I can think of a few reasons Fox might do this -- none of them altruistic. The obvious one, that they are trying to afford Palin the honor of appearing on Fox without actually traveling to the lower 48, seems a little too . . . nice for Fox. What I'm thinking is that, if Palin makes a run at the presidency in 2012, Fox will have an opportunity to kind of back her as a candidate without actually backing her as a candidate -- although, with the new Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance, I guess it could throw gobs of dollars at her (although it would have to disclose its spending).
I have been hearing this rumor for several months now that there was a studio being built on the Palin property. However up until now I have never been able to confirm it. Consider it confirmed.
However with this information I think we may have the final piece of the Rupert Murdoch/Fox News/Sarah Palin/Teabagger/Presidency puzzle.
See if this makes sense to you.
- Fox News creates "Obama is a socialist" meme
- Fox News uses Glenn Beck to create "grass roots" Teabagger movement.
- Sarah Palin positions herself as queen of Teabagger movement.
- Fox News hires Palin as "commentator".
- Supreme Court makes decision allowing corporations (like News Corp) to give unlimited amounts to pay for political advertising.
- Fox News builds studio on Palin's Wasilla compound.
- Fox forces the GOP to absorb the Teabagger movement, by making them move way to the right. (This is already happening.)
- GOP/Teabaggers nominate Palin.
- Thanks to Supreme Court decision News Corp buys tons of advertising space on Fox News and other media outlets attacking Obama administration and pimping Palin.
- If Palin wins Rupert Murdoch has his very own puppet dictator. If, and when, Palin loses Fox News reports that the elitists stole the election and portrays Palin as a victim (her favorite role) of election fraud which will expand her influence and increase their ratings.
- If they fail to capture White House in 2012 they are guaranteed to put a Fox News created candidate in office by 2016
Sound crazy? Well considering some the of the things we have seen on Fox News, at the teabagger convention, and heard from Sarah Palin herself, does it really seem that crazy by comparison?
P.S. Yes that photo up at the top is indeed a NEW photo of the Palin compound taken just a few weeks ago. That crane is loading sheet rock on to the porch.
Update: By the way I NEVER encourage anybody to trespass on Palin's property. The picture of the house was taken from the lake. We thought we might go up and take pictures of Palin's "cabins" on Safari Lake, but decided against it when we realized that to get the picture we would have to actually be on the Palin's private property.
And by the way my being reticence to trespass is based solely on my basic respect for the law and has NOTHING to do with this very welcoming sign posted at the edge of Sarah's Wasilla property.
I checked to see if the Palins had changed the sign (you know just to appear less like an AIP member) but nope, it is still there.
Could you imagine if Palin ever did get elected President and had this sign posted on the White House gates.
"No more White House tours! We don't want anybody watching what we are up to. Trespassers will be shot from a helicopter."
ReplyDeleteGeorge Orwell couldn't have said it any better.
Dont think your too off the mark there Mr Gryph. Best i can do is talk to my neighbors... best anyone can do.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the fuss? If Fox runs Sarah, MSNBC can run Keith Olbermann. America loves Keith Olbermann, don't they (in your view)? And Keith doesn't write things on his hand so he must be a person of substance.
ReplyDeleteDidja ever notice Left-wing types always cry that the great mass of "stupid" people are dangerous because there are SO MANY of them? The theory is stupid people just overwhelm the hip and wise by their sheer numbers.
Didja ever notice that sounds like another famous political whine. Don't the Nazis (and neo-Nazis) always say the "master race" is always getting beaten not because of brains or ability but just because of the number imbalance between the pure breds and the curs. There are just too many curs.
Sound familar? You Left types must be so proud to construct your virtual reality around concepts with such a noble ... pedigree.
You betcha.
That's too much work for the bitter Twitter Quitter. I don't think it will happen. Nothing Sarah touches goes well.
ReplyDeleteHas she built an office in Iowa yet? Hired a team there? Mittens is way ahead of her.
Wow...Gryphen the Grifter and Toad are not going to like this picture. You know they're already paranoid...this is not going to help.
ReplyDeleteGood Job!!
Well, that's a depressing scenario; the pieces seem to fit, but hopefully it won't come to pass. I hold on to the hope that the GOP is just using Sarah to attack Obama and will kick her to the curb once the serious campaigning for 2012 starts. As far as the media goes, Fox included, I think they're using her for a ratings cash cow, and will also kick her to the curb when that begins to change. As for Sarah herself, I can't imagine her seriously wanting to be president; surely it's begun to sink into her little brain that it might involve hard work. I think she will continue to give the impression that she will run for something in order to maintain her PAC for donations.
ReplyDeleteYour scenario is right on. I'm scared for our country.
ReplyDeleteI think both fox and palin know she isn't running because she can't win.(but I also thought that about bush) i think her game is to make a whole lot of noise and become a "star" with her own fox show. fox isn't putting out money to pay her and build a studio for her to not use it in a year.
ReplyDeleteThey probably can't stand having her in the studio in New York. She causes trouble wherever she goes. I bet she already has.
ReplyDeleteI don't think such a scheme would work, but I wouldn't be shocked if Faux News tried it.
ReplyDeleteYes, Gryph, it's possible that Rupert Murdoch wants to control the White House. Yes, it's a scary thought but Sarah already has loads of enemies (personal and political) who would gladly interfere with Murdoch's plan.
ReplyDeleteI think Murdoch, like Sarah, is more interested in money above all else otherwise, Sarah would never have quit her job.
This is quite disturbing. The thought of Sarah getting anywhere near the White House keeps me up at night.
ReplyDeleteIn a strange way, this all does make sense because Fox can't think that she is that good of a commentator that they build her own studio.
I'm sure this sits well with other Fox employees. They all have to drive to work and Queen Sarah has her own studio built. Hopefully, this will cause a great deal of tension inside the Fox HQ.
Fox and Palin both know she will never win. I think Fox started this whole ball rolling back when they thought she might have a chance. I bet they are feeling buyer's remorse about now, but they are too far in to back out.
ReplyDeleteDear Troll:
ReplyDelete1. Google "false dichotomy".
2. Review the right-wing position on illegal immigrants "overrunning" our country.
Well, now she will be able to write off the entire Wasillaponderosa on the taxes she never will file... (honestly anyway)
ReplyDeleteRobert Heinlein wrote about this in 1952, in a Postscript in Revolt in 2100:
ReplyDelete"Could any one sect obtain a working majority at the polls and take over the country? Perhaps not – but a combination of a dynamic evangelist, television, enough money, and modern techniques of advertising and propaganda might make Billy Sunday’s efforts look like a corner store compared to Sears Roebuck. Throw in a depression for good measure, promise a material heaven here on earth, add a dash of anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, anti-Negroism, and a good large dose of anti-“furriners” in general and anti-intellectuals here at home and the result might be something quite frightening – particularly when one recalls that our voting system is such that a minority distributed as pluralities in enough states can constitute a working majority in Washington."
