Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sarah Palin debuts on The Factor. Alternative title "Something Wicked this Way Comes."

Part One

Even at the start she simply cannot put together a coherent sentence.

Bill leads her carefully through the topics but she still can only nod and make broad intellectually empty statements.

Did she look down to check her Blackberry at the end of that interview? Is that how they are telling her that she is not making sense?

Part Two

Now Sarah gets to lie about the book "Game Change".

And here they come. So now she is asking people to believe her instead of John McCain's campaign manager and two respected reporters. Yeah, that will be the day!

Oh THEY need to read her book? Yeah that is certainly where to find the truth, Palin's VERSION of the truth anyhow.

Schmidt is basing his information about Palin on an anonymous source? Somebody needs to clue Palin into the fact that HE is the source! There is nothing ANONYMOUS about that!

Do you like how she snuck in that part about NOT taking money for her speaking gig at the Teabagger orgy in Nashville? That was a "fuck you" to the readers of this blog and other progressive blogs and websites. Now don't you feel special?


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Why is she so well loved? I just don't get it!

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Agh, I was waiting. Oh, and that was not an anonymous source, it was another campaign worker! Plltt! I did like the commentary afterwords, where the one man was asking why Steve Schmidts, Nichole Wallace, Levi's, and other people's lies were all the same? Yes, Sarah Palin's version was still supposed to be the "untrue" one.

    I have to say though, what was the answer to O'Reilleys question supposed to be, "why, yes, Bill, I am a moron?" You can tell O'Reilley has little respect for her. I sensed more respect with Obama for some reason.

    The more she talks, the more I am validated in my beliefs about her. Keep talking, Sarah.

  3. chancefavors7:31 PM

    All I could do was laugh and clap my hands! YESSSSS!!! Same ole' awkward, stumblin', bumblin, $arah.

    She's done absolutely NOTHING to polish/ improve herself. No coaching, nothing.

    But, then, why should she? She's perfect just as she is..

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I think there may be a difference between Sarah depositing a check in her bank account. She may have to declare it as income, and pay taxes on it.

    Since the tea-baggers are a political organization, they might be donating an amount of money in SarahPAC. Eventually we get to see it when the PAC has to make a financial declaration. By then, Sarah hopes that we might forget about it.

    Let's not overlook Sarah's new political consultant/director of publicity. A couple of consultations, and Bristol LLC might be getting paid, too, also.

    (Just thinking out loud. I am sure that an clever accountant can come with more ways for Sarah not to be paid and yet be paid, hint hint).

  5. He introduced her as Governor.

    And he called her Governor again, even after he corrected himself saying she was the former Governor of Alaska.

    I'm glad to see the hair person at Fox has some talent. But she really needs to take about 4-6 inches off her hair.

    The resignation. Did she resign so she could heal from the plastic surgery in time for her debut on Fox News? Was the deal in the works even then?

    As for what she reads, we know she didn't read Game Change, but it sure didn't stop her from commenting on it. "I was there, they were not there." Uh....huh? They were all there.

    She certainly didn't offer to explain the difference between North and South Korea to prove them wrong, did she?

    I didn't think she was looking at her blackberry the first time she looked down, but in the second clip, I think she was. Is it because Todd is texting her? Coaching her from offscreen? HA! Todd was sitting off stage.

    Will Fox be able to neutralize her verbal tic every time she refers to Vice President O'Biden?

    The Teaparty ticket? Bwa ha ha.

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    You can bet the t-bags are picking up "expenses". And guess what , Go Fuck Yourself sarah.

  7. In the first picture, she looks sleepy or drugged or something.

  8. Anonymous7:37 PM

    She is the female Goebbels, and will put Goebbels to shame in terms of her demagogic effectiveness. May G-d have mercy on this country. That woman really believes the lies and simplistic cliches that she spews; and she spews them so incredibly convincingly that she is really, really, really dangerous. She is now 'armed' and backed by the most powerful forces in this country, reloading and getting ready for her big step in 2012. Meanwhile, I do not feel good at all about what she will do in terms of stirring up anger and discontent in this great country. Cowabonga, this woman scares me.

  9. Anonymous7:44 PM

    1. Her sneer when she talks about President Obama is utterly sickening

    2. Funny how she is "Governor Sarah" yet the president (who has not quit) is simply "Obama."

    3. It's clear that O'Reilly does not respect or like her ... I love how he inserts .... I like 60 Minutes ... while she was hoping he'd agree with her derogatory remarks about the show.

    4. She actually rolled her eyes at one point ... and used words the words "crap" and "b.s." And this is a professional politician/journalist???? How in the world can this woman get paid for such unprofessional nonsense? If I had the same lack of decorum she has, I'd be fired from my teaching job (and I am dead serious!). Thank you Anchorage School District for holding us to high standards! Too bad the public and Fox news does not require intelligence, professionalism, dignity, poise ... qualities that I can happily say my president and his wife possess.


  10. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Steve P

    I hate how Sarah Palin now says thats why people are turning off 60 Minutes..Is she serious??? She makes it seem that everyone is lying...This is from Wikipedia.......It has been among the top-rated TV programs for much of its life, and has garnered numerous awards over the years, including 78 Emmys (as of 2007)[1] . It is considered by many to be the preeminent investigative television program in the United States

    So a top rated news program who has over 78 emmys is lying and Sarah Palin is telling the truth...hmmm who to believe=)

  11. I cringe every time I hear her referred to ar addressed as "Governor".

    She is not the governor of anything. She QUIT!

