Tuesday, February 02, 2010

He had to wait all weekend long, but FINALLY Jon Stewart was able to celebrate Obama's smackdown of the Republicans.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Q & O
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Oh just look at the joy in his face.

It was great wasn't it?


  1. Purple Alaska10:47 AM

    Yes, that was the BEST Political Theater that I've ever witnessed!

    And I didn't even have to buy a ticket...and just loved the way they aired ~ and re-aired it all weekend.

    Simply marvelous, I tell ya!

  2. Irishgirl11:24 AM

    Still grinning from ear to ear.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I hate Fox News so much, that my hate is starting to influence how I feel about Fox Sports, 20th Century Fox, and any other product with Fox's name on it.

  4. That's our President - brilliant!!!

    I truly hope that he continues to confront the Repubicans like on TV for all the world to see.

  5. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'm still feeling the joy! lol

    President Obama is just...well, he's just awesome. SO PROUD of him. Brilliant, engaging, POLITE, and still takes them all to school. I love it.

    Sarah in SC

  6. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Hahaha! It's so wonderful to have a grownup in the WH!

    P.S. I am a FOX hater from way back. As soon as I fall in love with a series, they cancel it. Idiots.

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Where can I find a summary of all the lies (proven) that Sarah Palin has told, as well as a list of all of her deeds or miss deeds?

    I have so many face book family and friends that love sarah....I know for a fact they never watch the news, it's too stressful for them to watch -- They don't know the truth about anything. Anyhow, I would like someway of showing them, without preaching...of why Sarah is bad for this country.


  8. I <3 Jon Stewart.

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Jon Stewart to pay visit to Bill O'Reilly on outspoken host's Fox news program


  10. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I love Jon Stewart...and President Obama!

  11. emrysa2:57 PM

    hahahaa, that was great, thanks for posting.

    as usual, stewart nails it.

  12. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I couldn't wait to see Jon Stewart Monday night - he did not disappoint, and his interview with Obama's econ adviser was excellent, too!

  13. Stewart ROCKS!

    and so does our President!

  14. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Anonymous @1:35 - Here is the list of 12 compiled by Andrew Sullivan at the Daily Dish:

    Then there are the 18 compiled by Huffington Post:

    If you google Sarah Palin lies, you'll end up with quite a few sites that have their own lists.

  15. I was watching and cheering! I love how President Obama puts up with no shit. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!

  16. Anne NC12:45 AM

    He took every one of their comments, questions and threw out the b.s. and gave them the truth! As a couple GOP'ers said to Luke Russert, "we should never have allowed the cameras in". Sounds to me like they know how friggin' stupid they sounded.

    Thank you, Mr. President, for proving to them, once again, YOU have what it takes to be President, not them. You owned the room!

  17. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I hear you anon at 11:39am. If it weren't for NFL football, nothing Fox would be on in my house. We've deleted all other Fox stations from our favorites and if we go into anywhere that has a TV turned to it, we ask for the channel to be changed or we leave (with our money).

  18. no teleprompter,just hit me with your best shot--oh you missed...missed again, and again! I thought you guys were pros?

    above poster "great political theatre" is spot on! -- would love to see Caribou Barbie try this, but answering questions re: her SarahPac/Alaska Fund/BSMP LLC schemes!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.