With the debate-related tumult behind them and any possibility gone that Palin would be a game changer, McCain's strategists hoped she would continue to be useful in firing up the base and not create too many disruptions or distractions. But it wasn't long before he signs appeared that Palin was going rogue.
(Wow! You know THAT might make a good book title. I am just saying.)
The most widely publicized example was an interview she gave to the Times in-house conservative columnist, William Kristol, on October 5,the same day she thrashed Obama for "palling around with terrorists." When Kristol asked why, if Ayers was on the table, Reverend Wright was not, Palin said that Obama's pastor should be fair game and implicitly criticized McCain for not leading the charge. McCain was rarely bothered when Palin scampered off message, mainly because he did the same so often himself. But this was an exception. He'd drawn a hard line around Wright and couldn't understand why his running mate would have crossed it. (P 408)
She was emerging as a big time control freak. With her family now accompanying her most everywhere, making air-travel logistics a pain, she directed the campaign to "schedule bus transportation instead of flights whenever possible, even if that means late night drives in the bus." She became maniacal about monitoring her media coverage; she was constantly channel-surfing and blogoshere mining, and when she came across any mention that was less than flattering, she insisted that her staff try to have it corrected. (Here is where I need to note that I have received MULTIPLE confirmations that Palin was in fact OBSESSED with the Alaska blogs. This book only barely skims the surface of that obsession, but I know that a few of the books coming out later will go into much deeper detail concerning Palin and her frustration with some of our favorite bloggers.) Palin also showed an unusual wariness about politicians and donors brought aboard her campaign plane and bus. "I want to google them myself so I can know my comfort level," she e-mailed her team in October 9. "Photos, etc with them may come back to haunt me if I can't vet these folks myself."
Palin's concern with such appearances was seen by some as an indication that she already had her fights set on 2012. But in truth, she and Todd continued to be far more preoccupied by her status in Alaska than just about anything else. Any issue related to the state put them on high alert, and incited some of their worst propensities toward parsimoniousness with the truth. On October 10, when the Alaska legislature issued a report on Troopergate (That was the Branchflower report that the Alaska bloggers were instrumental in getting released.) stating that Palin had abused her powers but not broken the law, Palin proclaimed to reporters that she had been cleared of all wrongdoing. When her staff told her she would have to walk back her statement because it wasn't true, she said, "Well, why was I told otherwise?"--neglecting the fact that her talking points had made the results of the report quite plain. (P 409)
A few days later, Palin got into a big fight with Schmidt when she insisted that the campaign put out a statement denying Todd's involvement in the Alaska Independence Party. Palin contended that Todd had mistakenly registered with the party and rectified the error; she also claimed the party had nothing to do with secession. Schmidt curtly informed her that secession was the party's reason for existence and that, according to the campaign's records, Todd had been a member for seven years. (P 410)
Just in case you are inclined to side with Palin on the AIP argument, you can click the link I provided and read the following:
Q: What is the Alaskan Independence Party?
A: An Alaskan political party whose members advocate a range of solutions to the conflicts between federal and local authority; from advocacy for state's rights, through a return to territorial status, all the way to complete independence and nationhood status for Alaska.
In other words, Schmidt was dead right. And if you STILL want to give Sarah herself a pass on this one, then perhaps you should watch the following YouTube video.
THAT is the woman who was almost one 72 year old heartbeat away from being the President of the United States. Pretty damn scary huh?
As the election barreled toward its conclusion, something dark and frightening was unleashed, freed in part by the words of the McCains and Palin. At rallies across the country, there were jagged outbursts of rage and accusations of sedition hurled at Obama. In Pennsylvania and New Mexico, McCain audience members were captured on video calling the Democrat a "terrorist." In Wisconsin, Obama was reviled as a "hooligan" and a "socialist."
With the brutish dynamic apparently on the verge of hurtling out of control, a chagrined Mccain attempted to rein it in. In Minnesota, when a man in the crowd said he would be afraid to raise a child in America if Obama were elected, McCain responded, "He is a decent person and not a person you have to be scared of as president." A few minutes later, he refuted a woman who called Obama "an Arab."
McCain's efforts to tamp down the furies were valorous, though they did nothing to erase his role in triggering the reaction in the first place. The civil rights hero John Lewis, whom McCain admired enormously, compared the Republican nominee and his running mate to George Wallace and said they were "playing with fire." (P 421)
You know personally I don't believe that McCain had ANY idea what he was getting himself, and his campaign, into when he allowed Palin to be placed on his ticket. Perhaps if he had really vetted her he could have seen her connection to the AIP and known that she would incite the most racist and militant Americans in our country. Of course as I have said all along, I don't think that McCain was left with any choice. If he had not put her on the ticket, which convinced the Evangelicals to support him, he would have lost by even bigger margins than he did.
