Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just for fun.


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I like how the cartoonists are drawing her looking OLD instead of the teeny-bopper she thinks she is! That will upset her more than anything else!

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    After looking at MSNBC, I could care less what she wrote on her hand. THat is minutiae and Red Herring. Now, I have to find a new place to live in Canada within the next 4 years. We are screwed.

  3. I think the reason she does not use a teleprompter: She thought it was a mirror, couldn't see herself and she can't read.

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. padoreva12:08 PM

    It's amazing how this stupid hand trick overrode media coverage of Todd as the "shadow governor", the property tax fraud issue, the emails.

    I think it's convenient for the other 2012 republican candidates to sit back and watch her flame flicker out. Hopefully they'll do something before she wins the nomination. You'd think they'd have plenty of ammunition with all the scandals she's managed to dodge. Something ought to stick.

    Seventy percent of Americans don't think she's qualified, yet she's the frontrunner! It's the most important job in the world--not the winner of a reality show! We're the global laughing stock to have this idiot taken seriously. I really do believe the documents are real that show her IQ to be in the 80s.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Comedy from HuffPo:

    The media would rather focus on Alaska's former first family's push for abstinence-only education. This of course is headed by Bristol, a girl who very publicly didn't take her own advice. Several in our office noticed that her child is often in pictures with her, which we feel makes the whole affair akin to having an alcoholic lecture kids about temperance while taking a shot of Jagermeister on stage.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Wow - so I am not the only one who noticed the aging being noted by the cartoonists. Hurrah!

    Many older women continue to look vivacious, sensuous, and alluring. Unfortunately, Sarah isn't one of them.

    I think beauty comes from the inside out - particularly as you grow older. Look at Sophia Loren - at her age she has Sarah looking decrepit in comparison. But then, Sophia has a more worldly and happy attitude about life.

    I am sure we all can pick celebrities and women in our neighborhoods and families who simply glow with vitality and seem to invite people to feel good about them. Sarah Palin is obviously not and will never be one of those women because of the inner tension and negativity.

    How's that saggy-screechy thing working for you Sarah? Not so well, huh?

  8. Earl Grey12:46 PM

    OT - Thought you all might enjoy this article from Yahoo News re Captain Marvel vs Teabaggers:

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    To Pandoreva: what documents are your referring to that show her IQ is in the 80's? Were you just being flippant or do those documents exist?

    I have to laugh at myself just realizing that by asking the question I am acknowledging that it sounds plausible.

    Man, that's sad, when people are ready and willing to believe a public official's IQ can be proven to in the 80's. Way to go Sarah - setting the threshold for mediocrity. This what comes from talking like a horse's patoot.

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    OT, I'm still heated up over the last topic where Todd was the acting governor without benefit of election. People have written that when they send a letter to an official, and they received a response, they expected that it came from a staffer, not from the governor, senator or mayor. However, the staffer was paid to answer the mail, and could be held responsible if they sent out the wrong form letter or failed to address the person's problem correctly. That was their job. Todd had no such job description; he was not on the payroll for the state of Alaska.

    Some people suggested that the battery in Sarah's blackberry needed a charge, so she borrowed Todd's. OK, once. OK, twice. But, there is too long a trail of emails going back and forth from Todd's government issued blackberry. The state of Alaska should not have been issued Todd his own government blackberry, table in the governor's office, phone bank, not even a piece of paper and a pencil.

    Sarah's excuse was that she did not have access to a printer while traveling, so Todd printed emails out at home. He didn't print each and every email. And, I have yet to see once with the heading, "Print this and leave it on my desk."

    Since Todd is a private citizen, none of the emails he sent and received are under any special kind of privilege. Since he was participating in government correspondence, I wish that a layer would weight in on this, regarding the legalities of the whole stinking mess.

    The reason that this is a really good thing to follow up is this: According to Geoffry Dunn, Sarah is already making a serious run at the nomination for President. Even if she doesn't run, she has a voice on Fox, speaking tours, and the power to influence a very vocal and harmful group of conservative people. Arrest Todd, slap him with charges and it will undo Sarah. She won't be able to function without him.

