Thursday, February 11, 2010

Todd Palin plays dress up and poses as his wife in an e-mail, part two.

There were a number of commenter's who attempted to minimize or explain away the importance and potential illegality of Todd Palin answering e-mails sent to his wife by her constituents while pretending to be her.

"Oh she probably answered it on his Blackberry". Was one.

"She probably forgot to sign out of his e-mail account before responding." Was another.

Of course both the those excuses sort of ignored the fact that Todd Plain should NEVER have been seeing those e-mails in the first place. If Todd had not been cc'd, or even sent those e-mails directly by Janice Mason, Kris Perry, or Ivy Frye, there would have been NO WAY for the Governor to have mistakenly answered using the wrong account.

But here is the thing. The more of these e-mails you read the more you come to realize that Palin herself RARELY answered e-mails directly to ANYBODY outside of her inner circle.

Almost all of her e-mails from Alaskans were answered by a staff member, or Todd.

However, when Janice Mason answered an e-mail she signed it "Janice Mason", when Todd answered an e-mail he was not always clear as to WHO was responding.

Check out this e-mail sent from a FEMALE constituent concerning Sarah having little trig with her at work.

From: WebMail@gov. state.ak .us [mailto:WebMail@gov. state . ak. us]
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:50 AM
To: Governor Sarah Palin (GOV sponsored)
Subject: Other
Web mail from :
(I redacted this portion)


Gov. Palin and office staff,

This is to express my concerns about a baby accompanying the gov to work
every day. As nice as it is to bring your child to work--what new
mother wouldn't like to bring their baby to work--it is unacceptable
behavior and most people would be fired if they brought a new born to
work. U.S. labor law allows for maternity leave for this very reason.
The fact that the Gov thinks that she is above the law and doesn't need
maternity leave and feels Hike she can disrupt gov business with the
presence of her child clearly demonstrates her lack of judgement and

The state of alaska business will suffer as a result of Ms. Palin's foolish decision.

So this woman is expressing her (quite valid) concerns that Palin may not be able to do her job effectively while carrying around a newborn. This causes quite a kerfuffle among the Palinista's.

Which in turn inspires Todd to send THIS message to the rest of the team from his OLD e-mail account. (Pay attention to that last clue kids it will be important later.)

From : fek9wnr@yahoo . com
To: Frank Bailey ; Perry, Kristina Y (GOV); Frye, Ivy J (GOV)
Sent: Tue Apr 22 19:33 : 53 2008
Subject: Fw: Concerned Email

She never said the baby would be with her all the time. When we hear she's above the law, how many state employees are 24\7 beside her and you guys plus a few others
(?) (I put that question mark there because Todd does not understand punctuation.)

Todd's e-mail then receives this reply from Kris Perry.

From : Perry, Kristina Y (GOV) []
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 7:43 PM
To: ''; ''; Frye; Ivy J (GOV)
Subject: Re: Concerned Email

Ridiculus . She is 24/7 and there are employers that allow this for those who aren 't.

Ivy and I can work on a response to this email for your review.

So they put their pointy little heads together and craft this response. Only notice that it is sent from TODD'S government issued e-mail account. So Ivy and Kris write this, send it to Todd, and HE forwards it to the female constituent.

From: Palin, Todd (GOV sponsored) [] (Todd's state e-mail account)
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 8:43 PM
Subject: Thank you

...For expressing your concerns about me working many hours, and accomodating my newborn's needs while I work for all Alaskans. I'll keep your concerns in mind.

It's a joy to be in this position, bringing a new little loved one into this world. I'm sure if you have children you know the feeling!

Thanks for sharing your concern, which seemed to center on safety? I'll be safe and will make sure my employees are safe during those times I have the baby with me to nurse him and/or accomodate the late nights that a 24/7 schedule (that any governor must keep to accomplish good things for the state) requires.

- Governor Sarah Palin

So did you get all of that?

This e-mail was clearly coming from Todd's very own state e-mail account as you can clearly see at the top. And yet in the body of the e-mail he talks about "bringing a child into this world", making it safe for "my employees", and even about having to nurse "the baby".

He then signs the e-mail "Governor Sarah Palin".

Now anybody getting this e-mail would be very confused as to WHY she would get a response like this from the husband of the governor, but even more confused by the fact that it bears the signature of his wife.

And here is another troubling aspect to this back and forth e-mail exchange. Did you notice who was NOT included in this decision? Sarah.

The communication appears to take place between Janice Mason, Kris Perry, Frank Bailey, Ivy Frye, and Todd Palin. The person who was supposed to read and respond to the e-mail appears NEVER to have seen it.

So somebody tell me again how this is all a big misunderstanding, and that Todd Palin was NOT breaking the law by posing as a government official.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Anyone who communicated with Todd, knowing that he was "acting as governor" broke the law. He should not have been included in the the discussion, period. If anyone of these people presently serve in Alaska government, get rid of them and charge them.

    There is a good reason that most companies provide for up to six week maternity leave. If the new mother is getting every three to four hours to feed baby, breast feeding or bottle, she is sleep deprived and cannot do an efficient job. She does need her rest, even if Grandma stopped working in the fields, had the baby and went right back to work.

    And, we do not have any record of Sarah hiring a hands on nurse or nanny to bottle feed during that 2AM feeding so she could be well rested to do a decent job as governor. But then, it doesn't look as if she ever did a decent job of governor.

    No wonder she needed the help of Todd (the master of literary expression), her dad (a science teacher and track coach), her mother (refrigerator magnets), and Bristol (how is Trig doing anyway?)

    Come on, Alaska, can't you hold just one of your public officials accountable for misconduct? Especially the one who was the champion of transparent government?

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    You nailed this one, Gryphen.

    I'd like to see the ACLU or some public-spirited attorney help one or more Alaskan citizens file a lawsuit against Toad on a pro bono basis.

    He has overreached himself one too many times.

    However, if the stories about him kicking over fuel supplies of competitors during the snow machine races are true, he probably has a sense of being able to transcend the law. He thinks he is too cagey. Sure could use some real Alaskan trackers snag his little you-know-what through these emails.

    You are off to a great start in this regard!

