Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Sarah Palin uses Facebook to beat the drums of war.

President Obama’s meeting with his top national security advisers does nothing to change the fact that his fundamental approach to terrorism is fatally flawed. We are at war with radical Islamic extremists and treating this threat as a law enforcement issue is dangerous for our nation’s security. That’s what happened in the 1990s and we saw the result on September 11, 2001. (Typical Republican trick to blame 9-11 on the Clinton administration. Did the Clinton administration get a briefing which read "Osama Bin Laden determined to strike in US"? No, no they did not.) This is a war on terror not an “overseas contingency operation.” Acts of terrorism are just that, not “man caused disasters.” The system did not work. Abdulmutallab was a child of privilege radicalized and trained by organized jihadists, not an “isolated extremist” who traveled to a land of “crushing poverty.” He is an enemy of the United States, not just another criminal defendant. (One guy gets on a plane and sets himself on fire in a failed terrorist attempt and suddenly "the system did not work"? But when four airplanes kill thousands of Americans and the Bush administration is nowhere to be seen THAT is somehow Bill Clinton's fault? No logic to be seen here kids just move along.)

It simply makes no sense to treat an al Qaeda-trained operative willing to die in the course of massacring hundreds of people as a common criminal. Reports indicate that Abdulmutallab stated there were many more like him in Yemen but that he stopped talking once he was read his Miranda rights. President Obama’s advisers lamely claim Abdulmutallab might be willing to agree to a plea bargain – pretty doubtful you can cut a deal with a suicide bomber. (This may in fact be a subject in which Sarah Palin is quite knowledgeable. As we all know she has a lot of experience with crazed radicals, just visit the "sea o' pea" or SarahPAC sometime if you have any doubts.) John Brennan, the President’s top counterterrorism adviser, bizarrely claimed “there are no downsides or upsides” to treating terrorists as enemy combatants. That is absurd. There is a very serious downside to treating them as criminals: terrorists invoke their “right” to remain silent and stop talking. Terrorists don’t tell us where they were trained, what they were trained in, who they were trained by, and who they were trained with. Giving foreign-born, foreign-trained terrorists the right to remain silent does nothing to keep Americans safe from terrorist threats. It only gives our enemies access to courtrooms where they can publicly grandstand, and to defense attorneys who can manipulate the legal process to gain access to classified information. (So Sarah Palin would prefer to go back to using torture techniques like we did when Bush and Cheney were in charge of this country. Perhaps somebody should tell Caribou Barbie that those techniques did not keep us safe either.)

President Obama was right to change his policy and decide to send no more detainees to Yemen where they can be free to rejoin their war on America. Now he must back off his reckless plan to close Guantanamo, begin treating terrorists as wartime enemies not suspects alleged to have committed crimes, and recognize that the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor.

- Sarah Palin

Okay I have just about had enough of this mooseshit!

Number one, Sarah Palin DID NOT WRITE THIS! It was written by Rebecca Mansour, with a possible assist by her toady Tim Lindell. NOBODY believes that Sarah writes these, so you might as well drop the charade.

Number Two, the only thing Sarah Palin and her followers want is for America to be in a constant state of war. If you think about it EVERYTHING they say is about violence and war. The war on terrorism, the war on drugs, the war on Christmas, the war on Islamofascism (which is essentially, a war on a made up name), and of course the war on freedom. Palin and her peeps WANT the war in the middle east to escalate because their religious faith promises them that it is absolutely necessary in order to usher in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. (Yeah I know that is crazy, but remember who we are talking about.)

Number Three, Sarah Palin does not give a crap about America! Just like she did not give a crap about Alaska! She is simply wrapping herself in the flag, while clutching the bible to her breast, in an effort to further her personal agenda. Sarah Palin cares about nobody, but Sarah Palin!

If you take a moment to watch the Colbert Report, you will see him using completely over the top graphics and props to parody those at Fox News and Sarah Palin, who use equally shameless manipulations to gain support from their intellectually challenged supporters. However the sad fact is that it works! We may see shameless self promotion and transparent chicanery but the Palin supporters see a genuine American hero. It is both baffling and frightening.

Someday they will study the Sarah Palin phenomena as a kind of cautionary tale to illustrate just how easily people can be led toward darkenss and ignorance by a carefully crafted biography and a vaguely attractive visage.

However for right now this is our reality so I will continue to reveal the truth behind the image until the day that we can finally see the whole facade crumble into a million pieces. I have good feeling about this year. I believe this will be the year that puts the period on the end of Sarah Palin's political career.


  1. Ripley in CT2:42 PM

    Dude, I am NOT waiting a year.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Well , she is stayin' in the news. SOMEONE please pull the pin and toss the grenade. Figuratively speaking of course. But really , the bitch has to go.

  3. mocha2:54 PM

    Wait, isn't it unpatriotic to criticize the President in time of war? To the FEMA camp with her! Ole Sarah's patriotism ends with leaning on a flag thrown over a chair for a photo op. Everything's a prop to her.