She is making millions and millions of bucks now. And I think she WOULD like to be POTUS and thinks she can. SP has NO sense of self-awareness. SP has NO idea that she is uninformed, stupid and vile.
ReplyDeleteShe thinks she is ordained by God to be President, and the xtain taliban agrees with her.
I will fight with all my might - YES. But if such a horror comes to pass, I will will be gone, an ex-Pat in New Zealand.
Who would have thought that Fox News, owned by an old fart foreign-born guy (with an Arab sheik as largest stock-holder) would take over our Country?
I'm wondering how many other radio and/or TV personalities have their own built in home studios. We see video of Rush booming away when he is on the air. I understand that he lives in Florida. The question is: Does he go into a studio or broadcast from a personal home studio?? And, for comparison, Rush gets $40 million a year.
ReplyDeleteHow often will Sarah be appearing on Fox, and at what crazy hours that she can't drive into the nearest studio?
A member of our family is often called upon for TV political commentary. (I don't really care to identify this person in any more detail). Our family member can drive to a nearby studio in the suburb of a major American city. On the road, there is always a nearby studio. When all of the lines were tied up with Haiti coverage, they arranged a Skype interview. So, I really have to ask just what is so special about Sarah that she can't go into a studio?
Note to all of you other guys at Fox: Sorry about the bad weather, but you will have to pull on your boots and heavy clothing and come in. You are not Sarah Palin.
The egotistical gang at Fox is already on the job eliminating Murdoch's toy candidate. Palin thinks Murdoch will keep her afloat, but this is going to be a masterpiece of a take down with every bit of it on video. She should just check into rehab now before they really get her twisted in knots.
ReplyDelete(But babygate breaking would help.)
@anon 5:23
ReplyDeletePalin's hand said "hi mom" at the Perry event. Keep watching those hands, they'll be something of substance soon.
Gryphen, Lake Lucille is frozen. you can walk out on the ice from the Best Western - being careful not to get too close and not to trespass - and take photos of the progress of the new house. I'm not a stalker and don't want to upset the Palins, but I'm curious to see an updated photo of the place. Personally, I think the Palins should keep their personal lives and prof. lives separate. Fox should build a studio nearby but not right at her house. People need to have a home, a retreat, etc. from work.
ReplyDeletePalin will sell the studio on e-bay before 2016.
ReplyDelete@Ted Powell:
ReplyDeleteThanks for the quote from Heinlein.
Here's a related one from Andrew Sullivan, along the same lines. These are snippets, but the entire piece is a must read.
"It [Palin's Tea Party speech] was and is pure sophistry - a string of crowd-pleasing slogans with no content whatever, except for an endorsement of a global war on Islam, tax-cuts, populist attacks on Wall Street, a subtle but scary attempt to politicize the military as belonging to one party, cooptation of one religion in America, and, with the exception of nuclear power (I'm with her on that) a desire for more carbon energy, not less (as long as it's developed in the US). She has literally no serious plans commensurate with the health care crisis and no plans to cut spending in any serious way at all.
But she sure can make a speech. It was the most electrifying speech I have heard from a leader of the GOP since Reagan.
She can electrify a crowd. She has the kind of charisma that appeals to the sub-rational. and she has crafted a Peronist identity - utterly fraudulent, of course - that is political dynamite in a recession with populism roiling everyone and everything.
* * *
Do not under-estimate the appeal of a beautiful, big breasted, divinely chosen warrior-mother as a military leader in a global religious war."
If it became more widely known that NewsCorp's majority stockholder is an Arab sheik, some of Sarah's followers would stop supporting both her and FOX News.
ReplyDelete(The End Of The World As We Know It)
or, even better
(i don't have to spell this one out)
Maybe Palin will wash away when the sea level rises 30 meters at the end of 2012.
what about Sarah paying for this studio for her own use?.... just like she did with the bus wrap and private jet on the bus tour...it was thought that Harper Collins was giving her star treatment while PAC picked up the tab. Stand up for your nation wa announced a while back, maybe this is part of it.
ReplyDeleteFOX is wasting money building a studio that will rarely be used. Does anyone honestly think Sarah plans to spend much time in Alaska?? She'll be down in the lower 48 on the pretense of helping her fellow GOP's campaign, and charging outrageous amounts to speak at conventions, while trying to build enough support to possibly run in 2012. How much time has she spent in AK since becoming Queen Quitter? Not a whole heck of a lot! And if Rupert thinks that's going to change, he's dumber than Sarah!
ReplyDeleteBesides, can you imagine what the broadcasts will be like? "And now, Sarah Palin, live from her studio in Wasilla." And she'll be sitting there with Trig on her lap and Piper sitting next to her while she's trashing Obama and pandering to her Tea Bag base.
This is OTS, but does Piper EVER go to school?? Aren't there truancy laws anymore? Maybe someone should write "send Piper to school" on Sarah's other hand!
I bet Piper's relieved she doesn't have to keep flying back east.
ReplyDeletehey, that was a good analysis, gryphen! but I'm not worried, because it won't work in the long term.
ReplyDeletelet faux throw all their money at palin. all they're doing is throwing money towards their existing audience. we should not forget that most people do not like palin, and no amount of faux money will change that. especially when you consider that the more she opens her mouth, the more she puts her foot in it. the recent nonsense about "it's okay when rush sez retard but the libs can't say it" is not going to win over any fans. and she'll keep saying dumb shit like that, keeping her fans to a minority.
With help & money from the AIP $arah worked her way into Mayor, then Governor with her AIP husband running Alaska while she 'Blackberried' all day. Todd's probably being schooled with AIP's agenda on how to run America while FOX is playing their part.
ReplyDeleteWhen the AIP leaders were interviewed in 2008, they were not shy about their goals for $arah, but the Media wasn't interested.
I still can't believe that Todd isn't arrested yet for infiltrating Alaska's Gov't given his past anti-American associations.
So Gryphen there's 2 of us 'sounding crazy' and I hope we are crazy-wrong.
themom@5:51 said...
