First in the corridor of the hospital with Sarah's parents on April 18, 2008.
And then later the next week sometime between Monday the 21st and Wednesday the 23rd.
Here let's get a better look with a closeup.
Isn't he cute? Just look at those chubby cheeks.
Now the next time we see a baby identified as Trig Palin it is in these now famous photos from the Palin's kitchen .

Some of you may remember that the caption read "Mommy InLaw Trig an Myself"

This is a picture of Mercede with Trig and Bristol and the caption read "Family Love".

Originally this picture first showed up on the Tyra Banks show. I have recently learned that all of these Palin kitchen photographs were taken by Sherry Johnston on Saturday May 3rd, which was Levi's birthday.
It was the very next day, Sunday May 4th, that the pictures from the Kristan Cole hosted baby shower were taken.
Now if you go back to the top and take a very careful look at the baby held, first by Grandma and Grandpa Heath, and later by Sarah with Todd, you may notice how chubby that baby's cheeks are. Now compare that with the pictures of the "ruffled ear" baby that appeared in the Palin kitchen. Did this baby go on the Atkins diet in the week between the hospital on April 18, and the Palin's kitchen on May 3rd?
For me this evidence is not as definitive as the cauliflower ear, but the change in weight is certainly striking and yet another clue to consider when piecing together exactly what happened in the first few weeks after Trig's "birth".
Also keep in mind that the only pictures we have that show the "ruffled" ear were taken on one weekend in May. Both before that, and after that, we do not yet have ANY other pictures that reveal the damaged helix.
So the questions remain, who is the "ruffled ear" baby? How come he does not appear in any photographs today? Was he the same baby shown back in April? And if he is not, who is THAT baby? And just how many babies do the Palin's have access to?
Gee I wonder if Meg knows?
Or maybe, like Phil Munger suggests, the person who really needs to step forward is Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson.
Update: Some of you have brought up the fact that babies can lose weight after they are born and this is indeed true, so of course I asked a doctor about that during my preparation for these posts. I think the majority of you know what his response was. Don't forget that this is supposed to be a baby that is born a MONTH PREMATURE.
And for the person who suggested I am leaving breadcrumbs, you my friend go to the head of the class.
Also keep in mind that I am writing for at least two very distinct audiences. Some of the things that might seem easy to dismiss, or innocuous, to some, are freaking other people out of their minds. Count on it.
Update 2: It looks like Ozmud was already on this case back in December.
Do newborns sometimes retain fluid that is lost shortly after birth? I know it is not uncommon to drop a few ounces in the first day or so. That COULD account for the chubby cheeks. Maybe. (But I doubt it).
ReplyDeleteWhat is more telling (since they cleverly covered the ears) is the bridge on the nose.
I think you're on to something, but God only knows what. I see the pictures. They are surely different infants. I just cannot fathom the plot. Why? What can she have possibly gained from switching kids, if switch the kids she did? *shaking head* I don't get it.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice that in his recent post, Sullivan said when Palin "had custody of" a special needs newborn. What DID Levi say in the green room with the lead pipe?
ReplyDeleteYou do know something don't you. Please bring the final chapter soon.
ReplyDeleteThe third pic posted is the red flag....Its not about the ear (Important htough) but the bridge of the nose and the wieght of the baby....The third pick the baby has no bridge on the nose...Its right there!!! I zoomed in and you could tell the third pic is the downs syndrome baby REAL trig. You can see the characteristics of a down syndrome but not the other picture of levi and sis holding another baby....It looks like the BRIDGE to NOWHERE or now know it as THE BRIDGE THATS NOT THERE will be Palin's downfall afterall=)Good job G
ReplyDeleteSteve P
For the first time, I noticed the cap worn by the Nominal Trip with $P and Dud has a little tag reading "My Puppy."
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just a tad sensitive, but I didn't put anything denoting animal status on any of my children. Puppy prints, maybe. "My puppy," no.
It's common for babies to lose weight initially.
ReplyDeleteWhat is NOT common is for them to have a very visible ear defect that disappears. When I looked at the baby photos from the "who is this baby/which baby/etc" post, it appeared as though there were more serious defects than a ruffled ear. I'm no doctor, and the photos weren't great, so maybe I'm wrong.
The "brand new" baby Trig with the sweet chubby cheeks looks to be quite healthy for a prematurely born (6 weeks?) infant with health issues related to DS.
When I had my 2nd baby, I delivered her approx 27 hours later. She was kept at the hospital for 2 days so that tests could be run to ensure that she did not have any infections or other problems associated with being delivered more than 24 hours after my water broke. She lost almost an entire pound in that time. She was two weeks overdue at birth, weighed less than 6 lbs when okayed to go home.
I've never bought into the baby being SP's. Not because I can't stand her (though that is true), but because I've always thought the wild ride story, with broken water, DS baby, premature, etc., to be nearly completely implausible. No responsible person or mother would do that. Of course we all know now that she is not responsible, but there were not the red flags back then that have since been flown.
Just observations!
Does Palin see her life as a reality show ? With standins and stunt doubles ? Wasn't there a report of teenaged cousins taking the place of one or both of the older Palin girls at events ?
ReplyDeleteSomeone once said that the more outlandish the lie, the easier it is to get away with because normal people's brains can't imagine such a scenario.
Well done, Gryphen !!
The kitchen triggie bear looks at Levi, and while it has a big nose compared to the small nose baby, it also does not have strabismus or crossed eyes like the later Trig.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone could make her answer questions.
ReplyDeleteAs long as she ignores it and doesnt respond this will not pick up steam
Here's something from a nurse about weight loss:
If Trig lost 7% of his weight, that would be 6-7 oz; if 10%, it would be around 10 oz. Depends on a lot of factors, but 10% would be rare, unless he wasn't feeding well and from what I understand, some DS babies have a weak sucking instinct at birth.
Going back to the top photo of Trig on the day he was born - a couple of things jump out at me. First - is it normal for a newborn with special needs and a hole in his heart to be out in the hospital corridor the same day he was born?
ReplyDeleteSecond - Where are the signs of DS that the brilliant Willow recognized?
Whoever that little guy is, he sure is cute and I hope he is thriving and loved.
I believe that the baby pictured on April 18 with the Heaths, and the one with Todd and Sarah is the Downs Syndrome baby we know as today's Trig Palin, T1. You can see that baby's slightly slanted eyes, even though they are closed. That is no 6 pound newborn...he looks about 8-9 pounds to me. Many newborns lose a little weight in the weeks following birth if they are exclusively breastfed, but not 2-3 pounds!
ReplyDeleteThe baby with Levi and Mercede, Triggybear or T2 who has the ruffled ear is the same baby from the Kristan Cole baby shower. This baby looks like a 5-6 pounder...very tiny and delicate, but this is not a breastfed baby because we see him pictured feeding from a bottle, so there goes the losing weight argument that will no doubt come from trolls. When this baby was born is a mystery...could be newborn, could be even 6-8 weeks old. I think both babies are from the same mother, born at the same time.
These are two different babies. Who gave birth to them and when, we do not know, but obviously the Johnstons have a very strong connection to the ruffled ear Triggybear baby in the kitchen. Why would the whole family go over and take pictures with it if it was just Levi's girlfriend's mother's baby? Doesn't make sense. The last thing an 18 year old guy wants to spend his weekends doing is lovingly cradle someone else's baby. This baby Triggy Bear looks much more delicate with different facial structure and eye shape than T1. This baby has disappeared...was it a much weaker twin to T1 Trig Palin, or a borrowed baby? From the looks of the Johnstons, I doubt it was borrowed.
Keeping with the Trig was Tripp before he was Trig statement, I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that Bristol (or someone on the Palin/Heath family, but most likely Bristol) gave birth to twins who were named Trig and Tripp. Tripp was the smaller ruffled ear baby who, for whatever reason, is no longer with the Palins. I hope this baby is still alive, but I am getting a sinking feeling he/she is not.
I have been thinking about this long and hard since Monday, and this is the only thing that makes sense when you factor in these pictures with the Johnston family.
Baby weight - it changes - not necessarily consistently upward. Ask a mom, a nurse, or a doc.
ReplyDeleteI knew that story was BS the first time I heard of the wild ride.
ReplyDeleteA friend whose water broke was unable to go home and get her pre-packed maternity bag from home and was told to go straight to the hospital. The round trip to get the bag would have been no more that 40 miles to get to the hospital rather than <10 miles by going straight there when the amniotic leak happened. I met this friend at the hospital since it was in the same part of town as where I worked.
She was scared silly that something would be wrong with the baby, which didn't end up with an infection or the possible brain damage that they feared, but did have jaundice.
$P's story about tight abs and flying 2x is bullshit, and people know it. I think Phil Munger is right--Dr CBJ needs to step forward or else be someone under suspicion for endangering lives.
There are too many babes. Or are there two babes? Or are there two too many babes.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I see chubby cheeked DS Trig. He is with the Heaths, he is with Sarah and Todd.
Kitchen Trig aka Shower Trig, on May 3rd is fragile, his little ears are malformed. He may have other deformities. Bristol is shown looking for all the world like a proud mama.
By May 3, Bristol would have been pregnant again with Tripp.
Why would the two babies have the same name? Why did Sadie call him Triggybear? Why would Sarah take him to a shower with photogs present? Why would Levi say he was at the hospital when Trig popped out?
Gryphen, we need another chapter. This one isn't helping at all. Pretty please.
Oh yeah, and last night Guest and Ripley in CT examined the photo with Levi, Sadie and babe. If you blow it up, you can see a birthday cake behind Sadie's arm. And Ripley pegged the date as Levi's birthday. Pretty smart those two. You should hire them Gryp.
Well, I suppose, since Trigg did not have a strong suck reflex, it's possible he could have lost some weight in the week or so between pictures. My own child was a 5 wk preemie (but no other problems besides jaundice and poor suck reflex), and he lost a 1/2 pound in the first 4 days. My child was so skinny when born, he only weighed 5 1/2 pounds. A baby puts on his weight during the last month. The NB Trigg being held by the Heath's sure looks plump for a 5 wk preemie.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the "my puppy" hat is a reference to the chocolate lab email!
ReplyDeleteIt's not that uncommon for a baby to be swollen at birth and look completely different a few days later. The mouth and nose appear to e the same child in pics 1 and 2. It's the other pics with the ruffled ears that makes it a different baby.
ReplyDeleteI don't know your source for these pics but the ear didn't magically correct itself and it wasn't there before or since. I sure hope your source didn't give you photo shopped pics.
ReplyDeleteI think that you should review this post by OzMudflats:
Here she compares the body length of the babies presented in the pictures you posted. It is more than the weight and ears.
OK, take the pic w/scarah and trig on the mag cover. Cover his forehead and ears and see if its the same as the one w/grandparents. looking at a sideview may deceive the cheeks. I don't think it is the same ones, who knows at this point???
ReplyDeleteWait just a minute. Mrs. TB, you just hit on it. Where is that e-mail about the puppy being ready? WHOA!!!