Of course he might have come away with his soul still intact. NOW the monster he helped to unleash on the country has forced him to embrace ideals he once found repugnant and fight tooth and nail for the Senate seat that he has comfortably held for 28 years.
What is it the bible says? "They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7
Perhaps John McCain should have taken THAT particular biblical passage to heart.
By the way I need to tell you that what I have written here is only a portion of the book Game Change, and I encourage EVERYBODY to pick up their own copy. It is a MUST read for the political junkie. And if you are a conservative, have no fear, there is also plenty of behind the scenes dirt on Democrats as well.
Johnny Mac's soul was far from intact.
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious that Sarah wanted to vet Republican VIPs per location, for her comfort level and fear that that photo-op would come back to haunt her, cause, you know, it wasn't as if she did that AIP Convention blessing, those horrendously memorialized interviews with Gibson and Couric, continued to mangle first amendment and VP duties on tape, laughed at a cancer victim on a taudry radio program, tried to get her armed brother-in-law promoted before getting fired - you know, cause photo's with harmless and forgettable local party folk could get have put some serious egg on her face.
ReplyDeleteBoy, her spidey-senses really protected her on the trail!
Here she was, this prayer warrior nobody from Wasilla grabbing for the ultimate brass ring and she and Toddy kept fretting about her standing back home?
ReplyDeleteHer handlers really must have been blown away by her hick priorities.
LOL, I'm an Alaskan, I love my State, but I know we couldn't affect the outcome of a national race - LOL, what a couple of Rubes!
Oh, and I'm glad our blogs (Gryphen, I could kiss you) and comments had her losing sleep. Arrogant yet self-conscious b%*#~. Also. Perhaps so. Delicate little starlet. And perky too.
I disagree that Palin helped the Republican ticket. Republicans and religious right folks would continue to vote Republican based on their 'right to life' stance, no matter who was on the ticket. Inpedendants would split, perhaps a bit to the left. However with Palin on the ticket, you push almost all the independents and many republicans way to the left. I'm convinced she hurt the republican ticket.
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think that McCain is paying Palin to come to AZ to stump for him.
ReplyDeleteMcCain never gets a pass on not knowing what he got himself into. Never! Johnny boy spent his time telling all how marvelous he was, how he knew how to do everything just right. From fixing the economy, you know, the basics are strong, to catching Bin Laden. Basically John's 28 years in the senate have amounted to little more than him satisfying his own ego. Like Sarah, John never listened to anyone either. He should have been bounced from the senate over the Savings and Loan debacle in the 80's
ReplyDeletePart of John's job as nominee was to KNOW who his VP pick was and he failed miserably. I detest him for unleashing Palin on America. She's given voice to the absolute worst in this nation and will continue to do so until taken down.
Sarah Palin is a liar.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is a hypocrite.
Sarah Palin is an ignoramus.
Sarah Palin is a fraud.
We know, Sarah. We know.
It always amazed me that the AIP got a recorded greeting, but she couldn't even muster up the common courtesy to sign her no-good signature to the Juneteenth proclamation. That would have taken all of 30 seconds on her time to scrawl her name. I guess you play to your audience though...
ReplyDeleteMaybe she and Todd were obsessed with Alaska bloggers because they are more likely to uncover evidence of a faked pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteI really can't wait for her to disappear for good. She is NO ALASKAN; just cutthroat barbie!
ReplyDeleteStoopid Rethugs. She has NEVER been a Republican, RINO-GINO YES!
She is an Independent like Turd and has only used the party for personal and financial gain like the good grifter-billy couple that they are. Turd should've checked his offspring's DNA and...
J Mac shoulda known better.
Willow, Piper!!! Run as fast as you can! Don't worry, your parents OWE YOU BIG-TIME!
I've used that Hosea quote many times in reference to Palin and the teabaggers. Schmidt has been fairly rough on Palin in public, but if he really wants to make sure that she never is POTUS, he should release the tapes made of her debate prep for her encounter with Biden, or rather, O'Biden.
ReplyDeleteThe rancor and discord that Palin is causing within the ranks of the GOP can be laid right at the feet of McCain and his entire campaign staff. If Palin's caustic ignorance helps destroy the GOP, McCain can have the ignominious distinction of losing an election he didn't even enter.