ReplyDelete"Well, now she will be able to write off the entire Wasillaponderosa on the taxes she never will file... (honestly anyway)"
Um, not so sure. The reports are that Fox is paying for it. But the structure was built before she ever did anything for Fox. So in 2009, if she tries to take any part of that new building as tax deductible, she'd better be ready to justify it, and I am having a hard time figuring out how she can.
As for 2010, if Fox is paying for the construction/outfitting of the studio, the Palin's can not take those costs off their taxes, and, depending on what they are, may have to declare them as 'gifts'.
Once the studio is built, in any given year she may be entitled to taking a partial deduction for Business Use of Home, but that is always a big Audit Flag to the IRS, especially if she tries to take a large amount.
This is what is vexing me a bit - Sarah Palin always seems to try to have someone else (the state of AK, Fox, the SarahPAC, the organizations that book her for speeches) pay for something that would be a totally legit tax deduction if she just paid for it herself. And if she takes too much from any one organization in 'gifts' (travel and hotel costs and outfitting your house with a presumably state-of-the-art mini-TV studio would be considered gifts) then she loses what she gains in having to declare the value of such as income.
In any case, their financial situation screams IRS audit. And she can't claim "Obama ordered an audit because he is afraid of me!!!!!!!" because I know dozens of average ordinary hardworking patriotic Americans who get audited with a lot less reason, and often get treated pretty harshly, having to justify every expense, down to paper clips, or the storing of one box of personal photographs in an area you claim as your Home Office. Why should she not have to do the same? If there's nothing there, there's nothing there.
But I'm pretty sure there's SOMETHING there.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your observations--but IMHO the rise of Sarah Palin goes much, much deeper than Fox News.
Please everyone, anyone check out exactly what the Council for National Policy is--understand its membership, funding sources and agenda. These are the people who have hand-picked SP. They will pour in as much money as necessary for her to get the nomination in 2012. They know that she would be a perfect PINO (President in name only) just like Cheney's handpuppet, GWB.
Yes, this is serious stuff. But, my guess is that in November 2012, when Republicans and undecided Independents step behind the curtains in voting booths across America, they will not pull the lever next to her name. In fact, it may very well be that, we will be witnesses to the biggest election landslide in our nation's history...then, and only then will she be sent home to Wasilla whimpering and with her tail between her legs.
Until then, we need to never let up on exposing Sarah Palin for what she is: an ignorant, arrogant, unethical, dominionist, neo-con puppet. Her only talent is to use lies and suggestive sexual signals to keep already salivating teabaggers on the hook. And, her only intellectual capability is to scribble notes on her hand so that she can remember her talking points when she sits down for a pre-planned interview.
We know that Sarah Palin is 100% bull sh@*--and come November, 2012 that same bull sh@* will be smeared in her smug, aging Botoxed face. For that reason, I am not "afraid" of her--in fact, it is probably quite the opposite--Sarah Palin is afraid of US.
Remember, John McCain admitted that he didn't vote for Bush in 2006.
Whew, stepping down from my soapbox, now.
Thank you Gryphen for your important and tireless contribution.
Gee, the cabins. Could that be where Bristol was stashed went during her pregnancy with Trig?
ReplyDeleteI live in Alaska and know the Palin family and I still can't believe this woman has any credibility. Remember though the Republicans know how to steal elections. Shit happens and before we know it this dim wit will be president. Hell, Ethan Berkowitz up here in the state was ahead of Don Young by over 25 points and got the election stolen from him
ReplyDeleteLMAO at "wassilaponderosa"! Thanks to the person who came up with that. I love it!
ReplyDeleteJust read an article following up on the Logger's speech tonight in Redding, CA. Thousands there, all loved her - said she is "pretty enough" to be President. Wish I was joking.
ReplyDelete"She endeared herself to the logging conference crowd by holding her hand up to show what was written on her palm: “Loggers rock!”
I am pretty sure that if she does run for office,she will have to give up her position with Fox News for the duration.Thats what happened with McCain vs Haywood,he had to resign from his talk show to run because of some laws.I will try to find them.
ReplyDeleteWho would want a studio in their living room?
Found this"""Hayworth also announced this week that lawyers from his station's parent company, Clear Channel, had ordered him not to discuss McCain or anything related to a potential senate race on his show. In fact, Hayworth was instructed not to even defend himself against the attack ads. This decision was handed down by Clear Channel's legal department in response to a complaint filed with the FEC against Hayworth by McCain's former Chief of Staff, Grant Woods. The complaint alleged that Hayworth illegally used his talk radio show to promote his potential candidacy. Under gag order on his own show, Hayworth appeared on another talk radio show on the same station to defend himself.""""
ReplyDeleteI tend to agree with Forever Anonymous @6:24. It seems more logical that the Palins are footing the bill for most of the construction and probably the equipment as well. Fox is merely providing the connection to their network, and possibly some of the licensing necessary.
ReplyDeleteI don't see the Palins allowing such total control over their personal property. By retaining control, they could also branch off into other areas of broadcasting, such as a distinct party she/they want to be involved with whether it be the Teabaggers or the AIP, or some religious group. In the long run, that would net them more income from a variety of sources, as well as having the tax write-offs.
What a crock of shiite. When there was talk of Ed Schultz running for Senate, the folks on FauxNews went apeshit because Schultz was an on air personality at MS-NBC and THAT WOULD BE AN OUTRAGE AND ENTIRELY UNFAIR! Will they raise a stink about themselves now that they are planning to promote Palin’s bid for POTUS WHILE SHE IS ON THE AIR FOR FAUXNEWS!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteThose asshats are such hypocrites. I hope that when the Palin shit hits the fan that she is so intertwined with them that she sucks FauxNews down in her wake.
Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?
Oh, I almost forgot.
Anon @ 5:23,
I’m sure that Palin could get a gig as a Constitutional Law Professor somewhere if she really wanted to. She just doesn’t want to.
News flash, asshole: Palin couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel AND she had flown to John McCain’s ranch to undergo an intensive two week crash course in piss pouring. Sarah Palin is a moron.
She will NEVER go on Olbermann’s show because he would metaphorically eviscerate her. She is too afraid to go on anything other than FauxNews because she cannot control the content. If she was as good as you claim, shouldn’t she be able to handle all of the MSM hacks, Olbermann included?
How repugnant. Brought to you for the ventriliquism of dick cheney. We have a little bit of oil. Ergo, they want to control it, the distribution, the government, local state and federal. And certainly the "citizens" NEED to be thought controlled as much as possible. Except, say ruh is a laughingstock and laughing place. It will be our LAUGHING PLACE. I'm giggling already.