ReplyDeletePhotos of Meg Stapleton's baby around this time in question are absolutely needed to clear this particular question up. They must be accessible somewhere -- facebook, somewhere else on the web ... Look for these ASAP in case there is any attempt underway to cover tracks. The MSM is absolutely ignoring this, so those who demand the truth must gain on them before they get a chance to slip away. We're definitely onto this!
ReplyDeleteIn the close-up of the newborn, he looks like Bristol to me.
ReplyDeleteAlso Bristol's are dull & she looks worn compared to $arah who looks 'perky' and nothing like a new mother.
The "my puppy" hat! wow!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the e-mail on 4/17/08 regarding the PUPPY?
And the Palin's did NOT actually get a puppy during that time -
anyone think the "puppy" e-mail to Todd refers to Trig?
I do not have that e-mail handy, does anyone have it?
It appeared in the recently released emails that MSNBC finally acquired re FOIA request!
Gryph - check back in with the Dr. to confirm on the weight difference's been a long time, but I remember the baby loses a little weight after birth (don't know about preemies).
ReplyDeleteI have never understood why on earth a mother would allow her less than one week old-special needs-jaundiced-hole in the heart - discharged in one day - one month premature infant to be passed around like a football and taken to the cooties-filled governors office. Did no one on her staff ask WTF?
Keep up the good work...what's on the menu for thurday? :-)
The baby Mrs Heath is holding looks to be about 3 months old, definitely not a newborn. Which is about how Trig would look after being born prematurely in Jan or Feb 2008 to Bristol.
ReplyDeleteThe ruffled ear kitchen/baby shower infant was borrowed for the photo ops because he or she really was a newborn.
I really think it is that simple.
I'll state it again because I enjoy writing it:
ReplyDeleteSarah is not post- partum in the Levi birthday party kitchen pictures. No 44y/o post- partum woman wears shorty shorts with her ass sticking in the air, bending over like that. After giving birth you need SERIOUS feminine sanitary pad protection that certainly is not short short and bending over with your ass in the air friendly.
Nice try Scarah. Liar liar short pants on fire. Only 2 weeks out? Nah I'd say a woman in her 40s needs about 6 weeks before she would be willing to stick her ass in the air like that.
Mrs. TarquinBiscuitBarrel: maybe it reads "My Puppy" because they had gotten an email while in Texas asking if they wanted a "puppy." Or saying something like the puppies would be ready.
ReplyDeleteIn looking closely at the Us Weekly cover pic of Sarah and the baby, it does not look exactly like the baby the teenage girl is holding. The baby Sarah is holding looks I totally losing it? I don't know.
ReplyDeleteThe baby Sarah is holding on the cover has almost a different face than the one the teen is holding, and the one Mercede and Levi are holding. If these babies aren't twins, then maybe CBJ or Sarah's church gave her Trig the DS child? Was the ruffled ear baby biologically a Palin, and Trig is not, was one adopted out? I don't know this is all so confusing and bizarre. I just can't imagine that someone close to the Palins would just loan out a baby for photo opps.
Remember Levi's statement in Vanity Fair about Sarah wanting to adopt the baby we know as Tripp Johnston? This was obviously a plan Sarah executed before.
Of COURSE the baby's hat has a sign on it that says, "my puppy", Mrs. TBB – remember that Todd had just received an email the day before, saying that 'the dog was ready to be delivered' to the Palins, and that this was something important that they would know about because either it or the phone call referencing it was being sent by someone who knew them personally. I think Gryph should show the email referencing the dog, sent just the day before Trig's 'birth', side by side with the photo of Trig wearing the "my puppy" cap. So, in addition to referring to Trig as "the retarded one", were they also referring to him as a dog????? After all, we all know that there was no four-legged dog in the Palins' household at that time.
ReplyDeleteClearly, we've got two different babies here, the larger of whom appears to have DS - not sure about the ruffled eared one. I feel strongly that Bristol is the mother of one of them. Also, the DS baby is clearly older - at least a couple of months old - while the ruffled eared baby is fairly newborn. I see two possible scenarios:
ReplyDeleteA) she is the mother of ruffled eared baby, who was adopted out or died, to be replaced by the DS baby (could this be the chocolate lab ready for adoption in the email?) for political purposes.
B) she is the mother of the DS baby but the ruffled eared baby had to be produced for the Johnstons and for the baby shower, since he is of a more appropriate size for a newborn. This would mean that the Johnstons were purposefully out of the loop and didn't realize when Bristol gave birth - maybe because Levi could not have been the dad due to timing?
I am in total agreement about the faked pregnancy, but don't base it on lost weight shortly after birth. That is common! Stick with the ear, the implausibility of the wild ride, and the utter lack of any corroboration, which could be easily supplied if it existed.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sorry. forgot to add: She ain't breastfeeding wearing a sweatshirt either. As any breadfeeding mom knows, access and convenience are the key, especially in the beginning. But, I doubt he (trip, trig tripp, )could latch on anyway, so whoever was providing breast milk, if they were, it was pumped. And the perfectly coiffed hair?? Please, if she was silly enough to try and breastfeed wearing her hair up, it would be a mess - shirt on shirt off shirt on shirt off. But NONE of this happened so of course she is all coiffed and thin and mattress pad sized sanitary pad free.
ReplyDeleteThe "my puppy" hat is really creepy when one remembers that Palin got an email that said something about a puppy being ready or something around that time. Can someone call that email up??????
ReplyDeleteMy Puppy? Wasn't there some urgent email to Todd/Sarah about do they want a puppy or some such thing, right around the time Trig was presented?
ReplyDeleteWeight loss -- babies very commonly lose weight after birth. They are supposed to gain it back by the time they're one month old. They don't repair their ears, though.
mrs. TBB --- speaking of "my puppy", do you remember the todd email regarding the chocolate lab puppy?
ReplyDeletecuriouser and curiouser.
and the baby being held by levi has that particular daunting problem of the exposed ear canal.....which seems to have magically healed itself.
It seems pretty apparent that the baby at the shower and at the Palin's house is not the same one as presented at the hospital. Why would they bother presented a larger baby at the hospital? I don't understand the rationale (assuming they have any reason...) for it. Even the hospital Trig was supposedly a month early, so why couldn't they use the "real" Trig?
ReplyDeleteThere's no way to reconcile the idea that Trig was born in mid-April with these pictures. All along I've though Trig was born in Feb or March, in order to allow for Bristol to have Tripp the following Dec (probably January). However, even a dramatically premature baby wouldn't be that small two months later, right? I've been around newborns recently and the May Trig looks pretty new.
Maybe the May 3rd was a "Home from the Hospital" celebration, in addition to being Levi's birthday? Was May Trig born much earlier, unhealthy and "unpresentable" for SP to use at the hospital, but someone made it home in time for the shower?
I literally cannot stop thinking about how crazy this whole situation is. I've managed to convince at least four other people of the faked pregnancy though...
Usually the queen of the quick retort, I find the silence from Sarah (or whatever mouthpiece she uses) is deafening.
ReplyDeleteI had finally come to believe (sorry for the awkward syntax!) that Sarah's wild ride was her attempt to "lose" the baby in an "acceptable" manner. It was the only explanation that made sense at all. That was bad enough, because the willful act made her evil, pure and simple. But now this... what? Plan to switch out another baby, one that was politically more advantageous? That takes evil to a different level. We need new words: craven, maybe. I recall from a past experience with an NPD spouse, in the aftermath: I could not explain it to others so they could either understand or even accept that someone could be that way, BECAUSE they were decent, mentally healthy people. That's the problem we have folks: this level of depravity is foreign to us, and so we struggle to make "sense" but really it's something else entirely. Evil.
ReplyDeleteOMG "my puppy" What was that email about adopting a puppy???
ReplyDeleteI agree it is not uncommon for newborns to lose a half a pound to a pound while adjusting to a new way of getting nutrients, however, this is a big weight difference. To me, the little guy Mercede is holding was never a plump newborn who lost a little weight but a frail little guy who should gain weight quickly. These two infants are not the same child.
ReplyDeleteRe the cap with "my puppy" on it - what was the email just released in that batch about the dog/puppy?? Any connection or am I imagining?
ReplyDeleteBabies do sometimes lose some weight right after birth. I know my full term 8 pounder did, but I was trying to get him started on the breast and both of us were having health issues. Anyway, his doctor monitored his weight (lost 20 ounces I think) and at the 2 week mark he had regained the weight and it took off from there. I have looked at the photos and all I notice is less redness, not flatter cheeks, a different nose and a temporarily malformed ear!.
ReplyDeleteG., I know you have the goods & are just leaving us a trail of breadcrumbs.
ReplyDeleteBut... I wanted to point out that some babies can change dramatically in the first few weeks of life. I am only pointing this out because I think this evidence is a bit weak. (the ear evidence in better)
My baby lost almost 2 lbs after birth. (He was 10+lbs because I had gestational diabetes)
He looked like a shrived little prune & not the same baby after a few weeks. Plus he was not a good eater. Those lactation nurses wouldn't leave me alone!
That all being said, I am patiently waiting for $P to go down & fade into oblivion.
Keep up the good work, G!
here we go back into 'palin's deceptions' comparing pictures ad nauseum......
ReplyDeleteDr. Cathy's doctors note masquerading as an official "Presidential Candidate's Physical Report" on the eve of the election was the trigger for my following this story since the election.
Dr. Cathy should be held accountable as a licensed physician in the State of Alaska on whether the "Doctors Note" was forged or if there is anything else she has been a party of in "Palin's Deceptions".
Please ask Dr. Balwin-Johnson to step forward.
ReplyDeleteOffice Address
1700 East Bogard Road Suite 100
Wasilla, AK, 99654
Phone Number:
(907) 352-6200
Fax Number: (907) 373-0725
Babies do usually lose a little weight, but then regain fairly quickly. In some cases, though they lose quite a bit with dificulty regaining---it's called ''failure to thrive.''
ReplyDeleteI remember back where Sarah said she had not told her children that their new sibling had tested positive for Down Syndrome. She said it was in the hospital when one of them (Willow?) noticed it and asked if their new baby brother had Down.
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing the first two pictures, I find that story to be preposterous. That baby looks like any other baby. There's no way a teenager with no formal training would ever recognize Down traits in that child. It's a completely far-fetched story.
Does Sarah ever tell the truth? I'm beginning to think that every single thing that comes out of her mouth is a fabrication.
Wow, is Jesse Cornish making a pest of himself (as usual) at the Progressive Alaska site
ReplyDeleteHe is one chigger I wouldn't want burrowing into my foot. You can't dig him out, you have to do a surgical removal.
If a 44 year old woman, which in itself constitutes a high risk pregnancy, let alone the the fact of the downs syndrome, calls her doctor from Texas, and that doctor advises her that it is okay to take a 10 hour plane trip home, without even the benefit of a physical examination; that is MALPRACTICE. The fact that she gave birth within hours of landing, proves MALPRACTICE.
ReplyDeleteIt is no wonder the doctor shows up with a lawyer then keeps such a low profile. Unless there's another reason???? Just askin'.