  3. Thank you Gryphen. So where do you think Sarah was? And HOW was she? Now, who do YOU think really governed the State of Alaska during her tenure? I think we saw the same thing after the election when she twittered for awhile, but then nothing and the Palinbots at C4P even began wondering why no communication: no emails, tweets, etc. Then she emerges and gives the wild resignation speech.

  4. Yes, I agree, Todd Palin was involved in abuse of authority- no question.

    Moreover, from where I sit, this may also tells us which Paleone Family insiders know the truth about BABYGATE.

  5. Again I will say that one of the chief email originators, recipients, and the arranger of many details/expenses for the Palin family is still employed by the Governor's office. Her name is on many, many emails. She is the Assistant to the First Lady and the Executive Residence Manager. Her name is Erika. Look for her in the emails. She helped make the decision on where to put the tanning bed in the "House," and have the State pay for it; she set up a running tab at a local restaurant (Juneau) for Willow and friends, the list goes on and on. So how good a job is she doing in the current administration?

  6. CGinWI8:42 AM

    Excellent analysis. Hope you have forwarded it to the reporter

  7. I would hazard a guess that a lot of criticism of Sarah Palin was not brought to her attention because she can't deal with it. So her vindictive little squad of lackeys (with Todd as their leader) took care of that kind of thing. With hilarious results!

  8. Anonymous8:46 AM

    This reminds of of Lord of the Rings. The king of Rohan, who was cursed or mentally affected by the evil wizard, coulnd't think, function and the chief counselor of the king, Wormtongue, was an evil agent of the wizard, making everyday decisions for the king.

    Right out of a novel. Todd, and a handful of loyal aides, all conniving to pretend the Governor is on top of things, yet, she was seemingly absent.

    It begs the question again of the Lieutenant-Governor's role in all this. The governor's family gets copies of State matters, but the LG so far has received none of these e-mails? And, during VP campaign the LG was out of the loop. Someone should request the LG's e-mails as well. It might give someone an idea as to what functions he had in State affairs.

  9. There has got to be many state workers who worked under the Palin regime, and are now working for the new administration. I think it is about time for the feds to start questioning these people with the intent of prosecution. Maybe, just maybe people will start to talk for fear of spending some time behind bars if they don't fess up.

  10. So in the email link it says in the sender line, Todd Palin. but I'm wondering if that is how it would appear on the actual email? If I were the recipient I would be so confused about what I had received but if Todd wasn't identified I would believe it was the governor speaking. I, too, noticed that Sarah wasn't cc'd on this. How obvious that she is just a puppet who only has to be concerned about her appearance and getting to appearances. And she has the nerve to brag about her executive experience. Maybe, like GWB, her idea of being an executive is assigning other people to do all the work and then kicking back on the golf course/beauty salon!!

  11. Well done Gryphen. This certainly proves that the nickname of GINO we had for the Half Baked Governor when she was still officially the Governor was even more true than we thought. WTF!! This was/is total insanity! Toad is reading her emails and signing "Governor Sarah Palin" when the email address plainly says "Todd Palin". ITA with Anon@8:25am, there has to be a young attorney somewhere in Alaska willing to file suit again the Toad and make a name for him/herself. Please, somebody, somewhere step up and not let this be another on the list of hundreds that both $P and the Toad get away with.

    He really kicked over fuel supplies of competitors? Well, somehow I am not surprised. He obviously has as much class and character as his wife.

  12. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Will Alaska ever do anything to reveal this fraudulent family?

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Some people are assuming that Todd and staff were covering for Sarah while she was recoving from childbirth. But I don't believe for one minute that Sarah gave birth to Trig.

    So then what? A mental breakdown is a strong possibility considering what we have heard about her behavior during the campaign. Or...was Todd just going rogue and playing governor behind Sarah's back? Or...maybe it's as simple as Sarah not wanting the responsibility and handing it over to Todd.

    Whatever the case, what Todd did was illegal. SOMEONE PLEASE PUT THESE PEOPLE AWAY!

  14. midnightcajun9:07 AM

    One thing I find confusing about Sarah dragging Trig to work with her every day: Sarah was not the child's mother, she was not really breast feeding him (not a single photo shows her with milk-swollen breasts) she adopted him as an expediency for some nefarious purpose and shows no love at all for him--in fact, she acts as if she finds him disgusting--on the campaign trail just a few months later. So why take him to work?

    Does she do stuff like this--the blacked out visor, the written on hand, the baby in her office--just so that she can be criticized and then cry, "Poor me! They're picking on me again!" ??

  15. notafaux9:07 AM

    An excellent post, Gryphen.

    The record is complete: Sarah Palin uses ghostwriters for her "autobiography," her Facebook pages, her Twitters, and her speeches. Now we learn that her emails were also ghostwritten. (I'm wondering... Do you suppose someone else wrote those notes on her hand?)

  16. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Hmmm...noticed he mentioned "nursing". Sarah didn't nurse Trig. Bottles in all the pics...

  17. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Does "the baby" have a name?

    I think its odd that Todd says, "the baby"

  18. Janet in Texas9:14 AM

    And where is the outrage of Palin dragging that very sick, special needs baby around like a sack of potatoes? I am getting sick and tired of waiting to get to the truth of all Palin's lies. Especially the fact that she did NOT give birth to Trig. There has got be someone in Alaska willing to spill on this.

  19. Todd Palin is a bully. I don't like bullies. This makes me wonder anew about Megamouth Stapletongue and her role and what she knows. There is an email (I thought I saved a copy) where apparently Meg has filled in on a speaking engagement for Sarah. Sarah sends her an email telling she did great and then saying "You have to do more of the talking for me."

  20. Anonymous9:22 AM

    But God joined them as ONE so Todd is Scarah, right?

    Oh wait, they are not married in the eyes of God because they got a rushed civil union instead!

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I loathe to play Devil's Advocate, but this will be spun as trivial constituent / personal problems. If this were a State decision (and I'm sure there are plenty to be found) it would harken more severe consideration.

