Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All hail the glory that is Sarah Palin.

I have been a little tough on Palin and her supporters lately. I hope this will smooth things over.

You know the scary thing is that THIS is exactly how her followers see her.

(H/T to the artist who created and e-mailed this image to me.)


  1. Oh boy Gryphen, you're in trouble now!

  2. wow, that is quite an image! I particularly like the red toenails and McCain's expression. Also the angry little girl--is that Piper? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I do think her hair is missing the bumpit which I is a critical part of her "brand".

  3. I'm waiting for the Megathon blasts about "desecrating an iconic image"...

    And of course, she wouldn't mean desecrating a picture of Christ -- she'd mean not putting boobs on the figure.


  4. Anonymous11:12 AM

    disturbing graphic....palin is so unholy and immoral!

  5. icstraights11:12 AM

    I still DO NOT get her appeal! She is so effing dumb!

    It truly boggles the mind.

    I know there must be some psychology out there that explains the Manson's and Koresh's of persuasion: SHE IS NO DOUBT a cult leader...I just thought that they had higher IQ's...

  6. Oh yeah, one more thing.
    Sarah Palin is absolutely and categorically a fraud

    Just wanted to share


  7. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Things change fast in Sarah land.

    Joe the plumber is currently a non-believer...

    Meg should be washing her feet.

  8. Anonymous11:27 AM

    That's really disturbing, simply because she does not believe in JC as far I can tell.

  9. wakeUpAmerica11:30 AM

    It is amazing to me that the pseudo-christians think that she was hand-picked by God to lead this country. Wait, what? Personally I think God would at the very least pick someone with a moral compass. However, I doubt that He has any interest in politics.

  10. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign11:45 AM

    "Remember to Wink" written on the iconic Twit's hand. Priceless. It is her mandation to all who adore her to remind her, also, too - just in case she used washable crayons instead of a sharpie.

    All hail the iconic Twit! Then laugh your butt off at her delusion of grandeur!

  11. Yep, this IS exactly how her cult sees her. If you do not believe it, just venture into the sea of pee and read the posts. Especially "Brainius." And when he posts his religious-filled screeds, the bots all click "like" in unison.
    They proudly proclaim that they will die for her.
    Does she approve of this worship?
    You betcha.
    If people post threats on her facebook (threats against a judge, threats against anyone who criticizes her), the ugly posts stay up, with no admonishment from the Queen.
    Silence deems consent.

  12. LOL -- Did you notice poor old Toad way far back, in the backgound? Almost like being 'Under the Bus', hmm?

    Do any of you recognize all the 'adorers' in this -- I only recognize Toad, Piper, VanFlea, and John McShame.

    Thanks 'G' -- this is fun.

  13. He, he...Todd, who knew you were so awesome!

    Facebook rant in....

  14. Heh. So I take it that scream I just heard was from the Sea of Pee screaming about the desecration of a holy image... ;-)

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    What? No bumpit?

    Imagine how many pregnancies you could fake with the 'Our Lady of the Special Needs' outfit!

  16. Gryphen, I'm very curious as to why you are telling us about Trig's ears now. Why not when you found out 10 months ago? And are there more revelations to come soon? I had begun to think everyone was holding their info until she was running for office again. Please don't wait! And thanks for blogging. We appreciate you.

  17. Anonymous12:11 PM

    & greta & meg off to the left ...

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    It's still looking to me like Sarah called Todd and told him to get home when she saw Gryphen's blog post comparing the ears of the babies. Why do I say that? Because the excuses for quitting the race sound flimsy (and so typical for Palin-created "reasons").

    These first quotes from the Peninsula Clarion set the stage:

    "In the Pro Class, Soldotna's Scott Davis and Wasilla's Todd Palin scratched due to a variety of factors, according to Regina Daniels, the wife of Davis. …

    "Daniels said both Palin and Davis crashed in separate accidents going into Skwentna, which is the first checkpoint in the race that goes from Wasilla to Nome to Fairbanks.
    Daniels said the crashes caused damange to snowmachines and caused the pair to lose time. The pair rode ahead to Puntilla, but there decided to scratch.

