Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bill Maher takes on the birthers, Sarah Palin, and the Teabaggers

Oops! Did he call Sarah a "bitch"? Somebody needs to send a memo to Bristol so she can defend her mother on Facebook.

I LOVE his comments about the 1950's. That is absolutely dead on!

This is HBO so if you are at work you might want to wait until you get home to watch the video.


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Told ya it was a good one! ;-)

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Saw this last night. Thanks for posting tho...

  3. What he failed to mention is that it's still a mind set in the South for a woman to be subserviant to her husband and also the Fundamentalist so called Christian movement(and others).I've heard many sermons comparing a Woman who was independent to be a Jezebel,a Woman in sin and at the time I believed it to be true.

  4. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I love Bill Maher. He's the best!

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:33 AM

    Bill Maher--always great to watch! Thanks.

    And in the 50s, America lived under the looming threat of nuclear annihilation as well. I'm sure the perpetually paranoid members of "Goober Nation" would appreciate that, seein' as Sistah Sarah is all a-flutter for the Rapture to arrive and weed out the impure among'n us!

  6. Gasman10:13 AM

    Maher is exactly right about racism amongst the teabaggers. While much of the MSM will mention that the teabaggers have at least a sizable racist element present at their rallies, I say that it goes MUCH deeper than that.

    Racism is THE primary animus that motivates "goober nation," not merely an annoying fringe. ALL of the teabagger issues are predicated on the reality that a BLACK MAN is POTUS. None of their imbecilic "issues" make a damn bit of sense outside of the context that a BLACK POTUS has served as a clarion call to bigoted imbeciles across our land to come out and start their incomprehensibly panicked bleating.

    These morons are motivated by fear and by hate, not by political nuance. These asshats are no more acceptable than the sheet wearing Klansmen that are their progenitors. Calling President Obama a Kenyan is really no different than calling him a "nigger," except that even they know they can't do that anymore. They may not wear their sheets in public, but they keep them nicely pressed and and within easy reach in their closets, ready and waiting.

    The teabaggers are simply the latter day version of what Margaret Chase Smith warned of some 60 years ago. She rightly noted that the GOP was trying “ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny—Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.” Gee, THAT certainly sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The teabaggers are what you end up with when you cater to obdurate ignorance, racism, and bigotry for more than half a century.

    "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind..." Hosea 8:7

    The teabaggers offer nothing to our political discourse except “fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear.” Let us consign them to the dustbin of history with all of the other outmoded relics of our uninformed and hate filled past.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Bill Maher nails it. The 1950's were not the golden years Madison Avenue was selling to the public.

    Social masks and roles were a lot more rigid back then. I have an older friend who remembers spraying her bouffant, teased hairstyle in place, and donning a girdle before going to highschool. God help you if you were gay or black. Certain subjects were never discussed openly.

    The series "Mad Men" was supposed to take place in 1964, and although there was a certain style to those years (jackets, ties and hats for men) it was shocking to see portrayed how little value women and children were treated with.

    One of the saddest story lines of the series was the agonizing secrecy of the gay art department head. You could just see how paranoid and unhappy he was, and he was one of the nicest people in the company.

  8. Sharon in Florida11:16 AM

    Yes he called her a bitch. Tsk, tsk. Maybe that's okay for a white male to call her a bitch just so long as it's not a Hispanic male who calls her la cabrona.

    Sarrrrrah, want to take Bill Maher on? It's almost sundown and you haven't whimpered and whined about anything today.

  9. I wonder how special needs children were treated in the 50's. By that I mean were there special schools and public assistance? Not that many women were allowed to work if I remember right.

    Remember diseases like Polio... and catching measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc...

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Heads up everyone Bill is on Larry King tonight :)

  11. Gryph; totally off-topic, but did you know that Girl du Jour has found (she doesn't remember where she found it) the high school printout of SP's IQ test? Neither she nor I have any idea how real it is. http://girldujour.wordpress.com/2010/02/11/today-is-sarah-palins-birthday/

  12. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Go Bill !

  13. Comes on again on Thurday night at midnight.

    I don't agree with everything he stands for, but that was spot on. I miss Real Time. I don't have HBO anymore, but when I did, Friday night was a good night for TV.

  14. He was so right about everything he said. Thanks for posting.

  15. Anonymous2:20 PM

    OT, but it is so nice when a writer takes on Sarah Palin and makes sense:

    Ellen Seidman writes is the mother of a disabled child and she discusses The Family Guy episode which affected Bristol and Sarah so deeply.

  16. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Bill Maher is on CNN Larry King tonight (Tuesday)

  17. emrysa3:29 PM

    that was great gryphen, thanks for posting. like you, I also love his comments about the '50's! so f-ing true.

    bill maher definitely knows what time it is.

  18. emrysa3:36 PM

    that iq printout is not real. but it wouldn't be the least bit surprising if it was accurate.

    I saw it originally on sarahpalinisafuckingretard.com . At first they didn't have any text with it, but they must have had a lot of questions because now it say "this image is fake."

  19. emrysa3:39 PM

    sorry if this appears twice but there was some kind of error when I posted it the first time.

    re: the iq test image. it's from sarahpalinisafuckingretard.com - they have posted below it that the image is fake.

    but it wouldn't be surprising if it was accurate.

  20. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Bill is so right on. It wasn't just the 1950,s but the early 1960's. It wasn't until the late 60's and 70's that people started to demand their rights as equals and started to get them. We still have a ways to go, but we've made a lot of progress.

    Let's not go back.

  21. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Gles, I have a developmentally disabled aunt who was a child in the 1950s. No support to speak of. From the stories I've heard, my grandparents had little idea how to parent her. She ended up being placed in a state mental institution in her mid or late teens. Not pretty.

    You might also read some about Rosemary Kennedy, the developmentally disabled sister of JFK and inspiration behind the Special Olympics. Joe Kennedy had her undergo a lobotomy to cure her behavior.

    Yes, those were the golden years.

  22. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:16 PM

    Anon @ 2:20, thank you for that huff po link! I have a physical disability and have dealt with a lot of similar issues and it bought back a lot of funny memories.

    Bill Maher's a comedic genius. Watching him reminds me a bit of George Carlin's comedy but with an intellctual twist. His "Religiousity" was totally thought provoking and relevant to what's happening in our world today.

  23. sunnyjane1:52 AM

    My mother refused to watch Jackie Gleason precisely because his Ralph Cramden character used to threaten Alice with physical abuse.

    We knew what it was before it "came out of the closet."

    I was talking to a high school friend the other night and he was telling me his son and daughter brought home some friends from college to spend the weekend. He said he and his wife weren't sure where they were going to find everyone a place to sleep. "But," he said, " it worked out OK because two of them were gay so they slept in the same bed."

    I laughed and said, "Can you imagine if you or I had brought home two gay people to spend a weekend?"

    His one comment: "Would never have happened!"

    No, I have no desire to go back to the fifties or sixties. Things may not be perfect in our era, but I'll take it anyway.


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