    Piper can't answer all of her emails and handle the speaking schedule. As much as Bristol has her own consulting company, she is not going to be a very good consultant. Chuck Heath? Willow? Track? Sally Heath reads refrigerator magnets. I'm serious. Go after Todd, and you might even be able to put a stop to Sarah.

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Thanks for the laugh.

    I hope Bill Clinton feels better and get out of hospital soon.

  12. Anonymous1:21 PM

    OMG - got to

    ans see the plan that Sarah Palin endorses.

    Rep. Paul Ryan who she has touted, has introduced an economic proposal to slash Medicare and Social Security.

    Sarah supposedly loves this plan.

    Yeah - like let's dump the sick and the elderly. That's so very Xhristian of you, Sarah, so very like what Jesus would do.

    That woman makes me so sad and angry. I cannot believe her IQ is as high as 80.

  13. Count me as another who now believes the writing on the hand was to create a brouha to take the heat off the e-mails, the shadow governor, and whatever else is more important.

  14. aka...Rocky in Texas said...

    I do believe the Grifter Sarah and...

    Governor Todd are "Masters of Deception"

    i.e. the day after the shit hit the fan about her avoiding paying Property Taxes, in able to get everyones attention away from Property issues, out comes a huge 3000+/- page email dump.

    Then, the next day or so she Busts Herself with notes on her hand!

    She is way to smart (smart like a Fox) to not have done that on purpose!!

    That little stunt diverted most of the attention away from what a lame speech she gave, the more than $100,000.00 she fleeced the flock for, for giving the speech,and also diverted some attention away from the email dump.

    The Property Tax and other potential Property and/or Tax Issues has all but vanished since the email dump.

    Her two (2) strongest assets are...

    1) her Grifting abilities and...
    2) her ability to control the subject and/or divert from same.

  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I heard on one progressive show this morning (I think Thom Hartman but I can't swear to it) where one caller asked wasn't it against FEC regs to be an active media person, i.e. radio or tv, and be a declared candidate? This is why Hayworth, Johnny Mac's Teabagger opponent couldn't officially declare until AFTER he had left his radio gig. I'm quite certain $arah doesn't realize it, because if she does formally announce, there goes the Fox job. And that's easy money compared to actually running for Prez.

  16. Anonymous2:34 PM

    love this gryph...dat's her mentality...lmbo

  17. emrysa3:35 PM

    good cartoons! a perfect example of why 71% of americans think she's unqualified to be president. she's a joke - pun intended.

  18. Anonymous6:40 PM

    12:08p.m. I think the hand stunt was well planned. palin knew the negative information was out. It is very clear msm will take any stunt palin comes up with and run it 24/7. Any negative information is quickly hidden. Out of sight, out of mind. Next day she is throwing it in the face of anyone who looked into her shady past with her hi mom. She knew this would look cute, and prolong the distraction. The uninformed eat it up, and msm is her supporter.

  19. Anonymous10:45 PM

    The big dummy does not know how to pick her battles. Trying to score points by making fun of President Obama's use of the teleprompter, this retard of the north painted herself in a corner and will be ridiculed the next time she uses a teleprompter.

  20. padoreva6:38 AM

    To Anonymous at 12:49
    Yes, there exists a document that looks like it's an official school IQ test result. And yes, her IQ is in the mid-eighties. I saw this recently in a link that also included a report card--I'll see if I can find it. Obviously she has personality disorders out the yin-yang, but I think she is also quite deficient intellectually. And she wasn't a very good student either.

  21. padoreva6:46 AM

    I mis-underestimated her. ;>) Her IQ is 83 if you believe this document. Even if it's fake, sounds about right.

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Why do those of all political persuasions say things like "Palin endorses this view" or "Palin believes in XYZ about Israel" and so on? During the 08 campaign, she had to be schooled FROM SCRATCH about the very basics of American and world history. In other words, she doesn't care about such affairs, so how is it possible that she really has any views on such matters? She doesn't. It's part of her packaging, her branding ... Wake up people. Yes, even liberals. She is nothing more than an extreme narcissist who is in this to fuel her own fame.


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