It is just possible that Levi and the Johnstons were purposely deceived as well as the public.
ReplyDeleteWhatever it is will come out sooner or later.
Sarah likes to be cute in her lies.
The Rent a Baby remark in her book referencing back to a young Bristol is an example.
The puppy hat reference, the puppy (the brown chocolate lab that was ready.) Wasn't there a telephone number there that can be traced.
as sketchy as I think Dr. CBJ is, I can fully understand why she is not saying anything. Breech of Patient/Dr privilege would be a huge mistake.
ReplyDeleteI feel 90% certain that ruffled-ear baby is a female.
ReplyDeleteAK is LUCKY that she "resigned" when she did.
ReplyDeleteThis isnt about babies, although the baby stuff is part of it. This is about a family running wild.
These folks will go down hard.
Dairy-house-fake trust-cabin tax-gates are all felonies in waiting. And maybe even baby swapping, and the fire, also too....
I have time, and a high speed internet connection!
How many women were waiting in the wings to offer up their babies to Sistah Sarah? Did she have the imperial opportunity to give each of the tots a trial run before choosing one (or two) that fit the "prop" mold perfectly?
ReplyDeleteI still find it interesting that in the official news photos, "Trig" has those little caps pulled down so tightly over his head. Most pix I've seen of newborns show the entire head--the parents are usually so proud to show their baby off! Well, alright, I'm thinking of HUMAN parents. So the very first baby may not be Cauliflower Trig? It just gets more and more interesting, doesn't it?
The Meg story on Huffington has no moderation. Every thing about the babys and ears and Sarah doing drugs, housegate etc. everything is getting through!!!
ReplyDeleteThis baby sure looks beautiful. Perhaps he had an easy time thru the birth canal. My son was 7 lbs and looked like he'd been thru a boxing match. Also at the baby shower I see a baby bottle with what looks like milk in it. So perhaps this baby is on formula recommended by his pediatrician.... And from past experience the pediatrician examines the child before he is discharged... Breast feeding takes up volumnes of time daily especially with newborns that are underweight as they have a lot of catching up to do. The pic with Levi holding the baby shows a little guy..also, it must be warm in that kitchen to not have that baby in a blanket.
ReplyDeleteNew puppy?
ReplyDeleteIs THIS the "puppy" mentioned in the email?
Gryphen, do you have a link for THAT email?
Baby in kitchen; Mercedie's and Track Palin's. Explains mommy-inlaw comment. Sarah would adopt. Bristol took time off school to support sister-inlaw. One big happy family. Don't know what happenned after that.
ReplyDeleteSo, the photo of the happy parents on April 18th is a lie. But why? Everyone knew the baby was a preemie so there was no need to show him right away, if he was indeed born on April 18th. There was no need to rush him out into her office if he was a preemie, so that tells me he was part of a plan.
ReplyDeleteSnowlady, Trig was a preemie so he would not have chubby cheeks on his actual birthday, he would look frail and wrinkled, not plump and pink.
ReplyDeleteSo while my baby lost weight the first week because the breast feeding thing was not working, she didn't look that different.
When was the first time anyone saw Trig after his birth until the campaign?
ReplyDeleteHey Megan, how about a picture of your baby and please make sure the ears and bridge of it's nose are showing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post. Comports with my current thinking.
ReplyDeleteIf we're right that hospital TriG is current TriG, borrowed baby would have been used because he looked young enough at the shower. But the Johnstons seem attached to the borrowed baby, suggesting he's not borrowed or they are being seriously deceived.
As to Levi's party at the Palin house, this is when he was living, or staying, there and he and Bristol may have been sort of married.
If borrowed baby is actually theirs, maybe he was given up for adoption to non-teen parents because of his health problems. Maybe the idea behind Sarah's fake was to pretend to give birth to Bristol's baby but he was too needy for her and she adopted a TriG instead.
And maybe giving up that fragile infant was what motivated Bristol and Levi to have another baby quickly and why Sherry said she was happy (yes, she did) about their unwed teen pregnancy with TriPP.
Trip was Trig before he was Tripp, was that the clue?
ReplyDeletebaby shower baby died
Trig is adopted
Bristol can't be the mother of both babies. May is much too late for any reasonable scenario unless Tripp isn't hers and wasn't this the photo montage, Bristols changing belly, that got another blogger threatened and she shut down?
I feel we are close....
Where is Mr. Johnston during all of this. Mercede refers to Trig as baby brother not my nephew. The pictures of Levi & Mercede holding Trig seem odd to me. It looks like the baby is more than just Levi's girlfriend's mother's baby. It's more intimate. I know that Levi's dad divorced Sherry the day she got out of jail, but we have never heard a word from him & he has not helped Levi & Mercede out. There are definitely at least 3 babies & the whole thing is so bizarre.
ReplyDeleteO.K. The more I think about this the more I am convinced that there were two babies. One premature baby born with FAS or DS to Levi and Bristol-the baby in the Mercede "Triggybear" pictures and the other one is DS baby that Sarah adopted. Now why would Sherri Johnston be at the Palin's taking picture of Sarah's newborn with her kids holding him? Yea, that baby belong to Levi. What exactly happened to him, I wonder? Why did Sarah replace him? Did he pass away (die)? Did they give him up for adoption? I do believe something tragic happened to him and this is why Tripp just mean so VERY much to the Johnstons. Could be why Levi is hesitant to talk as well. The baby named Trig that we know of today could possibly not be Levi and Bristol's baby but a baby adopted by Sarah later.
ReplyDeleteHere's what happened. Levi and Bristol has a premature DS or FAS baby in late Jan. or early Feb. 08. The baby remains in the hospital for some weeks with various problems. Mrs. Palin decides that she will adopt the baby and starts to wear scarves to hide a non-pregnancy. At this time she's not sure if she will be nominated for V.P. but after McCain won the Republican nomination she knew she had a chance and thus announced her pregnancy (fake) one day after McCain's nomination announcement.
Well, Sarah didn't want to stay pregnant long so she decided to use the TX trip as her way out. She would leave early close to a weekend and come back and have the baby in the dark while no ones looking. One problem though- Levi and Bristol's baby is not yet ready to come out in public so she uses someone else's baby initially thus the baby we see at the hospital with the Heaths and at the office with her and Todd.
So all is planned. Sarah will adopt baby Trig (was Trip before with 1 'p'). But then tragic happens and baby Trig(p) gets really sick and passes away (dies). Sarah needs a baby quick and fast so thus comes her borrowing/adopting the Trig she originally borrowed for the birth (hospital/work Trig) or possibly even an entire new baby showed up shortly afterwards.
Just trying to put it all together.
aka WellDressedLie
In the holy birth announcement he does not have a hat on.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering the same thing. Not so much who the switched baby is but where did s/he come from and where did s/he go.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that some one would loan a baby to Sarah so that her friends wouldn't possibly realize the she had a TriG baby is just too bizarre to believe.
One of the things that interests me about Sarah's post delivery photos is how slim she is. Women who nurse need approximately 80K+ (yes 80 thou.) calories during the first aprox. 6-8 months after delivery, that and the calories needed for the huge weight gain of the fetus in the last trimester is why they are so hungry earlier in the pregnancy.
Like animals in the fall pregnant women are programed to store up calories, because they will need them later, for the baby’s development and their own milk production.
It is virtually impossible for a pregnant women not to gain fat during pregnancy. Even at the expense of her own metabolism, she will store fat.
Gryphyn, I think you just proved that Bristol did not give birth to Baby Shower Baby AND Tripp.
ReplyDeleteBS baby is too small not to have been born in early May if the photos are dated correctly and I believe you that they are. So, which baby is really Bristol's.?
Hat's off to you Gyphen.
ReplyDeleteYou told us months ago that Meg was depressed & wanted out.
Sarah Dear-
ReplyDeleteIt's time to get your
special Rapture outfit ready to go!
Great sleuthing Gryphen!
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating your post with the Ozmud pictures. I knew someone had noticed something fishy about the "new baby" pics, but could not remember where.
Yes, the baby that Levi is carefully holding looks far more fragile and tiny than the little fellow with the cubby cheeks. Not just weight, but the whole way his little hands are curled up and how he hasn't quite become comfortable with a straighten spine, having spent most of his short life in a curl.
I hear babies tend to lose a little weight after birth before they start gaining again.
ReplyDeleteI've not read all the responses (yet), but something that has always struck me was how "well fed" Trig looked at the RNC convention and 2008 campaign. He simply didn't look like a 4-5 month old (especially after having been a so-called "preemie").
ReplyDeleteHere's the text from the "puppy" e-mail #1106:
ReplyDeleteDaniel Hahn (332-7022) called and asked if the Governor would like to buy a chocolate lab from him. They will be ready for adoption as of April 15. He said he met the Governor at a gun show and he introducted himself as "cowboy."
Mike Bradner (redacted) called and asked of the Governor would call as Mike ana Tim would like to "catch up" with the Governor personally.
Mike stated that they know the Governor really well.
Thanks and hoping all is going well in Texas, Janice
The date of the e-mail is April 17, 2008.
They had to use a fake baby at the April unveiling because it would be obvious to all that the crinkle eared baby was extremely premature and not recently born. Come on, we are not talking mental giants here. They had to fool Papa Heath and Co. and a few of the select media. I believe that somewhere along the line the little "ruffle" baby died and another baby was substituted as Trig. Bristol was preggo again and had Trip to appease the pain of losing her littl one. I'm sure Levi and family signed non-disclosure forms for cash. Keep in mind that a lot was happening with Sarah being tapped for VP and I'm sure she and possibly the McCain people would have done anything to keep her rep and story clean. Just remember what deceptions have happened in American history. Gulf of Tonkin? Pearl Harbor? Possible 911 pre-knowledge? A baby switch is simple in comparison. rp
ReplyDeleteThere's a big spinning class coming up for the Palinbots... they better start thinking about how they're going to justify $P's convoluted web this time. She really continues to test their abilities to defend their leader. Thank you to all who have held out on this, when she has bullied just about everyone that should be holding her responsible into coddling and kowtowing to her. Pathetic! I wonder if she can hold on until her Jay Leno appearance...
ReplyDeleteWho SENT the email about the puppy being ready? Was the sender redacted? That person is KEY.
ReplyDeleteAlso, does anyone have the link to the news story about the church fire? Am I remembering correctly that the only thing that really burned was the office containing the adoption records?
Here's another weird thing. If they borrowed a small, newborn looking baby (from WHERE???) to show the Johnstons and use at the shower, why did they use a large baby when the grandparents went on the freaking NEWS on April 18th?
ReplyDeleteSarah was not worried about being caught, as she allowed photographs to be taken of both babies? It's so unbelievably pathological.
I cannot fathom it.
I think the "My puppy" cap in conjunction with the mysterious email is quite interesting, and needs to be followed up.
ReplyDeleteBut it's also possible it was a passive-aggressive baby gift, saying that the giver thinks the baby's mother is a bitch.
