Thursday, January 07, 2010

President Obama discusses counterterrorism review

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This is a President who treats his fellow Americans like grown ups.

He admits there are problems, accepts responsibility, and vows to do better.

Everybody with half of a brain realizes that keeping terrorists out of our country, and off of our planes is extraordinarily difficult and will never be perfect. However the Republican solution which focuses on killing more Islamic people overseas is insane.

The Republicans will obviously slam President Obama for admitting that mistakes were made, but if they were even remotely honest with themselves they would have to admit that he does this job substantially better than our last President. Sadly honesty seems not to be a very important trait to Republicans these days. As evidenced by this segment from Countdown earlier today.

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  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    If you travel by plane, remember, no wearing of underwear. Effective immediately.

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    And if that idiot Palin were delivering (or trying her best, God bless her challenged heart) she would have Piper in front of her and a baby on each hip -- how presidential!

  3. No one has pointed out that the 9-11 commission told Bush that this issue needed to be a priority but apparently it was not addressed by Bush, or if it was it was not enough. Bush had 8 years to clean up the way the information was coordinated. I never read an article about how Bush was addressing this issue. Obama had to come into office and clean up this too. Then he gets criticized for admitting there was a failure (which should have been cleaned up by Bush) owned up to it and then Obama immediately takes steps to correct it. That is my kind of president. I like someone to take charge and fix things and not complain about them. Unlike a certain female person we all know who would have complained, whined and left the problem hanging while she paraded her kids around the stage in her fancy shoes and everyone would feel sorry for her that the "mean old other president" hadn't fixed it right.

  4. Anonymous7:44 PM

    It is disgusting how people are trying to separate us as Americans. President Obama is our elected president and he deserves the respect and support of us all. Our country will never be strong while these people spew their ignorant opinions. It's easy to sit back and judge. I am afraid for our country.

  5. Anonymous8:04 PM

    It's not just a Republican solution which focuses on killing more Islamic people, President Obama has had his finger on the KILL switch for over a year now and hasn't turned it off yet.

    Obama is just as much a killer as Bush II.

    Unwavering support for Israeli genocide in Gaza isn't helping our cause either, and now with Obama safely in their grasp, AIPAC can continue to dominate American foreign policy in the Middle East.

  6. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:14 PM

    I don't think the republicans in Keith's piece actually listened to President Obama's speech. It's just the same talking points over and over again. Michelle's comments sound strikingly similar to her facebook posts on the Grifter's fb page.

  7. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I think the loss of the election has deranged the Rethugs and most are in desperate need of mental health professionals.

    A bunch of poor losers in my book!

  8. sandipants8:26 PM

    President Obama shows the courage of a man who is not afraid to take responsibility. President Bush (Shrub) is a coward.

  9. Maeve8:37 PM

    Thanks for posting the President's remarks. They were enlightening - and I am still so happy to hear a president who can speak (and make sense) in complex and compound sentences!!

  10. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  11. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Each time I listen to the president speak, I often wonder if the hatriots of Sarah Palin really think she could be POTUS and understand what the speech is about. Can you just see her at the podium holding Trig with Piper by her side while speaking to the world?

  12. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Thank you, President Obama, for working on this; others, like Palin, do not have the intellectual capacity to distinguish Iraq from Iran.

  13. Gryphen, thank you for embedding all these videos in your posts. I'm one of the geezers-on-pensions who cannot afford a TV set, so I would never get to see these things. I remember the delight of my parents when Harry Truman said "The buck stops here"; and I'm delighted now to hear this fine young man say it again. Thanks!

  14. Anne NC7:28 AM

    The Republicans really have quite a selective memory process going on here. They have forgotten about several attacks that either happened or almost happened after 9/11. I'd like to see Obama fire as many people as Bush did in regards to the attacks on 9/11, the ShoeBomber, anthrax, etc.

    Could the irrational right wingers ever begin to realize that the things they are criticizing Obama for are the very same things they overlooked or praised during the Bush administration??

    I feel like they are a bunch of little kids with their hands over their ears saying "I can't hear you" over and over!


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