Monday, January 11, 2010

Who didn't see this coming? Palin joins Fox News as a contributor. Update!

The former Alaska governor is joining Fox News as a contributor, an executive at the cable news network said today, confirming news first reported by the New York Times. Palin will appear as a commentator on programs across the network, joining a lineup of pundits that includes fellow conservatives Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee. She will also help host a recurring series that profiles everyday Americans.

Okay this may be a good thing. We all know that Sarah simply cannot hold her own without a script in front of her, so how long do we think it will take before ALL of America comes to realize that Sarah Palin is nothing more than an empty vessel, stuffed full of neo-con talking points, and powered by a rampant psychosis, Red Bull energy drinks, and over the counter diet pills?

Nobody at Fox seems to edit Glenn Beck when he has HIS breaks with reality, so I assume they will fail to adequately cover for Palin as well.

You know it is kind of nice to have it reinforced that my sources, from way back in August, were right concerning the fact that she was looking for a job with Fox News. Not that I had any doubts.

So this is the strategy? Quit as Governor, write a book, become a Fox News talking head, and then.......a run for President? Could Rupert Murdoch really be so clueless as to pin all of his hopes for taking over America on this deeply disturbed woman?

Well let's see what we can do to put a kink in those plans.

Update: Alright all of you getting your panties in a twist over this announcement just take a deep breath and calm the fuck down.

Listen we ALL knew this was coming. I reported it in August and Levi himself confirmed it in September. Nothing about this is surprising.

And before I go any further let me lay a little Gospel on you. Sarah Palin will NEVER be the President of the United States! We may have an ignorant population, and an election system that is vulnerable to tampering, but we are definitely not that far gone.

Listen Fox News has less than 2.5 million viewers a day. There are currently over 200 million Americans of voting age in this country. The turnout for a presidential election is usually around 54% of the population, which means there are approximately 126 million possible voters in the 2012 election.

I think it is pretty clear that even if every single one of Fox's 2.5 million viewers voted for Sarah Palin she would still suffer a crushing defeat. To win a national election Sarah needs to appeal to the undecideds in the middle who, after she joined the McCain campaign, ran from the Republican party so fast they left skid marks.

And don't forget that every day that Palin is on television, unscripted, there exists the possibility for even more Palinisms, and if you don't think that Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and John Thune are not having staffers with DVR's at the ready to capture every single one of her gaffe's then you must be new to politics American style.

No, politically Sarah his finished. As a matter of fact, if the trend holds true, then having Palin associated with Fox News, while paying dividends in the short run, will ultimately damage their credibility beyond all repair. Just ask John McCain, Meg Stapleton, and the Republican party.

Personally I think that having Sarah go over to Fox News is a very good thing for the progressives in this country. And I am not even counting the entertainment factor. Who doesn't like to watch a train wreck in slow motion?


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Won't it be embarrassing when Babygate hits and she is on the air?

  2. Basheert10:54 AM

    Why are you assuming the diet pills (?) she takes are OTC? C'mon Gryph, she is strung tighter than a guitar. Her eyes are wild, she screeches, she babbles.

    She can't influence people who know she is nuts and who don't watch FAUX. She will however provide hours of fun and hilarity every time she spews.

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I'm thinking they should use some of the Hawaiian vacation photos for publicity shots for Sarah O'Palin's new show.

  4. Ripley in CT11:00 AM

    prediction: She and Brit Hume will run off together on a crusade. Watch.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    It's about time to let the other shoe drop and prove that SP was NOT pregnant with Trig.

    I am unsure if this would even derail this train wreck as it seems that there are very powerful and deep-pocketed sponsors behind it. So far, nothing has stopped the progress of Granny O'Palin.

    Maybe Patrick's big exclusive today on another Palin will help stop this wreck!

    Gryphen, it is time to move forward. Surely those in AK in the know should be ready by now to share their true stories that will destroy Granny.

    If not now, when?

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Live from the turrent in Wasilla, The Sarah Palin Show, Featuring Rev Muthie and the Wasilla Hillbillies.
    She will not move to N.Y. Too many unamericans that don't look like her and do not carry her poor I meant core values.
    First Episode: Throw away those profalactics and just concentrate. Breath

  7. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Wow, and when I think of all the qualified, unemployed journalists who bought into the BS about working hard and being able to speak and write coherently... Why are the most crass among us rewarded so handsomely? First Jersey Shore, now this nonsense

  8. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Well, now our Quitter Queen will have a brand new, shiny platform to sprew her lies. It all is just sickening.

    I guess now we know why Bristol has a new LLC. (BSMP, LLC) She will be handling all the bookings, money for mommy?

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    This provides further info as to Bristol filing for creation of PR firm.

    All the donations to the PAC can now be payable to Bristol PR's firm so Palin can still do the speeches that she may or may not show up for.

    Studio in one of the houses on the compound. PAC paid to build??

    Waiting to hear about Trust Fund still.

    Levi should make sure Bristol's financials, as they are now and projected, are filed in Court!

    This signing with Fox was released to deflect away from the book release today hoping to turn the topic to Palin.

    It also speaks volumes that all those funds the raised for the PAC on the book tour - are going to be worked through the books to be in the end the Palin Family personal income funds. Palin sat signing all those books knowing full well the negotiations with Fox were going on and she probably had a signed contract even then but they didn't announce it. The same as they paid and advance for writing the book when she was still Gov.

  10. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Just sent an email to Fox that they have lost a family of viewers. Not that we watched their news anyway.

  11. Olivia11:16 AM

    I wonder Murdoch is going to think when Scarah goes "rouge"!!

    He is taking a huge gamble by putting her in front of a camera. Lots of editing! She'll also need lots of cue cards and teleprompters.

  12. Forever Anonymous11:16 AM

    No I don't think this is a naturally occurring event. Palin has been quiet and now fox wants to change the subject? It reaally hits me, makes me nauseaus, once again in light of discussions of this fraud, here come more news indicating she is a winner, nothing bad sticks long enough to stop her. I'm sick.

  13. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I do believe Levi predicted every one of these "achievements" in Vanity Fair.

  14. Anonymous11:17 AM

    When will it sink into all of us that she has SERIOUS backing and we are the minority? I asked several of my frieds and they thought about 60 Minutes. The response was: didn't see it; are you kidding, she has an 80% approval; the MSM is just against her. In other words, nothing touches her. Now that she is on Faux News, she is legitimate. Be very afraid. Not that she will run - she will just be around to be annoying (plus, raking it in).

  15. Two Blue Jays11:19 AM

    I honestly cannot believe what I am reading here:

    "Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she is "thrilled" to become a contributor at Fox News, in a press release announcing the deal.

    "I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at FOX News. It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news," Palin said in the release.

    Bill Shine, the executive vice president of programming for Fox News, said, "Governor Palin has captivated everyone on both sides of the political spectrum and we are excited to add her dynamic voice to the FOX News lineup."

    The release adds that Palin will "provide political commentary and analysis" for Fox News, Fox Business, and special event programming.

    She will also host a show called "Real American Stories," which Fox describes as "a series exploring inspirational real-life tales of overcoming adversity throughout the American landscape that will debut in 2010."

    I feel sick and depressed. Why does she keep appearing to win??

  16. wonder who the sponsors are?

  17. Anonymous11:21 AM

    herpes free times only

  18. You wrote:

    "Well let's see what we can do to put a kink in those plans."

    Sure did blow Schmidt's ass off the news cycle huh ?

