Tuesday, February 02, 2010

New poll of self described Republicans is shocking.

This poll was conducted by Research 2000 for Markos Moulitsas, over at Daily Kos.

They polled 2000 self described Republicans and this is what they found.

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
Yes 39

No 32
Not Sure 29

Did you get that? 39% of Republicans are ready to impeach this President, and another 29% just can't make up their mind yet. How is that even possible?

Oh wait, I think this next part explains it.

Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?
Yes 63

No 21 Not
Sure 16

This is what Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdoch and Fox News were hoping to do. Just like Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." And I would be surprised if that is not the mission statement of Fox News.

Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
Yes 42

No 36
Not Sure 22

Amazing. Of the 2000 Republicans questioned in this poll, 36% are hard core birthers, and 22% think there exists the possibility that the President of their country was not even born here.

You might want to make sure you are not taking a drink before reading this next one.

Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?
Yes 53

No 14
Not Sure 33

ONLY 14% of these Republicans believe that Barack Obama is more qualified than freaking SARAH PALIN? How can ANYBODY be that ignorant? I mean have they listened to both of them speak? Could you imagine how Palin would have done if she had taken on a room full of Democrats, like Obama did with that room full of Republicans?

What would she do, try to ward them off by waving baby Trig around or accusing them of wanting to rape her daughters? The only defense she is has is playing the victim or hiding behind her family.

And speaking of Sarah Palin, I give her the lion's share of blame for this last one. Her and that whiny little bitch Glenn Beck.

Do you believe Barack Obama is a racist who hates White people?
Yes 31

No 36
Not Sure 33

Do these people not know that Barack Obama is half white? That he loves his white mother, loves his white grandparents, and that he would be the LAST person to ever judge somebody based on the color of their skin? And yet these simply morons are actually convinced that HE is the racist.

I encourage you to click the title of this post to read the rest of the results over at Daily Kos. There is much more to learn, but trust me none of it will make you feel any better about the Republicans.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Buwahahaha. Already Repubs are out with their poutrage saying: "Not me, Not me, I don't believe these numbers." Too funny how they lose their collective, and yes, they are a collective...Borg anyone?...minds when their ugliness is exposed to sunlight. Sadly, unlike the vampires they emulate they do not simply burn to ashes!

  2. Anonymous2:39 PM

    What do you expect when you quote a poll from a right-wing site like Daily Kos.


  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I can't possibly click that link and read any more of what those ignorant morons say/think. It's just to depressing that they can still believe this crap and think that $P would make a better POTUS. (insert crying emoticon here)

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Good Lord, I believe they polled all of my uneducated, fundamentalist, racist relatives! LOL

  5. fromthediagonal2:47 PM

    As one being born into WWII on the wrong side of the equation, suffering as a child the fallout of megalomaniac hubris, all I can say and do is this:
    Be aware, be vigilant, be critical of self-righteous rhetoric and speak out... forcefully!
    More Power To You... if you do!

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The pathetic and scarey thing about the impeachment poll is that there are no grounds for impeachment but they want to do it anyway.

    Bush is an international criminal and so are many of his staff but they wouldn't dream of impeaching some one who committed real crimes.

    And of course the ACORN cheating him in is laughable, since the Bush justice department kept bringing accusations against ACORN and couldn't prove one of them.

    My parents were republicans and after they went into the nursing home I handled their mail and phone calls.

    You wouldn't believe the PR lies that they got in the mail.
    But looking at these poll numbers obviously a lot of people do believe the crap that the Republicans send out.

    Talk about anti-American. These enemies of freedom and Democracy are bringing down this country very very effectively, they know it and it is deliberate.

  7. The key here is "self described Republicans".

    Anyone who isn't bat-shit crazy no longer considers themselves Republican (as noted in a poll showing only approx. 20% of the country still call themselves Republicans). Everyone else has left that sinking ship.

  8. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Rupert Murdoc: YOU ARE GOING TO HELL! Your children should help you in getting there a little faster.

  9. emrysa3:03 PM

    it's this sort of thing that makes you start thinking that we really need some kind of test to determine whether someone should be eligible to vote.

    stupids like this are a danger to the rest of us. they are a threat to the country and the world.

  10. Anonymous3:16 PM

    and the scary thing is that these people will vote in the next leaders if democrats don't get out to vote!

  11. welkome to the nu amerika. y'all.