Former McCain folks have more dirt on Palin. I'm betting that there is enough hatred toward her that someone will GLADLY release something damning if she continues her brainless path of destruction.
I totally agree with you Anon at 1:07...religious right folks were going to vote for McCain regardless. They may have groaned about him but there is no way they would vote Democrat so I always thought she hurt him too.
ReplyDeleteI think Sister Sarah was so obsessed with what was going on in Alaska because she was afraid someone was going to give up the dirt on her. She was worried that her dirty secrets would come out before the election and she would be toast. THAT was her obsession with what was going on in Alaska.
Hey Gryph don't know if anyone has told you this yet but HuffPost has a story about SarahPac spending over $60,000 for copies of Going Rogue
I am by no means a "political junkie," I basically never followed any politics before $P (yes I was apatheic, I admit it).
ReplyDeleteI have never read a political book before, but I picked up Game Change because it sounded good and yes, I wanted to read the $P "dirt."
I found the book to be VERY engaging and actually enjoyed the non-$P/McCain parts vastly more than those sections covering her.
It is an "easy" read and I highly recommend it.
Sarah said to the Independence Party,"I've always thought that competition was so good."
ReplyDeleteSo if that's the case, why does she have such a problem with a govt. public insurance option? Wouldn't that provide good competition?
So...she was for competition before she was against it. Imagine that!
I too think that she hurt the Republican ticket. I think McCain would have still lost, I don't necessarily think it would have been by such a large margin if he had had another VP nominee. This is a good post and more additional light is cast on how little vetting was done of Sarah Palin. I also think McCain was talked into/blackmailed/convinced somehow that she should be the pick. So Gryphen tell me WHY McCain is welcoming her to AZ to campaign for/with him?
ReplyDeleteI am surprised that McCain is not getting rougher treatment over his disastrous selection of Sarah Palin as his VP choice. She was totally unqualified to hold that office, and totally unqualified to be a candidate.
ReplyDeleteThe stuff about wanting bus instead of air travel, a mania to read about herself, yet making no attempt to improve herself. Oh my gosh, she is starting to affect me, not writing in complete sentences.
One minute that tea bag convention is closed to all but the right wing press. Now, I just read that it is going to be televised. Is Sarah thinking of running as the rogue candidate in the Tea Party Party (I wish we could still call them tea-baggers; it's much more appropriate).
Okay, this is a bit off subject, but as I was watching the video of Sarah address this 2008 convention, I was watching the mouth you are so sure has been poofed and puffed. If you watch her in this video, it doesn't look one bit different in videos today than it did then. I mean, there's plenty to point fingers about, but I don't really think cosmetic enhancement is one of them.
ReplyDeleteI received my copy of "GAME CHANGE" last Friday and it is a great read. It is a "behind the scene" look (IMHO will be one of the most fascinating elections).
ReplyDeleteNot just the "gossip-y" stuff, but how this one person's decision changed the entire line-up of candidates.
There are quite a few "what if" moments. Not overly detailed with stats., and fairly easy read.
Two thumbs up from this reader !
They are so afraid of the facts that even my posts on Anchorage Craiglist (about SarahPAC) get flagged and deleted!
ReplyDeleteImagine that, scouring the net for something that Sarah doesn't want to be known!
I just got "Game Change" as a gift. Can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeletewell at least her talking points haven't changed. No wonder she could remember them during the campaign.
ReplyDeleteTo the Editor:
ReplyDeleteFour quick hits:
1) I'm working on my own notes about Game Change, Going Rogue, and Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson's The Battle for America 2008. Frankly, not that Game Change is a bad book, but I thought Battle for America was better.
2) While there are many despicable parts in Going Rogue, one of the most blatant is as follows:
"Piper Indi Grace was born on March 19, a Monday. Todd flies a Piper plane, but I just like the name. 'Indie' for 'Independence' (though the Indy 500 is pretty cool too) and 'Grace' for 'God's Grace.'"
(Rogue, p. 76. All grammar, punctuation, and capitalization as in original).
The Indy 500, for fuck's sake. As if!
3) There's a reference in Game Change where McCain struggles with appealing to where he sees the GOP is headed, and refers to what would later become the "Tea Baggers" as "a bunch of jerks." Had McCain selected either Senators Snow or Collins--or even Leiberman--McCain still would have lost, but he would have lost with some dignity. There would have been a debate on what direction the country should go (maybe) as opposed to the extent Senator Obama and Bill Ayers were best buds back in the day (when Obama was nine).
If anyone expresses interest, I'll go back and find the page number.
Game change also mentions how McCain was personally hurt as the campaign started getting uglier, that McCain was first criticized by John Lewis--then lost the endorsement of Colin Powell.