    You don't think the timing on this announcement was an accident do you?

    If Sarah is a half wit and crazy as you say it seems like you would want her to run for President. There's a kink in your logic, dumbass.

    Want some cheese with that whine ?

  19. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Hee hee!

    Daily Kos is already reporting she quit right after she signed. : )

    What a bunch of jokesters.

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Oh, so when does she leave Todd and marry Murdoch for even MORE money?

  21. Yes, we all saw it coming. And ever since the 2008 election, I keep FOX News blocked on the parental lock on my TV. I don't even want to see it accidentally when I'm flipping channels.

  22. The one thing that stands out about that Sept. 18, 2008 Fox/Sean Hannity interview picture above is that it's pretty clear Palin had her nose worked on during that 6 weeks she went missing last summer.

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM

    She's too old for Murdoch, but she's not too old to host "Dancing with the Teabaggers."

  24. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Fox is brilliant. They have this bat sh*t crazy woman under contract. When the scandles hit (And they will) she will have to "Appear" per their demands. Custody cases, Babygates, IRS Frauds, Behind The Cell when she gets locked up. Fox got the deal of the century getting Palin to sign on the dotted line.

  25. There's really nowhere else left for her to go.

  26. So is she going to do these spots via satellite from Alaska? Were they building a studio for all her appearances in that new house? Or is she going to move to NYC to do these spots? Travelling back and forth constantly wouldn't be very easy.

    I bet the writers of The Colbert Report and The Daily Show are just over the moon with this announcement. How many of their segments will just write themselves after she starts making comments about this and that on air. Live television can't always be ghostwritten so easily.

  27. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Seems as Grifter Grannie always has a few 'get out of bad media' cards in her hand.

    Today she has had to play a big 'get out of bad media' card to trump 60 minutes and Putin rearing his head and where does he come to (probably not an exact quote as my brain locks up every time this clip plays).

    How many more of these cards does the Grifter Grannie have?

    Is there anything else that will force her to play another of these cards?

  28. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Convenient timing of announcement for both Grifter Granny and Murdoch. I would also like to know who sponsors are so I can boycott them.

  29. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Its amazing how she got people talking about this instead of the 60 minutes interview and the book.


  30. I bet she thinks now she can bash Levi on-air at FOX News. Let's see how low she'll take her vindictiveness now that she's gone Hollywood.

  31. I really don't give a rat's ass what she does, as long as she stays out of politics. This announcement is an indication to many, including me, that she is NOT going to be running for President.

    All I can say is, Thank God.

    Sister Sarah has two priorities: money and power. The higher she climbs, the more spectacularly she'll fall.

    Who know, this may be what does it. If not, she'll keep going further and further until the Peter Principle finally kicks in. And it will, because no matter how smart she is (and she's not) her lust for power will do her in.

  32. Kajo @11:34
    She had to get it shortened. It had grown way too long so now she can start over.

  33. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Here's my response. The NFL is shown on FAUX. So, I cancelled my season tickets (BFD - the Bears) and notified the NFL that if they continue to sponsor the likes of those on FAUX, and now, a bimbo like Scarah, my family will be FAUX-free as well as FAUX sponsor-free.

  34. crystalwolf aka caligrl12:22 PM

    Nope, I'm still talking and flooding fb with it especially this gem...""They write that during debate preps, some staff members assigned to Sarah Palin
    by the McCain campaign discussed the “threatening possibility: that
    Palin was mentally unstable.” They a...dd that several of Senator John McCain’s
    lieutenants agreed that if it looked as if their candidate might
    actually win in November, they would have to discuss how to relegate
    Ms. Palin “to the largely ceremonial role that premodern vice
    presidents inhabited”: “it was inconceivable” that “if McCain fell ill
    or died, the country be left in the hands of a President Palin.”

    Also too, since 60 mins just killed her changes of running for anykind of public office filed a tip with CREW to investigate her PAC, Why she is still collecting funds under gov. Last quarter only gave to 2 people McNasty and Lisa M and the rest to Izzlene (Med) and Meg again and is she planning on funneling $ to her daughters new LLC. Keep in mind, CREW is associated with IRS & the FEC :)

  35. Anonymous12:29 PM

    This not funny. This is scary. And I hope you are taking it seriously.

  36. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wait until she finds out that being on TV, regularly or irregularly, means she will have to stoop to a schedule; then think of the shock she's gonna have, after she backs her kook-a-dooly-roo self into some corner, and discovers that she's actually expected to finish the show instead of whining about how badly she's being treated. Not even sure she can do it with all the support they will surely have to provide.

    Hey! Maybe she could interview Katie Couric and ask her all kinds of gotcha! questions. Now that one I'd like to see.....

  37. Lady Karma I a getting a little tired of waiting on you.

  38. Levi knew that this was coming. Makes me believe the guy even more now.
    Fair and Balanced News? Really Sarah?! What a twit you are!
    I guess that makes you a media illiterate. You will fit in nicely with the whorish likes of Michelle Malkin.
    Too bad God didn't bless you with brains.

  39. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Well, my last word on this is...The Idiocracy has finally arrived.

    Please don't let it spread any further--the country won't survive.


  40. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Dumb and Dumber (Huckabee and Palin) - God's Plan ! ha what a freaking joke Faux News is.

    Come on Levi - SPILL right now the truth about Trig. Enough is enough !

  41. Anonymous12:53 PM

    While I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of your sentence, I've sadly gotta disagree with your conclusion:
    "We all know that Sarah simply cannot hold her own without a script in front of her,"

    Yes, absolutely!

    You continue, "so how long do we think it will take before ALL of America comes to realize that Sarah Palin is nothing more than an empty vessel, stuffed full of neo-con talking points, and powered by a rampant psychosis, Red Bull energy drinks, and over the counter diet pills?"

    I think Fox will give her a script so the real truth isn't displayed to her adoring fans. Then, if -- if -- they allow her to speak without a script, it will be on topics that are safe, like complimenting nice American families that have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

  42. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Crystalwolf aka caligrl, would it help if we added our voices to yours at "CREW" (what does that stand for?). If so, would you provide a link?

  43. honestyinGov12:58 PM

    Here's a couple of things,
    The News said "Barnett her Lawyer" made a statement. Barnett worked on the HC Book deal way back in the summer. This was OBVIOUSLY part of that same contract deal and part of those negotiations. We give you a show... if you write the Book and let us publish it. So transparent. They waited for the right time to announce it... distraction.
    It does give CBS, who has reported on her a LOT now, free reign to report anything associated with Granny... other stories. They are not reporting on ' private citizen ' S'error anymore. They are reporting on someone in the " Media " who is expressing Opinions.It is FAIR to question someone like that. They have chosen to put themselves out there. Hopefully other News Orgs will take the gloves off as well.Just like in a Courtroom where the defense ' opens the door ' to a certain line of questioning by answering a question and putting it on the record.

  44. Anonymous1:00 PM

    This is NOTHING TO LAUGH AT. She is mesmerizing to both right, left, and independents. She will send Fox ratings THROUGH THE CEILING, thereby catapulting herself to the Oval Office on a Fox-trumped up, over-hyped, and exaggerated draft-Sarah-for President movement. This is Murdoch's and the right's WET DREAM. Because she draws media and attention like NO OTHER FIGURE IN AMERICA, she will thereby 'legitimatize' her way into the presidency. (And no, I am not one of her fans, no, no, a thousand times no) This scares the s**t out of me. I think this is the sucker punch that the left will dismiss and mostly joke about – to their future dismay. I have seen this coming ever since she quit – but the fact that she pulls off whatever she wants scares the s**t out of me. DO NOT DISMISS HER CHANCES. SHE IS TRULY RELOADING.