  4. Lisabeth2:55 PM

    The only people who believe Sarah writes those are her deluded fans! What a joke!!! Sarah is a small town hick who can barely speak coherently. Do they honstly think most of the world respects Sarah? She is a laughing stock. I thought Mansour was bright enough to see the truth about Sarah. How does she live with herself while conning the American public. Rebecca you read heredo you honestlly think Sarah would not throe you under the bus as she has to others? You are LYING to the American public! It's immoral.
    I hope they keep up their pro war rhetoric because thankfully most Americans are against war!

  5. "I believe this will be the year that puts the period on the end of Sarah Palin political career. "

    I hope you are right about this. I don't think I can take much more of this whack-a-doodle. She's abso-freakin-lutely out of her mind and there are so many loonies who think she's wonderful! I can't figure it out at all. She reminds me so much of W - how can someone like that fool so many people?

  6. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Excellent post! Thank you.

  7. Anonymous3:03 PM

    These people are just the old Goldwater people in new fancy wraps. They used to call themselves Birchers. Now they have added the Christian twist, changed their name to tea baggers but still have the same old radical ideas and hate. They have been a danger to our freedoms for years. While they claim to want to preserve their freedom they rally to take everyone else's freedoms away. God preserve us. Sarah is just a symptom of their dysfunctional thinking.

  8. I am furious!!! I agree with you, Gryph, enough of this mooseshit! How DARE she pretend she is knowledgeble on this subject by "signing" her name to someone else's writing. If she is so well-versed in terrorism and international politics, let her go on MTP and dazzle us with her expertise. I am so angry I cannot think straight. I am SICK of this charade. What is wrong with this country that such a charlatan can continue to deceive people? This woman has done NOTHING but fill her bank account and use her fame to DIVIDE this country and undermine our President. And if any trolls are reading, wise up! Stop letting her lie and manipulate you. She has done NO GOOD for ANYONE but herself! How dare she continue to denigrate and belittle the President for being a constitutional scholar. Scarah, your evilness, stupidity and bitterness are showing and I for one cannot wait til you are taken down and completely humiliated in front of your sheep and the entire world.

  9. Champagne chilled & ready to go.

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    This woman is beyond belief. I usually don't give a flying fig about her and her batshit fans....but! When she or her stupid ass ghostwriter, girly fans write propaganda about how our President is handling the country's affairs, it truly pisses me off!

    You're right Gryphen. Someday there probably will be a study of this horrid creature's influence on an otherwise sane society.


  11. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Wow, her minion could have written that when The Bush/Cheney cabal prosecuted shoe bomber Richard Reid in the Federal court. Pay attention Sarah. Richard Reid is now doing life with no parole in maximum security and we got info from him too. My gawd that woman is a moron thinking that anyone but her cretins will believe she wrote that tripe.

    Oh and I guess Sarah also forgot that Bush/Cheney released prisoners from Gitmo back to Yemen and Saudi and guess what...they were rehabbed and went back to terrorism so where is her outrage for that?

    This nation would perish if it ever came under the non-leadership of the likes of Sarah. Maybe that's what she wants. I can just see her, standing on the bombed out South lawn of the White House, crying, lamenting, screaming for jeebus to save her, blaming the libs, shaking her tiny fists as the camera pulls back from her poutraged face and ZAP!....she disappears...off to a very hot place.

  12. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Typical Republican trick to blame 9-11 on the Clinton administration --

    That's nonsense. Treating terrorist as criminals or as soldiers is a debater that goes back at least to the days of the Barbary Pirates. And today's particular issues go back to Iran nationalizing the West's oil fields. It's not a Left/Right, Republican/Democrat debate. It's a debate between people who want to use the US military to establish what they call our "property rights" around the globe versus people who want to react pragmatically and "measured." It does nobody any good to trivialize the issue or to mis-represent the issue to further silly-ass goals of endlessly attacking Palin.

  13. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Ugh. All the right wing talking points crammed into one POS.

    Rachel Maddow said it best:

    You really think this kid can't be convicted? You really think we don't have enough evidence beyond the - beyond the, I don't know, 300 or so eyewitnesses who were on the plane? The fact that we have the weapon that he tried to use? The fact that he confessed? You think that's not enough to get this kid convicted?

    You have that little faith in our criminal justice system? That little faith in the rule of law? You don't believe that a supermax federal American prison is capable of holding this kid? You think it might be cool, instead, to martyr this kid as some impressive soldier, instead of some idiot confused rich kid who couldn't even handle blowing up his own junk with a bomb that was secreted in his own underpants?

  14. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I was hoping she would realise her demise this week. Please, not eleven more months of this mooseshit.

  15. Techgnome3:20 PM

    You just gotta' love it. Typical Sarah Speak--pandering to the bat shit crazy extremists without actually uttering the word torture or one of the popular euphemisms. One of my other favorite bloggers, Andrew Sullivan, has had a lot to say on this subject lately.


    This one about us and them is also instructive: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2010/01/the-shoe-bomber-and-the-undie-bomber.html

    I actually find myself enjoying this craziness. Even though Palin doesn't write it she signs her name to it. The more disrespect for the constitution she displays the further she walks away from any pretense of being a serious contender for national office.