4) As for the need for Governor Palin to get out the Jerk Vote...The story is, in GOP circles, George HW Bush lost to Clinton, because all the religious nut true believers didn't believe Papa Doc-Bush was enough of a true believer, so they didn't vote. We used to call them "Pat Robertson Republicans"--but those folks (as a rule) were even dumber than the Huckabee people......
I'm still amazed by the wonder of it all.....
Bill Abendroth
Samsara Samizdat
Palin is just plain stupid. It's AMAZING she can actually find her way to the bathroom... (that's assuming she does).....
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect example of a sheep trying to look like lamb.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see Ms. Palin's birth certificate? I heard that she was born in Canada.
Could the baby be her son's?
What happened to her house investigation?
I think she has the youngest kids around her all of the time to make her look younger and fertile. But, those days are over, my dear. THe bloom has left the rose and all that is left is a heavily made up older woman sporting a tunnel that hasnt seen friction in years.
Anon 3:33, her talking points have been the same since her first city council run. New energy, fresh ideas, shakin things up, no more good ol boy-keepin things the way they are.
ReplyDeleteLook up her cutsey Elect Me (I heart Todd, babies, guns and the bible, free market, hard-workin, patriots) homework propoganda and it is exactly the same.
Only add, mainstream media, progressing, less than ideal, fungible commodities (a holdover from her half-term Oil & Gas days) and (LOL) commonsense conservatism to her mantra.
Lynne at 2:08, you are right. I watched the 2008 AIP welcome address and stop clicked every second or so, just as I had done to view the Fux Snooze clips we viewed re: the plastic surgery post. Sure enough, her mouth had the lower left pull then, as well.
ReplyDeleteYes, there certainly is enough besides possible plastic surgery to find fault with. But can a horrible make-up job alone be at fault for how postively awful she looked on Fux last week?
Susan in MD
Lynne 2:08, I went back and looked at the AIP message video, and you're correct about her lower lip going to the right when she speaks. But it's very slight compared with the more recent interviews. AND I noticed her eyebrows were a lot more mobile than they are now.
ReplyDeleteI've worked with disabled folks in the past, and if I didn't know better, I'd say she had a slight stroke. If anything, the surgery has made her mouth movement even more pronounced.
Yes, McCain needs to suck up to Sarah to keep the teabaggers at bay. But lets face it--he also has major dirt on her. I don't think he's paying her. I think he is blackmailing her !
ReplyDeleteThis is off the subject, but I was sitting here looking at the pic of Sarah at the beginning of the AIP video thinking about how ridiculous she always looked wearing those scarves and coats in order to hide the fact that she was NOT really pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI've never bought her story that she didn't want people to know she was pregnant with a Down's baby, because they would think she couldn't do her job. She never worried what people thought about her job performance any other time.
And knowing how VAIN Sarah is, if she were really pregnant, she would have gone shopping for some new maternity clothes. She would not continue to wear her coat and scarf to work everyday.
But, of course, the coat and scarf were probably the only things she owned that could cover the fact that she had no baby bump. And once the fake baby bump came on the FedEx truck, she was able to shed the scarf and coat.
Gryphen - when are you going to break this story open?? How can someone as pathetically ignorant as Sarah Palin pull off a deception this huge and get away with it??
I know you're smarter than she is!
$arah.....YOU LIE!!!
ReplyDeletei'm always surprised that more hasn't been made of her and todd's links to a secessionist movement, both by those gladdened and those horrified by such a reality.
ReplyDeleteand -if the wild ride were a true story- i've always thought that the motivation to risk her own life and the baby's life wasn't that todd was too racist to have "a fish picker from texas" ('cause you know TX fish-pickers are often hispanic), but that he still dreams of an independent AK, where "native born alaskans" will be seen as a higher class of citizen than "immigrants" (like his wife, she was born in the lower 48, for shame!).
Lynne is right about her mouth being crooked. It looks like a bad habit that she has maintained over the years - talking out of the right side of her mouth.
ReplyDeleteMaybe having cosmetic surgery has made it more noticeable cause I think it is more crooked now.
And in case you missed it, SarahPAC bought between $40,000 and $65,000 worth of books to give to donors.
ReplyDeleteNothing like spending your own money to put yourself on the best seller list.
I wonder if she paid full price or bought those clearance books on amazon?
Another nasty facebook post up tonight by Palin/whoever. She is awful. (useing my son's iPod--don't know if I can do or how to do a link with this thing.)
ReplyDeleteShe is a sick woman.