    The Legislature is so reluctant to press on all things Palin, the dregs of the Little Shop of Horrors - it seems like the life went out of them once she spun the Branchflower findings as exonerating her, and did nothing of Todd and company's disregard of a supeona. And let's not even bother with that pathetically biased and unprofessional unit known as the Personnel Board.

    The arrogance and classless way the Palin Administration addressed or felt about criticism is entirely indicative of an Above The Law attitude.

  22. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Clearly these were some special circumstances, because the people around Palin realized that she was incapable, if not outright unwilling, to do her job.

    It's unlikely that Todd will get in any trouble for helping the retard he married.

    Let's just make sure she never gets elected again!

  23. LOL @ 8:24! " in the fields" -- yes you do get a sense from these emails that Sarah was entirely expendable in much of the day-to-day governing of AK.

    BTW, Breast-feeding a new baby is a full-time job. Todd states $P "...will be safe during those times I have the baby with me to nurse him and/or accomodate (sic) the late nights that a 24/7 schedule (that any governor must keep to accomplish good things for the state) requires." Ha. BS. New babies nurse at least every four hours. And then you both sleep. You are not "accomplishing good things for the state"!

    Physically coping with pregnancy recovery, rejiggering hormones plus frequent lactation at all hours pretty much focusses your attention for a couple of months! I work, have three children and am as healthy and strong as a horse. But there is no way the demands of any of them as newborns could have allowed me to function as a full-time ("24/7"??) professional. (Not to mention the dry-cleaning bills you'd have to cover for all those leakages - silk blouses really have to stay in the closet during those months!) If you have a baby then HAVE THE BABY with all the work and love and sleep-deprivation that entails, and don't pretend that that new responsibility is not a big deal, that you can run a state with one hand and absentmindedly jiggle keys for the baby with the other. You are doing no one a favor...and she sure didn't set a working-mother standard for Bristol!

    $P didn't have that baby, much less nurse him with all the Down syndrome challenges. We have seen her impatience with the kids, her vanity, her talent for delegation, her particular disregard for Trig - can you imagine that she took the time and effort to breastfeed, which is yes, messy and time-consuming, but a deep bond of oxytocin and coziness. Not in her skill set.

  24. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I find it interesting that no one has directly addressed the question of Palin taking Trig to the office. Isn't there a government employee's handbook that spells out how maternity and child care is to be utilized while an employee of the state? And isn't the Governor also a state employee and subject to the same rules? If an employee is not allowed to bring her children to work with her, much less a nursing baby, then how can the Gov be excused the behavior? Is there a different employee's handbook for the Gov?

  25. Anonymous9:40 AM

    She had to take Trig to work to prove she is different than the rest of us, hardy, earth-mother.

    Maybe knowing it was a ruse made it more important to drag him everywhere to PROVE the kid is hers. See, attached to me still!

  26. And no wonder she never bothered to officially hand over her Governor responsibilities during the 3 months of the '08 campaign! Those duties had already pretty much been delegated for her entire term! (I think her dual Blackberry obsession was not state business, but Brickbreaker.)

  27. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Wow, so not only did Sarah not compose this message (I assume Kristina Perry and Ivy Fry did), but then Todd added another layer of obfuscation and sent it from HIS government account posing as Sarah. (Why does he have a state account in the first place).

    Excellent investigative work. It seems there is much more to be discovered in this email archive, and that not all the juicy nuggets have been discovered yet.

  28. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Manchurian Candidate

  29. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Sarah is a fraud and pulled the wool over the eyes of Alaskans and they don't do anything about it. Unbelievable!! and most of them are still in there running the state. Unbelievable!!

  30. Anonymous @ 9:10 said:

    Hmmm...noticed he mentioned "nursing". Sarah didn't nurse Trig. Bottles in all the pics...

    Yet, during the Campaign, didn't she claim something about "using the breast pump during the night"? I can't remember where I read that claim.....

  31. Of course, we know she did not really give birth to Trig---therefore, no nursing for her!

  32. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Will Alaska ever do anything to reveal this fraudulent family?

    NO! The few good citizens are over shadowed. The system is broken. Without legal attention Alaska is doomed.
    They will re-elect Sean 'Palin' Parnell or worse.

  33. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Why would Palin carry around two black(crack)berries phones? Maybe one was Toad's ... maybe one was for the private eamil address and one was the state's official one ... because it was too hard to figure out how to switch email accounts back and forth on one phone. What happened to those phones? At my work place the cell phone belongs to the employer and if I leave they get the phone back. Did the state receive back all the phones issued to the clan?

  34. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I think that government in Alaska is so corrupt that it cannot possibly prosecute this matter in any reasonable way. This should be turned over the the Department of Justice, maybe even the FBI(racketeering). There was clear abuse and misuse of power. Todd had no business acting as governor, even if Sarah had a bad headache or was sick one day. No Todd, no substitute, that is what the Lt. Governor was supposed to be for.

    Also, too, please send this to Keith, Rachel, Chris and Jon who will give it wider exposrure and the outrage that it deserves.

    As I recall, the original charges that were lodged against the former crooked governor of Illinois were due to a federal investigation (Patrick Fitzgerald, no less).

  35. Anonymous10:11 AM

    The whole e-mail system is an intentional set up for obfuscation. That is why dumb people are sometimes put in a position of authority. I saw this in action at a corporate level. Until there is under oath and subpoena power not much can change. Once obfuscation moves to obstruction of justice you'll get better results.

    Sarah is the empty vessel who want actually was NOT there and also the BIG FISH everyone must see hauled off in orange jump suit for at least 40 to life, no parole. By no means should she go without the family and henchmen and women. This is for RICO to help pursue.

  36. If Todd was this involved, I can't imagine he did not know the login credentials for Paylin's email, both state and personal. There's no telling how many emails went out from Paylin's account that were actually written by Toad that we'll never know about.

    In this particular case, it's possible they excluded Sister Sarah because they didn't want her to know about the complaint.

    Who knows. The bottom line is that he was significantly more involved than any spouse should have been and demonstrates Sister Sarah was incapable of handling her job as governor.

  37. honestyinGov10:21 AM

    OT for this thread Gryphen... but you can start outlines your Posting for Sunday night and the lies that follow.

    ABC's This week will have Cheney as the Guest.