  12. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Gryphen, those that voted palin as more qualified just show how partisan this country is. They would put party before country. It's the big game, a rivalry that must be won, at all costs.

  13. Anonymous3:31 PM

    They are all still mad about President Obama outsmarting them in Q&A. It is scarry that these people have any influence at all.

  14. 'self described Republican'

    Accepted synonym as of 2010:


  15. Please remember that only about 20% of Americans now call themselves Repbulicans. So, in reality, the number of people with those loony beliefs is small.
    The sane republicans left the Party some time ago.
    All that remains is the uneducated, the KKK/racists and some hard-core "end of times" fundies.

  16. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Those poll numbers should surprise no one! Just take a stroll down memory lane and remember who they put into the White House.... Reagan, Bush and Shrub. Country First, sure.......... whatever!

  17. sallynGarland,TX4:24 PM


    I just read where Palin is going to speak at some Tea Party Express parties beginning in March. I also noticed a Sal Russo behind TPE. Is there any relation to see of p Russo?
    Even if there is no relation, this Sal Russo sounds just like Sarah's type.

  18. Obama showed US something we can all do - arm ourselves with a solid grasp of the facts. At least in three or four areas, and know where to verify them. That will put us at least three or four areas ahead of most righties we are likely to encounter. I've done it with the sub-prime mortgage numbers for example, because in the loonosphere liberals made banks make bad loans and Fannie/Freddie took down the economy. I swear to you it's worth doing some homework. It is so fun to watch big loudmouth fact-free rednecks wither and wilt - and even more fun to help them do it.

  19. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Even worse is that many of these people own a drivers license, hold a job, and give birth!

    Like their idol Palin, they have more than likely never read a book, read an editorial or have any idea of what is written in the constitution.

    No wonder we are on the path that we travel today: much of it due in part to these people who are unable to think.

  20. Eileen C. Tallon5:29 PM

    These self described Republicans have got to be Sarah Palin's relatives, friends, a few nutty Republicans like McCain and the tea baggers.

    Because no intelligent person would believe Sarah is Presidential material. Sarah is a very disturbed person as the majority of citizens across this small Planet realize...except for the above names.

  21. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Don't pay attention to these numbers. President Obama is doing a great job and his approval numbers are increasing again. Remember the Republicans are the party of 'no' and President Obama is now very openly countering them at every move...which I so appreciate and love watching him do.

  22. I couldn't see much information on how these respondents were selected and how they were contacted. Self-described Republicans are probably different from people who are registered Republicans. Many polls indicate how likely a person is to vote, so these could be non-boters.

    Too bad there are so many delusioned people, but hopefully they will not make any impact in elections.

  23. Anonymous6:49 PM

    ++ Don't pay attention to the numbers ++

    Sure, ignore the man behind the curtain.

    How about these numbers?

    In January 1989, the nation's debt had risen to $2.7 trillion, roughly tripling during Reagan's term.

    Twenty years later -- January 2009, when Obama took office -- the nation's debt stood at $10.6 trillion. If it grows as the same rate as the Reagan era, the debt would end in 2017 at about $30 trillion, roughly tripling yet again.

    The 2010 budget does not project such an increase. It says the nation will add about $6.6 trillion to its debt by the time Obama leaves office, leaving a total debt of about $17.2 trillion.

  24. majii7:07 PM

    These poll results do not surprise me. I believe all of the poll results, and I believe the respondents think they are right. This is what people think of you when you have a little more melanin in your skin like I do, and I've had 57 years dealing with it. I predicted the reaction of these people before they began their tea bagging antics, and before they started spewing their caustic, unhinged rhetoric. I've see it all before.

  25. majii @7:07, I hear you, and I don't have a little more melanin in my skin. But I am married to someone who does. None of this stuff since Barack Obama was elected has surprised me. Racism never went away for my wife and I. We like to travel in the USA and we have to be careful about where we go. It's 2010 and we have to think about this. Very discouraging.

  26. Gasman7:48 PM

    OK, I am going to amend my assessment of the GOP. Up until now I had labeled only the teabaggers as automatic recipients of the status as morons, however, it would appear that many more within the GOP also justly deserve that title.

    Impeach President Obama? FOR WHAT? These asshats saw no reason to impeach Bush or Cheney even though they committed war crimes and violated international and domestic laws. On what possible grounds do they feel impeachment is warranted for President Obama? Because he isn't a Republican?