  12. Anonymous7:49 PM

    AND let the 2012 campaign begin...Cheer Scarah! THanks, FOX News. No better time for campaign reform the yesterday.

    gee, wasn't she just SOO gracious? As for me, I got the feeling that she STILL thinks she was running for president AGAINST Obama!!! And is NOW running against President Obama.

    Anonymous former Alaskan

  13. Anonymous7:50 PM

    When she first said, "there's a disconnect between Obama and the White House," I thought I'd DIE laughing!!!!!

  14. Here is the New York Daily News headline:

    "Book 'Game Change' portrays Sarah Palin as unstable ignoramus who believed Saddam was behind 9/11"

    http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/01/11/2010-01 11_new_book_game_change_sarah_palin_believed_.html

    I watched her on O'Reilly - I am starting to think FOX is out to wreck her too - they created a monster who, as a teabagger, threatens the Republican machine. She is too dumb to see where this "commentator" job is going. As far as all the other media outlets: The kid gloves will come off (she is now competition to them).

    After she is laughed off the stage, IRS will step in and life will be MISERABLE.

  15. Bill O'Reilly does not miss the point that Sarah is nothing more than talking points and a "robot" bent on referencing her book for the "true" answers.

    He gave her a chance; in essence this was her Fox News "vetting" and I'm sure that Bill himself feels that she performed poorly.

    He gave her multiple opportunities to discuss solutions to the national and international problems that were being discussed but she put forth NO SOLUTIONS, JUST THE USUAL HOT BUTTON TALKING POINTS. She was just like McCain on the Today show; deflecting the conversation from what is being discussed. "Wait, why are we still talking about this? There are wars and bad economy and no jobs and the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Why are we still talking about the campaign?" I almost think that they were "studying" together for their appearances today.....

    Bill is not dumb and he's not afraid, he's been on the Jon Stewart show at least twice. I can't help but think that he will let the Fox News folks know that based on this interview that Sarah is worthy of being a "short-skirted news reader" only and not a true pundit able to discuss world affairs in a logical manner.

    That was my take on the Palin O'Reilly gabfest.

  16. chancefavors7:59 PM

    How long will she be allowed to bluff her way through?

  17. Anonymous8:03 PM

    According to Palin, CBS' 60 Minutes is "biased journalism," but Fox News is where you get the truth?? Oh, for f*cks sake!! The hypocrisy in that position is astounding!!

  18. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Wow. She sucks on so many levels.

    She wasn't really engaged in conversation with O'Reilly. She was just determined to spew her garbage and get every single word out.

    It was fun to watch her try to speak with authority.

  19. Terrible. She's terrible! Uncomfortable, probably drugged, awkward, stupid, unattractive. Only finds her voice when she has a nasty crack to make about somebody. Awful. I think even Billo can't stand her.

  20. Anonymous8:12 PM

    What little of that I could stand to watch I did get the feeling that Billo has very little respect for her. Billo is a blowhard, but I do think he is intelligent. That said, it must pain him terribly to have to prop her up and pretend she has any credence. It will be interesting to see how long she lasts at Fox. Tomorrow, she will be with Beck. That should be a total hoot. Beck has no intelligence so it could be the best pairing of all time on tee vee.

  21. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I have only seen the clips; I couldn't bear to watch Fox under any circumstances. Whatever Rupert is paying Sarah, he is not getting his money's worth. Oh, they might get a ratings boost for a little while, but Palin wears thin very quickly.

    Her voice and mannerisms are irritating. She is not well spoken, and in the clip that Rachel aired, she still sounds incoherent, trying to get all her talking points into one sentence.
    Her fans will love her; we will continue to criticize her.

    And, Sarah is officially famous. Dave did another top ten list of Sarah's debut at Fox. I can't to see how long Sarah can go without reacting to the jokes and criticism. They are already taking bets in Ireland on how long she will last.

  22. As long as Sarah brings in ratings (and she will) Fox really won't care. After all, look who else is on. Crybaby Beck is still on.

    However, they will not endanger their cash cow and they will see to it that she is never in a position to display the ignorance for which she is so proud. As was displayed tonight, she will only be given softball questions around her memorized talking points. Her show will be scripted and she'll be coached. They'll do their best to make her look good

    I'm wondering how long she can avoid saying Vice President O'Biden.

  23. Anne NC8:21 PM

    Why do the right wingers and Palinbots continue to associate our dislike of her and criticism as fear of her? You got to be kidding me?! She's less intelligent than my 10 year old niece.

    Her bullsh*t nonsense about cutting taxes and sitting back and watch the economy roar back to life as it did like it did during Reagan's time. She doesn't remember or even perhaps know that interest rates were sky high and it was the lowering of interest rates that brought the economy back to life. I personally refinanced my mortgage 3 times during the 80's.

    To compare Reid with Lott is absolutely nuts. All Palin does is repeat GOP talking points. Her diversity, what a joke, drove her back to Alaska because she was uncomfortable with living around them.

    I love the deer in the headlights look regarding Iran. All she can do is talk about sanctions and a bunch of BS that makes no sense whatsoever. She can't even answer the questions!

    I'd love to see her in a debate with Hillary Clinton. I read an idiotic statement by one of the Palinbots about how Palin would wipe the floor with Obama or any female from the Democratic party, especially Hillary Clinton, during a debate! It's honestly frightening that we have people who think this way. Common sense conservatives? No common sense in Palinbots world!

    I think BOR sees through her despite what he's saying in the interview. Wish he had pressed her on the North/South Korea thing and had her explain the difference between the two and why it happened.

    She won't be able to handle the criticism that comes her way nor will her ego allow her to be just "one of the gang" at FOX. She needs to be worshipped and adored and it won't happen from the other women there.