  45. Anonymous1:02 PM

    This isn't news. There's only one place that'd have her, Faux news. Crazy Beck, Klannity, and now the Quitter from Wasilla. Wow! This is looking more and more like a comedy lineup than a legitimate news one.

  46. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Two things:
    First Rush Limbaugh mentioned on the air today he was aware of all of those Palin issues exposed in the 60 Minutes issue. That being said, he was aware Sarah was unfit for office.

    Second, I feel her resignation in July came as a result of her children (Bristol, Track or Willow) finding out some of the details regarding who Track's father might have been. There has been little seen of Bristol, Track or Willow on the book tour and they seem to be positioning themselves at a distance from their mother. Teenagers talk and while adults in Wasilla may keep keep quiet, their children may have disclosed ddep dark secrets. That woman in July was scared and running from something.

  47. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think this is good (well I think it's a payoff from uncle Rupert - get your book out early so you can make $ because I am also publishing a bit that is going to ruin any chance of you running for public office, but then I'll give you a Fox gig). Once she is on Fox, she is no longer a private citizen, but a public celebrity, which will mean she is open to much more enquirer like tabloid reporting. Celebs have long learnt that if they put themselves in the public eye, they also (too) have to live with being considered fair game for scrutiny.

  48. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Here's a classic response to Palin's announcement from the Free Republic comments. Unfortunately, I think the poster may be right on. Palin has basically been hired to do conservative propaganda pieces.

    "It would be cool to see her do a series of contributions on the Constiution on how it applied then and how it applies to us today.

    Take for instance the 1st Amendment and the freedom of religion. Have some video of her in church and synagogue services but nothing at a mosque. She would explain that she didn’t go to the mosque because women aren’t allowed. She’d really piss off the jihadis! She could even show up at a old order Amish church service and explain to the American public that they don’t take welfare of any kind such as SS, Medicare/Medicaid, etc. That’ll really tick off the Leftists!

    Then a segment on the 2nd Amendment. Show her at civilian and military firearms ranges firing pistols, shotguns, and those evil assault rifle-like semi-auto rifles. Then throw in some full auto at the military ranges. She could advocate full auto civilian ownership like the Swiss have and no-permit-necessary concealed carry in states like Alaska and Vermont (and possibly Iowa in the near future?). She could teach about how firearms ownership keeps the thugs in check and how you can refuse to be a victim by owning an equalizer. You’d see women buying firearms like there is no tomorrow!

    How about cultural profiling at the airports? She could do a segment on how successful the Israelis are at stopping terrorism since 1969.

    Anyone have any other ideas on the kinds of segments she could do on FOX?"

  49. Maybe she can get it on with Hannity, O' Reilly, Kristol, Beck, etc. and call it the "Gang Bang: The Sarah Factor".

  50. It is no surpise at all that O'Palin is finally joining FUX NOISE.

    I doubt that I will watch it's show. Just about 2 minutes of that screech, and I change the channel.

    Or at least hit the MUTE button.

  51. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Well, if "mentally unstable" is true, it will speak for itself. It will manifest in the workplace, and sane heads will notice indiscrepancies and strange behavior eventually. The two Sarahs will clash soon enough when the honeymoon is over at Fox Studios.

    If one isn't a worshipper of Sarah at Fox, then one better be prepared to do all she demands, or lose their jobs; expect lots of aides and younger staff will be let go, and trouble will start when she insists her friends and family must be paid as part of the package. Is Studio Fox going to allow Piper to run free in the offices and Trig crawling on the dirty floors?

  52. Anonymous1:14 PM

    OK this is it. I have to be done with this for my own sanity. I cannot watch while she takes over. I wont be reading the blogs or anything Plain related anymore. I cant take it.

    Have fun with it all. Keep your vests on and duck when she reloads. This is not gonna be pretty

  53. Anonymous1:14 PM

    This could also backfire for her base, when it turns out the whole time she was milking them during her tour and being coy about a 2012 run, she was having the studio built in her new compound. That ase sure can turn & then it won't be pretty

  54. PurpleAlaska1:17 PM

    If nothing else...the ditsy chick is masterful at "changin' the subject."

  55. Anonymous1:25 PM

    this is a perfect job for her. She will be shielded by Fox. We are never going to see her make a big screw up on air-just won't happen with FOX

  56. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Wow, great post, Gryphen.

    Yep, that's why she had that high pitch voice during that resignation speech. (I think she was up all night, too.) Seems like I remember she talked to Cheney and McCain just a few days before she quit. Big jump...plastic surgery, writing a book, book tour, and teevee contract, why she's a millionaire now. Guess her employer is also involved with that speech reading job, and those FB rants, too. For the purpose of manipulating and increasing her flock while dissing President Obama like she did the first time she walked out on national stage. Only this time, it will be in her studio compound, live from Wasilla, Alaska. Don't forget she passed the ball. She's still in the game, just on the sideline. Taking over the media is one of those seven mountians. Wearing that blacked out visor was not done out of stupidity on a public beach. Why, after a few years on teevee, folks will believe those guys just lied on her. She will use that "mental" accusation to her benefit, you betcha. Yep.

    That is, unless Fox is brilliant (or someone maybe pulled some strings) to accomplish what Anonymous @11:37 said. If not, that corporation will be after those who speak out against their new starlet, like awful.

    Keep up the good work, Gryphen!

  57. The Fox News announcement explains the muted response to 60 Minutes - one short statement by Stapleton; no Facebook retort.

    Dickhead is right that this was timed to quickly bury the Game Change allegations in the news cycle.

    Game Change and Schmidt on 60 Minutes should be major talking points today, but the Fox announcement trumps them and quickly mutes their discussion.

  58. Anonymous1:29 PM

    CREW is Citizens responsibility for Ethics in Washington
    tip-line is
    please!!! She is not Mesmerizing to Left and independents only as such to watch a fricken train wreck!!!!
    She is charles manson to her bots.
    If you read the family book,One of them is confronted with "Truth & facts...and he tells the other guy we have no use for truth & facts b/c we have "faith" Grifter granny is their faith...They were threatening suicide over at the ocean when she quit!!! She will lead them over the clif to insanity!
    And besides Gryphen and others have hinted "THINGS" are in the works for her...things we will like, things that will stop her. I will not be party to your fearmongering and if I was face to face with you I would slap you to bring you to your senses! Grifter is going no where...but down...down, happy, don't live in fear.

  59. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I just feel like crying. How in the world did America come to this? The nation that is overhyped as the brightest and the best has become the nation of the ignorant and intolerant.

  60. Anonymous1:48 PM

    I have to agree: this is not funny. It is serious. To try to diminish her access of a major (in terms of audience) media outlet is to ignore how influential Faux News has become.

    Honestly, there are enough sheep in our country that this could be the tipping point in getting the teabaggers more power than our nightmares ever imagined.

    Someone somewhere has to come out with some reliable, test-proof evidence of something that will either disillusion her base or energize the moderates and progressives. Unless she herself self-implodes, someone needs to expose her lies Big Time Soon.

    P.S. Gryphen, I was saddened to see your ad below this posting. I noted MSMBC is taking ads from the conservatives during the Keith and Rachel shows. I didn't expect to see them here. Still, a guy has to live, I guess.