  16. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "(One guy gets on a plane and sets himself on fire in a failed terrorist attempt and suddenly "the system did not work"? But when four airplanes kill thousands of Americans and the Bush administration is nowhere to be seen THAT is somehow Bill Clinton's fault? No logic to be seen here kids just move along.)"
    thank you !!!!!
    plus Bush somehow became a hero....i just can't wrap my head around it.

  17. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Palin is nothing more than a brain-dead, dimwitted, dumb-ass, attention whore who is such yesterday's news. If only she were a half decent mother then we could at least give her that. But she is the poorest excuse of a mother I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen some pretty horrifying situations. Somebody PLEASE get this pitiful, pathetic, Satanic witch out of our lives FOREVER. Enough is enough.

  18. Anonymous3:38 PM

    So, I'm to believe that SHE wrote that? (even though what was said was a bunch of bullsh*t)

  19. Who wants gum? Is it soup yet?

    The gov't prosecuted the shoe bomber, zacharias moussawi (sic), timmy mcveigh, quite successfully. right timmy? oh, thats right. we executed your sorry ass.

    $'arah paylin-beck-cheney-mansour do not speak for the majority. they speak to the malkin-savage-coulter 'morans'.

    Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


  20. justafarmer3:40 PM

    good grief...her twit ends with "the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor."

    So much for American rights and freedoms.

    oh, and apparently she's confused about how the Bush-Cheney administration handled the shoebomber eejit.

  21. hdtracy3:40 PM

    Oufff! "...requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor." That statement alone is going to make some mileage - just like her "death panel" rant. I'll deem that one a low blow. I smell some backlash coming her way...

    After reading her "note" once again, I find she has adopted a more agressive tone compared to her previous rhetoric.

    Can't wait to see if Gibbs has a comeback.

  22. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Doesn't write them? She doesn't even read them.

  23. Unfortunately I know some of her fans. They are good people, but also have the victim mentality Sarah preys on. They are NOT a part of the religious right, either. I do not understand what has happened to my family. I think they have become pod people.

  24. Anonymous3:45 PM

    F'acebook S'error does not have a political career.

    The s-storm will give her a chance to exercise her right to remain silent. It'll be wonderful.

  25. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Mansour is riding Caribou Barbie's coattails for as long as she can. What better gig -- to be the puppetmaster of a bimbo who will sign her name to anything you write. It's like Rove with Dubya all over again...LOL. These two crazies are feeding off of each other, both with delusions of grandeur. Now all we need is Orly Taitz in the mix and all three stooges will be together.

  26. I, for one, hope Palin gets the GOP nomination in 2012.

    It would destroy the Republican Party nationwide.

  27. Hate to tell her this, but those Facebook screeds could be a force for her IF she had anything original to say, IF she didn't just have someone write up today's talking points.

    She misses every opportunity to become a serious person and for that I am grateful.

  28. Hey Sarah! Don't you get it?! YOU and your rodeo clowns ARE the terrorists.
    Yep, you drape yourself in the American Flag but, you really have No respect for it.
    Instead of clutching the Bible maybe you ought to read it.

    I bet this was put out to distract people from their custody case and the Bristol Sheltering Mom's Profit, LLC.

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    All you need to know that the Facebook posts are NOT written by Sarah Palin is to compare it to her book.

    She had 400+ pages to write about policy and the topics mentioned on Facebook but DID NOT because Palin and Vincent don't know ANYTHING about policy.

    Which brings us to this conclusion:
    Sarah Palin is a fraud, hypocrite, ignoramus and hoax.

    We know, Sarah. We know.

  30. Anonymous3:56 PM

    I can't wait for the Iowa caucasus when Sarah has to face real people and answer real people, day after day after day for months.

    Iowans take their politicas seriously, and they are not going to go for tossed word salad with garlic toasted mooose muffins on top.

    The cry of "Where's the Beef" may be reborn.

  31. FEDUP!!!4:00 PM

    I am sick and tired of $$$arah Palin and her ilk. SHE IS NOT A POLITICIAN ANYMORE - yet she gets noticed as if she were. How can we get her facebook SHAM page turned off? I contacted FB about her, but they have not done anything. They let her spew her venom with impunity.


  32. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Gawd do we look like idiots to the rest of the world! And now she is treading in dangerous water. She needs to shut the F up!!

  33. Anonymous4:09 PM

    @3:40 - The President doesn't answer RAM (Palin's screedwriter) on Facebook, so why should he respond to this? No serious person responds to Sarah Palin. Take a look at how the GOP treats her now. Sarah Palin's brand is in decline--unless you think teabagging gigs are the highlight of one's life.

  34. "the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor" So what is she advocating, here? A military dictatorship?

  35. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I have only one reply for Sarah:


  36. Anonymous4:24 PM

    It appears that the bomber could be working for the Bushie boys and Israel:

    very scary!

  37. Anonymous4:26 PM

    So now Sarah Palin is an expert on how to deal with terrorists? So, like is she gonna ban them? She who confused Iran with Iraq? She who wouldn't couldn't name a newspaper she read in the Katie Couric interview? She who didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was in the Charlie Gibson interview? Oh the list goes on and on. She knows absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING except LYING and BILKING MONEY from her worshipers. She hides behind her facebook cause she's a FRAUD!

