Saturday, February 13, 2010

ET has more behind the scenes video of Levi's Playgirl shoot.

I post this for my female visitors, without any snarky comment.


  1. Have to say he is a good looking kid. He seems to be a decent person who loves his son. A big plus. Bristol don't grow old with granny Sarah. You will be sorry. Can't cuddle on cold nights with a SUV.


  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Levi is adorable.

    He could have been Bristol's ticket OUT of her crazy family. They could have been an adorable couple/family and she would not have had to be under her mother's thumb for the rest of her life.

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Did I read it wrong? The photographer's last name was Weiner? Perfect.

    Levi is a great looking guy.

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Levi is handsome, gorgeous. Good luck to him in the custody battle.

  5. Sharon in Florida10:52 AM

    Levi is a cute kid. Sweet, laid back, definitely the boy next door type. If that's all an act, then he's got a heckuva future as an actor. If it's not an act, then Sarah did her daughter and grandson an injustice by kicking him out of their life.

  6. Anonymous11:04 AM

    He reminds me of of John Boy Kennedy in looks and demeaner. Damn he gives me chills and I am a 68 year old grandmother!!!

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Oh goodie, let me post the snark instead!

    Levi is a boy. He is soft, unscarred and undeveloped by life experiences; he looks just as you'd expect a person to look who had a minder and an expense account.

    This female poster would like to remind you that while women enjoy pin-ups just like every other gender, I'm pretty sure that Levi's tender abs appeal mainly to the more flamboyant and creative section of our species. Which is Playgirl's main audience, as the magazine itself admits.

    Your female visitors tend to be old enough to vote. So we also tend toward preferring the nudity of actual men, rather than the barely legal. So either you are slightly mistaken in who you believe to be your audience, or you think we're shallow, easily satisfied and disturbingly attracted to far-too-young flesh.

    Either way... thanks?

  8. Well, he's adorable.

  9. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Oh my.
    There is something about being naked with the reality of exposure to the masses, coupled with honesty the TOTALLY ROCKS!

    Take note guys and gals.

    Ah yes life is good.

  10. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Nice to see this fine young man working hard to support his child.

  11. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Well, he's a good looking, unpretentious seeming guy and nothing wrong with the pics I've seen so far. I'm surprised he said his family wasn't so supportive, though. So says

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Female visitors? Gay men buy Playgirl.

  13. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Who could snark? He is a cute kid...and I am almost old nough to be his grandmother and he is still a cute kid!! I hop he goes placs and leaves Scarah in the dust.... but write the book iddo WRITE THE BOOK!!!

  14. Deb in WI11:42 AM

    The camera really does love him. I'm surprised he isn't modeling more -- very hot! He looks great on camera.

  15. Tell Brad Pitt and Burt Reynolds that only gay men buy Playgirl (both posed nude for the magazine).
    Both have had high-paying, illustrious careers.
    Oh Bristol, you shoulda never let this one go! Perhaps he is too beautiful, too pure, too real for you?

  16. Anonymous11:50 AM

    This is OT, but someone at Bree Palin's posted this item from Salina, KS where an adoring fan met the real-deal Sarah. Fan gushed that Sarah has five kids, the youngest is two years old!!! Do you want me to repeat that? Trig is 2! That's amazing, considering that he was supposed to have been in the middle of April, and where I live, it's not even the middle of Feburay. Thanks, fan, now we know Trig's real birthday.

  17. emilypeacock11:52 AM

    Well, Levi is just adorable. There is an aura of a brooding Montgomery Clift that surrounds him at moments I think. The camera certainly likes him.

    He has a maturity that belies his young years.

    I wish him well.

  18. i don't believe levi has been caught in a lie, unlike ms. palin. he did well for one so young and so in the spotlight.

  19. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Cute kid. Not in my age bracket. ;-) Nothing wrong with the pics. Hey, if Jerry Brown can do it, why not Levi Johnston. It is NOT porn!!!

    Oh, and Levi is well aware of the audience this magazine appeals to.

  20. Sue Woodward12:08 PM

    I'd do him.

  21. 10catsinMD12:11 PM

    Great looking. Nonplus, down to earth. Good luck to him in everything he does.