ReplyDeleteO/T, but I e-mailed you this, but maybe you'll see it faster here.
I thought you might appreciate this. Apparently WorldNetDaily Editor in Chief and major league asshole Joseph Farah and fellow asshat Andrew Breitbart damn near came to blows:
An audio link to the exchange is at the bottom of the article.
Hot damn! The rats are gnawin' on one another! Get the popcorn!
Can't believe SP would allow anyone to call the shots. She would actually have someone tell her when to work, and she would be obligated to follow direct orders from headquarters; hard to imagine her taking assignments on THEIR time, not hers.
ReplyDeleteWith the talk about her reluctant work ethic, I really wonder if this marriage (Fox and Sarah) will end in divorce. I see some temper tantrums down the road.
I spoke with Mr. Farah once. I thought he was a liberal. a-a-a-. How funny. Is he coming to Wasilly? Also, too?
ReplyDeleteI guess she wrote "Loggers Rock" on her hand so she'd remember where she was and what she was paid for.
ReplyDeleteSarah has probably disenrolled Piper from the public school system and is listing her as being home-schooled. She probably purchased a Christian-based curriculum to have proof of her intent. Alaska apparently has no reporting and/or testing requirements to know whether or not she is doing any regular schoolwork.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Piper, I read on one of the pro-Palin sites that Piper has the good hair genes like her mother, and that she is pretty enough to be president - after her mother and older siblings have their turns..........those people are so delusional! Do they think Sarah is going to become a ruler that can pass the position on down to her children?
Jon Stewart totally eviscerated Sarah and her palm notes on the show tonight. If you missed it, be sure to catch the clip when it gets posted.
I retire in 6 years.
ReplyDeleteIf your scenario holds true (which I think has ever possibility of panning out) I'll be looking at immigrating to Canada and beginning the process of becoming a citizen. I'm looking at the west coast area around Vancouver.
Fallback plans are Germany (relatives) and Costa Rica (friends).
aka...Rocky in Texas said...
ReplyDeleteOn her right hand is written...
-Spread legs slightly
-Shout Out to Troops!(OFTEN)
I can't believe that she lets them set up a studio for her in her LIVINGROOM. Especially not if she should be paying for it (which I very much doubt!)
ReplyDeleteShe would not be able to take a tax deduction for that , because in order to qualify for that, the room needs to be mainly used for office purposes, and a LIVINGroom has OBVIOUSLY other purposes!
Maybe Piper has joined "Home Scholers for Perry." LOL!
ReplyDeleteI think it's as simple as an excuse to hide her behind a "remote" location so they can post her talking points on a monitor and she can read them.
ReplyDeleteIt has proven anytime she is live and in person where they have to show both people in person conversing and not referring to index cards, she fails. This way, they can control what she says and does on camera.
Sarah's got ambitions way beyond the White House, but starting the Rapture via escalated war in the Middle East might just be tempting enough for her to actually think about it.
ReplyDeleteI bet the studio is to broadcast to fellow dominionists and paramilitary groups like the AIP. With the assault weapons ban expired, I'm sure there is a run on them as we write. Blackwater/Xe might want in on the fun training folks. Isn't Erik Prince a self-described crusader? Makes you nostalgic for the comparative innocence of Reagan's contras.
I highly recommend looking at this link to Umbert Eco's list of ingredients for a fascist society. The Republicans had most of them covered during GWB's reign, but the economic situation could be the catalyst that brings it all to a head.
After having read the AK government emails, I'm beginning to think that the fake Levi Twitter account was set up by Palin in advance to be used against him at some point. Ya know, just in case all the other intimidation tactics failed.
Do you think that she's racist enough to think that Obama's "agents" in her life are Rex and Tank?
So the loggers said she's "pretty enough to be President"? That's a big part of Sarah's problem. She thinks politics is one big beauty pageant. She campaigns like she's going to be voted Miss America. It's all about looking and sounding good, no substance, no brains.
ReplyDeleteMy first reaction was to wonder why Fox would spend so much money to build Sarah her own private studio when most people go into a studio to do a remote broadcast.
ReplyDeleteI like the comments from the people who remind us that SarahPAC paid big bucks for the bus wrap and other promotions that were above and beyond the normal book tour.
So, maybe this is coming from SarahPAC, and can be paid for since it is being used to promote a political cause, namely anything that Sarah says. She can also hook up to do interviews with such hard hitting reporters as Oprah, Ellen or anyone else who wants to interview her. If Fox pays, her broadcasts are only for Fox. If SarahPAC pays, she can do other interviews.
The other possibility is that Sarah may need to reach tea bag people. At first, she closed the tea party speech to all media. Next, it was only available to a few conservative news sources. In the end, she ended up broadcasting her speech to one and all. She may see some political advantage of being able to phone it in, appearing by video, saving the air fare, and most important of all, she can cut the switch and refuse to answer any pesky questions. After her pathetic questions-answer bit following the tea bag speech (when she checked her hand for a few key phrases), now she could make an appearance from her studio and have the stuff written on a teleprompter.
Knowing how hard it is to travel all over the country to campaign, Sarah may be our first virtual presidential candidate, with speeches posted on Face Book, philosophy courtesy of twitter and canned appearances via the Turret Studio.
Okay, Gryphen, you're Murdoch/Fox/Palin scenario is scary enough to keep me up for many nights, BUT...do you really think Rove and company would give up their hold on the White House and the GOP to Murdoch? I just can't see that happening.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, the mere thought of your scenario coming true makes me physically ill.
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:23:
ReplyDeleteHey Scarah (or wannabe)!
Here's a hip & educated tip: STFU, go get some pills to keep that IQ low and go home and don't even think about changing that channel from Faux News or your brain may suffer an hemorrhagic stroke.
Good luck with that!
Look at this way; it's the only way they could get her to go home and stay there. I mean what else is there. :)
ReplyDeleteNanny B is right-on with her comment about the Counsel for National Policy. That is one of the many elite (ha, you thought that word meant democrats, didn't you?!) groups that actually determines who the next prez will be. And the base of the rethug party will simply NOT PERMIT the rethugs to have any candidate OTHER THAN SARAH in 2012. If anyone other than Sarah wins the rethug primaries then, I can tell you right now: the base WILL NOT TURN OUT TO VOTE. And this scares the c**p out of the rethugs at higher levels. The election is already fixed, and has already been fixed, for some time now. The higher-up rethugs are stuck with her, and they know it. And two years from now, the base will love her even more (yes, that's how stupid, angry, and easily deceived they are: they love someone with big hair and big name-identification – makes not thinking a whole lot easier), and two years from now, Obama will be loved even less (by democrats and independents). I predict she will be the next prez, and would even be willing to bet money on it. And I confess, the very thought of it makes me seriously think about leaving the country that I love (the US). It will no longer be a free country with Sarah at the helm (something the Illluminati find VERY ATTRACTIVE, BTW).