    If 53% believe Palin is more qualified to be POTUS than Obama, then at least 53% of the GOP are absolute ignoramuses. Can you imagine Palin taking on 140 Democrats in an unscripted Q & A session like President Obama just did with the GOP? No notes, no script, and NO TELEPROMPTER! Palin would have been sobbing, curled up in a fetal position sucking her thumb within five minutes. Obama owned the entire GOP House Caucus. No way in hell that Palin could best even a single bright 5th grader, let alone the best in the Democratic Party.

    I so want Palin to be forced into a REAL debate with someone who humiliates her and exposes her ignorance for all the world to see. It might finally make these sycophantic imbeciles realize that Palin is an idiot whose only claim to fame is winkin', flirtin', and mangling English.

    I've said it before, but it bears repeating: Palin is moron who attracts other morons the way shit attracts flies.

  27. Anonymous8:34 PM

    They should have polled them on "highest level of education achieved." Down here in the south their answers would likely be "some high school" or "GED".

    These are not the sharpest knives in the drawer!

  28. Anonymous9:34 PM

    It almost looks like she is trying to set herself up to be the tea party candidate. Then she doesn't have to debate.

  29. Anne NC10:20 PM

    The so called "reality" of these people who answered the polls in that Palin is more qualified than President Obama shows just how delusional they are. I've read the comments on her ghost-written FB page. There are many along the lines of "how soon are you (meaning Palin) remove Obama from office?", "we need to take our country back" and other similar nonsense. Their ignorance in thinking he could be impeached shows how uneducated these people are. Bush & Cheney very well could have been impeached. Between the two of them and Rumsfeld, they could easily be arrest in several countries around the world for war crimes. What a legacy they left, no financial accounting of their "war on terror" aka "let's scare the crap out of the people of this country so we can do whatever we want without worrying about a g.d. piece of paper". That piece of paper that Bush mocked was our Constitution, the very one they say that President Obama doesn't obey.

    The people that claim our President is a socialist, marxist, communist, etc. can't even define the labels or tell you the difference between them.

    Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and a few others are able to scream their lies repeatedly on their "shock" shows and these ignorant people believe every word they say. I listened to Limbaugh today for about ten minutes, that was all I could stand, but I cannot believe the crap he spews. That man is so sick and twisted and makes a fortune talking crap. Who are the morons who believe him?

    I had a friend tell me that Obama was ruining the country and spoke about how bad things have become under him. I challenged him to tell me one way in which his life has changed in a negative manner since President Obama was elected. He couldn't. In fact, he was recently promoted at his job, still has his home, his children are still in private school, his wife recently bought a new car and they are planning a nice vacation cruise for their family. Things are really looking up for him yet he has the nerve to complain. Yet, I actually think I got through to him when I asked him how our President has allegedly redistributed the wealth and he couldn't answer. I don't know if he's going to turn off FOX completely but he said he was going to do some research on his own and get back to me. We've always respected the fact that we have different ideas politically but we both want the same thing. It should be interesting to see what he comes up with for me. Forget the 'bots, their is no hope for them.

  30. Anonymous11:14 PM

    They want to impeach a president with no reason?? Sounds to me like they still cannot accept the FACT that our president, President Barack Obama is BLACK!!
    Sorry repugs--no "do overs". The results of the election over a year ago stand--the people have spoken!

  31. sunnyjane12:25 AM

    Anon @ 2:39 PM called the Daily Kos a right-wing site. Actually, they are far from it.

    Just click on the headline in this blog and see the scathing remarks on this poll's results.

    Daily Kos is actually very liberal and very progressive.

  32. Anonymous1:16 AM

    This poll is the evidence of blatant, seething racism, pure and simple. These people are not merely illiterate and uninformed: they are unteachable and mean-spirited. They promote violence as a means of achieving their own agenda, while demanding a comatose powerlessness for everyone else. A two-way street, fair game, and playing by the rules are anathema to them, and constitute completely foreign concepts to the way their brains are wired. We are not fighting Sarah Palin here: we are fighting totalitarianism. Think Germany: it is 1932 in Amerika.

