At about 6pm the office of Scott Brown, the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts, put out a short press release saying he would be voting with the Democrats on a $15 billion (£9.7 billion) job creation Bill heavily promoted by President Obama.
Two veteran Republican Senators went in search of Mr Brown and tried to change his mind. They failed. He took his newcomer’s seat in the back of the Senate chamber and waited for Senator Harry Reid, a Democrat, to finish his pitch for the jobs Bill with a ritual taunt of Republicans who he assumed were “looking for ways not to vote for this”. Mr Brown then confounded Mr Reid by voting “yes” and told the instant throng of reporters that gathered round him as he emerged from the chamber: “I’m not from round here. I’m from Massachusetts”.
What? The guy that the both the Republicans and teabaggers claim is a game changer and indicates the end of the Democratic party has voted with the Dems? Quick somebody check to see if Rush Limbaugh's head has exploded (But then again how could we tell?)
Un-surprisingly some of Brown's more...shall we say....excitable supporters were very, very perturbed. This from Huffington Post.
Over at Scott Brown's Facebook page, the mood is much the same, probably because David Broder hasn't written a column yet telling America that the jobs in this jobs bill are so much more awesome than the jobs that came before them because they are "bipartisan." Some of Brown's fans are giving him some support, but the lion's share of comments read like "LYING LOW LIFE SCUM HYPOCRITE!" and "What a bummer dude. We didn't need another Olympia Snowe," and "BROWN, YOU JUST REMEMBER YOU DOUCHEBAG...WE ARE WATCHING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU FAILED AT THE FIRST CHANCE...YOU SCUM SUCKING ASS!!! GUESS MY 10-15 HOUR WORK DAYS WILL HELP PAY FOR THIS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!"
Wow! And I thought people were pretty mad at ME yesterday! What I got was nothing compared to the vitriol aimed in this poor bastard's direction.
Well you know what comes next don't you Senator Brown? Oh yes you do! You just wait until Sarah Palin can get that lazy Facebook ghostwriter back on the job, then my friend you are in for such a Facebook ass kicking you will not be able to walk straight for a month!
Well that is if she and Todd can stop stressing about the Trig ear problem for a few minutes that is.
Mmmmm, I liking Senator Brown. Moderate Republicans are my kind of Republicans.
ReplyDeleteI hope this indicates he is someone we can work with (a reasonable republican, a rare breed). It is too early to tell. I also hope, that if he is, he can withstand the wingnut sledgehammer.
ReplyDeleteSomeone wasn't paying attention during or after the election. Brown refused to credit $arah and the teabaggers for his victory. I doubt he is concerned about the comments. I am not a fan of Pantless Brown, but I was pleased when he cut $arah off from claiming she had a role in his election.
ReplyDeletePardon me, Gryphen, but I cannot STOP laughing! This is SOOO rich...
ReplyDeleteI happen to think that Brown is fairly right on, the real deal, an independent thinker.
ReplyDeleteI was chuckling up my sleeve as I watched all the far right bloggers/posters keen like fishwives for his election. . .clearly his record screamed Centrist, but the Bots are so blind, so uninterested in any sort of real research, they got snookered again!
(Sorry to say this, and I am an Obama voter/supporter, a lot of his supporters also didn't do research. . .these are my bretheren who are Shocked! Shocked! at some of the decisions he has made in office, which surprise me not at all.)
You will note that Brown never courted the support of Sarah Palin.
"...there has got to be action - bipartisan effort - Congress not pointing fingers at one another but finding the solution to this, taking action, and being serious about the reforms..."
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin, Sept. 24, 2008
I know people on the left were upset about the Scott Brown election, but I saw it as a good thing. I am a true blue democrat, but we need a vital two party system with Republicans and Democrats who will actually vote to move bills on the floor. No pandering to the Joe Liebermans, Ben Nelsons, and Mary Landrieu's anymore. Obviously Scott Brown's got some balls under all that hair, and he showed it!