ReplyDeleteOk, if anyone is wondering why Wasilla folks (and anti-Palin bloggers) are AFRAID of the bots, this is from a post at Phil Munger's site today:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
"Annoymouse had a sheet of plywood on top of their woodshed that said "impeach Palin".
It could be seen from a small runway off Fairview loop. First the woodshed was burnt and a big X on the house door with the word "branded". Leading investigators to believe the burning was deliberate.
While out fishing all day, upon returning home late, they noticed a truck exiting their driveway. Once they got to the house, motor oil was dumped on the porch, in the gardens and the dog missing out of the kennel, which borders the fenced in garden area. Annoymouse immediately got his teenage boys and himself on their dirt bikes to track down the truck. They did. Troopers or city cops found a reciept for motor oil in the truck. The dog was found a day later, in the woods on the back 10 acres. Shot.
By the way, I helped rebuild the woodshed. The sign now says "thank god she quit".
who the hell are "the illuminati". We've got the borealis. And, the valley of ten thousand smokes. So they can stick that in their illuminati craw and gag on it. Have a happy night. chill.
ReplyDeleteSo she is "pretty enough to be president". Mrs. Palin won't look so good in 2012 or 2016. After a woman goes through menopause, everything goes south. Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteI will also leave the country if she becomes president. My daughter lives in Australia and we have discussed it. If this country elects her, this country deserves her.
ReplyDeleteGrypen: I don't think that Fox would build her a studio.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Greta was saying when she travels she has only got about 7 people helping her and CNN had about 20.
It looks more like a porch entrance, going on the appearance of the structure on that semi, same outline as her roof.
I could be wrong but look where its parked at her front entrance.
In the GW work up days, they had the creeps out all over the place. We aren't seeing that this time. They are retracting for some reason. It could be they are disallusioned by the Wasillian. a-a-a-.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how helpful this fear-fest is folks.
ReplyDeleteWe know how inept SP is and so do those who make the BIG decisions in the GOP- behind the scenes. She is a shiny object now -- their antidote to our popular and deeply intelligent president. They will use her in whatever way they can for a while. (Don't forget she's already been insulted, on air, by Beck, O'Reily and Wallace.) I think it would be a dangerous gamble for the $$ - interests that are behind the GOP to actually allow SP to be their candidate. I am not a fortune teller, but I am also not a fear monger. Even if the worst happens, we can handle it.
Of course Sarah says she'll run for something - it's what keeps her flying monkeys sending their checks. And you know what they would do to her if she doesn't string everyone along, right?
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't just have one monkey on her back, she's got a pack of 'em. She has to feed them or they'll bite.
The R's will never let her get in a primary. She'll have to pretend to run as a Teabagger Whiner Queen, with no partisan competition for her slot. She won't get anywhere, but the money will keep coming so that's all she cares about.
About the best thing she could do for herself is to get a voice job. If I had a voice like that, I probably wouldn't believe in a higher being.
So do Murdoch & his Saudi Prince want to control America or destroy it?
ReplyDeleteI guess if there are no more towers to blow up, you might as well blow it up from within.
Sarah is just a puppet but thinks she is going to be the queen. How sad that we all can see it, but she lives in delusions.
I like the idea of a "virtual" candidate. After that, she could be the "virtual president" out of her Wasilla living room. Damned, she wouldn't govern Alaska from Juneau. Why would she want to live in Elitist D.C.?
Anonymous at 8:28 - you're right! Look how terrible she already looks after her surgery. Menopause is rarely kind. "If Sarah Palin looked like Golda Meir, would we even be talking about her today?" ~ Republican strategist Mike Murphy.
ReplyDeleteI've always thought that the Twin Towers were just the beginning of a larger plan to slowly destroy the U.S from within.
ReplyDeleteThink about it: because of 9-11, the U.S. is now going broke on 2 wars, homeland security, & misc. banking fiascoes. The country is in shambles. People are broke and at their wits end. (some don't have any "wits")
In walks in Queen Sarah, her Saudi Prince, along with Sir Rupert to pick up all of the pieces. Save us from the bad times.
Sarah is being led by the nose with the "end times" scenario. How whacked is that in all of this? She really thinks she can help the country.
A big joke on us.
ReplyDeleteTake one Democracy add
Coast to Coast media control, Diebold vote control, and an armed hillbilly militia under Blackwater(Ex) command to sweep the streets.
Simmer for 6 months or until done.
See South America for similar recipes
All the FOX News fans who believe Pres. Obama is a socialist/marxist/terrorist would be surprised to read about FOX News ties to a Saudi Prince.
O/T I have been reading many posts from many sites abt Palin and the Teabaggers. One site reported that an owner of a house and shed put a sign up that read "Impeach Palin NOW". The owner came home to find his shed burned..and his porch and yard had been covered with oil...his dog was missing. His dog was found later...shot and killed. (the oil, I'm guessing was to burn down his house.) There is a group of those folks that are very dangerous and are discussing how to take down the the exsisting government. Sarah could do alot to to feed those folks from the"studio" in her house. PLEASE PLEASE somebody take her down now with any information at all that you have on her. I'm afraid alot of blood is going to be shed by these crazed folks.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:17 - rumour has it that there are many events unfolding at a massive speed right now. The rule of the power-hungry faction you refer to may be coming to an end!
ReplyDeleteI'm in the "menopause-is-gonna-do-her-in" camp. Everyday the Grifter gets older, and older and older and older. Plastic surgery is only going to do so much for the ole broad. She's like that episode of The Flintstones. Remember when DINO was in love with the girl Dino until she started taking off all her "extra" stuff...like the lashes, the hair etc. That's how I picture ole Sarah.
ReplyDeleteMatter of fact we have seen her look like that. Hey Gryphen do like C4P...make your banner of the Grifter that picture of her from STAR magazine.
Is that the new house still unfinished or the old house? Because that siding looks an awful lot like particle board. And it's butt ugly.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read all the comments, apologies if this is already posted. But do Beck and O'Reilly have studios in their home also? If not, that could be the beginnings of some fun turmoil! Fox egos know no bounds!
ReplyDeleteI wonder where they'll put the echo chamber?
ReplyDeleteI don't think that "Sarah Palin for President" is ever going to happen. Murdoch has better sense (money sense!) than to back a loser.
