Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New law bans marriage between loveless couples.

New Law Would Ban Marriages Between People Who Don't Love Each Other

Ahh when I think of all the wasted years this law could have saved me.


  1. AkMom4:24 PM

    You said, "Ahh when I think of all the wasted years this law could have saved me. "

    I say......if only the Onion was for reals!!

  2. The best way to prevent divorce is to outlaw marriage. It would also make gay marriage a moot point.

  3. nswfm5:00 PM

    Can the signs people like this hold be any more idiotic?

    OT: Has anyone heard if $P/Granny Grifter is going to be in Southern California on March 6? I just overheard a guy at a store saying she would be here. Please no, please no, please no…..

  4. So the corporations now with clear personhood have been commingling pre merger. Is this true happyness? Dont we now have to determine if hostile takeover is involved. What of the affiliates? This whole thing smells of corporate hanky panky. Do we really want to advent the CFO'S growing with a STFU disorder. I shudder to think what this all portends! I must divest to the divan.

  5. 16 years together, no marriage. Happy. We benefit by filing single on taxes.

    Not sure why people get married. Until everyone can get married I have no interest.

  6. HaHa. Love "Teh Onion." It's not a love issue, it's a legal issue.

  7. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:25 PM

    Do protesters realize how stupid their signs make them look?

    The problem is how one defines "happiness" and "marriage", that's why we've been together 11 years without getting married. Too many married people seem miserable yet keep prodding us to get married. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  8. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Me too Gryph... me too!!!!

    I LMAO over this one !!!

  9. After I filed for divorce, my ex actually sent me a book advocating staying in your marriage no matter how miserable you are. It was supposed to be rewarding. I alternated between barfing & laughing when reading it. Disgusting!!

    It was especially funny since he always bragged that he had never voluntarily read a book in his life and he picked that one.

  10. LisaB7:19 AM

    *shakes fist* Curse you, Ricky Gervais, for getting a show on HBO, and making me want to subscribe to HBO again.


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