Monday, January 25, 2010

South Carolina Lt. Governor compares poor people to "stray animals". Another "Compassionate Conservative"?

Here is the quote that is causing all of the controversy.

“My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed,” Bauer said during a speech advocating that the government take away assistance to those who do not pass drug tests.

“You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply,” Bauer added, according to a report in the Greenville News. “They will reproduce, especially ones that don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better."

Now at the end of the article which is linked to my title there is THIS little tidbit.

Bauer did not respond to a request to comment, but has defended the remarks by saying the “stray animals” comparison was taken out of context.

So you see, South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer did not REALLY call the poor people in his state "stray animals" who "breed", his words were taken "out of context".

Do you want to hear them IN context? Here you go then.

I guess "taken out of context" is code for "quoted with complete accuracy".

What a pathetic tool.


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Another reason to despise John Edwards. Had this tool somehow won the primary, and this revelation was outed during the election, we would certainly be looking at a McCain/Palin presidency with more of these idiots like Andre Brauer in key positions.

    He comes from the same state as Lindsay Graham, McCain best friend, and they would surely be stuffing the cabinet with the fundies and nutjobs that hold forth in that party. With a direct line to "god" for daily briefings.

    Michele Bachmann, SoS. OMG!!

  2. the problem child5:23 PM

    As an advocate for spay and neuter clinics for feral animals, I've just gotta say this guys ignorance is staggering.

    Stray pets will breed no matter whether there is food or not. If there is NOT, they or other animals will eat the young.

    Hows that metaphor, you jackass!

  3. Sharon in Florida5:25 PM

    In the past week I've gotten two emails from wingnut "friends" about giving drug tests before permitting people to either continue or receive assistance. That's apparently the next big push.

    One of the emails advocated for including people who are applying for Social Security and Unemployment Insurance. Both were the typical forwarded email begging that you "pass it on to everybody you know". Right!! I passed them to spam.

    I'm sick of the "out of context" excuse.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Now you know why despite their current Governor's admitted dereliction of duty, the South Carolina legislature voted to only censure him, not impeach him. Because then this bozo would be governor, and really, haven't the people of South Carolina suffered enough?

  5. grainnekathleen5:58 PM

    that 10 year old girl in the delivery room was probably f'd by her uncle or god knows who. a free lunch at school didn't bring about that scenario. what a heartless eejit.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Why do people like this get elected to positions of power? This guy is a total asshole and his prejudices and hatred shine through with that statement. The problem is that most of his constituents probably agree. DISGUSTING!!!! I pity any animal he comes into contact with and I pity the people he "serves". What a POS!

  7. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I just moved to SC. Luckily, I'm close to the city of Charlotte so I have an escape. Believe me Anon 5:26, people here have brought a lot of the suffering on themselves by voting for these nimrods. There are folks here who have been let go from jobs due to no fault of their own, but are ok with Sanford keeping his because he was on TV shedding tears and whining about how soooorrry he was. How many jobs do you know of where an employee can disappear for five days and remain employed?
    It is amazing to me that there are so many people here who are uneducated, incurious and proud of it. At the library a few months ago, a man came in to get a card, saying "I'll probably never use it, but I want it anyway." Huh?
    I'm not saying that everyone needs to go to college to be considered worthy, but some of them could at least pick up a book and learn about more than the three-block radius in which they live.

  8. I sure wish that his parents practiced birth control.

  9. 10catsinMD6:15 PM

    As someone who has rescued animals, I agree with the problem child above.

    Somehow though, I would never call people animals in the circumstances described above.

    This is totally disgusting and appalling that this man was elected to public office.

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Compassionate, commonsense conservatism in the flesh.

    Out of context? Like Couric's finely edited interview of O'Sarah where all her sane and competent answers were left on the cutting room floor and all we were given were a cringe-worthy performance?

    These series of Tubes is all the proof we need of your callous, viscious, teabagging whack-jobbery.

  11. Anonymous6:31 PM

    So when these starving tweakers have nowhere to turn, they break into your real patriotic english speakin hard-workin Christian homes to pilfer, fornicate and breed less than ideal Mericans.

    Question is, what would Sarah and Andre do to combat the inherent backlash of social program deficits? Fly the Graham's corporate jets around to deliver dry goods and cookies?