  38. emilypeacock4:27 PM

    Nasty thing isn't she? Sounds like Dick Cheney striking back from being b*tch slapped in the media this week.
    To give credence to this unemployed ghostwritten Facebook BLOGGER is an insult to any thinking person. Her very existence is becoming an insult to any thinking person.
    If any person wants to know how this unemployed ghostwritten Facebook BLOGGER would conduct an administration as POTUS, you have just been shown. QED.

  39. notafaux4:29 PM

    Gryphen--your best-written post to date. Please maintain this level of fury and determination.

  40. Anonymous4:29 PM


  41. It has been cathartic reading these comments but I need for something substantial to happen soon. WIthin the next year? Please, within the next couple of months. This woman's stupidity, nerve (to pass off this kind of hateful drivel as her own - ha, as if she could write that, pathetic as it is) knows no equal.

    Guess what, Sarah? We don't need an evil simpleton in the WH. FYI, you make George W. Bush look like an eloquent genius. You make Dick Cheney look like a jolly, warm-hearted uncle to the United States. You are pathetic and nothing good is going to come your way because what goes around comes around, bitch.

  42. hdtracy, I sincerely hope that Robert Gibbs does not have a comeback. Responding to Sarah Palin is not a good move for the WH Press Secretary. She's like a 4-year-old demanding negative attention. The best response is to ignore.

  43. Aussie Blue4:33 PM

    If I had crazed fans threatening judges I would post a very red herring on my Facebook page to take the focus off it .... but that's just me.

  44. hdtracy: I don't think Gibbs will have a comeback. The White House does the one thing the crazy lady cannot stand - they IGNORE her!
    Her FB rantings are becoming more irrational and violent - ANYTHING to be acknowledged is her aim.
    She reminds me of Joseph McCarthy - another lunatic.

  45. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Sarah palin is the most unpatriotic, unAmerican person I have witnessed. She sounds like the leader of AIP or a militia group, not a serious problem solving politicians. Hey RAM and Scarah, Americans are sick to death of your constant criticism of the president with NO positive solutions! It sure is easy to sit back and hide on facebook instead of working real hard at serious policy change and problems.

    Sarah is a fraud ad yes Rebecca Mansour is a huge liar. Writing things for Sarah? How stupid can u be to cover for her like this! Are your parents proud of you lying and decieving the public!

    I am a conservative and I know Sarah is a fraud. I see who she is-a fake-an opportunist, a wacko, a liar and a bad person. She is not an honest Christian following The teachings of Jesus Christ. Sarah is not a good role model for her children or women or fellow conservatives! We need real common sense conservatives who can intelligently debate issues and provide real solutions. And if you really look at Sarahs political record, she did NOT practice conservative principles and she continually lied and stepped on people to get her way.

    I won't go into her mental health other than to say there is something seriously disurbed about her. Rebecca and Tim know all of this yet they continue. Time for some serious soul searching. Sarah Palin is a destructive influence and her supporters are a a small fringe group.

  46. She is a hypocrite with no moral compass and no conscience. She is a pathological liar. She is a demagogue and a grifter. But the blind think she is an 'American Sweetheart'. Is this script being written by Rod Serling? I'm getting spooked.

  47. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Someone had posted:
    If she's such an expert why isn't she being interviewed by reporters on this? Oh, yeah that's right, she only goes on FAUX NEWS and she didn't write this mooseshit. Pleeeze, someone get her off the stage!

  48. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Well, I guess that FB statement will get people's minds off the harrassment of judges, and Bristol's new business ownership . . .

  49. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Ok Ok we know Sarah is a dumbshit but Gryphen you sit on information that can take her down. In the meantime she has become very rich and because of this will be very hard to touch. Rich people as we know can get away with murder.

  50. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Personally the best thing Gibbs could do is what the White House has done all along.....ignore her. Her over-inflated ego cannot handle that.

  51. icstraights5:03 PM

    Looks like shit, smells like shit, feels like shit. Must be SHIT! More verbal diarrhea signed by yours truly.

    Will someone PLEASE SHTFU?! Their spin AND Scarah as a PROP is an OLD and moldy turd.

    Get a NEW PROP you NeoCon-Repubtards. Or shall we just watch with glee as the Republican party goes the way of the Wig Party? Either way, you all are goners.

  52. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I'm with laprofesora. Well said!

    All that I can add is that Quitty Pants has horrible legs!

  53. kdusmdd5:08 PM

    Sarah's up with something new everyday....Gryphen..She's thumbing
    her nose at the whole crowd. As if to say, "I can do and say anything I want to...and..nobody can stop me"...and...she's doing it!!!! For God's sake, pull the rug out and stop this B@tch!!!!! She's laughing all the way to the bank and into the headlines! PLEASE put a stop to it...Please

  54. the problem child5:15 PM

    Well, if they think the evidence of 200+ witnesses on the plane, the undies, and the bomber's own confession won't stand up in court, just wait until the prosecution in troduces pictures of the burnt genitals. Seriously, why not afford this guy all the protections under the law? He'll never need any other form of protection again...