    Since we know Sarah and the " Big Dick " had communicated by phone in the past.... do you think her gave her a heads-up so she could slam the President on Foreign Policy and then have DICK come on as a follow-up..? It sure sounds like a Cheney move as he tries to rewrite HIS version of history.

    Also too.... a Mudflatter ( sfterrier )on Mudflats pointed out that her " hopey changey " quote was already on a T-Shirt back in 3/2009.( Comment below )
    sfterrier Says:
    February 11th, 2010 at 10:17 AM

    some blogger found the source of Palin’s hopey-changey quote
    If you scroll down you find that if was manufactured on 3/28/2009!!!
    So not only does she source refrigerator magnets for her ideas, she uses t-shirts as well.

  38. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I strongly feel there a ton of ethics complaints contained in these emails with not even including the redated ones. I can only imagine what is in those emails your new Gov. is keeping away from the public. Please start the ball rolling and start filing ethic complaints and bring them down using the system. I would help contribute to cover any costs to see a slew on complaints!

  39. Why did Sarah bring a baby (that she did not give birth to) to work everyday? For the attention it got her. She needs the attention to function. It also gave her an excuse to not focus on the work at hand.

  40. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:42 AM

    Great info, Gryph! Wish I had more time to weed through the emails on the web, and I thank all those who are making the effort to do so.

    Where was the Queen? I'm sure she was home in her bedroom, watching Bridezillas, munching fast food and chuckling to herself. Hey, she had her lackeys to do her work and put out the meme that GINO was there, working 24/7 for the good people of the state of Alaska. I'm sure her entourage was already rehearsing the proper PR spin for her VP run, and that includes Todd and "the baby."

    Looked it up and there's a long ADN story (Palins' child diagnosed with Down syndrome)dated April 22, 2008 that mentions the busy-busy Guv showing up for work three days after giving birth, with Todd and newborn Trig in tow. It seemed to be more of a carefully staged photo op than anything, what with reporters there to record it and--shock--ask QUESTIONS! Which she ANSWERED! "She's breast feeding and plans to bring Trig to work with her, just as she did with Piper." This local (non-AP) article was probably the catalyst for the posted email. For the record, the story also makes a big, detailed and clinical deal of the Wild Ride (refuting questions that were circulating about her seemingly reckless decision to do it), and the fact that SP "never got big with this pregnancy. She said she didn't try to hide it [from the airline on the flight back to AK]."

    This chirpy, positive spin coverage proves that those in charge were building the SarahPalin® brand even then--wonder how much they paid Todd and staff to deflect the negatives while the Palm Reader kicked back at home??

  41. "But here is the thing. The more of these e-mails you read the more you come to realize that Palin herself RARELY answered e-mails directly to ANYBODY outside of her inner circle.

    Almost all of her e-mails from Alaskans were answered by a staff member, or Todd."

    It's key to remember that the sample released to MSNBC requested copies of emails that were sent to Todd. We are NOT looking at all of Palin's emails.

    It would be more accurate to say: when a government email was sent to Todd, Todd handled it not Sarah. We have no idea what Palin said or how she responded when Todd was not sent the email.

  42. He wasn't just answering for her, or he would have said, "Sarah feels..."

    By answering the way he did, he was impersonating a government official. That's a legal issue. If only Alaska had some attorney general that had honesty, integrity and courage. Unfortunately, they're stuck with Sarah's choice.

  43. imnofred10:47 AM

    I'm sure Fix News will give Sarah some airtime to explain her side of it and, of course, they will stand behind her no matter what she says.

  44. So many things that Grandma Grifter and re:Todd did. They fall thru the cracks because no one would EVER imagine a gov would do, and therefore no rules/regs/laws in place.

  45. When are she and the toad going to jail?

  46. Anonymous10:52 AM

    When you read these e-mails you wonder just what in the heck are they drinking when they receive these e-mails. A citizen has a concern and they write back and say nothing. Talk about gall the Palins sure have it. I honestly am scared to death that this woman might even have a might have a chance of becoming a president. Because we will know that the Quitter won't be the president it will be a high schooler (Todd). Not that there is a problem with being a high schooler. I happen to know many smart high schoolers. But the Palins do not seem to have education on the top of their list. We need the Ak bloggers and the 90% of the republicans who really know the real quitter to come out and tell the country what this crazy couple really stand for.

  47. GhostbusterTX10:55 AM

    I just want to point out that this email was sent via webmail and addressed specifically to "office staff". So it was absolutely appropriate for staff

    When I send an email to an elected official, I never expect them to see it or read it themselves. Staff is going to get those emails, tally up the "pros" and "cons" received on each issue, and send me a "thank you for your concern" form letter. Of course there was no prepared form letter for this complaint, so discussion ensued.

    This is one case where I really can't get too worked up about it. I think the complaint is a load of hooey, so maybe that colors my thinking a bit. But anyway, I see nothing wrong with Todd being involved in this particular issue, especially if the staff had been instructed to let him handle the "new baby" emails. It's right on the line between family and state business, and there's no evidence Sarah hadn't been in the loop on this verbally.

    I hope I'm not sounding too much like an Palin apologist here, but come on, this would have been way more outrageous if Todd's "impersonation" had involved anything to do with, you know, actual governing.

    The one point that I think is valid here is: is it ok to forward an email sent by a private citizen to a government official to another private citizen? Keeping in mind that almost all private individual to government official communications are a matter of public record, and can be obtained through open records act requests.

  48. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You know now we all know why it took Sarah 6 years to finish college. She needed help with her term papers, cheat sheets and someone to cover for her grades.

  49. I think there is a very simple answer as to why Todd had so much 'power' in Alaskan politics. This is fundamental Christianity we're talking about here. Fundamental Christians believe in the man as the head of the house. While his wife may have been the top executive of the state, that does NOT supercede his reign over her and therefore, his stepping in and apparently taking over is completely within the reasonable framework of their fundamental Christian beliefs.

    I think this should be brought to mainstream media attention. I was a govt employee in the military. My husband is a govt employee now. NEVER has either of us been privy to the others' work details. That just does NOT happen! Imagine if a man Gov were to have his wife calling the shots in the background! There were rumors of such with the Clintons but this is absolute proof of Todd's involvement and fraudulent misprepresentation of himself as the elected official.