  61. honestyinGov1:52 PM

    This also blows apart her whole Faux persona now that she is on Faux.
    You don't think this immediately stops any personal ' donations ' that she has been begging for through various means..? Sure Faux and Murdoch have to give her a paycheck now BUT her whole ' connection ' to these Kool-Aid drinking Cult followers and that she needs THEIR money for her cause is gone. How will they feel connected and relate... Now?
    They have to realize that NOBODY on the FAUX Channel is hard up for money. Don't they..?? Would they send their money in to Glenn Beck or Hannity when they now they make the big $$$$..? She IS one of TV people.... the Elite.I think this breaks that ' personal connection ' to those who were blindly following...the ones She could manipulate. She is NOT one of THEM anymore. If it doesn't.. they are even dumber than we thought.JMHO.

  62. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Breaking over at Palingates: Bristol has signed for 6 figures for a series of pics with Tripp and the Palin family.

    What a bunch of fucking hypocrites (remember what Van Flea alleged about Levi in the court docs?).


  63. Anonymous1:55 PM

    this is good news actually, and not unexpeted as the goss has been floating around about her getting a fox tv show since before she quit her governor's seat.

    But really, it's good news inasmuch as she cannot possibly keep up with the schedule fox will give her and she won't be able to just quit - she'll have to break her contract - and that will happen on international television for all to see :)

    Can't you just see the execs at fox when Sarah starts whining about how badly they treat her?

    She's never yet left a job without badmouthing the ppl she's left behind, why should her future treatment of fox be any different?

  64. 10catsinMD1:56 PM

    After seen the insane garbage that Beck puts out on Faux news, Opalin will be a breath of fresh air in their eyes.

    It won't matter how much you put out about her. If she makes herself look crazy anyway. What was to be said should have been put out there a long time ago to prevent any of this from happening.

    History will probably show the truth as we have seen from past administrations. But Opalin needs to be blown away big asap.

  65. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Well, the fetchingly clueless Gretchen Carlson has already proven that ex-Beauty Queens-turned-TV "reporters" can be as dumb as a stump. Just imagine the great sucking sound if/when Palin & Carlsen team up to interview Michelle Bachmann. Add Virginia Foxx to the picture and we're talking the Black Hole of Stupidity.

  66. What more hiding behind Facebook??

    LOL............ She won't last because she doesn't have the mental capacity or dedication to keep a job that requires "real work"

    She makes Glen Beck look like an absolute genius.

    We'll get to see just how many times she falls on the "quit makin' things up " sword.

    In order to keep current, Media Matters will have to start another blog devoted just to her.

    How long will it take for folks to go after Palin's advertising sponsors the way they are doing with Becks?

    Can you see the Palin gold commercials in your head yet?......I can.

    Remember this?:

    Syndicating Sarah Palin

    While you might assume Palin would be a better fit for conservative radio than the less partisan world of syndicated broadcast TV, my sources say the country’s biggest radio conglomerate, Clear Channel, has already passed on her.

    The main objection to Palin as radio talk-show host is that she would have to hold forth for three hours a day.

    While some of her recent remarks may indicate a talent for improvisation, anyone who’s listened to Rush Limbaugh or Thom Hartmann or Don Imus or Howard Stern or even Ryan Seacrest knows it’s the rare personality who can blab extemporaneously for 15 hours a week.

    And relying on callers to get you through won’t help, because as we’ve all experienced, callers-in are usually more embarrassing than compelling.

    Inside Radio also gleefully points out the irony of these rumors, since Palin’s disdain for the media is clear. As she admonished reporters in her departure speech: “Quit making things up.”

  67. I posted this to the wrong thread:

    Let's remember the good news here folks - Palin is out of public office and will never again attain it again.

    A ridiculous mouthpiece? That's okay, the Repugnants are chock full of blow hards and they all have to compete for the same audience to cash in on their books. Palin might even come in for some criticism from the likes of Coulter for just that reason - dog eat dog competition for book $$$ from a large but limited audience.

    Glen Beck has already been snarky regarding diva La Palin. O'Reilly's show was the very one that "leaked" the original info on her Country of Africa idiocy. Murdoch just has to keep his cash cow milking until she's dry, then its back to the compound in Alaska, AIP speeches and more plastic surgery. Who knows, maybe even some emergency psychiatric care.

    Basically this is what we wanted. No one wants her spewing on Fox but she has to go somewhere, and she is certainly not opening up any new avenues for herself.

    Her cult? They already watch Fox and read her Facebook stuff. Nothing new there. I for one am quite pleased to see her pigeon-holed as a mediocre conservative speaker and Fox mouthpiece.

  68. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I agree, Gryphen. She's been Murdoch's pony for months, if not more than a year. Now she's just wearing her stable's colors.

  69. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Anon 1:48
    The ads you see appear on Gryphen's site are not specific ads he has chosen. Each time you come to his page, they change as they are rotating Ads by Google.

  70. Two Blue Jays2:28 PM

    According to AKM's update, the show(s) will be produced in New York, which means Palin will be spending a lot of time there. So much for the new house. Gryphen, it's hard to take your advice and 'calm the fuck down' when it seems like this woman is made of teflon. She wins and wins again, getting what she wants, and nothing stops her. She may not end up as POTUS, but she will do significant collateral damage to America via FAUX. She has been handed a platform to reach her followers that POTUS would never provide and the only 'governor' on her inflammatory talk will be the producers and editors of those shows who have a vested interest in generating controversy to get ratings and keep their jobs. In other words, no one will tell her to shut up. Can you stop her? Can anyone? Doesn't any one of your sources care enough about the country they live in to stop her??

  71. She starts work TOMORROW -
    Palin will make her first appearance as a contributor Tuesday night on "The O'Reilly Factor."
    I, too, do not find this amusing.
    My neighbor is a medical doctor - nice, educated woman - and she watches ONLY FOX and adores scarah.
    While most followers are uneducated racists, not all of them are. Many are too lazy or too busy to analyze and search for facts.
    This is a sickening development, but I will NOT run away - I will join the fight to expose her for the liar, fraud, hoaxster, grifter slime that she is.

  72. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Instead of posting those ghost written comment on face book, now Sarah will read them from a teleprompter.

    What I cannot imagine Sarah doing is analysis. She couldn't handle debate prep. She couldn't study for an interview with Katy. Analysis? You would actually have to know things in to take a complex subject, break it into understandable pieces and compare them to similar facts. Sarah cannot write 140 characters that make sense.

    And, that voice! I hope that Sarah remains stubborn and refuses any kind of voice coach. The mean girl, snarky sound is exactly what Fox is looking for.

  73. Anonymous2:40 PM

    On a different topic, palingates has reported that Bristol Palin has an exclusive with the tabloids. This is absolutely priceless in light of her previous attempt to keep the custody hearing sealed.

  74. emrysa2:52 PM

    great points gryphen.

    the people she has to work with at fox are going to learn the truth about palin. they will come to understand that the things coming out of the mccain campaign were true. it won't happen immediately, but over time her true self is going to show. it's who she is - an unprepared, proudly ignorant diva. that's just not going to change. the gaffes... there will be an endless supply. I kind of think she's going to regret this in the long run like she regretted saying yes to mccain.