"Some of you may remember that the caption read "Mommy InLaw Trig an Myself [Mercedes]"
ReplyDeleteMommy In-Law? Did Mercedes ever date or (marry?) Sarah's oldest son?
The Mommy InLaw bugs me....
On May 3rd, fragile baby attends a birthday party in the kitchen of the Palin house. The birthday is for Levi. Bristol is 3-5 weeks pregnant. Sherry and Sadie are invited, they were not enemies on May 3rd.
ReplyDeleteOn May 4th, there is a baby shower to which magazine photogs are invited. Sarah and Todd attend with an infant.
Sarah has 2 babies to choose from to take to the shower. One has already been presented at least twice in public -- on his day of birth and 3 days later in Sarah's office. This baby is chubby faced and appears to have DS.
Sarah chooses the kitchen baby. Who has not been presented in public. Who has a distinctive and memorable birth defect.
No Palin young ladies attend. Other guests are young ladies who appear to be around the same age as Palin girls. Very weird not to bring your daughters to a baby shower. When you take them everywhere else, it is mysterious.
The infant is passed around. One young lady feeds him, while she is standing up; she feeds him from a bottle. So, presumably on May 4, this fragile baby has little trouble feeding.
Has anyone ever let a child hold their tiny newborn, standing, while also feeding him? No, I didn't think so.
I don't know what anything in my comment means, just making observations.
I echo VeraCity's recommendation to go read Ozmud's recent post.
Carters (one of the largest baby and children's clothing manufacturers) always has lines of sleepers, onesies, etc. that say cutsie things like "my puppy". My family has dogs and so we bought our first baby some sleepers that were dog themed - bones, paw prints, etc.
ReplyDeleteWho was there when he popped out?
ReplyDeleteChuckie Heath may be part of an illegal healthcare fraud, besides being a douchebag.
Gryphen - I emailed you a jpg file that compares Hospital/Work baby to Baby Shower baby. You may be inundated but I hope you'll check it out.
ReplyDeleteIt just hit me - Mercede is making a joke, on behalf of her mother - "Mommy-in-law" refers to the fact that her own mother, Sherry Johnston - if she were the mother of this little baby - now had Sarah Palin as a mother-in-law...which she would if TRACK were the father (even though Sherry and Track weren't going to be married, obviously). Isn't there a photo in there where Mercede calls "Trig", or kitchen baby (sorry little babies, we mean no disrespect) her baby brother? All of this would add up. She says "Mommy-in-law", but this does not necessarily mean she is saying Sarah Palin is her own mother-in-law. She is using it as a title, or a way to identify her. And a high school girl would get some amusement out of this, possibly. Perhaps the family thought the Palins were going to allow Sherry to have more access to the baby, and so it would simply be a little inside joke. And Mercede, being young and not thinking things through, had not anticipated that her posting photos on her personal website would become an issue later on - and she actually couldn't have anticipated future events with the campaign, etc. Was Track away in the army already when these pictures were taken? These may have been photos they planned to send to him. (I am showing my age, he could just as easily have viewed them online, of course.) Perhaps in the beginning there truly was a more amicable relationship between the two families? One thing looks to be quite possible, the names of these babies (2, or 3?) were moved around - perhaps more than once - particularly if this kitchen baby has the ruffled ears. One other crazy notion - does anyone think there could be a twin scenario in here somewhere?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 4:40, Levi and Bristol were engaged at that time. Mercede undoubtedly felt very close to the family.
ReplyDeleteRationalist, Palin NEVER expected anybody to see the pictures that Sherry took that day. If you remember the sequence of events Mercede's MySpace page was made private almost as soon as we discovered it.
There is more about all of that, but I am not ready to divulge it quite yet.
Subtext meets semiotics. I like the way you think, Ferry Fey.
ReplyDeleteThe baby Bristol and Levi conceived and Bristol gave birth to sometime in Jan. or Feb. is the baby we currently know as Trig. Ruffle ear baby was simply borrowed to make it look like Trig was JUST born and was premature.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Trig LOOKS like Levi! He also resembles Piper. He is definitely biologically related to the Palins.
Remember...Sarah was very close with a member of the local hospital board, a church that handled adoptions, and a doctor that helped troubled/teen moms adopt out their babies. She has A LOT of access to abandoned/waiting to be adopted babies. It isn't a stretch to think she would borrow one for a 24-hour period. It's not like a new mom would even have to agree to it. This was likely a baby that a mom had given up, and was in transition, getting ready to go to an adoptive family.
Bristol did not birth BOTH Trig and the ruffle eared baby. She birthed Trig. The ruffle ear baby just was just was used as a prop to make it appear Sarah had just given birth to him.
Note the ear lobe of baby #1 in picture #3: It looks pretty normal to me - not the least bit ruffled like the ears of babt #2.
ReplyDeleteHere's the PUPPYGATE e-mail.
Also, the stupidity of Spalin and the integrity of CBJ as to the Wild Ride were well discussed here:
I remember G saying if we knew the truth we would be sick. Those kitchen pictures are definately a preemie, about 5 lbs. When I was nursing, many years ago, preemies were not released until they were 5 lbs., if all else was OK. Have taken care of 1.5lb babies and they are very fragile. This baby looks fragile at 5(?)lbs so may have other problems..ears, heart, lungs etc. Perhaps the sad story is that this baby never made it and they let them take (Bristol's) baby home for some quality time. Reason for quick departure plane ride as something had happened to baby and plan #2 had to be put in place..puppy is ready? In the meantime, another baby was procured and only one was a DS at the time and fit right in with their hoax, perhaps 2 were used and they chose the one we have routinely seen with them now. Bristol could have become pregnant after the first baby and too, it was preemie, with fewer problems so his public showing was detained, but a healthy boy. Have this sick feeling one of those babies is no longer with us. What a horrible story, but G. warned us we would not like the truth. Perhaps that baby is buried out at their cabin property without any fanfare and didn't want any official out there snooping around and finding anything suspicious. Is his racing buddy the one that owns the other property? Maybe the ears pictures warranted their fast exit back?
ReplyDeleteMeg may have known about that baby and thought it was time to get the heck out of there before Sarah hit the fan!
Anonymous 4:41. Sherry had a hysterectomy quite a while ago. She could not be the baby's mother.
ReplyDeleteI don't know WHY people keeping going back to that possibility after all of the times it has been laid to rest.
And before you ask no, Mercede did not give birth to that child either.
G-Man, thanks for the diligent work. Stay safe (.357 is my happy choice), and if yer ever in FL, we gotta have a beer!
ReplyDeleteLeadfoot at 4:54 wins my vote... this is starting to look like the most likely explanation. Wow, this really has been a puzzle with lots of people piecing together the truth that SP has been hiding. I feel like I'm watching a sand-castle crumble. It's about time, it's been a long wait!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the response, Gryphen. That makes sense. But I can't imagine why she would even POSE for such a picture...and why she would allow the ruffle-eared baby to be photographed at the shower. Although given her pathological arrogance, maybe it does make sense.
ReplyDeleteanon @4:40~ The mommy in law is strange. If Mercede was involved with Track, I still don't see the "mommy" in it. Perhaps it is mommy in (the name of) the law, as in legally the "mommy" (adoption)?
ReplyDeleteI really don't think Mercede and Track were involved in a relationship, but who knows?
"And for the person who suggested I am leaving breadcrumbs, you my friend go to the head of the class.
ReplyDeleteAlso keep in mind that I am writing for at least two very distinct audiences. Some of the things that might seem easy to dismiss, or innocuous, to some, are freaking other people out of their minds. Count on it."
-Thank you! That helps. But I still say this has gone on way too long...I am really liking the Munger argument, however. And I don't doubt your breadcrumbs will lead to some excellent dressing in the end, but the end should be sooner rather than later. Like before this woman is allowed to run roughshod over the 2010 electorate, R and D candidates alike. Primaries are getting underway!
At Palingates, Eva Marie respectfully wondered if the smaller baby could have possibly not survived. I wrote this in response to her:
ReplyDeleteI think you may be right. It would be the sad part of the story and why both Bristol and Levi are so attached to Tripp and determined to be with him. In the Greta interview did you notice that Bristol was most animated when she insisted that her mother didn't push her to keep Tripp, but she, herself, choose to have him. It always struck me that Sarah Palin had actually been the one that wasn't in favour of the pregnancy with Tripp, perhaps to a degree that could sully her reputation with her base if it was revealed. (Pressuring to adopt Trigg may have been her second attempt to deal with the 'problem.')
Also Sherry Johnston's reaction to being told about Tripp's pregnancy was odd. She was excited right away which makes no sense if this was either a first pregnancy for unmarried teenagers or the second with a new born infant with or without special needs. It does make sense if it was the one bright light within a tragedy.
It would explain Bristol's sadness and why Levi, who is fighting so hard to be in Tripp's life, is not fighting for the baby known as Trig. It would also explain the odd treatment of 'Trig' which is both detached by some members of the families and strong with others. Think of the kiss Levi gives him at the RNC.
Then you get into the special thought process of Sarah Palin when she realizes that she is faking a pregnancy which will not have a child at the end of it and tries to figure out how to milk the opportunity for herself. More chilling than the Fallen Warrior bracelet she wears for Track.
If you have never been involved with a premie, you may not appreciate some developmental differences between premies and term babes. I have been very involved in family premies - twins. Born at 32 weeks, one weighed 2.5 pounds and lost significant wt in the first days of life.
ReplyDeleteNICU care was amazing and both babies did remarkably well. There were no significant medical problems that would have made things really difficult. Took almost 6 weeks for our 2.5 pound baby to reach 4 pounds, maintain body temp, feed 3 oz within 20 min and breathe without periods of apnea.
At home, we set the alarm clock for 3 hour intervals, to wake the babes up for their feedings and we used a kitchen timer to set the 20 min feeding limit. They did not regularly wake up from hunger until around 3 months.
On first birthday, the 2.5 pound babe weighed only 8 pounds. But, this was a quadrupling from birth wt.
Other twin was bigger, a fatso at almost 4 pounds. Came home in 3 weeks. On first birthday the fatso weighed a whopping 12 pounds.
Have any of you ever seen a 10 or 12 pound baby walking. Stops people dead in their tracks.
Premies can take a very long time to catch up. It has so much to do with their gestational age and underlying medical problems.
I will tell you all this. No one but limited family held these babes, no one but a select few fed them. They were bundled in blankets and wore hats for months. They only went to the doctors office, no where else. We waited in the car with them until they could be taken directly into the exam room. We were over the top cautious with them, exactly like we had been instructed. We didn't make these cautions up, we were taught by the nurses in the NICU.
A visitng nurse came to check on them weekly for the first month. They still got RSV around 4 months of age and it was terribly frightening.
Kids are all caught up, growing like weeds, healthy as horses. The parents and kids were blessed with outstanding medical care and family support.
I am offering these experiences because so many are trying to correlate size and age --- unless you have seen an 8# one year old, you may not appreciate that generalities may not be applicable.