  50. anonymous10:56 AM

    What $arah really looks like:

  51. GhostbusterTX11:01 AM

    How many times did Sarah actually bring Trig into the office, and how long did they stay each day? I know there was the photo-op when Trig was allegedly three days old, but other than that, when? And was Todd hanging around too? He sure seemed to be there a lot of the time anyway.

  52. Leota211:09 AM

    So . . .
    Todd was Sarah's incompetent mouth piece. Do tell. These people were so full of hubris they didn't even try to hide the fact Sarah was incapable of doing her job.

    But OT -- why would Sarah bring a five weeks premature, DS baby with a hole in his heart to her office--right after the baby was born? Bullshit! That child would have still been in the neo-natal unit of ANY hospital.

  53. GhostbusterTX11:17 AM

    I just wanted to add that Todd answering the complaint about Schmidt and her handling of Corrections, covered a couple of posts ago, is a LOT more troubling. That was specifically a governing issue.

  54. I agree with anon @9:23. I send emails to my state's governor, my representative, my senators and President Obama. I express my opinion and concern related to policy matters. When I get a response related to my question or concern, I am sure that staffers or volunteers executed the response to me and signed the official's name.

    This is really not a big deal. I do not expect the official to correspond with me personally. I do expect that the subject matter in the response to reflect the official's position on the issue. I do expect any response that I might receive to be professional in tone and grammatically correct.

    It is clear to me that the officials that I have communicated with have a seasoned and professional constituent response team and process.

    What strikes me here is the incredible waste of time, the number of people who had to be involed, and the conspiracy mode that the unprofessional team surrounding Palin went into in their effort at answering a relatively simple constituent complaint. What an elaborate scheme this group of clowns concocted to devise an answer to a really basic concern.

    It begs the question as to what went on behind the scenes when a big deal came up. This was not the first week on the job for these people. This was in April of 2008. The Governor and this team of nincompoops had been in place since Dec of 2006.

    Having a team of nincompoops independently handle and respond to matters of state, that may be a different issue all together.

  55. mommom11:33 AM

    As far as whether it was appropriate for Mrs Paylin to bring her baby to work ,the answer is dependent on whether or not the other women working for the state of Alaska were/are allowed to do so.If not,then no.In fact,the liebility insurance for the Gov buildings in which she worked may have been affected by it.

    If I had worked for the State of Alaska at that time,I would have brought my own children to work just to find out the reaction.

  56. Taking a 5 week premature baby with Down Syndrome and a hole in his heart to work 3 days after he was born? Add this to the list of other commonsense things Sarah did for Trig's welfare.

  57. Anonymous11:40 AM

    On the topic of Andree and her attempt to have certain emails made public, what is the status of that? Still waiting on a decision? Do we know who the judge is? Do we know if the judge is a Palin supporter? Too bad that can't be presented in a Lower 48 courtroom.....less bias.

  58. GhostbusterTX: I don't know if you are a troll or just simply naive in your thinking that any of this is okay. Can you honestly tell me of any other professional working situation/company/industry/political office where a spouse answering the emails and especially signing the other's name would be considered in any way appropriate? Anyone?

  59. And by the way, since the issue of Trib being carried to the office daily is brought up on this site, there is an email dated Saturday, May 10, 2008 referencing the previous Saturday May 3, 2008 where a signing of a bill for the Purple Heart Trail took place. The email is from Ron Siebels thanking the Governor for coming and signing the bill and he states that "the way that Piper was taking care of and holding her little brother was simply very sweet ..." Trig (if 4/18/2008 is the correct birthday for him) would have been about 3 weeks old! And Piper ... 7 yrs. old? A 7 yr. old was taking care of a 3-week old baby with special needs at a bill signing? (I have already googled the event; it is still listed on the internet; pictures have been taken down.)

  60. And besides ... this is not the "STAFF" of the Governor responding to emails (I too have emailed political offices/corporations - I don't always expect a "personal" email from the politician or the CEO or President of the Company) BUT this is the "spouse" of the Governor answering her emails. And remember, (to justify him not being liable under Troopergate) SP and her lawyer insisted Todd is just the husband doing what a husband would do! You can't have it both ways!

  61. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:56 AM

    GhostbusterTX...ummm the only thing wrong is...the people of Alaska elected $arah for govenor not Todd and he has no business being cc'd on emails or signing off as her.
    Gryphen Thanks for posting this. Thanks for not caving to Palin mafia!
    I have sent this via facebook to Shannyn, Les Gara, David Gutenberg,and CREW...hope that someone will DO something!!!!!
    This is highly disturbing and despicable re: the GINO & the dude!

  62. After Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke, his wife became the Shadow President for the stability of the country. I'm SURE Tard was thinking of the good of Alaska by co-governing the state.

  63. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It would never occur to him that he was not supposed to be doing something that say ruh commanded him to do; i.e. her work. He, knowing he is/was her helper, was helping her per her commands, she knowing she was the "elected" one (big old landslide) should have had a clue that it meant she would be doing the "work". But no. It's best that Todd go under the bus with all the other well-meaning others while she herself skates off to the Presidency. Perhaps he wasn't cheerful enough. Oh. Dear. I don't believe much was done correctly during that regime. It still isn't. Nobody bothers to read, and apply the law. It's more fun that way. How cheerful. When are you all taking a vacation. Poor Todd. He didn't even accrue leave like the law-breaking bureaucrats certifying everything. How pleasant. Have a happy day.

  64. Good Grief! It took 4 staffers and Todd to answer this one letter. I wonder what went on between Bailey, Perry and Frye before something was sent back to Todd and why and how long it took Perry and Frye to 'work on a response'. What incompetence, inefficiency and epic waste of time! With all the hands in the pot, the concerned AK citizen gets platitudes and a non-response from Todd who had no authority to speak to the issue raised.

    I wonder if Sarah got a blind copy (bcc) of this or similar emails that don't show in the disclosed documents. If not, I suspect they were protecting the 'pit bull' from all things negative less she have a meltdown.