  55. Tantef5:24 PM

    Ok, since Brian and his family cannot type I will channel their thoughts: STOP GIVING MOOSESHIT A BAD NAME.

  56. Basheert5:34 PM

    ...well it doesn't HELP when Jesse Cornish is allowed to spew his garbage on THIS blog and basically irritate all of us.

    Jesse aka JOhnDoe@6inches aka Tim Lindell is a troll. This is YOUR (our?) blog ... and yet he tosses his dirty soiled laundry here willy nilly.

    We all know Scarah doesn't have the mental capacity to even FIND Facebook much less write a post. She must yell FIRE in movie theaters and throw babies under buses for amusement.

    Gryphen - I love ya...you know that. But this is like giving them YOUR forum to spread their filth and lies and hatred.

    I think all of us really do believe she'll never hold another public office. At least Hitler had a cyanide pill and a pistol.

    Contributions anyone?

  57. I know you must be serious, because the whole post was in bold. :)

    Ever see Repo Man? Emilio Estevez's family gives all their money to a televangelist, and the only thing left to eat in the house are generic cans labelled "food" and "drink". That's kinda how I see today's 'baggin' right -- the stupids send their money to Palin and Tea Party Central and the 700 Club and whatnot who turn around and by ribeyes and additions to their Wasilla compound and so forth.

    Hope the act of writing checks or clicking on PayPal links gives the baggers a thrill, because that's the last ounce of use that chunk of change is ever gonna do them.

  58. I love to hear Repubs make utter asses of themselves trying to blame 9/11 on Clinton. Remember when they ridiculed Clinton for going after bin Laden at an Al-Qaeda training camp w/ a cruise missile? Seems the Republicans have gone to great lengths to erase their memories of Richard Clarke, who held a Cabinet-level post as National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, 1998-2001, and a totally incompetent Bush(league) National Security Advisor named Condoleeza Rice, who not only demoted Clarke, but had him answering to her Deputy instead of to the president.

    In his memoir, "Against All Enemies", Clarke wrote that when he first briefed Rice on Al-Qaeda, in a January 2001 meeting, "her facial expression gave me the impression she had never heard the term before."


  59. Sarah Palin is a COWARD, her facebook posts should be ignored. She makes inflamatory remarks through facebook and twitter posts yet she lacks the courage to go onto any media outlet and discuss these charges in a forum where she will be held to any accountability, or be asked to further clarify or explain herself.

    She knows what we all know to be the fatal flaw of SP- Sarah lacks the intellectual horsepower to engage in a conversation regarding complex national and global topics that require an understanding beyond boiler plate talking points hastily submitted to short term memory. Although I disagree with nearly everything that comes out of Liz Cheney's mouth I respect her tenacity and willingness to put her elbows on the table and engage in any discussion on any network.

    Sarah, however, lacks the courage and intellectual curiosity to be a legitimate voice in the national debate, forever relegated to the sidelines, talking a big game, but never backing it up. Until she attacks this weakness like the tough pitbull she boasts to be Sarah is no more relevant than I am, an unknow blogger commenting on a blog post. But unlike me Sarah could have been all that she dreamed of being, if only the Wizard had given the Cowardly Liar some courage.

  60. Reepicheep6:16 PM

    Bush proceed to prosecuting the Sneaker Boy Bomber the exact same way that Obama is doing here.

  61. The woman formerly known as the Governor of Alaska is an ASSHOLE!

  62. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:42 PM

    Awesome post Gryphen!!! Yes we are all tired of the mooseshit she spreads around!!!! Everytime she opens her mouth it spews out!!!
    I do think this is to cover up the fact that Bristols little charade of a job went viral on the tubes and on Rachel's show last night, lol!
    Also that her groupies...Baby Eddie, and Jessica Beehive inciting her dumbwitted followers to commit contempt of court in Levis court case!!!!
    And yes, We don't want to hear Sarah's, word Salad or RAM's or VO bullshit either!!! STFU! Frauds all of you!!!
    Losers hiding behind facebook and sarahs skirt, pathetic losers....

  63. emrysa6:42 PM

    palin appeals to war lovers.

    of course, they will tell you that they want peace, but these people would not know what to do if there was truely peace in this world. they've always got to have an enemy.

    and to them, the only way to deal with an enemy is through force. they refuse to consider any other means of achieving the goal of peace.

    they're all spouting simpleton nonsense. the problem is that we've got too many people here who seem to like simpleton nonsense. do you think there's any correlation between the public school takeover by the religious fundies and the large amounts of proud simpletons in this country?

  64. ...requires a commander-in-chief, (Prez Obama)not a professional quitter, (Sarah da victim).

  65. When I was reading the first paragraph, I was thinking who wrote this?? Because it sure as hell is not Palin.

    Also Little Miss "Country First" QUITTER can STFU-- the only thing she had going on was her guvnahship.... so since she threw that in the trash, she's got nothin-- but airheads who would buy the book she did not write, who say Run Sarah Run (for prez in 2012).

    Gawd she is annoying.

  66. Fear and loathing in Wasilla. And where the hell is my expence account?

  67. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Great job, Gryphen!