ReplyDeleteSarah could never stand the rigors of a presidential campaign, which would begin right after the 2010 campaigns. Hell, she couldn't hack two months of campaigning in 2008 as the VP candidate. She would never let anyone control her, telling her where she's going to be and what she's going to say. The McCain campaign staffers practically went nuts trying to coordinate her various needs with family, etc. They couldn't get her to concentrate with kids running around wanting her attention.
If there's a Fox studio being built at Casa Palin, it's because the team in NY can't stomach her and keeping her in Alaska would work fine for them. Plus, it's cheaper than flying Palin back and forth to the east coast with her entourage trailing behind.
No, I think they're doing it so that when she starts fading, all they have to do is pull the plug.
Mrs Paylins face is starting to look like a marionette,the furrows next to her mouth,the way she claps her jaw shut,how her beginnings of jowls just slightly hang down right where the furrows end.Kind of like the dummy "Madam".
ReplyDeleteBy 2012 after more bad surgery and some age,she will look more like her mom.By 2016,she will look more like her dad,creepy Chuck.
Her followers will desert her.
So.... I guess this means that Jessica Beehive has opened a New Shop ... Beehive #1 and Beehive #2.
ReplyDeleteWatch for them delivering one of those Chairs with the hair dryer attachment to be set up in the corner of the studio. She's going to need it... but it won't help or course.
And once the walls go up and are finished maybe the Plasterer can hang around and pick up a 2nd job as her Make-up Artist...." it's all about job creation..."
I hope I am not double posting... did anyone see The View today? Megan McCain was a guest hostess... Whoppi and Barbara were asking her about Scarah's qualifications etc.. and mentioned her writing on her hand and how hypocritical it was after raking Mr Obama over the coals for using a teleprompter.. asked what her opinion was... she said I love you all and I have a book coming out in August and it will ALL be addressed!!! Ummmm does this mean Megan is gonna spill the dirt too????
When are they going to put siding on that monstrosity, or something.
ReplyDeleteAnd BTW, everyone who says "I'm not worried," or laughs this woman off needs to re-assess their attitude. If not Palin, someone just like her. After all, we had Bush for 8 fucking years, and now look at what the Rethugs are doing in Congress--because some Dems let them get away with it, or don't even believe in the tenets of the Democratic Party.
Stay alert. Always know what the real enemies of the people are up to.
Too many people in this country suffer from mass delusion, from those who think porn is real sex and enjoy the voyerurism more than the real thing, to those who think a psychopath should run the country.
ReplyDeletePeople who get a 1 yr certificate at a community college for car repair or food preparation say they have a "college degree."
Look at your surroundings, listen to what people are saying, observe how people are living, what they say at work (and how they perform their jobs), etc. Listen to the absolute delusion. And the sad part is, they really believe what they're saying.
I knew this country was going to hell in a handbasket when my 10 yr old granddaughter had a teacher back in the 90s who actually told 5th graders to "use deodorant" and said other weird things, even about religion, instead of concentrating on the subject she was supposed to be teaching. And yet, she was retained.
There are just too many people in this country who can be sold a rotten bill of goods and seem to absolutely enjoy it. And they're so fearful they won't even make a fuss or return it for a refund.
If she really is going to run, she will have to decide fairly soon or else she'll have the disadvantage of coming in late. If she's not actively campaigning and others are, they will get the media attention. Remember how tired people were of the 2008 election that seemed to last forever when in reality, it was just about 14 months of nonstop coverage. Nobody wants to hear about Palin everyday until November 2012, no matter how much the media talks about her now. The American public has a short attention span and they are very fickle. If she gets serious and decides to run, the FOX job stops as does the paycheck, along with the $$$$ from speeches. In the meantime, she's collecting money for SarahPAC and if the majority of her supporters are the little people, they won't be able to contribute much to her actual campaign. However, if this horrible decision from the SC stands in regards to corporations that may not make a difference.
ReplyDeleteHowever, what I think will make a difference is the fact that she is so inconsistent. The people she's backing when compared to each other, have many radically opposing viewpoints. She also has ties to the AIP with them praising her in print, talking and bragging about how they put her in office, as if they own her. Maybe there's some truth to that.
She can only declare a small amount of the cost of the studio in tax deductions. With everything else she has going on financially, she is ripe for an audit. Hell, we were audited when we were self employed and it was not easy to get through despite the fact that we were 100% truthful with all deductions. It took weeks of going over receipts for everything with our accountant before our meeting with the auditor. We were fortunate in that halfway through, he stopped the audit and said there was no reason to go forward as all of our deductions to that point were accurate to the penny. He said there are certain red flags and we didn't raise any of them during the audit. However, in home offices, car leasing, business related expenses are red flags just for an audit alone.
One other thing I've been thinking about is that the egos at FAUX are pretty huge and I don't think they want $P coming in there and stealing the limelight on a regular basis. They love what she does for their individual show ratings but wouldnt want it to be happening on a regular basis.
$P is known not to take direction well, not at all! It led to the problems in the campaign, especially with the staff. She has a strong history of this and it's not going to suddenly change because of this new show. She also doesn't have the ability to make it through a Presidential campaign. She may want to be President and have all the power & perks that come with the job, but she can't handle the work that comes with it on a 24/7 basis. Her petty little email complaints proved that about the governor's position.
Yes, she has supporters, but the actual number is not large enough nor will it ever be, especially with what will be revealed as the press goes to town, to carry an election.
Check out OzMud's take here:
HandPrompter = 'mavericky' Sarah not taking advice? Or deliberate sabotage by her minders? Could be both.
Some 'stars' at Faux appear to be distancing themselves already. If crew are forced to travel repeatedly to Wasilla you can be sure they'll soon tire of it. Revenge is a funny thing, perhaps best served in the cold of Wasilla.
"So the loggers said she's "pretty enough to be President"? That's a big part of Sarah's problem. She thinks politics is one big beauty pageant."
ReplyDeleteThey must be thinking with their logs!
I predict she's already upset about getting older--and looking older. Most people with NPD traits have major anger issues as their bodies change naturally near 50, since their own image of their 20-something perfection no longer matches up with the reality of their sagging, wrinkling, and cellulite.
My now-46-y.o. ex nearly went insane as he got older and would work out frantically for hours trying to get that youth back--yikes. When he had to have some minor surgery for his knee a couple years ago he was so distraught, you would have thought the bells were tolling for his death. Every year he gets more obsessed with his appearance, but of course in reality he looks like a bald, overweight 60-year-old. He used to criticize me constantly during our marriage because of how I looked....karma's a great thing!!!!!
