Tuesday, February 09, 2010

As predicted Comedy Central had a whole lot of fun over Sarah Palin's weekend.

First up Jon Steart riffs on the Teabaggers and Sarah Palin's Wasilla Palm Pilot, with a little help from Wyatt Cenac.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Next, one of my favorite comedians, Lewis Black, addresses the absurd hoopla around Retard-gate.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black - The R-Word
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

(Not to get off subject here, but did any of you see how Palin was carrying Trig in that video of her getting on the bus? Not at ALL like a loving mother.)

Finally we have Stephen Colbert skewering the Teabaggers and Sarah Palin as only he can.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

Ah! Now THAT was refreshing! Where would we be without the help of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to help put the crazy in perspective?


  1. "did any of you see how Palin was carrying Trig in that video of her getting on the bus?"

    Wow--definitely much more "Sack Of Potatoes"y than usual.

  2. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Compare the way Sarah carries and looks at Trig to the way Drew Brees carried and looked (and kissed) his son at the Superbowl.... Drew was even thoughtful enough to have ear muffs on Baylin to block the noise.

    (Look at Drew pictures on Huff post)

    Sarah.. please look and see how real LOVING people treat their children. Oops, thats right I forgot Trig is just your grandchild.

  3. Mary in San Antonio6:04 AM

    OMG, did you hear the NBC commentator - Brian Williams? - say "Sarah Palin, mother of FOUR?" Is the truth finally coming out from the MSM?

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Colbert uses the repub's own logic to skewer them. This is why anytime I hear what a repub or loathsome conservadem has to say, it is passed through the "what-would-Colbert-say" filter in my head.

    Then I smile.

  5. laprofesora6:25 AM

    Thank you sweet god in heaven for these people that help me laugh at that despicable excuse for a human being. If I couldn't laugh at her I would be curled up in the fetal position, sick to the pit of my stomach for what is happening in this country. I keep telling myself that the people who elected our first black president would never let this loathesome being get anywhere near the White House. If she thinks we need a revolution, let her run for president. She will face an uprising that she is incapable of even imagining.

  6. Thanks for posting these. They almost settled the bile roiling in my stomach after reading about Quitty's speech to the loggers last night.

  7. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I've never seen her carry that child like I would expect a loving mother to do. However, just to present the facts, babies with Down's Syndrome are sometimes "floppy". They do not have the muscle control of babies born without Down's. So, some of that "sack of potatoes" look is Sarah and some is possibly just the baby.


  8. 10 cats in MD7:11 AM

    There are pics of her carrying piper like that.

    She does not want them slobbering on her makeup. Or if they decide to throwup, like my daughter did when I was dressed up, they upchuck away from her.

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    She is just so mean. SO unChristian.

    We are in trouble here in America and she can only snark and divide.

    irresponsible use of the power that God gave her over the masses

  10. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I absolutely needed to see Colbert skewer Palin. He did it brilliantly. Thanks for the link. Sometimes I forget to check him out. But I remember to check Gryphen, every day.

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    She is ever so mature. And she advances the conversation in such an effective way. (rolling eyes)

    Her behavior, dress, and rhetoric are all that of an 8th grade girl trying to get even with the popular kid. She knows she'll never have the brains (3.95), talent (I quit), or demeanor (mean girl comments) to really compete. So she appeals to the lowest common denominator by being snarky, hateful, and immature. If there was a politician on either side of the aisle with the guts to tell her to grow the $#%& up, we'd all be better off. And she would have to change her tune, and fast, in order to be taken 'seriously.' (And I use that phrase lightly, because without the mean girl persona, she is of absolutely NO substance. Zilch. Zippo. Nada.)

    I don't want her to sit down & shut up.

    I want her to GROW THE EFF UP.

    Sarah in SC

  12. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "Sarah Palin is fucking retarded"...

    SO awesome!!!

  13. Nice to hear Colbert say what we've all known (for what seems like) a long time.

  14. mommom9:28 AM

    Trig has been since thrown under the bus in favor of Piper once again.He is too big to carry around and too active to control.

  15. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for those links that started my day with a much-needed smile!

  16. Rahm used the R word in a private meeting. Rush used it where 20 million heard him. And she says Rush was using satire. Well, she just opened up a whole can of worms with that. Her nose must really brown now with all of her ass kissing to Rush and the Teabaggers.
    And yes, Sarah is a fucking retard.

  17. Anonymous10:48 AM

    How many children did you give birth to, Griffin? Because when you do give birth to a young child, you can lecture a mother about how she holds her children.

  18. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I want white house press secretary, robert gibbs to resign immediately for making fun of sarah's cheat sheets!
    it was not satire!

    bill in belize

  19. Anonymous12:04 PM

    As a father myself, I think the comment on how she carries her baby is unfair. She's under constant scrutiny and you're going to have one or two moments when her hold is not 100% appropriate. Besides there are many more important issues at stake with this woman.

  20. Anonymous 10:48, I am a male.

    I don't know if you missed biology class or not, but being a male kind of precludes me from actually giving birth.

    However if your point was that since I did not push a baby out of my non-existent birth canal I therefore do not understand how to care for a young child, I have to disagree with that assessment.

    In fact I have a lovely daughter who, as a baby, I always carried as if she were the most precious living thing on the planet. Because to me she was.

    I have also worked with thousands of children and if I had to pick one of them up and carry them because they were too young to walk or had suffered an injury I can guarantee I carried them as if they were the most precious living thing on the planet. Because to their parents, who had entrusted them to my care, they were.

    So when I see somebody, like Sarah, carrying her child with such disregard for his comfort or safety, I feel I have the right to comment. And I did. Birth canal, or no birth canal.

  21. OMG Colbert just made my day, my week maybe. I have the warm fuzzy full body afterglow of hearty laughs. Thanks for posting these Gryph.

  22. I just looked at a website entitled www.sarahpalinisafuckingretard.com. It shows a copy of an IQ test she had in high school, or at least it says she had. Have you any way, Gryphen, of checking into this? I am not familiar with the website. Not that I doubt she has a very low IQ, but I would like to hear it from more than one source, as well as one I already trust...that being you.


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