    I also agree that she is not going to become president, people need to relax. she'll still be all over the place running her mouth, but she will never be president. first of all, no professional campaign people will ever work with her again, and we've seen how inept her team is. if she makes a run she won't get very far (but it may be fun for the rest of us to watch). second of all, the tina fey parodies, the horrible interviews she did - these will be played ad nauseum by her opponents. thirdly, the LIES. her opponents will pummel her with her own lies. when it comes right down to it, the majority of americans will not support her for president. she's finished as a national candidate. she might be able to win a senate seat somewhere in dumbfuckistan, but she will never progress beyond that.

    so gryphen will you become our point person to watch faux snooze and report back? I sure as hell won't be watching that channel. won't blame you if you didn't, either.

    oh, and let me close by adding - I predicted back during the campaign that she'd end up working for faux. too bad I didn't place some bets with people!!

  75. Isn't this good news? Isn't this what we've been hoping for?

    I'm confused by the response. Palin at Fox News is akin to her being sequestered in a padded cell with the rest of the loonies; preaching to the few loonies that listen. I think it's great; fits her like a glove and that's exactly where she belongs, in an environment like Fox, and NOT in politics.

    On a side note: Fox really confuses me as a company. Fox News is wayyy conservative, yet Fox Network presents The Simpsons, Family Guy, Cleveland Show and American Dad. American Dad especially, makes fun of flag-waving patriots and the rest of their Sunday animated lineup is anything but conservative. Then there is the Fox Reality Channel which airs reality "exploitation" type shows and shows highlighting the antics of stupid criminals. The entire company has a split personality.

    At any rate, Yay Sarah, in w/Fox and out of my politics. I hope she cries like Glenn Beck...

  76. Anon @ 1:or PM said "Once she is on Fox, she is no longer a private citizen, but a public celebrity, which will mean she is open to much more enquirer like tabloid reporting."

    I hope this provides an opening for NBC to issue a highly publicized invitation for Palin to show up on Meet the Press -- over and over and over again.

    After all, Rachel Maddow has several times. Don't the Palinistas want to see if Sarah Palin can trump Rachel's appearances?

    Nah...Palin won't creep out of the safety of wherever she tapes her shows, which will probably be the local Anchorage Fox TV studio.

    And, of course, she could always offer the excuse that she has Trig to care for (cue violins).


    RE:the right winger quoted here @ 1:08 PM, yeah, I'd like to see Sarah Palin fire a gun -- this time, without repeated attempts to get her to hold the gun properly, and without admonitions to keep her finger off the trigger until she's ready to fire it!

    I just hope others are wise enough to stand behind her. And an EMT is nearby.

  77. Anonymous2:54 PM

    McClatchey's Erika Bolstad posts the section from the book that describes Palin's confusion:

    Palin had "substantial deficiencies," the authors report, and her "grasp of rudimentary facts and concepts was minimal." Those deficiencies became apparent on Sept. 10, when she was getting ready to fly back to Alaska to see her son, Track, depart for Iraq, the authors report. She was also preparing for her interview with ABC’s Charlie Gibson.

    "Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussein. Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. (Palin's horrified advisers provided her with scripted replies, which she memorized.) Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team, 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff."

    And this woman is going to provide comment and analysis on Fox News! Don't bother to study, Sarah, they don't pay attention to the facts, either.

  78. Michelle in CA3:11 PM

    I cannot imagine they will allow her to say anything unscripted. Gretchen Carlson, though she plays dumb, studied at Oxford and graduated with honors at Stanford. Palin has a two-digit IQ. She is charismatic, as sociopaths frequently are. I imagine she will be a team player for a while, but then get bored when they don't let her off the leash. We've got some great YouTube moments ahead when she goes rogue on Faux.

  79. 10catsinMD3:12 PM

    Okay folks. You can diss me for this. but how about I/we start our own little prayer circle that she crashes and burns back to Wasilla and is never seen again except on halloween and other holidays racing up and down her turret and past those broad wide windows.

  80. There is NO WAY she will do "analysis." She will do her Soviet-style facebook proclamations in her own voice (eek) from the teleprompter. NO questions, NO debate. For good measure, Piper and Trig for shields.
    Therefore, I expect no "gaffes."
    The 2.5 million viewers vs. 126 million voters IS, however, encouraging.

  81. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Sounds like gate-of-the-day is no longer needed to impact the Palin ascent. Just being on fox news will suffice to do the exposure job that neither the governorship nor the veep campaign could do.


  82. Palin can still run for POTUS in 2012 or beyond. Have you heard of Mike Huckabee, who also has a show on Fox News? He's only out for 2012 because of his recent scandal. Before that, he was the front-runner. As many have said, this isn't funny and somebody in AK has to man or woman up and take this dangerous lunatic down.

  83. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Thanks for the update Gryphen. I guess Huckabee still has his PAC? Does Sarah get to keep hers?

  84. Basheert, she aint on OTC speed meds, I agree. Her moods, her weight, skin, aging, cold sores.....Her SISTER IN LAW....Perfect for pox noise!

  85. Lynne said...
    There's really nowhere else left for her to go
    Sure there is. Hell or PRISON!


  86. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Sorry, Gryph, I won't calm down until she is stopped! She is pure evil and she is being rewarded for it.

    This makes me feel angry. I want her stopped now, not in the future after she has created more chaos in our country. She is such a ridiculous person, but she is constantly given a pass and I'm tired of it.

  87. Wonder if she'll do her clips holding a pants-less Trig.

    I don't give a shit if she's on Fox 24/7, because I think once she starts there, she will never again be a "pretend contender" in the national political arena. She can hang out with far right wing dumbasses like Glen Beck and Tub O' Rush, make her jiffy-pop hair go higher, have more plastic surgery, and grift to her heart's content. Her evangelical bots will be thrilled--they can rub up against their television sets when she's reporting.

    In the meantime, the rest of us real Pro-Americans can get on with proGR-- I mean, advancing, this great country.....Wasilla idiot-free.

  88. kdusmdd3:37 PM

    OK...It seems to me that the people that have the "goods" on Palin DON'T want to bring her down. WHY??????
    She keeps on going up and up...and everybody is watching.
    STOP that B@TCH, NOW....
    If anyone knows what she's done and doesn't come forth....they are just as guilty as she is.....that's my opinion

  89. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I hope Rex Butler is taking note of what Schmidt said last night about Palin's mental state, esp. after Van Fleabag made allegations about Sherry Johnston not being "fit" to visit with Tripp unsupervised.

    Also, too, the allegations Van Flea made against Levi for "exploiting" Tripp has been blown apart by Bristol's current 6-figure deal with a tabloid (not to mention the People magazine cover, etc).

    I'm convinced the apple (Bristol) hasn't fallen far from the tree (Scarah). She really needs to get out from under the mother's skirt.

  90. Sharon in Florida3:42 PM

    FauxNews signed her on as a "commentator". Believe they knew that if they gave her a regular gig, the sponsor would get trashed like Beck's sponsors did. (Even Beck looks intelligent and sane compared to Palin.)

    Yeah Sarah really won out today didn't she? Blasted Schmidt and "Game Change" right out of the news cycle. "Who lil ol me crazy and stupid? I've got a contract with FauxNews!!"

    Meanwhile...on another blog some anonymous commenter is dropping little bombshells every so often that SP and her faithful followers don't seem to notice. OR are scared to reply to?? Hmmmm...what could that mean?? Looks like somebody else is getting ready to go rogue?

  91. Have the Palin fans noticed yet that the Alaska she quit in order to help from a different direction (at least I think that's what she told the loons) isn't being helped? At all? That she isn't doing one dern thing to 'further progress' any Alaskan concern? That she hasn't contributed one dime or moment to the outlying villages? Hasn't donated a book to the library? Zip?