  68. Anonymous7:26 PM

    You all are playing the hand for her...as simple sayrah is masterful at changing the subject by deflection....and by your reposting this propaganda, you inadvertently give it credence.

    You have to outsmart a fox ~ which in this case, really shouldn't be that difficult.


  69. Res ipsa Loquitor. Happy happy happy happy home.

  70. Basheert7:30 PM

    Oh come now. SP has NO clue what a "constitutional lawyer" even is. She hires her attorneys from the yellow pages.

    I would be thrilled if SP had to face a constitutional challenge. If SP was tortured and waterboarded, if SP was denied free speech. I'd pay to watch this creepy little freak scream like a baby that HER constitutional RIGHTS were being VIOLATED!

    And don't think for ONE second that this crazy loon would whine and cry if she was held account for her crazy HUGE mouth.

    Call the FBI - the local police. She is fomenting violence.

    Trust me - the FBI is watching her and her freaks...I've talked with them. They ARE aware.

    Go get her people.

  71. Does anyone have an extra case of twinkies we can stuff into s'error palin's mouth? Gosh, but I am so tired of her stupid and uninformed comments.

    if our criminal justice system has failed us, it has done so by not going after s'error palin on many apparent violations of tax laws and for corruption. She's a "made" member of the old bastards club and it is time to put her out of our misery by enforcing the law.

  72. Anonymous8:15 PM

    It should be illegal to "pretend" to write something. Despicable!

  73. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Excuse me - does anyone know what the name "Sheeran" means or where it comes from? (Bristol's first middle name)


  74. I wish she'd just go the hell away....FAR AWAY!

    and please...take the ghostwriters with you, Scarah QuitterPantsOnFire!

  75. "just how easily people can be led toward darkenss and ignorance by a carefully crafted biography and a vaguely attractive visage."

    Uh, isn't this the same kind of carefully crafted worship that got Hitler elected? These idiots are blind to History.

  76. Anon@8:16pm
    Sheeran is Sally Heath's maiden name.

  77. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Sarah Palin is a horribly crude person and just downright mean. Thanks for all you do with this blog. I have followed for a long time. (I am in Texas and feel Palin will help get Perry defeated by campaigning for him--I hope.) I cannot stand her.

  78. Anonymous9:38 PM


    I gotta ask: If Tripp was born on Dec 27 why haven't we heard any word from the Johnstons or Palins about a birthday party for him. Seems to me that would be something they would want everyone to know about.

  79. Gasman9:41 PM

    OK, I absolutely KNOW that Palin could never pronounce Abdulmutallab and I am betting that she couldn't type it either. The folks who believe that she writes this stuff can't understand it, and everyone else knows damn well that she didn't write it. Just who in the hell does she think she is fooling?

    Palin is a feckless moron who couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

    Please, oh please, oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE Sarah, RUN FOR POTUS!!!!! I so long to see you debate someone who will disembowel you onstage! Apparently, that could be just about any average fifth grader. Maybe, if you start debating fifth graders right now, by 2012 you'll be ready for the sixth graders!

  80. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I'm beginning to wonder if Sarah Palin is being paid for her facebook account by her puppeteers.
    They have their hands so far up her arse that she can't "sit down and shut up" even if she wanted too.

  81. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Her facebook posting is a clear indication that she does not understand what is going on.

  82. So Gryphen is there still any chance that her and TP will be indicted? While she continues to allow hate and ignorance to be spewed under the guise that they are her words I am losing hope that she will ever be exposed. She brings out the worst in everyone she is the most divisive politician ever. She is such a horrible person and gives a voice to all the haters and ignorant people. She makes them feel it's alright to act like her.

  83. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Quit being outraged and release your info anonymously!

  84. MacAndCheeseWiz10:34 PM

    Great Post, Gryphen! I agree wholeheartedly with all your comments. There is no way she wrote any of it.

    Oh, big shout out to Dick Cheyney! His dauther and her wife are expecting a visit from the stork!

  85. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign10:46 PM

    She's a mean little sociopath who is giving up all chances of running for anything serious. She would rather be a cult figure with a messy ending.

    I'm looking forward to that part.

  86. I truly hope that this is the last year for Sarah Palin and her cult followers. Sarah the Quitter is a joke - but her puppet masters and her followers are truly frightening - the followers home school and brain wash their kids and the puppet masters laugh all the way to bank as they profit off donations and industries that profit from war. Even exposing the whole truth won't wake these folks up - but hopefully there are enough sane people left in the country to put an end to this.

    I'm from NJ - and I was stunned that a criminal was elected as our govenor last Nov. - just because he was a Republican!!!! Our state is going to be run into the ditch yet again (it happens every time a Republican is in charge) - but the blind followers just keep electing them over and over. How can so many people be blind to the lies and fear mongering these folks keep preaching? Where were all the sane folks in NJ on election day? *sigh*

    Keep up the good fight exposing Sarah the Quitter and her pack of lies.

  87. sunnyjane12:53 AM

    Sarah, I don't know how much you're paying these fools to make you look stupid, but you're definitely getting your money's worth.

    One thing to remember, Cookie: the world is watching you, and it is not impressed. You become more irrevalent by the day, and all your wailing in the night isn't going to help you.