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Anon 6:06, does Maurice still have that Confederate flag a-flyin' outside his BBQ restaurant?

    Glad you're able to escape to Charlotte. They're coming up in the world--have an Ikea AND Trader Joe's. Whole Paycheck just up the road in Win-Sal, too.

    btw, Gryphen, Nikki the Psychic to the Stars has posted her list for 2010. Guess what #87 is?????

  13. Anonymous6:49 PM

    People like Brauer, Sanford, and Palin wrap themselves in the cloak of "godliness" and idiots automatically assume they are on the side of the righteous. No other way to explain the rise of those religious tv stations offering "life everlasting" if only you will send in a good portion of your social security check so that they can purchase another piece of property or a new plane to allow them to travel in even more luxury.

    People are stupid the world over but there is just something unique to the South who cling to those beliefs even when the truth is laid bare.

    There must be a special place in hell for those hypocrites who prey on others like this.

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    First Linsey Graham (ahem), then Joe Wilson, then Mark Sanford, then this yokel. Oh, and also toss in decades of Strom Thurmond (whose son is now an elected official), the Citadel, and the War of Aggression (their name for the Civil War, which was started in and by this state). If these 'men' were not white, they could never get elected to ANY office: the public would easily SEE through the stupidity if they were black candidates. This is called blind racism. Thomas Frank needs to write a new book: "What's the Matter with South Carolina?"

  15. Anonymous7:10 PM

    South Carolina - the land of pea brains.

    We spent almost a year there when we were first married because my husband was stationed a sub at the Charleston base. Couldn't get out of there fast enough!

    I still remember waiting in line for donuts, where the lady behind the counter wouldn't wait on non-whites even though by that time it was illegal to discriminate.

    There was a huge line though made even longer by the way she had to count out a dozen doughnuts - out loud, one by one: Once'd, twice, three, four, five, half a doz, seven . . . .

    You get the picture. Stupidity rant rampant then and it runs rampant there now as evidenced by the folks in public office.

    I remember that school bus drivers were only required to have a driver's license (not even a special one) - no criminal checks, no age threshold so teenagers were driving many of the buses.

    While in a store there, my littler northern self started chatting with the person next to me, until we were both informed by several people that "hey, that's not allowed in these parts." The person I was having a great conversation with was black, I was white. Ain't allowed, ain't allowed, ain't allowed was the chant I remember even now. Just so happened the black woman I was talking with was the wife of a black sailor who was putting his life on the line for those yahoos. Disgusting.

    Interesting how all those good little Christians were filled with so much hate. This Lt. Gov. is just another, more current example of the lack of compassion, understanding and basic intelligence. Too much inbreeding, I guess.

    Glad I am not longer a card-carrying Christina. Gave that up decades ago. Sure hope there isn't a heaven and sure hope I can't get in if there is one if folks like the Lt. Gov. get there. Man, that would be my idea of hell.

  16. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Ananoymous @ 6:06 -
    I absolutely agree that not everyone needs to go to college to become a worthwhile and productive person, but they do need to continually educate themselves in some other way.

    My father never went to college. However, he never missed the nightly local AND national news, read the daily newspaper from cover to cover, and read at least a grocery bag full of books each week after he retired. He may not have been formally educated, but he knew what was going on in the world and made intelligent decisions based on information and reason.

    He also had no use for hypocrites...guess that's where I got it from!

  17. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anon @5:26 had it right. Bauer is a jerk that would need a proctologist for a headache. He speeds, crashes planes, brags in salons how he won't date women over 30, etc. As much as I wanted Sanford impeached for "hiking 'The Trail' without a permit," the thought of Bauer as Governor for even 30 seconds was even worse than 18 months more of Sanford.

    My biggest hope for my adopted state is that, post-Strom Thurmond, we will begin to mature into the 21st century. Here in Columbia, I have reason to hope. The poster who lives near Fort Mill/Rock Hill has to deal with the vestiges of Jim Bakker and his ilk. If I lived there, I'd spend most of my time in Charlotte, as well.

    Melangell Mudpuppy

  18. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I did not know how to put into words how I feel, but Anon 6:49pm did it for me. Little old ladies hear a lot of bad things said by some awful people, and Anon 6:53 is on the mark of much of what I overhear. The talk is so brazen that it is scary.