    "The cause of the scratch was listed as injury, but Daniels said Davis' aching back was just one of the factors that caused the duo to scratch. She said Davis' back injury was not severe, because the pair rode 300 miles back toward Wasilla on Monday after scratching."

    Davis stated:

    "Davis said, 'We probably could have slugged it out with the kids, but when you're 140 miles behind and a couple of hours down, you wonder if it's worth it.'"

    TWO HOURS behind in a race where the course record is 37 hours, 19 minutes? 140 MILES behind in a 1,971-mile race? Those are hardly significant reasons for quitting.

    This team didn't let two hours stop them:
    "On Monday, the dangerous Ski-Doo duo of Tyler Aklestad and Tyson Johnson, who finished second last year and were running only two minutes behind Minnick and Olstad leaving their 12-hour layover in McGrath, encountered engine trouble that cost them upwards of two hours, though they were still running in fourth place Monday night."

    NO -- I think that Sarah wanted the "First Dude" home to deal with this situation (just like he did when she was the Governor for a short while).

  19. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck12:15 PM

    the trig ear story really smarted over there in the sea of pee.

    then YOU lost your ears. what a bunch of goons.

    this however, is art at its finest

  20. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Reminds me of the photo where she is being exorcised by the witch doctor Muthee. Apparently, the evil spirits remained. I'd like to know which of the sycophants depicted in this picture represents Judas...

    (Should've added some red naughty monkeys to match the red nailpolish, and some benjamins raining down from the heavens.)

  21. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Gryphen ... please give everyone a hint if you get outside help in the quest for the truth.

    Someone will win many awards when babygate is cracked.

    go for the gold medal

  22. Really, they are saying they will die for her at the Sea of Pee? Well, I guess if they are willing to starve their kids to send this imbecile money, nothing should surprise me. The others in the pic are Greta Van Suckup and Eddie Burke. But the artwork is great, and I particularly love McCain's expression. This is all your fault, you old fart.

  23. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Oh my, that's Greta!

    Keep on stirring it up Gryphen, keep on.

  24. BoJoFlo @11:54, Eddie Burke, Greta Van Sustern, John McCain, Meg Stapleton, Palin-bots, religion, Sarah Palin, Thomas Van Flein, Todd Palin. I just pulled this from Gryphen's label for this post.

  25. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If Palin wants to be shown the door, I'll be happy to put her right through it...

  26. Or some Benjamins in each outstretch hand.

    God almighty she is loathsome.

    But she loves worshipful tripe being showered on her, she loves it. After all it becomes money in her pocket in some way.

    Most people would be creeped out by idolitry, but she encourages it.

  27. $arah, the Patron $aint of Grifters.

  28. GrainneKathleen12:55 PM

    wow what a small head she has!
    very funny, but i think she is missing a bumpit or two.

  29. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I defy Palin or her bots to cry foul on this one because this is how she strives to portray herself and how they see her.

    I'd be concerned about desecrating a holy image, but they don't follow the teachings of Jesus anyway, so they've committed the more serious desecration - that of the spirit of the teachings.

    So, go, Gryphen go. You are speaking for a multitude of us.


    BTW - note that this image was sent to Gryphen, he did not create himself so it is probably on other blogs by now, you Sea of Pee-ers.

  30. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Yea, I say unto you. Beware false prophets in Naughty Monkeys for they are the agents of Satan.

    Did anyone notice a "666" on her forehead?

  31. Anonymous1:32 PM

    look $arah, there's a dollar!

  32. Gryph,

    How dare you photoshop a retarded persons face on the body of Christ. Who would do such a thing? I am outraged, OUTRAGED!