Hey Gryph,
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that back when you said that Bristol wasn't the birth mother of Trig it was because she didn't give birth to the child we know as Trig. But perhaps she did give birth in early 2008 to some other baby, maybe the ruffle ear baby.
I also recall you saying that when the whole story came to light it would be sad and we might even feel sorry for them. A baby dying is really the only thing that I can think of that might make me feel sorry for them.
Perhaps ruffle ear baby was an extreme preemie. One of those that is so incredibly tiny that you can't even hold them. So even in early May he would still resemble a tiny newborn. Maybe that is why Sarah started in Jan/Feb with the scarves but didn't say anything because it was really iffy for the baby's survival. By mid-March, they were sure the baby would make it and she announced.
And maybe the baby was released in April and Sarah had her plan for the staged "undercover" birth and arranged for no security detail for her Texas trip. Plus, she was worried if she carried on the fake pregnancy much longer she'd be found out, so April seemed reasonable and the baby would be still be small and could easily pass as a preemie. Then suddenly, the baby got sick and had to return to the NICU (probably in Anchorage) and arrangements were made for a stand-in baby. Not quite as small, but if we keep a hat on him and wrapped in a blanket, no one can tell.
I think the plan was to keep the real baby's ear hidden and pass him off as a DS baby, when he was really a FAS baby. (Keep hats on him or cover his ear with your hand and eventually it would be repaired. In fact, I think he was kind of under-wraps and even Piper knew the other baby, which is why they didn't bring her to the shower.
The ruffle ear baby tragically developed a strain of RSV that took his life. Arrangements were made not to return the stand in baby. Bristol is grief stricken and finds she is again pregnant, but develops a maternal bond with the stand-in baby who is now adopted by her parents. Even Levi bonds with the child that is there to replace the one that was lost.
Hmmmmm..... I'm feeling pretty good about this theory.
I'm not good enough at examining faces to see the differences other people do, with the bridge of the nose and all. So I can't tell whether this is two babies. Not without the ears showing.
ReplyDeleteI would not judge whether this is the same baby, or a different baby, based on the baby's weight. Babies' weights fluctuate.
IF, and this is a big IF, Trig was premature, and spent time in a NICU, his weight would have been critical before discharging him. He would have had to demonstrate his ability to take in enough food to gain.
And finally, I've posted this before, and I'm going to post it again. I'm even going to all-caps it, just to make my point.
Now, I think it's POSSIBLE that Trig was premature, but people are writing as if it were confirmed fact. It gets mentioned a lot, but originally, it was just Sarah's statement.
Once again, SARAH LIES.
That picture of Bristol in NYC, in October of 07, at the J.Lo MTV taping- to me, she looked five to six months pregnant in that. November, December, January and that would be full term. I am convinced that Bristol gave birth to Trig- whichever baby he was- at the beginning of February 08, because, as I've said before, that was when Bill McAllister said that Sarah called him out of a clear blue and told him that Bristol was not pregnant. (Of course she wasn't. By then, she had given birth.)
That story from McAllister, along with Sarah's statement that Trig was her easiest delivery (albeit induced, which typically makes labor harder), convinces me that Trig was born shortly before that call. Sarah was a liar then, but not as practiced at it. She liked some truth in her lies, then.
Again- I think we should be really careful what we repeat as fact. It needs to be confirmed independently. Do NOT depend on Sarah's word.
AHHHHH, so many pieces to fit together! I start a post and halfway through I realize that I have already proved what I am saying couldn't be correct.
ReplyDeleteWe need one of those boards they have on Law & order where you post photos and notes until someone SEES it.
Let's not forget that Sherry said on the Tyra show about the Palins knowing "how much that baby meant to her." It seems she was talking about Trig. Why was she so invested in that baby?
ReplyDeleteThe anon poster who mentioned something about failure to thrive might be on to something (but I don't think it is the case here). I found this passage while looking at the scenario:
ReplyDeleteSome children will even fail to thrive in the face of adequate calorie absorption simply from extreme neglect. Kids who are not hugged, held, and cared for don't grow. This has been clearly demonstrated in orphanages where the adult-child ratio is very low.
At this website:
Read more:
Like I said, I don't think it explains what I see as two babies but I think most of us agree that $arah is somewhat standoffish in the mothering of her children.
The current Trig looks like a paylin. That sorta excludes Track as a partipicant. tawd? hmmmm. bri$tol? willow? hmmmm.
ReplyDelete$arah didnt have the child currently known as Trig. We know that.
But Trig is more paylin lookin' than most of would admit. He looks like $arah and Piper. And bri$tol also too. Just my current .02.
I think it's very possible that Bristol gave birth to Trig in late Jan. or early Feb. A DS baby with medical complications would have to be hospitalized for a number of weeks, especially if there were indeed heart problems. The picture of the Heaths holding Trig was probably taken on the day he was going home from the hospital.
ReplyDeleteBut it's obvious that Trig WAS NOT a premature newborn in that picture. No premie, or even a full-term newborn, has cheeks that chubby! Trig was at least two months old in that picture. And I agree was previous posters that the ruffled-ear baby was just borrowed for the weekend so he would appear to be a newborn.
But the thing that puzzles me is Levi. IF Bristol gave birth to Trig, and IF Levi is the father, wouldn't he have seen Trig at some point before late April? So why is snuggling the ruffled-ear baby looking all paternal?? Was Levi "in on" the baby hoax? Did he play along to protect Bristol? It doesn't make sense.
Gryphen - wasn't there a picture somewhere of Levi wearing a hospital band (like fathers are given) on his wrist? Do you have any info about it?
Yes, might this little ruffled ear baby be a twin sibling of Tripp's? Who didn't survive?
ReplyDeleteI'm curious about if one of Sarah's "lies" might actually turn out to be a truth that trips her up.
ReplyDeleteShe told the Anchorage Daily News that you could "not tell by looking" that Trig had Down Syndrome. And remember - when she said that - the baby was physically in the room to the people she was talking to. If the baby she was showing them had a lot of Down Syndrome characteristics she could not have said that. So at that moment, she was telling the truth. The baby de jour did not appear to have Down Syndrome.
Later (in September) she tells People magazine that the first time Willow saw Trig she noticed the Down Syndrome. Everyone who caught the inconsistency assumed it was just another moment of magical thinking for Sarah. But what if that was the TRUTH? Maybe Willow did notice Trig's (real Trig - now Trig) Down Syndrome the first time she saw him. Some Down Syndrome babies do look pretty distinctive at birth. And Sarah had completely forgotten at the ADN interview - holding some borrowed baby or another - that she'd said something different.
Something to think about.
Mr. Gryphen, I'm a conservative Christian woman and I don't normally read "gossip" websites like yours. But I'm here with my neighbor, who is a big fan of yours, and I just can't believe what I'm seeing.
ReplyDeleteI'm a mother of 4 and a grandmother of 10, and I can tell you those are not the same babies. Not a chance. I don't know what the truth is, and honestly, I don't feel very comfortable speculating on someone's personal life, but this is just wrong! Sarah Palin has lied and I'm embarrassed that I voted for her and believed that she was a good Christian woman.
Good Christians don't lie and manipulate people like this, especially about little babies and their own family. I am very disturbed by this information. Thank you for your hard work.
Names were changed, I do believe that. Gryphen wrote as much, quite a while ago. There was probably an original Trig or Trip that is different from the ones we know now.
ReplyDeleteVera City - you make sense. I also thought that about Sherry's passion for the baby and the excitement she had at the news that her teenage son had knocked up his girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteBut what throws this off is that Ruffle Ear Baby and Chubby Baby were alive at the same time. Chubby Baby was presented April 18th and Ruffle Ear baby May 3&4.
So it can't be the Ruffle Ear baby died and then they had to adopt Chubby Baby.
Eeee! Bree Palin's latest post, at the very bottom, has the picture of Levi with his ring finger tattoo "Bristol" highlighted. He is holding a baby, and it looks like SECOND babies arm is in the picture too, and probably cradled in his other arm.
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth is going on in this family?
Why would Sarah allow the baby to be photographed? Well the obvious answer is what choice does she have? This is a party in her honor and she knows people will want to snap pictures. What possible reason would she have for not allowing it?
ReplyDeleteBut here is something I noticed. Take a good look again at the pictures of Sarah holding the baby. Try to picture where her left hand is under that blanket. To my eye, she almost appears to be holding the blanket... directly to the baby's ear. It's more clear in the picture on the cover of OK magazine. I would like to suggest that Sarah may be hiding the baby's ear.
So then, someone runs up and says, "Oh can I feed him?" And Sarah, distracted, says yes. While Sarah is not watching the blanket goes by the wayside and someone snaps a picture. And Kristan Cole puts the pictures up on her website. Is it possible that Sarah never even saw the pictures or knew they were posted? And even if she did, is she going to pitch a fit with her friend (who threw the party) and make her take them down? That would raise questions. So she said nothing.
I think one of the biggest missing pieces or clues is definitely the picture of Levi holding Trig or Trip, with another baby's arm clearly in the picture. Who is the other baby? Why was he cropped out?
ReplyDeleteHow does Trig looking like a Palin exclude Track as a participant? Doesn't it point to the possibility that Track could be the father of Trig, rather? Perhaps I am missing something.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, if you do nothing else with your life, you can be proud of what you've accomplished, as evidenced by Anon at 5:27.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Anon at 5:27, for weighing in here. I've been following this story for over a year, and sometimes I feel like I've entered the twilight zone. It's good to read your heartfelt response to this insanity and see that we are all really not crazy. This story is what's insane.
MrsTBB @ 2:15 says "For the first time, I noticed the cap worn by the Nominal Trip with $P and Dud has a little tag reading "My Puppy."
ReplyDeleteI noticed that, too. Do you think this might be the puppy offered in the email to the Palins?
Trig looks more Native American than the rest of the Palin clan.
ReplyDeleteSomewhat OT: I was just reading over the comments when I read that SP wears a "Fallen Warrior" bracelet. Track is alive still.. huh?
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was born some time ago, in the days when moms stayed in the hospital 3 or 4 days. (The nurses on the floor remembered when it was a week in the hospital). She arrive 4 weeks early, not even 6 pounds.
ReplyDeleteThe most obvious thing about a premature baby is the lack of fat. Fat is established during the last four weeks of gestation, before birth, in the uterus. Her skin hung on her, and the baby with the crumpled ear pictures remind me of that look.
Weight loss: All babies lose a few ounces following birth. My little gal, dropping a few ounces, flirted close to the magic 5 lb. rule. In those days, under 5 pounds went into special care, and were not available to the mother for nursing. Luckily, she stabilized at 5 lbs. 2 oz. and was allowed to come home with us. She needed to be feed every two to three hours to catch up.
There is no way that the fat little bundle of joy that the Heaths are holding is the same baby as the crumpled ear baby. I don't know where they got fatso for the happy picture, but that baby was not photographed a day after being born a month premature. No Way!
I wonder if Levi and Mercede would have knowingly posed with a stand in baby, using the idea that real Trig was sick, and Crumpled Ear Baby was the stand in for picture and the photo op shower. Would they have been that easily fooled? Didn't they see one of the Trigs on following dates?