Colbert Report last night:
ReplyDeleteSarah "How's that hopey changey thing going for you?"
Colbert "Sarah Palin 2012: Abandon all HOPE!"
It isn't just Murdoch who is interested in controlling the White House. It is ultimately the Chinese. Murdoch is very connected with them, in more ways than one.
ReplyDeleteGryphen.. how much would a bush pilot charge to fly up and take pictures of the Todd Mahal?
ReplyDeleteTake Zaki along because he takes real good pictures from the air.
Everyone would love to see what the cabin complex looks like
ReplyDeleteThe bulk of the comments from this site, Bree, and Palingates seem to be shifting increasingly toward expressing the fear that, unless Sarah Palin is brought down from the exposure of a sexual impropriety or other unforgivable sin soon, she will be unstoppable.
As well, I'd like to know if any of your many foreign readers would be kind enough to keep us abreast of how the public and media view Mrs. Palin. Is she a laughable curiosity like Jerry Lewis? Do they have politicians as potentially dangerous or devoid of scruples as she is?
Here's the thing....Sarah will never clear the vetting process to become President.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing...you can't win an election with a base of old white people. Upside to no health care reform...many of them will die before they can vote for her in 2012. Good thing we didn't extend Medicare to those 55 and over folks, huh?
Won't she have to pay taxes on the donated studio? And, make sure her property value goes up on the tax rolls, a studio would be a big $ item in a house, right?
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin - Free Groceries, Restaurants, Furniture accounts
ReplyDelete"There's an account set up for the House at El Sombrero with you, Todd and Willow (plus House staff) as
signers; it will include a 15-18% gratuity. When Willow goes in she can let the wait staff know who should
be included on her ticket."
GinaM...I remember that episode of The Flintstones. I'm still chuckling thinking about it. Sarah Palin and the First Lady are about the same age. I'll bet that Mrs. Obama will continue to look stunning into her 50s, 60s, and 70s (just like her gorgeous 72-year-old mother). Palin will crack apart mighty quickly as menopause settles in. If her cottage cheese thighs are any indication, Palin has about another year before the skin loses its elasticity and the facelifts start to disintegrate.
ReplyDeleteNow, Mrs. Obama would make a fabulous presidential candidate in 2016. But alas she has too many skeletons in her closet that the right-wingers will be eager to exploit. First, they'll attack her education: Princeton and Harvard--couldn't she have done better, they'll taunt. Her sleeveless garments and fit arms alone would send Michelle Malkin into a rage. Rush would have daily tirades about Mrs. Obama's organic gardening and work with military families. Then we have her children, what embarrassments they've become...with their straight-As and good manners. And to top it off, they own a black dog, which can only mean that Mrs. Obama is prejudiced against white dogs, so that would create another right-wing furor.
It says a lot about this country when the media focus on Palin, a dolt and imbecile, while the first lady, full of grace and intelligence, is ignored.
Sarah: "How's that hopey changey thing going for you?"
ReplyDeleteThat's rich. Sarah's Motto ought to be "Dopey Strangey".
If she gets a studio built on her property she will be responsible for taxes. The cost of building it (if paid for by Fox) will be income and (of course) property taxes on the improvements.
ReplyDeleteI realize gloom and doom is par for the course, but do not succumb to the feeling that "the country is going to hell in a handbasket." Get some perspective. Things have been A LOT worse. Civil war? Great Depression? Pearl Harbor? McCarthy era?
I'm not saying bad things can't or won't happen, just don't ascribe to the liberal version of "End Times Prophecy." Life is messy. People are messy. Truth will out.
Sarah is a celebrity right now. She's going to try to cross over, but I think she enjoys being a celebrity more than a candidate. She was a candidate before, and said "if she knew then what she knows now, she wouldn't have said yes." In the end I think she'll just be a pr**k-tease, dangling the possibility because she LOVES the attention and power it provides.
Anon @ 12:38 Re: a teacher telling 5th graders to "use deodorant". You have obviously never walked down the 5th grade hallway in May....Those kids mature pretty quickly and can smell pretty ripe :-) She/He probably couldn't stand it any more lol.
ReplyDelete"And BTW, everyone who says "I'm not worried," or laughs this woman off needs to re-assess their attitude. If not Palin, someone just like her."
ReplyDeleteher or someone just like her will never have enough support to be president, period.
yes we had dubya for 8 years, but she's more of a joke than dubya.
I agree that it's important to keep watch on what people like palin are doing, but people should stop their hyperventalating, step back, and remember what a freakin joke she is. stop being brainwashed by faux and the other ad sellers into thinking palin has some huge audience - she does not. there's 300 million people in this country - even if 5 mil are her fans, it's still not enough to get to the presidency.
ReplyDeleteMeet the Press, Face the Nation, or shut the fuck up!
Another view of what Sarah may be doing. Sarah is an opportunist and profit maximizer. Isn't it possible that her current presidential aspirations are simply a front to gain more monetary benefit? Her value as a former VP candidate and quitter governor bring limited appeal. She gets more media coverage, receives bigger paychecks, larger speaking fees, fills her PAC coffers, etc. as someone skirting a possible run for the presidency than as the former governor of Alaska.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that Sarah will have to "campaign".
ReplyDeleteShe is spreading her vitriol & getting paid the big bucks for it.
As soon as she has to start doing actual work, she will go back to her cave & do everything remotely.
She will never leave her safety zone.
I hope not!
Where does that muslim who apparently is the owner of faux news come in? Is she pal'in around with a muslim terrorist who only wants to tear this country apart from the inside? Does he use a tea bag when having his Lord Grey?
ReplyDeleteWhat has surprised me is the contrast in Sarah Palin. Go back to interview she did from her home, remember the one with Mother Theresa in the background? Compare that Palin to the one that did Chris Wallace this weekend. The many faces of Eve???? A very odd difference in confidence, presence, chattiness....Why, different background meds, our first view of the paralyzed facial areas???
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it was environment or who she was talking with. Is she more confident face to face with men who she knows want her to sit on their lap?
Flynn D @4:17 AM wanted to know what folks outside the US think.
ReplyDeleteMy inlaws were visiting us from Europe (my husband is an "gasp" immigrant). They said there was no way Palin would ever get elected because she is so obviously stupid. It occured to me, that my inlaws watched REAL news programs in Europe vs FAUX news here. I DO think there is a possiblity for her to get elected because so many Americans just go for the newsbytes force fed to them by Murdoch. Scares the hell out of me!