  24. Sarah should "sit down and shut up" before everyone but 'bots knows for sure shes's a whack job.

  25. Here's another one: regarding Palin's seeming distaste for 60 Minutes; makes one wonder what she was watching while growing up and seeing Reagan speak and having such a great appreciation for Joe Biden and having watched him speak and following his career...

    Where exactly did she see these men speak during the 80's while she was growing up if not on a network news program, 60 Minutes being one of the greatest network news shows during the time Sarah was a teen and pre-teen? There was no cable news back in her early days, so she and her family, just as me and my family did, must have gathered around the TV to watch network news programs.

    Her disconnect and lack of actual factual knowledge is large and glaring and Bill O did not miss this; her vetting live on Fox was not a complete success.

    I love it that they had her sit w/Bill instead of a true Fox sycophant. Bill O just popped her "television news journalist cherry" and he left her wondering what just happened to her. I believe that she seemed "nonplussed" once again :-)

    That's it for me, had to get if off my chest....again.

  26. Anonymous8:40 PM

    What is that weird thing she continually does with her lips? Nerves? Did she always do that?

  27. I try to listen to these things as if I were an independent or a rapid Republican, and in that mode I think she actually did well, for Sarah. I've seen her do much worse, spewing unintelligible gibberish. I also think she looks great, if a little hard to take seriously. However, she has a terrible habit of not watching her language in interviews. Crap? BS? Really, Sarah? Where is all the outrage from her Family Values followers.

    I don't know how many of these clips I can watch, tho. Not good for my blood pressure.

  28. Anonymous8:58 PM

    The best thing about this interview was that her hair was combed.

  29. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Boy,she did appear "druggy", even if it's just from the toxins of hatred.

    Her BLINKS or seconds where her eyelids were at half mast were so numerous. I thought maybe my video player was just "sticking". So I played it again (sound off!) and no...she really looks like she's about to drift off into soome kind of altered state (MORE altered). Seems kind of like a characature of calcluated, barely restrained evil.

  30. I'm convinced. Not only is she jealous of President Obama (that buying of the black Escalade like he rides in) but, now she wants to look like Angelina Jolie. Except she looks horrible with those big lips.
    Sarah honey, no amount of cosmetic surgery is going to fix your black heart.

  31. Anonymous9:17 PM

    The way she referred to our President as simply "Obama"... Like she is on the same level! Unbelievable. And incredibly disrespectful. Can you imagine if a Democrat had gone on TV a year after Bush took office and spit out the name "Bush" in a similar manner? Like people have said, she's either pathetically competitive with him, or else she truly has a crush on him! I completely agree about her probably being on drugs, or meds, whatever you want to term them. It would be very interesting to know which ones. And I also completely agree with the above comment regarding her using words like "crap" and "bs". So articulate! So professional! No, it's really just so ANGRY. Note to Mrs. Palin and her two handlers: this will not play well over the long term. You will have your Teabagger Fringe, and no one else. If you continue to be so combative and so defensive (all while insisting that the American people don't care about you and your lying), you are done. Time to clean up your act, polish your delivery, and find some authentic substance to share with those whose support you seek to enlist.

  32. sunnyjane9:39 PM

    I love the way Bill kept showing the 60 Minutes clips. Betcha THAT pissed her off royally.

    Sarah is a one-trick pony. She has no new ideas and is still obsessed with telling President Obama how to do his job.

    Good luck, Fox. Seems to me you would have learned something by now.

  33. Quiet19:54 PM

    Hello, quick sidebar here . . .

    Tonight my family and I watched Paranormal Activity . . . afterwards I logged back into my favorite anti-SP websites.

    Anyway, I had to log in, just in case anything had "broken" in the last couple of hours . . . I did a quick perusal of headlines, my partner and I lobbed a couple of Sarah jokes back and forth, and suddenly I was struck . . .

    I think a perfect way to describe SP activity from now on is . . . Saranormal Activity!!! :)

  34. Those new "octomom" lips look horrible.
    But kudos to the stylist or surgeon for removing the bumpit.
    Sarah came off as paranoid, drugged up, uninformed and I think the ...well read my book ...answer is already getting old.

  35. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Greatest Democrat ever!!!!!

  36. Anonymous10:23 PM

    At Amazon, Palin's followers are waging war against the truth by giving "Game Change" a one-star rating. They claim the rating is besed on the fact that there's no Kindle version of the book yet. Yeah. They're just mad about what it says about their girl. I suggest going there and giving the book more honest reviews. And, if you haven't ordered it yet, now would be a good time so it will kick her book down in the sales rankings.


  37. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I simply could not watch with the sound on--and then, only a few minutes. And in light of that, some advice to Quitty:


    Perhaps, too, elocution lessons would enable you to actually open your mouth and move your lips like normal people do.

    If there are any deaf people out there, are you able to read her lips at all? They don't seem to move.

    PS. How're your Grandchildren doing?

  38. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Sarah Palin is by far her own worst enemy.

    Keep it up.

  39. Gasman11:01 PM

    If Palin runs for POTUS, I very well may get this as a tatoo:

    Sarah Palin attracts morons the way shit attracts flies.

    She is such an attractant to imbeciles because she is one of them. She couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel AND she had a week's worth of round the clock intensive remedial piss pouring prep. She is a narcissistic putz who is too stupid by half to even recognize that she has absolutely no business being anywhere NEAR, let alone on, the national stage.

    From above:
    "Do you like how she snuck in that part about NOT taking money for her speaking gig at the Teabagger orgy in Nashville? That was a "fuck you" to the readers of this blog and other progressive blogs and websites."

    Right back at ya' Sarah. And the moose you rode in on, also, too.