  19. emrysa7:33 PM

    hmmm... what are the chances this guy also believes:

    1) eliminate welfare and everyone will get a job,

    2) eliminate the availability of abortions and poor people will stop breeding,

    3) eliminate sex education (teach abstinence only!) and people will stay virgins until they're married...

    I'd say the chances are pretty good. typical social conservative nonsense.

  20. Well, now it makes sense that they didn't impeach Sanford...

  21. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Anon 6:40, I'm not sure what Maurice's BBQ is, I'm not a big BBQ eater. There are plenty of hill folk, however, that drive around with their Confederate flag license plates, stickers, etc. on their trucks! I'm a person of color and honestly that stupid flag means very little to me. Don't get me wrong, I know the history, but I'm sure pretty sure they don't other than it's their badge to show they don't care for people that look like me. It's cool, they have their racism, I have my working brain.
    I do love Trader Joes. I shopped there often when I lived in further north. Ikea's just ok to me.
    You could've knocked me over with a feather when I learned that Heritage USA was mere steps away from where I live now! Last I heard the amusement park was in complete disrepair, but another religious organization had taken over the hotel/conference center. I was a child when the Jim Bakker situation went down, but I had a few fuzzy memories of hearing about it. The one thing I do remember was hearing about how he was dragged out from under a desk or something where he was curled up in a fetal position crying once the con was up. Hmm, maybe there's hope for the likes of Sanford, DeMint, Graham, Bauer et al!

  22. So his solution is to starve them to death?

    Is that his solution to the growing senior baby boomer population too?

    Out of context my @$$.

    What a schmuck.

  23. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Anon at 7:10 - I got a job in the early 70's at a sailor bar (sub bar) in Charleston. I was told if any black folks came in to tell them it is a private club, even though it wasn't. I couldn't take the assholes there very long and had to move on, but not without some very scary things happening.

  24. This is what a "Friend" posted on my Facebook page:

    Shame on you America: the only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations. 99% of people won't have the guts to copy and repost this.

    I'm African American...this "Friend" is white. She was my neighbor when I lived in Alaska more than 20 years ago. At first I was going to ignore it then I see two more comments:

    We sure agree with you. This past week on the news they were showing the rain coming down in Phoenix. They scanned a homeless person rolled up in a blanket, laying on the sidewalk with the rain pouring down on him. The news people went right on talking about the rain. What is wrong with people? That man had to be freezing to death.
    Yesterday at 8:40pm

    And this one:

    don't agree w/you that we are the only country that faces the issues listed above; however, I, too, found it somewhat "miraculous" that for a country that is supposed to be in the worst recession since the 30s, we somehow managed to collect $50M+ to give to Haiti!
    12 hours ago

    So she will be "De-Friended"

  25. Sharon in Florida9:37 PM

    We had neighbors who were followers of Jim & Tammy Bakker. They had bought property, traveled from TX to SC every couple of months, were planning on moving to SC to live in the compound or whatever it was. When the Bakker's collapsed, my neighbors lost everything. I don't know why they lost all of their money but can see why they lost the property in the compound or whatever it was. They were broken hearted but not for long - they switched their allegiance to Oral Roberts. Sent their oldest son to ORU in Tulsa. He got a girl pregnant his freshman year - they wouldn't let him marry her. Their middle child became a druggie at about 15 - would disappear for weeks at a time. Typical fundie family.

  26. GRYPH I am happy when you use expletives as then i know what you mean. But you threw me when you ended calling Bauer a "tool". I cannot abide that as i respect my tools and keep them protected and clean and sharp. Please refrain from debasing tools using them in the same sentence as a dickhead like that.

  27. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:18 PM

    What does this guy know about breeding? He has none!

  28. sunnyjane11:39 PM

    I think the problem, Mr. Bauer, is that South Carolina is breeding too many racist politicans.

  29. Anonymous11:54 PM

    This is what you end up with if cons take over. All cons are very, very authoritarian and their followers are like scared, ignorant children who think they deserve to be beaten once a day--and so does everyone else--whether they deserve it or not. It's a sado-masochistic relationship writ large.

    SC policies keep most people ignorant and full of religion--and that's the so-called middle class. Sad to say, many buy into it, with their material rewards being lots of all you can eat restaurants and factory outlets--excess consumerism. Education is just a pesky distraction, whether formal or a lifelong curiousity and thirst for knowledge.