  65. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Write to an official, get an answer from a lackey. I have to say, that's what any citizen expects. Do I expect the lackey to write AS IF s/he IS the official? No... no, I don't. I expect a 'thanks, yeah, get lost' reply (couched in 'vote for me next time' terminology) if any reply is likely at all.

    Is it illegal to write a reply as if the governor is personally replying? Probably not. Or to deal with an issue that is primarily a family matter without running it by a sitting governor? Again, no -- actually, it would make sense to run such queries past the 'wife' of the governor -- and I'm not willing to be all sexist about this, and claim that Todd didn't get to take care of the home&hearth issues.

    The issue remains that he was either an acknowledged part of the administration -- which the Palins have already gone on oath during depositions that he was NOT -- or he was not. Currently, of course, they are claiming that he was.

    It's up to the Alaskan citizenry to hold up their legal system, and demand justice. Down below, we've got Cheney & Co. happily shouting that sure, they tortured people, whadda ya gonna do about it, huh, punk? And President Obama and Eric Holder have said... we're gonna do nothing.

    Britain, meanwhile, has said -- we would very much like to discuss with Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney this war in which so many of our soldiers have died. I hope that at some point, the Hague issues subpoenas (or whatever they issue) and the Americans who instigated and performed torture are acknowledged as international criminals, and are unable to go to Canada, or Hong Kong, and collect speaking fees -- because the world's police forces will be dedicated to arresting them and bringing their shiny white arses to justice.

    As our DoJ has failed to do.

  66. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I think it would be ideal if the federal government, Mr. Holder...where are you...would "look into this state government"...then, I think it would be appropriate, to send the investigation bill to the people of the state of Alaska since they elected her with a landslide. Let's start applying some law up here at last to those happy go lucky bureaucrats. Watch THEM do the quick step, the high step, the mashed potato et al. Watch them to learn to go: Hey, we don't know what to do here...let's consult THE STATUTES!" For once.

  67. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This sure points out why Murdock and his gang want Sarah to be their sock puppet. Sarah already has a track recoed of being Todd's sock puppet.


  68. Curiouser - You bring up a valid point re "protecting" SP from all things negative.
    I saw one email where she was freaking out over a COMMENT someone left at ADN - an erroneous comment to be sure (that she fired Monegan because he stopped her for having no car seat for Trig).
    The untrue comment sent her into a tizzy - she wanted ADN to remove it.
    Just shows how thin-skinned she is.
    Yet, she cannot seem to help herself re looking at the internet to find all the negativity.
    She cannot seem to ignore it all.
    That is why we are here! To keep her busy, lol.

  69. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Dear 8:24 AM. I don't believe our ratio of "good" men to bad men is a very good ratio here in Alaska. I'd say we have a few perhaps 40,000 good men, tops, interspersed throughout Alaska. We have slightly more men of at least good will. But again only slightly more. We have very few lawyers practicing here so they gedda choose which cases to get paid to do? And the really "good" ones, lawyers? Are waiting for their invitation to the oil dance. So, there are many, many, many, many, many, many, instances of actual law breaking even (very often) I believe even within "government". So, I hope you aren't holding your breath that perhaps there's even one legal athlete ready to stand up to this load. This is business as usual. You won't find that reported actually in the media I don't believe. Thanks for caring. :)

  70. aka...Rocky in Texas said...

    This is one immature little group of Brats...

    This Grifter Sarah and...

    Governor Todd!

  71. Sharon in Florida1:46 PM

    Haven't read all the responses yet so if my suggestion is a repeat, I apologize but does anyone have access to Sarah's calendar on the date that Todd wrote that email?

    Not that I would trust it but it might be fun to see what Her Royal Highness was doing on that particular date.

    Also, too, why does that group of people just automatically handle her emails? Was she in a hospital? Institution (asylum)? Fat Farm?

  72. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Both Sarah and Todd had all the advantages, and none of the disadvantages, of her position. Todd had power with perks and no responsibility or accountability. Ditto for Sarah.

  73. Anonymous1:52 PM

    PRIOR POST: were to have his wife calling the shots in the background! There were rumors of such with the Clintons but this is absolute proof of Todd's involvement and fraudulent misprepresentation of himself as the elected official.

    My recollection is there were compliants about Hillary being too powerful, and her husband listening to her too much, but I believe even on the health care issue, there was a disagreement about strategy (timing I believe) and Bill won - because Bill had the final say. Bill may have acceded to his wife's counsel, but that's different than Hillary doing Bill's job and pretending to be Bill. First wives as political consultants (or as in the case of Nancy, astrological research) go back to Abigail Adams. I loath the idea that Nancy checked with an astrologer about the timing of meetings, but I don't believe for a minute that she was the "decider," - her husband simply either agreed with her, or decided to humor her (a well-respected tool in many marriages). I also believe that if anyone in the inner circle of the White House thought that Nancy's dates for a meeting were bad for the country, someone would have spoken up and pressure brought to bear.
    (I'm not a Nancy Reagan defender. She's not to my taste. But nothing I have heard leads me to think that she had a harmful influence on Reagan or the country.)

  74. Sharon in Florida2:38 PM

    Breast feeding a baby is work. The mother has to EAT all the right foods, almost all the time. How did SuperMom Sarah manage that while managing her battle station in the Governor's office? Can't get by on Taco Bell.

    (I'm envisioning Sarah holding a high powered deer rifle, binoculars in place watching for Putin, Trig hanging from a...uh...well Trig "eating" his lunch, Blackberry in her hand...while the cameras roll recording it for posterity).

    What were the temperatures in Alaska on those days - you know, from when the baby was 3 days old going forward? When she was dragging him from house to car, from car in to the office and then reverse it at the end of her shift (lol). Nobody had sense enough to say "why in the H are you subjecting your newborn, high risk DS baby to this schedule and in these temperatures?" If doctors' advice is to be believed, very cold weather effects people with heart issues.

    And if Sarah didn't give birth to Trig, then why in the H did she subject him to that farce? Her own handicapped grandchild. What a effing Bi*ch.

    Those people lie when the truth would be a better story.