  40. Anonymous11:05 PM

    I can't watch her. She is such a bitch. OBiden didn't make any gaffes during the debate. She is nothing but a stupid bitch. Take her down soon.

  41. emrysa11:19 PM

    two people I can't really stand, but of course I had to watch the clips.

    I get the feeling that o'reilly's got her number. as much of an f-head he is, I don't think sarah fools him one bit.

    sarah is saying the same things she said during the campaign. she should be embarrassed. I didn't even find myself getting mad about anything she said, because she was just so pathetic.

    the blackberry: think linus and his security blanket. that blackberry is sarah's way of shutting out the world around her, and keeping herself in her own reality. think about how often she is looking at that thing. it's not normal. no one walks around looking at their blackberry 24/7. just like a child with their pacifier, she uses it as a mechanism to be able to take her away from anything going on around her that she doesn't want to deal with. the woman's got serious problems with reality.

    and schmidt is relying on anonymous sources?? okaaaay... it's not like he was there or anything like that. I'm sure o'reilly caught that one.

  42. I can't watch a full minute of her talking. Just can't.

  43. Anonymous12:53 AM

    There's a commercial running on MSNBC for Morning Joe highlighting Joe Scarborough's miraculous ability to see through politicians who lie. You know, he's been in Congress and knows everything, etc. I'd respect him much more if he'd be honest with us from now on about his take on his network rival S Palin.

    Having said all that, I agree with most of you who've already posted their belief that Bill O'Reilly was going soft on her (no pun intended!) because, afterall, she is brand spankin' new to the network and she is afflicted with a less than stellar intelligence so going easy on her was the gentlemanly thing to do.

    In the long run, I think once the other talking heads at Fox News get to know her, THEY will do her in. O' the irony...

  44. Anonymous1:05 AM

    "More and more of these networks are looking at that biased journalism and saying, 'Nah, that gig's up.'" Sarah P re: 60 Minutes and other news shows.

    To which, Bill O immediately replied, "I like 60 Minutes. I think they're honorable people."

    This little exchange occurs at aprox 5:03 on the second clip. Right after Bill chastises her (b/c make no mistake; that's what he did), she comes back with her overly breathy "Yeah" ab. the tea party event.

    This is so classic Sarah. When she knows she's gone out of bounds with something she's said, she comes back with this overly breathy sounding voice - kind of all cozy and intimate, like, "quick, forget whatever goofy, ridiculous thing I just said and refocus on how feminine and wonderful I am" -- and it works. (Well, not once a guy's eyes are opened and he sees how she plays him, and men in general).

  45. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Release your info

  46. Anonymous1:27 AM

    She did not say she was not taking any money, she said she would not have financial gain, which, to me, means, she could still be taking money for "expenses". She is not doing it for free. And why didn't she explain about the things they said she didn't know, like north and south korea, or who her son went to fight in iraq.

  47. Anonymous1:31 AM

    It will still be interesting to see her actually interview somebody. She is so self absorbed, has anybody actually seen her ask someone else their opinion? It actually hurts her to say "Obama".

  48. chancefavors2:33 AM

    She looks pissed (not in control).
    Nor does look to be in a very good place (emotionally). If the eyes are the window to the soul, I don't like what I'm seeing in there.

    VILE, just, VILE..

  49. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Ha--so now she's lying about someone else's book in addition to lying throughout her own?

    At least she's consistent!

  50. Anonymous2:42 AM

    "I didn't think she was looking at her blackberry the first time she looked down, but in the second clip, I think she was. Is it because Todd is texting her? Coaching her from offscreen?"

    He probably sent her a text saying, "For God's sake STFU-you sound like a dumbass."

  51. Anon at 750pm said, "When she first said, "there's a disconnect between Obama and the White House," I thought I'd DIE laughing!!!!!"

    She should talk...

    There's a disconnect between the actual needs of a down syndrome child...and how she treats the one that is allegedly "hers".

    There's a disconnect between thinking she's still a Governor... and the fact that she's actually a Quitter Ex-Governor.

    There's a disconnect between loving an unwed pregnant teenaged daughter...and making a mockery of her by having her shill for abstinence after delivery.

    There's a disconnect between having serious, thoughtful, creative ideas about American politics...and having to use a ghostwriter on Facebook to discuss them.

    In short, there's a serious pathological disconnect between reality and what is going on in Sarah's head.

  52. Anonymous2:54 AM

    I had the same thought about 'payment' or lack thereof regarding the teabagger's gathering. . .esp. as she immediately made a comment about SarahPAC. But my reaction was that SarahPAC itself most likely will be 'making contributions' to Sarah's trip and 'expenses' - not the other way round. The money will find its way into her pocket one way or another. In fact, as I rememember the ground rules for that PAC, Sarah herself COULD be paid for speaking at this event from the PAC?

  53. Anonymous2:59 AM

    My favorite all time 'gag me with a spoon' comment on the show was something to the effect that Alaska is one of the MOST diverse states in the Union!!! You gotta be kidding me!

    And she couldn't even make time in her day to officially recognize Juneteenth a few years back. . .

  54. Anonymous3:17 AM

    just once i like her to explain what exactly those common sense solutions are !!

  55. GO OVER TO FOX NEWS AND LET THEM KNOW she is no longer Governor of Alaska....maybe she lied to them, they need to know. . . . .

    a bit OT but we also need to have a system in this country whereby we are assured that all running for public office have been properly vetted, if we can't count on those running(such as McCain) there needs to be a regulated method to do this...maybe start by commenting at the whitehouse site????? barracuda78ny

  56. FYI, the Obama family is driven around in black Suburbans, not blingy Escalades. One of the girls goes to school in my neighborhood, and I see the Suburbans frequently.