    I was born in SC but luckily my parents moved when I was 3; I still live in NC after moving around a lot as a child and believe me, there IS a big difference between NC and SC, even though we still have our pockets of ignorance here like every other state. But at least we're trying to eliminate them, unlike SC, which encourages theirs and still believes in the plantation mentality.


    Bauer has friends in low places...wonder if he drinks the scientology barley water too? Christian in Name Only?

    Repubs sure have a tendency to flow that way....

  31. Anonymous1:41 AM

    You know what's next with these Fundies. Eugenics.

    When that's not enough, it'll be Christal Nacht in America.

  32. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Look at that psychic woman's Star predictions.

    #42) Sarah Palin will pose nude for a magazine.


  33. Anonymous3:59 AM

    He looks like party boy Rick Pitino's younger brother! Ahhh, more insanity from the state where the Governor disappeared from the job to hike up the Appalachian Trail of his mistress.

    I love how these big-talking, 40-something, receding-hairline, headin' toward middle age types continue to believe they are God's gift to women (or men, as this case may be).

  34. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Slightly off topic ---- how many followers of Immoral Minority and kindred blogs are half-expecting another wing-nut catcall from the republican side during President Obama's upcoming State of the Union address?

  35. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Saw this all on Daily Show last night.

  36. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Jesus commanded us to feed the strays, as I remember my Bible reading in my early teens.

    Christianity without Jesus, how did they manage that?

  37. Anonymous4:53 AM

    GinaM: the person who sent the email about donating to Haiti; do they actually believe in helping the poor and homeless HERE? Or is this just a chance to dump on people who care?

  38. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I thought those Republicans were all about the fetus....there seems to be some disconnect here (snark!)

  39. More power to you, GinaM. I bet many people who have contributed to relief efforts in Haiti are out-of-work. My spouse has been unemployed for a year, yet that hasn't stopped us from contributing what we can to Haiti or to food banks in our community. Our hearts should open and our compassion deepen when we see human suffering. Many Haitians are now starving, yet even they are living by a humanitarian creed: if you find food, share. I hope to continue to contribute my nickels and dimes to those in need, even as my own family struggles.

  40. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Melangell Mudpuppy--where in Columbia? I'm in Irmo.

    And yes, unfortunately, Maurice's still has the stupid flag. Although now it's BELOW the SC state flag where it's supposed to be. When we moved here 8 years ago, there for a time it was ABOVE. It's a shame he's such an ass, because his BBQ is really good.

    Yep, this guy is why Mark Sanford is still drawing a salary AND a friggin taxpayer funded retirement. I hope Jenny takes him for every frickin' dime.

    I can't tell you, however, how weird it is to see SC politics on an Alaska politics blog! lol

    Sarah in SC

  41. emrysa5:46 AM

    anon @ 2:16 -

    some of those psychic predictions are hilarious! does it really take a psychic to predict "A worldwide computer virus?" or "Problems with North Korea?"

    as I finished reading the page it occurred to me - this person has a list of about 100 predictions for the year, then you look at the bottom and see that they had 7 that "came true" last year. 7! I bet we all could make a list of 100 items and have 7 of them come true. what a racket. just imagine how rich this person is getting.

  42. womanwithsardinecan5:48 AM

    The only time I was ever in SC, my vehicle was run off the road by a speeding truck. I vowed never to return to that state, and I haven't. Buncha lowlife aholes (and they breed!!).

  43. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Keep in mind this is a place where Palin's ring is kissed, and her photo is on every fridge.

    Gosh, I hate stupid people who vote.

  44. "Taken out of context" means...

    "dayum, man... again you catch me being a stupid, big-mouthed, f&$^ing idiot! Stop paying attention!!"

  45. Well, I checked out Nikki's 2010 predictions, but couldn't get past #1: Trouble on the moons surface and atmosphere.

    What are the odds she got her education is SC?

  46. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Has no one made the connection that this is happening right in our own state? Wes Keller....glory be...of...wait for it....Wasilla, has proposed drug testing for recipients of state assistance as well. It was a pre-filed bill in the legislature.