I agree with the anon poster above who wonders if something happened to the little crumpled ear premmie and the only kid available on short notice was Trig #2, the DS guy.
A question: When did Sarah announce to the public that Trig had Down Syndrome? When she presented him at birth? Or when the second Trig showed up? What was the date of the birth announcement that was released to the ADN? Can we pin point the date when Sarah first announced that Trig was born with DS?
Anon @ 5:38
ReplyDeletethere is speculation that track is not the son of toad. that he is the son of curt menard,
Vera City: Lest we also forget, Bristol said that telling her mother she was pregnant with Tripp was "harder than labor". My questions has always been, "And just exactly HOW would Bristol know how hard labor was?" That is an odd thing for a teenage girl to use as a reference for difficult, no?
ReplyDeleteWait a minute....if Bristol was already pregnant with Tripp in the kitchen pictures, could the purpose of borrowing the tiny ruffled ear baby and photographing him been to prove Bristol couldn't be the mother of Trig? To throw people off the scent?
ReplyDeleteSarah knew there were rumors swirling about Bristol being pregnant with Trig. She thought she had that problem all taken care of via the fake pregnancy. But the rumor continued. Then, she finds out Bristol is already pregnant again, and Sarah is of course, PISSED. But wait...just maybe, she realizes, she can use this second pregnancy to her advantage to cover up her MAJOR lie about birthing Trig. She knew the dates of Trig's birth had already been fudged to help her pull off the fake pregnancy. And it hit her -- BONUS -- these fudged dates could also be used to "PROVE" Bristol was not Trig's mom. Because this new pregnancy would come to term too soon.
All she needs is some pictures taken in May with a very tiny baby so that people will buy it.
So she tosses Levi and Mercedes a thousand bucks each and tells Mercedes to pose with the stand-in, post the pics on MySpace, then pull them down once they are discovered. She will act incensed that they were released. When really she planned ALL ALONG for them to be seen to cover up for her faking the pregnancy for Bristol.
Could she have had that much foresight?
And what do to about this new pregnancy (Tripp)? Well, it was new, there was time to talk Bristol out of it ("it was MY CHOICE") or try to adopt him too. But at least these pictures put that pesky "Bristol is really Trig's mom" rumors to rest. Because by borrowing ruffle-ear-baby....the dates just won't work.
ReplyDeletePlease do not tell us, in a coming chapter, that the urgent bill signing Sarah had to attend to immediately "after giving birth" has anything to do with the truth.
Please tell me that if there are multiple babies, none were sourced by convincing a young mother that her baby had died. Oh, please put the thought to bed now. Because I can't get it out of my mind.
At one time, Gryphen said that Bristol was not the mother of Trig and probably didn't know who the mother was. I believe that would be the Trig of today, who may be the baby that the Heaths are holding in the 4/18 picture. The baby with the Johnston's would be Bristol's baby, probably with Levi given the Johnston's adoration. But both the hospital baby and the Palin kitchen baby are known as Trig. What story did the Palins given the Johnstons as to why there were two named Trig? I suspect that Sarah said something to the effect that she wanted to spare the teenagers the scrutiny, so she faked a pregnancy and they adopted the hospital Trig. So what happened to Bristol's baby? Did the baby pass away? There were at least two babies in early May. If there were dire health circumstances there would not be pictures at home. Sarah couldn't have a child and a grandchild both named Trig, at roughly the same age running around . Did Sarah force Bristol to adopt out her baby?
ReplyDeleteBreadcrumbs. Hansel and Gretel.
ReplyDeleteI get the message about leaving bread crumbs and different audiences. However, these photo analyses always make me uneasy because it is very hard to make a definitive judgement based on a photograph. Photographs can distort someone's actual appearance. My daughter was born between 5 and 6 weeks early, was almost 7 pounds and looks like a bruiser in the photographs taken at the hospital, even though she was actually pretty small. She does look a lot smaller and more premature in the photos taken in subsequent weeks, though. Perhaps because she was less swollen? I don't know. I had trouble following Ozmud's comparison because the baby with the Heaths is swaddled in a blanket and the baby in the Palin kitchen photos is not. To me, that's not a clear comparison.
ReplyDeleteanon 5:38: Go to and look up Abortiongate on the right. You will find amazing photos.
ReplyDeleteThis is effing retarded, no . . . it's effing brilliant . . . retarded . . . brilliant . . .
ReplyDeleteThe Oz Mudflats link cinched it for me. I now understand the wild ride a little better.
I never really noticed how tiny the baby in Levi's sister's arm is. I guess Sarah's big fat face drawing attention to itself did the job. It's now bloody obvious that she is holding a tiny preemie. And Levi is holding the baby as if he knows something very sad is taking place. It's not the face of a mildly interested observer.
The kitchen photos were likely taken in February. The hospital photo shows a Trig already two months old or more.
Sorry to restate the obvious. I'm trying to drill it into my own thick skull.
Anon 5:27,
ReplyDeleteThe wonderful Christian woman who commented. Thank you for commenting and living by your principles. I think that you summed it up quite well. Almost no one who comments on these blogs (and writes them) would make a big deal of a family pregnancy that was dealt with in a respectful manner. It is the lying that is outrageous, the insulting lack of integrity and deception that needs to be exposed. Sarah Palin does not live by your values and she sullies them by pretending that she does. In my experience, Mr. Gryphen is an exceptionally ethical man who you would probably like and respect despite your differences.
If that line of reasoning is accurate, they may have already known that the fragile baby was not going to make it, which is why the pictures with the Johnstons were taken at the Palin's home and he was held so tenderly. Knowing this, Palin would have already decided to go through her deception with another child and procured one who was presented at the hospital. The horrible thought that follows is that the replacement baby wasn't available for the 'shower' so she took the fragile one to keep the illusion going and passed him around. No wonder Bristol didn't attend the party to see her do that. That photo op may have hastened the child's death.
Imaginista: I like your theory. But why not just acknowledge the baby? If Mrs. Palin had not announced her pg yet, why hide it all? Did Bristol balk at adoption or it fell through because of the DS so then the fake pg was hatched because they had to explain a new baby?
ReplyDeleteI am feeling good about this one!
Yes, Eva Marie, I am aware of that. Trig still looks like Track, who is officially known as a Palin (and biologically, if Sarah is his mother). Unless we are insisting on strict adherence to bloodlines and then I have to call him a Heath or something... I completely concur with the evidence that Track may possibly be the son of Curt Menard. But through his mother, Sarah, there is still what I am terming a "family resemblance" between Track and the baby we know as Trig.
ReplyDeleteIf BP gave birth to a small, sick and fragile child in Jan-Feb
ReplyDelete'08, I will assume, for now, that is the child with the ruffled ears who is being held by Levi and Mercede in the My Space photos. Since the My Space photos were personal, not part of SP's publicity-fraud system, I will assume that what we are seing in these photos is genuine. Learning that S.Johnston was present at this celebration chez Palin also says that this baby is connected to the Johnstons. So, is it possible that this baby was simply too fragile to present on April 18? But since SP probably had enough of the faked pregnancy charade, (she needed a baby to present on that day,) so cute Mr.Chubby Cheeks is borrowed? It seems to me that perhaps SP needed a baby for public consumption faster than little fragile Trig's healing process was allowing. However, which baby is she holding at the shower? Wow- this is confusing!!
Vera City, thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeleteIn the picture with Levi, Mercede and little Trig/Trip, Levi has a black spot on his left thumb like when you hit it with a hammer and it falls off. What other pics show him with a missing nail? Any comments on this for a time span? he was probably workig construction.
ReplyDeleteRipley in CT @ 5:55 .. although she may have said it earlier, if I remember right, that is what Bristol told Greta during their interview after Tripp was born.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryph, I just found the birth announcement(?) on the web through a Google image search. You may want to download to use on your website if needed, since it's on another blog, and I'm not sure of protocol (it includes a personal note to the recipient):
I couldn't find it anywhere else.
It looks to me as if this photo was taken the same day as the May 3rd-4th baby shower, from the romper and what is a good match to SP's black jacket on the baby's right. The background seems to have a blurred image of the pictures arranged on shelves in the back of the room seen in some of the other shots. Now, compare this to the second shower pic on your blog showing Trig being bottle fed, revealing his LEFT ear. Is the same ear on the birth announcement RETOUCHED? There does appear to be some Photoshopping in the background/coloring. The recipient got this as a "thank you" note in November, 2008--well after poor Trig had been presented to the world and dragged around like a sack of potatoes. I can't see any ruffling in the announcement--in fact, the upper ear appears to have been deliberately smoothed. IMHO.
Corollary to Leadfoot at 4:54: my guess is that an adoption was set up for Trig, which fell through when they found out he has DS. That's when $P came up with her ingenious plan to fake being pregnant, find someone expecting a DS baby, and fake birth when the newborn arrives. I guess most of this has already been speculated, I'm just reinforcing it. Hope this finally goes somewhere.
ReplyDeletethinking about these pics being taken on the same weekend... there was SOME REASON that sarah had to show a newborn to kristen cole and the johnstons. what could that reason be?
ReplyDeletesomeone poke some holes in the following theory for me.
bristol gives birth in late jan or feb with the plan to put the baby up for adoption. they did NOT know that the baby had down syndrome until he was born. when they found out about the downs, the adoption was scrapped and sarah decided to fake a pregnancy. but what about the people who knew about bristol? kristen... the johnstons... something had to be done about that, because sarah was going to now fake the pregnancy, and she couldn't tell them about that. so they decide to tell those who knew about bristol that the baby had died. (hence sherry's "they knew how important this baby was to me" statement about tripp - sounds like it could have been important because she was sad/depressed about the first baby dying) so sarah goes thru with the 2 month fake pregnancy, and around april 18 the real first baby is well enough (remember - heart condition, jaundice, 5 weeks preemie) to go home from the hospital.
all is well and good except that anyone who knew about bristol might put 2 and 2 together and figure out that this "newborn" was actually bristols from 2 months previous because of his size. hence the "rent a baby" to deceive those who knew about bristol. given palin's connections to cbj and the church and the adoptions, I don't think it's a stretch to think that sarah could borrow a baby waiting to be adopted from this crew.
I've always thought that levi holding the kid in the kitchen was levi thinking it was his kid. but I realized tonite - given that AT THE POINT WHEN THESE PICS WERE TAKEN he knew bristol was pregnant with tripp, the look on levi's face could be nothing more than "wow, in 9 months I am going to have one of these" all the thoughts going through his head about that. if he is telling the truth about the tripp timeline, he would have just found out that bristol was pregnant, so he was probably still pretty blown away by it all.
someone give me some reasons why this couldn't be the case. help me out here, I want to know if this can't work.