  57. bill orally is a lot of things..arrogant, pompous, condescending...One thing he aint is stoopid. he has 30 years on tee vee and has seen and done it all..."Fuck it we'll do it live! But not with that bitch!"

  58. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Did you poor souls who actually watched the interview on Pox have your hip waders on?

    "A disconnect between President Obama and the WH..."

    Oh my, oh my, oh my. That should have been enough for anyone.

  59. I am confused and curious.

    IF Sarah 'has a job at Fox News', then surely they are paying her directly, not through the PAC. That would be totally inappropriate, would it not (if not actually illegal).

    So ... if she is being paid, then the expenses for travel and lodging are tax deductions, but only for her, not spouse or kids. IRS is very, very clear on that point. So did Fox pick up the travel tab for this Palin New York excursion? Or did the Palins in fact actually pay for it out of their earnings, like any normal working person is expected to do?

    My brain is frying. Help me out someone.

    If the Tea Bagger speaking fee goes into the PAC, then the PAC pays for the travel-related expenses, but if she takes the money directly ... ???

    If I'm this confused about it, she must be even more confused. Hope she's got a real good accountant!

    Actually, my mean girl side hopes she has a greedy embezzler for an accountant.

  60. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Don't do any follow up, O'Leilly, you slime bag.

    Palin is nothing but a whore, in every aspect of the word, and her customers are not getting full value, either.

  61. Agree with all the posters...Sarah has learned nothing about anything in the last year and a half. Anything Scmidt and company tried to teach her was erased from the mixed up ole Granny brain of hers a looong time ago.

    I have much disdain for Billo, but he did do a good job of making her appear stupid, inadvertently or not. Sarah is is competition for the same audience to sell books and speaking gigs.

    By taking this gig, Sarah just handed any political oppponents, Republican or Democratic, a shovel to bury her if she were to ever run for anything ever again, so I am more sure than ever that the only place Sarah is running to is the bank. She and her bee-otch daughter pimped out Tripp's birthday to In Touch magazine. Any doubts now?

  62. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Can't wait to see her on Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert. Now that will be fun.

  63. It was Bill-O who, after the election, had the Fox reporter on who had been embedded w/ the McCain campaign, and broke the stories about Palin not knowing such things as Africa being a continent rather than a country.

    When you start adding up all the people whom Sarah claims are lying about her (even ignoring her obsessive belief in an Obama Conspiracy Team out to get her in AK), the tally runs up pretty quickly to a rather impressive total. Among the people she attempts to dismiss as liars are people who are established political operatives within the Republican party, whose careers as political operatives are dependent upon their reputations, are people who have no priors (if they did, they wouldn't have been there), and people with no credible motive for fabricating smears against a former client - especially when doing so would instantly make them Former political operatives. And then there's Sarah Palin - with Long priors and a clear motive. I'll have to mull that one over ... O.K., I'm done. That wasn't so hard.

  64. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Sarah continues to drive you batshit crazy.


  65. LisaB5:03 AM

    If she says "common sense solutions" (particularly those that SHE articulated) one more time I'm going to puke.

    Tell me these common sense solutions that are so FREAKING COMMON but the current administration has managed to miss them. It just makes me want to bang my head against the wall.

    She is the political equivalent of cotton candy.

  66. i stopped watching when she called Alaska diverse.

  67. womanwithsardinecan5:11 AM

    This is completely OT, but made me laugh. I was recently talking to somebody who was unfortunate enough to have had to be involved in some meetings that included good ol' Sarah when she was mayor of Wasilla. The person I was speaking to said that she thought of Sarah as Barbie long before she became governor, and that she was always the dumbest person at the meeting, just didn't get anything. But the kicker, according to my friend, is that Sarah is a "chest thruster." My friend said that when men walked into the room, Sarah would throw back her shoulders and thrust up her chest.
    Sorry to be OT, but I've been laughing about this for days.

  68. News Hounds did a great write-up on this:


    I can't stand to listen to her speak. It was the first thing that turned me off about her way back when. I thought she was either dumbing her speech down in order to increase her appeal, (which I found offensive) or she really speaks like that because she's stupid (which we all know now is the case).

    Oh, this is going to be the Clash of the Egos over at Faux. Those guys loved having her on their shows because it boosted their ratings but now she's essentially a competitor and they're not going to stand for it.

    O'Reilly made it very clear where she stands with him...can't wait to see what Beck does.

  69. WakeUpAmerica5:20 AM

    LOVE your alternative title.

  70. LOL ... what else is she ever going to say? I mean, she blew her whole wad right there, in a few minutes. Every time she provides analysis, what could she possibly add? Obama is bad, war is good, taxes are bad, and drill baby drill. Democrats are bad, everyone else but her is a liar, plug the book, try to giggle and look girlish.

    That's it! LOL! I definitely agree with other commenters -- BillO was condescending and sounded very insincere when welcoming her to Faux.

  71. Anonymous5:24 AM

    If O'Reilly isn't asking himself, 'so it's come to this?', then I have no respect for him.

    In any case, I don't watch Fox, so this is the last clip of McPalin I will see.

  72. all that gossipy stuff, she pays no attention to it... hahahhaah... well, it's fairly clear that her people read this and other AK blogs. So, she does pay attention to what she terms "gossip," but some of it is hard news. Guess she doesn't know it.

    Billo wants her to be treated fairly... but he asks questions that dishonestly quote the contents of the book. As RM so eloquently pointed out last night, as an example, the North-South Korea kurfuffle. Billo asks her if the book's claim that she doesn't know the difference between North and South Korea is true. But that's not the claim Schmidt made. He stated that s'error does not know WHY there is a north and south. Still, it's not unexpected for billo, faux or palin to engage in such dishonesty.