  75. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Just curious? Didint Ivey Frey already have a different job? Why would she be answering personal emails ?

  76. emrysa3:23 PM

    this is starting to make me think that todd was doing all the governor's "work" and sarah was just the face. kinda like bush & cheney.

    it was an aip administration with a republican mask.

  77. Eileen C. Tallon3:45 PM

    Is Alaska a LAWLESS State?

    Citizen Todd Palin and many in that Governorship of Sarah Palin broke the Law. Will they be held accountable or will their actions be ignored as their lying Govenor Sarah Palin's were?

    The Republican Party and the Tea Baggers are also ignoring the true facts about this disgracefull woman and mother called Sarah Palin...will USA citizens and the Country suffer due to their turning their brains off?

  78. Anonymous3:50 PM

    @ GhostbusterTx--

    The bigger issue here is that Todd replied AS IF he were Sarah, rather than replying in his own voice.

  79. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Race to your attorney's office! File a suit! Report back quickly!

  80. no wonder the fight to keep the emails outta the hands of all Americans- Real and otherwise...

    I told one of my rebub friend about this - but replaced S/T Palin with Prez Obama and wife....guess what they were mad as h3ll, started ranting about another reason why he is 'not working out'I laffed and the next day I told her that I was wrong, that it was really S/T Palin who were/had engaged in this despicable act (her words)nothing but SILENCE. Shes not speaking to me...I needed a break anyways..LOL

  81. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I think Todd was so deeply involved to make sure Sarah and all her cronies were following a line close to that of the AIP.

    These articles from 2008 were very disturbing for me. They interviewed Mark Chryson once the chairman of the AIP as stating that the best way to get your foot in the door and make progress is to pretend to be a Republican & how they schooled Sarah on pretending to be one.

    He had contact access to Sarah during her Wasilla MINO time and was allowed to just walk right in to see her.

    He complimented how well she was doing at keeping in line with the AIP and that she was going to accomplish great things for AIP that would benefit Alaska.

    PALMER, Alaska -- On the afternoon of Sept. 24 in downtown Palmer, Alaska, as the sun began to sink behind the snowcapped mountains that flank the picturesque Mat-Su Valley, 51-year-old Mark Chryson sat for an hour on a park bench, reveling in tales of his days as chairman of the Alaska Independence Party. The stocky, gray-haired computer technician waxed nostalgic about quixotic battles to eliminate taxes, support the "traditional family" and secede from the United States.

    So long as Alaska remained under the boot of the federal government, said Chryson, the AIP had to stand on guard to stymie a New World Order. He invited a Salon reporter to see a few items inside his pickup truck that were intended for his personal protection. "This here is my attack dog," he said with a chuckle, handing the reporter an exuberant 8-pound papillon from his passenger seat. "Her name is Suzy." Then he pulled a 9-millimeter Makarov PM pistol -- once the standard-issue sidearm for Soviet cops -- out of his glove compartment. "I've got enough weaponry to raise a small army in my basement," he said, clutching the gun in his palm. "Then again, so do most Alaskans." But Chryson added a message of reassurance to residents of that faraway place some Alaskans call "the 48." "We want to go our separate ways," he said, "but we are not going to kill you."

    Though Chryson belongs to a fringe political party, one that advocates the secession of Alaska from the Union, and that organizes with other like-minded secessionist movements from Canada to the Deep South, he is not without peculiar influence in state politics, especially the rise of Sarah Palin. An obscure figure outside of Alaska, Chryson has been a political fixture in the hometown of the Republican vice-presidential nominee for over a decade. During the 1990s, when Chryson directed the AIP, he and another radical right-winger, Steve Stoll, played a quiet but pivotal role in electing Palin as mayor of Wasilla and shaping her political agenda afterward. Both Stoll and Chryson not only contributed to Palin's campaign financially, they played major behind-the-scenes roles in the Palin camp before, during and after her victory.

    DCity Chick

  82. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Me again.....

    Here's a snippet from one on old Joe:

    "My government is my worst enemy. I'm going to fight them with any means at hand."

    This was former revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers back in his old Weather Underground days, right? Imagine what Sarah Palin is going to do with this incendiary quote as she tears into Barack Obama this week.

    Only one problem. The quote is from Joe Vogler, the raging anti-American who founded the Alaska Independence Party. Inconveniently for Palin, that's the very same secessionist party that her husband, Todd, belonged to for seven years and that she sent a shout-out to as Alaska governor earlier this year. ("Keep up the good work," Palin told AIP members. "And God bless you.")

    AIP chairwoman Lynette Clark told me recently that Sarah Palin is her kind of gal. "She's Alaskan to the bone ... she sounds just like Joe Vogler."

    Please go read it's a few pages long, very,very this........
    The AIP was born of the vision of "Old Joe" Vogler, a hard-bitten former gold miner who hated the government of the United States almost as much as he hated wolves and environmentalists. His resentment peaked during the early 1970s when the federal government began installing Alaska's oil and gas pipeline. Fueled by raw rage -- "The United States has made a colony of Alaska," he told author John McPhee in 1977 -- Vogler declared a maverick candidacy for the governorship in 1982. Though he lost, Old Joe became a force to be reckoned with, as well as a constant source of amusement for Alaska's political class. During a gubernatorial debate in 1982, Vogler proposed using nuclear weapons to obliterate the glaciers blocking roadways to Juneau. "There's gold under there!" he exclaimed.

    Vogler made another failed run for the governor's mansion in 1986. But the AIP's fortunes shifted suddenly four years later when Vogler convinced Richard Nixon's former interior secretary, Wally Hickel, to run for governor under his party's banner. Hickel coasted to victory, outflanking a moderate Republican and a centrist Democrat. An archconservative Republican running under the AIP candidate, Jack Coghill, was elected lieutenant governor.

    Hickel's subsequent failure as governor to press for a vote on Alaskan independence rankled Old Joe. With sponsorship from the Islamic Republic of Iran, Vogler was scheduled to present his case for Alaskan secession before the United Nations General Assembly in the late spring of 1993. But before he could, Old Joe's long, strange political career ended tragically that May when he was murdered by a fellow secessionist.