    Have they noticed she's doing great, financially, and yet nothing is happening to improve any Alaskan's life?

  92. shes just another Mur-bot, with bad skin, bad hair and an agenda. BFD. she can spew to her base, while she freebases the truth. She WILL NEVER RUN FOR OFFICE. teee veee pays too well. She also now has super anti-librul media powers. BFD. She will NEVER be my president.
    Puck off while your male fan base gets a hard on, toad get's some side meat and your kids hopefully go to fucking school.

  93. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Just more hypocrisy from the Palin camp; after all, she did hate the media ("making stuff up") and now she's going to have to deal with lots of people who are "not real Americans", esp Rupert Murdoch.

    She's set to make her first appearance on Fox with O'Leilly tomorrow. Will he teach her his famous "Live! We'll do it fucking live!" routine?

  94. I agree, people need to relax, there's no way she hs any plans of ever running for President. Ever. She would probably take another VP nod because she could hide from the press again, but she'll never subject herself to a primary with multiple debates and true access from the press.

    Being on Fox doesn't help her win new supporters, when is the last time you heard her speak in public and thought "that helped"?

    To become President here's what she'd have to do in the electoral college-
    1. Re-win every red state from 2008.
    2. Sweep the 5 largest blue states (after NY and CA).
    3. Pick up a 6th blue state.

    Thats impossible. relax and enjoy. It's going to be a trainwreck. To quote T.O.- get your popcorn ready!

  95. Palin is appearing on O'Reilly's show? I wonder if she'll ask on air if she can call him Bill?

    Seriously, didn't he just interview her in November, and watch her babble in her familiar endless-word-salad way?

  96. Sharon in Florida4:05 PM

    No way does Sarah Palin compare to Gretchen Carlson. Carlson only pretends to be stupid - Palin IS stupid. Rock solid dumb. Wasn't it KO who gave a run-down on Carlson showing that she really is intelligent and only pretends to be dumb?

    Haha - watching Countdown right now. Lawrence O'Donnell has already pegged SP gig at Faux. Says "Does God have a position on her new job with Faux?"

  97. Sharon in Florida4:12 PM

    Also, too, Gretchen Carlson is a REAL beauty contest winner. SHE didn't come in 2nd or 3rd.

    We won't ever see a middle-aged Palin in the same room with Gretchen Carlson. (Not that I like Carlson - I don't!!!) Just saying

  98. Aussie Blue Sky4:13 PM

    She won't be able to ask for resignations on Day One to test their "loyalty" (mayor), or put her old buddies in the highest jobs (AK). This gig requires working with other people (AOGCC) and we know how well that turned out.

  99. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Oh, yeah, now I remember about how O'Leilly brought up her ignorance about Africa being a "country" (read it on another blog where someone mentioned it).

    Of course, I'm not sure if she's too old for him or not. Falafel, anyone?

  100. Anonymous4:48 PM

    EVEN IF Sarah never runs for president she can still, with this position and Fox's international power and endless cash, be in a position that is more powerful than the president. The president at this point in our history is merely a puppet at the mercy of the back-stage puppet handlers. Sarah through Fox could easily upstage a president, ongoing, and make his or her job almost impossible. Don't think she is through, not by a long shot. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and if there is one thing Sarah and Fox know how to do, it is to make noise. Even if they only have 2 million viewers, that number can change, especially if the economy tanks. And just as they bald-faced lied about how many people were in their tea party demonstrations, they will for sure lie about the extent of the power she will wield in this position. The only thing stopping her now (by exposing her) is Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow, and Fox and their viewers are working 24/7 to pressure MSNBC to get rid of them.

  101. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Granting a lot depends on who Sarah's puppet masters are and whether she will behave for them. If she is truly Miss Rogue American she can’t behave for them.

    But I don't see her getting through the Iowa caucuses. Those folks are serious about their politics and I don't think they will appreciate being talked to like they are idiots.

    Or Sarah will skip the Republican primary processes completely and NY 23 as many Republicans as possible.

    Just as she has gotten revenge on so many who she sees as defying her or offending her, the Republicans disrespected her in fall 2008. Sarah will get her revenge by trying to destroy as many Repugs as she can.

    You betcha.

  102. Anonymous4:52 PM

    It is going to be so much fun seeing how long it takes for Sarah, BillO, and Glen to start stabbing each other in the back.

  103. Country Girl4:57 PM

    kdusmdd said...
    OK...It seems to me that the people that have the "goods" on Palin DON'T want to bring her down. WHY??????
    She keeps on going up and up...and everybody is watching.

    The higher they go, the farther (and faster) they fall!

  104. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I'd put money on her running for matter what comes out. anyone who doubts that has never spent time with a true narcissist.
    read the new york magazine excerpt about john edwards. he started to love the crowds. sarah's the same. and where there's crowds of adoring fans, there'll be sarah, blabbing away for the attention. Oh, she won't win, but she won't be able to help herself. she'll run. Every time she appears on FOX there'll be a slew of letters from people splooging all over themselves to get her to run, and she won't resist. she won't win; but she'll run! Even if Babygate is exposed, she'll run...

  105. Anonymous5:02 PM

    @kudsmdd: Sarah has picked a safe place to be if any bad news breaks. Bill O'Reilly had made inappropriate comments that were taped regarding a female employee-- and he is still there. Rush Limbaugh had a problem with drugs, even getting his maidto go prescription shopping for him. Rush has been caught coming home from a suggested sex tour with a suitcase filled with Viagra. Even a heart attack has failed to stop that big guy.

    At this point, the bravest, most bold, going rogue thing that Sarah could do would be to step up, acknowledge that she was covering for her pregnant unwed daughter and wanted to give a disabled child the best chance at life possible. The applause would be deafening! She would be hailed as a hero.

    If you want to place bets on whether Sarah will actually do that- I am guessing that her massive ego is so committed to her cover ups and deceptions that she cannot admit a thing. She cannot even admit to herself that she does not know anything at all about history, politics or much of anything else. Other than reading prepared statements, and reciting a few talking points, Sarah cannot hold an intelligent conversation, let alone analyze the news. Ask Katy Couric.

  106. Or when O'Reilly called her out for her statement that Joe Biden was inexperienced. "Well he IS experienced"

    What a den of egos they are creating over at Fox. It's going to be fun to watch!

  107. Anon 11:37

    BINGO you nailed it.

    There is nothing that Murdoch loves more than tabloid trash sensationalism. I think he considers Palin his bold new experiment - this time he literally controls the story which is Granny and her scandals as well as the media outlet that will reports on it. Isn't this called a vertical business model?

    Someone needs to buy a popcorn factory, quick.

  108. I predict Civil War on Faux. Granny Grifter's massive ego and sense of entitlement meets Billy O & Glenn Blech's massive egos - Kaboom! Those two already have given indications that she's not their favorite person and I bet even Hannity will feel less inclined to slobber over her. All on Faux must bow down to her highness or buh bye.

    That said, she is still a great danger to America. Don't discount the fact that she still might have her eye on the ultimate prize - the WH. She wants the title and the power, she's got the money and isn't even considering that it might involve some hard work. She'd never settle for being someone's VP. I don't think she has a chance, but I'm not willing to say it can never happen.

    Saying never has backfired on me many times including saying W would never be elected a second time. We must continue to be vigilant and do everything we can to send her to a cave in the wilderness, or preferably a jail cell for life.