    And Billo thinks Palin can neuteralize a program like 60 minutes. Laughable.

  73. Deb in WI5:29 AM

    OT -- Sarah and Bristol's new article with Tripp and Trig in INTouch Magazine is posted on Huffington Post cover page.

  74. "chancefavors said... How long will she be allowed to bluff her way through?

    7:59 PM"

    Until someone at faux news grows a pair and ships her back to the ice aren... er, her house in Wasilla.

  75. Anonymous at 724pm said...
    "Why is she so well loved? I just don't get it!"

    She is loved, all right... by Americans who have a similar limited intellectual capacity. It was truly scary to hear what her supporters in this area (KY) had to say about her during the VP campaign. Why did they support her? Here are some of their inch-deep answers:

    "because she has kids, like ME!"

    "She can get us back to what America used to be like."

    "She's a good Christian."

    "I love her family!"

    "She's so pretty!"

    There was one positive thing about hearing this tripe, though. It positively identified the 5-watt evangelical wingnuts--and now I can stay VERY far away from them.

  76. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Absolutely, about the Blackberry. She is addicted to it.

  77. Anonymous said...

    What is that weird thing she continually does with her lips? Nerves? Did she always do that?

    8:40 PM


    Probably licking her cold sores. Herpes, yanno.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that. ...

  78. Anonymous said... Sarah continues to drive you batshit crazy.

    4:47 AM


    And Gryphen's blog continues to attract 'serror's moonbat morons like shit attracts flies.

  79. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "Mentally unstable" on parade is the key to bringing McCain and the Republican power brokers to justice. There will be no courtroom trial for McCain but the damage he did to this country deserves punishment. Every public pronouncement by Palin is one more nail in McCain sorry @$$.

    Keep her on the air, FOX. You're doing us all a big favor.

  80. Anonymous6:13 AM

    More from the cover of In Touch:

    How Trig's Down syndrome made Sarah a "more patient" mother
    Bristol on her struggles as a teen mom and finding new love after Levi

    This family is UNBELIEVABLE -- pure hypocrisy at its best!

  81. Hey Gryphen,

    Glad you liked my article the other day:-) What a treat to see it posted here!

    I really do believe this is the beginning of the GOP bringing her down, which is a symptom of the larger war in the GOP between the teabaggers and the establishment whch sought to use said teabaggers. They created a monster with "that one". Heeeeh(as McCain says when he's spewing his lizard nonesense)!

    All of the faithful readers here, please don't go to Fox and comment and please don't watch the shows she's on. We can recap everything with clips. No need to give her what she craves and justify Fox's decision.

    Laugh at her, mock her, and prepare to fight her in 2012-- but don't give her attention on Fox. That's why they hired her- to draw outraged liberals into their network. After all, they can't expand their base any further. They've got the angry, old, white man viewer and there aren't too many more of them to capture.

    This clip didn't enrage me as she has before. She's a joke. Most of us are in on it, a few stragglers are holding out, but in the end, she'll be revealed as the joke she is. I saw her eyes roll into her head more than once and she repeatedly cut Billo off and talked over him. Let's see how that plays out over time. LOL.

    She's a bitter angry person, who appeals to bitter angry people who have no social manners or decorum. She swears on national TV, talks over people, and is rude and inaccurate. She's a thug with a wiglet on her head. She's also suffering from the delusion that she ran against Obama, that he beat her, and that she is equal to him. Imagine the amount of mental illness necessary to actually believe those things.

    Stay strong! There are more of us than there are Palinistas. As witnessed in 2008. I'm off to write something about the Game Change book, as I refuse to be manipulated by the Palin Klan's attempt to distract us with her Fox "BS". No, Sister Sarah, we didn't forget that you were called mentally unstable.

    We never forget. And if by any chance she wrangles the nomination out of her teabagging base, Obama will win in a landslide and the GOP will go the way of the W(h)ig party. And they know it.

    Run, Sarah, run! The meltdown is coming. Let's just hope it holds off long enough to anger the GOP to out her internationally as a fraud.

    They have all of your stuff, Sarah. They have Levi's computers. They have it ALL. You got the clothes, and they got the goods on you. See ya' later, Secessionist Sister. Wink, wink!

  82. Anonymous6:31 AM

    She was great last night, just great, just as awful as I hoped she would be.

    The others there must wonder why she gets paid the big bucks to basically be a guest who is "interviewed" because she won't do any homework and have real detailed ideas about issues. She gets to show up in hair and makeup and then just sit there!

    She does nothing different than she does when they have her on as a guest. I guess she insisted she be paid from now on even if she does nothing.

  83. Here is one of the local Nashville weekly's take on the Tea Baggin convention;


    pretty much sums things up. And yes, $arah is being paid. I'll try to find the link for it.

  84. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Please, please, before this goes any further, out the Palin machine about Trig. It may be the only thing that will impress the mob. Please!

  85. Gasman6:38 AM

    Flynn D,
    You and I are on the same page. Palin is such an imbecile that the other FauxNews "journalists" will have to tenderly lead her by the hand so she doesn't trip over her own tongue. How long will the FauxNews crowd play along with this charade before becoming extremely jealous over her undeserved star treatment?

    It is already a given that anyone working at FauxNews has no soul and long ago gave up even any pretense of being either professional or ethical. I would not be surprised to see that crowd either sabotage her and set her up to put both of her Naughty Monkeys WAY down her own throat or to leak damning info.

    Let the games begin.

  86. buttercup6:42 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What is that weird thing she continually does with her lips? Nerves? Did she always do that?