  33. democracy72:29 AM

    I don't see Palin running again ever, A she has far too many skeletons in her closet. B she is intellectually lazy and would heve to work too hard.
    C She can never handle anyone in an honest debate without re writing the rules for herself.
    She is in rhe perfect position though, to egg on the T-baggers continue to lie and make money without having to prep herself.

  34. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Amazingly, I was called last night by the Quinnepiac poll, which was all about President Obama, such as what do you think of his leadership, how he's handling certain things, and a final segment on "gays in the military." Some of the questions, though, reminded me of a sociology course I once took, in which the questions posed were phrased so ambiguously, I just hesitated and refused to give an answer because they were like a blind end. I gave him an A+ overall. I'm sure they were quite surprised that I'm a 69 yr old "unaffiliated" voter, too.

    It will be interesting to see this one. If they can't be honest with their questions, though, I'll refuse to answer another one.


  35. You know, it's not just the uneducated GOP who think this way.

    ::sigh:: My aunt and uncle, two people who are VERY intelligent, who worked for the government most of their lives, are very well traveled (worked in government embassies in the Netherlands, Germany, Morocco, and have traveled on their own to many other countries), and yet they think Sarah Palin is AWESOME and would make a better president than Obama.

    That and they only watch Fox News, because CNN is "too liberal". Even my dad, who is also a hardcore Republican, (or was...I have a sneaking suspicion he voted for Obama, but he's not telling) was DISGUSTED when he heard that they like Scarah and watch Faux News.

    I really can't explain this phenomenon. I can understand my aunt and uncle disagreeing with Obama's policies, but some of the rhetoric they have spewed (they're not birthers, so they claim, but they definitely think Acorn stole the election) is just mind boggling.

    So it's not just the uneducated ones. Upper class, well educated adults can think this too.

    And it's depressing.

  36. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Cheney should have been impeached for the immoral words he publicly spoke to Senator Leahy. Shocking speech for which he arrogantly refused to apologise. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What was in Cheney's heart was/is evidently unspeakable. Mr. Immanuel has a long way to go to emit such ugly rhetoric as Cheney so publicly did. Where was Alaska kiss-up Governor then? Quiet as the mouse she truly is unless she gets her strings pulled on schedule or her blackberry voice commands. Puppets for President! I think not. Americans aren't that stupid just yet. Repub antipathy toward education or strangely askew lips notwithstanding.

  37. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Anonymous said...
    It almost looks like she is trying to set herself up to be the tea party candidate. Then she doesn't have to debate.

    9:34 PM

    Yes, and she'll go the way of all th other third party candidates (back to oblivion), while throwing the election to the Democrats. Sounds like a great plan!

  38. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Oh yes, the TeaParty candidate would NOT have to debate those other elites who actually opened their books in college, nor would she have to be interveiwed by real journalists or sit down with newspaper editorial boards, nada. Facebook and hate rallies are all she wants to do.

    She CAN"T get the GOP nomination so she has no other choice because Romney, really no one, would want a rogue VP again.

  39. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I love President Obama. I'm a cynical person, who studied and researched. I didn't know who he was. I fact-checked. I'm an Alaskan who didn't vote for Mrs. Palin. It disheartens me to see people in this country being ambushed by the media and propaganda supporting this woman. I think we need to focus on the success of the Obama admnistration.

  40. Anonymous5:49 AM

    This poll makes me sick. What's wrong with these people?

  41. Nan (aka roswellborn)6:41 AM

    Thing is, that's only including the Republicans not too embarrassed to admit to being Republican (i.e. the witless wonders).

    The intelligent ones (there are some, actually) don't want to be associated with anything to do with the guano-crazy bunch. Ergo, skewed numbers (I hope).

  42. Perhaps when we see the poll, there will be questions like:

    Do you know what socialism is?

    How does socialism compare to facism?

    Please explain racism.

    Are socialism and facism the same as racism?

    Can you name the coutries that share borders with the United States?

    Can you define GDP?

    What is your federal tax rate?

    Do you or members of your immediate family receive any government subsidies?

    I know there are educated individuals in the Tea Party movment. I know some, and they are well educated, they are fanatic and may be card carrying racists. It is unexplainable, so we talk about weather whenever we get together. Get togethers have become infrequent. Intolerance is not friendly.

    These people were not fanatical during the Bush years. They also were not deeply involved in fundie xtian churches and groups. One led to the other.

  43. Anonymous5:53 AM

    nice post. thanks.

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