    Yes you read that last paragraph successfully it did say WITH SPONSORSHIP FROM THE ISLAMIC REPULIC OF IRAN!! And this bitch had the nerve, the nerve to accuse Obama of palling around with terrorists. Yes folks it's time for Sarah to burn out and fade away in a 12x12 cell.

    Salon has an entire section on Sarah clear back to BEFORE McCain chose's all the Sarah research they did. I just paged through all the various articles to refresh my memory, but wowwie I forgot just how much dirt Salon was able to find on her. They haven't stopped either......great article on how SarahPac spends money.

    All Sarah at Salon:

    DCity Chick

  83. Someone commented on Bristol being cc'd on e-mais. Surely not govt related I hope? I can't imagine it being acceptable for a minor to be involved in state business.

  84. sandipants5:44 PM

    I remember reading a quote somewhere on these anti-Palin blogs, how she made the comment near the end of the campaign for Governor that she'll be glad when all this hard work is over, and her brother said something to the effect, that it will just be starting. Even her family knows what a lazy-ass she is. Yes, they are enablers. And they'll all look as stupid as she is when it all comes out.

  85. So G,
    Why did Todd have an "official" State of Alaska email account anyway?

    He wasn't an employee. Or a contractor to the State. Or anything but the Governor's husband.

    Did Nancy Murkowski have an official state email account? (I think Susan Knowles may have because she had a state job, didn't she?)

  86. The family that chooses to not excel shall not achieve that which they so greatly desire.

  87. LisaB5:41 AM

    I can hear what GhostbustersTX is saying about it being a "family" thing therefore Todd is somehow an appropriate contact. I must disagree on two grounds.

    The first is that it is not his job to respond to government business. Had he merely been consulted, informed, that would be one thing. But he's clearly handling a the matter IN PLACE of a duely elected/hired government official.

    Second, there is still the larger concern of the email itself. It is wrong to bring a newborn to the office. First, they are disruptive. Many other posters have elaborated on this so I want. Second, it is unhealthy. Why would you expose your premature baby to all the pathogens one encounters in the general public?

    It is simply unfair to every other mother who took maternity leave (perhaps UNPAID maternity leave) while Sarah luxuriates in her position and rearranges government because she wants too.

  88. "during the Campaign, didn't she claim something about "using the breast pump during the night"?"

    I believe so, and we know that she wasn't eating during the campaign- they were so worried about her they hired a nutritionist. She wasn't even drinking fluids- just half a can of diet Dr Pepper a day. How the hell COULD she have pumped? Of course, we know she wasn't.

    "Is it illegal to write a reply as if the governor is personally replying? Probably not."

    If the governor signs it, I expect the governor to have at least approved it. Otherwise it's impersonation of an elected public official.

    "I saw one email where she was freaking out over a COMMENT someone left at ADN - an erroneous comment to be sure (that she fired Monegan because he stopped her for having no car seat for Trig)."

    Was it erroneous? Seriously. How would we know? She's such a liar.

    "The family that chooses to not excel shall not achieve that which they so greatly desire."

    Or as I told my kids many's the time: the trouble with trying to be stupid is that you're always going to succeed.

  89. Say NO to Palin in Politics11:29 AM

    I commend the person who had the balls to write her Governor and express concern for state business being put on the back burner, behind child care.

    I worked for a company who wanted me to come back to work after giving birth to finish up a project. I had no day care and wasn't about to leave my first newborn with a stranger.

    They said bring him to work, so I did for about 1 week, then told them it wasn't a good idea. Even though they put me in a separate room, when he fussed and cried the whole office could hear, I felt bad.

    It took a fair amount of time to nurse, change dipes and comfort him. Basically I only got work done during naps.

    So I agree with the writer. It was not appropriate for her to bring a child to the governors office. She must have had staff helping take care of him, which is not their job or why they were hired, this would take time away from their real jobs.

    And she complains about valuable employee time used to address complaints.

    I dare say between her childish scheming spent in wasteful emails and time over who to hire and where to fit friends, to where to put the tanning bed and mansion remodel and her staff being used to address baby congrats, then media inquires for VP interviews and speaking engagements, I'd say yes, the state lost a lot time due them from these government paid employees distracted by personal non state business. Probably way more than anyone realizes.

    I wonder what Parnell thinks about all this. Has the ADN asked?

    I also wonder when Scarah found out these would be released. I see them time stamped Oct. 09, I wonder how much earlier they were pulled and processed.

    Diva's took quite a while after getting the charge quote. I wonder if say in June 09, MSNBC told the state yes, they still wanted those emails and paid the charge.

    So Scarah quit to get the book done and put as much distance between her and the gov job as possible before these came out.

    And note that Parnell almost immediately upon taking office said gov. biz would not be handled on private email accounts. He knew this was coming and also wanted to do damage control to his administration.

    I also agree with the post comment on the AIP's invisible hand working through Toad. And isn't it ironic how she just last weekend made clear Toad was not republican and an independent voter. yeah AIP independent. They both need to stay away from our Federal government!

  90. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Since the Palins claimed they want to secede, why don't they – instead of running for the very office they claim they are seceding from????!!!

    Sarah was an AIPer, before she claimed not to be. Then she was a repug (with McCain), before she claimed not to be. Then she was a teabagger, before she claimed not to be. What will be her guise/affiliation tomorrow? Baseball: three strikes and you're out.

    You can get dizzy just watchin' this.

  91. Sammy8:25 PM

    I worked in the health care industry for 39 years where the majority of nurses, radiology tech, cardiology techs, nuclear medicine tech, medical technologists, clerical staff and food servers were/are women. During the last 18 years in worked in office settings with mostly women.

    Over those 39 years I worked directly and indirectly with women who had children, some multiple children.

    Never once did any of these women bring their babies to work at three days old. Many of the women brought their babies in to show their coworkers at about 6 weeks, but left after a short time. Those who returned to work took their alloted maternity leave.

    Only a selfish moran brings a 3 day old baby to an environment where on any given day someone has a cold, or is fighting an infection, or some other medical issues that would be detrimental to a baby.

  92. Breast feeding a baby is work. Isabel Marant Boots(dsf2012.4.11)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.