B+L=T1 (trig)
ReplyDeleteT1 dies
T2 borrowed to cover T2=ragged ear
B+L=T3 (T3=Tripp)
T2 was T1 before he as T2
T1 dies
SP adopts T2 after T1 dies after March 6
will not give up T1 to SP
SP forces their hand with March 6 announcement
SP "borrows" T2 after they will not give up
pls add ur thgts
also I want to add:
ReplyDeleteregarding mercedes comments "mommy-in-law" "family love" "baby brother triggy bear" - at this point in time in the kitchen, they knew bristol was pregnant with tripp and that her and levi would be getting married. all her comments make sense in that context.
Anon@ 5:14
ReplyDeleteThat is money!!!
I think you nailed it.
Gryph...put this baby to bed already. Like someone mentioned in an earlier post, primary races have begun and Sarah Palin seems to NOT know when to quit. Time to make her go away dude!
First, I don't think 'mommy-in-law" is weird. Mercede seems to have an unusually close relationship to her brother - hell, she has a tattoo with his name. (By the way, there is definitely something up with Keith Johnston, and Mercede seems estranged from her father, which could have caused her to overly identify with her brother as a male influence in her life). But, in any case, since Sarah will be Levi's mother-in-law soon (Levi and Bristol were engaged), given how much Mercede identifies with Levi, it is not that much of a jump for her to label Sarah mommy-in-law.
ReplyDeleteAs to puppygate, I don't buy it. I think the guy who wrote the email was actually trying to sell one to the gov, so he could boast that his labs are so super special that the gov has one. Typical dog breeder. I don't think it's weird for Trig (or whoever the baby was) to have outfits that say "puppy." People who are gaga for dogs (like me) think that is cute.
Re anon at 5:38 PM
ReplyDeleteTrack doesn't look like a Palin, even though Sarah Heath spawned him. He looks like a Menard.
It is likely that Todd Palin is not Track's biological father. That is why Track looks so different than the other Palin children - he's a Heath-Menard, not a Palin.
This is the first time I have ever commented here. (The only other site I ever commented at was Audrey's, before it was shut down, though I read all of the blogs dedicated to exposing SP's lies.)
ReplyDeleteAs a mother of three children (including one preemie born at 35 weeks), I NEVER believed the Wild Ride story, NEVER believed the photos of SP's incredible expanding belly, and therefore NEVER believed that she was pregnant with "Trig" in spring 2008. While I firmly believe she faked that pregnancy, I never knew exactly what to believe about the actual circumstances of Trig's birth. Although Trig being Bristol & Levi's baby was the most likely explanation, the whole thing didn't quite add up.
I am not terribly persuaded by the "stand in baby" theory for several reasons -- namely, the intimacy of the photos in the Palin kitchen. Given the body language (smiles, tenderness, affection) of those holding/posing near the baby, I find it difficult to believe that it is a stranger's baby, on loan for the day. The readers who noted how attached the Johnstons -- Levi, Mercede, and Sherry -- appear to be to that baby are quite perceptive, I think. (And, I should note that SP would be "Mommy in law" to Levi -- who I believe is the father of that baby -- if he and Bristol were engaged/married at the time.)
Here are the portions of the puzzle I believe are true. I'm not sure how they fit together.
- The "chubby" baby (held by the Heaths, and later by SP & TP at her office) is the child we know as "Trig" today -- dark-haired and having DS.
- The "chubby" baby is NOT a premature newborn in those photos with the Heaths and in SP's office. He is at least several weeks old (and perhaps was photographed on the day of his discharge from the hospital).
- Levi is the father of the "fragile" baby in the photos taken at the Palin Kitchen/Baby Shower. This baby was born sometime in early 08. (I am less certain that Bristol is the mother. If so, the baby was born several weeks before the photos were taken on May 3rd, given that Bristol is relatively slender, is bent over at the waist, and is wearing fitted jeans -- not the appearance of a brand new postpartum mom.)
-The birth of the "fragile" baby to Levi (and Bristol?) in Jan/Feb 08 prompted SP to initiate a quickie "pregnancy," with the goal of presenting him as her own child. This plan backfired, because...
- For unknown reasons, the "fragile" baby is no longer with the Palins. Perhaps SP forced Bristol & Levi to give him up for adoption. Perhaps he died.
-The dark-haired, DS "chubby" baby became the replacement for the "fragile" baby, who was originally known as Trig. Hence, Trip ("fragile" baby born to Bristol & Levi) was Trig (a.k.a Triggybear) before he was Tripp (second baby born to Bristol & Levi).
Question: When did anyone see Trig in public between the birth and the campaign. That might be interesting to know.
ReplyDeleteThe picture that is missing is one of the father and mother together with their son. Has anyone ever seen a grandmother that would leave a coming out shower without a picture of the newborn with the happy couple. Were is a picture of Bristol and Levi and Tripp or Trig?
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted this observation up post, and I agree. The obvious is so obvious! Sarah is a supposed new mother, a few days after giving birth, and there she is bending over Mercede and her "newborn" perfectly coiffed, made up, and wearing shorts? No new mother looks like that right after birth and breastfeeding. You don't dress in fitted clothes for multiple reasons.
ReplyDeleteThe "My Puppy" thing is irrelevant. It is an infant clothing brand. My son got a whole "My Puppy" outfit as a gift when he was a baby.
ReplyDeleteWas today the day for the deposition? If so, is there any news on how things went for Levi?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, has anyone asked Levi about the second baby's arm in that one picture? Is there an easy way to clear it up?
ReplyDeleteAlso, have you looked at death records to see if a baby of the right age died during that time between the appearance of Trig 1 and Trig 2?
I don't have a lot of the ' dates ' clear in my mind as far as a time-line. There are many others here who know the stories better than me. I'm going on pretty much a ' common sense ' approach as to what could or would be reasonable.( simple ) You have to remember at all times...Sarah and her followers are VERY simple minded though. They make decisions based on REACTION or are reactionary to events as ' they happen '. She uses her ' gut '.. she has said THIS many times.Based on her track record.... she is a horrible Planner, with EVERYTHING. Sarah is SIMPLE...remember that. Think in terms of that. She can NOT think ' complicated '.The plan, whatever it was, was reactionary and simple.
ReplyDeleteI thought " Naked Truth's" comments above at 4:13 has a lot of common sense. I am also reminded though of something Levi said in Vanity Fair that seems to have been forgotten as it fits into these discussions. Levi declared back then that Sarah wanted to adopt the baby we know as " Tripp ".Wouldn't it make sense that the Tripp situation would try to be handled in the same way. Simple... because it worked for her before. But when asked/told to use the same scenario again... Levi and Bristol said " NO ".( this time ) Isn't that the scenario that Levi laid out back in the VF interview. Sarah always REPEATS a scenario she has used in the past that has worked for her. The victim cards, Kids as Props.. etc. She repeats everything. It is SIMPLE. She CAN'T plan ahead. Whatever happened to the T-1 and T-2 before Tripp.... Levi's VF statement backs that up and is relevant or backs up PART of that previous Plan. The VF interview is a declaration by Levi... but with vague details. It was early on though.
Chocolate Lab for adoption
ReplyDeleteCall was from Daniel Hahn #332 7022
Thanks for the very good info Anon@7:23. I did like all the comments about the puppy and the emails, though.
ReplyDelete7:16 PM said...
ReplyDeleteQuestion: When did anyone see Trig in public between the birth and the campaign. That might be interesting to know.
Good question.
Here is a picture of Bristol with a baby during the summer of 2008. I'm not sure which baby it is, though.
scroll down for the picture at the Wasilla picnic.
Maybe the two babies is the reason some folks have posted that they saw Todd carrying a tiny baby at a picnic that summer. Maybe he had the ruffle ear tiny baby.
anon 7:15,
ReplyDeleteI think that you are very perceptive and on the right track. The Johnstons have to be related to the child in the kitchen photographs. This is what I see.
It looks like a single premature birth sometime before April 18 of a child with medical problems who probably passes away in the spring after living for awhile.
A replacement baby, who we see today, coming from somewhere outside of the immediate family. From the looks of him, this child could be older than the age he is publicly given by a month or so.
If this was true than there would be a temporary swaddled cap-wearing new born to be presented at the hospital to get the size more right, but not quite.
Finally there would be the Tripp we now see, born on the date it was claimed he was. (Although both parents seemed to celebrate his birthday almost a month late. Understandable for Levi.)
Anonymous 7:01, your third explanation made me go, "ohhhh." The little ruffle-eared sweetie did not make it. Meantime, SP has to come up with something, so she shows current Trig to the world on 4/18.
ReplyDeleteJust one thing nags at me. Why take ruffle-eared one to the baby shower, and not the baby she pawned off as hers a couple of weeks earlier?
It's a FACT that there are TWO babies in Levi's arms in the well-known picture where he's holding either Trig or Trip....who knows?
ReplyDeleteAll that can be seen is the baby's arm.....all else has been cropped out. This has got to be a key piece!
The baby announcement has a rare glimpse the fragile baby, full face forward. It is too blurry for me to make observations about the ears, but it is clearly not the chubby faced baby. It may be useful to compare it to some of the other pics, like the Heath pic, since it is face front as well.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know there have been no infant deaths in the Palin family, except the miscarriages.
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of scenarios about what happened to "ruffled ear" baby, but I am still putting those pieces together.
My post has been very helpful in moving that investigation along.
Naked Truth @4:13- I'm inclined to go with this theory. It just seems to make the most sense. I just don't believe the preemie in the kitchen was a stand in, too much love is shown in those pictures. What happened to this baby??
ReplyDeleteLeadfoot - those pictures taken in early May with the tiny ruffle ears baby were NEVER meant to be released.
ReplyDeleteSo, I don't think Sarah had any "forsight" in this matter.
Gryph, that photo of grandma and gramps in the hospital hall way.... Trig was a premie (born at least a month 'early' according to $arah). What hosptial allows premies to be taken out of NICU and trotted about like a loaf of french bread? AND, just for the record? That baby does not look anything like a premie baby, but a full term month old.
ReplyDeleteAre the breadcrumbs from a french loaf?
So I've been pondering this all night. Strange turn of events...this all is.
ReplyDeleteSomething sinister popped in to my head. What if the baby known as Trig was one that was up for adoption, (maybe by her church? Or help from CBJ?) which Sarah just took and switched him out with Levi & Bristol's baby without talking to them first? Sarah gets what she wants, to look like a superwoman, and look like a hero to her Christian base, while punishing L&B for almost making her look like a hypocrite to all of Alaska. So to get back at Sarah, L&B get pregnant again...which could explain why there was joy by Sherry Johnston & tigers who were angry at Palin for what she did.
My daughter just walked by the computer and said, "why do you keep looking at pictures of that baby?"
ReplyDeleteHA! Just had to share that. It might be time to get off the laptop for tonight. :)
Gryphen...thank you so much for your persistence and dedication to this effort. Your work is indeed paying off!
ReplyDeleteIn light of what we know about the Palins, you define courage.
Please continue. And know that we value and appreciate all that you do!