    By the way: are you renting out rooms at the compound for the End Times? I understand Alaska is going to be a refuge state when the Rapture arrives. According to Harold Camping, it's coming on May 21, 2010. Better get the reservation book ready. Is that going to be part of Bristol's new job?

  88. hdtracy3:17 AM

    anniebegood @ 4:33pm

    I agree with you saying Gibbs shouldn't issue any comeback - which I believe he won't. As you said, the best thing is to ignore her and wean her off her media-diva wannabe addiction.

    However, after reading her seething, demeaning, and insulting rhetoric, it got my blood boiling where part of me hopes someone gives her one bad-a$$ of a b**chslap across the brain.

  89. hdtracy3:21 AM

    elle @ 4:37pm

    You are probably correct - Gibbs will not have a comeback. Her agressive and insulting banter just got my blood boiling - hoping for someone to smack her across the head and send her on her way.

  90. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Does she have a pile of fb post on her desk, ready to be posted as soon as she need to deflect negative press?

  91. Face the Nation. Meet the Press. OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  92. Anonymous4:32 AM


  93. Fran said...
    "When I was reading...I was thinking who wrote this?? Because it sure as hell is not Palin."

    They should have sprinkled it with "also", "too", "abstinence",
    "proGRESS", "SNOW!machine", "Pro-American" and "frost heaves". That would have given it the extra special Sarah touch!

  94. Uh, unless anyone lives under a rock this is the same bullshit Michael Steele, Dick Cheney, and the rest of the Rethuglican party has been spewing forth for the past week. Sarah gets her talking points from the American Enterprise Institute, the RNC, and all those neo-cons like Bill Kristol.

    Nothing to see, move along, just a distraction from Sarah's tabloid personal life.

  95. There is nothing for Gibbs or anyone to say about her FB screed. It is a bunch of GOP talking points with no original thoughts or ideas and all the rest of them are spouting the same thing, so she is gonna need a Death Panel line or something more to be noticed.


  96. MMFA also has a great takedown of Palin's latest FB post. Check it out. Palin's rant IS most definitely a combination of rw talking points. Polly wanna cracker?

  97. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I agree with some of the commenters above. The Obama administration should NEVER, NEVER respond directly to ANYTHING Sarah Palin says from behind the mask of FaceBook. It just fuels her followers into thinking there is an air of legitimacy about her position in politics. Never pick a fight with an underling.

  98. hdtracy5:52 AM

    Gryphen and al,
    In case you missed it, interesting post from Deepak Chopra on HuffPo: "Is the Fate of Democracy in Sarah Palin's Hands?".


  99. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:55 AM


    Exactly. Hitler was a charismatic charmer and the "Toast of Europe" before his evil reign. IMO, this is why the Palinistas are being encouraged by their so-called "leaders" to deflect the obvious with their Obama-as-Hitler signs and meme. No, I'm NOT saying SP should be compared to the H-word in doctrine, but the use of her own sociopathic personality trait to rally supporters around the Xtreme Right is eerily similar, and too many out there are blind to history.

    Sarah the Puppet is in the process of being made into a larger than life "hero" and spokesperson for the downtrodden "average" American who wants to be led by the nose. Less than a sister, she's more of a "mommy" figure to them. Of course, I'm sure she barely comprehends what's being written on Facebook in her name, nor the policy that's being carefully crafted for her. I've said it before, and it pains me, but Rove is worth his considerable weight in gold for his genius at marketing to the RIGHT audience at the RIGHT time, and his manipulation of the uninformed, Faux News-numbed sheeple.

    I have confidence that this ShamCOW's reputation will be shattered sometime soon, preventing irreparable damage to the country should she be pushed to run for POTUS (and you just KNOW the election would be, uh, rigged. Chad, anyone?) My only concern is for the people who are currently wrapped around her empty ring finger. How will they react when their folk heroine is exposed for the Jon & Kate-like con job that she is? Will they jump out of church steeples in angst, cancel their orders for Sarah Palin commemorative plates, or just move on to the next Fundie prop?

  100. Anonymous5:56 AM

    What if by some awful chance Buttercup were to become president? Would she show her face then? Would she give press conferences? Or would she just hire more ghostwriters and never be seen again? Just govern through facebook posts and tweets?

    Aw, who am I fooling...we all know what she'd do...she'd quit! Being president is hard.

  101. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hey Sarah how's TRIG doing? He's two years old about now, right?

    Must be hard to keep track of when his "real" birthday is and when his "pretend" birthday is.

    Speaking of keeping track of things, how the heck is Track? Is he still on leave? Back in the army? Back in Iraq? How come you don't keep us updated on him? Are you ashamed of him for some reason?

    And Todd, how's the Iron Dog training going? Is the house done yet? What color siding did you all decide on? Can't wait to see the completed mansion!

    And Sarah? We know you are the not the true author of those facebook tracts, so, do you feel at all guilty about having someone sign your name to them? Can you prove that you are the true author by coming on the TV and discussing in detail these very important issues to people who might like to know how you come to your positions?

    PS I think Levi doesn't like you very much anymore. I wonder why that is?

