesting in helping immediately, simply text "HAITI" to "90999" and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, charged to your cell phone bill.


  8. I have been to the Dominican Republic and the poverty is overwhelming. These people had nothing to begin with and now so many have lost their lives.

    I have been in and volunteered in several disaster situations. The Red Cross is the first response team that needs donations.

    I do want to caution you to not send clothing, etc. right now...they have no way to process the glut of stuff that will be sent in. There is no place to store will get rained on outside and it will turn to garbage. Another thing that they won't be able to cope with.

    These first few days are about digging people out, finding food, water and a place to gather family members. They have no thing left.

    Send them love and prayers.

  9. I became a reader last year during the election and wanted to let others know of our work in Haiti.

    My husband and I started a Children's Home there in 1997. We live in MN and have hired an all Haitian staff to run the home. We are intentionally small~ currently raising 6 girls that came from desperate situations. We believe our home, staff and girls are ok but we are frantically calling to make sure. We are keeping our blog updated with news as we it comes in.

    Please read more about us at:

    Thanks everybody.

    Also, thanks Gryphen...I love your blog and insight.

  10. Here are some more heartwrenching photos.

  11. Anonymous10:44 AM


    Suggestion was made that we write Steve Schmidt and thank him for exposing Palin. I just did so. Also recommended that he read Republican Gomorrah to see exactly what is wrong with their party. In addition I send him a copy of Andrew Sullivan's latest post. Sullivan calls Palin a THREAT to our country.

    Go to mudflats for link to Sullivan and Schmid't e-mail.

    Don't you think it's time to take the BIG STEP??????????

  12. I still can't believe that Pat Robertson is telling people this is happening to Haiti because the country made a pact with the devil.


  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I really hope that people and particularly church groups send money to NGO's already on the ground in Haiti. Red Cross and MSF (Doctors without Borders) are excellent choices. When I was in the Dominican Republic there were clothing markets on Saturdays. All of this was used, donated clothing (and some of it was just ridiculous - like prom dresses) that had been sent to Haiti. The Haitians sell it to the Dominicans for hard cash -- they need money more than they need a box of t shirts.
    Luna from Canada

  14. The American Friends Service Committee is mobilizing already as well.

  15. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Huffington Post is keeping a running list of links to Haiti relief organizations, including those listed here.

  16. Gryphen, thanks for posting this. I donate to the Red Cross annually and just added another one.

    I just received this CNN Breaking News email:

    "President Rene Preval tells CNN that Haiti lacks capacity to hospitalize quake victims, asks for medical aid."

    What a horrible situation this poor country is in.

  17. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Out of curiosity, I've switched over to FOX several times today. Not once was there any coverage of Haiti. How very odd. Pat Robertson will get his. Karma is a bitch.
    I've been to the Dominican Republic, but never to Haiti. It's a beautiful island. This is all so tragic.

  18. Ratfish1:30 PM

    To follow up on anonymous post, I was watching Haiti coverage on CNN when Palin came on Faux with another compassionate conservative, Bill O'Reilly.

    While there was a lot of Obama and Steve Schmidt bashing, she did not bring up Haiti, express concern, or offer to donate some of her book proceeds.

    She showed her true "Christian" values. It must have been God's plan. You betcha, also, too.

  19. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I can't find a statement from palin regarding the earthquake in Haiti. She couldn't be bothered?

  20. Mac And Cheese Wiz5:26 PM

    Of cour$e Palin hasn't commented- she's the supposed leader of the teabaggers, and any money they send to help Haiti is money she won't get the chance to get her hands on. Her silence on the passing of Mrs Biden shows how much compassion she has for humanity.

    Thanks Gryphen, for posting this. People should send whatever they can, we're all in this together.

  21. FEDUP!!!7:21 PM


  22. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:30 PM

    On CNN list of acceptable charities is one "Samaratians purse" I am doing my best to put the word out this is not a good charity! Remember Sam's purse flew $ister $arah on her book tour and when she did finally was shamed into helping the Bush in AK She came with Sam's purse and they gave the crappiest food with bible tracks in each box!!! Check who you donate too. I saw a teabagger bitching about Clinton's foundation(b/c he is Clinton, a dem), and I didn't even know he had one, but I did see him on TV tonight so I checked his foundation out and 95% goes to help...just a FYI if you can help, give to a good charity to make it count....

  23. FEDUP!!!7:30 PM

    Follow-up to my last post: Mercy Corps accepts PayPal. Done.

  24. I found your blog on Google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.


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