Let's not forget to point out that the clip of Sarah talking about the AIP is a supposedly 7-month-or-so pregnant Sarah Palin. Speaking of "babygate" what's thedeal there? Haven't heard much lately but waiting ever so paitiently.
ReplyDeleteI saw a woman reading Game Change on the plane a few days ago. Palin's book has dropped to fifth place last week, and Game Change is #1. I placed a pre-order for Geoffey Dunn's book to be released in April. Dunn interviews over a hundred people, and has documentation. He covers Troopergate and much more.
ReplyDeleteanon @ 6:28
ReplyDeleteNone of the new books coming out this year will be including babygate so I dont think this is the year it will break.
ReplyDeleteIf Palin is indeed serious in her grandiose aspirations for the White House, Todd's AIP membership will not pass as easily into the background this next time around. She will be grilled mercilessly by the press and by her opponents. The secessionist talk plays well with the teabaggers but with nobody else, GOP included.
Todd's undeniable membership in the AIP on its own would be enough to sink Palin, especially since they are already on record lying about it. We all know that there are MANY other bits of info that will have the same effect.
Palin contends that she was maligned by Couric and the rest of the "mean" mainstream media, but she was actually treated very gently. The Obama/Biden camp didn't even feel any need to go after her. They knew she was her own worst enemy. Next time, however, she will be savaged by the press. Any decent reporter knows that she is a moron and a liar and getting her to lie or say something really stupid is great copy. They will be on Palin like stink on a fish.
On top of that, if she is dumb enough to run in the GOP, she will have a giant red bull's eye on her back that all of the other GOP hopefuls will be training their sights on. She will be the largest and slowest moving high profile target in the pack and as such will be taking on massive amounts of "friendly fire."
This is going to be so much fun!
I have never been one to scream "sexist" at every turn. However, I do think that the McCain campaign employed some sexist thinking in their choice of Sarah Palin as the VP candidate. And I don't mean in the "she's so sexy" way.
ReplyDeleteThink about it: they had five months to thoroughly vet any number of candidates. But five DAYS before the Republican convention, they chose Palin. Why?
I believe they thought, Hey, she's a female governor who has enormously high popularity ratings in her state. She's a former mayor, a wife and mother, and deeply religious to boot. What could she possibly have done up there in Alaska that would make her a non-starter? NOTHING negative has ever been said about her. Alaskans love her! She took on the good-old boys! She took on the oil companies! And, Fred Barnes, Bill Kristol, etc., those wonderful conservatives, think she's devine. Yup! She's our girl! She's the real thing! No need to dig any deeper.
Anyhow, that's my take on the whole thing. Just as an aside, the entire campaign was in great disarray BEFORE Palin got there. They had no real message. Everyone needs to read the book -- twice, perhaps, to really understand the behind-the-scenes activity involved in running a campaign. It's an eye-opener.
Gryphen! Wake up, man! You've slept long enough.
ReplyDeleteNow: Barb Dwyer over at Bree Palin says (hope I'm quoting it correctly): There are interesting things going on in Juneau right now. The moose poop may be hitting the fan soon."
Do you know anything about this???
Is there about to be a trainwreck down the line at the Mandation Nation Station?
Ooooh...I sure hope so!
Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco, reported an interesting snippet of conversation with Steve Schmidt re: $arah's $pending on clothe$
Charmed I'm sure. She who would not be vetted (no medical reviews etc.) WANTED to vet campaign followers personnaly in lieu of delegating authority for running the business of Alaska! Oh yeah. That makes sense. See, that's the thing, people not from Alaska didn't realize that some Alaskan matters weren't attended because there was no management authority at home for many, many months. Now, the alaskan legislators in Juneau say "forgetaboutit". Who cares...do you like awl? Please short term memory only need apply. Her appointees should be removed.
ReplyDeleteMcCain: He is a decent person and not a person you have to be scared of as president.
ReplyDeleteMe: On the otherhand, SP doesn't have an ethical bone in her body and for the sake of our children and grandchildren, we don't ever want her anywhere near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
That being said, I've been wondering about something:
I don't remember where I read it but, a couple of years ago, a religious-based adoption agency in Canada ran into some serious problems--if I am remembering correctly, some of the children who were being adopted out had actually been kidnapped.
A few days ago, members of an Idaho-based Baptist orphanage seem to have presumed that they could help themselves to the children of Haiti.
As I recall, there have recently been some changes in Alaska Law pertaining to birth certificates.
Which begs the question...and makes me seriously wonder...how much, exactly, might the Palins have 'tithed' for their youngest child?