ReplyDeleteThose Maine twins though showed that they are spineless wimps who need a man to lead the way. Shame on those women...they need to grow a pair too.
Teh Irony™ here is delicious.
ReplyDeleteWell well well, I'm from MA, didn't vote for the guy because I believed he would fall in lock step with the NO party, but it looks like on this one he's voting for his constituents, (what an amazing concept) and NOT towing the party line. I can only hope his spine remains intact.
ReplyDeleteLove it. I'm having to suppress my laughter as I think our client that just walked in is cough, cough, a Republican!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite comment about Scott Brown's "treachery":
ReplyDeleteSo are we soon going to see a "I bet this wildebeest can get more fans than Scott Brown" facebook group started by the teabaggers?
Well, blow me away! What is that you say Gryphen? This man, this young upstart know nothing has dared, dared I say to vote his conscience and try to create jobs for people! Good lord, what is this world coming to? I think I should write a nice note to Senator Brown, and by jove I will! "Scum sucking ass", I am so glad to see the ReThugs have some class left! Yes, once Palin's FB writer can get her mind off Eargate, she well straighten that young man out. You betcha!
ReplyDeleteDang, have you seen Scott Brown?!
ReplyDeleteOkay, back to the important business of babygate...or is that eargate? Where is Tri-G's birth certificate? Who birthed these two babies, where and when? And what doctor(s) delivered these babies? When will CBJ make an on-the-record statement to clarify these questions? When will the MSM call $P out on this issue and demand proof of parentage?
The irony of this is so juicy and delectable. Sarah supported a closet Democrat, not to mention that we already knew he was a porn star. Wow how's that hypocrisy stuff doing for you Sarah?
ReplyDeleteHas Sarah said anything about the ear thing? Because I haven't heard of it, and that means it's probably true- at least two babies.
ReplyDeleteShould be, but are they stressing about the TriG ear problem? She only does interviews with FOX and they aren't going to ask about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm from MA and didn't vote for Brown, but this is encouraging. I think 'True Americans' are thirsting for a climate where debate is real and our elected officials consider their votes based on the merits of the bill, not the party line. It's interesting to note, also, too, that the cretins are attacking his daughter's FaceBook page...I thought children were to be untouchable!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have an idea why others haven't covered he ear story? Palingates says their experienced research team was working on it but have no comment and Andrew Sullivan didn't mention. I won't mention shannyyn and akm becuz it doesn't surprise me even though it bothers me.
ReplyDeleteBut this seems like a huge deal to me. So WTF is going on.? The truth must come out.
I just LOVE the way he 'fooled' the teabaggers who thought he would be FAR MORE conservative than any other candidate. I have a feeling they are PISSED and there is NOTHING they can do to reverse their actions [voting him into office]. Hopefully, he will never be a STRAIGHT NEO-CON and will continue to vote with his conscience. His vote was FANTASTIC primarily because these teabaggers and other conservativeYs will never know what to expect! EAH!!!
ReplyDeleteI am delighted. I like politicians who vote their conscience and not their party.
ReplyDeleteWell... Gee...? I wonder if all those
ReplyDelete'wordsmiths ' that are talking about Sen. Brown that way went to 5 colleges as well to learn THAT language. It sounds like they all attended " Limbaugh College " to learn that.
BTW and OT:Can you give us any info about the ZERO Tax situation on S'carah's Chalets..? Has the tax assessor decided what the worth of those "Oops ... I didn't know those were there " improvements are. Would it be part part of the Updated Public Records where someone could go in and view the docs? Give us an update. thanks.
well maybe he will be a reasonable guy. maybe he won't - too early to tell.
ReplyDeletebut he does represent ma, so he can't be acting all ignorant-belligerent-obstuctionist teabaggy. he'll never get re-elected if he does.
Glad he's a moderate and voted to help the jobs bill.
ReplyDeleteBut there is still something about him that gives me the creeps.....