  33. Anonymous1:42 PM

    What's disturbing here is not the image of her as Christ, but the fact that the only inaccuracy is that her supporters don't see her as Christ him/herself, but directly sent by Christ... Errie!

  34. Anonymous1:46 PM

    That must be where McCain had his left hand when he chose Palin as his running mate!

  35. Anonymous1:55 PM

    12:29 SoCal~ tooo funny (mcC) old fart...spot on tho...
    he wasn't thinking!!! other head...

  36. Lidia2:02 PM

    Sunshine1970 said...
    "Heh. So I take it that scream I just heard was from the Sea of Pee screaming about the desecration of a holy image..."

    Yes, Sarah's!

  37. womanwithsardinecan2:09 PM

    she needs her bumpit. That's where she keeps her "brain."

  38. Anonymous2:10 PM

    where is Rupert Murdoch?

  39. ella

    Kind of reminds me of Steven King's, "The Stand," and the character, Trashcan Man, as he ran around screaming, "My life for you!" to Randall Flag.

    It might be informative to anyone who is interested to go watch the video on You Tube of Jesus Camp, where the cardboard depiction of GWB is carried into the room and the children are brainwashed into blessing and worshipping him.

    Some of these C4P people are seriously brainwashed. And actually, although I used to laugh at them, I now realize that I am beyond the point of laughing. What is being done to them is on purpose--and not in a good way.

  40. Anonymous4:13 PM

    <3 the writing on the palm (Make Sure to Wink).

  41. Anonymous4:47 PM

    What is McCain holding with his left hand?

  42. Anonymous4:49 PM

    It makes sense now... McCain did not vet Sarah because she is.....!

  43. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Love her painted red toenails. If only she had shiny red "Jesus sandles" to go with them. She seems a bit flat without her trademark buppit hair dome.

    Sadly, her some of her fans believe every negative thing said about her is the result of Satan trying to keep her down. Granny can shoot herself in the foot time and time again, and her true believing fans will swear it is Satan pulling the trigger.

    Every time there is a poll on the internet in which she is listed, they are on haraSmeaT pleading with all the members to vote over and over again. Don't they realize that if Granny was REALLY a viable candidate they would not have to resort to these tricks??

  44. Anonymous5:17 PM

    MSM is purposely ignoring bad tales of Scarah because she sells LOTS of newspapers/airtime, etc. She is a golden egg for the MSM and they are not going to kill her.

  45. Ha! The only things missing are Adrienne crawling desperately after Sarah, waving her hands hoping for a crumb of recognition....oh, and Sarah's three oldest kids boozing it up behind her in the distance.

  46. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Would jesus have plastic surgery? :-/

  47. To: Just-a-Mote @ 12:32

    Thanks for your info - I just could not figure out Eddie Burke at all -- not even any guesses.

    Probably because I do not know who he is (thank goodness), have only heard about him a few times (and that was all bad).

    Thanks again -- this one is a keeper for sharing.

    Thanks also to Gryphen and to the unknown artist -- Hugs to all. :o)

  48. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Yeah, her head is too small in proportion to the body.

    Just goes to show you that Art imitates life.

  49. Sharon in FL12:19 AM

    Who's that hovering behind and to the right of Van Sustern? Chucky? Or Rupert?

    Great artwork.

  50. sunnyjane12:39 AM

    If this doesn't work for her, she can always be Saint Sarah of the Two Trig's Trickery Intrigue.

  51. Anonymous5:31 AM

    To Anonymous @ 5:13pm:

    You just made me spew coffee! Over the past however-many months, I've seen the "meaT haraS", but your "haraSmeaT" blew me away. "Harass meat"!! Bwahahahaha!!!

    many thanks! I needed the laugh!!

    Melangell Mudpuppy

  52. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:47 PM

    I love it all, especially the look on John McCain's face!

    You should set up a website and sell prints to her admirers. Or Fridge Magnets.

  53. Anonymous2:44 AM

    What a great resource!

  54. Anonymous6:07 AM

    nice post. thanks.


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