    Bristol you foolish girl for letting him go.

  22. Anonymous12:37 PM

    He has lovely eyelashes.

  23. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Levi is HOT!!!!!

    My man want to know what Mercedes will do... she is talking something drastic.

  24. He is fine in many ways. Go Levi and get a real lady. One that you and Tripp deserve.

  25. Anonymous1:09 PM

    If Sarah thought that was porn, she sure is uptight or, my guess, hypocritical (oh, what a shock).

    I mean, she wore those Naughty Monkey heels that could easily be classified as "f**k-me" pumps when she dresses as the naughty librarian, so she's perhaps not the best one to criticize.

    Levi is young, attractive and handled himself with dignity and just the right amount of shyness throughout that video.

    Good for him! Nice to know the people who worked with him came away thinking he was a good guy, too. Poor Bristol. Now she's stuck with Drama Queen in Looney Tune Land. Hope the Caddy SV was worth it.

  26. You're never too old to admire the view.

  27. He's a cute kid and more power to him. If having SP shove him into the limelight was his springboard into a career, than good for him for taking advantage of the situation. How many opportunities like this come around for a high school kid from Wasilla, AK? And how many of those kids dreams of having the jackpot handed to them like this!

  28. Anonymous1:40 PM

    reminds me of King Kong after they captured him in the jungle and brought him to the big city

  29. crystalwolf aka caligrl1:46 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, Levi is adorable...!
    And down to earth, truthful...
    To the snarker, you seem to be trying to speak for the rest of us womem out here, And its Epic fail, is that you granny grifter??

  30. Levi's a doll, and part of his appeal to me is his good nature. And realizing what he's been through the last 2 years, I have to admire his resilience. I continue to hope for his success and happiness.

  31. What struck me was the respect he seemed to have from both the men and the women. Working with him was probably a relief from the models who have spent their lives wanting to be models.

    His demeanor was much more important than his looks (which are tops, too).

  32. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Awhile back, on another blog, a woman wrote that she was staring (analyzing) Levi on one of these Playgirl shoots, when her teenage son and his friend walked in. She had some explaining to do! - lol -

  33. C'mon Levi3:03 PM

    C'mon Levi, we're all cheerin' for ya and wish you well.

  34. Anonymous3:17 PM

    It seems like Levi's having some fun. More power to him. I hope he's very successful.


  35. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Levi is a handsome young man, and I love his little smile. I wish him luck in his custody battle with Sarah (you notice I didn't say Bristol).

    I hope Levi does write his book and I hope he tells everything he knows. I would love for Levi to be the one to bring Palin down.

  36. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Ella, Brad Pitt sued to stop Playgirl from running his photos. Burt Reynolds did not pose for Playgirl, he appeared in Cosmo which is purchased by women.

    Playgirl is purchased by gay men.

  37. Either way, Gryphen...thanks! Nice to have something charmingly pleasant here. I just love his attitude and sense of amusement at all of it. We're with ya', Levi.

  38. Eileen C. Tallon3:56 PM

    Levi is a nice looking young man.

    I see a sad haunting look in his eyes. No doubt he misses his son. And I commend him for never speaking any nasties about Bristol. It would appear Levi still respects and has a soft spot for Bristol.

    Too bad Bristol is liar Sarah Palin's daughter...otherwise this young couple may have had a lovely future.

  39. emrysa4:49 PM

    levi, you've got to lose those sunglasses, dude. those things are U-glee. try some black ray-ban wayfarers, I bet they'd look good on you.

  40. The Levi photos are so tame that I can't believe that anyone would even have a comment regarding their risque nature. Perhaps some of those shocked by his exposure don't get out and about on the net very often to see what is really available for one's perusal. Even full frontal pictorials in Playgirl can't hold a candle to much of what is out there on the tubes. (no pun intended) With all the man on man military videos on the web, I have to honestly ask whether "don't ask don't tell" is acknowledged at all :-)

  41. Molly5:20 PM

    Thx Gryphen. ;)

    Question: Will you be allowed to attend the upcoming court hearing for Palin v. Johnston?