Anonymous 3:38, it IS being investigated by other blogs and news sites. I cannot identify who they are, but they have been in contact with me.
ReplyDeleteLater I will post a YouTube video somebody put together about Trig's ears.
Don't worry it just takes time for momentum to build up.
Head on our local Fox radio station that he was just doing this so those stupid people back home would vote for him agin!
ReplyDeleteWell, FINALLY ! A Republican Senator with balls.
ReplyDelete"Wow! And I thought people were pretty mad at ME yesterday! What I got was nothing compared to the vitriol aimed in this poor bastard's direction."
ReplyDeleteWe were mad at you yesterday, but liberals are nicer than conservatives.
I agree SoCalWolfGal...we should all write a little note of thanks to Scott Brown. He needs to know that people appreciate him for doing the right thing by choosing people over party. He is getting attacked by his party so he needs encouragement from us.
ReplyDeleteIt can't hurt us and might help with future votes.
He looks so low intellect in his beefcake spread, it's hard to believe there's enough brain to be an independent.
ReplyDeletethe teabaggers and neocons are even sillier than i thought if they were under the impression that a republican from new england, epecially massachusettes, would be anything but a moderate. brown apparently wants to keep his job. good for you sir!
ReplyDeleteAS much as I love a hunky Republican, I cannot stomach the body hair!
ReplyDeletePlease cover that up G!
ha ha! well, if Brown gets voted out next election for being a LYING LOW LIFE SCUM HYPOCRITE DOUCHEBAG SCUM SUCKING ASS flip-flopper he can always go back to posing nude!! It's good to have a backup career plan. (Just ask Sarah. *wink!*)
ReplyDeleteanon @3.38
ReplyDeleteCan I please emphasise that Palingates is working on this but we need more time.
What I can tell you is that we have been carefully working on this issue non-stop since Gryphen's post came out, including sleepless nights, full time jobs and taking care of our families and other responsibilities.
Please also don't forget that Gryphen, bless him, spent ten months preparing his research and that we are not mindless machines but ordinary people who just want to get this right.
When our findings are concluded we will add them to the body of Gryphen's evidence.
With that said, it is nearly 4 am here and I need some sleep so forgive me if this comment seems a little terse.
Thanks Gryphen-I was thinkin they ignored it which bothered me. I'm glad people are investigating. I've had it with Palin and her trashy money money family.
ReplyDeleteStep it up everyone!
And about Scott-those DUMB teabaggers should be glad the guys not a partisan hack!! I thought that's what they wanted. Kudos to Brown for voting on the mertits of the bill and not just on party lines. Those jerks posting on his facebook are classless.
When a scrawny wrist can obscure a guy's equipment, the nude pose should be avoided. The only thing big in the Scott Brown pic is the ego.
ReplyDeleteIf anybody thought differently of the repubs/teabaggers, then these attacks on Brown should show them point blank what they're all about. They don't care if something is good for the country, as long as the democrats are in power, we can't side with them, no matter what! What a bunch of crazy kooks!
ReplyDeleteRachel had a great bit on Brown on today's show. Male model with pink leather shorts. :)
ReplyDeleteHow about that! A politician with a conscience, and a moderate Republican at that!
ReplyDeleteMaybe he heard Ann Coulter's vulgar remark that Ted Kennedy is probably turning in his grave spilling his drink because a Republican got his seat. Paraphrasing from watching her adam's apple bobble during the CPAC convention.
Can't wait for the Ghostwriter's screed! Someone's ears are burning!
I gotta give Scott Brown credit. He's a smart politician.
ReplyDeleteBrown knows you can't be an uber right-winger and survive in statewide office in MA. He no longer represents his little right-wing district in the MA legislature. As US Senator, he represents Boston, Worchester, and all the other liberal enclaves in the eastern part of the state.
He's not as liberal as I'd like, but the 'baggers are going to be disappointed.
Maybe Sarah hit on him and he's uncomfortable being around her. :0P