  47. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Feeling rather defensive here--I've lived in SC my entire life, other than 3 years in Winston-Salem NC to go to law school at Wake Forest. I grew up in a small town (pop 2000) about 20 miles from Columbia. I've lived in Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston. The state is actually very diverse. Columbia, within the city limits, votes consistently Democratic in national elections. Charleston, also talking downtown (the only part of Charleston I consider really Charleston--certainly not North Charleston!) is a very european, sophisticated city which was just voted the #2 most desirable destination in North America by Conde Nast Traveler readers.

    Yes, there are plenty of ignorant people in SC, as there are anywhere. There are also South Carolinians like me and my husband (who is originally from Philadelphia but chooses to live in SC) who are highly educated, liberal, and open-minded.

    I really hate that SC's elected officials are making us look like idiots, believe me. But I don't judge all Alaskans based on Sarah Palin, all Illinois residents based on Rod Blagojevich, or all Arizonans based on John McCain. So, condemn Andre Bauer for his idiocy, but don't impute that idiocy to ALL South Carolinians. We are not all "pea-brains."

  48. Anonymous7:39 AM

    You don't feed stray animals because they'll hang around outside the door and won't leave. Or something to that effect, but I've never hear "breed" used with that saying. Sounds like a racial remark to me.

    This guy believes poor people are drug addicts and he wants drug testing of the poor? So, who will bear the costs of the drug testing? Alcohol, too? Why not, it's a drug! How often, once a month, once a week, or before every meal, to eat you must pee in a cup? Test those kids, too. They eat, and some breed when they're teenagers, ask Brisle. Kick them all to the curb. A corrupt government could use such testing against the poor to starve them out and their kids, too.

    Hitler ordered those with disabilities executed, too. Dead weight to the system. Don't deserve to breathe the same air. Survival of the fittest. As a person with a disability, this guy scares me.

    Maybe politicans should pee in a cup when they pick up their paycheck. Fair is fair!

  49. Hey Flynn D......I was thinking the same thing. Wonder who drew the short straw this time.

  50. Anonymous8:12 AM

    totally agree w/ Anon 7:19--
    also a bit defensive--i live about 20 minutes from Columbia currently, but was an Army brat (Dad was a retired Col.) and moved everywhere my whole life. Husband grew up near Philadelphia, also!! We moved here 8 years ago so he could manage an arena in SC. LOVE Charleston & always have--husband & I took trips there when we were just dating, lots of years ago. There are LOTS of transplants around Columbia, which might help account for the Democratic demographic. ;)

    And I also totally agree w/ 7:19 on this--I don't chalk up every Alaskan to Sarah Palin or corrupt politicians. Wish people would stop painting us all with the same "ignorant a-hole" brush. Most of our "crowd" are very educated, hilarious, open-minded people. Some of you might even like us.

    We were the ones, after all, that helped make then Sen. Obama into the "real deal" to take on the Clintons--after NH's 2nd place finish, the country looked to SC to see if Obama could win the vote here. And I am happy to say that I was there, literally right behind him, when he gave his speech that night, with my 9 month old son in my arms. We even made it onto CNN. :)

    So, see--we're not all bad.

    Sarah in SC

  51. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Hi Sarah! I live in Forest Acres but work near St. Andrews. Thanks for the backup! I'm on twitter as chassuz if you want to commisserate more!

    Suz in SC

  52. Anonymous9:40 AM

    He looks like he might have some old sheets hangin' in the back of his closet...

  53. Anonymous11:21 AM

    André has an office of senior citizens affairs, and he goes around talking to old folks. I'm sorry to say that the old ladies love him. More and more of the folks who vote Repub in SC are implants, people who moved here for the cheap houses and low taxes, people who don't want to help "other people's children." André plays very well with them, sad to say.

  54. Mac And Cheese Wiz7:54 PM

    Just like Barbara Bush from the plane over the hurricaine Katrina disaster "those folks are going to be better off" (paraphrasing) was taken out of context.

    Calling him ignorant is offensive to ignornant people, at least ignorant people have a chance at bettering themselves with education.

  55. Anonymous9:08 AM

    from his website: "Lt. Governor André Bauer has always supported and will continue to support anti-abortion legislation. He believes every child deserves the chance to explore the world we live in and experience God's creations."

    And he sees no irony here, no conflict of priorities?

  56. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Simple minded


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