Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jon Stewart recognizes the comedic contributions of South Carolina.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Thank You, South Carolina - Andre Bauer
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I guess South Carolina was tired of Florida getting all of the attention.


  1. Mark Sanford is still governor of South Carolina because Lt. Go. Andrew Bauer has been reliably outed as gay by D.C. blogger Mike Rogers http://www.blogactive.com/2009/08/rumors-confirmed.html.

    Rogers is a key contributor to the outing of former Sen. Larry Craig (R-Of Course, Spud State), many others, and helped assemble "Outrage," a movie about closeted hypocrites in Washington. It's just released on DVD.

    Mike Rogers is the little brother I never had, so let me give a shout-out to www.blogactive.com. There's LOTS of food for thought posted regularly...

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    No, we're not tired of FL getting all the attention! We're so over idiots like Sanford, Demint, Bauer, etc. etc. making the national news. Unfortunately, the legislature wouldn't impeach Sanford--in large part because they didn't want this idiot Bauer to become governor!

    Oh, the trials & tribulations of being a liberal living in SC. :)

  3. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Ms. TBB, don't you just love it that Andre is gay and so is Lindsay Graham, but somehow a majority of folks in my state will fall for the fantasy that they're just lifelong bachelors? :)

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Andre Bauer wants poor people tested for drugs?

    He was best buds with Thomas Ravenel, remember? The Thomas Ravenel who was State Treasurer in SC and caught dealing cocaine?

    How many drugs do you think Bauer has stuffed up his privileged nose?

  5. mommom9:33 AM

    Bauer also has stated that he received free lunches when he was a child and was embarrassed.

    So if we follow his logic,how on earth did he become Lieutenent Gov? Shouldnt he be laying on a couch,in the midst of squalor,waiting for his gov'ment cheese,having not finished high school because of reduced test scores caused by free lunches,with 13 kids running around because he has ben breeding?
    Oh wait,he is ashamed of getting free lunch so has equated it with animals,perhaps he also believes he is gay because of free lunches ?

    Maybe he should quit listening to grandma,she equates school lunches with feeding strays,maybe she also made him not want to breed so he became gay?

    There is nothing wrong with being gay.But there is something terribly wrong with being a person in office who has no compassion,especially in a troubled poor stste like SC,where the children of the state need more help than most anywhere else in this country,to be able to learn and grow and overcome the horrors of reduced price lunches to become Lieutenent Governors.

  6. Anon 7:58, oh, I do, I do. My MIL once said of a member of the extended Biscuitbarrel family, "Oh, I don't think he's gay. I think he's just... meticulous." Mr. B and I have used that word euphemistically ever since!

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    yes, exceedingly neat and well-groomed lifelong bachelors...talk about your "don't ask, don't tell."

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Oh, he had me laughing out loud last night, and it takes a lot to do that.

    Of course, we Texans are always happy when another state looks more
    Neanderthal than we do...:)

    Pat in Texas

  9. Mr. Bauer does not need to feel embarrassed at receiving free lunches as a school boy, but the shame he should feel in even thinking what he did, let alone in saying it is monumental in describing this very obviously disturbed person.

    And thanks to Mrs. TB for the Mike Rogers blog info.


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