    Gryph, in one of your posts you implied that Toad has some deep dark secrets, how bout bringing some of those out in the light?

  109. ONline, everyone seems to be talking about her new gig trumping the 60 Minutes story. OFFline, in the real world, the reverse seems to be happening. IMHO.

  110. Anonymous5:39 PM

    watching a train wreck in slow motion? It has felt like warp speed!

    Remember $carah! It is all gods plan: Even the parts that you don't like.

    We won't be watching you but we will never turn a blind eye or a back to you.

    You screwed the pooch here in Alaska. We will never ever forget...

  111. Amazing, I tell you, just Amazing!
    Maybe she can do to PoxNews the same thing she is doing to the ReTHUGlicans.

  112. aka Rocky in Texas says...

    Finally, Fox News takes action and responds to all the rumor's about them being liars and always making stuff up by...

    Hiring the Grifter aka Liar of the Year!! O'Pallin.

    UnFair and UnBalanced!

  113. Fox and Sarah Palin were meant to be...Looney Tunes gathering.

    From the time, I first heard about Palin and began reading Alaskan this one and others. Yes, the people who really knew the full measure of SP and were not afraid to let not only the USA citizens know all about SP..but also the many people across our small Planet who use the Interne. I not only have been thankful for those who have shared the truth about Sarah Palin..but I also worried about them. Sarah is a vicious woman and one has to remember that fact of her personality.

    Now that she will be chatting up her version of life...someone needs to be concerned for the good and beautiful people of Alaska. Sarah Palin has blighted the name of that wonderful State. It is way past the time that McCain, and other Republicans speak up for the Citizens of Alaska...and tell the truth about Palin. Instead of trying to convience the public that Sarah Palin is good for the Republican Party and ALL the citizens of USA.

    Keep up the good work is greatly appreciated.

  114. 10catsinMD5:59 PM

    This is a bit O/T, but some comment said Osarah has a prescription for Valtrex, which is for herpes.

    This would be why Toad does not sleep with her. But then where did the kids come from.

    Maybe Candies gave Osarah a truckload of condms as part of the endorsement.

    I have no respect for her and her family at all. I will make a prayer and offering that God's plan, the one that kept her out of office, will keep working on her.

  115. I think it's going to be a whole lot harder to take this entity down now that she has Fox behind her. All those lawyers and money. Scary

  116. Oh, my, the final few minutes of Rachel Maddow's show skewered Sarah Palin big time!

    Gryphen, you should see if you can get a Youtube clip of the spot where Rachel's sidekick Kent whatshisname does a piece on Palin -- it's sidesplitting funny, in the same vein as David Letterman's Top 10 Lists.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Look at the viewer numbers G-man cited:

    FNC – 2.357,000 viewers
    CNN – 573,000 viewers
    MSNBC –767,000 viewers
    CNBC – a scratch w/110,000 viewers
    HLN –757,000 viewers

    Fox news has the highest viewership, about triple the number of its nearest competitor. By his argument, none of the news channels would have an impact on the electorate. Intuitively, that just doesn't seem right.

    Teflon Granny once again will be mentored by industry pros.

    She gets to start in baby steps with low expectations.

    It's in the interest of parent show hosts and staff to help her along in order to help their own ratings.

    Hep me baby Jeebus!

  119. Well I posted this elsewhere - and got myself into moderator trouble. She has good little spies all over reporting every word said against her.

    Ever since Mrs Palin discovered the joy of flying in a corporate jet with her own minders and hair dresser she fell in love with the A1 movie star life style. That is why she so wanted to be VP & someone (outside of Alaska) gave her the right instructions on how to get the reward without the work. She will leave the family living in the new house, will disown all the old associates and have a great time in NY while new advisors do all the hard work and preparation.

    Wonder how long it will be before one of the new advisors breaks away and "tells all". Guess they will be signing "non-disclosure" agreements.

    She doesn't want to be president but she does want to pick who the next one will be - with all the kudos then to be received. She well sees herself as a kingmaker. Perhaps the fact that those who chose her have largely fallen from grace is the only optimistic thought in all this horror.

    This is no longer funny or good news. This is a country being dragged to its lowest level, with barely a wimper of regret.

  120. Anonymous7:25 PM

    If someone out there really knows enough to end this farse, they really better spill the beans because other wise HERSELF will be our next president.

    I am not a troll...I just fed up with this nonsense.

  121. Anonymous7:38 PM

    If you have the goods that would bring the woman down, why are you playing around? Is the popularity of this blog more important than the truth? Is it more important than your basic freedoms as they exist now? Like before she and her puppet master's take over?

  122. Anonymous7:38 PM

    sarah tweets: What would America do w/out Fox News?

    Well, for starters, America would be talking about the mentally unstable veep candidated picked and supported by John McCain who did NOT put country first.

  123. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Anonymous at 5:02, nothing will be revealed about Trig, because nothing out of the ordinary happened. Trig is Sarah Palin's son. You will realize that fact eventually.

  124. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign8:04 PM

    Remember - IF she is not the mother of Trig (and I'm not saying one way or the other as I have no idea), Fox has her over a barrel and has for a long time.

    Fox purchased the Israeli filmmaker, Frank Elan's tape:,7340,L-3591532,00.html

    If he followed her around while filming for three or four days, there is a lot of tape there from around 10 days before she had the baby.

    That's one possibility - that Fox has her by the tail. She can generate a lot of money for them if manipulated correctly.

    On the other hand, maybe that's all nothing and it's just all she can do right now. Maybe she'll play her flute like Huckabee plays his guitar. There is one big upside to that - she can't speak while she's blowing hot air.

    Either way, it's obvious that this was kept a bit in the wings to try to counteract what they knew was going to be a damaging 60 minutes. That's just the way they are, and the damage was done so there you go.

  125. Hell i am glad she's going on faux. Is it not best to keep the poop in a group. I can only imagine that Glenn Beck has his BEST interest firmly in hand. Thank whatever i gave up cable. I am waiting for the comedy.

  126. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Listen, having her on Fox News may be just where we want her. Unless she is scripted 100% of the time, she is sure to screw up. And then she will be lambasted. Continually. Once that pattern sets in, predictably, she will quit. No worries, people. This lady is going down, sooner or later. I mean politically speaking; I have no desire for anything beyond that. I just want her to go away.

  127. I'm sure she'll be very happy.

    After all, isn't this where she started? Only on a piddly little station doing sports commentary. Now she's hit the big time.

    I'm sure she'll consider herself better than David Letterman now. I can just hear the gloat.

  128. Anne NC8:28 PM

    The comments at C4P and Facebook are frightening when you consider that the people writing them have voting rights. One of them said that "Sarah's brilliant analysis and commentary regarding Obama will have him running scared. Once she has the nomination, he will more than likely concede since the great majority of the country admires this woman immensely." Doesn't it make you want to throw up? In true irony, it reminds me of some of the mania regarding President Obama when he was campaigning. I thought it was ridiculous from his supporters and I think the same of hers. These people are like immature teenage girls with a "crush" on the most popular boy in class or the latest teen heartthrob on the music scene. It's embarrassing!

    When my SIL called me tonight from Britain and the topic of SP came up and she asked me what was wrong with the people in this country that they can't see how stupid and unprepared this woman is for public office of any type? I tried to tell her that not everyone, in fact, the majority of people don't think she's capable of running anything. She doesn't even take care of her family.

