Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here is the new Haiti inspired version of "We Are the World". What do you think?

I find myself a little distracted by trying to put names to all of the stars that appear in this video. It is pretty well done though, and isn't it great to see that old footage of Michael Jackson before he completely went over the edge?

Here is the old video for comparison. Or just for your personal enjoyment.

Just speaking for myself I really enjoy seeing all of my favorite singers in the older version.


  1. LisaB7:41 AM

    Well, I'm guess we're of an age, because I didn't recognize some of those faces. And how do you get Ann Wilson there and NOT give her the microphone? LOL

  2. O?T
    if Bri$tols address is the new turret castle and Foax news built it( or part of it) will that help Levi if she is living in a business instead of a home with Tripp?? Interesting angle to look at anyway. Is she paying "rent" to fox? Or is Fox renting from her (thus income that should be reported ( either on Bri$tols or Sarahs income tax forms)

    As for the song, I also too recognized more people in the first release :)

  3. BAustin8:26 AM

    meh....I think if you grew up with the first one, the second one pales by comparision. If it's new to you, then it's prolly ok.

  4. WakeUpAmerica8:30 AM

    I like both of them, but the newer version is magnificent. Nice to see MJ before he started deforming himself with all the surgeries. He was a handsome young man.

  5. Well, I have a file on my laptop with a complete transcription of the original We Are the World with all the singers identified and exactly what they sing . . . And everyone in the background. And if you watch the video of the first version (HIGHLY recommended) you'll see some classic moments: Dylan was confused about what/how he was supposed to sing. Stevie Wonder sat down at the piano and showed Dylan how to be Dylan by singing his part. Bob went on to perform flawlessly.

    So yeah, I loved the first version and I also love the second version--especially the rap parts. There will be hours of entertainment for me, especially looking at those in the background. Jeff Bridges? Brian Wilson????

    Lionel Richie is ageless. Maybe he made a pact with the devil? But in his case, unlike Sarah Palin's, its a good thing.

    And I purchased the video last night on iTunes. I hope it makes boatloads of money for Haiti.

  6. GrainneKathleen9:24 AM

    the first one can't be beaten. you don't find that kind of talent in mainstream music much anymore (or maybe i am biased because i grew up in that era singing that song in school.) i think the new one started off too strong, too loud. in the original version, quincy conducted it so it built up to a slow, fantastic crescendo. also, i hate that whatever it's called robotic sound that they use for some people's vocals. what is that? why is it used so extensively today? i think it's an excuse for not singing well.
    glad they have put this together for haiti, though. seeing all the kids' playing amidst the wreckage brought tears.

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I like the old one better. I have a teen and I still didn't know most of the singers. They should have had more singers from the 80's and 90's. U2, Sting, Madonna, Linkin Park would have rocked this song. I hope it helps the victims.

  8. I just saw it on TV. Beautiful. Made another donation. :-)


  9. I liked the camaraderie of the original one. Remember how they were told to check their egos at the door? And I could name them all.

    This version is still touching, and I am glad that they included MJ.

    And to WakeupAmerica: I agree. MJ should have stopped his surgeries then. He looked good.

  10. Anonymous10:56 AM

    what BAustin said.

    for me... i'm partial to the original... like a trip down memory lane....


  11. Anonymous11:08 AM

    I thought it an embarrassment that our creative community was so void that with all those 'great' talents, it couldn't put together an original song.

    But I thought that about the 'Princess Diana Candle In The Wind' debacle, and nobody else seemed to agree.

    Why waste time scoring something new -- it's only a million dead. Maybe we can borrow something jazzy from the 1960's for the Apocolypse!?!

    Really. Its embarrassing.

  12. Thank you for posting both of these Gryphen. I enjoyed the singing better in the original (my era), but the shots of Haiti interspersed in the new version made it very powerful. Thank you again.

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    You just can't remake a classic....

  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I, too, liked the first one best, but this is all right, too, esp. if it brings in a LOT of money for Haiti. It did bring tears to my eyes. Truly wonderful thoughts, to say the least.


  15. akglow11:54 AM

    I like the original so much more, but then again, I'm a big fan of Willie.

  16. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I don't have any thoughts about this.

  17. Anonymous1:17 PM

    That was cool to watch. I had forgotten that Bob Dylan was in the first one. He's one of my faves. Always good to see Michael Jackson in better times.

    The second was also good with some great vocals. Pink was awesome. I could have done with the rap part and, though. And stupid Kanye makes me want to hurl.

    I definitely liked the first one better.

  18. Deb in WI6:36 PM

    I caught a bit of this when I turned the TV on today. I agree, I prefer the original, but this one also choked me up a bit. I didn't care for the side by side tribute to Michael Jackson with his sister - kind of cheesy so soon after his passing, although, I'm sure he would have participated.

  19. from someone who has been in Haiti for the past month providing medical care---thank you for posting this, and thanks for not forgetting about Haiti.

  20. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I like the both. The original was great, the second one just shows the progression of time and change in our culture with regards to music. Still, great singers and talent showcased in both videos and all for a good cause.

    Thanks, Gryphen

  21. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:19 PM

    They are both for great causes. I'm leaning more toward voting for the original. I'd have liked the second better if they didn't exploit Michael Jackson when Janet is talent enough. And something about Celine Dion's voice makes my left eye twitch. Everyone else was wonderful, and the visuals of Haiti were heartwrenching!


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