  42. TeamLevi!5:49 PM

    Men and women both subscribe to Playgirl, who cares. By that logic, beauty pageants are for old perverts and lesbians. COMMONSENSE!?!
    Levi has no control over that so the point is moot, anyway.

    Not only does Levi look great, he comes across as quite easygoing and personable, if endearingly shy in a country-boy way. I think he's a nice kid, strange circumstances, opportunity knocks, live it up, Levi. If he wanted fame, he'd have been after it in Sept. 08. I think it might be hard for him to get a job in AK, lost job on slope, whose fault? Right. And very wealthy people are in pursuit of draining him and ruining him with an unnecessary custody case. He needs money, and - he's actually a good model. The camera obviously loves him.

    Sarah's just pissed that he can be humble about the fame she thrust upon him, and that she now resents him for.

  43. Deb in WI5:50 PM

    3:44 Why are you obsessed with the fact that gay men buy the magazine, too? Yes, both men and women buy the magazine -- so?? He's admired by everyone, that's a compliment.

    It just proves my point more, everyone thinks he's handsome. He appeals to a wider demographic, which is much better for a model/Actor.

  44. Anonymous5:53 PM

    +++ He could have been Bristol's ticket OUT of her crazy family. +++

    Sure. Levi could support himself, Bristol and

  45. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Big whoop Playgirl is purchased by gays. Big hairy whoooop!

    Levi IS sweeeet!

  46. Anonymous8:08 PM

    honey said...
    i don't believe levi has been caught in a lie, unlike ms. palin. he did well for one so young and so in the spotlight.

    Like when he said he voted for Palin when he did not vote at all?

  47. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Hubba hubba.

  48. Mac And Cheese Wiz9:34 PM

    He'd be just as handsome if he wasn't Bristol's Baby's Daddy and made Sarah Palin a Grandmother.

    I'm so glad the old hen cackled so about it being porn on Oprah. They not only put it on ppv on the net, but re launched the magazine because they have so much confidence in him.

    She probably boosted sales and launched his modelling career for him.

    That was one time she should have sat down and shut up.

    God works in mysterious ways!

  49. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I'm sure Levi was TOLD to say he voted for Palin... so it's just another Palin lie... or... he was trying to be diplomatic. If that's Levi's "big lie" then big whoop.

    Best wishes, Levi

  50. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Why, I am thinking he looks positively Senatorial in this video. . .with suit and without.

    In four years, he might have a shot in the Massachusetts election. I'm looking forward to the competing campaign posters between him and Scott Brown.

    With, or without, the suits.

  51. Anonymous6:41 AM

    In response to the post that Levi could have been the Bristol's ticket out of her crazy family, Anonymous said:
    "Sure. Levi could support himself, Bristol and"

    Most of us here would rather be free from a crazy, dysfunctional, controlling mother/family than wealthy. Maybe you are the exception, anonymous.

  52. Is there any way you can make the ET video not play automatically? Here in the other rural Alaska (southeast) we don't all have the bandwidth to handle it.

  53. Anne NC7:25 PM

    Levi has already commented on how he will make a living in the future when the offers stop coming. He will become an electrician he said, living a simple yet content life, raising his family, hunting whenever he can and that was all he needs. From Levi, it was easy to believe. His sincerity is there as he looks people in the eye when he speaks to them and doesn't change his story from week to week.
    Not to mention the fact that the things he said in the Vanity Fair article have proven to be true. And last, but not least, he doesn't take his "fame" too seriously. He knows it's fleeting, he's taking advantage of making some money now to put away for a rainy day, but he's aware it will end. Unlike, Mrs. P., he can easily live without the cameras and the adoration of fans. All he needs is family. It's apparent that is not enough for $arah!

  54. Levi is a wonderful young man. He will do well in the modeling business if that is what he really wants to pursue. He's got what it takes in looks and personality, for sure.

    My best wishes to him and his family.

  55. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Levi is a sweet guy and Bristol is one stupid girl. She'll enjoy the bitter taste of regret for sure. It's only a matter of time. Pity for her and, more importantly, Tripp. On the other hand, if Bristol is really that influenced by her grizzly mama, then Levi is much better off. He'll find a real good girl and in the end, Tripp will prefer his time with dad.


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