    As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner who also worked when her children were younger, I like to think women can combine career and family. However, when Palin resigned I had harbored some hope that she was actually doing so to spend time with Trig since these first five years are of extreme importance in any child's life, and doubly so in a child with special needs. When I hear the Palinbots talking about what a wonderful woman she is because she carried him to term, I can't help but think that's nothing to brag about when you don't care about them after they are born!! Even excluding the Wild Ride, her judgment as a Mother has been horrific, to see a child in the cold without warm clothes, hearing aids and glasses and being carried like a rag doll is heartbreaking. He really does seem to be nothing more than a prop. I personally think she doesn't use his glasses and hearing aids because then he would be able to see and hear everything around him and react. She doesn't want any reactions from him. She wants him docile and easy to care for.

    I fully support any woman who wants both career and family but I know if I had a special needs child and could afford to stay home with them, I would be happy to do so. But her Palinbots have her interviewing foreign leaders, visiting the troops in Iraq, discussing policy with McChrystal, and sitting with the press at White House briefings, LOL!

    Fair and balanced at Fox news with Sarah? I hope she truly does what they said she would, speak her mind without the aid of a teleprompter. They believe her real value because of her "vast journalism experience" ??? lies in her ability to speak freely on any topic without written notes or a teleprompter. The best one yet is the line one of her bots wrote about how "Obama would be shaking in his boots if he knew what was coming in the future with debates with her". Have these people lost all of their senses? I know common sense is gone but they can't hear or see, too???

    Please make her go away, Gryphen.

    On another note, isn't it amazing how some of the things Levi said compares so well with the revelations in Game Changer? Gotta love that kid, hope he gets at least 50/50 custody. He might be young, but he actually sounds like he has some common sense in the articles I've read about him.

  129. Maeve8:53 PM

    Don't count her out. The power of money is always strong and one thing Murdoch's got its money. Money and balls. He's always wanted a country to run and since he can't run for office here, why shouldn't he purchase himself a pretty little president?

    Palin isn't a big crook like Nixon - and even Nixon got a second act, a presidency and a Mao-like rehabilitation after he, don't count her out. She may be an ignoramus, but she knows how to play a crowd. She's got dangerous ideas and a crowd following her down the primrose path to perdition. In a way, I think she's more dangerous than Dick Cheney; at least he's up front about where he wants to go and how he wants to get there. She talks about her spiritual beliefs but only in a superficial way - I think if her followers knew what she really wants to do they'd be less apt to follow - or maybe I'm just a cockeyed optimist...

  130. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Seriously, does anyone think Palin can survive High Def? She will HATE how she looks on High Def.

  131. The non Fox networks combined have a viewership of 2,207,000.

    Since Fox is the only conservative cable news network they have ALL of the conservative viewers whereby the more moderate and liberal viewers have a variety of cable news stations to choose from.

    Based on these numbers (and I got those from Stephens comment above and did not research this myself) But, based on these numbers it looks like roughly the same number of conservatives and mod/libs tune into cable news, give or take 100,000.

  132. emrysa9:47 PM

    "nothing will be revealed about Trig, because nothing out of the ordinary happened. Trig is Sarah Palin's son."

    riiiight.... check the clock, it might be time for your next dose.

  133. Anonymous9:49 PM

    @mlaiuppa: Letterman has his own hour long show. Sarah's commentaries will be featured on somebody's program. Sarah did not get her own show.

    I have been a long time fan of Letterman. His jokes take jabs at everyone, including himself. Sarah will have to stick the script that someone is writing for her. If she goes rogue, and takes off after Levi, for example, they may not like that. Sooner or later, Letterman will make a joke about her, or there will be a blog comment that she doesn't like. She won't last long if she tries to make a snarky comment. The difference is that Letterman tries to make the joke funny. Sarah isn't about getting a laugh; she is about getting even.

    O'Reilly has been a target of Keith Olbermann's Countdown, and Keith takes relish in pointing out O'Reilly's errors, pompous mistakes and lies. Sarah has such thin skin. I wonder how long she will be able to remain silent when she is named "Worst Person in the World."

    I should add that she will remain a target on The Daily Show, SNL and anyone else who makes jokes about the media. SNL did an imitation of Chris Matthews, which he really did not like at all. On TV, he had to laugh about it and show that he was a good sport. Sarah is not that good an actress.

    I went to Google to find out how much money Dave makes a year. New York Magazine reported $31. million a year. I am sorry, but that tops anything that Rupert paid Sarah for the book & TV gig. Best guess was $1.5 for the book and a couple of million more for the TV. Even if you take the best guess of $10. million, she is not in any position to lord it over Letterman. There is a rule on TV that warns politicians never to take a jab at a comedian. They always get the last laugh.

  134. Anonymous10:10 PM

    You people don't get it!

    We've already lost. She got exactly what she wants. Money, Fame and a shot at national TV where she can spout off at the mouth her lies


    Ok, I believe Trig is NOT hers but it doesn't matter what I think nor anyone else here. If there is NO solid proof, everyone else just thinks we're a bunch of nutcases. In most eyes we're no better than the birthers. It's just straight conspiracy theory.

    The only way we're going to get Palin out of the public eyes for good is to get someone to speak out with 100% verifiable proof.

    With no proof we still have Palin.

    The more this carries on, the LESS people actually care.


    If we want to be taken seriously, SOMEONE NEEDS TO SPEAK UP.

    Apparently some of you know people who know something. Not everyone can be scared of Palin. WTF?

  135. Anonymous2:13 AM

    $P will be scripted and groomed to generate a devotional tribe of supporters who will tithe their double-wides when she becomes the first woman in history to run for POTUS. The campaign will be done from her hideyhole due to trumped up untrue threats on her person making personal appearances as few as possible. It will be a mail-in your check campaign. The strategy, because she could never win, will be as a deal-maker and finally deliver her supporters (for a price) to vote for the other ultra-conservative candidate. She will have her PAC dollars big time and Fox will have its cash hen. Betcha!

  136. Anon at 813pm: "Unless she is scripted 100% of the time, she is sure to screw up."

    Even if she is scripted 100% of the time, she'll be train wrecking also...thanks to her narcissism and delusional belief there that she can otherwise proGRESS herself as a great Pro-American speaker (frost heaves! special needs! moose chili!).

    Those frisky Palin teenagers must be excited though! Sarah's FOX gig means even less parental oversight than ever before! Party at bristol's bribe house!!!!


  137. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Anon 2:13, I agree with the gist of your ideas - but she wouldn't be the first woman to run for President - in the primaries, anyway. And Scarah would never get farther than that. Remember a plucky little gal named, what was it, Hillary? And Arianna Huffington ran for Pres in the primaries some years back. I'm sure there have been others. But yes, Scarah would be the first one to run who would have hardcore appeal to the fundamentalist/Dominionist/Let's Bring About the Rapture as Soon as Possible crowd.

  138. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sarah Palin will not get along with the other well educated women on Fox News......PERIOD

  139. Anonymous8:47 AM

    OK, first right-wing fem POTUS candidate. Will be in as Rogue Party candidate only to quit days before the vote, blaming ______, and too busy cashing checks.

  140. chancefavors9:03 PM

    Sarah Joins Fox News..

    Who else would have her ridiculous arse?
    Fox viewers, approx. 2.5 million?
    Well, there are approx. 303,824,640 million people living in this country. Hope that give just one more person reason to smile..

  141. Anonymous5:43 AM

    "I know ignernt" or; "I no ignernt!"


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It just goes directly to their thighs.