  102. Lady Rose: I believe Corzine was very unpopular but still, Christy may not serve long before he is indicted!!

  103. Do the teabaggers really enjoy being associated with nuts on your face?

  104. Anonymous9:01 AM

    From Greg Sargent at The Plum Line:


    And we can all rest easy knowing that Sarah Palin is again bringing her national security expertise to the national debate over terrorism.

    But if Palin was hoping to have another “death panel” moment, her latest — “it’s war, not a crime spree” — just doesn’t have the same originality or zing.

    Tip for Palin or her ghostwriter: Work a reference to Chicago criminals and thugs into the next one.

  105. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:02 AM

    Grifter want to be another Samdam. She is inciting to overthrow the gov. She doesn't want to get elected.
    I hate to say it but her 15 mins have stretched out too long. Even if she goes down today/tomorrow, her followers are going to make her into a martyr, Obama's people were behind it blah,blah,blah. I read something in "the Family" book last night that applies here. Facts and Truth don't matter to them b/c they have "faith"
    So no matter what truths or facts come out about her, they have faith in her. And that is a crazy whacko way to think!!!!
    Sadam Palin 2025

  106. Scarah, If you or one of your minions are reading this, and I'm almost positive you/they are, if we wanted your opinion, especially on national security, we would have ELECTED you.
    You haven't a clue to what you are talking about.
    Yes, I would rather a Constitutional Law Professor as the Commander In Chief than an ignorant fake cowgirl. You really, really do, with all due respect, need to sit down and shut up.
    We don't like your policies, your agenda, your twisted ditorted religous views.
    GO AWAY! Go to an island somewhere and enjoy your money because it seems it's running out rather quickly. The Palinbots won't be able to support your lavish lifestyle forever.

    Go home and be a Mother to your children. I seem to remember you have a Special Needs Baby who really could use your complete attention about now.

  107. Anonymous11:10 AM

    "requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor."

    Sarah, we do need a commander-in-chief not a beauty pagent strutter.

  108. midnightcajun said...
    "the real nature of the terrorist threat requires a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor"

    $P appears just a leeeetle bit aggravated that "professor of constitutional law" features prominently on the resumes of the last two Democratic presidents: one from Yale Law, the other Harvard Law, where he was EDITOR of the FRICKIN' LAW REVIEW. That's a pretty far cry from flunking out of the University of Idaho and enrolling at Mat-Su Community College, before taking another shot at Idaho.

    When one's own "accomplishments" include winning a small-town beauty pageant owned by family friends, people... tend to NOTICE. Damn those liberal reading skills!

  109. Actually, I should amend my comment.

    Keep on talking sh*t, $arah. The more you say in media and print, the more the other rethugs will have to use against you in the primaries.
    Keep digging your own hole, $arah. Keep exposing yourself for what you are, a pageant walking, talking billboard for rethuglican't talking points.Keep showing people that you can't even write your own op-ed. Everyone knows you cannot even talk, never mind write! Your just driving more and more of the electorate away, wheather you decide to run or not. The people you want to endorse will lose more voters.
    Run, $arah, run! Run for President in 2012!! That way, Obama is for sure to get re-elected!

  110. Anonymous4:43 PM

    " There is a very serious downside to treating them as criminals: terrorists invoke their "right" to remain silent and stop talking. Terrorists don't tell us where they were trained, what they were trained in, who they were trained by, and who they were trained with."

    Yes, Sarah, everyone knows that criminals always tell anyone who wants to know about their ev/il plans -- we see it on primetime television everyday! So treating this guy like a terrorist would be a great idea because... because... then he wouldn't talk. Wait. WTF?

    And we'll just discount the fact that President Obama has already stated that this guy -- being treated as a criminal -- is giving out all sorts of information about where, what, who and... who. Which proves he's a criminal, because he's invoked... Wait. WTF?

    And can I just throw in an OMFG? Alaska never had a better day than when you walked out. OMG. My DOG can work out logic puzzles that would leave you whining in the corner. Really!

  111. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Oh RAM, how much of a sad-sack do you have to be, to be Sarah's Facebook ghost writer? Seriously. I hope that you did not aspire to this, because that would be pathetic. You do a great job of making Sarah look more stupid every day, so keep it up...

  112. lilly5:41 AM

    A while back when Health care was about 1000 pages long, (or at least that is what they thought) one Sea of Pee idoliter, worshipper of the great Queen Sarah, thanked Sarah for reading all those pages, and explaining things to them.

    Airhead Sarah, read 1,000 to 1500 pages of a health care bill? (back around the death panel remark)

    I don't think so.

    Perhaps her strabismus has something to do to her aversion to the printed page? Any opthamologists out there willing to weigh in?

  113. 10catsinMD11:21 AM

    What ungodly wrath has Alaska released upon this wondrous earth. The pandoras box of political mayhem and mendacity.

    Its past 3pm EDT. Any word on the calling? The webpage is still up on facebook and a few names are listed as doing this. Hope the judges realize this and give Levi everything he wants.

    Hope McCain has a stroke and can't talk except out of the top of his head. Cindy will have the joy of hiring a nurse to take care of him.

    Any news if Eddie Burke is still relevant and on the radio?


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