OT/ I attended the Perry/Palin rally with my son...we had a chance to go, and wanted to see for ourselves how Palin has such a rabid following. It was quite eye opening and terrifying.
To quote Sullivan, "know fear".
btw - MSNBC and NBC are now the property of the right-wing Snyder family that owns Comcast out of smellidelphia. Olberman's days on television might be numbered. As might any other non-right-wing political commentator.
ReplyDeleteSarah is nothing but a quitter, twitter balloon head with an attitude. The Republicans are scared of her splitting the party but will never back her for Pres. She'll never make it threw the vetting or the debates to become their nominee.
ReplyDeleteShe's being used as a puppet to crap all over Pres. Obama while filling her pockets $$$$. And when their done with her they will back away.
Fox news and Sarah's only agenda is to trash Pres. Obama, their doing it 24/7 and getting away with it.
1. folks that say they will leave the country if it gets bad make me really irritated. STAY and fix it.
ReplyDelete2. sarah palin is the corporate candidate and will test its true effectiveness.
3. more than ever, the diebold machines will need to be monitored and/or outlawed.
4. no matter if palin fails in a run for president --- the cause of failure will be analyzed and the next corporate candidate will not make the same mistakes.
Yeh, the "hopey-changy" thing of Sarah's speech really got to me too. Having been in need at one or several times in my life, as maybe even posters here as well, Sarah's cold unloving snark is manifesting itself more and more each day. It's not funny.
ReplyDeleteSarah, for those others who are not as priviledged as you, and who suffer daily, you as a christian, should know this verse: Jer. 19: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD; plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me, and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you".
Yeah, Sarah, this verse is for EVERYONE. Everyone is called by a loving God who wants them to feel hope and change can come.
To those fringe christians who follow Sarah, I cannot fathom how one would laugh and snark about a leader of our nation not fulfilling his promises in giving hope and change soon enough. Losing one's job isn't a joke, losing health, savings, hope, is not a joke.
The Grifter is doing what she does best...taking & spending OP's(Other People) money. She has no chance of being President of THIS United States.
ReplyDeleteI watched the news last night about her being in Redding, CA. Not far from where I live. Her "followers" were ALL White, middle age people. I didn't see ONE person of color in her audience.
The news commentator spoke to some lady and asked her about Handgate and the poor woman stumbled all over herself trying to explain. She finally ended up saying. "Well she's just like US". WTF!!!
The Stupid...it burns...
mxm @ I noticed that, too. My take is she feels she is in control when she is talking face to face with a male. She's very confident in her appeal to men. I hate to say it, because I really do not know, but this is behavior that women sometimes exhibit when they have been sexually molested as a child. I know there have been veiled remarks about creepy chuck, and I used to not agree. I am really beginning to think SP's dad may have been more than just a creepy character. yuck
ReplyDeleteThey certainly helped push GW in the White House. Ailes is the maker of the famous Willie Horton ad and created the ad with GW who was working on Daddy's campaign at the time.
ReplyDeleteThen Ailes goes on to start a network that is pro-gop and lies about everyone else spends a few years spewing that propaganda and getting the public used to it.
Next comes candidate GW who can do no wrong and Fox went to work making sure he was elected (even though we know he technically lost but was Pres only because the Supreme Court declared it so before all votes were finished in the recount).
It's exactly what they are trying to do with this tool.
Problem is she's far, far, far more dangerous than GW because of the people who will line up behind her and use her to accomplish their agendas just as they used GW to push through a lot of dangerous things.
Latest gossip--
ReplyDeleteA person very close to R.M. (let's call them W.D.) is furious that Sarah was handed an opportunity of a lifetime and squandered it for instant gratification. They said I've been called many insulting names but even my worst critic never suggested I was lazy. R.M. had only a few words-- Sarah is a self-limited ratings blip.
Virginia Voter, bear in mind that Obama's approval among white voters is now below 40% an falling.
ReplyDeleteYou can't get re-elected by relying on 38% of whites added to 95% of blacks and hispanics. The numbers aren't there and a lot of the 'hopey-changey' new voters aren't going to show up again.
I think you are on to something with that list - it seems like a valid game plan drawn up by Murdoch. But I do think a LOT of resistance is going to be encountered with steps 8 and 9. I really do not seeing the dirty, nasty, sell grandma for a vote GOP insiders as guys who are going to give away any of their money and power to Buttercup. No way, no how, never. I think they would literally put a hit out on her first - overdose of sleeping pills kinds thing. I also do not believe that the majority of the country would stay sleepy while she blithely ascended to the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteBut I do think these types of plans keep the slick black blood pumping through Murdoch's ancient veins.
Kiki @ 10:18 - very interesting... thanks! I am a bit unclear though...who is the "they" in your comment (the one who said they'd been called many insulting names...) R.M., W.D., or Sarah??
ReplyDeleteR.M. = Rebecca Mansour?
ReplyDeleteRM = Rupert Murdoch
ReplyDeleteR.M. = Rupert. Sorry, I jumped in before I thought...
ReplyDeleteconscious at last- Sorry for the confusion. I should have taken more care to be clear. I'll try to give more detail. W.D. was asked about Sarah and responded with pent-up frustration that Sarah doesn't seem to understand that she's expected to actually WORK. Then someone said well what do you expect, she(Sarah) just wants money. That's when W.D. said "I don't fault her for that... People have said that and worse about me but I don't sit on my arse with my hand out. I may be a rich b itch but I'm not lazy." Then R.M. said Sarah is a self-limiting ratings blip.
ReplyDeleteOh, was also told that when anyone at Fox says Sarahs name, they lose control of their eyes because just speaking her name brings on an eye-roll!
ReplyDeleteAny hint you can give as to W.D.'s Identity?
Happily, she'll never have to bother with Haiti for instance. She'll wiggle out for loggers though. Boring. Predictible Vile.
ReplyDeleteThe construction of the Fox studio is probably a part of her deal. Fox pays for the studio as a part of her compensation package. Fox builts it and leaves it after her job is done. Fox expenses the construction and it is not reported as income to Palin.
ReplyDeleteWD Wendy Deng RM's wife.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I had to think about this for a bit, but it fits the totally controlled environment Sarah needs to hide her inadequacies. Nothing new here, just a continuation of the book tour and all of her recent speaking engagements and appearances.
ReplyDeleteSarah is afraid. Very afraid. She can't take criticism and hates being made fun of. This is why she hates the blogs. There is nothing she can do to control them and their message.
Keep up the good fight!