    8:40 PM

    That's really the precursor to the lies about to cross her lips. She has to bite back what she really wants to say and remember what she practiced in front of the mirror. I think this Fox thing is a set up in the long run and she'll be dropped suddenly for some sort of issue with her contract.

  87. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Someone above said they can't wait for her to appear on Stewart or Colbert's show. It'll never happen. Oh wait...IF she does do either of these shows that is how we will know (as if we didn't already) that she is CERTIFIABLY INSANE.

  88. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I wonder if Granny Grifter will call on her Palinbots to send their donations to the people of Haiti who really,really need help right now?..

  89. I am nearly deaf but cannot read lips. I am trying to get into a program to learn how to.
    They told me that when it comes to television, it is impossible to read lips.
    I have to watch TeeVee with closed captioning. Sometimes it really isn't good as a lot of programs, pre-scripted ones even, don't keep up with the dialog so you lose a lot of it. It depends on what you are watching.
    Some others have a time delay between people speaking and closed captioning so they don't fill in the parts they've missed.
    Surprisingly enough, the live shows that use closed captioning do a better job than any other. And you would expect a time delay with live shows.
    Unfortunately, the transcripts for the news shows like Maddow and Olbermann take a good 48 hours to be put up on the Internet.
    So, I rely on all of you great commenters to fill me in until I can either read a trnascript or watch a rerun.
    Too bad that MSNBC doesn't rerun Olbermann and Maddow on the weekends instead of showing all those prison shows. They have plenty of time for both.
    So THANK YOU to all of the commenters on IM, Palingates, Mudflats, etc. If not for your kindness, I wouldn't know half of what is going on. Or I would find out two days late. Many people here and at other blogs have helped me out a lot. I really, really do appreciate each and every one of you!!

  90. Gasman,

    You are too funny!! LOL!

  91. Saw the clips, thought they were hilariously funny. I think this is an excellent gig for her. You can't hide dumb when you are in front of the cameras very often.

    I especially enjoy that she thinks that the Fox people will Always support her unconditionally. There is no such thing in politics or the media. You are hot one minute and the next everyone is talking about you and leaks are happening faster than than anyone can believe.

    Point in fact, is that it is the conservative and some of the tea bag supporters themselves who have been told that she IS being paid, they are pissed and they are publishing it. They are fighting amongst themselves, with most of the tea baggers including prominent ones, saying they do not support the convention, that the tickets are too high for average people and the sponsors who have had to put up $50,000. are not happy.

    Palin doesn't even know from whom her most devastating slap downs are coming from. It is easy to try and blame it on Alaskan bloggers, but frankly, Palin isn't Alaska any more, she is Fox and you don't mess with the hand that feeds ya (conservative activist).

  92. OT but here is a good reason why $carah put her book out so fast.
    A book like "Game Change" is researched and fact checked well and that takes time. Sometimes, it takes a long time.
    $carah had advance notice on that book coming out and a good preview.
    That's why she cobbled her incoherent mess together so fast. She wanted to get ahead of the truth. Her response about all the (haha) facts being in her book is proof.
    She is so freakin shallow.
    Yes $carah, every one in the world who tells anything about you is a liar. But you, oh Queen of Alaska, are the only one who is telling the truth.
    Everything Levi has said has been proven true. And all the info Levi gave had to be coached out of him. It's not like he was volunteering any info.
    Steve Schmidt WAS in the room with you $carah, along with everybody else who has "leaked" any info on you.
    Must be nice to live in a world surrounded my people who constantly put you on a pedastal. What are you gonna do when that pedastal starts to chip away (like now) and completely collapses? You wanted the star power and constant coverage. It won't be as easy to run and hide when the whole truth comes out.
    I've got my popcorn ready. I think I'll get me a special bottle of wine to go with your cheesy whine.

  93. Is she sedated in this appearance? On something? What is up with the eyes? (Not the makeup - the focus and sort of dazed eyes look)?

  94. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I hope that your newstands and supermarkets are carrying In Touch. Rex will want some copies for the custody hearing. The fact that Sarah is helping to raise the two boys brings her parenting skills into question-- not to mention her shameless need to exploit the boys for money.

  95. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Seems that she talks a blue streak, says nothing, throws in the word "perhaps" a lot when she's stalled in a sentence, with the deer in the headlight look, waiting for neurons to reload and push out more talking points. Why couldn't she address the "north and south Korea" question, explain, and defend herself by throwing in some foreign political knowledge; throw in some educated points to reassure her bots that she knows something.

    Reason: she doesn't know. Her engine can't run on empty gas fumes forever, she's got to put some unleaded gas in that tank of hers. She's going to be the laughingstock of Fox colleagues. Tonight, a whole hour with Glen Beck.

  96. bri$tol LIED in her reports to the court, according to this spread.

    "my mommy has nothing to do with the custody of Tripp, it's betwen me and Levi".

    BULLSHIT! And now its in print that aint the

  97. Thanks for posting the clips Gryphen, I just cannot make myself watch Faux. I agree with so many of the others here that Billo thinks she is big of an idiot as the rest of us. I absolutely loved it when he asked her about Iran and their nuclear program. You know how she constantly confuses Iran and Iraq. Her ability to consistently be delusional is quite remarkable though. Just ordered "Game Change".

  98. mary b, I hope you're successful!
    Good luck!

    not-that-sarah, you're right about resisting the temptation to tune into Fox News just to watch SP. They WANT us to do that, instead of waiting (only an hour or so) for our diligent bloggers to put the videos here.

    I don't think I have the stomach anyway to watch Glenn Beck, so I'll start my boycott of Fox (after my one and only ever tune-in last night!) today.

    Spread the word, everybody.