Just an observation and I apologize for taking up room here with it. But this thought has been nagging at me since each time I first laid eyes on every one of those photos of SP with a newborn. In the kitchen baby photo, in the posed w/Todd newborn photo, and the baby shower magazine cover photo - SP has a SCARY looking big fake smile plastered on her face. The bottom half of her face is split open with it but the expression in her eyes (especially in the photo with Todd) looks positively sad and trapped. I've never seen this particular expression on her face in any other photos I've seen of her. And I wasn't even looking for it. It's just always jumped out at me from this set of photos. This is a woman who is deeply ill at ease.
ReplyDeleteWe have a "smoking gun" and no one is paying attention to it!
ReplyDeleteThe e-mail sent to "Gov. Sarah Palin" on May 21, 2008, was a reminder from the State of Alaska, Benefits Section that they had not rec'd the b/c they had requested. Here is a sentence from the e-mail:
"To ensure *continued coverage* (that means, to me, they had been making payments) for your newborn, please submit a copy of the child's b/c to us within 60 days of the date of birth."
If invoices were sent to SOA in SP's name, someone (Dr. CBJ?) had to input the patient as SP. The computer would then print all info in SP's name and also send the info to the "Bureau of Vital Statistics."
Why hasn't someone paid attention to this? It sounds like someone gave birth around April 17/18th. Probably 30 days had gone by and they were giving the Palins another 30 days to send in the b/c.
Just askin'
Thanks for the breadcrumbs, I have had my suspicions. You mention a lot that you are protecting your source & I think you want us to figure it out with out jeopardizing this person. So you are giving us clues!
ReplyDeleteI bet the Palins are squirming tonight. It would be interesting if they came out with a preemptive press conference to confess their deceptions.
Keep up the good work G! I think we all need to have a beer after this. Not at McGinley's though :)
Comparing the Sarah/Todd with newborn in a hat pic to the find of the full face frontal pic of the announcement baby, by loveandknishes at 6:27pm is a great comparison.
ReplyDeleteI would think that even serious doubters could not look at these pics and claim they are the same baby.
Gryph, can you grab that announcement before it disappears. Or even better yet, do you have a clearer version in your stash?
And let me thank you for putting to rest any concern that perhaps there was an infant death in the mix. That is a relief.
Have to give Rick a shoutout on your site. He posted this on another site, but it's simply Priceless:
ReplyDeleteRick Says:
February 24th, 2010 at 8:59 PM
I’ll bet Todd got an “ear”ful when he got home. The funny thing is, usually Sarah finds posts like the one on Immoral Minority to be ear-resistable to respond to. This is ear-regular. Gryphen must have ear-refutable evidence. I’m sure Sarah would like to ear-radiate him. Once his news hits the mainstream, her reputation will be ear-reclaimable and ear-reparable. Now Sarah and Megaphone have developed ear-reconcilable differences. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Sarah is ready to Ear-upt. I don’t mean to be ear-reverent, I just want Sarah’s car-ear to be over.
Does the baby's skin color or tone/tan have anything to do with this mystery? The Mercede photos seem to show a pale, pink Trig.
ReplyDeleteThe Sarah photos show a Trig with a dark tan especially noticeable with Sarah's bony finger in Trig's hand.
Is this scenario possible....Bristol gives birth to a very very premature baby and moves to Anchorage with her aunt to be close to the baby in the hospital. Sarah tries to convince Bristol and Levi to let her adopt the baby and goes forward with the fake pregnancy. In the end Bristol and Levi refuse to let Sarah adopt the baby so Sarah has to find a baby and the only one available is a baby with DS (Trig). The premature baby in the Palin kitchen is Tripp. Bristol was only pregnant once (Tripp) and Sarah faked one pregnancy and has adopted the baby with DS (Trig).
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHave to give Rick a shoutout on your site. He posted this on another site, but it's simply Priceless:
Rick Says:
February 24th, 2010 at 8:59 PM
I’ll bet Todd got an “ear”ful when he got home. The funny thing is, usually Sarah finds posts like the one on Immoral Minority to be ear-resistable to respond to. This is ear-regular. Gryphen must have ear-refutable evidence. I’m sure Sarah would like to ear-radiate him. Once his news hits the mainstream, her reputation will be ear-reclaimable and ear-reparable. Now Sarah and Megaphone have developed ear-reconcilable differences. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Sarah is ready to Ear-upt. I don’t mean to be ear-reverent, I just want Sarah’s car-ear to be over.
Don't worry. Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere. The evidence provided by Gryphen is ear-relevant though still ear-responsible. Ear-regardless, he'll probably still be shouting from the rooftops years from now begging for someone to listen to him. I'm certain his comrades will be glad to join him.
Just went back to look at the birth announcement. There is a halo above the baby's head with the initials VP.
ReplyDeleteI am looking at this and thinking WTH - did she really have birth announcements printed with a VP halo over the baby. Really, I am not kidding. I suppose, she wanted it to be a monogram of sorts for Van Paxson, but how arrogant. You have to go look at this.
I was thinking about the multiple baby situation and remembered the novel "Whispers" by Dean Koontz. The "villain" is actually twins that have been forced to grow up living as one person.
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia: "...Katherine gave birth to identical twin boys. The twins were born with cauls on their faces, leading the mentally unstable Katherine to believe they were demons. In order to preserve her father's cover story about the adoption, she raised her sons as if they were one person. They were both called Bruno, and both were rewarded or punished for anything either one of them did. They were not allowed to refer to each other as "you" or “he,” only as “I.”
It makes my head hurt to even think about it, but are BOTH the ruffled-ear baby AND the book tour baby named Trig?
PS. Thanks for the great work!
Just a thought about why Sarah allowed photos to be taken at the shower ... we're looking at this with the clear vision that comes with hindsight. She was NOT (well, she never has clear vision). She was doing her normal reacting and plotting.
ReplyDeleteAt that time, Sarah did not know what her future would hold. She certainly did not know that there would be this many people looking carefully at those photos.
And, to a degree she was right: they DID escape scrutiny for a long time.
Thank you, Gryphen, for your persistence!
Maybe it's just an Alaskan thing, but I have never seen a hospital that will let you take pictures of a newborn only hours after birth in a hospital corridor. That baby in the photo with the Heaths is all wrapped up like he is ready to go home not back to an ICU nursery.
ReplyDeleteGranted it's been a lot of years since my last child, but all my children for the first day at least were wheeled around in a baby bed and brought to my room by a nurse. Only people who had on hospital gowns and masks were allowed to be in the room or to hold the baby. This was done to not only protect my child, but to protect the other babies in the nursery...btw all my kids were over 8 lbs.
One of my children started turning blue after he was born and was admitted to the ICU. All of the children in there were in self contained beds and had a myraid of tubes attached to their feet, hands, head...
I do not believe that baby pictured with Heaths is a premature baby.
@dsmyre That's not a dark tan, that's jaundice.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, Why can;t/won't Levi,, Mercede and Sherry answer the questions regarding the baby(ies)?
ReplyDeleteWhy is Meg honored to have the opportunity to stay at home with her daughter? She must be getting one big severance check!
ReplyDelete@7:43 LisanTx Interesting! And who is the baby in the 2nd photo from the yahoo emails - Willow is holding him on a plane with her eyes crossed - but that is not a DS child - scroll down on
Also while there I noticed the Sept 15 email from someone at with the subject line in caps "LOOK AT TRIG!!!!!" Keeping his picture in front of James Dobson was key.
There was a family photo, taken in Juneau, when SP was governor - it even includes Track - and in that photo, the one who looks like she's early in a pregnancy is Willow. She's wearing a nice dress that fits her everywhere except on her midriff where its quite tight.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, after I dismissed that thought from my mind, I didn't make a copy of the photo.
This is all very interesting. Thanks for your research.
And of course, the timing is all wrong...
ReplyDeleteGryphen, A big thank you for breaking this story, and I want you to know your work and dedication is much appreciated!
ReplyDeleteI know you have sources and facts to flesh out, and I admire how you've treated thse sources trust with respect, because this is the way one gets to the truth. I wish I had more friends like you who I know I could trust (in real life) You've done an admirable job.
Oh, and before I forget, Happy Birthday to You!
Keep up the good work, stay safe, and be happy.
Okay. My final comment (sorry for the scattered thinking) The baby with the "ruffled" ear does not look like a DS baby. Where the baby being held by the Heaths definitely does.
ReplyDeleteSo, we've got 2 different babies. Now what?
The birth announcement does not show a halo over the baby's head. They stole the graphic from Van Halen. Here's an example of Van Halen using it:
@mxm 9:03
ReplyDeleteWow I never noticed that logo on the birth announcement! What we have here is a serious metalhead obsession with the hard rock band Van Halen combined with a goofy "babies are angels" sentimentality.
The logo as originally used on the cover of Van Halen's album "5150" depicts a planet(?) on fire with the VH in a chrome grille around the fiery ball. See
For the birth announcement photoshop, the grille was removed, H changed to P, and very oddly, turned into a sort of halo.
Whoever said to check out Meg Stapleton's baby is on to something -- and what about that picture of Willow with the crossed eyes holding a baby on the plane? No one ever identified that baby. I don't know how to post it here, but I just looked at it, and it could very well be the ruffled-ear baby a few months later.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see the picture of Levi holding the ruffle eared baby, he looks sad and emotionally involved.
ReplyDeleteThis part of the story may never be revealed by Levi, even if it eventually does come out. It must have been a very sad situation. Seeing someone giving a bottle to that baby, seeing that fragile sweet baby passed around like that seems so wrong.
It makes it all the more sad that the Palins are playing the games they are playing now with what appears to be Levi's second child.
Trig isn't a Palin. He's a Van Palin. Besides giving him the new last name, the birth announcement highlights VP. Our Sarah is so clever...Trig, her angel, her key to securing the VP nomination.
ReplyDeletebrilliant, curiouser! Another "hidden" clue revealed!
ReplyDeleteWorking with the "equations" Anonymous posted earlier:
ReplyDelete~B+L=T1 (original Trig)
~T1=ragged ear
~B+L will not give up T1 to SP
~SP forces their hand with March 6 announcement
~SP "borrows" T2 after they will not give up
~T2 (Tripp) was T1 (Trig) before he was T2 (Tripp) [if that's how the saying goes...]
~T1 dies
~SP adopts T2 after T1 dies after March 6
~B+L=T3 (real Tripp)
I'd also like an explanation of why a Down Syndrome baby. Because Palin announced his [Trig's] DS either with his "birth announcement" or shortly thereafter. The baby with the ruffled ear looks like it's suffering from FAS as many have mentioned. Was the DS baby the only one available without blowing Palin's cover on this charade? Or did she specifically choose one with DS as a political calculation? I'd like to know the answer to that. One option is clearly more sickening than the other, not that this whole charade isn't chockful of shitty behavior.
I think those of you who keep putting Bristol in the middle of the Trig scenario might want to remember that Gryphen said Bristol did NOT give birth to Trig.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, if I'm wrong, please correct me. Sometimes my memory fails me! And, besides: I'm SO confused!
I would not go to website.
ReplyDeleteMcAfee security says there is something wrong with that site. It changed their computer when McAfee visited that site.