    Oh, and while you're at it, go over to Amazon.com and give "Game Change" 5 stars and a good review. The Palinistas are doing their usual dirty tricks over there, just like they do to every poll that features Sarah Palin.

  99. Even Bill O'Reilly must know what a fool she is. How sad.

  100. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Gasman: the other FOX hosts or whatever they are will not like that she just sits there like she is an interview show guest. This O'Reilly thing was no different than any other time she was a guest. Except she is now getting HUGE bucks.

    What's up with THAT? is that how this is going to go? Other guests might want to be paid too.

    Can't wait for Beck clips, this should be fun.

  101. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I believe there are two reasons she gets a pass. Pity and Trig.

    When it is known that Trig is not hers, the pity is gone too. That is just too crazy for those who sort of humor her now.

  102. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Maybe the competitor to InTouch should be sent the Track Menard photos and all the non-pg photos too.

    she is fair game now

  103. emrysa9:18 AM

    gasman, do you know moelarryandjesus?

  104. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sarah gives the impression that she has dug her heels in like a child, and believes everything about "liberals" is bad. That the present administration is bad, because her admirers told her so. She didn't win the election, and her obsessive state of mind (mental state) is stuck in a vortex of "loss" - she lost against President Obama. She can't articulate, reason, debate on founded evidence, all she can do is spout, they're bad, they're disconnected, they're wrong, I'm right, my book is right, their book is wrong....Sarah can't ride on this wave for very much longer. It's shameful that her family, friends, don't intervene and convince her she's making a mockery of herself.

    It is pitiful. Her family is partly to blame here.

  105. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:02 AM

    I'm amazed that Moronica hasn't started hurling from the amount of spinning she's doing. Most of the progressive radio shows this am are horrified rather than being amused by her complete lack of intelligence, depth, experience and basic speaking skills. The overall conclusion was: THIS mess was a heartbeat away from the Presidency? Thanks, Mickey C!

    But, of course, they're preaching to the choir.

    Meanwhile, she continues to discredit the info in Game Change and will repeat it again and again. She'll be on Beck tonight for a full hour. Wonder if she'll look as dazed and confused as she did last night? Wonder if she'll talk about the tragedy in Haiti, or does that not exist in PaylinWorld? (Oh, listen, Sarah--here's a clue if you're reading this--sending your "prayers" would be the Christian thing to do. Yup, you betcha. Look really, really concerned when you mention it, 'K?)

  106. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Watch her face, then watch Steve Schmidt's. Only one shows the classic signs of lying.

  107. chancefavors10:24 AM

    Katherine Harris all over again..

  108. chancefavors10:37 AM

    This was more like an interview/drilling than debut as an "analyst". He showed true distain/lack of respect for her.

    Is this what she has to look forward to?..

  109. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I love it. I haven't stopped giggling since yesterday. "Sarah Palin is mentally unstable with episodes of catatonia. Sarah Palin is a liar. Sarah Palin is mentally limited."

    So she goes to Fox. Honestly, you can't make up stuff like this!


  110. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It is a sad and worrisome fact that so many can be so stupid and so freaking uninformed. That is what keeps me awake at night and also makes me so thankful to be educated, aware and capable of learning!

  111. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Here's what I wrote on Amazon but I don't think they will publish it. They can't piss off 59 imbeciles.

    For all of those who rated this book as one star just because there is no kindle version you are a complete moron. You are supposed to read the book and then give an honest opinion. It's fine that you are all mindless Sarah Palin fans but really get a life. The book doesn't just take shots at some imbecile who should never have been a heartbeat away from the white house. If you actually read the book, instead of rushing here just to show the world that you are nothing but a simpleton you would have seen that the authors went after Obama, Biden, Clinton's, Edwards and Harry Reid. I will not review this book now because I haven't read it yet and I wasn't going to but seeing how scared all of Sarah Palin fans are, I think I will be buying a copy.

  112. mommom12:42 PM

    At no time did she say she would not be paid.Her word salad added up to the fee being made to her Pac.Next year there will be a nice record of Bristol being paid from the Pac.Just wait.


    "The Snake" a 1968 release by Al Wilson.

    Let us all wish Sarah all the success in the world....... to do for O'Reilly and Fox News what she did for John McCain and the GOP!!! YOU BECHA!!!

    If brains were dynamite, Sarah Palin wouldn't have enough to blow a pissant out of a matchbox!

  114. I just saw the clip last night....note BOR doesn't go ahead and ASK HER to describe the world events which led to the creation of North and South Korea to prove that she does understand it. I suspect this is because even HE is afraid of what made up, frantic nonsense will come spewing out of her mouth!!!

  115. LisaB4:52 AM

    I've watched this again after doing a little research on Youtube. I am convinced that Sarah has notes in her lap that she's referring too. There were several very long "blinks" that didn't make sense, and I looked at other O'Reilly clips on Youtube. No one sits there. They all sit behind the table with their legs underneath. You can watch them change cameras as her eyes go down. I also think O'Reilly looks at them.

  116. "Why is she so well loved? I just don't get it!"

    I don't think it is so much "well Loved" as it is that the willfully ignorant, uneducated and uninformed and damned proud of it group find in her a celeb of sorts that they can relate to and even feel superior to.

    Any bets on how long O'Reilly will put up with Saratoxin's ignorance and stupidity, constantly interrupting him and talking louder over him before he throws one of his prima donna screaming tantrums and throws her out of the studio. I think he is smart enough to read the handwriting on the wall and realize that she would screw him over in a blink to discredit him and get his job.

    Remember, she is a barracuda-pit pull who has had a taste of blood and is ready to go for the juggler to get what she wants.


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